State Managers Are Making Your Code Worse In React

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Web Dev Simplified

Web Dev Simplified

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One of the first things most people do when creating a new React application is install a state management library. This is something that used to be necessary to create a React application, but with the improvements to React and the tooling around React state managers are really not needed for most applications.
📚 Materials/References:
Next.js Ecommerce Project Video: Coming Soon
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⏱️ Timestamps:
00:00 - Introduction
00:58 - Prop Drilling
02:42 - Global State
04:28 - Context
06:38 - Reducers
07:37 - State Reconciliation
08:25 - Meta Frameworks
10:02 - URL State Management
10:57 - When To Use State Management Libraries
12:36 - Example App
#ReactJS #WDS #StateManagement

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@kmellia Ай бұрын
I'm a junior developer and have been following your channel for a while now because your courses are so easy to understand. However, I was wondering if you could make videos about how to maintain and update a project when there are new packages and/or frameworks versions, and how to configure things like imports, Prettier, etc. We always see videos about coding, but I think configuration, infrastructure, and maintaining projects are also very important.
@miervaldis42 Ай бұрын
Yes, that would be cool Also configuring a simple CI pipeline, Docker, automatic versioning, monorepo, etc...
@spongebob93lover Ай бұрын
Agree! Being a web developer now is not only about coding but also all those things you mentioned and I find it difficult to proceed as a junior
@ElatedBlue Ай бұрын
This was an amazing video! Specifically, I liked you going through a short summary of the history where you explained problem -> solution, problem -> solution. I think it is infinitely more useful to understand why things are used/developed as opposed to the common 'this is industry standard, use this for x'
@adtc Ай бұрын
Thank you for not saying there is "state" in server components. It tripped up a lot of people.
@bama2619 Ай бұрын
Kyle, thank you for the right info. I love your explanations. I just about to brush up state management in React. You gave the view of all the state panorama. I have still many things to learn. Really waiting for your next video with the project you mentioned.
@ParaZumir Ай бұрын
PLS use more drawings like in this video. It makes it much easier to understand. Awesome channel
@TienNguyen-og5eo Ай бұрын
Yeah, I finally understand on big scale the props drilling issue.
@Yoband706 Ай бұрын
I have literally spent the last month removing impossibly intertwined and implicit state and putting it in the URL. This has allowed for deeplinks, bookmarking and easier to read code, test and re-use code. I am of the opinion you most likely don't need state management in almost all work you do. Thanks for the vid!
@deshi-sukuna Ай бұрын
server state with react query is my go to and always will be 🐐
@Yoband706 Ай бұрын
@@deshi-sukuna indeed. The server is (almost always) the real state. We are here to make buttons ands
@vickylance Ай бұрын
​@@deshi-sukunawhen you say server you mean like next js server or like actual server API?
@deshi-sukuna Ай бұрын
@@vickylance i mean actual server api 😃
@vickylance Ай бұрын
@@deshi-sukuna ok cool
@mountakhabi Ай бұрын
React Query (Tanstack Query) is also a good way to store requested data with the build in cache
@JesseSlomowitz Ай бұрын
I've been a huge fan of what Preact Signals has done for React. I've been using that for state management on the client side. (And it's also really smooth for passing state around in Svelte).
@dereksniper Ай бұрын
This is what i want to try on my next project
@BboyKeny Ай бұрын
Knockout had it right
@adriankateliev731 4 күн бұрын
Redux + saga is still for me the best combination. You've got clear components without any async requests. You send only events, so much clear.
@tom.watkins Ай бұрын
I avoid using state management libraries until I have an exact use case for one in the project. It's surprising how far you can get without having any need for one
@Stevexupen Ай бұрын
you'll find that if you avoid state management libraries, you'll start creating better reusable components.
@StefanoV827 Ай бұрын
I basically use only RTK for the login reducer with persist to keep the user logged, and RTK query (so same package) for api fetch because it manages the cache and allows me to avoid too many requests to the backend. That's it.
@marvinkr Ай бұрын
Got a code example?
@StefanoV827 Ай бұрын
@@marvinkr you can get all the examples on RTK query docs. Also RTKQ allows you to avoid using useEffect, cause it reloads automatically the widget on data change. Also you can launch multiple fetchs sequentially using "skip" option, so convenient!
