We stan John Galliano's Geisha Haute Couture collection for Dior

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@matthialbornoz 2 жыл бұрын
Galliano is a genius. Regardless of whether people think this is cultural appropriation or not, you can’t say it’s not gorgeous. Many designers have done a take on Japanese kimono, Gaultier did it as well, even McQueen
@aqvamaninc.8151 2 жыл бұрын
Absolutely! And cultural appropriation is a another way to divide people! 🤑🤮
@tm-pu5ll 2 жыл бұрын
このコレクションは確か、日本がテーマではあるけどその中でもオペラ「蝶々夫人」がテーマでした。 なのでヨーロッパ的ジャポニズムや、時代背景が明治時代であるため鹿鳴館風なドレスなどがデザインに取り入れられているんですね。 日本の美しい文化に対してのリスペクトが感じられるコレクションで私も本当に大好きです。 左前など、細かい部分では気になる点もありますが笑、ここまでの美しい作品たちを作り上げるエネルギーは並大抵の気持ちでは出来ないですし、その国の文化を100%理解することも難しいでしょうから自分的には大目に見ています笑 取り上げていただけて嬉しい😆
@kiy2347 2 жыл бұрын
@yooomooo4304 2 жыл бұрын
これらを着用できてランウェイ歩けたモデルさん自身も誇りだとおもうし なによりもデザインが洗練されていて日本知らなくてもこれ着たら好きになっちゃうわ。
@slave4glue 2 жыл бұрын
I think Japanese fashion and Japanese art has been a huge influence on Galliano throughout his entire career, it crops up in so many of his collections. Even now he’s working for Margiela you can see the influence in almost every collection. He definitely uses the influences from a place of respect and admiration and his knowledge of the techniques is incredible. I can see why, Japanese fashion and cultural history is incredibly distinctive and very chic a lot of the time. Nobody does minimalism with such refinement like the Japanese.
@saintetedelamortetdesteneb346 2 жыл бұрын
You wish.... Eww Japan is an American invention
@ママ-x4r 2 жыл бұрын
2007年のSpring&SummerのDiorのランウェイのクチュールは 和風の物には本物の着物用の反物が使われたと記憶しています。 また、ドレスにも日本に昔からある草木染めや友禅染等の技法が使われ それを現地で見よう見まねでコピーするのでは無く 糸の染色から、製織、縫製等全ての工程に 日本人の一線で活躍されている方々が携わったそうです。 15年前にも関わらず、新鮮で美しく感動を与えてくれるのも頷けます。
@kanasumi9131 2 жыл бұрын
この時のDior及びガリアーノは本当に素敵としか言いようがない。 この服を日常的に着ることは出来ないけれど、普段使ってる【服】がこんな芸術、美術品になるって…。しかも和って…。たまらんです。
@yannick3051 2 жыл бұрын
Last soundtrack???? Love it
@immrcat79 2 жыл бұрын
That Collection was supreme, exquisite, delicate. Pure art in the haute couture way. It was one of the many reasons I decided travel Japan and beign in Japan I totally understood the filling of perfection that gave me the first time I watched it. It´s one of the top 5 Haute Couture collections that gets me emotional!
@wilberthidalgo_3176 2 жыл бұрын
What are your other top collections ?
@nellarichter981 2 жыл бұрын
@@wilberthidalgo_3176 I'd like to know too
@seraphina2293 2 жыл бұрын
Tell us the rest of your top 5 please?
@Timewriter24 2 жыл бұрын
This collection makes me cry, the level of details, respect and research is huge. Galliano since ever has been inspired by Japan and its culture, even in his actual work for Margiela. Galliano’s style it’s a combination of classic and modern just like Japan.
@yooomooo4304 2 жыл бұрын
ゆりの折り紙をしなやかな布地で表現… 日本の美しいって独特だけど表されててとても嬉しいですね。
@jonaswunderkind4580 2 жыл бұрын
I was barely 18 when this collection came out and I was sobbing from excess of beauty. J. Galliano is my favorite!
