We NEED to speak up...

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Stuart MacLean

Stuart MacLean

Ай бұрын

The statement: / c6ccxwlgtlp
I know that many Eurovision fans do not consider themselves to be political people, and do not come to the show for its politics. But in the face of clear and deliberate attempts to exploit the platform that Eurovision provides, we cannot go on being silent or ambivalent. We must recognize how all of us, creators and fans alike, contribute to the soft power and influence of every country that participates.
If blogs or outlets are avoiding covering entries, I implore them to be transparent about it. Doing so will make it clear to the EBU and participating broacasters that the contest is in disrepute.
Some useful reading material regarding Israel:
Antisemitism in context: Its use and abuse (Independent Jewish Voices Canada): www.ijvcanada.org/antisemitis...
How Netanyahu's Hamas policy came back to haunt him - and Israel (CBC): www.cbc.ca/news/politics/neta...
Radio piece before the ground invasion of Gaza, why evacuating was never an option for medical workers (CBC): www.cbc.ca/radio/asithappens/...
The Current Israel-Palestine Crisis Was Entirely Avoidable (Current Affairs): www.currentaffairs.org/2023/1...
Breaking the Silence Israel: www.breakingthesilence.org.il/
Motaz Azaiza, Palestinian photojournalist - / motaz_azaiza
Bisan Owda, Palestinian journalist - / wizard_bisan1
Some useful reading material regarding Azerbaijan:
Millions for victory: 15min investigates vote buying in Eurovision Song Contest: www.15min.lt/en/article/in-li...
Eurovision: Jury results of six countries removed after ‘voting irregularities’ identified: www.euronews.com/culture/2022...
Unresolved Geographies: The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict & Left Realism: www.counterpunch.org/2023/11/...
Documenting Aliyev's statements on Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh: evnreport.com/politics/aliyev...
Photo: Johan Nilsson

Пікірлер: 53
@idogonen3075 Ай бұрын
Hi Stuart, I just wanted to let you know that as an Israeli living in London, it's been an incredibly rough six months for so many reasons. My entire identity has been put into question and I've been personally attacked on line just because I'm Israeli (I won't even go into some antisemitic stuff that's been thrown my direction). I understand your position completely and do have respect for it, but I also cannot help being triggered and saddened by your words. It pains me that very little is said by outside media about the in-house Israeli opposition to the current government, it's actions, it's inactions and the extremist rhetoric that some of its member have spewed. It pains me that Eden Golan will be subjected to some of the worst scrutiny an artist can be subjected to in what should have been her moment to shine. It also pains me to see so much selective criticism can be when it comes to certain countries (this isn't a whataboutism rant because it's not helpful, but people's rage has been exceptionally selective in the last two decades with very little reason)... you can even feel from the way I'm writing this comment that it's a constant internal battle of what's right and what's wrong. It's really easy for everyone to comment and make suggestions in their comfortable homes in front of the computer when they've never lived in an area of conflict. And I can tell you that it doesn't matter on which side of the conflict you are. No side here is victimless. And each side thinks they're in the right and that their actions are justified. The people of both sides are all victims.
@stu_makes_vids Ай бұрын
Ido, thank you for your honesty. Seriously, I really appreciate you sharing this with me. The thing that I struggled with the most when addressing this issue was acknowledging a serious threat to human life without losing sight of where the injustice is. I've read many statements that people have made regarding this issue, as well as the comments. Frequently there are folks making criticisms about what the statement left out, how it focuses on "one side" or that it didn't equate the suffering experienced by Israelis and Palestinians. This is tricky because human suffering IS equal, and IS worthy of justice. But in this case, the balance of power is heavily against Palestinians, and the destruction and loss of life is beyond compare. I just simply don't know how to acknowledge that without some people assuming that I think the worst of Israelis or Jewish people. I don't. This is not about one people over another. This is about the abuse of power. I debated with myself about the right way to do this for months. Literally since October. Eventually I realized that I was never going to come up with the perfect way of doing it. But I wasn't going to let that be what prevented me from saying anything. It felt especially necessary to speak up because we know how sheepish this community is when it comes to political topics. With respect to what you've been experiencing, I am deeply sorry. You don't deserve to be attacked for who you are, nor would anyone else. Your feelings and opinions should not be assumed because of who you are. I may not have gone through that experience myself, but I don't need to in order to know that it's simply wrong. What you said about internal Israeli opposition has actually been one of the things that I've found most encouraging. Seeing the passion and committment of Israeli peace activists and hearing from organizations like B'Tselem and Breaking the Silence has been truly inspiring. Again, it's hard to capture the entirety of the discourse in every breath. But know that it has not gone unnoticed by me. In fact it gives me a TONNE of hope. I hope that you know that me opposing Israel's participation is NOT by any means about ethnicity or religion. It is about the humanitarian loss, and the leaders who inflicting it who are, from my perspective, taking advantage of real human tragedy to justify it. Sending you a big hug!
