What did HUAWEI do in African villages? Are the Chinese really welcome in Africa?

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Faces of HUAWEI S3Ep2 now streams!
The main characters in this episode are HUAWEI overseas employees who work in Africa. Has HUAWEI’s overwork culture influenced the local employees? Do African rural villages really need internet? What exactly did Huawei do in Africa? I got so many questions in my mind.
Watch Faces of HUAWEI S3EP.1
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Watch Faces of HUAWEI S3EP.3
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Watch Faces of HUAWEI S1&S2
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@maryhuckaby2239 Жыл бұрын
It looks like I'm one of the few English speakers who is viewing this vid. That's too bad because, above all, we, in the largely ignorant West, need to learn about and understand Far Eastern and 'Global South' culture and aspirations. We can't do much to influence our governments toward peaceful trade and cooperation, and away from war and bullying, but we can try - and we can each start with ourselves and our friends and families. I found this vid absolutely fascinating.
@daisyfong9842 Жыл бұрын
Well , I am another Mary. I agree with you that the west could try to be more knowledgeable , and to understand eastern culture . It would greatly facilitate communication and help towards achieving goals that will be beneficial to all of us who share this same planet Earth.
@binizhen7476 Жыл бұрын
I even surprised myself for I did not fast forward one bit of Takeuchi's video on Huawei's project in Africa. Awesome content & videography. Truly amazing work culture of d Huawei's staff... It's not easy to b doing what they do in such rural settings. Having another country sending her skilled workers to help build foundations /infrastructure to improve living standards, is really admirable. It's a challenging project also to have to make do with the barest of amenities & having to deal with their fears of personal safety. Kudos to them. Thank you Takeuchi & team for another truly educational & enlightening videodocumentary.
@hongqingxiang3374 Жыл бұрын
Thank YOU for actively seeking to Understand from multiple perspectives & sources. For being truly open minded and a critical thinker🙏🙂🙏
@GoldNugget138 Жыл бұрын
I am an English speaker. London based and a subscriber of course. I am fortunate in that I understand mandarin but I can't write in Chinese. So to overcome this problem, I comment in English and with the help of an online translator, I add a Chinese comment too since the majority of the subscribers are Chinese. Hope that helps. BTW, this is an excellent Channel which investigate and comment about Chinese related affairs accurately, fairly and with respect. I have to thank this Japanese Director again for doing such a professional job. 我是一个说英语的人。总部设在伦敦,当然也是订阅者。我很幸运,我听得懂普通话,但我不会用中文写作。所以为了克服这个问题,我用英文评论,在在线翻译的帮助下,我也添加了中文评论,因为大多数订阅者都是中国人。希望有所帮助。 顺便说一句,这是一个准确、公正、尊重地调查和评论中国相关事务的优秀频道。再次感谢这位日本导演做的这么专业。
@isaacchiang8082 Жыл бұрын
The degree of ignorance in the West is astounding. The Western media have its citizens covered in a bubble. Good job Takeuchi san.
@brucehuang4231 Жыл бұрын
@user-yb1sh3ph5h Жыл бұрын
@angelchung5670 Жыл бұрын
1). Yes! from other KZbin the content about China's life I saw yours's works too. 2). very inspiring w/Thanks! from: Oakland, Ca. USA.
@angelchung5670 Жыл бұрын
1). Also, every day I just picked up from KZbin these worthy to share on my Facebook. 2). From Facebook friend who gave me the feedback: he likes all of them, 3). Also, this reason every day I just more and more have the request they want to be my Facebook friend, 4). Usually I will check their education, professional and what's kind of friends on their Facebook and what they are posting all of these factors I can decided. 5). So far, I have more than 200 but still have 600 on the waiting list. on 1/18/2023
@user-lv6ce2qr3q Жыл бұрын
只要是华为就一定要点赞 华为虽然不完美 但是这种不屈服的精神 值的所有中国企业学习
@kinmolui2988 Жыл бұрын
@benjaminchew36 Жыл бұрын
连员工也是一样的坚强👍👍亮叔问小姐姐难过想哭会找谁小姐姐就回答 “不找谁就自己哭”。看来没抗压能力还真进不了华为。不然被美国打压早崩溃了嘛。我太欣赏他们了💖💖
@bugengxin4427 Жыл бұрын
@lklam6430 Жыл бұрын
@@bugengxin4427 一分錢一分貨啊!
@wirelessafrica Жыл бұрын
@@bugengxin4427 你是指华为手机吧?视频中华为主要卖基站,相对其他公司算便宜且性价比高的。
@pandabearoceanpark Жыл бұрын
I really admire the hard work and tenacity of the Huawei people. While to the West lie about China colonizing Africa, they don't show how China has helped the African people to improve their lot of life in such remote villages. Before China developed enough to go into the far corners of Africa to trade, the West has not done anything for the African people beyond looting and dominating the population in the colonial era. I bet that even if a Western company double or triple the salary for an employee, no one would want to work in such condition.
