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@马拉糕-i7l 2 жыл бұрын
任何人对新加坡不满,可以去隔壁马拉人优先国住半年,体验什么是马拉人优先政策和咖啡☕️文化。 才会乖乖回来新加坡,享受全球公认的廉洁繁荣高效安全公平法治社会了! 才能发现原来身在福中不知福!
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
也可到 泰国,柬埔寨 ,印尼,老挝, 菲律宾, 印度,缅甸, 看能剩下几根骨头回来
@choongwenyih2279 6 ай бұрын
@诚聘板主 8 ай бұрын
1.醫療貴主要是對外國人。 2.新加坡老人退休生活看個人,新加坡人年輕的時候當兵就已經開始隨軍隊出國了。事實上許多新加坡人年輕的時候已經游玩許多地方,參加許多活動,到老了反而歸於平均。 而中國的廣場舞大媽是搞到人神共憤。 3.怕輸縂比中國年輕人躺平好吧。而且怕輸是做好為自己的將來負責,不需要靠父母。 4. 新加坡人都是靠自己,中國人所謂的親戚聯係都是希望能獲得對方的幫助或借錢,所謂無事不登三寶殿,最後搞到人神退避三舍。新加坡人可不想無事不登三寶殿。
@massimoalexander 2 жыл бұрын
1)在新加坡得买医疗保险,或去政府联合诊所/医院,收费较廉宜。 2)乐龄人士很多有自己宗教信仰,周末周日会去教堂/寺庙聚会膜拜,也会去附近的邻里联络中心参与社区活动唱歌跳舞烹饪,还有也会去市场找朋友喝咖啡聊天下棋,或是去俱乐部打高尔夫球或去马场赌马等,也会去公园海边散步,有些邻里公园还有围篱让人做园艺种植和遛宠物等,或是出海钓鱼坐邮轮各国环岛/沿岸游,也可订机票到处旅游,新加坡港口机场很近很方便。 3)教育是英文为主,华文为母语兼学,所以基础教学较重份额,也得多费心学习。 4)可能受西方文化影响,较独立自主,各自也较注重个人隐私,大家都有各自朋友与兴趣圈,不会太依靠亲戚,也不太会找亲戚帮忙,另外一方面,也不大想与亲戚熟人分享太多,免得给自己带来不便压力,也麻烦到亲戚,毕竟远亲不如近邻,有事还是找与自己谈的来的朋友/邻居聊,会较理想,不会有太多避不掉的压力。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@leslintan7138 2 жыл бұрын
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
新加坡公民自然有医药保险, 新国的孩子还没出生,母亲就有医药金贴了,新国公民的孩子出生后政府就一直给钱补贴了。
@henryloh4352 2 жыл бұрын
Agree with what you’ve said about the four imperfections of Singapore. After all, as you said, there is no such thing as a perfect country. Not a rebuttal, just a slight correction. Life for the elderly in Singapore is not as boring as you’ve mentioned. You can't take the boring life of those coffee shop uncles to represent all the elderly in Singapore. In fact, what the elderly done in China, we also do it in Singapore. Just use a simple example - me and my wife - we’re in our 70s and are enjoying a wonderful life. I exercise every day, enjoy to learn and learn to enjoy. My wife is also very active, and she also practices line dance (called Line Dance) for and with the "senior people" (we don't call them the elderly). As for travel, it is common for Singaporean seniors to travel in groups. We are not looking at Singapore alone but the whole world. The proportion of Singaporeans going abroad is believed to be higher than that from China. But I don't think it's necessary to compare, it's senseless. Speaking of stress, from the online reports and my four-year life in China, I feel that the stress in Chinese people could be higher than that in Singapore. The situation of peers’ pressures and competition in China is the worst in the world. Maybe you are in Singapore now and don't know much about the current situation in China. There is no denying that life in Singapore is quite stressful, but even if we are not among the elite, our life can be still quite fulfilling. Just quote myself, for instance. I don’t have a bachelor’s degree and I am a 9-to-5 ordinary worker. I could still comfortably support my family, own a car and a house. Now I’ve retired but I have no mortgage or car loan burden nor do I owe anyone a cent. I don't mean to refute you. Just add in my 2-cent-worth to correct some misunderstandings. Please bear with me if I have offended you.
@caseychoong4542 2 жыл бұрын
Very well said, and I totally agree with you.
@仲马大 2 жыл бұрын
@lsww2023 Жыл бұрын
”可以死,但不可以生病“,这句话相当准确。在新加坡,消费很高,看医生就得花钱。/ 也许是因为新加坡面积小,比起其他地方,新加坡是一个小社会,而且人们从小到大,时间用在读书,然后工作,大家一直为生活奔波,不跟着这样的生活规律,很难在社会有立足之地。因而,可以这么说,多数人们内心产生了独立性,少了大家庭的观念。
@HaiGuanTan-j3k 5 ай бұрын
@globalinterest3086 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@bottleneck979 2 жыл бұрын
屁啦! 什么福报不福报。 个人做事个人担。 到哪里都一样。 哪里有星加坡比较幸福的。我们也有很惨的人啦。 别太自满。 比起北欧国家我们还差得远呢。 我们没有新闻&言论自由。 媒体基本都被染红了。 连国民美食逐渐也被什么麻辣锅, xx捞取代。 不就可能会轮为殖民地也说不定。
@christinetan2281 2 жыл бұрын
@@bottleneck979 hello! 福中不知福! 你是新加坡人吗?不满意的话,你就走啊! 做为新加坡人,我们心存感恩! 有处处为人民计划的好政府,好的同胞! 多想想我们为国家做了什么,不要一直想国家能给你什么?
