We Excommunicated A Woman {Tracy's Story}

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The Bishop's Interview

The Bishop's Interview

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In this Episode I interview Tracy as she explains the circumstances surrounding her excommunication that sadly, I was a part of. We are joined by our mutual friend Sara who also was very much aware of the same situation. The following is a facebook post that I wrote that served as the precursor to this episode. In the end, it is Tracy who is the real hero of the story.
I Excommunicated A Member And I’m Ashamed Of It.
I was called into the Bishopric when I was 25. I served as a counselor to two Bishops before I was called as Bishop in 2012. During the time with the second Bishop he decided to call a sister in for a disciplinary council. With her permission, I will tell you about it…even though I’m not supposed to. I will call her Tracy…because that’s her name.
First of all…Tracy was/is the best of the best...the most kind and loving person you could hope to meet. She was very knowledgeable in the church and at one time was seminary teacher and gospel doctrine teacher at the same time. A great speaker, a great teacher, and a great friend of mine.
The Bishop decided that a disciplinary council was needed. During this time a sister could be brought into a disciplinary council by the Bishop while a priesthood holder (man) would require the Stake President to be involved. This is the first problem….why? Why would a female have a different set of rules and people to “judge” her than a male? This was wrong and has now been corrected (I think I heard). The second problem is…why do we have imperfect men involved in judging anyone in the first place? I think this is a topic for another post but there are inherent problems with this practice.
So we held the council. The bishop and his 2 councilors. I was assigned to be on the members side which meant I tried to make sure that the member was protected or represented properly and the other councilor was assigned the same thing on the side of the church. After allowing Tracy to speak against the allegations, the Bishop excused her and was told that his decision would be put in writing and delivered at a later date. After speaking with his councilors the Bishop decided that she needed to be excommunicated. (Excommunication is a huge deal as it strips a person of the eternal blessings that the Lord would offer them as a member of his true church.) It was the responsibility of the two councilors to support the Bishop in any decision that he made, which we did. As a believing member at the time…I was torn. It felt wrong, but I knew what was expected of me and so I did as I was told.
I was asked to deliver the letter informing Tracy of the Bishops decision, which I did. It was a terrible visit.
Looking back….I’m ashamed. I’m ashamed that I was so blind and bound to the leadership handbook that I couldn’t find a voice to speak out when I felt it was wrong. I’m ashamed that I participated in the council in the first place. I’m ashamed that I didn’t argue better on behalf of the member. I’m ashamed that I supported the Bishop in his decision. I’m ashamed of the hurt and pain that our decision caused this dear sister.
I am not ashamed to say that I never held any disciplinary council on a member as Bishop for 5 years. I am not ashamed to say that when I finally had an opportunity to ask forgiveness of this dear sister that I did it…although admittedly it should’ve been much sooner than it was.
Tomorrow night we will have a guest for dinner…it’s Tracy….and her husband. I haven’t seen her since the day I delivered the excommunication letter. I look forward to catching up and giving her a long overdue hug and will post a picture later on this thread.
I am delighted to once again consider Tracy as a dear friend of mine and she has forgiven me of my shortcomings. Turns out, the very person that we judged as unworthy was the one that truly understands the doctrine of forgiveness and has freely given it.
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@melissaowen9689 Ай бұрын
I enjoyed this conversation very much. The regret we feel for the things we said or did when we were Mormon is real. I couldn’t be happier to be OUT after 50 years as a faithful member. The song was beautiful. Thank you all for sharing!
@CathySerra Ай бұрын
I left the church in 2020 after joining in the late 70’s. I am so glad I left and haven’t regretted it one minute. I am now reading my bible and wonder where in the world the LDS got its information about the afterlife and all its requirements to get there. We are saved by GRACE. No list to get into heaven.
@ggrace1133 Ай бұрын
Well, we got the information by revelation from God to the prophet Joseph. There are no “requirements to get anywhere in heaven. There is only progression by striving to do what Jesus taught during his ministry. By our own choice, we live however much of his Biblical teachings he gave us. The more we follow him, the more we become like him…the more we grow…the more we ascend. Like he did. He invites us to keep his commandments, to forgive, to make the Beatitudes our life path. And he helps us…guides us…gives us his unending grace as we journey toward home. We set the pace. We choose how much we wish to grow. No wonder he called it a “marvelous work and a wonder.” Some members get all hung up on check lists, rules, and all that stuff the poor Pharisees did in his day. But Jesus handed out no checklists. He served, he loved, he healed, he forgave. He set the perfect example of how to live and then gave his life for fools like us. If we love and follow him, we’ll be in the best part of heaven he made for each one of us, and exactly where we long to be. And it’s ALL because of his GRACE and LOVE. Have a lovely and Merry Christmas, Cathy. May we meet one another in heaven someday.
