Warlocks Most BROKEN PlateLock Build | Dark and Darker

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@markdoroguntsev1766 20 сағат бұрын
Great vid, have been running this build myself. Waiting for more!
@yeahboi1508 11 сағат бұрын
hey bro nice video, just some feedback, you might wanna try and fix the little bit of distortion your mic has at times brother
@urbangent253 11 сағат бұрын
Yea I fixed it yesterday thanks bro
@emiyamuljomdao1185 4 сағат бұрын
Shut up plz 🙏 I would suggest you fix your ears first
@goonsgone 2 сағат бұрын
8:15 I am “WhyIsntWarlockBLACK”, I was running curse of curse of sacrifice, blood stained blade and eldritch shield. I was also full health. I remember that death very vividly because i was not ready for a plate lock to DESTROY me like that. GGs!!!
@urbangent253 2 сағат бұрын
Hahaha ggs bro 💪🏾
@JarPapa 7 сағат бұрын
Great video bro 👏 I've been cooking with a similar Will stacking build recently and its nut! Pretty much the exact same but with Antimagic instead of Shadow Touch and been swapping between eldritch/meme beam. Once you hit 60% MPB, you're dealing 40+ dmg initial and 25+ dmg dot. Absolutely insane!!
@urbangent253 4 сағат бұрын
W Jar Lfg
@Suomiwimbula 6 сағат бұрын
Yeah I remember rolling my eyes at people melodramatically saying warlock is cooked after the last change but like I expected its the opposite when used by someone with a brain.
@MorkulaMorkul 5 сағат бұрын
Vittu tää jätkä osaa suomea
@Zempashino 9 сағат бұрын
Love your content bro! Thanks
@brandoxantana 20 сағат бұрын
holy .. this build is crazy
@MEE7CH Сағат бұрын
warlock is a fair and balanced class
@urbangent253 49 минут бұрын
@Stravos96 16 сағат бұрын
its almost like curse of pain spam and kris werent even the problem with warlocks lmao. they can just do too much no matter how you build it. if they really want to nerf the class, thered need to be some more slight nerfs all around and probably even some complete reworks. and then give back the kris to compensate because it was fun and thematically fit the warlock nicely. imo the most important small nerf to get right would be to first figure out CoP. i propose to make CoPs duration longer so that it can still be a strong and easy spell to open a fight with, but you have to wait longer between uses. currently, the new powerful CoP + move speed + the fact that phantomize exists is just too easy to get relatively free damage. they ended up making warlocks more annoying with the change imo. at least with the weaker CoP spam, they had to keep maintaining the spam to really feel worth doing which kept the warlock somewhat vulnerable. maybe nerf the upfront damage slightly too or even remove it in favor of it being all damage over time. then there probably needs to be slight nerfs across the board for everything to the point that it could easily make each one feel quite weak individually, but the warlock's strength comes from being a sort of jack of all trades anyways so it should probably feel slightly weak sometimes in return. but currently its more like a master of all trades and doesnt really feel weak at all. (even small nerfs could possibly swing warlock into being underpowered, though, so its possibly tough to get right) possible reworks that have merit: (sometimes a good idea) increase the base health cost of spells and make torture mastery double cost again instead of triple (this increases the reliance on torture mastery / no spells and allows some better cost numbers imo to go along with some changes that could be made. lots of options here to change costs compared to now, mostly to increase cost/stay same, but possibly lowered costs when doubled for the higher costs like hydra. alternatively... keep it tripled, but increase some of the costs (good idea but reduces variety) make demon barehanded only and rebalance it around that. certainly a big reason to get rid of kris was demon+kris, so this skirts around that issue... ironically by still making it move fast and swing fast but at least it would be predictable and easier to get the balancing right. you could even put a move speed penalty to counter the barehanded speed anyways....theres options. (probably just a great idea) what if access to the kris is gained by a perk? it always seemed odd to me that warlock's weapon selection is the way it is. first of all, further balancing is still needed for what warlock can do with its current weapons without even considering the kris. and then since much of the warlock was clearly meant to be used with the kris in mind, bring it back but only if you are willing to spend a perk on it. opportunity for flavor text and theming with the perk name and description and cultists or something. (probably good but not worth the effort it would likely require to feel right) not just warlocks: kiting with a spellbook is too