Weak Minded Society- I’ll Use My Voice Like The Strong Woman I Am. IM Not A Cowardly Passerby

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Service Dog Paws

Service Dog Paws

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@alexb7092 Жыл бұрын
I 100% agree with this, the only thing I disagree with is the notion that trans people/lgbt+ people don't receive push back for standing up for themselves and their rights, I often deal with so much sh*t for being trans, so much mistreatment and if I talk about it in certain places, I still receive a lot of push back, I understand that you aren't saying it in a negative way, but I feel like, unless you are trans yourself and you experience what we go through daily, it's not super fair to use us as an example, especially considering even the few celebrities who push for change who are trans also get massively dog piled online Again, all the love to you, I support you 100% and I agree with what you do, people don't realise the importance of standing for the things you believe in and doing the right thing, making that change. You have to deal with so much sh*t and you want the world to be safer for you and people like yourself. I hope you're doing okay ❤
@ServiceDogPaws Жыл бұрын
No not at all like that!! It’s the fact that what all deal with push back! I may have honestly worded that wrong. I used those references as similarities. I just often more see things associating movements etc for those, vs disability rights. But we absolutely do all struggle with pushback. I just wish the service dog community specifically had a little more support. And trans/lgbq (which I fully support) wasn’t the only thing I mentioned was it? I thought I mentioned a few. I was heated and don’t fully remember what I said. My cat got out and I’m emotional wreck right now. We’ve been trying to find him. I’m so sorry if I upset/bothered/offended you. Truly not my intention ♥️
@alexb7092 Жыл бұрын
@@ServiceDogPaws Hey no, it's totally okay, I am not offended or bothered or upset, I just wanted to mention that it's probably not the best wording, or maybe even I interpreted it wrong, because the lgbt+ for sure gets shit on for trying to stand up for themselves (it was the trans, gay/lgbt+) the other thing you mentioned was reproductive rights, which unfortunately, even then I've still seen people in power debating those options and it's just so wrong :( I hope I didn't come off in a bad way at all, I'm really so sorry for what you deal with, it's not fair at all and you're so freaking strong and educating people is so important, you're making big differences and have educated so many people. Also, I'm so sorry about your current circumstance, I hope you're doing okay :( is your cat microchipped? If not, I hope you can find him. ❤ I'm a bit all over the place too right now, life is weird sometimes how it shocks you with how many things can go wrong, one after the other, but always hang onto hope, as much as you can. ❤❤❤ also, just clarifying again, you didn't say anything bad, I just thought I'd mention that while there's a more broad support for it, there's still just as much, if not more that are specifically against all lgbt+ folks, that's kinda what I meant, I don't know if there's a massive amount of people specifically against service dog laws, but if there is, f**k 'em, you keep fighting the good fight and even if you don't want to, focus on staying safe. ❤
@ServiceDogPaws Жыл бұрын
@@alexb7092 Love this conversation.♥️ He’s microchipped. And has an apple air tag on his collar. He ran away from us in the woods on purpose. His curiosity lately. We’re working on building him an outdoor catio. But he stayed near the house. But was out for about 4 hours. When my husband got up for work we checked his apple air tag location. It said he was with us, near the house, we opened the door and called him and he ran in. Little shit head had me in a horrible anxiety attack all night. He’s indoors. So. Not sure he would know what to do if a dog went after him. He’s best friends with Mya. Or a coyote. It worries the hell out of me. But he’s safe. ♥️ But we do all definitely face the struggles and the diversity of those struggles are going to vary not only from situation, but individually as well. And we all need to keep standing up for what’s right.
@Elowrenadventures Жыл бұрын
@@ServiceDogPaws it's not all you mentioned but in 2023 when who we are as trans people is so politicized and pir life of being threatened daily in real areas especially in the south, we took a lot of offense to that. Yes disability right need to be talked about but this isn't the era to be bring up the struggles trans individuals have. Especially with all these laws being made to hurt us. These laws our family members agree with while we have no say. Not a good comparison to make and I'm sorry you had a bad moment before filming but we need to think about the things we say.
@MrCockatiel2007 Жыл бұрын
Dominique, I'm glad I have you in my corner advocating disability and service dogs rights! I'm like you! I'm glad I followed someone like you!
@donnagregory1053 Жыл бұрын
If people would stop bringing in regular pets and/or emotional support animals in non pet friendly places, you wouldn’t have to speak out. Keep fighting the good fight! Standing with you! 😊
@calliepatteen Жыл бұрын
I work for Walmart and I’ve felt with these people and the team members have removed them from the store for their fake service dogs trying to attack my dog I agree with you
@EnderElla3-Thebirb Жыл бұрын
I do agree This one time I was with my friend (who had a service dog)and we go to this shop and like 6 works and two sercuity came and said no pets when it was obviously a service dog with a vest And my friend is younger than me and should not be dealing with this So I was there for at least an hour dealing with it while she got what she needed Some people are just unbelievable we had 3 people stick up for us atleast Even tho that was a while ago and I can't remember why there needed a service dog(they had to move cross country) I just hope more people realise that there are people that actually need it
@pbmechura Жыл бұрын
Laws just passed in Spain allowing pets in all shops unless the store asked them to leave. It’s pretty widely like that in Europe. That’s because they all live in more sensibly populated areas and are around other dogs constantly. Like if you follow any blind people in cities, the guide dogs are around other dogs on the streets of Manhattan all day every day. If those guide dogs were able to get distracted by pets, the owners would be dead.