@grandwonder5858 Жыл бұрын
With China, Africa gets a fair deal for what it gives China, which makes it a give and take relationship. Both parties benefit. With the West, it’s all take, Africa gets nothing in return! Is it that hard for westerners to understand why Africa chose China?
@JaswantSingh-ym9zo Жыл бұрын
China is colonizing the world by building infrastructures and improving the lives of the locals. America and NATO are liberalizing the world with weapons. That is the logic of the west and their cronies
@charleshu6367 Жыл бұрын
@minzhang9112 Жыл бұрын
@jongshingpan3629 Жыл бұрын
@blackknight4996 Жыл бұрын
@user-pk6un5us7l Жыл бұрын
@g863210xie Жыл бұрын
@suqingun274 Жыл бұрын
@adisianyapascal568 Жыл бұрын
Bruh life is not difficult here
@xinshu4141 Жыл бұрын
@ceciliabing5595 Жыл бұрын
@user-dv6dw1uk6m 9 ай бұрын
@judywang2810 Жыл бұрын
@akis9549 Жыл бұрын
7:05 さとみくん🤭🤭🤭 youtubeei.com/watch?v=c5x897gm2KW 本日も素敵な贈り物をありがとうございました!✨💗
@yezhy3732 Жыл бұрын
@cathyfang8919 Жыл бұрын
@@yezhy3732 不一定要掏现金,基建换资源,也是一样的,而且是双赢
@mollydoudou44 Жыл бұрын
@@yezhy3732 一般来说都是拿资源换科技,我们需要开辟新市场,就必须前期付出努力培养,靠西方市场我们会被掐脖子,靠东南亚小国体量又不够,所以和中国合作的国家人口素质越高越好。打这么多字,希望你以后别再这么无脑说话了
@qiaofengchen3356 Жыл бұрын
@jrcan74 Жыл бұрын
@jrcan74 Жыл бұрын
@@sosoable 呵呵呵,你真不把美國的NSA當老大哥,默克爾等同盟國家領袖電話都被美國佬監聽呢,丹麥更是全方面幫助美國監控歐洲國家,若果華為建設的是監控網絡那麼為何德國、英國調查後給出來的結果是否定的呢?要知道英國放國家放棄華為建設主要是因為美國壓力。
@jrcan74 Жыл бұрын
@@sosoable 你以為國外就沒有監控鏡頭了嗎?你去加拿大的商場看看有沒有監控鏡頭,你留意一下加拿大街頭一些燈柱上有沒有監控鏡頭,你在加拿大開車的時候注意一下有沒有監控鏡頭,監控鏡頭能幹什麼呢?不就是監控周圍環境保障社會安全嗎!若果你是一個女性在角落被侵犯的時候請問你甘願被侵犯還是因為監控鏡頭的存在而避免被侵犯?若果你被搶劫的時候寧願被搶被殺還是因為監控鏡頭的存在而免於被搶被殺? 前幾年在大陸有個騎自行車路人因自衛反擊殺人了,因為路邊的監控鏡頭拍下了整個過程繼而讓他免於牢獄之災,若果當年南京的彭宇案在路邊有監控鏡頭的話會引發後來的訛詐潮嗎? 什麼人害怕監控鏡頭?不就是心有鬼要幹壞事的人嘛!做人正直坦蕩蕩怕什麼監控鏡頭?沒犯法怕什麼監控鏡頭?就像我在加拿大從來不怕監控鏡頭,因為我沒犯法;我開車從來不怕遇上交警因為我開車不違規,平生不做虧心事半夜敲門也不驚。 油管沒監控?臉書沒監控?推特沒監控?天下烏鴉一般黑,沒有一個政府是不監控人民的,中國有,美國等西方民主國家一樣有。 抵制華為不如抵制一切科技產品,只要是科技產品就必然有被監控被偷窺危機。
@jrcan74 Жыл бұрын
@@sosoable 看完你的留言只有一個感嘆:汪精衛不孤獨了。 我一個海外遊子看到的是祖國民族復興,你一個堂堂正正的中國人卻響應國家民族的敵人質疑國家民族復興,所謂獨裁者、習皇帝不過是你們這些汪精衛們抹黑指控而已,你不質疑所謂民主領導者在世界各地興風作浪禍害和平,卻將領導國家民族復興的行為視為寇仇。 你說我在加拿大說這些話沒有負擔,那是當然的啦,因為我說的話並沒有違背加拿大憲法,作的事並沒有違背加拿大法律,只有違法犯規的人才會害怕制裁,就像犯罪分子總擔心他們的罪行被發現一個道理,你做的是若果是對的話怕什麼?全中國14億人有幾個你這樣的人?你說你是頂著被消失的風險說這些話⋯⋯請問你冒著風險冇了多久?被消失了沒有?再講這些話的你是不是真的你?或者你已經被消失了,在這裡發表講話的事你說的獨裁者? 抵制華為是你的責任,禍害中國是你的目的,至於我等中華民族血統的人永遠支持中華復興!誰讓中國好我們就支持誰!誰讓中華復興我們就支持誰!【漢奸】一詞永遠是出賣中華民族等罪人的印記! 回覆你的時候只有一個感嘆:汪精衛真不孤獨。
@jrcan74 Жыл бұрын
@@sosoable 我怎麼出國的你了解嗎?我為何出國你了解嗎?我為何熱愛祖國你了解嗎? 我可不在意你按我一個【紅衛兵2.0】頭銜,即使你按我一個【義和團2.0】又如何呢,我最多就是笨了點、蠢了點,但是你這【漢奸】卻是從內裡流膿壞到外面,也只有漢奸賣國賊才會特麼質疑甚至痛恨自己的祖國民族。