@outisnemo555 2 жыл бұрын
@16500rr Жыл бұрын
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
新加坡也有免费医院 : 同济医院 新加坡也有免费食堂 : 居士林 ,锡克教堂 是不分种族,国籍,宗教 这还不好吗?
@leewn2319 2 жыл бұрын
As for medical costs, Singaporeans can choose Polyclinics & Government Hospitals’ clinics under the subsidized class. Working Singaporeans usually also have their companies’ medical insurance coverage. So for foreigners wanting to work in Sg, its best to check with your respective companies on the medical benefits. Most do not cover dental & eyes.
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your suggestion. 🤝🤝
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
Exactly. At polyclinic it's only $14 for Singaporean or $6.90 for Singaporean senior citizens. If I remember correctly the PR need to pay $27 something. Should be $27.90 or $27.60 (either one of this). The non resident is $50+ at polyclinic. Should be $55 or $53 ( I only remember 3 and 5 digits). I really don't think it's expensive compare to GP. Do take note that on Sunday and public holidays most GP are close and those that are open do charge above $100 for consultation fee alone. Saturday most GP only open in the morning or not open on Saturday thus those that open in the afternoon or night are costly too. We Singaporean know that if sick on Sunday we either wait till Monday or go straight to A&E 😂
@wf645 2 жыл бұрын
There is a reason why there is differentiated costs for NON-PRs, PRs and locals. Cuz in the past too many PRs benefited from almost similar benefits from locals. If this is the case where does being a Singaporean has its benefit ? Plus, the PR will just keep leeching on local resources without giving much back to Singapore ... and hence the differentiation. And the policy also acts as a nudging factor for PRs to take up citizenship ...
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
@@wf645 I agree with you on this.. But honestly social workers are very willing to help any PR or even illegal immigrants who really in need of help. If a PR really broke and cannot afford medical fee, we still let them get treatment or surgery etc. After they recovered liao then send them bills. And if they really need can apply to see social workers but their doctor need to help them recommend.
@jaslynpak 2 жыл бұрын
@@wf645 Yes, indeed! Actually, almost all other countries do so, i.e. differentiation in medical costs, Singapore is not the only country that does it. This is to be fair to their own native people.
@mandywong4904 Жыл бұрын
@user-wi2fw1jk9l 2 жыл бұрын
谢谢分享。好喜欢看你的视频,针对问题也保持客观的角度去讨论。最近看了太多批评新加坡人的视频,也开始感觉到心寒。我从一个本地人的角度观日常,处处都可以见到温情。不过也是得承认一些外国人眼里的新加坡人毛病。聊到医药费呢,可能外国人真的一定要买保险。我国的医疗制度保障人还是很完善的,几年前我早产了,做了无痛分娩,一氧化二氮 (笑气)最后还全身麻醉剖腹生产,孩子住院有三个月长时间。我只付了几百块的现金,当然我是住C房的。不过医疗团的照顾还是很专业的,不分病房。国人的医药费高低,其实看个人要求吧。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@pwngpwng4586 2 жыл бұрын
@MissLittlegrass 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@alicehung8954 2 жыл бұрын
這我認同,來新加坡好幾次,人與人之間少了溫暖與互動,尤其是自家人和鄰居,完全就是陌生人…,覺得新加坡人比較自我,他們工作壓力大,就會感覺這國家好壓抑…! 這一年一直思考,若要選擇適合的國家定居,會選擇中國,每次看到視頻,覺得中國家庭很會過節日!也是我嚮往的生活!
@SofiaSofia-ix9vv 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@papayasalpha8173 2 жыл бұрын
I truly agreed with your details observation . Well done ! 👍
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
Haha, thanks.
@liukheefang9496 2 жыл бұрын
同意博主对新加坡的四个不完美的看法!不过医療費高有其原因.首先, 国民可享有政府津贴, 且可动用公积金戶口內的医療戶口来偿付某些治療!外国人是无法享用这些福利, 相信许多国家也是如此!此外, 新加坡政府鼓勵国民注重身心健康, 过度津贴会引起滥用医療福利. 至于压力大, 这在一个富裕小国是正常的, 尤其东方的家长, 大体上都望子成龙!至于老者生活枯燥也全不如此;这些老年如此生活, 也许也乐在其中, 毕竟家家有本难唸的经!亲戚彼此少来往是有许多是平时工作忙碌, 周未也只能陪家中小孩去上各类活动!
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@doreenpang4602 2 жыл бұрын
No country is perfect but the govt of Singapore care for his people.We are proud to be singaporean.