easy, so making it -15 move speed instead of -10 would be worthwhile. the problem is then you would just do crystal ball instead, so youd want to change that too, but increasing its move speed as well feels wrong to me so maybe make crystal ball the speedier option instead but very weak, basically swapping the roles of crystal ball and spellbook, then probably change staff at that rate too and maybe change all the spells' damage numbers to account for whatever new stats you end up with on the weapons to try to make the changes and differences between them feel right lmao. possibly more things you could do. huge rework probably goes along with this idea. alternatively for easier answers, maybe keep the spellbook's speed and just nerf it so that it literally has no stats on the gray rarity lmao or close to it, similar to the very weak crystal ball -10 idea. that still doesnt solve the issue and just feels shitty but maybe thats good too i guess? or maybe something like -12 move speed on whatever is somehow enough to make a difference. they almost always do multiples of 5 move speed penalty, but maybe this could be another exception (i have no solution lmao im just complaining, get rid of this or something i guess) soul collector is weird. no idea what to do to balance it better. none of my ideas would likely actually work any better. its really good for some things, isnt so much and feels wasteful for others so you intentionally try to avoid not using certain skills to save the shards which is a weird emergent gameplay i dont agree with, some people still say it affects hydra fireball damage without using up the soul shards which i never personally verified (hydra fireballs *are* classified as dark damage and do get amplified by dark enhancement). and since soul collector exists, it becomes harder to change the balance of dark damage skills nicely + the fact that it affects the stats you gain in demon form. it probably isnt a big deal at all though, i just feel weird about it myself thanks for listening to my ted talk
@SailorIvo 16 сағат бұрын
You need to get hired dude
@kcmfwingshot 16 сағат бұрын
I feel like CoP thematically is really weird too. Like, the rest of the curses can deal damage but have a different effect that can make it a double edged sword, like Sacrifice and BSB; CoP just does flat damage… and that’s it. I would be curious how it would play out if they just removed the damage. Make it a curse in line with the others; maybe make it increase damage received by the cursed target, by like 5% or 10%? Then give some more Dark spells for more diverse damage types, like maybe a long charge shotgun, or a ricochet shot. Let Wizard keep the identity of the big boom spellcaster, and lean further into the Warlock being focused on curses and quirky spells with a touch of melee prowess. Just my two cents.
@juanchoovera9 14 сағат бұрын
7:48 oomygAAD
@impeccabledeezy 16 сағат бұрын
i do this exact thing but run a falchion and crystal ball with both having magi power and damage bonus it goes wild
@emiyamuljomdao1185 4 сағат бұрын
Ur noob
@impeccabledeezy 4 сағат бұрын
@@emiyamuljomdao1185 dont knock it till you try it
@Kage521 12 сағат бұрын
Have you tried power of sacrifice with this build? You could shield then sac yourself to prevent some dmg and go in with 15 more str and vig for more hp and dmg.
@urbangent253 12 сағат бұрын
It's not needed and isn't worth the hassle of buffing up when you are already 1-2 tapping making the fights as simple as possible is best so you make few mistakes.
@binny_y 20 сағат бұрын
Niiice, I was looking forward to this. I do have a question tho. I see you only go in with the magic staff, but would crystal sword be a good pvp weapon, along with bringing in the magic staff? Or is that just kinda counterintuitive? I swear I miss so many swings with the magic staff If the answer is straight up just: “don’t suck the magic staff” I won’t even be mad here
@urbangent253 20 сағат бұрын
You answer your own question perfectly lol it's better not having to switch between multiple weapons and staff scales way harder with boc because of the base magic damage and magic pen. Staff only
@binny_y 19 сағат бұрын
@@urbangent253 I figured as much lmfao. Appreciate it as always bro
@corbinnihoniho4277 15 сағат бұрын
I can nearly one shot a bard with crystal sword boc with gear, elritch shield and power of sac on yourself build goes hard
@Aranoth64 17 сағат бұрын
Been waiting for this build vid since yesterdays stream, crazyy build fr
@leoskate89 34 минут бұрын
Dude please, I suck at the game and I already have problems playing warlock, without you showing off how strong he could be. If Devs see this and nerf warlock more, I will get destroyed by literally everyone 😂 Nice video though 👍🏻
@urbangent253 25 минут бұрын
Sorry bro 🤣 keep practicing, you got this!
