Hey all! Real talk for a sec, I didn't put a sponsor in this episode because the Animusic subject is a super-nostalgic topic to me and I wanted to share it with you in the cleanest way possible. I'm willing to take the hit so I can share this AMAZING art with you! That being said, I'm turning to Patreon for some extra support on this episode, so if you'd like to help out (and get some stuff in return) I'd greatly appreciate it. Patreon.com/KrazyKen Thanks for your support, and enjoy the episode! 😇
@XhodanXeus2 жыл бұрын
I respect people like that!
@blrryface2 жыл бұрын
You're AWESOME for doing that. Oh cool, supporting you: ☝🏼
Hey Ken, thanks for making this video. I appreciate the understanding and insight you shared on this subject. Seeing the picture of you as a kid wearing the Animusic shirt was a highlight. For me, that was what it was about - bringing enjoyment and inspiration to people, especially kids. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments. Quick note: I don't have info on Wayne or anything Animusic 3 related. Best wishes. Thanks again. - Dave
@ハンターフラック2 жыл бұрын
Hope you're doing well Dave! Thanks for all the memories!
@Roninkinx2 жыл бұрын
My SO adores the animusic 1 and 2 packages. Still watches them and got me into it. It’s a shame they 3 didn’t work out, but you both made a lot of people and kids happy. Thanks bro.
@musicvibe882 жыл бұрын
Jim Frisque 1 second ago Thanks for everything, Dave! As a longtime elementary music teacher, years and years of my classes loved Animusic 1 and 2! You and Wayne brought much joy, imagination, and excitement to thousands of my kiddos!
@themechbuilder61712 жыл бұрын
hoping everyone is doing well
@redskeletonart2382 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making mine and my little sister’s childhood awesome, Dave. ❤️ I’m pursuing animation and filmmaking, and my love of music and especially yours and Wayne’s work has never died. Hope you and your families are well!
@iancalandro81802 жыл бұрын
God my middle school orchestra teacher used to show us these during class. Even back then he was talking about Animusic 3. It's a shame to hear what happened behind the scenes.
@bend11192 жыл бұрын
None of us know when you were in middle school. So "even back then" means nothing.... was it yesterday or 1989?
@iancalandro81802 жыл бұрын
@@bend1119 2011. There, you got your answer.
@silent0utcome4742 жыл бұрын
@@bend1119 why does it matter if he doesn’t tell you the exact time and date of when he went to that class. It’s like asking you when you ate breakfast at what time how you ate it and when did you stop eating It’s like you want to know information that’s not needed to be known
@wadesims20002 жыл бұрын
Very cool
@AceSimGaming2 жыл бұрын
@@bend1119 It doesn't matter
@Noone-of-your-Business2 жыл бұрын
DVDs? Bah. I prefer my Animusic rendered in real time so that the camera is interactive. Best ATi demo ever. Was soon hacked to run on nVidia cards, too. 😁
@witherschat2 жыл бұрын
Excuse me WHAT?
@think-draw-animate65892 жыл бұрын
wow cool, just looked it up and you can still download and run it from the internet archive! Worked on my ryzen 7 1700 and 2070 too!
@witherschat2 жыл бұрын
@@think-draw-animate6589 What are you both talking about?
@jess6482 жыл бұрын
there was a real time Pipe Dream demo right?
@Noone-of-your-Business2 жыл бұрын
@@jess648 Yes. That is the one I was referring to.
@ZeroExcuse2 жыл бұрын
As someone with ADHD, I can defintely sympathize with Wayne. It can be really hard to hyper-focus on things and not be a perfectionist. I mean hell, with my stream I always want things to look and feel perfect almost all of the time. I get caught up in so many things that sometimes I get sidetracked and I loose focus on other part of my brand like merch and networking with other companies. It's hard to manage with ADHD. Sometimes medication just makes things worse because it messes with your head even more. My mom took me off Ritilan because I wasn't eating at all. So while I understand the frustration, I can defintely feel where Wayne is coming from.
@knghtbrd2 жыл бұрын
Sure it can be. But … it can also be managed and controlled. Some of that is discipline. Some of it is careful self-medication. Some of it is having someone else there telling you when you need to be doing something else. But it can be managed. Seems it wasn't being here. When my brother and I were kids, he learned he had dyslexia. It became a crutch, an excuse. Of course he couldn't read, he had this learning disability. ADHD too! I'm legally blind. If I couldn't read, I needed to use my technology different/better. I needed to adjust the page or the text or whatever. It was a problem to be solved and I was expected to get on with it. I was 19 years old before finally someone saw the mistakes I was making (and half of the time correcting as I went) and realized I was dyslexic too. And ADHD? Yeah apparently that too-I sort of self-medicate that to a very light degree, but mostly I've incorporated it into my thinking processes so that I control it instead of it controlling me. It doesn't always work, and that's when I need those external factors. After we learned this about me, my brother started learning some of the things I was doing, but he's kind of had those excuses cemented into his thinking process and will still tend to reach for one at times. We both still go full ADHD mode when tired, and right now if I couldn't control the fonts, colors, etc. of this page, I couldn't what I just wrote. It's not easy to work around these things. It's possible, though.
@amazingbollweevil2 жыл бұрын
I discovered Animusic while visiting a city that a Fry's Electronics store. I was mesmerized. As much as I loved the concept, I couldn't bring myself to buy the DVD. I always thought the inspiration for the project was linked to George Rhoads' audiokinetic sculptures you see in some airports. While not musical, those things kept my attention for hours between flights.