@liquanliu6529 2 жыл бұрын
This is one of his best collections to me. Each and every piece is stunning.
@48JasmineS48 2 жыл бұрын
前回のミス・ユニバースのデザイナーさんのような落とし込み方ではなく、The!!と言う感じの和物が取り入れられていて圧巻です。 幾重にも重ねられてるデザインは十二単を真似ていられるのかな?兎に角素敵でした。使われている素材等もすごく拘りのありそうで、艶や細かいディテール、ビーズの細工等も目を奪われる物ばかりでした。 冨永愛さんもむっちゃくちゃ素敵でした❤️
@うにぐんかんたべたい 2 жыл бұрын
前回の動画のドレスを心の底から"美しい"と思えなかったのは、Diorの素敵すぎるドレスと違って、長い歴史の中で継承され続けてきた職人技や日本人の繊細な色彩感覚への敬意が表現されていなかったからかなあ〜^ - ^、とドレスに感動して泣きながらコメントしてます
@武蔵九郎右衛門 2 жыл бұрын
YYYOKOOOさぁん! 近所のスーパーでお鍋の具を買って戻ってきたら、✨😊🌸ありがとうございますぅ〜! 私はMode et Modeを96年から定期購読してるので、Diorの全盛期(ていうかオートクチュール全般の)を知ってます。 この頃、2008年前後あたりがピークかなぁと💐一着数百万円ですから〜(笑)😁 裏方に徹するお針子さん達の腕が、クリエイターの時代考証と創作意欲に応えるのがすごいんです! ラストの折り鶴マリエはシャロームかな?色街の女将ガウンはエリンオコーナー、過呼吸ドレスは多分ジャケッタウィーラーだと思います。手裏剣みたいな花は百合の折り方だと思います♪ 食事で言えば五ツ星のフルコースを何回も召し上がった感じでしたか? 次回もYYYOKOOOさんのFashionチェック、楽しみにしてます😊💯 from Musashi Kroemon
@Sonmmmxuan 2 жыл бұрын
I'm really glad that Dior by Galliano is receiving more recognition
@smallypuppy22 2 жыл бұрын
Best Dior era IMO
@omarhernandez2087 28 күн бұрын
Studying fashion now I appreciate his collections a lot more rather than just admiring it for being pretty or cool. 🥲
@theonlygosha 2 жыл бұрын
Galliano Dior era is supreme
@ーガト 2 жыл бұрын
最後の白いドレス綺麗すぎてなんか泣きそうやった(?) ほんまに美の暴力。鳥肌。
@castoputa 2 жыл бұрын
The art in sewing reached its pinnacle with the combination of John Galliano and the Dior Haute Couture ateliers, they research the collection for a year or more and go incredibly deep into aspects of them you’d never come across normally, thank you so much for this reaction, it’s so nice to hear even more information on these looks even all these years later. Nothing in this entire show is less than it looks, thousands of hours are spent working on them, just the embroideries even.
@ScarlettAlexandraS 2 жыл бұрын
When DIOR was amazing! Galiano is still one of my all time favorite designers. His time in DIOR was the best
@THEMODELGENE 2 жыл бұрын
Anytime you need cheering up, all it takes is looking at one of his haute couture collections and then there again is meaning in the world
@ATBT1118 2 жыл бұрын
個人的にはDiorのオートクチュールの中では最高のコレクションでしたね~ 美という概念を超えて本当に夢のようなひとときでした。 いくつかのドレスは東京で展示会やったときに見たことあるのですが、すごすぎて固まってしまっていたこと思い出しました。
@nadoch5468 2 жыл бұрын
I really love how Shalom Harlow in gigantic Origami La Mariée gown so stunning ❤️❤️❤️
@gilbertranch1906 2 жыл бұрын
No one does it like John Gallino. Dior needs to hire him back, Such talent. Thank you so much for this video.
