Mark & Carrie: Rogue AI, predicting the Supremes, and debt-ceiling dumbskullery

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Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs

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@brianryden6045 Жыл бұрын
Speaking of... I’m going to start floating Blyth Bonds on the geek market. The return on investment is blyth explaining clearly how bonds actually work.
@jamesp3902 Жыл бұрын
Ref CNN 2022: China builds the equivalent of 2 coal plants every week. Assuming their CO2 numbers are dropping due to design is very optimistic.
@aaronbono4688 Жыл бұрын
Rich people love a down economy because then everything gets cheap and they've got the money to buy it all up so that once the economy recovers their super-wealthy compared to before. For them this is a great way to create "capital" gains.
@adamfarkas7069 Жыл бұрын
On Taiwan: Apparently, given its very difficult terrain, preparedness and population density (whom China considers genuine Chinese and cares about them), Taiwan is not an easy target for China. I wonder how they will govern a place where they will have killed 1 million of their own people (you can't fire a rocket without killing tens of thousands, it's so dense) and destroyed the industrial assets almost completely. Just a thought.
@benday1218 Жыл бұрын
exactly, it's the semi conductor factories they want, no point in destroying them.
@manuellopes3690 Жыл бұрын
Unemployment is a sample of available people willing to work and are actively looking for work. They make no claim on those not looking, they may be able to work but choose not too.
@Confucius_76 Жыл бұрын
shhh that fact makes it harder to dunk on republicans
@nonfictionone Жыл бұрын
Re China and energy and how they’re ok; they open a new coal power plant every week.
@yclept9 Жыл бұрын
Mark does know about the Laffer curve, it turns out, even if only to dismiss it.
@subcitizen2012 Жыл бұрын
Shh, the Ivy league professor is speaking. Are you learning? Or are you the one dismissing things?
@subcitizen2012 Жыл бұрын
Yeah, good God dude, you don't have any listening comprehension or what? He's saying republicans politicians basically dismiss the Laffer curve, and so does public perception. The political will skews the results of the curve. When you cut taxes, but can't cut spending, deficits go up. It's not f*ing rocket science.
@MuiltiLightRider Жыл бұрын
On the topic of a potential invasion of Taiwan: 1) When a hyper-nationalist guy takes power and starts using irredentist language, stoking nationalist sentiment while also ratcheting military spending, you should probably take him seriously. No one, especially me, wants any war with China over Taiwan but backing down to security commitments in the face of growing Chinese expansion in the Indo-Pacific is probably not a good idea. It's not just the US that has been worried about a potential invasion, but basically everyone in the region. Vietnam, Philippines, Australia, India, S. Korea, and Japan are all worried hence all the security agreements and treaties we've seen ever since Xi's rise, especially with regards to the claims in the South China Sea 2) The most important thing in any war first and foremost is geography, the distance of the Pacific to the mainland US isn't as important because of the large number of bases and troops and stockpiles we have in the region along with our massive Navy that is basically everywhere or can reach anywhere. And on the topic of geography, Taiwan is a mountainous Island with hard to storm beaches that has been preparing for a potential invasion since the KMT fled to the island almost 80 years ago. The ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE mobilization China would have to undertake and the logistics necessary to storm Taiwan by the Chinese Armed Forces would make D-Day look like a training exercise. So any invasion, barring some unknown circumstances or tech that wipes out communication or surveillance, would either need to be completely by surprise and by extension extremely unorganized. ORRR the Chinese spend several weeks/months mobilizing which would then be extremely obvious tell to the world about what it is they're about to do 3) The damage to the world economy, China's too, from the loss of the high-end chips manufactured in Taiwan would be disastrous and would plunge us into a global chip shortage and recession. And the Taiwanese would certainly destroy basically any valuable infrastructure should China miraculously manage to successfully take over the island. But also equally crippling would be the blockade of energy, food, and fertilizer that the Americans, Taiwanese, Malaysians, and/or Indians would enforce on China by cutting off their imports through the Straight of Malacca. Which would grind their Middle Eastern and Indonesian energy dependent economy, as well as many other countries, to a screeching halt from the lack of energy and food and plunge the country into chaos and famine. This is also not even talking about what reprisals the Taiwanese would take by trying to blast Chinese cities and/or infrastructure and the sheer death toll that would inflict Overall, the point is that a successful invasion, without making this a Pyrrhic victory for China, would need this to be the greatest military feat of all time AND the Chinese need to also hope they don't lose a couple million civilians in the process, this isn't even counting the ENORMOUS military causalities they're basically guaranteed to face. But if there's any hiccup and they don't manage to pull off the impossible fait accompli invasion before anyone can react, the backlash and fallout would be disastrous and would basically destroy theirs and many other economies. It's an incredibly stupid idea, but that's not stopped people from making similar decisions in the past Also, China is installing more renewables at a faster rate but they are still INCREDIBLY coal and oil dependent for their energy needs atm. Their renewable use is a drop in the bucket but it's good to see them taking the charge on this. Hopefully this spurs more renewable adoption in the rest of the industrial economies
@direwolf6234 Жыл бұрын
the history .. before it was taiwan it had been occupied by the japanese for 50 years and known as formosa .. the people there were ok with that and did not want chinese rule .. after the war it went back to china ...
