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We Believe In The Holy Spirit: Lesson 1 - In the Trinity

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@neydasegarra6293 3 жыл бұрын
I am so excited in this teaching because it is so amazing and important to learn about the Holy Spirit that dwells in us, who is our Lord and savior
@Jessica-lh7iu 2 жыл бұрын
Good preach! I started with the Chinese version and sent this English version to my Canadian boyfriend. I hope more people will listen to your series! Good channel. Thanks God!
@hman9581 Жыл бұрын
21:40 - The Spirit of Wisdom - of divine skill and wisdom.
@believetrinity1GOD 3 жыл бұрын
@lexylotl6316 3 жыл бұрын
I like to think of the trinity as triplets; they look and act different, but they all have the same DNA within
@mikefanofmovies 3 жыл бұрын
"Who do you say I Am?" A very important question that God Himself asked His disciples (matt 16:15), for He desires to be worshipped in spirit and truth (john 4:24). Therefore you ought to ask yourselves the same question, if you indeed worship Him in spirit and truth. Who is He? Is He the long haired jesus who is a second person in a trinity? Three spirits dwelling within, comforting the believer? Or just the third person in the trinity, the "another" comforter, the Holy Spirit? Lest you agree, then remember what YAHUSHUA said: "I am with you to the end of age" How is He with us? He breathed on His apostles HIS Spirit (john 20:22), for as it is written "Streams of life giving water will pour out from His side." (John 7:37-38 (GNT), John 20:22, col 1:19-20, ) And this same Spirit was spoken of in what you call the old testament... "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out MY spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions" This Spirit who forbade Paul and his companions to enter Bithynia (acts 16:7) is the same as the one who has been poured out on all flesh.. "For by ONE Spirit are we all baptized into ONE body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into ONE Spirit." (1 cor 12:13). And as the Word of the Lord has declared to this generation through one of the 144 000 mouthpieces.. "5/19/10 From The Lord, Our God and Savior The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear " [The Lord answered] Beloved, I have poured out MY spirit on all flesh, even as I was poured out for you from the beginning. Yet no one comes to drink, not one is willing to receive of Me as I truly am. I have brought forth the rains in their due season, both the former and the latter, and still the crop wanes and bears only bitter fruit. Behold, the voice of The Lord your God has spoken, yet few have ears to hear, few are willing to open their heart and truly listen. I tell you the truth, before Me stands a very proud people, multitudes of foolish children who can not discern their right hand from their left. Their knowledge is corrupt; all their thoughts and musings only serve to uphold their vile nature. For they do not retain God in their thoughts, and from the holy they are far removed." ~ "I have poured out MY Spirit, yet they refuse to drink! I have spoken to them, yet they shut their ears to My voice! I have sent My messengers to them, yet they cast them out With great anger and violence, persecuting and slandering them!... Behold, even the least of these, My servants, have been Mistreated by these so-called people of faith!... THEY HAVE SURELY HATED ME!" ~ "Therefore I shall indeed remove My hand, and My spirit shall return to Me. Behold, from every individual who refuses to give heed to My voice and embrace My correction has it departed already. Yet let all those who remain in My love understand and have peace. For though My spirit departs from the multitudes and the ensuing darkness be thick, though wickedness overflows and every man of pride who being wise in his own eyes is left confounded, I shall not make a total end. For My hand shall remain with the faithful, and My strength shall be revealed in My anointed. Behold, MY spirit shall well up within the hearts of the penitent and come upon My chosen as a welcomed rain, and they shall be greatly increased, shining ever brighter, even amidst thick clouds and darkness." To every brother and sister since the foundation of the world, drink yourselves full of this wonderful Truth... "Indeed holy, holy, holy is The Lord God Almighty... One God, invisible and visible, The Father and The Son; And the Spirit called holy, because I am holy... Therefore, accept My love and receive of My gifts; For the Spirit is indeed a gift given by The Father, Received through The Son... Call it not a person, call it a blessing; For blessed are those