@user-pe2yx9kt4e 2 жыл бұрын
Why should he go back when they betrayed him so? They didn’t stand by him when he needed them most, and in fact made things much worse. Now look what they’ve come to. Because they did not value the individual.
@user-pe2yx9kt4e 2 жыл бұрын
Couldn’t just let him go even, had to kick him on his way out. Worse than kick.
@electrokumakuma 2 жыл бұрын
Dior didn't deserve him
@andresalvaradoortega7469 2 жыл бұрын
I love how she describe this Dior's collection, it's my favorite too, she describe the magic of Galliano in Dior
@havu-xq4ip 2 жыл бұрын
Very Dior, Very Japanese, Absolutely Excellent. I am sad that most people would not wear any of these clothes due to the cost and the practicality of it. This collection was meant for a museum.
@castoputa 2 жыл бұрын
Please do not be sad, people do buy them and wear them but they are not often totally the same as the samples, you have one adapted to your needs, it’s really cool! But very expensive lol
@yuko7283 2 жыл бұрын
このコレクションを特集してくれてありがとうございます。 ジョン・ガリアーノさんがデザインしてた時のDiorが私はすっごく好きです。 このショーは特に日本にフォーカスしてますが、いろんな民族のエッセンスを取り入れてDiorに昇華していったり、 ステージ自体もドラマティックなのがすごくいい! 1997 AWはヨーロッパ的なものが主ですが、リアルタイムで衝撃を受けました。 凄く世界観が素敵なので、是非見てみてください。(ちょっとおせくしーですが)
@fordkoleski7913 2 жыл бұрын
I can't believe I've never seen this before....I am utterly speechless! John Galliano is a Genius on every level when it comes to Haute Couture and this collection is the proof of it. His level of creativity and detail with the Japanese Geisha inspiration mixed with classic Dior silhouettes taken to a level I honestly don't know that I've ever seen anything quite so exquisite.
@THEMODELGENE 2 жыл бұрын
Dior has been trying to erase his impact on the brand, when no one has done more for Dior since the founder.
@user-ps2gp2bw5l 2 жыл бұрын
ガリアーノは本当にDIORに貢献したと思う。あの事件がなければ……… 本当に2000年代は人々をワクワクさせるようなコレクションばかりで、服が本当に好きになりました。ガリアーノDiorはデザインだけでなくストーリーなどもしっかりあって、見応えのあるショーだった。この時代のファッションショー戻ってくれ
@玉子踏んじゃった 2 жыл бұрын
@jekku4688 Жыл бұрын
I know. Breathtaking, isn't it? Your emotions were EXACTLY the same as mine. I was completely overwhelmed that clothing like this even existed! This is my absolute FAVORITE Dior collection of all time, hands down. It's so elegant, so unique, SO STUNNING, it nearly brings tears to my eyes. Galliano is a fashion genius, and think this was the pinnacle. Can you even imagine the _time_ and HAND stitching it took to complete this collection???
@typhoon2minerva 2 жыл бұрын
The japanese reference on this amazing its like john galliano for dior turn into a japanese traditional clothes designer creating western clothing ...... The feeling is japanese but the silhoute is very western
@user-on6wt1qq3f 2 жыл бұрын
しっかり色使いとか見て作られていることがわかるDiorのショーでした! 物凄くテーマの国のこと学んでやれ……なんて言わない。敬意が込められていればそれで満足です✨ そんでもってこのショーは敬意もテーマの国にも沿っているから大満足です! 動画上げてくれてありがとうございます😭
@シャアアナノレズブ 2 жыл бұрын
左前のドレスのデザインが完全に秋の夕暮れで最高でした。 これから寒くなり、人恋しく遠い子供時代につい思いを馳せてしまうような季節の黄昏時(全ての境界線が曖昧になる時間)と考えるならば、死(左前)と生(右前)の境界も曖昧になったと考えて良いのかもしれないですね。 私はこのドレスを見た時、今はもういない祖母と散歩した秋の夕暮れを思い出しました。
@こけむし-c3r 2 жыл бұрын
@マキT 2 жыл бұрын
日本文化への愛に溢れたコレクション!ちょこっとシノワズリー混ざってましたが。色が素晴らしいですね! 4:47のグラデーションはなんとも言えませんね。そして7:52のドレス!おにぎりせんべい・・・歌舞伎カラーがこんなに上品になるなんて驚きです!アクセントカラーの紫がオレンジにも緑にも💖凄すぎです! のし袋のやつは「水引」です。水引のアクセサリーとかありますよ〜 竹踏みのheadpieceだけはジョークにしか見えませんでしたが、素晴らしいコレクションを紹介してくださりありがとうございます!