@idogonen3075 Ай бұрын
@@stu_makes_vids Thank YOU for being such an incredible voice within this community. Your reply to me genuinely brought me to tears and gave me goosebumps because your empathy is so palpable. You make such wonderful points and I have to admit, I will always have an internal struggle in these matters because I am so close to it and because no matter how much I agree with what's been said - I can't not feel personally attacked when people attack Israel, even when cerebrally I know it's not personal and even though I agree with what they say, if that makes any sense. On that note - It's 100% clear to me where your criticism comes from. You seem to be so much more informed than most people out there and that's also very encouraging and why I cannot bring myself to be upset with you. Your hug is felt and I'm sending you one back at ya! Keep on doing what you're doing, and if you're ever in London, give us a shout so we can have a proper Eurovision conversation!
@stu_makes_vids Ай бұрын
Gladly!! 😊
@harry69007 Ай бұрын
​​@@idogonen3075 Hi Ido, I just want to send you a big hug first off for all that you've been through, because you nor anyone deserves to be attacked because of their nationality. The opposition to what's going on is beautiful to see and I appreciate you for saying what's going on from a point of view which I've not seen much of online. I deeply apologise for all the unwarranted abuse you and Israeli's have received and will sadly continue to recieve for the duration of this henious war where not one side is victimless and the loss of life on both sides is a horrifying sight to behold. A big hug to you and all that are suffering currently. I can't imagine the pain that you and many others are going through right now and it's unbelievable to me how people will attack you, and other people from Israel who don't support the war. No one and I mean no one deserves the abuse you're getting alongside the abuse to both sides, war is a horrible thing and Eurovision is supposed to unite by music. This year has shown that to be a massive failure in large part. And the acts of Israel don't reflect all Israeli's nor do the henious attacks of Hamas on October 7th, behind and before reflect on the Palestinian's. Sending my best wishes to you and all affected across the world and hoping that a solution can be resolved as soon as possible to stop the suffering on both sides ❤.
@colie577 Ай бұрын
Amazing message and very well said, thanks for making this!
@A.K.-gy4zu Ай бұрын
Well said as always ♥️ Thank you!
@inakilazkoz6270 Ай бұрын
Bravo Stuart. Gracias!
@harry69007 Ай бұрын
I couldn't agree more. I feel like we should call this out and I respect you immensely for doing this. I already think there's an issue with how far the campagining got when people harrassed the artists who wrote the statement (Olly, Silvester and others.), as this affected the good work people were doing. We should make sure Israel and Azerbaijan don't enter Eurovision until you've sorted your shi* out.
@thingybob4375 Ай бұрын
Stuart - two words. Thank you
@EmoBearRights Ай бұрын
Well said. ESC United have announced they are avoiding covering the Israeli song as much possible so some larger channels are bothering but yeah. I wonder if the attempts to bring back countries like Luxembourg, Monaco and I've heard rumours of Bosnia are attempts to create a buffer against having to act against Israel but you're right. Kan should have just been excluded it would have bought them time. I'd also urge people in any eligible countries in semi 2 to vote against Israel. Also if someone could make the argument to Turkiye that them returning is more likely to give the EBU the confidence to kick Israel then that would be a bonus although it wouldn't help with Azerbaijan who are they are very matey with.