@jrcan74 Жыл бұрын
@@sosoable 你讀痛恨自己的民族呢麼為何特麼敵視領導國家民族復興的人呢?你認為所謂的獨裁者如何獨裁呢?是他一個人說了算?還是內閣小組人員經過會議商談然後決定國家政策的方式是獨裁? 你說的【人家抗日你偷家】是不是在說中共在抗日時期不抗日一味搞發展?你是不會分析還是沒腦?當時國民政府給予中共只有三個師的編制,以三個師的兵力去正面對抗武裝到牙齒的日軍這想法你到底是壞還是蠢?中共若果不抗日的話中共能發展更多兵員?你真以為日本鬼在淪陷區執行民主政制?在解放區執行良心政策?搶光殺光燒光的三光政策知道不?在日本鬼佔據的中華大地上殺中國人基本上都是滅門,若果中共不抗日,呢些仇恨日本鬼的中國人民會參加中共陣營? 若果實行馬克思共產主義就是跪舔,呢麼你們嚮往美式民主、西方民主是不是另一種跪舔?你們使用西方國家製造的產品是不是跪舔? 我不是漢奸因為我支持祖國中國、期待中華民族復興,我是加拿大籍華人因為我從小就隨父母移民國外在國外長大的華人,我血液裡流淌著中國人的血;你雖然生活在中國大地但是你卻不支持國家民族復興! 誰能讓祖國民族強大復興我就支持誰,即使獨裁者又如何?難道你期待所謂民主選出來的蔡英文、陳水扁、李登輝等分裂國家民族份子能讓國家民族復興?還是你以為投靠美國的法輪李大師能讓國家民族復興?1949年前的中國是什麼樣子?現在的中國又是什麼樣子難道你看不到嗎?晚清末年一直到1949年前中華大地外敵隨意橫行侵略,請問現在還有哪個國家膽敢侵略中國?你以爲近幾年的中印衝突中國的忍讓是懦弱麼?那是領導階層清楚知道那個優先,只要三哥膽敢惹事守衛邊境的戰士們可不會客氣,事實也就是這樣,別說犧牲的呢五位戰士不是事實,也別說解放軍送返印度的被俘人員是假的,對印反擊戰、珍寶島反擊戰、對越反擊戰、西沙海戰、南沙海戰這些不是抵擋外敵收復領土的實事嗎?希望你還有實事求是的基本良心。 你不認同中共的政治理念是你個人的事,即是中共曾經犯過很多過錯,但是中共對於國家民族的貢獻是有目共睹,我這海外遊子有幸能看到祖國民族復興甚感欣慰,只要是中國人都會為自己的祖國民族復興而高興,請問你可有因為中國現今的成就而高興雀躍?你可有因為中國今天的成就而自豪?我有!我家人有!只要是中國人都會有!除了漢奸賣國賊。
@maychen1374 Жыл бұрын
華為在美國全力的打壓下活了下來,為華為感到驕傲 ! 華為加油 ! 感謝竹内亮團隊經常給我們帶來各式各樣感人的紀錄片, 謝謝竹内亮團隊 ! 加油 !
@zackk4969 Жыл бұрын
Huawei is deead!!
@startforumtv8672 Жыл бұрын
@@zackk4969 i know is u dead ,hahahahahaha
@levikuan2627 Жыл бұрын
@@zackk4969 NSSB
@bugengxin4427 Жыл бұрын
@zackk4969 Жыл бұрын
@@levikuan2627 NMSL, Ha Ha
@antonykalawangi7538 Жыл бұрын
@angelchung5670 Жыл бұрын
1). I am located in Oakland, Ca. USA 2). Thanks for this KZbin and Share public in the USA on 1/18/2023
@caresword Жыл бұрын
What i love about chinese people in general is their frankness. its such a breath of fresh air talking to them, they have very few pre conceived notions about others and view everyone with a certain level of openness and comradery that's really hard to describe. This video demonstrates that beautifully, from the way they behave towards the locals and the way they interact amongst themselves is the same. the opposite of that would be Scandinavian countries and japan. they have way to much internal dailog and have to much attempt at being polite or respectful. but i find it unnatural and they seem to calculated when talking to them. USA is in the middle, there are some who are really frank, open and overall a joy to talk to. then there are others who stare at you like a mad man until you brake the ice and get the ball rolling. but chinese people are on a different league on their own. among my favourite people on this planet. such a humble and open society. really love you chinese people!