@Vamikonekoneko 2 жыл бұрын
すばらしい!!!!ここまで細かくこだわって立体で仕上げる……そして洋なシルエットやジャケットと和の羽織とパターン化して分けることで、それぞれのデザインの良いところに注目しやすいです🥰 なんだか登美丘高校さんがダンスのテーマにしたバブルのあのボディコンスーツ?みたいで素敵!!
@yassercastillo2607 2 жыл бұрын
I can help but to cry everytime I see this collection i wish there was a high definition version but still just stunning.
@mikao798 2 жыл бұрын
ドレスを見て泣いたのは初めてです。 どれもとても素敵でしたが、ラストの一着は本当に圧倒されました✨✨
@blueearth5000 2 жыл бұрын
@自ロ 2 жыл бұрын
@freeroamtraveler 2 жыл бұрын
You should also check out if you haven’t, the Japanese Crane and origami inspired Givenchy Haute Couture 2011 collection! Very beautiful!
@zhenzhen8766 2 жыл бұрын
動画でもおっしゃっていた通り、7:00 の服はなんか清王朝に近いです。(清王朝とは割と違うが) 特に襟まわりの模様が太く、斜めに流れているところが満洲族っぽいです。(もしかしたら、日本の公家の袍の襟をアレンジしすぎて日本から遠く離れてしまったのかもしれない) 7:30の服は唐(盛唐)のスカートと髪型に近いです。文物だと昊守忠墓女俑(東京国立博物館)などに近いです。日本というより、東アジア服飾のような気がします。
@treyjones4494 5 ай бұрын
Shalom Harlow looked amazing in the last dress such a beautiful collection
@ちゃんねるミスティック 10 ай бұрын
ごめんなさい感動しちゃって語彙力なくなってるけど、この動画でこのコレクションに出会えて知る事が出来て嬉しいです やはり各国からみた他国文化の捉え方、オマージュ・インスパイアなどを比較するとそこにリスペクトや豊富な知識が織り込まれているのかが透けて見えますね…✨✨✨
@elmisa3817 2 жыл бұрын
ドレスが出てくるたびに「はぁ…!」とリアクションしていたヨーコさんのリアクションが可愛かったです😂 特に14:14〜😂 こないだのシャーロックホームズ回もそうでしたが、好きなもののリアクションしてるヨーコさんめっちゃ可愛いですよ!
@LCNMGNMNT 2 жыл бұрын
I remember watching this show the year after I graduated high school. It made me fall in love with fashion.