@DoragonNero 5 сағат бұрын
Question, would perhaps the ray of darkness be better than the bolt?
@urbangent253 4 сағат бұрын
Not when they are running away you need long range. You could definitely try it tho
@ayyylma0 2 сағат бұрын
Problem I found with Solo PlateLock was that you can't kite without being super fast. Not being able to kite was always a death sentence and is one of the main aspects of the class. Super giga strong in Trios tho. Might have to give it another shot. Thx for the inspo gamer.
@urbangent253 2 сағат бұрын
Thing is you don't need to kite if you win in all melee encounters and out dps rangers with COP and bolt. 💪🏾
@ayyylma0 2 сағат бұрын
@@urbangent253 I’m interested to see it post CoP nerf (if ever LOL)
@lynxowner5069 20 сағат бұрын
Tempted to build this up, but idk how it would fair in duos. im sure it would cook but 2 people jumping on you?
@urbangent253 20 сағат бұрын
It's good in Duos. If you get a curse on each guy you pretty much win the fight if your duo is competant
@dyonesios 16 сағат бұрын
Have you looked at crystal sword? Does the magic damage on it scale with magical power?
@urbangent253 16 сағат бұрын
Yes but the scaling isn't that good and the staff 8 base magic damage on purple makes it hit like a truck staff is 10x better than sword
@doctorgonzo7777 13 сағат бұрын
yo urbangent, question. i just played Demonlock with high MS for the first time, and it actually kinda sucked, damage output was low and obviously i have 0 range (no spells) Am i correct in concluding that demonlock is just kinda bad right now and Platelock or Casterlock is better ?
@urbangent253 13 сағат бұрын
Since the Kris removal it's been rough. Go platelock all the way with high magic power. You'll like this build
@arktrain4733 12 сағат бұрын
Don't mean to plug, but zeplore has a demon warlock guide out it is pricy tho and you'll need to have experience. Though I gotta say I don't like running demonlock and just prefer going casting and Melee like how gent does it.
@doctorgonzo7777 10 сағат бұрын
@@urbangent253 oh yea for sure. I tried this platelock build and absolutely destroyed some players with it 😂 when building lots of Will and Magical Power combined with Malice. The damage is just insane.
@doctorgonzo7777 9 сағат бұрын
@@arktrain4733 yea that is actually the demon guide i followed, but i just did not like it. I find there is almost no room for building damage in that build. Most stats go towards other things like MS, buff duration, vigor, action speed / dex. And it ended up just dealing little to no damage. Maybe the build would be more viable if more points were spent into things like additional magic damage, will, magic power or maybe even Strength? But i gotta say the gear i used was not as good as he used in his video.
@arktrain4733 32 минут бұрын
@doctorgonzo7777 I understand that, I am the same, but I haven't played Demon Warlock in a while. For his build, your gear has to be top notch to make demon warlock work. You can also see he has like 40 trolls bloods. For the demon warlock to be strong, it needs a lot of practice and money put into it. I would say just do something else like play crystal sword fighter or play what urban gent it playing it would probably be a lot of fun for you🤗
@p3tro 20 сағат бұрын
ANOTHER INSANE BUILD :3 easy to build and good price, LETS GO
@POTATO-pl8kt 14 сағат бұрын
Why mag power over true mag?
@urbangent253 14 сағат бұрын
Scales just as well if not better and cheaper
@dyio1811 19 сағат бұрын
w buld
@SailorIvo 20 сағат бұрын
Its the king!