@leewn2319 2 жыл бұрын
(1) 新加坡退休年長者也很多在公园活动。(2) 父母Kiasu 心理给了孩子们学业很大的压力。(3)亲戚少见面的原因是: 大家都忙着打工,得空时都到父母和岳父母家。单身者通常会跟朋友约会, 等
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@edm1234 2 жыл бұрын
@sapphoophoon2141 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@ct2097 2 жыл бұрын
新加坡的医疗系统,相对比较健全在全世界应该是靠前。至于医疗费对外国人相对比较昂贵,对国人的补贴是70%以上。在中国住了十几年对其医疗系统与新加坡进行简略的一个比较。在中国的医药费相对比较便宜对国人和外国人都是一视同仁。在中国国内医疗质量参差不齐与新加坡相比还是有一定的距离。骨科中国还是有优势。在中国一般上到医院看病手序比较繁琐不是一个人能完成的。排队挂号付费然后看医生各种检验需要再排队付费才能进行检验。基本上先给钱再看病。一个病人基本上经不起这么大半天的折腾。在新加坡国人可以先看病再付费有时候忘记付费账单可以寄到家里,下一次再付。至于教育体系基本上整个亚洲在黄皮肤区域是大同小异的。亚洲地区的教育体系就是以教材为主导,这种教育系统就只能延伸成应试教育。好的教育体系就是因才施教,是人才,不是教才。过去七八年新加坡的基础教育稍稍有一些的改进正往那个方向推进。在新加坡生活又快又累这是大家的共识。它是一个只要你肯努力就不怕没工作的社会。至于要考取多个文凭,更准确的说是政府号召支柱人民接受再训练提升自己技能或学习新技能。 中国大陆在这方面就比较复杂了努力和学习不是绝对的出路,最关键的是关系。这种官僚主义的意识形态是对整个国家发展的最大阻碍。无可否认新加坡是一个怕输的社会。这样的意识形态与它的历史背景脱不了关系毕竟是一个年轻的弹丸小国没有天然资源。从政府到普通老百姓为了生存普遍上都比较务实。随着国家的发展进步这样的意识形态已经逐渐的改变成寻求卓越高效。家庭关系方面, 这是存在两面性的。很遗憾的新加坡虽地小,可是还是很多人忙于工作和自己的事忽略了与家人和亲戚的走动。从个人的价值观,一定要先经营好自己的婚姻和亲子关系, 才可能更好的照顾父母和维护其他的关系。一个值得我们思考的现象在新加坡的离婚率大约在7%左右。中国大陆的离婚率在40%左右并且80%以上的离婚是因为父母的介入所造成。完全赞成没有完美的国家,让我们尽自己微薄的力量使自己所在国更好。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@gekleetan990 2 жыл бұрын
@sinhuichan3232 2 жыл бұрын
说到新加坡退休人士生活枯燥乏味,我不同意愽主的看法。1。在公园与一群人聊天也是生活的一部分,聊天的内容可以很精采。2。很多退休人士都有自己消遣的方式。你没看到在牛車水,有大批人士一起下棋嗎?3。有錢有闲的人士也常会出国旅行。4。虽然廣塲舞在本地不流行,但也有許多少人在跳排舞。 我是个76岁的退休人士。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@Tungku66 2 жыл бұрын
@blilasg8956 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg_talk 也有退休人士会在community centers and club 活动。看各人喜好。我觉得我老了应该也会喜欢窝在家,可能也跟天气有关吧。
@mirawati47 2 жыл бұрын
东南亚国家 敢说新加坡是华人居住最安全的国家,(不排华) 虽然国家小 年轻人每年都去外国旅游 也是很写意 老年人生活安居乐业 ,出门还能和别人聊天 (不要英语)多自在哟
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@limkh9025 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@jimw8615 2 жыл бұрын
I hope u u reply me. Why people are migrating out of the modern China today?
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
Generally, Chinese people go aboard for good education, good job, high income or high quality of life.
@jimw8615 2 жыл бұрын
狮城Talk thanks for your reply. It’s ironic, when pre pandemic, the rest of the world is going to China for university, work, business,… I see lotsa of Chinese moving out of their homeland. Can u share what are the push factors? Wats wrong w China education, work, living environment,…? Appreciate! Is it only the rich is moving out?
@shibilv Жыл бұрын
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
新国医院对病人是先医后付,没有拒医人的。 华人也需分新加坡公民与外国人,
@alexong6646 2 жыл бұрын
有了家庭和孩子,时间都不够用了...给孩子们学钢琴,电脑程序 培养孩子学习智能.....比起大陆父母在外地打工....只能在春节团聚....一年只能见面...小孩给老人带....不可悲吗?
@sapphoophoon2141 2 жыл бұрын
@alex ong Very agree. 👍
@mingyilim8689 4 ай бұрын
@hikkomorisg 2 жыл бұрын
In China, having family connection is a form of "risk diversification" 风险分散, so if anyone is in trouble, ie financial problems, etc, the family members are there to help... Singapore tends to be more individualistic, because there are government measures to protect individuals, personal financial coverage like CPF, personal insurance, savings, investment, basic education, stable job, etc... So there is no need for family connection 不需要大家庭联系, 自己照顾自己就好
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
Agreed. Thanks for your sharing.
@alexong6646 2 жыл бұрын
@ivantan6841 2 жыл бұрын
Fully agree... In singapore, we are quite confident our love ones are well taken care of when they are in hospital. There is no need to bribe hospital staff or know someone to have special treatment.
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
I am close with my relatives but I got to say we never once lend money to each other or even dare to borrow money from them. Maybe if people keep borrow money from relatives or friends then their friends also scare of them liao.