@baderolsham3798 2 жыл бұрын
Yes Dior under John Galliano always made a stunning collection. He likes to use others people culture as inspiration to make Dior next collection. Beside that u must check out also Alexander McQueen who did Japanese inspiration from samurai amor so stunning. He looks more dark side of fashion and one of my idola fashion designer ( prince of fashion) beside Madeline Vionett (queen of drape) n Balenciaga ( king of shape)
@sora2009life3 2 жыл бұрын
@user-tgtg73 2 жыл бұрын
和の表現を堪能し、深い感銘を受けた人にしかできない表現ですよね。 折り紙だけでなく、帯の美の表現を素敵に大胆に広げてくださってましたね。華麗ながら繊細、独特の和の落ち着き。どれも本当に素晴らしい。 愛とリスペクトを感じます。 ただ残念なのは、やはり全体的に白人を通しての表現が多かったこと。そして肩からウエストにかけての絞り方、ディオールらしいですが、やはり極端すぎ。 芸術作品ではあるものの、人として痛々しい。ファッション界が女性に与えている美の定義とイメージが、多くの女性に苦痛を与えていることは、ずっと昔から日本人の想像を越えるほど問題になっています。 細さを強調せずとも美しい和の装い方をファッションに取り入れてほしいですね。あのディオールが😳😱って、世界を真の和の美で驚嘆させてほしいです。
@chanz3991 2 жыл бұрын
すべてのドレスが芸術的ですね。着物、折り紙を研究されつくしてますね。 日本人が忘れかけていた、日本の美を思い出させて頂きました。ジョンガリアーノ、天才ですね
@waterbearer4627 2 жыл бұрын
It's the level of creativity this man has that is so extraordinary. The silhouettes, the detail, the passion, the drama and elegance. He is carefully researching Japanese elements, it is about being inspired, having a love for it. Fusing it with the Dior ethos. It is not cultural appropriation if respect and appreciation is at the heart of the matter. This is the beauty we see. His fashion moves into the realm of art. Every piece belongs in a museum for us to admire.
@こまぎれにく 2 жыл бұрын
帯の下がブルーグリーンのプリーツになってるエンパイアドレスが1番好き! プリーツ部分がちょっと平安装束ぽく見えて素敵でした 見事前回のお口直しになりましたね💕 感動してちょっと泣いちゃったぞ!
@あたたい 2 жыл бұрын
3:43のドレス、皇族みあって惚れる どれも、めちゃくちゃ高級な和菓子感ある
@Chiaki_9 2 жыл бұрын
3:22 や 8:53 のような ピンク、緑、白の取り合わせがわたしは好きです! 梅にうぐいすが止まっているところや、和菓子(三色団子、雛祭りの菱餅、お盆にお供えする落雁など)が思い浮かびました。 しかし本当にどれも綺麗……圧巻ですね
@うさマル-g8i 2 жыл бұрын
@masu2007 2 жыл бұрын
@zozocchini1157 2 жыл бұрын
john galliano is a genius when it comes to fashion!! my favourite collection of his was dior's fall/winter 1997
@ワルプルギス-y1i 2 жыл бұрын
なぜか後半涙出たました。素敵な映像に出会えて幸せです😌🌸 私は特に3:13がすきです!
@charliemillangaga02 2 жыл бұрын
We may not like John Galliano after his antisemitism comments, but we cant denied he transformed Dior and made it relevant in fashion again, Raf Simons was close to him but now Dior is stuck in a one note of sameness that is frustrating thanks to MGC, having one of the most iconic houses and instead of showing this level of Haute Couture, we have the same boring, uninspired work every year. Dior from the 2000 is just art.
@michaelbruno1330 2 жыл бұрын
His Jewish husband is not concerned, so why is anyone else?
@charliemillangaga02 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelbruno1330 The brand and the public at the time it happened care, especially the brand ambassador who is jewish cared.
@ShweMyaukMyauk 2 жыл бұрын
Yup....instead we get new look written on some sportswear no thanks to MGC
@somtooffor6431 2 жыл бұрын
@@michaelbruno1330 is this a take on "my best friend is black so I can't be racist"? If you can tell strangers among other that they should be dead because they are Jewish and that their family members would have been gassed, there is something seriously wrong with you. I don't really see what his husband has to do with it. The words came out Galliano's mouth no?
@isabelleskiss 2 жыл бұрын
@@somtooffor6431 He said those horrible things when he was drunk, insane...he shouldn't have said them even then, but it makes a difference. Nothing in his life and work suggests he's secretly a Nazi...besides, a gay flamboyant fashion designer would surely be the first to end up in a concentration camp under a Nazi regime, think about it! We should rather worry about the people who say such slogans soberly and thus openly declare their views!