@directxxxx71 Жыл бұрын
Spot on.
@MrOlman123 Жыл бұрын
They respect everybody except their own/wake up! if China become world leader number one, life as you were used to in the west will be over. Time will tell
@joseph3036 Жыл бұрын
True, Chinese are humble and hardworking, but their society is not really 'open' as you say, most of them are actually discriminatory and not tolerant of other cultures. You'd have to live in China for some years to understand.
@benjaminchew36 Жыл бұрын
我喜欢华为不屈不挠的傲气。都被全世界集体打压成这样仍然倔强的屹立不倒。这种逆风前行的意志力的确令人肃然起敬。大赞华为自强不息的精神! 当然,也由衷地感谢亮叔😀😀您辛苦了。我们不会忘记您的好。愿您和您的所有员工们和家人们都平安健康幸福快乐👍👍👍
@hanna2071 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so so much China 🇨🇳 for helping Africa to prosper and making people’s life better & improving ❤❤From Africa
@maggie14411331 Жыл бұрын
@anglo1761 Жыл бұрын
This is such an underrated channel! I want to give superthanks but there's no button.
@wanoyume_hezhimeng Жыл бұрын
Thank you!
@mugi6674 Жыл бұрын
You can send a super comment 😂
@ea7366 Жыл бұрын
It's underrated because it is being filtered by YT and because it is all about the Chinese success of expanding in Africa using Huawei which is the US trying to ban all over the world. It's a great competitor of the West.
@da7da407 Жыл бұрын
@@ea7366 100%agree
@tianxin2005 Жыл бұрын
subscribe :)
@user-gm7ej5cg1c Жыл бұрын
@petafibbie6020 Жыл бұрын
华为就像被石头压在下面的小草,上面的空间被堵死了,就顺着缝隙向下向四周顽强的生长。 视频里不但有华为,还看到了中国默默援建的公路,还有一直在非洲低调壮大的传音。衷心祝福在那里奋斗的每一位国人
@thucduyen9592 Жыл бұрын
Great work Takeuchi san. I really enjoy your video. The dedication of Ms Wang to help the people in Guinea is really touching. We really need more people like her or Chinese companies to help develop Africa and improve people’s life. Africa is such a beautiful continent with so much potential and it is a shame that the west has plundered the continent into poverty. Hopefully, the jungle will prosper peacefully and the garden (Europe reference to Joseph Borrell) will have to respect the jungle’s own decisions and development.
@wk1879s Жыл бұрын
Let's sincerely wish that one day Africans can be freed from French impact.
@tangkwoksang2343 Жыл бұрын
my friend.... please do not mention and talk about the western corrupted leaders who know how to suck and drink the blood from the poor countries on this planet.
@jc6334 Жыл бұрын
Truthfully Huawei is not helping Africa for charity but for profit, and Ms. Wang herself makes it clear she is at Huawei for the money. Helping the populace getting technology is a very nice bonus, consequence of profiting from the contract in the first place. Intent aside, what is truly remarkable is the incredible degree with which Huawei will go towards gaining ground, or simply creating market share where NO ONE ELSE bothered to look in the first place. Chinese firms often won't give up even a tiny market like the featured 3G-less hamlet.... this is def. NOT something I'd see from Western firms.
@wk1879s Жыл бұрын
@@jc6334 As you can see in the video, Huawei even would like to build a signal tower just for that small and peripheral village.
@bluebluehk1814 Жыл бұрын
@XiangJi Жыл бұрын
Am very glad that English subtitle is provided. I think a lot of English speakers would be interested in these clips but otherwise couldn’t understand Chinese or Japanese. Your team is doing a great work at bridging a great divide❤
@liweipeng9106 Жыл бұрын
@jinbolin1119 Жыл бұрын
中国人 太了不起了。替我们同胞骄傲
@citizenglobal8795 Жыл бұрын
Unlike most west media always with bias and unfair reporting , Good for this Japanese to have more objective reports on China's Companies such as Huawei... I also visited Tanzania and Rwanda before, people there are very diligent and friendly to Chinese people ....during my experience in travelling there....
@killerbee8yuta Жыл бұрын
Huaweiがアフリカの農村で基地局を建設しているなんて、思いもよりませんでした。 竹内監督のジャーナリズム精神には脱帽です! アフリカでの撮影は大変でしょうが、頑張ってください!