@iamanempoweredone6064 Ай бұрын
Straight is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to eternal life and few there be that find it. (Bible)
@SMPLMN75 Ай бұрын
Tracy is a breath of fresh air! I tried “The Church” for a few years and have family members very devout. (Poor souls) I can relate to and agree with so much of her story. The more I delve into the history of the LDS church the more my feelings are validated. Thank you Tracy and Sara…
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
Thank you ❤️
@Skooter58 Ай бұрын
“Not to be the world’s police feels so good.” Love that line by Tracy. It’s joyful to be able to see the world with love without judgment. People are inherently good, in my opinion. Control, in any form, is bad. God gave us the gift of free agency, and sent his son Jesus Christ to be our savior. The LDS Church, with its covenant path, has taken away free agency and replaced it with moral agency, per Elder Bednar. So a young child gets baptized at age 8, and then is told they have no choice, but to give all they have to the church throughout their life, or they will be exiled to a lower kingdom and not be with their families. That’s abusive and not God‘s plan for us. The bottom line is love… Did we learn how to love without reservation?Thanks, Nathan, Tracy, and Sara for this interview. Very genuine.
@Cocoon68 Ай бұрын
Elder Bednar is one of the most egotistical narcissistic man disguised as an apostle there has ever been!!
@joebideb Ай бұрын
Mainstream mormons are so " pure" they are creepy and dangerous. And that religion ruins childhoods and futures. So many rules. So many judgy, mormon SNOBs!
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
Scooter, 👏🏽👏🏽ty! That was very well said.
@thedailydump7407 Ай бұрын
I served my mission in Tennessee. I look back now and regret that I tried so hard to convert them all. I wish I’d had just loved, enjoyed, and made lifelong friends with the people there. They probably had so much to teach me.
@nikicarrie4071 Ай бұрын
I’m in TN. Don’t guilt yourself about it. We have Christians do the same thing. Just becyou we ALL have guilt over our past actions. You’ve changed now ❤
@pianomanchristopher Ай бұрын
I feel the exact same way about my mission to Poland. Those are super sweet and humble people as Catholics. They don't need to be dragged into Mormonism.
@kayjohnson4062 Ай бұрын
I enjoyed listening to this interview. As I too left that church 9 years ago I felt the chains fall off. Such freedom came over me and I started craving the scriptures (Bible). I was in the church for 60+ years and it too was devastating. Family and friends abandon you and you don't know what to think or do. However once I prayed I knew the only way to get close to the Lord was to get into His word. That's when things began to change for me. Praise God that He called me to His fellowship and showed me that His gospel is the one and only truth. His gospel is not a religion but it's a true private relationship with Him by grace through faith by Christ blood on the cross. Now that I've had the opportunity to study I realize how corrupt the church and it's man worship really was. Freedom through Jesus Christ is absolutely the greatest gift. Letting go of fruit inspecting was powerful. Talk about Joy and peace. BTW, I moved to Utah from TN. ( Memphis). Go Vols! Praying you guys will love the Lord through his word and read ( 1Cor 15: 1-4). The freedom gospel.❤ Also, read Gal 5:1/ bondage = religion. And a huge warning at Gal 1:8/ accursed = damned! See if you can relate to that verse.😊 So glad you all found your way out of that church. 🎉 beautiful song Nathan.
@caralyon6507 Ай бұрын
This was also my experience upon leaving the LDS church. Thank you for sharing! My relationship with the Lord is so much stronger and the Word of God became a living Word. I love the Bible so much now.
@King_Puffleump Ай бұрын
@paulatarver-prof Ай бұрын
Another thank you for sharing a part of your journey.
@BrianWaller-qe7gr Ай бұрын
I probably have the shortest conversion. From baptism to be inactive 16 months. I didn’t fit in being mid 40’s no kids and virtually invisible in dating. Then my missionary ghosted me which was the final straw
@WatchingwaitingG2D Ай бұрын
@@BrianWaller-qe7gr you're no loss. How's your boyfriend?
@idance4catpower Ай бұрын
i discovered the host on mormonism live. the exmo podcasters have been helpful to me in so many ways in my NOT-ONE-AND-DONE deconstruction process. in addition to having exposure to stories from people who sound like me and think like me and have had experiences like mine, the exmo blogosphere has led me to authors of scholarly mormon history. short and to the point: i look into something that's bugging me and it takes five years ... and i'm even more passionate now. Tracy is a fucking star with a golden heart.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
You are a star with a golden heart ❤! Thank you, truly 🥹
@gingermiller5387 Ай бұрын
Wow!!! Thank you all for your pure honesty. You all made my heart smile.
@WatchingwaitingG2D Ай бұрын
@@gingermiller5387 lies make your dark heart smile.
@michaelloope4648 Ай бұрын
Question how do you know it's " pure honesty?" Do you know all the parties involved?
@MillaJ100 Ай бұрын
This is so powerful- to hear Tracy and Sara’s stories is inspiring enough, but to also have the ex bishop as the interviewer?! Your conversation really exposes the layers of interpersonal trauma the church inflicts. I also like hearing stories outside the Mormon corridor. I’m a nevermo who is really enjoying your channel!