@svegliazoe4736 2 жыл бұрын
This is the most beautiful Haute Couture show ever made. Just this.
@biscotti320 2 жыл бұрын
このコレクションが1番好きなので嬉しいです!! 本当に素敵に日本を表現してくれてて、日本文化が誇らしく思えてとっても感動した当時の事を思い出しました🥰
@gjdpmt 2 жыл бұрын
@tomm5587 2 жыл бұрын
That Green Coat 💚💚💚
@idaimawomantrapsinsideaman5004 2 жыл бұрын
This is why John Galliano is always the most iconic & unique fashion designer of all time ( I think only one who can beat him was Alexander McQueen ). Most of his collections are inspired from exotic cultures & histories. LEGENDARY !!!
@lizziebennet2084 11 ай бұрын
Galliano, Alexander and Guo Pei are supreme
@creoanima 2 жыл бұрын
14:14 When Origami La Mariee literally sets your soul free from your body. I find Galliano did that to me repeatedly year after year, same as Alexander McQueen.
@solangestar5 2 жыл бұрын
I love the vintage dior the new dior is so basic the fantasy and crazy dior from 2000s was fun not safe and very sexy
@AloeAntinousAquila55 2 жыл бұрын
John Galliano = truely OTT 🙌🏾💖✨
@ゆゆ-t6x9e 2 жыл бұрын
@kleinbrynbaranfrande 2 жыл бұрын
Same feeling when I saw the finale dress in 2007... it's called "Diorgasm"... haha
@joeson7700 2 жыл бұрын
Couture creation + Ikebana + ORIGAMIC = Avant GARDENESE
@st3458 2 жыл бұрын
See this is culture appreciation you can tell the designer spend there time researching Japanese culture and history and didn’t just do a collection of what they see from the media of Japanese culture although what would have made this even better was if all the models were Japanese
@lkmnmakeupformenchannel8220 2 жыл бұрын
I always love Dior in John Galliano era!!!!
@MN-bb8mc 2 жыл бұрын
@xtremely04 2 жыл бұрын
I don't know if anyone already mentioned it but John Galliano's Japanese themed men's collection was absolutely gorgeous...!!
@Ivhez1 2 жыл бұрын
He is a living legend and need to Comeback to Dior
@ちびりん-y8g 2 жыл бұрын
@mini4600 2 жыл бұрын
@davidh.4220 2 жыл бұрын
The dress right before the finale look is my favorite.
@千雨-m8w 2 жыл бұрын
@ロミラ 2 жыл бұрын
着物って、戦争が無ければこうやって進化して行ったかも知れないなぁと思ったりします。 私は最初の方に黒人さんモデルの着ていた薄紫のドレスが好きです〜 色が好みなのと、美しい折り紙のリボン? と、柔らかそうなシルクのたたずまいにノックアウトでした〜\(^o^)/ 結婚式に使われる何か は、もしかしたら水引かな?
@castoputa 2 жыл бұрын
The green gown with the huge sleeved coat you admired for example, the orange flowers on it are made of thousands of pieces of hand dyed lace, embroidered onto the fabric to make the flowers, and each layer of the coat is made entirely, so it is extremely heavy too! I miss this ultimate level of craftsmanship. We have not seen it in too long ❤️
@ameliebringgold4125 2 жыл бұрын
Dior with out john is a joke. His creativity was out of this world. And each piece was jaw dropping.
@THEMODELGENE 2 жыл бұрын
so true, I wish his reign never ended
@megsullivan 2 жыл бұрын
OMG I loved your reaction to this video. Also, I totally agree; the designs are GORGEOUS.
@tiredpisces9384 2 жыл бұрын
i don't think you can produce anything as magical and pure like that if you meant any harm or hatred to anyone, or if you meant to offend the people whose culture you're inspired by.