@razerow33912 жыл бұрын
it's actually based off things like early Pixar shorts and the early demo scene for Amiga and Atari ST. There were others back in the day. Yeah I'd never heard of this... must have not really perforated the perception of non north Americans. But in Europe many artists released music on a whole range of things and now you can get artists releasing their stuff on Mega Drives (Genesis) and all sorts!
@Kawasushi2 жыл бұрын
Bro thought that was a fever dream, I was a kid when my family walked into Fry’s and it was playing on a tv and I told my dad to buy it 😂 I still have that DVD and will never let go of it
@luminousdragon2 жыл бұрын
@@Kawasushi While I am not as skilled as the original creators of animusic, I was directly inspired by animusic to make my yt channel.
@AndysSlides Жыл бұрын
I highly recommend buying the DVDs. They have so much interesting content!
@thedarkdragon892 жыл бұрын
As someone with ADHD, I can assure you that it's a burden more than anything. I feel for the guy, this is what makes me reject getting help and doing it all myself, I'd just cause so many issues in any project.
@geoffstrickler2 жыл бұрын
ADD here, no H in my case. Fortunately, it’s pretty well managed by the pseudoephedrine in my allergy meds. Chronic, nearly year round allergies, so I just stay on the meds at least every other day even in the few months where my allergies aren’t bad, to keep my serotonin levels in check, and thereby keep my ADD in check. It’s real, and even with these meds, still causes me minor issues, but nothing like going without them.
@Feenixfire90GamingTFG2 жыл бұрын
I was gonna say, I am kinda miffed at his Ken's words on focus. Like focusing is so easy for those with ADHD like myself, not (I know hyperfocus is a thing but that has its own issues).
@takeohtyme2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I have like 5 albums worth of 99.9999999999999999999% done music that I can't manage to just get finished.... And it's grunge, one of the "easiest" genres to produce. I got stuck on one for like 3 months before.
@MegamanXGold2 жыл бұрын
@@Feenixfire90GamingTFG I came to the comments to say I kind of felt personally attacked, as if focus was something anybody can do. The video was great except that one line. "The problem is focus" felt like "the problem is you", and it hurt.
@andrewbillington54222 жыл бұрын
@@takeohtyme I used to spend hours recording, editing, mixing and deleting everything and starting over because it wasn't right. I'm getting much better with the music, even learning to not press delete when I'm done, but the one thing that kills any progress I make is putting down some lyrics. Nothing is good enough, and it's generally punk. All these people talking about ADHD and how it effects that is making me think. I didn't need to sleep before work tomorrow anyway. 🙃 got some research to do.
@parkketler70882 жыл бұрын
My character animation teacher always said "get your work to where its good enough or you'll work on it forever" I just continually improved stuff till it was due though. It's so hard to just let projects your passionate about be good enough rather than constantly working on it and never letting it see the surface.
@jamesporter5712 жыл бұрын
Especially if you're a writer
@HinataElyonToph Жыл бұрын
As an artist who struggles with this every day, this makes a lot of sense. And maybe the thing is to just accept that it’s never going to look as good as it does in your head, or at least just realize that the version in your head is simply just unattainable at your current skill level. Not to say that you shouldn’t practice, of course, but it removes some of the pressure I feel
@justanotheryoutubechannel2 жыл бұрын
This is a fascinating story and it sucks that it flopped in the end and didn’t get finished, but at the same time I really feel for Wayne, because I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ADHD, and Bell’s Palsy, and I totally understand how he would have so much trouble. For 6 months I was practically bedridden and even walking downstairs was nearly impossible, and even now that I can function “normally” if I get sick I get ridiculously fatigued, or if I’m stressed I get really exhausted and fatigued easily, and even something small like walking a few miles extra in a week can cause me to struggle with fatigue for the next week or more sometimes. The Bell’s Palsy went away for a while but then came back, and my face still droops like it did before. And my ADHD seriously effects me a lot now, I live my life jumping from one obsession and tangent to another, starting a bunch of things and rarely finishing them, that’s why I haven’t finished a video on my youtube channel in 2 years, I’ve started so many in that time though. Most people have it a lot worse than me with CFS and I’m very lucky I think, so I expect Wayne has it a lot worse than me too, and I totally understand why he couldn’t finish the project. But I do hope someday he releases it, the way he kept promising to finish it on further and further back time scales reminds me of myself a lot and I really emphasise with his position.
@HelloKittyFanMan.2 жыл бұрын
Sorry you've had those diseases. Do they cause random capitalization too? Looks kind of like it.
@cookieskoon2 жыл бұрын
I feel him on ADHD fueled perfectionism. It dramatically hurts me as an artist too.Sadly I don't have his resources and always danced in niche fandom obscurity and poverty.
@iMacJames2 жыл бұрын
Phenomenal episode! I'm glad Ken covered Animusic. I honestly think he did a great job covering the history and proposed a explanation as to why Animusic 3 hasn't been released. And I really do agree that the entire project has been mismanaged. It's really unfortunate, and either in the future if Wayne can get some talented people onboard to help finish this project once and for all or even just release the software in some sort of capacity. There is still a lot of potential here, and MIDI animation isn't over yet! Either way, I will support Wayne in whatever decision he makes. It's been too long without any communication.