@karenstamp2568 Ай бұрын
Yes we were programmed to tell a On each other and judge each other. God bless us all in our recovery.
@karenstamp2568 Ай бұрын
Oh yes and the song was amazing
@tammytyree5025 Ай бұрын
Love your audacity and standing up for yourself !
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
@@tammytyree5025 , I have been accused of having audacity before! I consider it a compliment! Thank you!
@RebekahTOUCHEDBYYARN Ай бұрын
I have been on a journey for over 15 years of deconstructing myself from the LDS faith I am still on that journey
@RebekahTOUCHEDBYYARN Ай бұрын
I wish we could talk about what happened to me. Are you a few years ago?
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
Personally, I think it takes a lifetime but it does get easier.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
My excommunication was in 2011
@lucybates8078 Ай бұрын
Me too.
@WatchingwaitingG2D Ай бұрын
@tracyjames3379 well deserved. Take your medication.
@confessionsofareformedmormon Ай бұрын
I will never understand, although I empathize with the emotional blackmail, why fully grown adults willingly march into an excommunication circus. It's never designed to be about love or discipline or whatever. It's about control.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I wasn’t missing it for the world. My philosophy is “if you are gonna do it, be willing to admit it” and “don’t pass up any opportunities in life”
@Buttrflyemormn Ай бұрын
One of my fist videos with Nathan and I'm so feeling this! Loved this woman Tracy and her strength including Sarah how wonderful to meet up again meant to be! Thanks for sharing your sharing your story!!
@Hatontherack Ай бұрын
That's my momma ❤
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
It is your momma!!! ❤
@shellydavis3280 Ай бұрын
@@tracyjames3379 Sis. Davis here. Great interview! Thanks for sharing your story! I support you!
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
@@shellydavis3280, love you forever!!! Thank you for watching and your support!!
@cherylduncan5158 Ай бұрын
I am so glad I found your channel !
@LifeAfterBelief Ай бұрын
An honest and vulnerable conversation, and I love every word. Thank you to you three for having this discussion.
@michaelloope4648 Ай бұрын
I agree with vulnerable but how do you know it's honest. Do you know all parties involved? Not all content is created equal. How many times do we see pictures or videos that are filtered to change the original. It's partially true maybe even mostly true but it's filtered none the less.
@aromaathome Ай бұрын
Beautiful conversation with 3 beautiful souls. Loved the bonus song at the end. Thank you all! ❤️
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
49:20 That bishop had a vendetta for Tracy! He was on a power trip to control her: ✔️I have power in this community. I’ll take her kids away. ✔️ even though she’s not a active member we need to excommunicate her.
@nikicarrie4071 Ай бұрын
You’re right
@michaelburgess6556 Ай бұрын
❤ & gratitude from Ireland 🇮🇪 🙏
@user-yr7li7ot1r Ай бұрын
This was a beautiful true account of friendship, love and forgiveness. Thank you for sharing your experiences ❤
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
13:30 Rest assured, it wasn’t just that ward in East Tennessee. I flew on a plane at 12 years old and visited a non-Mormon friend who had just moved to Utah (from Texas). I walked alone, at 12 years old, to the church down the street in Utah. Not one single person even looked at a 12 year old sitting alone in sacrament, or any other class. I had the same exact experience many times over the next 40 years as I visited Utah. Different wards, all by myself. Nobody even looked at me. I began to think I may have died and I was invisible to them. It was so eerie.
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
When my family moved to Eatontown, New Jersey in 1983, the local ward was blunt. They said we were new, and who knew how long we’d stay, so they weren’t going to become friends with us. The kids even ignored our family’s kids.
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
I want to validate you again. 19:00 When I went to the SLC temple (1990s), I didn’t know how people could be so rude, and be Christ followers.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
@@TexasTornado66, yes it’s definitely a thing within the church.
@Johanna0155 Ай бұрын
I subscribed to your channel when you had 102 people, I love seeing the numbers go up. 428 and counting!
@WatchingwaitingG2D Ай бұрын
@@Johanna0155 All pretenders like you are.
@DaveSommers11 Ай бұрын
A BETTER PERSON. For both Tracy and Nathan. Tracy says that her burden was lifted when she began to live her life without being judged and being a part of a church that is like the moral police or something like everyone's compass. I concur 1:18 min in Note: hospital Nathan? What happened? Thx for FINALLY Singing for Tracy❤
@cherylw7531 Ай бұрын
Thanks to all three of you for sharing your experiences. Nathan, you are a talented musician!!
@stargirl634 Ай бұрын
Really good interview and conversation. I’m glad you’re doing this!
@tuckertee1219 Ай бұрын
Beautiful story! Tracy and Sarah are wonderful souls….
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
Thank you ❤ Sara is for sure
@lisagrace6471 Ай бұрын
I love Sara!!! What a GOOD friend!!! What a rare gem. I fell in love with Tracy and Sara's friendship. I admire Tracy's honesty, sincerity, and forthrightness. :)
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I love Sara too ❤️ She is a treasure of a human being and I will always be honored to call her friend!