who have the Spirit of God, For God dwells within them." ~ "For thus has The Lord spoken: One God... One Son, The Only Way to The Father... One Truth, One Word, One Messiah, One Spirit; One Food, One Bread and One Drink... One Body... Of which I am all, The All in All." ~ "The Lord is eternal; HE IS! He never ends! His love, His mercy, His justice, His majesty, His glory, His sorrow, all that He is endures forever! Likewise His creation has no end, no boundaries! There are no limits to contain it, for it is as He is!... HE IS THE CREATOR!... Everlasting, eternal, The Alpha and Omega, The Beginning and The End, The First and The Last by whom all things exist and have their being, through whom all living things have life! Kiss The Son, therefore! Bow down heavily and give Him glory! Let the knowledge of who He is fill your heart with wonder and awe, with great reverence and worship! Give Him thanks and praise! For Holy is The Lord God Almighty, His ways past finding out! For who can understand the knowledge of The Lord contained within creation, or know the depths of His wisdom?! Yet His Glory surrounds us on every side, testifying to His majesty beyond question! Indeed, we are without excuse! Behold, even the whole of creation shouts, “YAHUSHUA is YAHUWAH!” For it is He by whom all things consist, It is He who causes to be..." He is Immanu El! YAHUSHUA, God in the flesh! Died for your sins, for it had to be someone blameless. Since all have fallen, the answer is clear! A God of love who wishes not for all of His creation to be destroyed but enter the Garden once again.. "For I long for My children To be with Me where I am... I am eager to return them to the Garden That we may once again walk Together in the cool of the day." Yet heed this trumpet of alarm and war, the sound of recompense and judgment, which shall soon fall upon every nation, for he is also YAHUWAH, God of justice... "My people, how long shall you pollute My name?! How long shall you forsake My Sabbaths?! My people forsake My ways and will not hallow My Sabbaths; behold, My Commandments have no place in their hearts! Therefore, the dissident shall never prosper, for My every word is law!... Thus shall I kindle a fire in their courts, and bring upon them a fierce wind; great disaster shall befall them in one day! Woe to those who cry, “Immanu El!”, then break My Commandments by permission in HIS name; you know nothing of grace, and from you My spirit is far removed! Woe to those who say, “We are delivered!”, then persecute those sent to them; that by which you have judged shall return atop your own heads! Woe to those who love their houses of worship and lift up empty praise in My name, then turn their backs on the Word of My mouth and refuse My correction; you have secured your place in the valley! Woe to those who stop their ears to the Voice of God, and follow after men!... Yours shall be a bitter place, Filled with remorse and many tears; Hardship and troubles shall be your daily bread!... Woe to every man who teaches eternal torment And preaches everlasting burning... Woe to all those who embrace wicked And bitter doctrine, and hold it Over the heads of the ignorant!... I DO NOT KNOW YOU! NOR HAVE YOU ANY KNOWLEDGE OF WHO I TRULY AM, AT ALL! For your famine is great, your poverty severe, a very desolate people! Offer up no praises to My glory, and make no open supplications; I will not listen to your cause, nor will I hear your prayers; I do not accept your worship! Says The Lord. For dogs lick up vomit, and maggots devour rotting flesh, and do not swine wallow in their own filth? Yet you have wallowed in your uncleanness days without end, licking up doctrine meet for the dogs! Look now, death is near! The Day of Calamity is here and the Great Day is very near, where the flesh of the harlot shall be eaten and all her dead members shall be torn in pieces and strewn about! - Rotting flesh, maggot’s food, meet to be burned in the fire! Yet you say, “This word is false! For we are fat and very rich; not one of us is desolate. Our every doctrine is well accepted, for we are God’s elect, and our church is the true church and only bride. How dare you say we are filthy and shall be torn in pieces! We will live forever and will never be a widow!” Thus says The Lord: You are a widow already, very poor and desolate, a great number of starving people and very desolate, a perverse people who have made God in their own image. Therefore, because you have eaten Up My people and held My children captive, So shall you eat the flesh of Your own arm in your captivity!... Every house of worship shall be torn down! Every community devastated!... Even as Shiloh!"