@SlyHikari032 жыл бұрын
@MacBack1232 жыл бұрын
iMac, you basically re created super pipe dream
@harshbarj2 жыл бұрын
As someone with ADHD I can attest how evil it can be. You have strong drive at the start. You work for weeks or months on a project. Then for no reason you just back off. No matter how much you want to get back into it, you just can't. It's really an all or nothing type illness. To an outsider it can seem like laziness or other issue. But in reality the person wants to do the work, it's just their mind refuses to let them.
@harshbarj2 жыл бұрын
@@everythingpony Welcome to how people can be different! In general though ADHD causes people to have intense focus on something new, then for a complete lack of interest later on.
@thisisaloadofbarnacles9212 жыл бұрын
Don't we have drugs for this kind of stuff?
@g0lbez2 жыл бұрын
it's normal to lose interest in a project after awhile, you have to find new inspiration and motivations from time to time
@melody37412 жыл бұрын
@@thisisaloadofbarnacles921 i would LOVE if it were that simple, lmao!!!
@tlaroche382 жыл бұрын
It's painful how relatable that is...
@TinkerbatTech2 жыл бұрын
Love Animusic. Ended up selling Animusic 1 at several sci-fi/fantasy conventions in the early 00s. Sold 100s of DVDs and even a couple 100 VHS tapes. (I know...) Found it thru the Animation showcase videos and contacted them just when Animusic 1 was being released. Great folks to work with, and scary talented. (And a really neat concept, using Midi and software to render the performances as played, instead of hand animating everything. And, even after hearing the video on repeat dozens of times, I can still enjoy the music... A fantastic blessing when you have to demo it for hours... Did correspond a bit in 2015 or 16, IIRC, but just wishing them well and thanking them again for all the delightful works... A great subject to cover, and I loved the way you presented the history and that you (and I for that matter) don't feel it was ever a 'scam', just an honest taking on too much thing. It's really hard to be creative on a deadline, IMHO. Thanks for the great video! Keep on keepin' on! Stu
@ComputerClan2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing. That's awesome. I didn't know they worked with sellers at conventions, but that makes sense!
@wardrich2 жыл бұрын
The fact that Animusic 2 came out in 2005 really messed with my timeline... I could have sworn it was like a '00 to '01 thing and that Animusic 1 was a late 90's thing.
@xheralt2 жыл бұрын
It's funny how one project inspired by Animusic, *Wintergatan's Marble Machine,* has followed a similar arc of artistic perfectionism (and possible ADHD lack of focus). Martin's basic goal was to build a machine that would do in _real life_ what we see in Pipe Dream -- play instruments (vibraphone, drums, and bass guitar) by dropping marbles. He wrote and programmed one song, and played it in a viral video, but wasn't happy. The MM was rackity and shed marbles all over the floor. SO he spends years acquiring a CAD-driven machine shop and learning how to use it, to design and build (with online collaborators) Marble Machine X, which would be (a) more reliable mechanically and (b) robust enough to take on tour, his NEW goal. Well, MMX is now complete, but he's STILL not happy. It's too heavy to take on tour. No new song(s) played on it either! Not even a reprise of the original! And now he's on to designing the NEXT iteration of Marble Machine!
@SioxerNikita11 ай бұрын
Just called being an engineer
@redcrystal75792 ай бұрын
I’m not even sure that was inspired by animistic Did wintergatab actually say such?
@wedmunds2 ай бұрын
The MMX wasn't complete, it had fatal problems with its marble feed throughput which rendered it unable to play multiple instruments at once. That's the reason why Martin gave up on it.
@deathsyth88882 жыл бұрын
(When asked about when Animusic 3 will come out) "When it's done." - Definitely not Valve or 3D Realms
@SlyHikari032 жыл бұрын
Def not Nintendo about Metroid prime 4.
@wizdude2 жыл бұрын
Did you say Portal 3 was coming out soon?
@improbableopera793Ай бұрын
Silksong :(
@Aves_12 жыл бұрын
For real. Ive been hoping more details would come out about this. I loved 1 and 2
@luminousdragon2 жыл бұрын
While I am not as skilled as the original creators of animusic, I was directly inspired by animusic to make my yt channel.
@DELTARYZ2 жыл бұрын
I have ADHD myself, and during the whole lead-up to that announcement, I was thinking to myself "I could see myself having all of these exact same problems if I were put into this situation." - particularly including the long periods of silence. I suspected he almost definitely had ADHD - lo and behold, I was exactly correct. ADHD is truly a special hell that is deeply frustrating to live with, because it feels like your own brain is actively pulling you in 500 directions at once, and none of those directions are the one you actually want to be moving towards. Considering all the other shit the guy was going through, I can't even begin to feel anger towards him. He accomplished more than I would trust myself to do in the same situation, and I look up to him immensely for that. I don't blame Dave for leaving. I would likely do the same if my mental and physical health fell into that degree of chaos. Focus, as you said, is not something that is easily controlled with ADHD. Intention and desire does not equate to action. Just because I want to do something (or not to do something) doesn't mean my brain is going to agree with that decision. I basically have to play this constant game of resource management, trying to play a cat-and-mouse game with my own psyche to stay on top of my responsibilities. Most of the time, I lose that cat and mouse game. Both Dave and Wayne seem like incredibly cool and interesting people, and I am immensely grateful for the wonderful works of art they have given us. I think they've both earned themselves some much-needed rest, honestly. I won't expect anything new from them - I am more than happy with the material they've already given us - but if either of them ever finds the time and energy to make something else again, I'll be there.