@saraschutz8299 Ай бұрын
@@tracyjames3379 💞
@dl1130 Ай бұрын
Great episode! May i make a suggestion? Every podcast you should play the guitar and sing a song of healing. Absolutely beautiful, and you are very talented with a wonderful voice.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I couldn’t agree more! Nathan has many talents but I’m going to go ahead and say on record that his greatest gift and talent is his music!
@jacoblewis2961 Ай бұрын
Awesome! Great episode Nathan!
@aprilbeam1 Ай бұрын
Outstanding! Love that you included your song 🎵 at the end. So touching. Great story from Tracy and Sara. Great women! Excellent Nathan. Just so good!!
@kenven4 Ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing your stories, the singing at the end, Beautiful ❤️🥰
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
1:02:30 Thank you Nathan for your current humility. I have known so many narcissist, harmful bishops.
@DaveSommers11 Ай бұрын
My goodness at fifty four minutes in, I realized why it was inspired actually to have sarah a part of this recording. She makes it clear to me that there are spiritual influences that are real in angels amongst us and they witnessed to everyone, Including Amanda in that car, that there's a greater power, then these cultish attitudes and exclusionary judemental leaders... And I can fully relate to what nathan went through, myself having been involved in several church disciplinary councils, including at ward levels and stake levels "drawing straws" and all.
@redcanyonoutdoorquest6220 Ай бұрын
Nathan, your spirit is amazing. Thank you for this.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I love Nathan too!
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
I appreciate that!
@Billvardy Ай бұрын
Great podcast y’all! Having been officially out since 2021 , my life is at peace and full of love… God is great! Thanks again 🙏
@Cocoon68 Ай бұрын
Beautiful exchange and loved hearing you sing Nathan! As one who comes from a musical family and plays guitar and writes songs myself appreciate it even more!!
@Ceecee819 Ай бұрын
This was so heart warming and wonderful to hear!
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I’m glad that you enjoyed it ❤
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
38:45 Oh my gosh. Her story reminds me so much of my story. I even kept a poster board in the hall to check off whether I had “done all I could do” that day (2 Nephi 25:23). From sewing clothes, to grinding wheat, to genealogy, temple attendance, home schooling, journaling, perfect looking home, never being angry or impatient, practicing my talents (voice/piano), etc. My (non LDS) doctor said she thought I had depression (people didn’t talk about anxiety back then). Back then they taught at church that depression was from sin. I told my doctor, “Nope! I keep a check off list, I haven’t sinned, so I’m not depressed.” TRIGGER WARNING: I too started thinking about gays. My 21 year old brother killed himself a few years later, he was a closeted gay. March 31, 2003 my mom found him in our garage, he left a note. He used our retired dad’s medication.
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
I posited the question to my bishop, “If I were to marry a woman (I’m a woman), since the church talks about obeying the law of the land, would I be sinning?” He literally yelled, “GET OUT! Gay marriage will NEVER happen!!!” I was stupid enough to think that as a servant of the Lord with God’s mantle, he would know the answer through the spirit.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
@@TexasTornado66, first of all, I am so sorry about your brother and that was my main concern, I cannot do harm to any of my students, they look to me, they listen to me, I love them, I could never teach them that who they were was wrong. Second of all, it does sound like we are kindred spirits. I too had anxiety/panic attacks. The church was killing me. It was a matter of survival to leave. Third of all, that bishop did have a vendetta against me. Sending you love. Thank you for watching. I’m glad my story resonated.
@saraschutz8299 Ай бұрын
I am so sorry about your brother! Much love to you. ❤
@certainlyitis Ай бұрын
This was a great interview. I appreciated Tracey's frankness and I loved that forgiveness happened and your friendship was renewed. Is there a chance we might hear Sara's fuller story? It sounds like she has quite a story to tell too.
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
Yes, I’d love to make that happen.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
@@Thebishopsinterview, Sara’s story is also so important and would be healing for so many!!
@BAL301 Ай бұрын
Awesome 👏 story. I’m a exmormon in Utah, it is sooo hard. The eyes that burn my back is real. Nathan, you are doing awesome work!
@AnUnlikelyArkie Ай бұрын
That was an awesome story of redemption and forgiveness! Thank you all for sharing in some of your vulnerable moments!
@idance4catpower Ай бұрын
TBMs, family included, have lost the ability to distinguish between what feels good and what's true.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
Amen, everything that feels good isn’t true!
@jarom_thurston Ай бұрын
👏👏👏Such a great episode Nathan & guests!!!
@DaveMiller-m2x Ай бұрын
Im a convert and can relate to what she says... I've felt like an outcast since 12/24/1989.... Im still active... but I keep myself away from members
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I’m glad you were able to relate.
@lotion_laura Ай бұрын
Great video! I loved the song. ❤
@nathanfinstad4333 Ай бұрын
Fantastic! Love hearing this story. What's it going to take Nathan for you to organize a post-mortem and conference here in East Tennessee???? I'll help
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
Let’s do it!!
