在 16:11 你说可以百分百确定的是:远古的希伯来人一直信奉蛇母神夏娃,直到摩西创立犹太教。The ancestor of the Hebrew tribe was Abraham. He worshiped the one true God, creator of the universe. His grandson Jacob (later named Israel) moved to Egypt with his family of 70 members. Moses brought the Israelite out of Egypt, 430 years later. Moses worshiped the same God as Abraham and received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai. Judaism was not started by Moses but by the Jewish religious leaders after their temple was destroyed by the Romans. Please get your history right!
@@tsdz2008启示录 Revelation 12:9 大龙就被摔下去,它是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒但,是迷惑普天下的,它被摔在地上,它的使者也一同被摔下去。 And the great dragon was cast down, the ancient serpent, he who is called the Devil and Satan, he who deceives the whole inhabited earth; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him.