@elen58712 жыл бұрын
this was a very sweet episode, I get extremely tired of the over-entitled attitude a lot of people have towards Kickstarter stuff where its like "I gave this dude $8! I expect him to do nothing but what I want for the next 30 years!" so for you to end this so graciously, and with so much love for animusic and everything that Wayne and Dave started was both refreshing and heartwarming 🥰
@thebradzone39222 жыл бұрын
love this video, dude! i feel like people have been discussing animusic 3 as if it were some kind of deceptive scandal, when i think the heart of it truly is just creative passion without discipline leading a project astray. you highlighted a very human side to this story that i think a lot of people forget about, but i think is super important when discussing the future of animusic. being upset that your money didn't produce something you wanted isn't necessarily wrong (especially for that $7,000 guy, yikes), but working under that kind of pressure and guilt is no way to function, especially if wayne was having trouble staying motivated & focused to begin with. i don't think people understand that demanding animusic 3 be released or threatening the creators will never produce the quality result they want, because a rushed product made out of obligation would never have been as good as the passion project it was intended to be. we gotta remember that art is hard, and art that involves a lot of programming, troubleshooting, and software development is even harder. so, for now, i think a hands-off approach, focused more on community projects while maintaining a vague hope that someday we'll see something official again, is enough for me!
@monkeywithocd2 жыл бұрын
I definitely have some sort of attention issue, so I totally get being unable to stop from working too hard on things only tangentially related to the project. Part of the reason I don't want to ever crowdfund a project of mine: I don't want to have to be held down to someone else's timeline.
@cac_deadlyrang2 жыл бұрын
Here’s a fun fact about Animusic; The song Future Retro was once thought to be _unused Half-Life 2 music of all things._
@christianfortner Жыл бұрын
I once heard the quote “Perfect is the enemy of Done.” Pretty much sums this all up.
@MarchCain2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate the kind comment you made on Ambient Glow, thank you!
@ComputerClan2 жыл бұрын
My pleasure. I like it a lot.
@AvalonNexus2 жыл бұрын
Wow Ken, what a great episode! I thought I was the only one in a small community of Animusic fans. Discovered it on PBS back in 2005 in college. Even showed my fellow multi-media classmates (we were doing 3D animation at the time) the Animusic 2 preview of the soon to be Cathedral Pictures. I still have the t-shirt of the Stick Figures and the physical media. I appreciate the much needed honesty and respect presented to Wayne and his team. To Wayne & David: Hope you and your families are doing well and we'll be fans of your next creative endeavors!
@irdmoose2 жыл бұрын
Pipe Dream was my first Animusic, and it got me hooked. The Intel project was built, at least in part, while I was working there, and I got to see some of the major assembly done in the FM7 cafeteria that was below my lab on the 4th floor in Folsom. I would love to see Animusic come back if it's feasible, and maybe even revisit some of the classics with 4K and 8K remasters with Atmos or lossless audio. Ok, maybe that last bit is a pipe dream, but that's kinda the point isn't it?
@luminousdragon2 жыл бұрын
There is a few pretty amazing fan projects, like this: kzbin.info/www/bejne/eXatlolsl5amfJo I have crappy videos i made myself on my channel.
@LegoWormNoah1012 жыл бұрын
As soon as I saw that letter about Wayne's health issues and mismanagement, I would've told him to scrap the project
@eggman97132 жыл бұрын
I backed this Kickstarter because Animusic was one of my favorite things to share with people back then. It always mesmerized my friends and family and I loved watching their faces light up. I don't even remember how much I paid, I'd have to go back in my email archives to see. But ultimately, I don't want my money back. I would love to see Animusic 3. I'd even be willing to pay AGAIN, even more than I paid the first time, to see it finished. Knowing what Wayne has shared with us, if he is willing to share more, and perhaps even become a speaker about his learnings and struggles with various mental and physical health issues (some of which I also have dealt with), I'd love to hear it. I don't consider the project completely dead. But at this point, it doesn't matter to me when it arrives. I just hope that someday it does.
@57Wolve2 жыл бұрын
As someone with ADHD, the "You just need to focus" phrase is never going to die, and my biggest fear with my own company is my biggest struggle, ADHD. You can't just "Focus." Perfectionism seems to be common with people that have ADHD as well, at least the ones I know personally.
@katjoe19742 жыл бұрын
While that is absolutely a valid feeling, I don’t think the point of the video was “this individual with ADHD needed to just focus”. Animusic as a company needed to hire someone who could focus and manage the project. You can’t just raise a quarter of a million dollars for a project and then completely not deliver. There is absolutely nothing wrong with recognizing where your own weaknesses are and finding help from others to cover those areas you might not be the strongest at.
@itsmehere1 Жыл бұрын
All the work they did making the modular pipeline for the software kinda makes sence when you think about it from the wanting to sell it to others to make music with point it really does make sence why it was taking so long, it would be super cool to be able to make our own animusic songs.
@Skydragon7772 жыл бұрын
I was introduced to Animusic funny enough at a Home Show and Animusic was featured as a demo of a Home Theater setup in one of the houses. This was when Animusic 1 was the only release currently. My dad and I loved it so much (I was high school during this) that my dad gave me the DVD for Animusic 1 and a T-shirt (the exact same one you had in your video here) for Christmas. Later was Animusic 2 was released I also got that one. Sadly I haven't gotten the Blu-Ray version. I also found out a friend had the Audio Compact Disk of Animusic 1 and I borrowed it long enough to download the tracks. Animusic to this day is a digital treasure and I pray that Wayne's health improves so that someday, we may have an Animusic 3. But like you've said, we might not need it, as much as it would be cool
@pjsw2 жыл бұрын
Man you're such a great creator you gripped me for 16 minutes on something I had no idea about and now want to learn loads more about
@Fulano53214 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video. It's a great, compassionate, view on how things went. I remember the post about the repetitive strain injury but wasn't aware of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ADHD, and Bell's Palsy. Those are easily enough to bring the project to a halt.