@MikeSeager Ай бұрын
Just wondering guys if you're thankful for the blessingsvyou received during your years in the church. Are your children happy and healthy ? We're you always blessed to be able to provide? We're there any good things in those years? See I'm asking because I left the church for 10 years and now I'm back with a stronger testimony than ever. To each his own I guess but my problem is that while I was so venomous and convinced there was nothing good about the gospel....I dragged my kids away. Now looking back, there wasn't a better environment in the world for them to grow up in. But I blew it. Better be sure you're right about this guys....hey I was positive . God bless you both
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
@ this is a great question. You wanna come on the show and we’ll talk about it?
@saraschutz8299 Ай бұрын
I for sure was blessed while I was in the LDS Church. I was also blessed before I joined, and have been blessed since I left. My youngest two children in particular would have been destroyed if we had stayed longer. They are very grateful we left. I have been out for over 10 years now and have not regretted it for one second ever. I am grateful every day to be out now and for my path in life. I have learned from all of it. And I am grateful God gave me a path out. I still have deep spiritual beliefs, but they do not involve any religion.
@_RobinW. Ай бұрын
WOW. Beautiful. Amazing. Thank you!
@janp263 Ай бұрын
Beautiful ❤
@Annette-b6v Ай бұрын
Loved it! And thanks for the song🥰
@claudetterush1086 Ай бұрын
I love her so much!
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
Yes! She is great!
@saraschutz8299 Ай бұрын
She is so great! 💖
@TheOGProtestantMormon Ай бұрын
There is no “Law of Chastity”. Brigham made it up to enforce polygamy in the valley
@lilliancooley967 Ай бұрын
Oh my gosh…. Love the song. Love the plain authenticity. The vulnerability. It’s real No more stupid plastic Mormon personas…. I m more like this now…. Iv deconstructed too…. But Iv reached a point of compassion for the Mormons. They are innocent. They are in a hotel California so to speak…. Oh that song!!!! It made me cry. Yes I am better without the modern Sanhedrin!
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
Thank you!
@wilfordclement5611 Ай бұрын
Beautiful story
@AngelicRealm Ай бұрын
Love this!
@susanholbrook4185 Ай бұрын
I was converted and my family was never upset but watched. My family were great examples. The Church of Jesus Christ of LDS IS GREAT. I agree that they need to. study more. Don't pay attention to those that just don't get it. I was a Temple worker and never thought once to be unkind, So sorry for that. The Church has changed greatly since 1970s.
@rmj4978 Ай бұрын
I’ve loved this!
@michaelloope4648 Ай бұрын
181 comments!! Wow. Who would have thought this story would have so much interest!! Its so good to see that closure finally happened between Nathan and Tracy!! 2 truly remarkable people! Sara is as well. One of the nicest individuals I've met. Grace is deserved by everyone and sometimes thats the most important thing. A piece of advice for everyone who comments. In life just because you hear alot of truth that doesn't mean lts full proof and 100 percent accurate.. There is always another side to the story and sometimes, in my opinion almost always its better to offer grace and let people believe what they will and take the rest of the story to your grave!.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Ай бұрын
It is so sad to hear how unwelcoming some members are. We have a wonderful ward full of kind and caring people. It isn't the ward members who are pushing us away it is the knowledge of the wicked leaders starting with Brigham Young, Our wicked King Noah.
@avoice423 Ай бұрын
How many of BY's discourses have you read?
@icecreamladydriver1606 Ай бұрын
@@avoice423 A few.
@Rockell479 Ай бұрын
Great convo! Most all religions operate through fear. Most are not nefariously doing it though. The leaders themselves believe and, they believe they are doing God’s work but there’s a lot of cognitive dissonance going on with them. I’m sure some do know they are wrong though
@annieschutz8947 Ай бұрын
Hi Mom :)
@saraschutz8299 Ай бұрын
Hello my amazing child! Who I will get to see in just a few days! I love you! 💞
@fuffymarca2918 Ай бұрын
Great interviews!
@pianomanchristopher Ай бұрын
I don't believe in the whole kingdoms thing anymore. It's so elitist. Makes me shudder now.
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
Came here from your Facebook.
@Rockell479 Ай бұрын
I had many spiritual experiences in the church. When I read the book of M. In my early 20s and asked if it was true in prayer, God filled me with pure love throughout my entire body. I took that as a yes, (but never heard a yes). 20 years later I had a lot of doubts around Joseph smith and polygamy and his affairs, and history of the BoM, blacks and priesthood to name a few. I had an out of body experience at 42, where I experienced God’s perfect love and acceptance for who I am, in spite of my many failings and sins. There was NO Judgement. God also showed me in a deeper way (where I could understand by feeling not just with my mind) that we really only judge ourselves in direct proportion to how harshly we judge God’s creation of life and other people. I’d read the scriptures about judge not lest ye be judged, but that was a sort of logical understanding but never felt it in deep deep way until this. After this experience I knew the church had some things right, but had most of it wrong. That goes for all religions. I also wondered why God would show me the sign of his love and spirit when I prayed to know if the BoM was true all those years ago. I think now that he knew that I needed it at that point in my life to give me structure and a vehicle or way to seek him. I finally hit the ceiling though through deep searching and questioning and maybe out grew it bc I wasn’t afraid anymore. The important thing is when you leave religion behind don’t throw the baby out with the bath water! God is real and God is good!