@mmmhorsesteaks Жыл бұрын
Republicans? Petty and awful? surely not /s
@personzorz Жыл бұрын
But currently our systems cannot make decisions
@ZigUncut 8 ай бұрын
When AI has put us all out of work who's going to pay the taxes?
@breft3416 Жыл бұрын
Great stuff! The more I listen, the more the dems and repubs seem the same. And trump? Angrynomics still applies. Have a great summer. It's cool in California, BTW.
@clumsydad7158 Жыл бұрын
same toxin, only question of virulency
@yclept9 Жыл бұрын
Trump is the only candidate fighting stupidity rather than evil, which at least is better for your own virtue.
@subcitizen2012 Жыл бұрын
Same economic flavor, but ones a concentrate the other is over watered.
@subcitizen2012 Жыл бұрын
@@yclept9 You're gonna need to reboot yourself and start from scratch brother. You've completely lost touch with reality. Have some self doubt, it's good for you. We won't get anywhere fighting stupidity with stupidity, and evil and virtue aren't aspects of modern politics. You're at least 2-3 centuries off, not even having the same conversation, completely off topic. Update yourself and your entire view unless you want your political movement to completely lose relevance and the plot.
@Confucius_76 Жыл бұрын
@@subcitizen2012 get over yourself dude and stop talking down to people
@alcosmic Жыл бұрын
into my veins
@davidwilkie9551 Жыл бұрын
Good example in discussion about why financial emotionalism is different from engineering pragmatism, every marriage of minds is a blurred version of "what's wrong with society?". You could derive the explanation for social collapse from the emotional destruction of civility by profiteering from wars designed to maximise the "saving" of arms manufacturing? The big "defence" lies eventually add up to be the actual unsupportable negative gain of financial destruction. What happened to "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer", particularly in politics. Populism is the friendliness of deeply self convinced liars..(?).
@nonenone5387 Жыл бұрын
@albertchavez2693 Жыл бұрын
1st dummy
@jonrolfson1686 Жыл бұрын
It is great to hear the Mark Blyth of ‘Austerity : The History of a Dangerous Idea’ again. Now, if you could just explain that the possibly pending continuance of inflation is due more to real world supply shortages than to excessive money supply.
@firefox5926 Жыл бұрын
27:27:19 well presumably they dont understand it for the same reason that well we still dont quite understand how humans got from a 0 year old that cant walk to a 26 year old uni graduate in neuro science..
@firefox5926 Жыл бұрын
22:52 i think the taiwan issue is just a ..usefuldiversion that farnkly none of the 3 partie would actuly gain from resolving .. its to useful and none of the out comes are good for anyone soo
@firefox5926 Жыл бұрын
30:13 see the funny thing to me if .. when someone gives birth to a baby no one is concerned that they maybe creating a self aware a.i that might go on to end the world .. and yet all the leaders of the cold war had mothers that did just that ... just have to hope that when our a.i grows up it decides it wants to be nice to us and not hurt us but at the end of the day it's its decision to make i just hope which ever way it goes it works out for both parties.. but i think people should really start to not think of a.i as a tool but rather as a person
@clumsydad7158 Жыл бұрын
a.i. most overblown issue of the year, and that's already saying something
@ivandafoe5451 Жыл бұрын
In other words..."If I don't care about an issue, then no one else should". Do you also gaslight your own children in this way Mr. Clumsy Dad?