@mysticalhaunts9221 Жыл бұрын
No matter what I will always use my voice! I don't care either! I'm tired of people thinking they are entitled to not follow the laws!
@mansfield821 Жыл бұрын
Thank U for standing up for Us with invisible disabilities!
@yellowvalle4799 Жыл бұрын
You have to say something to people who fakes service dog!!!!! I’m GLAD YOU SAID SOMETHING ABOUT IT ❤
@calliepatteen Жыл бұрын
Your example has helped me at times when a fake service dog has tried to attack my service dog I was timid before.
@JCReturns4Me2 Жыл бұрын
More power to ya honey. I'm disabled as well since my tractor accident 9 years ago. My health has declined since then so that i now have my service dog, Ganja. He is my 135 pound baby who helps me everyday. He's such a blessing to me. Without him, I would be in a wheelchair, and home bound. Thank you for standing up for yourself, and all who are disabled with a service dog. Prayers, peace, and much love to you honey. 🙏✝️❤️🕊️💜🌹
@K9_Brindle Жыл бұрын
As you said you inspired me to use my voice so, Thank you❤💜
@ServiceDogPaws Жыл бұрын
Love ♥️♥️♥️♥️
@Daniel1.1 Жыл бұрын
Respect for you woman, I admire that.
@Skip2daLoo Жыл бұрын
Good for you! Plant your feet and preach it sister. I too have an invisible disability and the dirty looks we get just by parking in a handicap spot is unsettling. I may be ok going in but coming out you almost have to carry me. So I have actually been shopping in 8 years. I’m just so tired of it all. Keep standing strong!!!
@mansfield821 Жыл бұрын
I agree with U; Dominique! 100%!❤
@gantz4u Жыл бұрын
The problem with gatekeeping service dogs as "fakers" Is I could be sitting here saying your condition is fake. When whether it is or isnt is actually none of my business under HIPAA. In fact under ADA guidelines any disability that could benefit from a service dog is considered a Legitimate service dog. So we could actually debate in court whether theres a disability that causes you to fake a disability that would benefit from a service dog and have our lawyers argue the definition of disability. And Im going to bet the "faker" comes out of that victorious, based on discriminating and/or violations of HIPAA. But above all else, I want to pet him. Let me pet him.
@loulou1248 7 ай бұрын
I’m about to boycott facebook because I’m sick of seeing all the adds for applying to get a “service animal” documents and vets for your dog/ESA so you can “legally” take them places 😑🙄
@Marvel_Ava Жыл бұрын
This is so true. I am 100% with you on this. I've been through hell and still am going through hell but I've learned to use my voice. You just spoke facts. Hard facts. I'm sorry tha people wanna be jerks and tell you how to handle things. It socks and I'm really sorry people are like that. Hope everything is going good.❤
@jadehobby2520 Жыл бұрын
You go girl!
@mcrchickenluvr Жыл бұрын
I had a lady, I use that term VERY loosely, at Family Dollar piss me off today. I was there with my nephews and their service dogs. Both of which are seizure trained. This “lady” had the nerve to tell the boys they had to take their pets outside while I shopped. I asked her why and she said it’s because they don’t allow dogs in the store, SD or not. There’s a sign on the door that clearly states that only service animals are allowed. I pointed it out to her and she said “well, it’s just there to appease the state. It doesn’t mean shit”. I had to explain to her that she was breaking federal laws by not allowing service animals in the store. Then she admitted that she said it because she hates dogs and doesn’t think that service animals are actually needed. This “lady” by the way, is an employee. And you can bet your ass I don’t as recording the whole interaction. And that I sent it to not only her manager but also to corporate. I got an email from corporate apologizing to me for the experience that I had. They’ve apparently had issues like this with service animal handlers not being allowed in there. They’re looking into it even more now that they’ve got visual proof besides their security cameras. I also got a call from the store manager and was informed that the employee no longer works because of that. She was just as pissed as I was. Especially when she heard her say in my video that my boys to wait outside in our 110 degree heat being epileptic. Is it going to change the whole company? I don’t know. But it’s a start. Even the person I spoke to at corporate told me that had I not said anything and had physical proof of what happened that it would be very difficult to actually do anything about it. Some people might not agree with us speaking up. If we don’t then not a damn thing will change. And a lot of people could lose their lives if more don’t speak up.