@buzz1ebee Ай бұрын
The code gen for rtk query is really nice too. If you have accurate openapi specs for your back end (either because you define the openapi spec and also generate the backend, or you generate the openapi from your backend) then you can just run a command to have all of your data fetching and mutations created for you automatically.
@Osirisdigitalagency Ай бұрын
What about the client side State management like e-commerce carts and themes
@StefanoV827 Ай бұрын
@@Osirisdigitalagency yeah you can do it with reducers as usual with RTK
@osaka-ben9291 Ай бұрын
I'm using Nextjs and i already figure it out that state was no longer needed in my application because i prefer using SSR and page be generated server side to gain performance which is a great thing but when you have client interaction to filters blog for example , i thought there were no other way to deal with states so thank you so much for the URL parameters tips , didn't think about that and i'm gonna apply this idea right away :)
@Shyam_Mahanta Ай бұрын
These ideas are for small web apps. For a scalable management app or a eCommerce app you do need state manager and all that
@hollycow8171 9 күн бұрын
​@@Shyam_Mahanta you can still use json or cookie.
@cauliflow3r1337 Ай бұрын
i really cant wait to watch your upcoming video on this topic )) cuz its the exact thing that Im struggling with while working on my project
@faroukbello164 Ай бұрын
Thank you for the insight, it's was really helpful.
@thedelanyo Ай бұрын
I love how Svelte solves - very simple and intuitive and it's baked in the language.
@anushasurakala5975 Ай бұрын
Thank you kyle....eagerly waiting for the project
@SilonSilon Ай бұрын
I used only contexts/reducers in my last few projects and it was a best decision I made. For more complex state I use two combined contexts - one for state, one for actions and it works perfect
@Shyam_Mahanta Ай бұрын
Re rendering how would you avoid it?
@chinmayghule8272 Ай бұрын
Got any code examples?
@chawkichalladia1812 Ай бұрын
here's my opinion on state management. you need 3 types of states. global client state, server state or async state, and scoped state (client state under a single branch of the app tree, basically only considered global for the children of the component where they are defined). I prefer Zustand, reaact query and context for them in order.
@aliasalias510 Ай бұрын
Agree but for the third I would add the following: As long as the tree hierarchy in that "ui-branch" is not too deep and complex (and not expected to), try to use as much local state and other techniques like prop drilling as possible and only use context if necessary. This will "force" the devs early on to really think about seperation of concerns and clean architecture instead of putting everything in a semi-global state (making it better for testing and maintainability)
@chawkichalladia1812 Ай бұрын
@@aliasalias510 it doesn't scale well. If it's 2 or 3 components deep it's fine but if you drill deeper it becomes a nightmare. I inherited a big project that has that issue. It forced me to think about context for components instead of for the app.
@aliasalias510 Ай бұрын
@@chawkichalladia1812 well thats exactly what i meant with "if its not to deep...". So i understand. Same here. Nothing to argue about
@chawkichalladia1812 Ай бұрын
@@aliasalias510 not arguing just discussing
@kirillvoloshin2065 Ай бұрын
mobx does the job for our project ideally
@alejandroangongandara678 Ай бұрын
"Thanks for watching" No man, Thank you for sharing. ❤
@YakovL 3 күн бұрын
Great videos, very concise and to-the-point, thanks!
@paccioti Ай бұрын
react hook form, context and TanStack Query is all you need for your app
@snake1625b Ай бұрын
React routers url params too
@TienNguyen-og5eo Ай бұрын
You mean React Query ?
@paccioti Ай бұрын
yup that's the one @@TienNguyen-og5eo
@paccioti Ай бұрын
@@snake1625b for routers that basically goes by default if your not using next
@stevinjack5062 Ай бұрын
@@TienNguyen-og5eo Yeah TanStack Query is called React Query back then. They just changed the name. They two are the same.
