勘誤:0:34提到的新加坡印度裔與馬來裔的比例反了,應該是馬來裔約占15%,印度裔約佔7.5%。謝謝網友指正! 參考文獻: 1. Wang Gungwu, “What does it mean to be ethnically Chinese in Singapore?” (ThinkChina) 2. 柯木林,《新加坡華人通史》。福建人民出版社,2017。
1.40 - Singapura was a major trading port in Malacca Strait before the founding of Malacca Sultanate; Parameswara (1344 - c. 1414), the same person named in the Malay Annals as Iskandar Shah, was the last king of Singapura and the founder of Malacca Sultanate. According to the Malay Annals, he ruled Singapura from 1389 to 1398 before moving northward. 9.10 - Singapore took the back seat for a while, but within a century of British colonization, Singapore re-established itself as one of the top 10 ports in the world. These are some historical facts that most Chinese/HK YTers are unaware of or ignore. Reply
@historychannel0019 ай бұрын
Thanks these are very obvious facts, which any can easily finds on Wikipedia, so that’s why I didn’t mention
@lionsherkh4 ай бұрын
謝謝你的分享 !
@abcde95269 ай бұрын
馬六甲及檳城的成功的商人中,許多為土生華人,第二代或多代以上的移民。最先從清朝到新加坡的華人,其後為土生華人,他們多數從商,能說方言、馬來語,許多受過英文教育,會說英語,能與英國人溝通。根據殖民地官員,瓊斯·丹尼爾·沃爾根(Jones Daniel Vaughan)在其19世紀所寫的《海峽殖民地華人的風俗與習慣》( The manners and customs of the Chinese of the Straits Settlements) 中的論述: “ 雖然土生華人穿長衫、瓜皮帽,如同中國人,但他曾遇過被當成為中國人的土生華人,以不滿的語氣表示他不是中國人,他是英國臣民(British Subject),乃白人 ( Orang Putih, 馬來語,Orang指人,putih指白)。土生華人所組織的俱樂部亦不讓新來的中國人參加。在俱樂部中,他們打桌球、保齡球,喝白蘭地、蘇打水等,生活相當洋化。 ” [23] 新加坡由萊佛士開埠、大量馬來亞土生華人商賈及歐洲商人來到,開發需要大量的勞動力,於是出現契約勞工(豬仔)的買賣,也常稱為苦力(coolie)。這類豬仔由華人契約勞工販商帶到新加坡,以12個月的酬勞抵消他們的路費。每年東北季候風時帶來中國船,買者上船尋找最健康者,付一筆錢便可買下。那筆錢扣除旅費與其他費用,仍可為販商帶來可觀的盈餘。有時這些勞工,亦按勞工的手藝,標上不同的價碼。直到1877年新加坡委任威廉·必麒麟(William Pickering)為首任華民政務司(Protector of Chinese),販賣勞工的活動才減少,並在1914年,廢棄豬仔、契約勞工。但一直到日治昭南時期以前,都例常會有船隻,以合理價格運送勞工往返新加坡與中國。而當時的勞工也學會免去中間人的抽傭情況,但他們仍將自己的勞力抵押給帶他們過來的僱主或水客。 由於中國在鴉片戰爭之前有海禁條例,人民不可自由出入。因此契約華工都是經由葡萄牙人管控的澳門到海外,或由豬仔販商到中國收買地方官員放人出洋。以此推測,在19世紀初期,要有大量華工出洋的情況並不太可能。這種情況一直要到1842年8月《南京條約》簽訂後才形成大規模華工出洋的情況。1860年中英、中法與中國滿清政府簽下的《北京條約》,買賣人口合法化,華工出洋一時達到高潮。 二戰時期,從中國到新加坡的華人被稱作「新客」(sinkeh)。「新客」有一大部分是契約勞工,包括扛包頭的苦力、輪船的燒炭工、在街上待聘的雜工等。有些則是因爲中國家鄉貧窮為了尋找更好的生活而南下南洋。而其他則是爲了逃離二十世紀前半葉中國各種的戰亂而來到了新加坡。 他們主要來自中國嶺南地方,如福建省南部、廣東省、海南島以及廣西壯族自治區;心繫「唐山」(中國的別稱),認為自己是華僑。而土生華人或在新加坡繁衍過好幾代的華人,並且受過英文教育的華人則稱為「老客」(laokeh), 或海峽華人 (Straits Chinese)。他們一般心繫大英帝國, 不認同自己為華僑。
Towards the end of 19th century, when Singapore was colonized by the British, the estimated Chinese who had migrated to the South East Asian countries were 30 millions, many of whom had stopped over at the Singapore port. Out of the 30 millions migrants, some 90% had returned to Mainland China for one reason or another, including fighting against the Japanese between 1938 to 1945. The remaining 10% who did not go back to China dispersed to where their descendants are now. When Singapore had become an independent country in 1963, the Chinese population in the island was about one million. These were the first generation of Singaporeans.
These Chinese immigrants on sail boats run out of food on reaching Singapore. So, they went ashore to look for food and water. Then they found MSW and stayed put. Mouse Sun Wang. My grandparents came from 东莞。
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
MSW is a hybrids from many cultured durian, of course they cannot find in the wild and not in olden time
@historychannel001 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Can you share more info about this MSW? I don’t what that is
新加坡没有资源怎么出口靠港口,是中国给新加坡一个优惠从新加坡到中国是免税的,50年代依靠马来亚印尼沙巴砂劳越资源到新加坡转口到中国,如直接到中国要10巴仙的税,六十年代开始台湾来投资建厂制衣厂板厂,新加坡财政部长吴庆瑞博士J T C工业区和码头(建造资金靠印尼马来亚台湾的移民投资,新加坡有一个移民投资部门E B D,(是因为印尼排华马来西亚排华)60年代中日本又来投资,都是住在丰隆花园,附近有日本学校,85年代香港开始移民大多数创餐馆,(五月花酒楼)所以新加坡华人会特别多,