@TheKevin29or Жыл бұрын
@@ivandafoe5451 As an AI programmer, he is correct. It is overblown. Some of the most incredible AI math is a simple linear model. When you understand that and backpropagation, you realize it is not how smart AI is, but how dumb we are. I am waiting for someone to tell Mark that AI algorithms are based on econometric models. Then he will realize that it is an overblown issue.
@firefox5926 Жыл бұрын
29:04 honestly at this point im just hoping the super a.i can get a handle on it because frankly we cant and we need an adult in the room lol no matter how much we complain about having to go to bed early...
@firefox5926 Жыл бұрын
13:36 thats because its been a while since you were 4 years old and as such havent had to think like one in a while lol
@thefisherking78 Жыл бұрын
I love listening to smart people talk
@jwfcp Жыл бұрын
The worst part about the current batch of ai is that it doesn't even learn, it will humor you when you try to correct it, but goes back to saying the thing its been programmed to say when it doesn't know its you anymore. Its literally making it up one word at a time, based on the content that an army of low wage workers has hand curated for it.
@Account.for.Comment Жыл бұрын
The more I used it, the more I' m convinced that the fear about it is hype generated by Silicon Valley after crypto flopped. Try using Chatgpt to code, and it quickly accelerated my learnings of a new language, but its limitations is very clear. Now, I think all those articles about coders using it to slack off, is fake news to justify layoffs. There isn' t much difference between Chatgpt, Siri, Cortana or any other talking robots we have for the last ten years. Chatgpt is simply the best in a long time.
@spartacusforlife1508 Жыл бұрын
The dangers of A.I. are worse when used in conjunction with advanced robotics in the economy. Unlike the industrial revolution, which created more jobs than it destroyed, A.I. / robotics will lay waste to employment and any jobs growing out of it will be done by robots. An education system linked to employment becomes redundant. Imagine a society that literally stops advancement for people. This is the future
@pillmuncher67 Жыл бұрын
People don't need employment. They need income.
@Account.for.Comment Жыл бұрын
The whole thing about robots and AO taking jobs are just think tanks and pr firms hyping up technology and held government hostage to stop any attempt on employment regulation like increasing the minimum wage. Also, an excuse for government not to interfere with the billionaire paymasters. Robotics require humans to program it, maintain it and operate it. I' ve never seen a manager prefered to work with a team of technicians smarter than him/her, over the mass cheap labor available. For all the talks about self-driving trucks, they could not find enough truck drivers. For all the chatboxs, there are still hundred of thousands of help desks.
@BodyByBenSLC Жыл бұрын
People are very selfish, because everyone believes they got what they got through hard work but everyone is lazy and must be on the government dime.
@Confucius_76 Жыл бұрын
must be on the government dime? Was that sarcasm?
@Confucius_76 Жыл бұрын
Must be on the government dime? Was that sarcasm?
@yclept9 Жыл бұрын
AI not conscious in the philosophical sense: "Why is it like anything to be me?" It's not like anything to AI. It's just print statements. It gets smarter the same way that children learn language, not by learning words, but by learning to disassemble and reassemble cliches. Child: My teacher holded the baby rabbits and we patted them. Helpful Linguist: Did you say that your teacher held the baby rabbits? Child: Yes. Helpful Linguist: What did you say she did? Child: She holded the baby rabbits and we patted them. Helpful Linguist: Did you say she held them tightly? Child: No, she holded them loosely.
@alicemesa9436 Жыл бұрын
@Confucius_76 Жыл бұрын
Mark loves dunking on "dumb" rightwingers for not understanding his version of economics, but then every 5 mins he has to explain his economics to Carrie bc it doesn't make enough sense
@nonfictionone Жыл бұрын
I’m not a trump fan but these guys calling him a criminal is a bit bigoted. Every president for the past 30 years would go to prison if the laws were actually applied.