@maryamahmedseager142 Ай бұрын
THIS is the video I've been looking for! Thank you so much for sharing the latest features in React that remove the need for state management libraries. I'm building a social media website (similar to twitter), based on your video this would be a good use case for state management libraries like Redux? Appreciate any feedback (btw just subscribed)🙏
@marcteufel8348 Ай бұрын
Only read the title, not yet seen the video itself, but thought : "Thats why we're mainly using selfcoded stores written in plain Java/TypeScript living in the module scope of the application, keep it simple, keep it small".
@jordanfarr3157 Ай бұрын
Yes!!! This!
@serg472 Ай бұрын
I think passing state down the tree is not the main problem a state management library solves. The really nasty side of react is dealing with a state that's an object, containing arrays of objects, etc. It becomes very difficult to correctly merge updates to this state to avoid unnecessary re-rendering, or to force re-rendering when needed. This is the most nasty and difficult part or react, which they didn't really solve to this day, and that's why all those libraries were invented and continue being invented - to deal with state updates. State passing can be solved with the context, but state merging is still a big pain and Achilles' heel of the whole react universe. I was spending endless hours trying to figure out unexpected rendering issues every time (which you don't have direct control over as it's all react magic which is the worst part) until tried MobX and it finally all started working together just like I always expected without any weird unexpected side effects.
@Fanaro Ай бұрын
Really looking forward to that tutorial!
@harshrathod50 Ай бұрын
This video is summary of actually my 1 year of experience and in that I learnt all this while working on company projects.
@talleyrand9530 Ай бұрын
What do you think of cookies to manage states in server components?
@Franck_Polla Ай бұрын
Thank you bro you are a savior 😊
@snake1625b Ай бұрын
In my company's legacy app we would make queries with Apollo and then stick the entire response in zustand. It was only later we realized that Apollo has it's own cache that behaves like the store. In our rewrite it was our policy to not stick everything in the store
@digitaldevigner4080 Ай бұрын
This also helps for deep links and smart links that are url based. If you want to pass a user from a web app to a mobile app you have to do via url.
@riya6549 Ай бұрын
I learn state management this week and then this video pops up 😆
@adamzalesak Ай бұрын
No, please don't use Context with Reducer for state management. It is not optimal (re-rendering due to the lack of selectors), much boilerplait needed especially in TS. Jotai is much better option if you need to manage global client state.
@mineturtle1841 Ай бұрын
This. I ran into a problem because of this like 2 years ago and it was painful to debig and fix. Context is good but shouldnt manage a global state, it is not the purpose of it
@akashthoriya Ай бұрын
Excited for Next.js Ecommerce Project ❣
@liban7032 Ай бұрын
What website are you using for the diagrams and stuff?
@Grenade034 6 күн бұрын
excalidraw I suppose
@waleedsharif618 Ай бұрын
Yo said that you used url for that project at the end of the video so does it mean you also put Card Number input value to url ? Isnt it bad thing to do ?
@vigneshwarrv7136 Ай бұрын
yeah we cant put sensitive data in URL. It destroys its glorious purpose😅
@BrianThorne Ай бұрын
Hi love to start problems huh
@sylum4277 Ай бұрын
Zustand is so good that you should not bother with reducer and context hooks other than to feel how painful it is to use them, so that you would be able to appreciate zustand even more.
@elvisjackson808 Ай бұрын
What's that whiteboard you're using?
@paulmouchel3641 Ай бұрын
@v.reagan Ай бұрын
@@paulmouchel3641 Thanks a lot!
@user-hw1bc5nq4m Ай бұрын
Thanks for your share, what’s the app you are drawing?
@georginreji1945 Ай бұрын
@oerbyy 26 күн бұрын
Plus to the question!!!!!!!!!!! Please share!! 🙏
@RUFeelin Ай бұрын
What app is being used to draw/illustrate?
@bezimienny5149 Ай бұрын
Maybe Excalidraw
@azulay7 2 күн бұрын
What tool are you using, to sketch the diagram?
@egorovsa Ай бұрын
Almost two year ago we completely left out from all state managers like redux mobx so on and now just react context and react-query, it's enough to build any apps you would needed
@abderrahmanebenchalel541 Ай бұрын
I think it depends on the project requirements, so some times we need client state more, some times we need server state more.
@tombrauey Ай бұрын
Absolutely - especially if you only can use client libraries, because your code is executed in context of a bigger application. In my instance, I develop line of business apps on top of SharePoint and there is no easy way to include a server part to the application, because everything runs on the client.