@MrMaxeemum2 жыл бұрын
I loved Animusic and waited for 3 to come out, I eventually I stopped looking and didn't realise the HD version was released DOHHH!!!. Would love to see 3 finished but it's not worth a mental breakdown. I will keep waiting patiently because if it does come out I for one would love it.
@staringcorgi64752 жыл бұрын
It’ll be finished but it’s going to be very long
@able34bravo372 жыл бұрын
This was a very kind video. Nicely done. And you were adorable in the Animusic shirt :-)
@wardrich2 жыл бұрын
The thing I found most interesting about Animusic is how it was basically the mainstream/corporate equivalent of demoscene prods. Kind of an interesting fringe that mixed Demoscene-style content, Benchmarking, and Advertising all in one go.
@WindowsAndMacintosh2 жыл бұрын
This is wild. I was born in 1997 and we used to watch Animusic in Music class in elementary school. I thought it was one of the coolest things. On my old KZbin channel, I used to use parts of the music as background music in my tech tutorials. That was around 2007-2008, which was when I was in fifth grade. I had thought of it from time to time but had somehow never looked into it. I literally stopped what I was doing when I saw this video in my recommended videos to watch it. Thank you and keep up the great work!
@DaveAdams2222 жыл бұрын
EPIC! I'm turning 38 this year and I remember watching this as a VERY young teen (maybe even a tween) via their website and Shockwave video! It's nice to see that I'm not the only nutter out there who really enjoyed these and it's nice to see you doing such a fantastic job covering this. As I mentioned to you on Facebook, a chance to get this video in my theater would be profound but for now, the HD Blu Ray is still quite satisfying!
@lostglaceon92742 жыл бұрын
You always do great investigation into your topics, I know I'll enjoy this even if I've watched a few others!
@ComputerClan2 жыл бұрын
Thank you 😇
@RhizometricReality2 жыл бұрын
Animusic was in our hearts the whole time
@SlyHikari032 жыл бұрын
Nice Reason Pfp.
@synchro5052 жыл бұрын
Ahh... Back in the day walking into Fry's and watching Animusic playing on various TVs throughout the store.
@spazzman902 жыл бұрын
Right there with ya!
@ElSings Жыл бұрын
As someone with adhd, hearing a person of whom I don’t know whether is neurotypical or not talking KINDLY about the struggles someone else with adhd went through, who took on more than they could chew, is a lot to me. It means so so much and you have no idea. Everyone always expects people with adhd to basically mentally function like everyone else, personality wise. The only things they think of with adhd are distractions, hyperactivity, and that’s most of it. But it’s the same notional dysregulation, impulsivity, extreme bouts of anger, meltdowns, etc. that most people don’t understand or see on the daily. A lot of symptoms we have tend to be symptoms most would even associate with autism- but that’s because both conditions DO have overlapping symptoms. Emotional dysregulation and social problems are in both, as well as impulsivity and needing directions to be specific enough so as to understand what’s being asked. Anyway… now that I know what was actually going on behind the scenes, I feel so so so deeply for the guy who made animusic. He deserves all the freaking fidget toys and coffee and whatever else he wants and needs in the world. Even a neurotypical person would have a shitty time with that insane amount of responsibility. And that amount of pressure. I would probably die under that.
@unloadanderb48162 жыл бұрын
As someone with adhd, the perfectionist aspects are sometimes great but sometimes so awful. mad respect for pushing on.
@SvenskaIdioterna2 жыл бұрын
This episode resonated with me a fair bit. Honestly, I have no history with watching animusic and have barely even heard of it before. But as someone studying at an university to try getting into the game design and art industry, this really struck a chord. In particular their struggle with perfection, stress and time management. It couldn't be more familiar, I've had this issue over the last year and I'm still just trying to get out of it. I want everything to be perfect. I overdo it on everything, when I do an assignment, it's not about "how can I finish this with the least effort possible" but rather "how can I finish this to the best of my ability, in a way where I couldn't possibly do it any better no matter how I try?". This leads to me spending way more time and effort than most others on simple things, way overdoing it and still almost never being close to satisfied. This in turn leads to frustration and self-blame for not being able to do it better. It quickly tires me out mentally, leading to frequent burn-outs and then even something akin to fear about experiencing it again. I've had this issue all the way from the age when school first started handing out assignments. Honestly, the worst part is the performance pressure. I would still have issues but not nearly as big if not for the fear of failure. Since I don't think it's good enough, I don't dare to just call it quits and move on because, which I would do if I had no such pressure. Re-doing the same thing over and over again yet pretty much not improving is incredibly tiring. At least in lower education, it wasn't as bad. The issue is that this is art. I couldn't necessarily see the flaws in a written assignment but it's so easy for me to see flaws in art and I'm still far from being good enough to be happy with my art. This just further screws things up... So, I'm in a battle with myself to accept less than perfection. I've started to see some improvements but I have a long way to go until I succeed in changing my views and impulses. Was responsible for pixel art animations in one of my game design courses and honestly that was real fun. There are simply only so many things you can do wrong with pixel art and the more pixelated it is, the less trial and error is needed to make it good enough for me. Kinda gave me a taste of how it might be if I become good at art. Working in a team also reduced my performance anxiety for some reason as no teacher would judge it with strict criteria. Oh, and I have autism as well. Asperger's syndrome though they gave me the ADHD diagnosis at a younger age as well, which then ended up as ADD instead. Kinda wonder how it'd be if I didn't have it, maybe I would have an easier and more fulfilling life. I can only hope I will power through all of this, learn to not require perfection and being able to become good enough at art to derive some satisfaction and joy from it before I burn out completely. But another thing I've learned through harsh life lessons is that one should go with the flow as much as possible and think about the present rather than the future, good to plan ahead but best to keep it simple as there's no way to truly know what will happen and it just adds stress with no benefit to overthink. I really sympathize with these two creators. I can imagine myself in their positions and honestly it's hard to hold it against them, life can f*ck anyone over. Though the radio silence might've been a bit too much.
