Was Richard Feynman a Liar?

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Dr Brian Keating

Dr Brian Keating

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@DrBrianKeating Ай бұрын
Was Richard Feynman telling the truth?
@el80ne Ай бұрын
Clickbait. You won't have access to classified patents.
@Bill..N Ай бұрын
ALL humans, no matter how smart they may be, are vulnerable to occasional exaggerations and misstatements, INCLUDING Einstein.. My humble opinion is that in this case, Richard MIGHT have made such a faux pas and later felt it was necessary to stick with it to avoid being discredited in some fashion.. An event familiar to most of us as well..His amazing genius, however, clearly speaks for itself.. Peace..
@RealQinnMalloryu4 Ай бұрын
​@@el80nemaybe Richard Feynman pations have not be declassified by government that is why Richard Feynman three pations could not be find because THE government does not want pation TO BE FIND because Richard Feynman inventions so head of there time .
@scarlettmorgan2938 Ай бұрын
Lashon hara
@Bill..N Ай бұрын
@scarlettmorgan2938 Why would you think he is evil, friend? Have you NEVER misrepresented the truth ?
@S4MW45AE Ай бұрын
My two cents: Most military innovations do not have a paten but they always have an inventor. If those inventions were related to the Manhattan project or warfare, don't expect to see the patent in Google.
@michael-4k4000 Ай бұрын
the government never lies bubba.
@sitindogmas Ай бұрын
the government "military industrial complex" take any patent they see fit. it is a law, well, they unfortunately do what they please
@readynowforever3676 Ай бұрын
@@michael-4k4000Lying and concealing are distinctively different Jeffro.
@niekiejooste4637 Ай бұрын
If a patent was secret it would have no use.
@sitindogmas Ай бұрын
@@michael-4k4000 you sure about that ?
@cordatusscire344 Ай бұрын
"Was Feynman a liar?" ...My only thought is.. Careful Icarus.
@geroellheimer Ай бұрын
can you assess better?
@GilesMcRiker Ай бұрын
Feynman is named as inventor in the US Patent *application* no. 43,993, filed in 1948, which is referenced in US patent no. 2,770,590 by James Serduke-- both of them assigned to the US atomic energy commission. It is unclear-- and I would say unlikely-- that Feynman's *application* ever resulted into an issued patent,: which is probably why it didn't turn up in Brian's lame search. There can be many reasons why an application doesn't result in an issued patent, including rejection by the patent office or abandonment by the applicant. There may very well be other Feynman applications, especially if he indicated that assigned multiple patternts.
@marcv2648 Ай бұрын
In case you are unaware. The government classifies lots of patents. They are not available to the public. I'm sure you have arguments about this not making sense, etc. like others here, but it happens.
@fred_2021 Ай бұрын
What is the supposed point of this? Beware of casting viral aspersions. This is the internet, after all.
@drvanhelsingz5133 Ай бұрын
I understand clickbait, but when u bring Feynman into its time to throw hands
@_Nitrous_ Ай бұрын
Feynman: I actually have 3 patents Terrence Howard: Hold on my bear...
@osman01003 Ай бұрын
Perhaps Feynman exaggerated. None of our business. Let's focus on scientific things and Feynman's contributions to physics.
@chuckschillingvideos Ай бұрын
Lies repeated over time by a public figure is ALWAYS "our business". Because, if nothing else, what might he have been fibbing about?
@marcv2648 Ай бұрын
There are patents that have been classified due to national security. You won't find them on Google or the Patent and Trademark Office. That's your answer.
@chuckschillingvideos Ай бұрын
Any patent that is not publicly visible is not a patent at all. Nor is it of any point nor of any value.
@marcv2648 Ай бұрын
@@chuckschillingvideos I can't help you buddy. Do some research.
@blergyadig Ай бұрын
@@marcv2648 Patents trademarks copyrights are public domain. Otherwise it's fictional lol
@blergyadig Ай бұрын
@@chuckschillingvideos Agreed
@PhredLG Ай бұрын
If the government spends 1 dollar on your patent they can take it, classify it and use it for whatever they want without further compensation or even telling you about it. It's the law. I would be very surprised if it wasn't true given what he was working on. It's happened to lots of people.
@gagarinone Ай бұрын
So called "National Security" have always priority.
@scottvalentine1749 Ай бұрын
I’m not sure how Brian made this entire video and didn’t mention the invention. Secrecy act of 1951.
@ctuna2011 Ай бұрын
I think he lied about being and ordinary man.