@Omri_R Ай бұрын
In eurovision you can't vote against a song, only in favor of the songs you like
@EmoBearRights Ай бұрын
@@Omri_R You can in the semis..You get twenty votes. There are sixteen countries competing - that is enough to vote for fifteen other countries and still vote for a further five you really like again on top of that. If you are not one in the big five countries that can vote - France, Italy or Spain it's even more simple because you can only vote for fifteen other countries anyway so just exclude Israel and you have six more votes to distribute amongst songs you really like or think are in danger and you'd like to signal boost. You don't have to even do that - Israel are currently predicted in the odds to Q in 8th - if you vote for countries like Malta, Albania, Czechia, Denmark, Latvia, and San Marino who are predicted as NQs or other predicted borderline Qers like Georgia then that could signal boost any of them to edge out Israel. Latvia and Denmark are essentially close to that line and could benefit from that. The only reason I'm not advocating for doing that with Azerbaijan is I don't think they'll Q anyway - the odds say no.
@songbird_blog Ай бұрын
Not only was this well said, educated and non-sensationalist, but it was exactly what needed to be said. Thank you, full respect to you.
@Olivier-GM Ай бұрын
I totally agree.
@knusprigeschuhsohle7939 Ай бұрын
Very well said put into perspective so well!! The EBU had a huge opportunity in suspending KAN to highlight the accelerated deterioration of press freedom and media independence in Israel and in the war in Gaza which the EBU INFACT have called out multiple times
@ivanberardi5057 Ай бұрын
Well done Stuart. You have said it clearly and politely.
@mt000n Ай бұрын
Thank You!!!!
@ianadam3393 Ай бұрын
thankyou so much for saying this. we might just be one voice but collectively we all are stronger and louder!
@girlbossesc Ай бұрын
this was so well said. so so so well said. thank you
@ooost1970 Ай бұрын
Hi Stu. well said. It cannot be easy to make this statement and then deal with the fall out if any (everyone has an opinion most of which are unwanted). But you have chosen a public persona, so you must be a tough individual. Much like when Mr Sand allowed Russia to participate when they attacked Georgia in 2008 and then Ukraine last decade, by including these countries in the contest, the EBU is say it is okay. And it isn't.
@alessandria5253 Ай бұрын
Thank you. We need voices like yours❤
@ESC_ChrisM Ай бұрын
I have said why I am not covering them. I cannot cover them due to my career. So as a content creator as a hobby, I cannot jeopardise my full time job and career by talking in depth about my own position on the issues as regards Israel and Azerbaijan. If I cover them, the same thing applies. I know quite a few other content creators in the same situation as me. I wish I could shout my views from the rooftops, but I simply can’t if I want to keep my job.
@lucajeanp 29 күн бұрын
Thanks, ..holy words!
@christianobermoser7304 Ай бұрын
well said!
@AbelPerez-fp2br Ай бұрын
Gracias por este video, muy necesario
@markgormley9692 Ай бұрын
Respect your decision
@TheVeritosp Ай бұрын
Siempre impecable en el contenido que realizas, totalmente de acuerdo con tus argumentos. Es una situación compleja y por el bien del festival debieron tomarse otras medidas Un gran abrazo desde Latinoamérica
@mildridstenberg6921 Ай бұрын
Thank you for speaking up ❤
@ESCHayden Ай бұрын
Tbf you do make some valid arguments. While I originally I was a pretty unfussed whether Israel participated or not, over the past few weeks I've leaning ever so slightly more on the 'they should go' side due to a number of factors. Though as long as many European governments support Israel, I don't see them going. Broadcasters either have to be impartial, or will just follow gov policy.
@stu_makes_vids Ай бұрын
It's definitely a compounding factor. But as I've said before, I see it as all the more reason for others to speak up.
@emeliea9504 Ай бұрын
1000%, thank you
@lramisv Ай бұрын
@carlarodrigues3784 Ай бұрын
@VascoTeixeira354 Ай бұрын
@victorestevessilva117 Ай бұрын
@carlosbarata6099 Ай бұрын
@sleppehdaze7739 Ай бұрын
While I wholeheartedly agree that Israel and Azerbaijan should get the boot. It’s difficult as someone who wishes to enjoy all 37 songs, rank them and watch them, and just pray they get the boot next year. Nothing anyone’s going to do is going to prevent Israel participating this year unfortunately. I find it hard to see what’s wrong knowing everything yet still choosing to partake in viewing.