@mikefanofmovies 3 жыл бұрын
If your ears heard, visit me..
@christienamosley2799 3 жыл бұрын
Beautiful ❤️
@allieblack8475 4 жыл бұрын
Heavenly Father 💓💓💓 In Jesus Name Holy Spirit thank you Lord Amen
@irishhomedeemob677 4 жыл бұрын
I accept scripture teaches there is personality or even two personalities in the holy Spirit, the FATHER and Son/Christ 1 peter 1:11 However, nowhere in scripture is the holy spirit prayed *to* but is the *means of worship* of Father and Son. Revelation 5:12-14 In today's technology the Spirit could be described as a hologram...having the presence of personality but not a unique seperate person/s other than the presence of Father and or Son Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. John 14:23 4By these he has given us very great and precious promises, so that through them you may share in the *divine nature*, escaping the corruption that is in the world because of evil desire 2 Peter 1:4 The Spirit of Father and Son is their oneness in the spirit/divine nature and our unity in that arrangement! Ephesians 4 3making every effort to keep the *unity of the Spirit* through the bond of peace. 4There is *one body* (many members) and *one Spirit* ​- ​just as you were called to one hopefn at your calling ​- ​ I'm nondenominational...I read the word and ask for the Spirit's guidance not doctrines of men. Shalom 🙏
@dlbard1 4 жыл бұрын
Hello IrishDeeMob! I conversed with you about the LXX on Post Apostolic Chuch's channel. I read your comments here and I have come to the same concussion as you. I was raised and saved in a trinitrain believing church for 40 plus years now. In the past year or so, God helped me see a lot of false teachings that are in churches today. I agree that most scriptures that people cite as evidence of the trinity can equally apply to the pluralistic nature of the Father and Son. One of the things that started me to question the trinity was in Revelation 21&22, there is no mention of a throne for the 3rd person. Only thrones for the Father & Son. What I'm seeing is that the Holy Spirit is a manifestation of God in a our reality and not a separate 3rd being.
@irishhomedeemob677 4 жыл бұрын
@@dlbard1 Amen brother, in the perl of great price, the most precious gift unity/oneness in the Spirit to worship The Father and Son in their nature, as they are worthy of nothing less from all of their creatures like us, clay pots gifted with fellowship in their nature ! Revelation 5:11-14 Sholom 🙏👍🏻 Oh, thank you for sharing your youTube channel's content with me ! Have you found any decent denoninstional fellowship ? I use to frequent a local Methodist...but obviously not recently ....
@dlbard1 4 жыл бұрын
@@irishhomedeemob677 unfortunately I am not finding churches that believe in the things that you and I have discussed previously. I have however noticed a growing number of people on the internet becoming more knowledgeable concerning scripture. I'm not a highly educated person but I know my desire to seek God's truth has allowed me to see things that so many others have missed. I look back on the years that I sat in the congregation and realize that there are so many people out there that just believe what the pastor is preaching. In the pastors case, he is only repeating what he was taught in seminary. It's a vicious cycle that has been going on for centuries.
@irishhomedeemob677 4 жыл бұрын
@@dlbard1 I responded to your last coment and it was deleted ...I guess by the moderators ... Oh well... Shalom brother.. Anyways .... In my morning fellowship with God, the following thoughts pierced my mind... In the letter to the Hebrews, chapter 1 some translations has "God is your throne" when speaking about the Christ. Jesus said to the Pharisees "they sat in authority in moses seat. It is said of Noah in scripture, he judged the world by his obedience ...not literally sitting on a throne. Thoughts of final Judgement, those who were perfected through the Spirit , somehow shows the unsaved what was possible in humanity! Your thoughts on literal sitting on thrones?
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