@0neIntangible Ай бұрын
One of the patents is for the Richard Feynman Grill.
@someguy999 Ай бұрын
Lean, mean, electrodynamic machine!
@audiodead7302 Ай бұрын
That's how Feynman knew what caused the Challenger disaster. One of the pilots left the Richard Feynman Grill on.
@robertdiehl1281 Ай бұрын
Seems in the physics community, there’s always this issue of calling out other ‘successful’ physicists from the past. Especially those who are no longer here. Usually it’s Einstein. Now Richard Feynman?
@gagarinone Ай бұрын
It is part of human nature. Jealousy.
@BillBSET Ай бұрын
Hey, Brian, we love you. leave my childhood hero alone., ...
@coder-x7440 Ай бұрын
Not sure if we do to be honest
@BillBSET Ай бұрын
@@coder-x7440 yes, but, being right is not all it is cracked up to be. and x squared = 4 has 2 right answers. come on it's QED, Lasers, Transistors ...
@spacewanderer-ew6yr Ай бұрын
@@coder-x7440 Not sure either. The only person that came off as jealous in that video was Brian Keating himself.
@Jm-wt1fs Ай бұрын
The irony of this guy calling another scientist a liar 😅
@steve2377 Ай бұрын
If you discover a novel idea while working for a company, university, or government, the patent belongs to the employer. Because of some nit picky legal reason, the patent is traditionally transfered to the employer for one dollar. If you refuse to do that you could be sued if you try to personally take advantage of the invention. Feynman couldn't have written the patent without a patent attorney. The inventor generally supplies the text of the invention along with diagrams. The patent attorney puts the text into the appropriate legalese, puts any drawings into the required format, and writes the claims. The claims are most important and are tricky. Feynman may have done his part, but would not be aware if the government decided not to pursue his ideas with a patent attorney or the filing of the patent. The opposite happened to me. I barely started a patent with an attorney but was laid off along with around 60 other people, A year or two later, I was surprised when a few companies wanted to sell me coffee cups or wall plaques with my patent cover page printed on it. I had completely forgotten about it, but a search showed that it indeed was granted. (I never gave them the dollar.)
@SystemsMedicine Ай бұрын
Hi Brian. Maybe they were ‘provisional’ patents, which aren’t easily searchable. Maybe someone ‘forgot’ to include him a the application (that’s happened to me a couple of times). Maybe the patents were classified ex post facto, and then removed from the records. [Why not ask Carl if he knows anything about them? But be sure to ask nicely.]
@Mentaculus42 Ай бұрын
0:24 But he was an “adept” teller of “tall stories”, sometimes known as … 3:08 Dyson said of his friend Feynman → “Yes, he wasn’t quite on the same level, I would say. As a character, as a human being, he was superb. But as a physicist, he invented a marvelous tool, which was the Feynman diagram. He wasn't a deep thinker.” 3:51 Feynman did not in anyway “discover the underlying cause of the Challenger disaster”! That is pure urban legend. The problem with the seals was being actively investigated well before the disaster. There is film of the gas escaping through the seals on flights before the disaster. The seals on the SRBs of these flights were inspected and analysis were conducted. The disaster was caused by high level management at NASA making a POLITICAL DECISION to launch the shuttle extremely far out of the temperature specifications so that Regan could talk about NASA’s accomplishments in the state of the union address that was coming up. Remember your credibility.
@Zonnymaka Ай бұрын
Yeah, Keating is becoming more and more of a baiter. I stopped watching the video exactly after he claimed that Feynman solved the Challenger failure (Feynman merely EXPLAINED the cause to the usa congress...in a very simple and brilliant way tho).
@michaellowe3665 Ай бұрын
There is and always will be an underlying truth to the human attitude towards safety. It will gradually relax until something tragic happens, and then people wonder how it possibly got so sloppy. We witnessed it again with the Secret service. All safety regulations are written in blood, which fades over time and completely erases with the passing of those who remember why it was written.
@crucifixgym Ай бұрын
He was a fine man.
@HumbleEinstein Ай бұрын
Why are you like this? Incredibly rude. Lookup the The Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, which was created to withhold the work of people just like him. Just the accusation, not even a mention of this?
@hallsf Ай бұрын
Yep--physicists, ordinary people, and even extraordinary people!
@litespeed65 Ай бұрын
Wasn’t he was approached by people who already knew the answer to “find” the solution to the Challenger explosion because of his reputation?
@Shine20024 Ай бұрын
The fact that this video doesn’t mention the “Invention Secrecy Act” is sad.