@sibs124 Жыл бұрын
But what they said was true.
@nonfictionone Жыл бұрын
@@sibs124 yes, they just left out the part where they're ALL criminals.
@firefox5926 Жыл бұрын
31:42 thats great and all butt the ret of the world still exists ... unlike a growing number of young Russians ...
@peterkratoska4524 Жыл бұрын
I like Mark Blyth especially on political economics, not so much on military analysis, (he takes Mearsheimer seriously) even if Trump wins (which I doubt) the EU and others are not going to somehow back away from supporting Ukraine. It's unwinnable for Putin, it was a huge gamble that failed on many levels, incompetent army command, nowhere near enough troops (150-200k) right now the Kremlin is being embarrassed by the lack of air defense as the drones hit Moscow (notably the gated billionnaire's community), and raids into Belgorod. Russia lost 200k troops (half of those around Bakhmut an inconsequential town, mostly rubble). More troops will need to be conscripted and trained but that's going to be harder when you can't even defend Moscow. The same thing applies to defending Taiwan, As if the US fleet will be sunk defending it. The US fleet does not have to go anywhere near Taiwan. Given that China depends on 80% imported fuel from the Persian gulf, a few even non US destroyers can close the straits of Mollucca and given that China does not have a blue water navy and can barely go within 500km of the mainland (no nuclear carriers either) in six months the lack of oil will be felt in China. (also highly dependent on fertilizer inputs etc). As far as China installing more solar than the rest of the world , that's great, but of the world;s annual 7.6billion tonnes of coal over 4.6billion (more than the rest of the world combined) is burned in China. Car ownership is up 40fold, household AC is up 300x since 2000 never mind a 100million tourists flying to Europe annually.
@valdomero738 Жыл бұрын
Mearsheimmer is literally a foreing agent.
@diewildemathilde4432 Жыл бұрын
>Makes fun of Mearsheimer >Proceeds to give primary school analysis of geopolitics and geoeconomics
@kangaroo1888 Жыл бұрын
Sadly Ukraine is now a failed state , thanks U.S Russia just has to hold its position The economy has not tanked compated to Europe next year due to energy costs .
@peterkratoska4524 Жыл бұрын
@@diewildemathilde4432 ah yes, can't actually reply with a valid criticism, instead relies on ad hominem.
@diewildemathilde4432 Жыл бұрын
>Starts the original comment with an ad hominem ridicule of Mearsheimer >Gets an ad hominem reply that hurts his little feelings >Complains about ad hominem But because I've got a wee bit of time, I shall engage you on one or two of your points. Tell me, do you honestly think that the chinese leadership hasn't thought long and hard about the issue that their dependency on sea-based trade and communication bases in the case of war? That they haven't been building up an enormous amount of railroad and highway infrastructure to deal with the supply situation if the sea isn't safe any longer? That this massive infrastructure network doesn't connect them with their neighbouring countries in Central Asia who hold vast oil and gas resources? And that there wouldn't be an even larger effort if the supply got cut short? That all that massive investment in solar and green energy ultimately translates to the earliest-possible energy independence? You're aware that the last genuine naval war was fought 80 years ago and that the technology since then has made multiple generational leaps? That any and all talk about naval supremacy and naval weaponry and doctrine is based on theoretical discussion, not actual experience? That this all has been inflated by a propaganda machinery which runs on the principle that ideas are reality and facts are fiction? And maybe this one for the end, who do you think would be hurting more when it came to an actual war between china and the west? Do you not think there would be some passive victims, as in the consumer of chinese products, as in virtually the entire voter base with everyone who doesn't vote as well? Or the would-like-to-vote voter in China, who's been brought up with a way more disciplined philosophy than the counterpart in the west, who complains endlessly about real and imagined problems every day of the year? Oh, and maybe you could tell me how the Afghanistan war ended after 20 years, and then put the geographical and demographic dimensions on China into that scenario.
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