@kumikofujisawa323 2 жыл бұрын
@massimosquecco8956 2 жыл бұрын
If I could buy the third Galliano Dress you showed us the only thing I would change was the origami flower on the back. It was Fabulous for that fashion show but impossible to sit down in it. That dress was perfection in itself, but if I could have it made in cherry red I would wear it, even if I m male, every day of the year! This is stuff for dreaming!
@tanotano600 2 жыл бұрын
I like wedding gawn with clane. It's really constructive!! I was like "I feel you " during watched this video. Thank you.
@sirokyo3194 2 жыл бұрын
ガリアーノが担当していた頃のDiorは最高でしたね! ショーのトップで登場するのは、カーリー・クロスだった頃ですね! オートクチュールでは、着物に白塗りメイク、スーパーピンヒールで、気絶しそうなほどドラマチックでしたね。
@傷心的人-y7l 2 жыл бұрын
That was exactly how I felt at the time when this fashion show came out.
@indoora 2 жыл бұрын
When Galliano was artistic director of Dior all of his couture shows where in three sections demarcated by the make up of Pat McGrath. She extensively researches different looks throughout history and cultures but for collections that feature a particular culture (like his Egyptian collection) she goes directly to the sours, as she did with collection.
@hazmanharun88 2 жыл бұрын
Anyone noticed that the confetti thing at the end was all origami? Whoa. The level of detail is amazing.
@junryo4987 2 жыл бұрын
最後、折り鶴って一目で分かるのが圧巻でしたね。いくつかのドレスに付いていたのは手裏剣じゃなくて百合かと思います。あと途中で出てきた鳥の羽根のようなドレスは日本の国鳥『朱鷺(トキ)』ではないでしょうか。 所々で出てきた色がうつろう染めが襦袢(着物の下に着るもの)の様で美しかったです。天下のディオール、刺繍やプリーツはお手の物なのでしょうけれど折り込んで崩れてこないデザインは驚愕でした。
@creoanima 2 жыл бұрын
12:07 is my favorite, it reminds me of the Barons favored courtesan going to the Paris opera circa late 1800's (contemporary, of course).
@jopizelf 2 жыл бұрын
Hi, I'm new to your KZbin channel, I really like Haute Couture, I make all my own clothes myself. John Galliano and Alexander McQueen were my favorite designers at the time, for their extravagant show and for their exceptional craftsmanship and love for the profession, as were Thierry Mugler and Jean Paul Gaultier. Just like you I am so awestruck and moved by this beauty of art, I can't choose which dress was the most beautiful, I cried emotion that this show evokes and also how you were moved I was able to view a beautiful collection of JP Gaultier life, I was blown away by the beautiful craftsmanship. Since a year I have discovered the make-up artist Pat McGrath, who did all the make-up in this show, her talent (and that of her team) is unprecedented really sublime (note: her make-up line is also major, big fan ) Thanks for sharing this wonderful show, the image quality is beautiful. Greetings from Diana from the Netherlands
@lizziebennet2084 11 ай бұрын
Wow! I don’t know anything about Japanese couture, but this is sublime!
@aileen1602 2 жыл бұрын
Favourite galliano collection ❤️
@あっちゃん-h7f 2 жыл бұрын
綺麗でうるっとしますね。 13:00〜のドレスは長谷川等伯の桜図(国宝障壁画)を思い出しました。 ヨーロッパで日本or中国をパロディ化するとき白い顔面につり眉(あとホクロとか)で表現されますが(yanis marshallの昔のビデオとか)、このコレクションの影響は大きそうですね。
@flowersandragons 2 жыл бұрын
Aside from the amazing video (this is honestly making me more interested in fashion!), I'd also just like to say you have such a beautiful voice, so soothing~
@user-fp6rb1tx1e Жыл бұрын
The beat collection ever by Galliano
@ag-su6wx 2 жыл бұрын
@ochakichi3688 2 жыл бұрын
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