@blakegrabenstein3240 11 сағат бұрын
how are you hitting for so much? I thought mahif damage doesn’t scale your staff bonk damage at all? So if you miss the boc are you just cooked? I run this kind of build but without plate and I usually stack strength around 20
@urbangent253 11 сағат бұрын
Remember the 65% also scales on Dark reflection so them just hitting you does like 30+ damage
@gabraw6869 5 сағат бұрын
@urbangent253 4 сағат бұрын
@DoragonNero 3 сағат бұрын
made this build, used up all my gold. It's pretty good. Died by FUCKING DRUID cause they ARE SO BROKEN.
@urbangent253 3 сағат бұрын
Yeah gotta be careful of Druids only use staff when they sre in panther otherwise just bolt them down and curse em in bear
@DoragonNero 2 сағат бұрын
@@urbangent253 It doesn't matter with druids. They hit 3x harder than a barb. They are the fastest class without any agi/add move. They heal to max in seconds because of the healing rat exploit. Druid truly killed this game and I uninstalled. Used up all my gold to die by a broken class that should have never been released. Even the devs dont like it for fuck sake.
@urbangent253 Сағат бұрын
@DoragonNero as someone who played alot of Druid for awhile. I almost never die to druids now with this build. Caster lock is a different story. But this build is 35-40% pdr if you die to a panther or bear Druid with this build, then you just played poorly.
@urbangent253 Сағат бұрын
@DoragonNero if you still are having issues with druids adapt and change your kit build accordingly. And even your playstyle.
@Fe7on 4 сағат бұрын
That demon lock was in trash gear and nearly won even after you got 1st hit.
@urbangent253 4 сағат бұрын
2 halberd shots to the head with +5 from collection shards will do that to you.
@Llamabong 11 сағат бұрын
how much dmg per hit wtffff??
@urbangent253 11 сағат бұрын
First hit to the head with boc and them hitting your spell reflect is roughly 105+ then there's hitting them with Curse of Pain. This is most likely before magic resist attributes
@Llamabong 10 сағат бұрын
@@urbangent253 sheesh u mad man
@poopie-b6y 9 сағат бұрын
this build is disgusting 😂. you gotta stop with these builds otherwise you gon get us nerfed 💀
@Bishop1664 3 сағат бұрын
Nice video, but I’m gonna say this with my whole chest: FU%# WARLOCK lol :D Edit: I feel like I’m gonna elaborate just from the few clips I’ve seen here. Warlocks should lose a hell of a lot more hp for this so-called blood magic, they barely lose anything. They should also not be able to life drain from their own summons. These two changes alone would make their spells more situational and less spammable imo
@urbangent253 3 сағат бұрын
Fair enough 💀
@Bishop1664 3 сағат бұрын
@@urbangent253I decided to elaborate haha, what are your thoughts?
@urbangent253 3 сағат бұрын
Well I don't necessarily disagree, they would just have to completely Rework all of warlocks abilities, which I think they are aware of lifedrain would be useless with Hydra because of how slow it is and the casting time.
@gabrielmoreno3027 17 сағат бұрын
Hydrain without vampirism.... bro chose shadow touch over vampirism...
@urbangent253 17 сағат бұрын
You must be new here 💀
@LordOfTheDeceased 16 сағат бұрын
Am I smoking crack or does life drain only scale with damage instead of magical healing
@Joel-wj9ql 16 сағат бұрын
​@@LordOfTheDeceased It scales off the damage but I'm pretty sure the mh helps could be tripping tho
@gabrielmoreno3027 16 сағат бұрын
@@Joel-wj9ql you indeed tripping. Magical healing does nothing on life drain. Vampirism does though
@gabrielmoreno3027 16 сағат бұрын
@@urbangent253 How so? Shadow touch us obviously the wrong choice over vampirism no offense
@Lerciezje 7 сағат бұрын
season 3 - staff is crap never use it season 4 - staff is bis
@User42ohr792 20 сағат бұрын
pls delete this video
@urbangent253 20 сағат бұрын
🤣🤣 I'm sorry bro.
@SnDScholar 18 сағат бұрын
Urban was on stream saying to go caster movespeed and I thought this build was safe... then this video comes out! 😅😅😅😂😂😂
@urbangent253 18 сағат бұрын
Prepare for the nerf forgive me 💀💀
@anranope2679 6 сағат бұрын
Could you pls show the whole gear? Staff and Hands is missing ^^
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