@garfieldlouie7925 Жыл бұрын
In Canada, the people need to pay the most expensive internet, cellphone ...electronic communications services fees around the world. Why? The government makes this policy just like USA. No Huawei company will develop poor area but they don't want any Chinese to involve. We are not spy and not steal technical IT skills. Western people are jealous , selfish... Many educated professional people left USA and Canada because this issues. We are proud of Huawei development in Africa. Well done all Chinese companies 👏
@willchu Жыл бұрын
I am Canadian. I agree with you.
@xansuswanka2859 Жыл бұрын
除了感動 還有就是佩服。 看到中國企業在未貧困時間所伸出的援手 真的 感慨萬分。謝謝華為
@jingl.7767 Жыл бұрын
@user-de8tl3rf9f 8 ай бұрын
@fannybirot2362 Жыл бұрын
@ourmars Жыл бұрын
@daniell2597 Жыл бұрын
@cnbohu Жыл бұрын
@xmen2130 Жыл бұрын
Together we will overcome all hardship for the betterment of man. Go Huawei and Africa! Keep working very hard for a better tomorrow.
@totifernandez9532 Жыл бұрын
While America is relentlessly bullying Huawei, Huawei is relentlessly making a difference for people around the world, especially in developing countries. Kudos to the hardworking people of Huawei.
@floratan99 Жыл бұрын
@qiaofengchen3356 Жыл бұрын
@KK-zq2km Жыл бұрын
@edaade8888 Жыл бұрын
@yfsheng9891 Жыл бұрын
亮叔已经变成彻底的中国人了,整个思想也慢慢中国化,对世界的看法也慢慢趋同于中国人。 感谢亮叔把中国人真实精神面貌介绍给世界。
@lklam6430 Жыл бұрын
@yongshanghu9588 Жыл бұрын
@KoaQiu Жыл бұрын
他自己说了 想回中国。。。。
@zoezhao3184 Жыл бұрын
@@yongshanghu9588 没错!哪国人并不重要!不需要去区分。。
@user-tl1bw4wp1c 10 ай бұрын
没有 我见过他本人 当你指出日本和日本媒体不好时 他还是会生气
@carlli7035 Жыл бұрын
@user-DROD Жыл бұрын
看到孩子们开心的笑,我就知道华为一直在做对的事。 挺华为!攒👍 能有什么场面能更适合证明这一切呢。
@gina213 Жыл бұрын
太喜欢这个片子了~ 努力工作,不是华人文化,而是一切成功的人秉承的文化。只是华人更深刻的认识到了努力才是成功的基石而已。
@lilianna2202 Жыл бұрын
When I saw the kids walked out with Wang, I was so touched. These people needs technology to open their world so badly and everyone on this planet have the rights and needs to embrace the modern technology. It’s not fair to leave anyone behind. It’s such a great thing for Huawei to commit doing these. For one thing is for the market but I can definitely see the social responsibility of a big enterprise. It’s a very admirable company and deserves more respect from the west.
@daniantonio5992 Жыл бұрын
I am glad, you didnt come to promote poverty, you came to make business and in the way you interacted with people simple like a human beeing. Fantastic, i hope you keep this direction and will have the african market. The idea of puting connection in the village is visionary. Fantastic and congratulation
@user-dc1si5tj9c Жыл бұрын
@tinalee7706 Жыл бұрын
@sosochio4374 Жыл бұрын
@foggycoast Жыл бұрын
It's really amazing that Huawei only has two employees in Gambia and one is a chef!! Chinese love their food, but the hard working Huawei leader in Guinea eats instant noodles. Maybe Huawei could get this lady a chef too?
@2004rhyy Жыл бұрын
not sure whether you are joking but that lady was on a business trip. even if she had brought a chef with her there was no way for the chef to cook at 12:00 AM in the middle of nowhere.
@foggycoast Жыл бұрын
@@2004rhyy Half joking. They didn't show her having any help at home in the capital and she worked such long hours.
@jiuge0119 Жыл бұрын
@user-nt7wi9cy2o Жыл бұрын
@lihe1517 Жыл бұрын
@user-gj6ks5bx1u Жыл бұрын
@MASMIWA Жыл бұрын
Fantastic video! I enjoyed it very much. Huawei's reach goes to the ends of the earth bringing communications to the world. Their employees integrate well with the locals and there is a friendly atmosphere. Huawei should be proud that these people representing Huawei. I think their presence will bring a rising Africa and are a part of China's attempt at infrastructure that will continue to accelerate that rise, especially among the kids who are the future of Africa. The power of communications brings education, healthcare, and knowledge to those who need these sectors for their growth and livelihood. Huawei will become a household word as these Huawei pioneers forge Huawei's name into the fabric of Africa.