@maximal102 жыл бұрын
I grew up seeing snippets of the "minds eye" videos between kids shows and loved them. I also fell in love with "More Bells and Whistles" When I first saw Animusic I was immediately brought back to my childhood. Great video!
@christophermorin90362 жыл бұрын
Man, that is NOT a topic I was expecting to hear about in 2022 lol. I loved the series man, even bought both special edition DVDs and Soundtrack CDS back in the day. Was really looking forward to the 3rd installment...
@REALfish155211 ай бұрын
You could almost say Wintergatan was inspired by this and could be a live action AniMusic of sorts. :) His entire machine is a machine, played by ball bearings that drop onto instruments to play a song.
@ComputerClan11 ай бұрын
That thing was insanely awesome.
@SteveFrenchWoodNStuff2 жыл бұрын
I remember loving the Animusic videos on early KZbin. After having already known about and enjoying the material for a good year or so, my grandparents sent me a link to Pipe Dream. They were amazed and convinced that it was actual footage of a real, physical contraption. Ahh, the joys of low rez video streaming.
@JesseVlogs2 жыл бұрын
@JessHull2 жыл бұрын
you're so popular!
@JesseVlogs2 жыл бұрын
@@JessHull wdym?
@JessHull2 жыл бұрын
@@JesseVlogs because a bunch of youtubers are talking about your childhood.
@JesseVlogs2 жыл бұрын
@@JessHull I meant something that is part of my early childhood (aka Animusic) it doesn't make me popular lol it just is cool knowing that there are more people that know about this then I thought
@JessHull2 жыл бұрын
@@JesseVlogs oh that's pretty cool.
@MichaelHurdleStudio2 жыл бұрын
Well done dude. I was one of those people waiting. I knew it was too much for them. Lesson learned.
@david5uper5292 жыл бұрын
I love how you add your own humility to a negative issue to show that it can happen to the best of people. That's why I follow you. Keep up the great work. Move to Windows if only so your videos are more useful to me as I have no apple devices!
@funnygrunt_o7 Жыл бұрын
I really hope animusic studio gets released eventually. All of his hard work cannot go to waste
@catbert7 Жыл бұрын
Rather than lament the lack of more, I'll be thankful that we got any Animusic at all. Decades later and there's still nothing quite like it. Truly a masterpiece, and I hope others will pursue this genre further, though it looks like it will probably be AI's project now! I would love to see what these guys could do in VR! Thank you Wayne and Dave. You made something truly unique and magical; you should be proud 💙
@CyclonesWorld2 жыл бұрын
Neither you or Science Elf talked about the Animusic Pipe Dreams demo that came with ATI videocards back in the day! I believe it was the Radeon 9700, and was a real time demo showing off what the card could do. Am I the only one that remembers this?
@spazzman902 жыл бұрын
@impastasus50042 жыл бұрын
“Especially the person who pledged $7,000 to the kickstarter” Damn that got me laughing and crying at the same time i would feel that way
@HISKILP3 ай бұрын
14:30 I want to throw "My own Animusic" into this room ^^
@michealmorrow14817 ай бұрын
Been wondering for years. Finally!
@I.____.....__...__2 жыл бұрын
We've seen this before. Wayne is George Broussard; Animusic 3 is Duke Nukem Forever. As the adage says, _perfection is the enemy of progress/done._ I can relate; I've got dozens of projects I can't call "complete", at least not enough to release, and also hundreds of half-finished projects that I put on the "back burner" to get back to "later" because a new project got my attention. It's tough. 🤷 Regardless, it's definitely not a "scam". Maybe a company (or a conglomerate of fans) can buy them out and get it finished like Take Two did with 3drealms. 🤔
@luminousdragon2 жыл бұрын
I have no money to buy them out, but I have started learning to to make similar videos and posting them to my channel. In my own style, and NOT perfect, for sure.
@ArtStoneUS6 ай бұрын
This is true of almost all software development. By nature, most programmers refuse to decide that their product is complete and stop trying to add features and make it better. It's like the day when your child goes off to college and you realize you now have to find something else to do.
@ecosdamind2 жыл бұрын
Awesome video. My face is a road for tears, can not avoid emotion. Thank you
@migueldelatorre18672 жыл бұрын
I used to work at a Frys Electronics (RIP) and walked by the Dvd/bluerays. Animusic was always on.
@SlyHikari032 жыл бұрын
I remember that store.