@josslow6939 Жыл бұрын
First! I wondered where you were. And I would try to , but ill get in trouble. so i just shut up. but if that dog barks at mine or lunges, i say get that dog away from my real service dog.
@Kendrandbuddy Жыл бұрын
I totally agree with you but we should not be calling people weak at the end of the day we have all been through something that effects us all differently some people are quite like me and some are more out spoken like you Do I agree with everything you do no but I keep my mouth shut because that is just the polite thing to do I love that you speak out about people with disabilities and people with service dogs it is unfortunate that there is fake service dogs that makes it harder for people to get into a business without papers witch is the illegal way to do it My mom will not let me get a service dog because of how much it is and the fakes and public access issues (also she doesn’t like me telling her the laws) I am just a 15 almost 16 year old girl who wants to live a normal life but hates going into public because I don’t know what’s going on around me if people are giving me weird looks or my eyes want to see everything but just sees bright colors and shiny packaging but can’t see what the label until it is centimeters from my face or dropping smaller items on the floor and being on my hands and knees trying to find it or at home constantly putting my phone down somewhere and can’t find it or worrying there will be loud noises I missed out on a lot of cool experiences just because of my worries as a disabled teenager and also knowing my disability’s can get worse thankfully not my eyes let’s hope there not supposed to get worse I could keep on going on and on about what my problems are It really dose suck it really dose Edited can we just keep this a Civil conversation if you want to say something, I don’t need to have a panic attack
@ServiceDogPaws Жыл бұрын
I don’t mean someone is weak for not being able to speak up. It’s my opinion, that people are weak for shaming someone else for speaking up for what’s right.
@Kendrandbuddy Жыл бұрын
@@ServiceDogPaws ok that makes more sense sorry
@jbanks1819 Жыл бұрын
Ok Karen
@BoatRocker619 10 ай бұрын
Just scroll away. People repel others with their attitude and behaviour. Let them be.
@jameswatson521 Жыл бұрын
I totally agree and support u dom I keep being attention to people with fake service animals
@patriciahowe5173 Жыл бұрын
100 percent agree with u dom I had to tell people at Wal-Mart about Ada law
@Sarahrose1174 Жыл бұрын
that most people don’t know your not supposed to pet or speak to or make eye contact with service animals I did not know until I started watching videos about service dogs . I don’t think it’s ok to be rude to people just nicely say she’s working it will take her attention away (anything but don’t look at my dog .. don’t touch my dog ) not just u but every person I’ve watched besides one has been super rude about it Nothing at all wrong with getting other dogs out they shouldn’t be there to begin with Just be nicer u don’t know what someone is going through and they literally just saw a pretty dog and we are all Drawn to them u could have ruined or made their whole day
@kornkid. Жыл бұрын
Agreed and indeed
@Rickstyles44 9 ай бұрын
🤣 🤣 🤣
@BrittsGeodeK9s Жыл бұрын
I'm ALWAYS going to say something, and with my state having a 1 party concent law for recording, I WILL be recording any dog acting aggressive or sitting in a fucking grocery cart, because I'm legally allowed to. You bring an aggressive, out of control pet into a store I'm saying something and recording. I'll happily take some ignorant pos to court for their pet attacking my service dog. My momma didn't give me a big mouth for causing a scene for nothing and I'm not letting my dog go without a fight
@cherylmillard2067 Жыл бұрын
I had to bring Maxine my Malinois into the store (I had locked us out of the car), she is highly trained and not dog reactive, I am starting SD training soon but at this stage I don't feel ready to call her a SDIT. I told the manager that Max was not a Service Dog. They know I have a service dog, Fritz who was at home, he just did not want to work that day. I too have raised hell regarding fake service dogs, it pisses me off. You and I have put the work in on our dogs, the hours and hours of training, our dogs are valuable to our welfare, something the fake dog people will never understand.
@ernestminnix468 Жыл бұрын
I just feel manager should start stepping up. And preventing regular animal inside private building. It shouldn't be regular citizens
@ServiceDogPaws Жыл бұрын
They won’t. Someone has to.
@Elowrenadventures Жыл бұрын
I'll tell you as a trans person with a disability, your take is so off. People don't like when anyone stands up for their rights period. I was gonna stick up for you but after that "the transgenders" comment I'm fucking blown. Lmao
@shannongreenwell1278 Жыл бұрын
Way to go! You SHOULD be able to stand up for yourself! And it’s pathetic how people who are disabled are treated but people who are gay and people who don’t like the president can say and do whatever they want and no one tells them to quit crying the blues!
@dizzydots4786 Жыл бұрын
I agree with 95% of your point, but did you really have to bring homophobia into it? I'm not tryna start beef and I'm trying to be respectful, I just don't understand what you were trying to achieve by dragging sexuality into it
@shannongreenwell1278 Жыл бұрын
@@dizzydots4786 The media seems to dote on that and it’s not a problem, But people who are disabled get treated like rubbish and are bullied.
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