@henryloh4352 2 жыл бұрын
听了你所说的新加坡四个不完美的地方,我可以接受。毕竟就如你所说的,世上哪有完美的国家。 不是反驳,只是稍微纠正。新加坡老年人的生活一点也不枯懆。你不能拿那些咖啡店的uncle 的无聊生活来来代表全新加坡老人。就以我和我太太,七十来岁,生活多姿多彩。我每天都在运动健身,热心学习。我太太也非常活跃,也为“乐龄人士”(我们不叫老人)练习排舞(英文叫Line Dance), 忙到不亦乐乎,哪来的无聊。至于游玩,新加坡乐龄人士组团出游就好像家常便饭,我们放眼的不是新加坡,而是全世界。新加坡人出国的比例相信比中国来的高。不过我觉得不需要攀比,挺无聊的。 讲到压力,从网上的报道和我在中国四年的生活,感觉中国人压力会比新加坡高。中国内卷的情况,堪称世界之最了。可能你现在是在新加坡,不甚了解中国的近况。 不否认新加坡生活压力也蛮大,可是即使我们没有挤入精英的行列,我们的生活也蛮写意的。我就是一例,没有本科学历,也只是打一份普通的工作,也能养家糊口,买车买房。现在退休后,没房贷车贷,也没欠谁一分钱。 我没意思反驳你。只是认为你说的只是片面之词,我稍微補充一下。得罪之处,请多多包涵。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@yokeps9852 2 жыл бұрын
世上没有完美的国家, 只有适合自己的国家~~ 💁 有一句话~~👇👇👇 生活无求心自淡, 人生不比心自安!💁
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@yokeps9852 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg_talk 多谢主播您的赞啦!😁 也祝您已找到心中舒适的国家!💪💪💪
@BBHABS 2 жыл бұрын
谢谢你对新加坡的兴趣。我不同意你前两点: 1. 新加坡的医药费太贵。 外国人要 买医药保险是对的。新加坡公民一出生就有保险到了退休友(Medi Shield),有MediSave,还有政府的补足。所以医药的问题不大。以前(2011年前)人们说可以死不可以病是有的,但政府已经做了很多医药改变。现在国人对医药这方面比较不会担忧。 2. 退休人士生活很枯燥。 一部分是这样,大多退休人士有丰富的计划。我是67岁退休人士,每天早上跑步,做运动。跟太太去hawker centre吃早餐。新冠病毒前一年出国旅游一次,哪里会枯燥? 你的第三,四点,我希望我们会慢慢改变。 新加坡还有很多改变的地方,希望国人能和政府一起把新加坡做的更好。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@veronicaloh9654 2 жыл бұрын
I don't agree yr statement: 1. For all foreigners u shd get insurance to cover themselves for all medical or accident if occurs in a foreign country. Cheaper and subsidy fees apply to local citizens or PRs only. Expensive medical bills applies to any foreigners who fall sick or incurred accident in any countries and it is normal to pay non citizens fees unless u have insurance coverage. 2. Our Singaporean seniors have lots of activities going on like involving in the community centres events , morning exercises/cycling in the parks. Seniors travelled overseas widely too. Our seniors will not get bored. But If they chose not to be energetic, it will lead to their own boredom. 3. Family ties/bondage are all individuals and you cannot jump into conclusions saying that all family meet up once in a year. These are just the minority that u met. We have different WhatsApp chat groups & others and have special occasions that keep our families & relatives closely bonded. 4. Kaisuism - i had an experienced n witness a group of China travellers in a restaurant where buffet was served, these travellers rushed and grasp hold of seafoods piling up their plate. So are they classified as kaisu behaviour. I think these are just all minority Chinese attitudes fear of missing out (FOMO). Singapore's education system has been consistently ranked as one of the highest in the world. Therefore most of parents behave same as fear their kids are missing out from classes. Likewise in parents from China , like Beijing, Shanghai and others metropolitan cities their kids education are very competitive and do have such kaisu behaviour. So don't be so judgemental.
@lsg303 2 жыл бұрын
公积金最后拿不回来 保险等于白交钱这些都是坑
@chantalmonique2353 2 жыл бұрын
@@lsg303 以前是可以拿出来的,但是很多老人不会管理钱,整天花天酒地,不然就是自己色去找年轻女子被骗光所有的钱。政府才会有这样的措施。
@lsg303 2 жыл бұрын
@@chantalmonique2353 但被国家拿走后还是不够花的怎么办
@erng7711 2 жыл бұрын
First, you need to differentiate the medical expenses at public hospitals and clinics for citizens and foreigners when making comparison. With govt subsidies, medical cost is quite high. Second, Singapore has become a very competitive place to work and study. Many Singaporeans are busy keeping themselves afloat, ensuring their employability n career prospects , their children's survival in school and taking care of their parents.. They usually don't have time for extended families and relatives except for yearly festive gatherings
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your sharing.👍🏻👍🏻
@alexong6646 2 жыл бұрын
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
Actually it depends on how close the family is. If your parents are close with his/her siblings then definitely the children are closer too. My dad simply train us to be close to my relatives. My cousin even especially pick a job near my house so she can have lunch with me or come over to my house to sleep if need. When I fight with my dad I ever run to my grandparents house to stay in my teens. 😂
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
FYI, even a non Singaporean got sick or injured, all our hospital will do is cure and heal first. Later after discharge then send bill. I know of a granny who is considered as illegal immigrants because she came to Singapore to work in her younger years. In 2021 she was found lying on the toilet of coffeeshop and sent to hospital. Found out she already no more valid pass to stay in Singapore. She is in her 80s liao and she got no money to pay bills. Singapore General Hospital still keep her in ward for months and the social workers there arrange a old folks home to let her stay after she was discharged. I think they are helping hard to get her a permanent pass to stay in Singapore because she have been in Singapore for decades so no more friends in Malaysia.
@tankingseng7371 Жыл бұрын
分析得相当正确! 求主耶稣怜悯新加坡人!