@jmf5246 Ай бұрын
I took a nuclear engineering course as a chem e elective. The book posited using nuclear bombs to remove mountain ranges to change lical weather to increase agricultural production. It was written in 1958! Ha ha
@robertmagnusson1112 Ай бұрын
I had two patents taken over. No records. A friend had his large engineering company raided by the Feds a week after he applied for a patent that covered what was under development by the government. No trace in the records. BTW: I had the privilege to meet with Feynman. I have no reason to believe he had any need to make anything up. BTW2: Feynman and John Wheeler (among others) worked on anti-gravity research for the government. Good luck trying to get any info through a FOIA request 🙃 Point being that much is hidden. BTW3: Re - other comments. NASA knew about the O-ring issue but wanted Feynman to difuse the truth. Didn't work to well. Check KZbin.
@lucyfrye6723 Ай бұрын
It is hard not to fall in love with the man, on an intellectual level. Because he opens doors in the mind that were previously out of reach and so he made his audience feel smart. Many people never experienced that before they listened to him. That says as much about the people putting him on a pedestal as it does him. You see this a lot. Jordan Peterson has an identical group of devotees just on a more mundane level. People are just blown away because they are undereducated. Nothing wrong with being inspiring but people go so overboard with it because we need prophets and heroes.
@sitindogmas Ай бұрын
the government "military industrial complex " can seize any patent the see fit to, its for national security, so they say
@matthewgartell6380 Ай бұрын
Is Brian casting stones because Eric called him out in front of piers?
@Alex-Zone Ай бұрын
Even today, you would not want to use a cordless drill to open a safe. It takes way too long, and not enough torque.
@shadowoffire4307 Ай бұрын
You are right for thinking to pull out skeletons from closest. Doubting is most important thing then caring about what people will say about you or will think about you.
@BennyEternET Ай бұрын
Gosh Brian, that's not the point of the story. The point of the story is that 1. They were taking any and all ideas (without the nowadays criteiras) , and 2. Richard only valued them so far as he got one dollar worth of "random" ideas. He hated distinctions, he hated "honours" and he didn't "envy" Albert (at least on this front). Do you frankly think a "nuclear" powered "vapor" jet engine would be better than nowadays jet engines ?
@EricAnderson58 Ай бұрын
The Jesus Fiasco is published. It's a more interesting observation
@lanceanz Ай бұрын
I kind of wish I'd never read "Surely you're joking". It can be reassuring to leave someone on a pedestal. 🤷‍♂
@rustymustard7798 Ай бұрын
I've read books about people reading books about Feynman.
@user-yz4rl8bm9o Ай бұрын
Scrubbed by the government
@nias2631 Ай бұрын
Did Brian Keating get his tenure due to his fathers friendship with Jim Simons?
@brooksroscoe2699 Ай бұрын
BK, Are you afraid of Feynman's "epistemic boundness"? When RF insists that "nobody understands QM"? Are you, BK, on the last leg of what Chomsky criticizes as Eliminative Materialism? Give it up, Bro. Boundedness rules. Read your Chomsky. Read your Chomsky.
@bens4446 Ай бұрын
Holding a patent says more about your economic status than it does about the quality of your ideas.
@mpetrison3799 Ай бұрын
Rather, about your economic priorities.
@Jim-mn7yq Ай бұрын
I remember Feynman being criticized for exaggeration but I’m not sure who it was - may Gell-Mann. But I’m gonna give Feynman the benefit of the doubt here.
@Outer_God_Shuma Ай бұрын
He really said ordinary ppl then said Bill Gates 😂
@carlosmoncada8959 Ай бұрын
Feynman was simply joking, as per the book's titule. He was a great man
@bentationfunkiloglio Ай бұрын
Sorry, kinda lame to clickbait insult Richard Feynman. Even if his patent comments were lies, who cares? Most likely explanation is that he liked to tell good stories. Like all good parables, the small details aren’t all that important.
@user-fo8io1ix6c Ай бұрын
One have to realize that if the "military" find that a new invention or patent of great strategic importance, the mil can put a secrecy desition on it,and " take it away" from publications. You still can have the patent, with most of its rights,but it is no were to be found, in official listings. Maybe this is the case with this guy?
@AquarianSoulTimeTraveler Ай бұрын
They scrub everything... the internet is dead... KZbin is dead. Can't even search or find anything like you used to be able to do....
@AquarianSoulTimeTraveler Ай бұрын
Ultimately is patent for probably deemed military and if so they get marked as top secret and removed from the public record...