@icecreamladydriver1606 Ай бұрын
I find it odd that there is that passage about dark skin in the Book of Mormon and yet Joseph Smith loved the black people the same as he did the whites and Lamanites. He gave the blacks the priesthood the same as he did anyone else. I heard the story of him selling Emma's favorite horse to get the money to free, I think it was the husband of a freed woman. Brigham actually hated the black people and said that God made them in order to be slaves.
@mrslonelyhearts Ай бұрын
your channel should be called "interview with a bishop"
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
Oh..,I actually love that
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
Check out my new name!!
@kirklandmeadows Ай бұрын
You've out done John Dehlin great job
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
I don’t know about that but thanks
@pianomanchristopher Ай бұрын
This is the first I've heard about the year's supply of food since the nineties. Sounds like yet another doctrine that's been dropped.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
Really???? That is shocking to me. I was exed in 2011 and in our ward it was still being taught.
@viliamiahokava6098 Ай бұрын
Hi Nathan thanks for having the interview with Tracy. I was sad listening to you Tracy’s discussion. Tracy was a devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I do not know the Bishops side of the story when we was supposed to support and care for Tracy. Tracy’s story was heart breaking her Bishop appeared insensitive and not compassionate when Tracy needed the love and support during her trial with her questions of homosexuality in the church and with her marriage breaking apart in regards to the control and other pressures in her life. Tracy I know the Lord loves you very much he wants you to return and to be sealed to your mum and family. Tracy members make mistakes and we sometimes do not have the answers. The spiritual moment in the car with Sara was the Lord comforting you he knew that difficult news you received of being excommunicated. You can always return to the Gospel you can talk with the Bishop in your area or talk with the Stake President who will look after you during your return to full fellowship. I’m sad to hear people did not show love to you when you were excommunicated or ask you to come back. You loved the lord through your callings and service. Tracy Nathan and Sara I wish all the best in your journeys in life Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love you I hope you do not forget this knowledge. We make our own choices in life that’s the Agency we are given as a gift. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints I came back to the Gospel because I was missing the Lord in my life. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best thing I have in my life it truly is I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I’m sealed in the temple with my family they are more important to me than anything in this world. President Gordon B Hinckley I love his talks they are always spiritual.
@DeanneSanchez Ай бұрын
@nathanschaupp9709 Ай бұрын
You guys are so lovely! 🤗 You are spot on about some of the members & leadership who don't seem to understand and therefore failed to emulate the character of Christ. 🥺 I 100% GET WHERE YOU'RE COMING FROM; AND I'M SOOO SORRY for the bad psychology / behavior of the individuals that put you off this beautiful organization as a whole. I've left myself and have since returned. My testimony is that the Book of Mormon has truly been divinely given; It is a beautiful gift that truly testifies of Jesus, validates/clarifies what we have in the in our beloved records of the Bible, and clearly brings more light and connection to God into our lives! Please bear in mind; a handful of bad experiences with a handful of individuals does not comprise the restored Church of our Christ, Jesus. The organization as a whole is as close as you can get to our Lord and Savior. Get back to the temple. The covenants and spiritual gifts associated with them are real. That's all that matters Tracy, you dear & darling woman. You are loved immensely & endlessly! The trauma you experienced as a child most certainly played in to how you processed these experiences. My heart BLEEDS for you; I actually teared up as you shared your experiences. Tearing up even now. Words and emojis aren't can't convey. I'm so sorry. All of you; please see that "the children of Israel", & EVEN THEIR LEADERS have never been perfect. It's a mess down here. The only way this works is if you intentionally and consistently nurture your connection with the Holy Spirit. Please don't let someone else's misconceptions or bad behavior keep you away from all the good that is available to us! Things are going to get very real very soon. The greatest safety, connection, and direct guidance is found here. I love you all. This truly is God's outreach and work. Come back; only do what you feels is right for you. It's between you and Father alone! 🕊️🤍🕊️ "We strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ as we strive to keep his commandments and always remember Him." AT THE END OF THE DAY THIS IS ALL THAT MATTERS. 🤍
@vancouver1945 Ай бұрын
I do not believe in Mormonism, but I feel this lady is very opinionated. I think she would find fault in any religion she belonged to and it would have to be her way or no way. I am an evangelical Christian.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
Opinionated is not an insult. Thank you! It definitely is not “my way or the highway” but if I see inconsistencies I will point them out. Thank you for your feedback.