@digsight8316 Жыл бұрын
@huiyang3018 Жыл бұрын
@yaya-lh7xh Жыл бұрын
@user-js8pt1nm9l Жыл бұрын
@SymphonyNo5 Жыл бұрын
看了以後知道華為能成為成功企業的原因 是公司員工和領階層的遠見和努力 向華為致敬🎉🎉🎉
@okashihk Жыл бұрын
@user-nt7wi9cy2o Жыл бұрын
@da7da407 Жыл бұрын
@etlay5684 Жыл бұрын
Great to see Huawei helping those in the remote areas and much respect to those Huawei workers .
@chenkai3603 Жыл бұрын
@NingJZhuo Жыл бұрын
@user-ee7bc9fl6g Жыл бұрын
@@NingJZhuo 比如说传音手机,再加上华为的基站能让非洲大踏步迈上现代化进程。
@glorylienard7747 Жыл бұрын
拍得太好了! 位华为的人感到骄傲,祝愿他们能帮助非洲实现富裕的梦想
@yeungcarlos5375 Жыл бұрын
@user-ie4cy8vc9h Жыл бұрын
@kykinny7425 Жыл бұрын
支持和之夢💪💪💪 感動人心的視頻,在生活細節中默默成就大業,造福人群。。。
@ellashy6539 Жыл бұрын
although my mandarin is not that good I can understand very well this video, this series is excellent! Thks to Mr Tekuechi again🥰
@michael511128 Жыл бұрын
Pls say Chinese. In China we say Chinese. Mandarin is for Americans and people of Taiwan. China had no Manchuria and no Mandarin. They are western inventions.
@ellashy6539 Жыл бұрын
@@michael511128 nope the spoken language is mandarin there are many dialects you should learn more about the chinese culture mandarin originates from Beijing which is what is currently spoken in the video as oppose to other local dialects
@Ranma-mp5yl Жыл бұрын
@@ellashy6539 不用太介意使用什么样的语言。绝大多数中国人会用善意回应善意,而并不在乎对方使用什么方式或者语言,中国人更看重内在。
@ellashy6539 Жыл бұрын
@@Ranma-mp5yl sorry but I'm not Chinese and I stand to correct his mistake if it is wrong xD
@michael511128 Жыл бұрын
@@ellashy6539I wrote the following longer comment for another KZbin video. My family speak Cantonese, wife was Taiwanese, moved from California to Beijing 25 years ago. Mandarin was a 17th Century Portuguese word turned English, much like the word Manchuria, both do not officially exist in China. In the US high schools classes are called Mandarin but university classes are mostly called Chinese. On Wikipedia the official language for both China and Taiwan are Chinese but for Taiwan they added a thing called national language which is Mandarin. I have no knowledge how Madam Soong Meiling decided to follow the US to call their language Mandarin but it’s a kind of disgrace, isn’t it? Not only Americans but many Chinese are just as confused, but in a different way. There are tens of millions of overseas Chinese whose left China a few generations ago for work, as hired labor, business and marriage-Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, as well as Europe and Americas. The majority of them were from Canton and Fujian. Before China opened and prospered those people spoke strictly only in their own dialects. Almost the entire Chinese population in Hong Kong speak only Cantonese whereas in Singapore they speak Cantonese, Hokkian, Kejia, and (Mandarin). The Chinese movies of the 60s and 70s were half (Mandarin) 国语 and half Cantonese 粤语 because there were still many newer immigrants who arrived from China not long ago. Hong Kong was a British colony and Singapore’s official language was English. In that context overseas Chinese followed the western norm of calling spoken Chinese Mandarin. It was also different in Chinese words, Chinese is 中文,but during those times it was Mandarin 国语. Apparently it carried political weight of Taiwan vs China of the old days. Therefore overseas Chinese are used to view the language that they were not taught to speak, which was Chinese spoken in China, as just another dialect that carry the same status as their Cantonese or Hokkian. As the Chinese economy grew to become big, things have changed. It is now mandatory for schools of both Hong Kong and Singapore to teach spoken Chinese. The class is called 中国语文,the written is 中文, the spoken is 普通话,same system used in China. For foreigners there is only one official Chinese language which is Chinese, not Mandarin. For local Chinese people, Putonghua is used to distinguish their dialects from the official language.
@starrywu7846 Жыл бұрын
@user-qt8vg9by2m Жыл бұрын
@ciclariful Жыл бұрын
Gratitud a la empresa Huawei, y a sus trabajadores. Al Director por tan bello documental.