@BGBaDBlo0D Ай бұрын
Prop drilling is one problem. The other one is they should rename the "react developer" job position to a more appropriate one - "machine for spread operators". xD And since some state management libraries allow me to actually think of the solution and work properly with the data instead of using spread syntax all over the place I am very happy with them. Redux is not the chosen one ofc.
@helleye311 Ай бұрын
The only things I use state managers for nowadays is auth (if I'm doing it myself, it's much easier to just stick tokens in zustand) and sometimes specific interactions for deeply nested components. Everything else I either do server components for low-interactivity apps, or hook-form + react query + plain old useState for high interactivity. State libraries have their place, but that place is actual global data and not form input or data from an api. I'm very glad we're moving away from redux in the industry.
@AykutKlc Ай бұрын
Looking forward for the nextjs video.
@TannerBarcelos Ай бұрын
Tanstack Query and Zustand are all anyone needs if building a SPA. But always, the project requirements will dictate your decision on tools / technologies you need.
@igots Ай бұрын
I'd be curios to see how your demo app at the end of your video does with react dev tools showing rerenders?
@igots Ай бұрын
If that results in lots of re-renders it could be a great video for you to walk through resolving those.
@tj-softwaresolution Ай бұрын
So if a webapp has not to many states we can use nextjs but if it has to deal with to many states and state changing (interactions) we should use react?
@nemeziz_prime Ай бұрын
Seems you think NextJS is a state manager. No! In React or any framework, if your state is not too complex, you can use useState to manage state. If you want, you could also use URL based state management. If a considerable amount of state is shared (global), then you should use a State Management library like Zustand or Jotai or Redux
@AmirLatypov Ай бұрын
In fact it’s the opposite. It is easer to start without a state manager, with just react context. But it easier to work with a state manager (I use redux toolkit) later. So much easier, that I’m thinking of replacing existing parts of my app with react context to unify with other parts, and use only redux now.
@dawidm9768 Ай бұрын
What is the name of the app you are using for drawing concepts?
@v.reagan Ай бұрын
@tuananhdo1870 Ай бұрын
True. Aftet many years of rract I found that props drilling is kind of nice
@munna5553 Ай бұрын
Please make video on redux complete i have lots of confusion
@halfalligator6518 4 күн бұрын
I'm still yet to figure out why the native Context can't do most of it. With the benefit of being able to tailor it to the patterns and structure of your app. If i need to automate huge areas of an app or project, i'd build my own schema system to generate objects, so why not have my own custom state manager to go along with it? Context is really not complicated. It's just one single step/layer beyond setting up regular component states. I feel sometimes we're so obsessed with standardizing and making things "efficient", then it bloats, backfires and gets less efficient. Even if it it helps a little bit... I still have to consider that having extra knowledge needed in my brain and extra packages still "costs" in other ways. Depending on the project, there can be a long term efficiency when working with vanilla stacks. I'm not a denialist though as I'm so happy with some basic packages. Have to pick your battles!
@EricSundquistKC Ай бұрын
8:36 "and the nice thing about that is that now you have two different places you can deal with state" 😆😂
@VortexMaster98 Ай бұрын
what is the drawing program hes using in the beginning?
@VortexMaster98 Ай бұрын
Its called excalidraw for anyone wondering
@cameronosborne7405 Ай бұрын
Jotai is extremely helpful especially when you start making derived states based on other observables.
@jNayden 16 күн бұрын
hey man what software are u using for drawing this diagrams ?
@Grenade034 6 күн бұрын
@offlercrocgod Ай бұрын
It depends on how complex your business logic and application is. I wouldn't dream of not having a store for what I work on. Legend-state is my recommendation as signals make computed/derived data trivial.
@goncaloshred Ай бұрын
How do you move states to the server? I dont understand what you mean by that... Thanks for the video.
@BrianThorne Ай бұрын
It's the source of state. That means stop mangling stuff in the react code
@antonvoltchok7794 Ай бұрын
I mean I don’t need redux for a small app, but at work we have a gigantic 50+ module app that would be absolute hell to work on without redux or something for state management.