@Aliren380 Ай бұрын
So Germany has charges to support a genocide. Ukraine is facing criticism for Nazism. Should they be banned too unless proven otherwise? I am not for excluding anyone culturally based on politics. Cultural exchange and discourse is how we keep peace. Its how we keep staying in contact. It's how we can still have a stage to voice criticism and let it be heard by the other side. Discourse isn't meant to be rosy, it isn't meant to not hurt. Israel is doing inhumane things in Gaza. Exclude them and less people talk about it. Include them and see a discussion unfold in places it otherwise wouldnt
@stu_makes_vids Ай бұрын
In principle I agree with most of what you said. But I have a few remarks. I see the argument 'country X is doing Y, therefore if we exclude country Z, they should be excluded too,' thrown around a lot. I disagree. As so many people wish to express when rejecting that Israel should be excluded like Russia was, this conflict is not comparable to other ones. Therefore it should be treated uniquely. But being treated uniquely doesn't mean that removing them should be off the table. It is necessary for that to be an option if Eurovision is being exploited for nefarious purposes. I also agree that discourse isn't meant to be rosy. But this specific discourse will be a massive contrast to the contest's brand of peace and unity. And if that results in the worst kind of backlash, it could permanently damage the brand. The EBU is cool with taking the risk. I am not.
@Omri_R Ай бұрын
The Israeli song doesn't claim to be or to represent the whole story, and no song can be. Showing the very painful story of the hostages and their families doesn't, at least in my opinion, take away from the suffering of the palestinians. But it is a story deserving to be heard. songs about those topics (pain from a war) have been in eurovision. Of course 1944 is an example, but also just from last year the songs from Czechia, Switzerland, Ukraine and Croatia. The president of israel has nothing to do with the government, he is not elected by the people, and he is a symbolic figure with no real political power. And even if he was, the decision was done by Kan. The president of Israel hasn't expressed genocidal intent. He said an entire nation is responsible for the massacare of October 7th. That doesn't mean, and he said it few times, that civilians are legitimate war targets. An accusation doesn't mean it's true, though it should be continued to be decided on court.
@albertdavis-sn5nm Ай бұрын
kan still shows propaganda. just go onto their news site and you will see the propaganda. also, we would be fine with a song adressing the war but from someone singing it having a very pro-israel view makes it seem like it is trying to get people onto israel's side. also, both azerbaijan and israel use the platform to spread fake things about their country to make it look more positive. for example, israel and azerbaijan when they hosted using their postcards. also, there are other countries that do this including sweden trying to show their pro-lgbtq+ perspective although they have homophobia in their country, but i see this being far less of a deal that pretending like land is yours on a big stage to try and get people to think that they were being attacked by the people who actually own that land. azerbaijan and israel have and are still breaking the rules. also, the kan director supports israel's genocide onto palestinians so saying that its not linked witht eh government doesnt mean anything. also, both countries get money from eurovision whether thats streaming or publicity or anything else like that. atleast some of that money (if the broadcaster doesnt already give money to their government) will go to the countries government so by streaming either of these two songs or watching eurovision during these two songs is financially benefitting their government which they use for war money.
@Omri_R Ай бұрын
@@albertdavis-sn5nm I visited Kan just now, and I've seen some Israeli news articles, but nothing I can consider as propaganda. If anything, the current headline states "Israeli estimation: a low chance to cancel the sanctions against an IDF unit (by the Americans, I added for context)". that seems to me far from propaganda. I think the Israeli song tries to show the audience part of the Israeli side, with that I can agree. The postcards issue, as I've seen I think on escgabe (maybe I'm wrong here), is that one of them (the Israeli) showed Jerusalem including east Jerusalem which is considered an occupied territory. few hundred meters into east Jerusalem you will find the holiest place for Jews. It's currently under Israeli control (since 1967) and was shown in the postcard. I agree that there is a (subtle) political message here. I've never heard the head of Kan supporting genocide. can you share a source? that is a strong accusation. I think that countries benefit from Eurovision based mainly on tourism. as Teya and Selena said, 0.003, so you can be assured that even if the money from your stream will be given completely to the Israeli government, it wouldn't change anything.