@user-kj9kn3ui6e Жыл бұрын
感謝竹內導演的紀錄片,又是一部讓人感動的記錄片! 如果國際間能多一些這類的互利互惠,少一些大國間的陰謀算計,這世界肯定不會有那麼多戰爭。 相信隨著中國的和平崛起,非洲的各國一定會發展地越來越好。
@liweipeng9106 Жыл бұрын
@xihuang8289 Жыл бұрын
是啊 看着都羡慕, 年轻人的热血😂😂😂
@user-kd3iu1oo2o Жыл бұрын
@kemanchai4835 Жыл бұрын
@nonsense1801 Жыл бұрын
Amazing Huawei & Team 🏆👍👍👍💕 Respect from SE Asia ✨🙏🙏🙏❣️
@jackysun5848 Жыл бұрын
我的感受是一样的 非洲最大的魅力就是 它什么都没有 人的发展空间是无限的 只要有勇气
@mykrt8541 Жыл бұрын
@J_HCh Жыл бұрын
虽然不想打击你 但是我有一个表哥就是去了非洲才一个月然后病死了,那边还有很多病毒,还有战火,还有很多人拦路打劫😂
@shnmak2958 Жыл бұрын
加油,華為 💪!加油,和之夢 💪!加油,中國 💪!加油,非洲 💪!願世界和平發展早日實現,人民生活品質不斷進步! from 🇨🇦
@lingmang Жыл бұрын
相对来说,东非竞争激烈,尤其是英语区国家,基本欧美印电信公司扎堆,都比华为来得早,很早就耕耘市场、培养客户、植入观念,需要华为在硬件上更具性价比,软件上花更多时间精力效率,立足还是比较艰难的,但这个桥头堡不得不占。西非除几个大国,基本是一片蓝海,前景是很看好的。这也就是为什么片末两个领导人,一个说竞争激烈,一个说创造空间很大。 冈比亚是真的太小太小了,而且它的地形很没有优势,狭长一条被塞内加尔团团包围。而隔壁塞内加尔早早就被法国orange拿下,信号好,优惠多,还便宜,我用的也是orange。 西非科特迪瓦 尼日利亚应该也是和塞内加尔 坦桑尼亚一样的情形,撇去其他内部战乱动荡比较厉害的几个国家,留给华为的可拓展空间其实不太多,但希望华为能关注一下毛里塔尼亚,我觉得这是一片被各国忽视也确实地理条件不那么理想但大有可为的市场,现在都还是本地运营商在做,设备老旧,服务效率低,我刚来的时候,QQ 微信都登录不上去,更别提打开网页了,网络这两年刚升级,也不过2.5G,电话也是,大家接起来都在吼“喂~”🤣 外驻几内亚的几个姑娘是真厉害,那个地方民风彪悍,撒谎成性,按中国人的做事习惯,工作推进挺不容易的... 另外,有留言说华为给员工建大房子,应该都是长租的吧,不会是自建房,在这种地方买地建房各种手续很繁琐的,不论非洲大家印象里有多穷,也还是有大把超乎你想象的富人,别墅在非洲很常见,不过华为确实会为这些艰苦地区的外派人员提供比较好的住宿餐饮条件,但我记得以前最早来非洲打前锋的华为地区负责人,住在铁皮屋,下雨天屋顶就噼里啪啦巨响,一个人又是司机又是厨师又是销售又是技术人员...身兼多职,这种吃苦耐劳,才有了客户的信任,才有了今天越来越壮大的版图,才有了后来者不断改善的生活条件。 我所了解的,华为在非洲人心中很有名,但零售手机平板电子产品是不够的,国家级通信设备与服务才是大头,而这个是更难啃的骨头,不是没有失败过,也有过团队解散人员合并重组,但真的,不仅华为,我看到很多中国企业的外派人员,别说没有节假日私生活了,和国内一样矜矜业业,自己卷自己,唯一的娱乐可能就是撸个串吃顿好吃的,你可以说是看在钱的面上卖力,但现在整体经济环境不好,薪酬也没有早年那么高了,大家依然奋斗着,这种中国人(但我觉得日本人韩国人身上同样存在)骨子里的勤劳奉献坚韧,是很多追求福利、注重人权的国家所不能理解的,他们就会错以为要么老板给你高薪,要么你就被老板PUA了😂 所以视频里,大家索性说就是为了钱很多钱哈哈
@beebaaboobilibili3630 Жыл бұрын
@allenwang1170 Жыл бұрын
Well said👍
@wirelessafrica Жыл бұрын
@lingmang Жыл бұрын
@@wirelessafrica 我哪个字说“第一队伍”了?我第一句话就说竞争激烈、市场艰难, 您这阅读理解啧啧,想象力脑补倒是满分~您就那么看不上华为跻身第一队伍嘛,难道您是中兴?哈哈哈🤣 另外,您是不是不太理解我说的“硬件上更具性价比,软件上时间精力效率上下功夫”,这里就是指服务承诺啊,就像几内亚马里边境的小村庄,出现问题,能马上排查处理好,这个就是我们的优势。我家WiFi每天得重启十回八回的,打电话给当地电信公司,对方不是在喝茶,就是在礼拜,要么下午我不上班,下个月再说... 你说印度没有电信公司?不知道印度人翻译了这条留言会不会打你😂 我就在非洲,视频里很多场景深有体会,有专业错误可以指出一起讨论,但不接受无礼和没说过的话的栽赃。
@wirelessafrica Жыл бұрын
@@lingmang 你没有看懂我的意思。你的文章是‘需要华为在硬件上更具性价比,软件上花更多时间精力效率’。我的意思是说华为软件已经是第一队伍了,没有必要再提高了。你说的不准确。你文章说欧美印来的比华为早,那应该和华为是一类公司,请问哪家印度公司和华为是一类公司?我非常尊重和欣赏华为的成就。但你的内容太不专业了。
@rickyzhangnan Жыл бұрын
This channel deserves millions of views
@ahjotco906 Жыл бұрын
Watching from the USA. Ryo is such a great journalist. Huawei hires and employs excellent people especially the lady CEO. I enjoyed watching an excellent documentary. 👍👍👍
@patrickdayton2080 Жыл бұрын
They are independent nations and people who have the right to deal with anyone from anywhere in the world
@patrickleung4767 Жыл бұрын
@user-zj8cf3fq8e Жыл бұрын
The Chinese and Africans, they are amazing!