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
@artusg4408 2 жыл бұрын
@扎西德勒-y7h 2 жыл бұрын
新加坡政府对底收入的国民,在医疗方面采取非常亲民的政策,一旦确实证明你是底收入,扣除了公积金MediSave医存账户后,医药费用不是免单就是只需底至几十元。 我前年动了个十几小时头部开颅的大手术,因为没什么文化,所以收入也不高,又没买任何保险,三十多千新币的手术费,外別 ICU 和住院费,出院后每个月复诊的费用,再加三千多元的助听器帮助我失聪的左耳,前后加起来共四十多千,但我国政府没向我收取一分钱。 这点让我对身为新加坡人还是挺感动和骄傲的。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@totorotororu 2 жыл бұрын
我觉得与亲戚之间的往来得视个别家庭情况。我与父母两边的亲戚时有往来。我有些朋友也是如此,但有些朋友就如博主所说的,只在新年才碰面。新加坡不少家庭都有两三个孩子,加上自己兄弟姐妹的配偶和孩子,每周聚会都十来个人,所以一般也不会招堂表亲聚会,除非是独生子女为主的家庭。与堂表亲的互动,可能主要在脸书或IG。就我个人的观察,一个家族的凝聚力,往往取决于家族里是否有热情积极的成员,劳苦功高地组织聚会。 至于退休后的生活,有些年长者确实比较喜欢在组屋楼下闲聊,也有很多会在公园晨运或是在组屋区的菜园耕作。我身边也有些长辈虽然不缺钱,因担心患上失智症,选择重新就业,去联络所或是小店打工。有些则选择去老人院或寺庙教堂做义工。经济能力宽裕的,就会在平时参加联络所的一日游或是结伴出国旅行。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@yinyeechan2630 2 жыл бұрын
每星期会固定回家看爸妈吃个饭 每个农历新年姑姑会跟爸妈拜年所以就会看到她 that’s all 😂 其他的亲戚只有在特别的场合才见面如结婚摆喜酒 没联络的原因就是大家都有各自的生活和工作 一向来都没有联络的习惯 各忙各的
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@limbenglee 2 жыл бұрын
新加坡人有自己所要面对的一面。很多老人,工作时间好过。要不然要自己独立的去找活动,利用Active SG或SkillFutures 上课,例如画画,游泳,学一些其它等等。若不能做工,应体质有什么不便,也要劲量安排自己要过好每天的日子。中国人面对人事关系很重,本地是相反。 去医院,原本医药费是很重,应政府有在各方面给折扣,还好。 年轻人, 有他们过的生活,若要感情好, 老年人要学看得开。 代代所要面对的处境不同,老年人要体谅,若可不给年轻人压力,尽量避免。家和万事兴。 在新加坡, 要用钱,要小心计算。要看你去那一间医院,学校,购物中心,连办丧事都要做好计算... 总之,样样都要先查价钱。别把钱花在不必要的地方。 新加波跟其他各国一样,各有各的优点以缺点。要在新加坡住,一定要适应这里。 怕输,多多少少都会,只是大家也懂得,要把精神压力给调低,身心要平衡。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@yamenaidepure 2 жыл бұрын
@Sagepeh 2 жыл бұрын
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
如果天气好,英国人就留下不走了,如澳大利亚与新西兰,哪还留给当今的新加坡人呢? 需要知足与惜福 世上哪还有汉族人为主的国家呢?
@leo290702 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@wong517 2 жыл бұрын
@jacwah8570 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg_talk @ 买rider 的保险就好咯,没有储钱的
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@@ct9245 恩,我看到的可能只是部分,需要多了解。
@marinleong4267 2 жыл бұрын
@jessielaw3462 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
@jessielaw3462 2 жыл бұрын
@@ct9245 谢谢你对新加坡的赞赏与评价感谢你。希望新加坡能够做的更好,更要感谢前辈及国父所付出才有今日繁荣安全的国土
@mikezhang4222 2 жыл бұрын
不认同, 第一,你不能拿没有本地医保的跟中国本地有医保的比,还有,你可以了解一下中华医院、慈济义诊等五大慈善医院的医疗价格再来下结论; 第二,退休生活安排全凭个人兴趣爱好,有些喜欢跳舞,有些喜欢聊天,但广场舞这种扰民的场景还是不要在新加坡出现的好。说到旅游,新加坡公民护照去100多个国家免签,国际旅游是生活常态,这个如何拿国内比?当然疫情期间另当别论; 第三,怕输只是新加坡人的自我解嘲,而我看到新加坡人在求名求财方面倒是比较平和,好多生意人只求每天稳稳当当的有得赚就好,没有中国人那种贪得无厌挖空心思的拼命精神。而年轻人考文凭积极上进,是想提升自己,靠自己的真才实学立足于社会,无可厚非; 第四,小家庭意识强,这很正常,毕竟血亲关系在文明社会里的特殊性是有限的,如果让你整天在七大姑八大姨之间扯来扯去,把中国那套拉亲戚走关系跟日常生活搅和在一起,不会觉得累吗? 综上所述,不是什么不完美,其实是特色,
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
@lsg303 2 жыл бұрын
吆 你是少数几个能让我欣赏的评论
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
@@lsg303 最终他们还是不敢去同济免费医院, 怕死还是不相信中医? 看出他们的潜意识了
@lsg303 Жыл бұрын
@@ct9245 还是不相信中医
@SuccessforLifester 2 жыл бұрын
I agree on the point that married couple having little contacts with their families and relatives. I know of many who returned to see parents maybe during the Chinese New Year. Some may visit during birthday. Others that visit frequently was because their children were taken care by the grandparents
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
But I heard many parents are unwilling to help take care grandchild, right?
@SuccessforLifester 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg_talk Both types also have.
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
Actually it can be the children dare not let the grandparents look after their kids. I personally dare not let my mum look after my own children because of her own style. She can really spoil the child and she wasn't as hygienic as I prefer. Her feeding style is put into her own mouth to test the temperature. 😂
@quakespr 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@fongyenlau6412 2 жыл бұрын
@onghy76 2 жыл бұрын
accurate observations! I do not stay connected with other relatives too .. think it's becos I do not have additional energy and time to call and maintain connection with them. Good job and keep up the good videos
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your sharing👍🏻👍🏻
@angjane9050 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
@@sg_talk。这就是所谓的社会契约, 所以公民才会投票的给政府,政府优先照顾新加坡公民。
@hezhiyuan36 2 жыл бұрын
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
@hezhiyuan36 2 жыл бұрын
@@ct9245 我说的重点是广告多,也不管管,没说以哪个为准。
@MrAlbertYam 2 жыл бұрын
Totally agree. Unfortunately, Singapore Government take care of local citizens only. Although medical treatment are VERY EXPENSIVE, it only apply to foreigners and PRs. Local citizen see doctors are very cheap. Local citizens have CHASE card, government subsidies and medisave.