@OfficialSpencer Ай бұрын
I've had to unsubscribe sadly I loved Stuart's videos...but him making Eurovision political and failing to address Iran's attack, alongside many Middle Eastern nations on Israel alongside and the sad hostages who haven't been returned, is showing some untasteful bias.. which doesn't sit well with me. I hate and don't tolerate what is happening in Gaza and hate what's happening, but Eurovision is a non-political platform, and shouldn't be a place to state who we stand for. I don't stand for the hurt on civilians on both sides, but taking a bias is taking a stance... Israel is as much of a victim too in this, and history can proved this.... just as much as the Palestinian people...
@stu_makes_vids Ай бұрын
As I mentioned, I know that the pain is real and tragic. I would not expect that every song about a conflict be all-encompassing. But ultimately, it is the only angle that we will hear on the night. And when it's an angle that is being used as justification to kill and starve civilians, I think that people have the right to reject its presence in a show that promotes peace and unity. With respect to the president, you can certainly make an argument about how much his involvement matters in the grand scheme of things. But he said it was his intention to ensure that Israel would be at Eurovision, and KAN changed their position after he said that. It's also an example of how the 'broadcasters, not-governments' argument makes no sense. The broadcasters are mostly publicly funded and their participation directly benefits the country they represent. And I know that he disputes the interpretation of his own words. But he is still named in South Africa’s case, and he is within the company of elected officials who have been much less ambiguous in their dehumanizing language. We can wait for however many years before its officially declared genocide or not genocide, but this is happening right now, and it's still utterly horrific, no matter how you classify the violence.
@Omri_R Ай бұрын
@@stu_makes_vids the hostages is a major reason for the continuation of the war, as another cease fire agreement failed to be achieved (as Hamas rejected the last American proposal). Bringing back the hostages can happen only in a cease fire deal, therefore their return home promotes peace and unity. I think it's also important to make a distinction. The hostages in Gaza and the October 7th massacre are not valid reasons to a genocide or ethnic cleansing, but they are a valid reason to go to war (as the full scale Invasion is a declaration of war). That is why how we classify these events matter. In every urban war civilians are killed. In Fallujah, Iraq, for example, many more civilians died compared to fighters. Mosques destroyed, schools destroyed. But it wasn't a genocide. If the civilians themselves are the target, it's a war crime that can go up to genocide. But if the fighters are, the story is different (depends on how high the ratio of innocent killed for a target value). Regarding the hunger, even though we are at war, more trucks cross into Gaza with food compared to the state prior to the war. There is anarchy in the north of Gaza strip (Hamas no longer controls the area), that makes it very difficult to get the food to all of those in need, without Hamas getting new control over the food. There are many efforts to improve the situation, based on morality factors and how the issue affects israel view in the world. In this subject I think criticism over Israel (political leadership) is justified, as the vacuum created is partially Israel responsibility. Also, I agree that some politicians in Israel used genocidal rhetoric (and some were taken out of context in ICJ). That is horrible. But similarly to the "lock her up" in the US, we sadly have here some politicians that will say crazy things for some increase in political base support. They previously said to lock the heads of opposition, to lock in jail the previous attorney general, or a previous supreme court judge, to investigate the judges or the police and many more. None of that happened of course.
@drakonius95 Ай бұрын
what did Azerbaijan do? are we just excluding random countries at this point? :D
@stu_makes_vids Ай бұрын
1. www.cbc.ca/news/world/nagorno-karabakh-refugees-1.6979410 2. www.15min.lt/en/article/in-lithuania/millions-for-victory-15min-investigates-vote-buying-in-eurovision-song-contest-525-337013 3. www.euronews.com/culture/2022/05/16/eurovision-jury-results-of-six-countries-removed-after-voting-irregularities-identified
@erinnadia0409 Ай бұрын
Pay for their win!
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