@user-cb7os8ot9c Жыл бұрын
@TD-hv1bh Жыл бұрын
Thank you for showing us a glimpse of what Huawei is doing in Africa 👏
@user-gx6un7he8s Жыл бұрын
@user-bx8xs4fx1k Жыл бұрын
@baobaolove2801 Жыл бұрын
@lisaliu3529 Жыл бұрын
@mykrt8541 Жыл бұрын
@Bob-xb9vx Жыл бұрын
Amazing video, thanks all Chinese technicians for better life in Africa and better world.
@xidare6877 Жыл бұрын
好感动 勤奋工作的人们 包括亮哥
@jefflee7444 Жыл бұрын
@jrcan74 Жыл бұрын
19:39 看著孩子們的笑顏很是感動👍
@rickyli9957 Жыл бұрын
@user-sj1km5yy7r Жыл бұрын
@yukmuiwu954 Жыл бұрын
@user-mj9tr3ym5t Жыл бұрын
そもそも此日本人に見てほしい! 日本人が中々見えないのが寂しい。。 中国企業ふファーウェイ頑張れ!
@yang_sheng Жыл бұрын
@shinatsh8927 Жыл бұрын
@rolaleon Жыл бұрын
@ubermenschen3636 Жыл бұрын
One of the key infrastructure that enriches the lives of all African people is ubiquitous internet. Internet is an educational tool; a source of inspiration; a business tool; and a social link. Here, Huawei’s remote portable cellular tower is just the beginning.
@CNeasy103 Жыл бұрын
看到3G网络那一段,想起N年前看这一本书 世界是平的 说的网络将改变中国,看了这个视屏,网络将改变 非洲。教育兴国,教育将改变非洲。非洲一旦安全稳定下来,资本将蜂拥而至。中国成就华为,希望华为改变非洲!这系例拍的不错,祝竹導新年安康!
@ecc1417 Жыл бұрын
♥️🌷Huawei🌷♥️ Add value to this planet earth 🌎🌍🌏 👍keep up 👍👏👏👏
@eqchen9212 Жыл бұрын
真的很棒的一片视频👍! 是的,非洲的魅力就是在于“它什么都没有”,在于它原始自然。它就像一幅空白的画卷,能让任何人去画上其想要的美丽绘画。 对于个人来说,它容易让人创造,让人体现其价值,让人生富有成就感。 对于一个民族来说,它能让人们开创一个新的文化,体现一种民族的自豪。 华为人了不起!竹内亮团队辛苦了!
@thomasyang2644 Жыл бұрын
@JiakunLi Жыл бұрын
@user-gz9pb8bu3e Жыл бұрын
@Black-Forest138 Жыл бұрын
@cindykhoo1186 Жыл бұрын
非常佩服华为的企业精神,对员工,对地球村上居住的的人们,开创了一片又一片的新天地! 片中的华为唯一年青女性王蕾女士,我很喜欢她的实在,她说能够给别人带来一些,创造一些价值,让她很🈶成就感, 我为她的想法点赞! 厨师老莫对生活的追求,和当地人溝通的技巧,和家人通话的晝面,都可看出他纯樸温暖的一面! 在此作为竹导的粉丝,我由心敬佩您在各地的拍攝视频,真真切切的实拍晝面,给予大家很多高质正能量的分享!感谢您! 加油! 祝全体和之夢工作人员,万事如意,新年快乐,身体健康!
@lukelarssen7072 Жыл бұрын
@SuperGuangdong Жыл бұрын
@dazuo2341 Жыл бұрын
@tianxin2005 Жыл бұрын
@@dazuo2341 错。会员频道里有我住系列的更多细节。像这种纪录片是没有的
@GW-df6tf Жыл бұрын
@missyxixi Жыл бұрын
HUAWEI now turn its attention to world heritage, what are they up to?
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