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
This is Singaporean First.
@MrAlbertYam 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg_talk Singapore Government did the wrong way....charging PRs expensively....Sg Government should learn from Australia, treat everyone the same. Although Singapore have the privilege to attract young talents as PRs, it will fail one day if they keep on making high cost to PRs.
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
@@MrAlbertYam @ Australian is a big country with very little population in proportion. They needs the man power to come in to fill the gap first . Once their population proportion is like Singapore, they will used the similar medical policy like Singapore.
@liuanne9555 4 ай бұрын
N年前我随公司到马六甲进行野外培训,一位’新加坡公民身份‘的女团员在野训中从大约2米高度的树上掉了下来后呈现轻度昏迷,组长立即把她载到最临近的公共医院去,看了医生做了x-ray后再一些擦伤包扎后当日出院,组长也即时驱车把她送回到新加坡医院再做进一步的检查与治疗。过后组长跟我们说治疗费是'不可思议的十令吉‘,当时我们并不觉得很庆幸,只是觉得这国家对外国人的补贴也太过分了,难道他们也像汶莱一样有大量的石油抽取来补上外国人的医疗费?还是全马纳税人替外国人给付医疗费用呢?! 去年网上一个中国人在哭诉新加坡医疗费之高昂!使得他一个外国人在没有医疗保险下看个小病都要新币几百元…… 新加坡人的反应是:啊… 不然咧?
@malcolmneo699 2 жыл бұрын
With regard to medical fees, as with all things, there are cheap options there are expensive options, just have to make your own choice. For example for simple fever or flu, some clinics charge $50 easily while others charge only $20 but with perhaps slightly less effective medicines so taking longer time to recover. This is true in every estate especially the older ones. Basically you have options over here.
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks. For local, it will be more cheaper if going to Polyclinic. But for foreigners, going to private clinic or Polyclinic, the fees may be same.
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
Actually polyclinics charge $14 with good quality medicines but the only problem polyclinics is long waiting hours. Like average it takes 2 hours at polyclinic. I have friends who tell me go see GP at the family doctor below her block only $50+ so she prefer that. To her, the cost of transport to polyclinic and the time also consider as money. Well she earn base on hourly charges so she can really be very sensitive. Some time when I am late, she will explain how much that 20mins of waiting time can earn her how much. 😂
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
Does Singaporean or foreginers get cheap medical treatment in China too? You said it will cost cheaper in China. You must understand that its always cheaper for PRC to get cheaper medical treatments in their own country. Singapore actually give FREE medical treatment and surgery to any Singaporean too. Just ask your doctor for information. Also like what other people already commented. Singaporean can choose to go polyclinics which only cost $14 for Singaporean or $6.90 for Singaporean senior citizens. Even hospital senior consultant specialist fee is only $39 if you are referred to hospital via polyclinic doctor or GP. We have such a system so that people with no serious medical conditions doesn't flood the A&E or specialist clinic in hospital. This allow the specialist clinic in hospital to work base on appointments style thus reducing everyone's waiting time. I am Singaporean and i can walk a short distance to visit my grandparents. I even stay with my grandparents till I am in secondary school. I even countdown most festivals with my cousins. My cousins even call me out during their lunch break as they work near my house. Don't use 1 or 2 of your friends experience as the judgement for the whole Singapore! Not every fingers are long but each of them have their own function.
@yumwo4413 2 жыл бұрын
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
Not every fingers have the same length, 十指长短不一
@mirawati47 Ай бұрын
@ahzyx 2 жыл бұрын
Hi , thumbs up. Like yr likes and disliked. Mostly yr likes. You are neutral too in expressing yr point of view. Keep it up young man. Subscribed yr channel. Cheers !
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@serenityping 2 жыл бұрын
@xiaoyao76 2 жыл бұрын
坐在kopitiam和朋友喝茶闲聊的大叔们通常是那些教育水平不高,不知如何打发时间的。念过书,会上网查资料的,会发现小区和联络所里有很多给老一辈的廉价 / 免费活动,如园艺群、散步群、烹饪群等。这里的重点是老一辈们肯花时间和精力结识新朋友,而非按照习惯过日子。如果一直跟自己的小群混的话,会发现小群因为成员的过世变得越来越小,最终因为太小了而解散。
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@darrendelong 2 жыл бұрын
I could be wrong but I have a theory why Singaporeans are not such a big family idealism. It's partly due to a more independent mindset in a society base on meritocracy. In China, there's a "Connection" ( 关系)culture where people help each other through close family ties or relationship. There's good and bad in both cultures it depends what a society wants to focus on. Our founding father (Lee Kuan Yew) wants a meritocracy society and not based on connection (You may dispute and argue with that) and thus the government policy may have influence the mentality of Singaporeans to be less dependent on close family ties or relationship to progress in society. Personally, I am not close to my relatives too and do not see the need to be close to them, you can call me anti-social but I focus my energy on people I really love and care about and it may not have anything to do with "Blood" relation. However I want to add that, the big family idealism is more common among the Malay community. It's part of their culture (Kampung spirit) to maintain close family ties. Partly also due to being a minority, this aspect became very important. To be honest I am not in favor of the "Connection" ( 关系 ) culture. (I will further explain this if you are interested to discuss). This is just my own personal opinion.