@itsyeeoledskoolfurry32082 жыл бұрын
0:31 ..."great minds think alike." _NO!_ "Great minds _think for themselves!"_ - Robin Williams
@geekjosh2 жыл бұрын
I was also a backer for the Kickstarter. It's difficult not to imagine a different outcome where I had actually seen "My Name in Lights" during the end credits. Thanks for showing me that "The Sound of 12" wasn't vaporware. I assumed the CD had never been distributed either.
@rubenarenas4772 жыл бұрын
The full video of Animusic 1 Pipe-dream used to show up on PBS Kids when the kid shows were done airing at night. Back then it used to terrify me but a decade later, as a tuba player, it fascinates me. It truly was a work of art. Thank you for reminding me of this fond childhood memory.
@xplodingmojo20872 жыл бұрын
My youth, MY YOUTH! Oooooh my god, I remember 5yo me watching this on the old bulky beige computer at home and my grandparents. I loved it. This made me become a drummer! (Also, thanks for outro’ing with by far the greatest banger of all time)
@SlyHikari032 жыл бұрын
Same. This made me a drummer too. I also learned guitar and stuff.
@ArchaeanDragon Жыл бұрын
I have to wonder what might have been if there had been a community effort to help Wayne to achieve Animusic 3, taking over doing many of the things that contributed to his burnout, and just letting him do the parts he loved the most, sort of like an open source project. I've thought about over the years trying to contact Wayne and seeing if there was any way he'd consider something like that.
@ComputerClan Жыл бұрын
At least we have separate community-driven productions today! They may not be Wayne, but many of them are still very good!
@atarixle2 жыл бұрын
wow that was a very very special episode. thanks for sharing this with us
@LoskLive2 жыл бұрын
When I seen "ADHD" appear on the screen I shouted "I knew it". I have ADHD aswell and I have the exact same struggles to make my own project coming to life because I'm unable to organise myself. I focus on a lot of unimportant stuff and then: ADHD paralysis. When you can't do a thing because you're just completely lost in everything you started. When you're at this point it's really difficult to proceed because you need to cancel some stuff and rebuild everything from the start. But wich part or project you cancel ? From where will you start over ? But most importantly: how to make this choice when your brain is constantly trying to forget about it ? It's a fight in itself. And no amount of original motivation can help. Sometimes you achieve to workout what's wrong, but you're more likely to give up on everything. ADHD is a pain in the ass to live with and need more recognition as an issue in itself. It's often overlooked and, at least in France where I live, told that it disappears when adult. But that's not the case. For all my ADHD bros and sis outta here: Good luck.
@57Wolve2 жыл бұрын
ADHD never goes away. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain itself, and medication will never 100% fix it either. I've tried every different one. Yet, I still get neurotypical excuses from employers. Planners never work either. Out of sight out of mind.
@LoskLive2 жыл бұрын
@@57Wolve exactly ! Can't count all the times I had to explain that it's not I'm unwilling to focus on things. I just can't do it. Every time I tried to organise myself I just couldn't
@The_Keh272 жыл бұрын
I can remember seeing some of the old prototype stuff in the 90s during commercial breaks on YTV.
@zstolfi2 жыл бұрын
This video is like the best thing ever, great job my friend 👌
@ComputerClan2 жыл бұрын
Much appreciated : )
@SlyHikari032 жыл бұрын
Hi Zach
@n.d12822 жыл бұрын
i love watching computer clan, its a good episode everytime the Computer clan uploads!
@LeelssDelta Жыл бұрын
I saw somewhere in 2019 the company was sold off due to the mounting debt and Wayne no longer owns anything. The office he had in Upstate NY was sold off.
@poninefreak33212 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I can say with absolute certainty perfectionism is the worst. Makes me think of that one time I was working on a drawing and I got so worked up about tiny details, I used the eraser so much I ended up ripping a hole in the paper! Fortunately, I managed to fix it by taping more paper behind the hole and just drawing on that. It's a shame we may never see Animusic 3 come to fruition, but hey, at least the franchise had a really good run. So Wayne and David, if you're seeing this, thanks for making my childhood awesome! ❤
@ComputerClan2 жыл бұрын
Beautifully put
@walkabout163 ай бұрын
In tribute to Wayne, David, Jeff, and Dave, Who made the music breathe and wave, Larry's mix, a sonic light, Brought Animusic's magic to our sight. A symphony of sight and sound, Where every note and beat is found, In gears that spin, in strings that play, As machines make music their own way. Wayne's vision sparked the fire bright, With David's strokes, it took to flight, Jeff and Dave gave forms to dreams, Bringing motion to the streams. The drums that dance, the pipes that sing, Each instrument a living thing, In worlds where rhythm reigns supreme, Where music shapes the waking dream. Larry tuned each tone with care, Crafting soundscapes rich and rare, Together, they made time stand still, On Animusic’s soaring hill. And now, in 4K 60 frames, We see anew the wonder’s flames, Remastered, vibrant, crystal clear, A future's symphony we hear. So here’s to those who dared to dream, Who fused the notes with light’s bright gleam, In Animusic’s timeless grace, They’ve left a mark, an endless trace.
@godmade8688Ай бұрын
@washingtoniaofficialyoutub45512 жыл бұрын
I remember seeing this in 1st to 5th grade music class this gives me a lot of nostalgia
@MartyTuro2 жыл бұрын
Asking the REAL questions around here!
