简而言之,俄罗斯的蒙古君主制文化遗产和西欧的罗马民主价值观代表了两大地区政治和社会制度发展的根本分歧。这一历史分歧为数个世纪的地缘政治、文化和意识形态冲突奠定了基础。俄罗斯继承了以中央集权和专制统治为基础的制度,而西欧的政治演变则强调民主和个人自由。即使在现代,这些对立的传统仍然继续影响着两大地区的互动和相互看待的方式。 至于马克思的乌托邦共产主义,则犹如沙漠中的海市蜃楼--不仅违背人性响往追求个人自由的意志,而且不切实际:各尽所能,各取所需。且不论有限物质资源的分配标准问题,事实上,单靠它(外因)实在无法填补人类欲望(内因)的鸿沟这样的现实。 In short, Russia's Mongol monarchical legacy and Western Europe's Roman democratic values represent a fundamental divergence in the development of the two regions' political and social systems. This historical divide laid the foundation for centuries of geopolitical, cultural, and ideological conflict. Russia inherited a system based on centralized power and autocratic rule, while Western Europe's political evolution emphasized democracy and individual freedom. Even in modern times, these opposing traditions continue to influence the way the two regions interact and view each other. As to Marx's vision of communism, often described as a utopia, is akin to a mirage in the desert-idealistic but ultimately unattainable. It runs counter to the inherent human drive for personal freedom and self-interest. The principle of "from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs" overlooks the practical realities of resource distribution, particularly the need for clear, fair, and transparent systems to allocate limited material goods. As a result, communism alone-focused on external, collective solutions-fails to address the deeper, internal forces of human desire and ambition that drive individuals and societies.