@edwardlim4553 2 жыл бұрын
@jocelynwen6322 2 жыл бұрын
me too, I hate the “connection” culture. I have to spend time catering to various people and distracting. I’m so tired
@纯鹿人-s3x Жыл бұрын
@blilasg8956 2 жыл бұрын
@tyctyc9884 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@v6504 2 жыл бұрын
a lot of things can be done without money, like going to park, beach. regular exercise. having healthy routines. even they stay in Australia, they wont go out. i think its a generational culture.
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, it may be a generation culture. 😂
@leewn2319 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@skyearth8865 2 жыл бұрын
怕输,亚洲人都如此! 只是新加坡人自己一直自我批评! 中国妈妈在外国被称tiger mother就是个好例子! 在中国送礼给老师希望孩子进名校,坐前排多的不得了! 补习班上到没时间玩也很常见! 恐怕外地来的人都要进那10大名校才会碰到那超级怕输的父母!
@blilasg8956 2 жыл бұрын
wow... SGD100k medical fee for a fall, even for a foreigner, surely that's more than just fixing broken bone, does it include surgery? I'm local, and fractured my foot overseas (luckily I was in a Scandinavian country so it was around USD200 for a foreigner, which included X-rays, A&E care, one aircast boot and a pair of crutches) and when i came back to Singapore, I went to an Orthopedic doctor at Mount E, each Xray was SGD50-80 and each time doctor session was also around SGD60-80, if i recall correctly and i didn't claim insurance. If I had fell in Singapore, i would have gone to a public hospital a&e but i wanted a follow up, so i went to see a private practice.
@aaroolkoh9464 2 жыл бұрын
for the older generations, they may still be bound to familial relations and the guanxi culture to keep maintaining relations with extended family. for the younger generation, they are not so bound to this tradition anymore, in this modern age, its more about authentic relationships, actual people we can click with, rather than struggling to maintain fake relationships with people we barely know or can click with just for the sake of the "family" name.
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
I am close with my relatives but I got to agree that we are more willing to keep a real relationship with friends who we can click well than spend time to maintain a faked relationship. I believe that different people have different type of family relationships. If we look at Benrunaway. Their mummy will cry when the 2 brothers pretend to fight. This kind of family will surely have close relationships. My dad also use to force us attend family gathering when I am small or when I am so upset due to my personal stress in schools. Basically we cannot forces family to get close it really depends on how the people in that family are. This is same for almost everyone in other countries too. You cannot force family members to be close.
@sooyungtan1064 7 ай бұрын
An advice to you, choose the country where you like to stay, except SG. However Singapore only welcome those who really appreciate its unique and the environment!!!!
@clementgome7668 2 жыл бұрын
你的觀察能力不錯喔😄 真的很多都是這樣。 很多人結婚了就真的以自己的小家庭為主,就算有家族聚會 很多都像是為了“露臉” 才去。不說家庭聚會,就算是公司的聚會也不想去 不然就是去”露臉“而已 🤣 可能是因為我們比較“內向” 不怎麼會表達,也不善於“聊天” ,有時聊天也會不經意的說了不該說的話 得罪或場合變得尷尬(我們說話很直,這點我們真的需要加強) 總結一下就是 我們都是很“內向”(不主動,不熱情,不怎麼會“聊天”)給人就是悶悶的感覺。😅
@sapphoophoon2141 2 жыл бұрын
@Clement Gome Hello, 你是本地的老人家吧!新加坡人怎么内向呢?可能你们老一辈的人才是这样吧!请不要随便代表所有的新加坡人说话好吗?
@globalinterest3086 2 жыл бұрын
“ 我们”都是很内向。把“ 们”去掉吧。内向外向是性格,只能代表个人,不能代表全体人民。更何况你不认识全新加坡人。包挂老人和年轻人。
@clementgome7668 2 жыл бұрын
@@sapphoophoon2141 come one leh. 我們給被人就是這樣的感覺。自己當然感覺不到 以為都是正常 但一旦接觸到外國的朋友,對方就會感覺到(這是從很多外國朋友對我們印象說出來的) 當然我說的缺點 但我們還是有很多優點。有缺點就要改。
@clementgome7668 2 жыл бұрын
@@globalinterest3086我會加 ”我們“ 是基本上外國人對我們的印象。一大部分為主。如果我們大部分給別人的印象都是熱情,主動等等等 當然他們也會以整體為主是不是。 比如台灣人 ,給外國人覺得他們都是熱情嗎 但也一定有一部份是比較內向 但別人都會覺得 台灣人都很熱情。這些我不用在多說了吧😅 所以我們要提升自己的行為和態度給別人留下好印象。
@sesamegreenbeans5608 2 жыл бұрын
1. 医疗真贵,一定要有保险。 2. 对于退休人士的生活枯燥,可能你只看到比较片面。主要还是看有没有钱,毕竟新加坡是没退休金的。 3. 怕输是真的。不过新加坡教育制度下的竞争肯定没中国激烈。 4. 小家庭 - 这个可能比较限于新加坡的华人。新加坡的马来人一般还是和亲戚们有密切的联系。 可能最大的区别是中国相对于新加坡是一个人情社会。亲戚之间必须常来往能,到需要帮忙时会互相帮助。新加坡的社会可能并没像中国这么需要靠关系,所以拉低了不和亲戚社交的成本。 不过我觉得较年轻的新加坡华人会不喜欢和亲戚常联系的最重要原因,是因为比较在意自已的个人空间,不希望被长辈们指指点点。像农历新年期间,会有蛮多长辈会问晚辈学校考试成绩,质问未婚的几时结婚,催促结了婚没生孩子的快点生。
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
法-理-情 , 是现代文明的体现
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@@liweiquek7382 在中国,每到过年见亲戚,总会被盘问,所以中国很多年轻人也很怕过年见亲戚。
@skyearth8865 2 жыл бұрын
老人生活乏味是你的错觉! 新加坡人不喜欢群聚,不像中国人喜欢一大群人跳舞旅游,所以到处都可以找到跳广场舞的人 群! 新加坡人兴趣多样化,有人喜欢呆在家里,有人喜欢三几老友咖啡店喝咖啡,或啤酒! 也有喜欢大自然观鸟,摄影或养鸟比唱歌,还有在公园或自然保护区跑步,散步,游泳,打球,骑车,,民众俱乐部组办很多活动,烹饪,瑜伽,书法,一日游等等。。。出国旅行更是一年至少2次,多者5-10次不等! 就是小组3-5人,不喜欢一大群!