@systembinarygaming2 жыл бұрын
My daughter passed this link on to me. She said I didn't need to watch the entire thing, and she was right -- unfortunately, I saw early on where this was going -- but once in a while I'll sit through an entire video on here, just so I can find some reassurance that KZbin isn't entirely constituted by knee-jerk jerks. "Krazy" Ken is, in this video, humble with his suppositions, careful with his information-gathering, and focused on the good in people and situations instead of blowing four-letter words at us in a spastic attempt to render his dissatisfaction contagious and remunerative. Thanks for your loving and serious work on something about which so many of us were passionate. Don't ever stop keeping it real, Ken.
@Violant32 жыл бұрын
never heard of animusic, this is a concept I would love to explore as a kid since i was all over DAWs, 3D animation and music visualizers
@blrryface2 жыл бұрын
I love the inconsistent logo in the thumb, video, and profile picture lol
@randomguyiguess32412 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to see others that remember Animusic
@TheGlitchyMario2 жыл бұрын
I just noticed the new logo. It’s pretty cool
@AtrocityEquine012 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I think the problem that occurred was that Wayne let his perfectionism and ADHD take over and it damaged his partnership with Dave. I doubt that it was the ambitious because as you said, the internet has shown how much things have progressed in terms of how much Animusic inspired people. Still, I do give Wayne respect for everything he did with _Animusic_ .
@alextfife2 жыл бұрын
This teacher at my brothers prek/day care school showed this. I thought it was the coolest thing I had ever seen With that said if Animusic 3 comes out I’m buying a copy for my whole family and friends and I’ll buy animistic studio
@abc52282 жыл бұрын
Excellent analysis. No guilt tripping. Great episode
@anthonyklecha60024 ай бұрын
*sigh* It’s been a dozen years exactly since that kickstarter campaign started and we still don’t have anything regarding Animusic 3. As much as I would love for it to finally come out, I would be 100% unsurprised if it turned out that Wayne got COVID and ultimately decided to abandon the project entirely, knowing full damn well that he was in no shape to finish it.
@TexasCarWashChannel6262 жыл бұрын
i still have faith that Animusic 3 will come out one day
@ricelord77362 жыл бұрын
Animusic is beginning to become relevant again and it's amazing. Hopefully some time soon we will get an update on Animusic 3.
@EBTheOriginalMaster2 жыл бұрын
I am so happy to see people making videos on Animusic. It really shows how unique it was at its time.
@eDoc20202 жыл бұрын
When I watched the behind the scenes video a young and more-naive me thought I could make my own. I had only recently learned basic programming and hadn't even learned basic kinematics so as you can imagine I didn't get far. I have some code to render OpenGL to an AVI file and IIRC I also wrote a basic MIDI parser.
@ChrisLincoln2 жыл бұрын
I didn't know these were a series of albums! I've been looking for these since we got a Soundblaster 16 CD-ROM kit! One of the demo CDs had the first Pipe Dreams, but I didn't know the name, been looking for this for at least 20 years!
@benjaminh29942 жыл бұрын
Your KZbin channel is very good! It has many different topics, I also love the videos where you show scams.
@kantraa2 жыл бұрын
Now you made me wonder how ReVision would be if it was actually released.
@ComputerClan2 жыл бұрын
Probably bad. Haha.
@TheDreRock2 жыл бұрын
So glad to find another Harmonic Voltage appreciator Edit: The ADHD hit hard, this video just told me to take my meds and try to work on a video LOL
@andresbravo20032 жыл бұрын
Amazing work. I might really missed Animusic 3 that it never released.
@ernstoud2 жыл бұрын
Was amazed when I saw some of Animusic’s work. An I am just amazed by the quality of this video. Well done.
@philbertdez38632 жыл бұрын
Neat! I rewatched Animusic 1 and 2 on dvd not long ago and was pleasantly surprised that it held up, seeing as i first watched it around 2002-3. I didn't know about the possibly of a third release at all, however the algorithm decided to remind me of this curious melding of art, tech and music. It's nice that this niche form of art still gets attention and continues to inspire people.
@edgartheface2 жыл бұрын
Remember watching pipe dream on the Radeon 9700 Pro in 2002-2003. It was absolutely mindblowing. Realised around 1-2 years later that there is this DVD with high quality pre-rendered version of this animation. Still love the music to this day.
@aa-au2 жыл бұрын
Ken, this video is well put together, as the research alone shows that you are passionate about Animusic 1/2/3. With that small glimpse in your eye at the end of this video, well, you really want an Animusic 3 to come out.
@danw19552 жыл бұрын
Really glad (and sad too) to find out the story behind this. I always wondered what ever happened to these guys. Those first 2 DVD's were some of my favorite animations of all time. With the software available now, they could knock out an album a month if they had the characters and music available. I think you're absolutely right in 'lack of focus' department, and that's probably the reason the whole thing finally collapsed (think ADHD). Thanks Ken, great review!😉
@DiegoKeaneMusic Жыл бұрын
I'm actually working on my own album right now! I'm way into Animusic (I even got both DVD's) and am very glad that I happened across it (Pipe Dream ended up in my YT feed one day).
@neintales12243 ай бұрын
I am always amazed by some of the stuff that I missed out on somehow that would've been right up my alley. I'd never even heard of Animusic before this- I may have been older in the early 2000's than the true target audience but I would still have really liked this, I'll have to look these up now.
@freds6900692 жыл бұрын
I saw the real thing at CES in 2001… They had a physical wooden box with a giant glass front and real instruments inside that got plucked by servos. MIDI playing real instruments!
@iMacJames2 жыл бұрын
Could you elaborate? I'm curious as to what you are referring to!