我從你頻道小小的時候就有一直在看你的影片了喔,上個月我跟家人去西雅圖探親,還特別請他們帶我去看溫哥華的蒸汽鐘及那家超級大間的港式飲茶店(當天來回),就是因為之前看到你介紹過覺得非常有趣。我一直欣賞你很棒的口條及對人生的態度,也能感受到你對生命的韌性,經歷過這一切我相信「現在的你及未來的你」,肯定會更加強大,生活也會更加豐富與美麗 ( ps. 我真的覺得你有變美了!!) ^^
@danyan00915 күн бұрын
@demieandbing5 ай бұрын
Kati 加油! It’s ok. 一切都會越來越好的! 做自己喜歡的事,把時間留給喜歡自己的人!
@mikeLcx2 ай бұрын
@anew37465 ай бұрын
@kimlee35264 ай бұрын
@陳斾臻5 ай бұрын
@smilesin5 ай бұрын
Kati 加油!不用牽強的與另一半相處盡早分開也不見得不好,只是心理壓力要找好抒發管道,祝福你的新生活順利(抱 會越來越好的
Yesterday I saw the first video from your channel, which popped up on my feed, and it's the "where to eat in Seattle" and I saw your family and the father of the girls. And today, this video popped up on my feed and it's the disclosure of your divorce and the new single parenthood plus all the challenges you have been facing. When I first saw your video yesterday, I didn't even know you were from Vancouver, where I am also. So this is a bit shocking, as it seems I saw a happy family of 4 doing things in Seattle (or so it seemed), and then, a separation that didn't happen that much longer since that video?! Some of my friends had gone through divorces or marriage difficulties, so I can understand. I want to say I thank you for your honest disclosure and your bravery in doing so. I am sure it's not easy. Please take care and all the best to you! Thanks for sharing again! From a fellow immigrant from Asia, I salute you . 加油!