@kennySg101 2 жыл бұрын
@jetsonje8654 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@jeffreywee2895 2 жыл бұрын
Well say👍
@rlaucw 2 жыл бұрын
I think you have summarised at the closing by saying that "Nothing is Perfect" OR that "this is not a right or wrong issue", but then why is your theme of this episode "The imperfections of Singapore", that's contradictory, isn't it. I would like to share that as nothing is perfect, it will be a matter of time and development, that China will one-day also be facing the same situation in time to come.
@NicholasHuang09 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@singalore 2 жыл бұрын
When i was younger i always meet my cousins, but when we grew up, prob all of us are busy and we hardly keep in touch. Interesting perspective!
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
I am still close with my cousins but since covid we rarely meet up but we still WhatsApp and telegram each other multiple times daily. Like share news on CNA or ST or FB. Some times take a photo of where we are or what we eat n share if its nice.
@blilasg8956 2 жыл бұрын
@@celestialstar124 i realized it was a shame to only get together once or twice a year and every cny, everyone just drag their feet on leaving, cos we have so much catching up to do, so i started organizing bbq and durian sessions with my cousins and their families (pre Covid) and it was great fun for us and for our kids to spend time with their cousins too. I'm going to start that again.
@celestialstar124 2 жыл бұрын
@@blilasg8956 cool. This should be the way we stay connected with my cousin. I am having lunch with my 2 cousins now too. I haven't meet up with one of them since covid started. Even the food taste so much better.
@teonghaipoh9361 2 жыл бұрын
Singapore see doctor very exspsive is true .kaisu can make people more sussfull .👍
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
Expensive (昂贵) or Expressive (表达) ??
@vivianlian3663 2 жыл бұрын
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@outisnemo555 2 жыл бұрын
Singapore is an enlightened autocracy. It’s enlightened, which means it’s open, liberal, developed, and it basically has all the material and economic perks of a European country, but it’s still an Asian-style autocracy nonetheless: one-party rule, one-family rule, mandatory military service, preservation of legal physical punishment. These attributes make Singapore just a cleaner and more decent version of China. For most Asians who just seek material and economic well-being, Singapore is of course a perfect society to live in, but it’s still far from a truly liberal modern country.
@leonardtan4601 2 жыл бұрын
Fully agreed with all Ur point👍
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@tankingseng7371 Жыл бұрын
25 人若赚得全世界,却丧了自己,赔上自己,有什么益处呢? 路加福音 9:25
@spong2514 2 жыл бұрын
很多uncles 退休娱乐是买4D
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
@spong2514 2 жыл бұрын
那我就可以住大洋房,何必住在HDB flats.
@serenityping 2 жыл бұрын
@huizhang9555 2 жыл бұрын
在中国也一样呀,压力大,很难停下来。而且结婚后,也是以小家为重呀。毕竟结婚 有了孩子,精力真的不够。
@tonycheezal5650 2 жыл бұрын
I work as an civil engineer , just graduated from Malaysia I work from Monday to Saturday 8-6pm, what makes you think I will find time to eat with relatives when I have only 1 day to rest? We prioritize money more than relatives
@sg_talk 2 жыл бұрын
Are you working in China?
@tonycheezal5650 2 жыл бұрын
@@sg_talkI'm working in Singapore, but is a china company I felt I want to quit and pursue my digital art education
@tankingseng7371 Жыл бұрын
求主耶稣继续祝福新加坡! 求主祝福你和你的全家!
@sucram1617 2 жыл бұрын
Medical fees for foreigners is always expensive. Even in China it's the same
@ct9245 2 жыл бұрын
@chiamym6462 2 жыл бұрын
Its the same in China, citizen medical treatment is cheaper than for foreigners!
@desmondwong664 2 жыл бұрын
@MS12104 Жыл бұрын
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
@kahsengng7046 7 ай бұрын
对此 我只能说 ~ 不尽然 ! 皆因博主仅听说或仍未真正了解新加坡
@manwailam9313 2 жыл бұрын
@winniewinnie9216 2 жыл бұрын
老了那都一样., 新加坡老人也可以过得很充实. 这是个人嗜好吧了
@esonchou Жыл бұрын
新加坡给我感觉 就是法律特别严 鸡毛蒜皮的事都要管😂 就好像出国了又没有出国
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
新国是法理情的社会,中国是情理法社会,哪有一样, 新国是禁止就是禁止,不讲情面的。不然就去法庭与法官去辩论。
@heantan 7 ай бұрын
@amychoi4463 2 жыл бұрын
@ct9245 Жыл бұрын
外国人没钱可到免费的中医治疗,如宗教施医处, 同济医院,等
@jennychew9791 2 жыл бұрын
@clementgome7668 2 жыл бұрын
應該是對比中國和新加坡的退休生活,這裡的老人真的比較不喜歡動 也不喜歡學習新東西, 他們很多都在咖啡店喝酒 ,組屋樓下“拉涼” 不然就是下棋賭博🤣 真的和其他國家不一樣
焦点对话: 李光耀与中国,一言难尽的纠结
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