@darinbracy8433 Ай бұрын
I’m sad that she attended a Baptist church and wasn’t welcomed and clearly she wasn’t discipled in the faith which is a big problem in many churches and has been for decades. Frankly I would love to have someone like her in my church because she ask questions and it makes me as a pastor work hard to give her good Biblical answers, not saying she’s going to agree with it, but it’s going to be from God’s Word.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
@@darinbracy8433 , I believe I was absolutely disciplined in the faith. I have read the Bible at least a dozen times, all the way through, and studied it. I attended, I prayed, I served.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
@ AND I don’t need you or anyone to interpret God’s word for me. The reason I asked these questions is in the Mormon church these men claim, and I believed at the time to be prophets. I no longer believe that and I never believed that about a “preacher” or “pastor” of an evangelical church. Self proclaimed. Anyone can claim that.
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
@@tracyjames3379I love your strength. I was raised LDS. I didn’t have a backbone or felt I was allowed an opinion separate from men in the church, until my mid-40s.
@GeorgeDemetz Ай бұрын
Nevermind my typis, look at the dubstance of what I sm stating!
@gcarson19 Ай бұрын
@GeorgeDemetz Ай бұрын
Also, she should not have just ugnored kids that are homosexual.and going throw a difficult oeriod in thei lives. There are many positive things that could be said to them in private if you knew who they were, but obviously shr didnt know.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I wasn’t ignoring anyone. Any of my students, I feel certain, knew they could come to me and be met with love and compassion. I wasn’t aware of anyone in my classes that were homosexual but I would not have shied away from the topic, in fact, the churches stance on homosexuality was why I left.
@SophieFourniquet Ай бұрын
@@tracyjames3379 thank you for always supporting the queer people in your life ❤ we have been great beneficiaries of your boundless love
@GeorgeDemetz Ай бұрын
Of course, I have read them! Race and the Priesthood is horrible and not true doctrine at all!!
@joebideb Ай бұрын
All the men that anointed my head and gave me blessings were cheating on their wives. Now I anoint my own head and bless myself. It works. Don't buy into the patriarchy bs
@GeorgeDemetz Ай бұрын
They are the doctrines of Christ! Name one thing that is not!!!
@darinbracy8433 Ай бұрын
I’m wondering if she attended an IFB church, because the “I could have stayed a Baptist and heard that”, is very IFB, thinking is not looked upon in the IFB folks especially at a couple of IFB churches in eastern Tennessee.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
What is IFB?
@darinbracy8433 Ай бұрын
@ Independent Fundamentalist Baptist.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
@@darinbracy8433, missionary Baptist.
@nathanfinstad4333 Ай бұрын
Post Mormon conference
@lesgraham7722 Ай бұрын
What I do question is you saying that President Holland & President Packer contradicted each other. They did not and here is why. You said - two prophets said two opposite things. (Oh no they didn’t) 1. President Holland: hang on we love you we need you don't give up the Lord has a plan 2. President Packer: said you can’t take a vote on whether you're a man or a woman and God makes no mistakes The Lord does love people with same gender attraction. If they live the law of chastity, then come the resurrection we will all be reconnected with our pre-earth existence and remember who we were. We will remember our Heavenly Parents, Jesus Christ and all our former relationships. We were all male and female. We had perfect mental and spiritual health. We experienced such perfect amazing love. We were family, all brothers and sisters, no intimate relationships. When we came to earth, we were given a gift to start us on the path to Godhood: a relationship between a male and a female, intimate attraction and desires to procreate. This gift will only continue with those who are exalted, become Gods and go off together to create their own universe and separate kingdom, to be Gods over their children. What a glorious gospel and legacy.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Ай бұрын
I grind my own wheat and make my own bread. It is so much better than the stuff in the store.
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
It so ironic. My health declined when I started grinding wheat and making my own bread. I became bed ridden. With fresh bread, I was eating it daily. Gluten was attacking my body. When I was bed ridden, I was not grinding wheat, and my health would improve. Then I get back in the kitchen and grind wheat, and I become bedridden again. On the third cycle, I found the connection.
@icecreamladydriver1606 Ай бұрын
@@TexasTornado66 Oh ouch. I am so sorry to hear that. I know there are a lot of people who really cannot eat gluten. Some have found that the ancient grains like kamut and einkorn don't have as bad of an affect on them. I am diabetic so I am learning to use almond flour and some of the other low carb flours. But I still think homemade bread tastes better that store bread.
@GeorgeDemetz Ай бұрын
I have not been wrong for 60 years! Name just one, only one church doctrine that was/is wrong!!!