@erebology Ай бұрын
Provisional Patent Applications are often mistaken exactly this way. Look it up.
@mw-th9ov Ай бұрын
silly headline ...obvious explanations (Manhattan Project patents would not appear in searches) suggested by many comments....
@nigelward5494 24 күн бұрын
Does it really matter? Accusations of being a liar is surely a projection, no?
@Killer_Kovacs Ай бұрын
Can an electric field produce a particle independently from the magnetic field?
@meofamily4 Ай бұрын
This is the kind of thing that degrades the value of your channel. These patents, the details of which Mr Feynman has forgotten, are anything but "colossally important". Any more than Einstein's patent for a refrigerator is colossally important. For shame.
@user-zc4yd9ss7h Ай бұрын
Scientists are human beings and humans are capable of exaggeration and being economical with the truth. Feynman was great, but enjoyed being a story-teller and entertainer. If he fibbed over this minor issue, who cares?
@randallhenzler5807 Ай бұрын
Peter Ziehan and Daniel nagraneu, and adgamator chess dont ask for likes or subscribers. Watching by itself would be great if that was enough?
@MitzvosGolem1 Ай бұрын
Classified... perhaps. Dr Alvin Radkowsky designer of US Naval nuclear power plants also .
@jedadruled984 Ай бұрын
No problum Evryone should have a few patents.
@RandallSchwed Ай бұрын
Hell, he wasn't under oath.
@Ailsworth Ай бұрын
He might have had a little Andy Kaufman in him
@waldro49 Ай бұрын
I believe he believe with his contributions to science someone had or would have create a patent with him as a the creditor. Hence,he was a man in his ego. Then again, in the science world who wasn’t or isn’t today?
@MadScientistCinema Ай бұрын
How dare you, Sir!!????? 😏
@shanep2879 Ай бұрын
Love his diagrams. I’ve met many and know they are all cookey at times. Patents, don’t care. Papers, don’t care. Pudding. I like pudding.
@TurdFerguson456 Ай бұрын
What are you doing? Bill Gates Brian? Interesting.. Anyway! This may assist with the confusion. Feynman was probably talking about information that is still sensitive today, therefore you won't find anything with his name on it. Also, they could have been talking about something similar to a patent, like a trade secret or utility model. At worst, he mixed up terms or was told he has patents without ever seeing them. He's not lying! 🤝
@FelonyVideos Ай бұрын
Im surprised you would fall for this. Feynmann was too busy playing sitars, poking women, and smoking dope to lie about patents. I still love the guy. Oh, and after all of this, you missed that he was tipped off about the shuttle o rings by a thiokol employee. He acted as a liaison on that matter, protecting the employee, off the record. NASA is ashamed and embarrased of this to this day. I have to ask - did you just sell out?
@michaellowe3665 Ай бұрын
One of them was for that car that runs on water.
@wukaos Ай бұрын
they stole that for Sure!
@Slim821 Ай бұрын
I think it is fair to question what makes any of us aspire to be like someone we greatly admire. In this case, he was a dynamic teacher of physics and he made it fun. Was he an applied scientist and theoretical too? Sometimes no. Watch how he crashes and burns explaining magnetism…you make your own conclusions. kzbin.info/www/bejne/g4CTo2xpZbihlZosi=qJqDIL6C83RA9WOV
@hypercube717 Ай бұрын
@user-zc6dn9ms2l Ай бұрын
were his work peer reviewed ?
@jeremywvarietyofviewpoints3104 Ай бұрын
Nuclear powered socks.
@shamsulazhar Ай бұрын
Feynman used to be my hero. Thank you for exposing the real Richard Feynman.
@Xmaslightsallyear 29 күн бұрын
"Challenge the argument, not the person." Take your own pompous advice Brian. I've tried your channel several times but there is something really off about you. A bad vibe. I'm out.
@nulliusinverba4942 Ай бұрын
National security issue or fabulation. Who knows.
@ar_5221 Ай бұрын
Lyer or not why is this topic covered so much on this channel 🤭
@shanep2879 Ай бұрын
Now I see why you’re tripping🥃
@shanep2879 Ай бұрын
Same reasons plus I’m tripping
@monty3854 Ай бұрын
Why do I keep getting your videos? I'm not subbed, I've clicked the "not interested" box every time they pop up. I don't want this man on my feed.
@hypatiastanhope4716 Ай бұрын
@sebastianhenckel6440 Ай бұрын
@Love4pizza. Ай бұрын
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