@Billvardy Ай бұрын
We get the message, George.. But you are wrong so let others enjoy this without your crap about LDS CHURCH being true
@TexasTornado66 Ай бұрын
I’ll name two: The Mormon god decided in November 2015 that gays were apostates and excommunicated a lot of people, some even committed suicide. Less than 3 years later, the Mormon god said, “oops!” That was s mistake. Did any of the excommunicated people get reinstated? No. Were any of the suicides brought back to life? No. This issue was extremely personal. The Mormon god has changed the temple ceremony from imitating 3 different ways to kill yourself in the endowment ceremony, to now just having the cupped hand, which nobody nowadays knows that that means that you’re holding your bowels in your hands, that you cut out of your own and abdomen. That’s the only symbol left from the suicide oath of slicing your own neck, cutting out your own heart, and cutting out your own bowels and holding them in a cupped hand.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
@@TexasTornado66, holy shit (pun intended) ! I didn’t know that’s what the cupped hand meant. Yikes
@laneykane8062 Ай бұрын
LDS…….nope nope nope
@joebideb Ай бұрын
Everything on this earth is Temporary , including your mortal family.
@ajensen366 Ай бұрын
Seriously dude get some better seating for you and your guest
@Thebishopsinterview Ай бұрын
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I was fine.
@GeorgeDemetz Ай бұрын
I understand that you had a weird husband and a weird bishop who did not handle your situation well at all, but the church is true, and I hope that you will go back one day for good!!
@GeorgeDemetz Ай бұрын
Also, you sll need to understand that chirch mwnuals and church edsayd sre NOT ifficial doctrine wnd often sre in error! Ttue church doctrined are only the scriptures and the official first presidenct statements that are RATIFIED by the twrlve spostles!!!
@GeorgeDemetz Ай бұрын
I am a convert to the church who has studied theology and Mormon doctrine for more than 60 years, and I know that the church is the true restored church of Jesus Christ, so fo not trade your sould for comforts that Satan can provide!!!
@Johanna0155 Ай бұрын
Have you read the Gospel Topic essays? You may learn some things about the church.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I’m glad the church has brought you comfort.
@MrJohn5278 Ай бұрын
AND you've been wrong for 60 years! Which proves your ignorance.
@Billvardy Ай бұрын
Well my friend, I too have studied Christianity and Mormonism for 60 years. With all respect I left the LDS CHURCH bc it’s doctrines are not the doctrine of Christ
@Lynette-sv3ti Ай бұрын
Have you read the Glen Pace Memo. Maybe them you will truly see whos souls are being comforted by Satan. I strongly urge you to read that. Mormon doctrine etc etc et. if you studied it with a open mind....you will see that even their 'doctrine' is in conflict with the BOM🫣 for eg. Baptisms at the age of 8. Moroni 8:20-21 20) And he that saith that little children need baptism denieth the mercies of Christ, and setteth at naught the atonement of him and the power of his redemption. 21) Wo unto such, for they are in danger of death, hell, and an endless torment. I speak it boldly; God hath commanded me. Listen unto them and give heed, or they stand against you at the judgment-seat of Christ. Moroni wrote it plain as day. Theres no misunderstanding that whole chapter. Damn 60 years studying, maybe read the scriptures instead of doctrinal theological ideologies. 60years of studying distortion, thats a lot of conditioning to unwind from...that is if you choose to? May the Spirit of Truth be your comforter when you exercise your right of agency to discern falsehoods✌️
@GeorgeDemetz Ай бұрын
I have dome sympathy here, due to a nut case husband snd s nut case bishop, but still there is no excuse for breaking Gods laws and going into spostsdy!
@gcarson19 Ай бұрын
Lightning and George's fingers never strike the same place twice...
@marquitaarmstrong399 Ай бұрын
Nut case laws made by faux nut case church.
@tracyjames3379 Ай бұрын
I didn’t make any excuse. I said I was guilty; the problem was that I was singled out
@WatchingwaitingG2D Ай бұрын
Nothing but a fake and pretenders.
@Bobjdobbs Ай бұрын
@@WatchingwaitingG2D I am so sorry that you are so consumed by rage that you spend so much time hating on strangers simply because they disagree with you. It must be such a burden to carry such anger around. Hope things get better for you!
@WatchingwaitingG2D Ай бұрын
@Bobjdobbs I'm sorry the surgery didn't go as well as you hoped. Hopefully, you'll be able to think straight in a few years. You'll never be straight again, of course. But you are what you are, even though you're ashamed to admit it. Have fun pretending.
@BrianWaller-qe7gr Ай бұрын
The Mormon way. Fake interest in you just to get you to join.
@WatchingwaitingG2D Ай бұрын
@@Bobjdobbs go back into your closet puppet.
@WatchingwaitingG2D Ай бұрын
@Bobjdobbs actually I'm glad gay people have a gay Bishop to pretend with.
@lesgraham7722 Ай бұрын
I have lost my eternal family, but I haven't lost my testimony of Jesus Christ and his gospel. Peter and Paul were not perfect either, yet they were still called of God. Bishops are not perfect and make mistakes. No one is going to stop me holding on to the end. The gospel is still true and its blessing immeasurable. I am sorry for those who were hurt and not supported.
@lesgraham7722 Ай бұрын
Tracy, you sound like you had a raw deal and I sympathise with you. I think, given what you went through, the bishop could have been kinder. My inactive step daughter broke the law of chastity and my stake president told me to leave it, that I didn’t need to action it as bishop.
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