@EvertJunior Ай бұрын
react context is beautiful once you understand it properly and it forces you to improve your composability skills
@hamedb299 Ай бұрын
Guys, how to push some state to URL in next JS 14, because useRouter from next/router is deprecated, and the new useRouter does not have query 🤔
@kylerjohnson988 Ай бұрын
What tool are you using to draw these diagrams? It looks like something I need in my dev life STAT. 3:03
@Upsided Ай бұрын
It's called excalidraw!
@kylerjohnson988 Ай бұрын
@@Upsided thanks!
@fooked1 17 сағат бұрын
I wonder how this advice impacts performance. With client state, I can make a single DB call and maintain that state across routes and other transitions. If instead I use the stateless web paradigm, I would need to make a DB call each time a route changes, even if the state doesn't need to change. And some state is too big to live in the URL. Likewise, cluttering the URL might impact some tracking services like Google Tag Manger, Optimizely, etc (don't quote me on that one though).
@claystation6360 Ай бұрын
All we need for our enterprise app is jotai. Screw redux type libraries. Screw nesting context providers. Derivative atoms are so clutch
@igors.2943 Ай бұрын
Context causes rerenders of all wrapped children. It's recommended to use it only for things like user or theme that don't change frequently.
@user-hk8xm6jy5t Ай бұрын
Many websites need maintainers. As a good developer, it's important to understand state management. If you're a beginner, I highly recommend learning state management before you get lost in complex projects.
@markeem321 Ай бұрын
So, it depends also on ur backend technology, correct?
@StevenDavisPhoto Ай бұрын
i use react sweet state for a few global state things i need. it's way smaller and super simple to use. easier than context.
@nottoonior Ай бұрын
does anyone know which app he used for the drawings..thanks
@edrbt Ай бұрын
@abots Ай бұрын
Please do a video on tanstack router
@darrenhwang900 Ай бұрын
Odd, but it would seem that for anyone to realize that URL can help with state management should be much earlier, and should have happen right after "Global state"(or Lifting State). You don't need your thinking/evolution to go through context stage, reducer stage, reconcilliation stage, meta framework etc. In other words, you don't need next.js to take advantage of URL query parameter.
@VidoviDroga Ай бұрын
but what about rerenders... i am having this problem when i update state in any way, everything rerenders and probably in the end will slowdown my app. i have no idea how to do this and where to look for it
@Su-xs1yr Ай бұрын
that's why i hate react vue has a better development experience than react😂
@nemeziz_prime Ай бұрын
Remember, State management is an art. You'll learn by making mistakes! State updates cause re-renders, and therefore poor state management leads to several unnecessary re-renders which causes performance overheads. Zustand, Jotai, etc make state management and state updates much smarter - they only update those components which use the state that has changed. State management doesn't always mean bringing out the big guns in the form of Zustand, etc. Sometimes, a local state variable or a ref variable should be enough. It all boils down to YOUR understanding of the type of state management solution that is required for a given problem...
@aryomuhammad8254 Ай бұрын
I like this new style, using drawings on the screen really helped me to understand. Thank you Kyle!
@Tommy-jn9ps Ай бұрын
1:00 whats the app called? The blackboard
@gmlongo1 Ай бұрын
Looks like excalidraw
@Prof.Respect Ай бұрын
@adamkniec9333 Ай бұрын
@srijonp4 Ай бұрын
@prasanthpedaprolu2261 Ай бұрын
excellidraw. just google it.
@grimmdanny Ай бұрын
"use-between" makes it so you don't need a state manager for global states. It allows you to use custom hooks with useState globally, and you're done.
@zb2747 Ай бұрын
Reasons why I like Vue Vuex/Pina: One state management library that gets the job done Less time worrying about state management and more time building
@Su-xs1yr Ай бұрын
yeah! Agree with you🎉 When encounter complex business logic, you will be happier developing with Vue.
@dolapoajayi2156 Ай бұрын
Good insight
@samislam2746 Ай бұрын
We thought they're necessary because we were mixing async fetch operations with local state management solutions
@TheFocusedCoder Ай бұрын
Managing state client side is usually a bad idea. Great video I like this approach
@investkalimot7499 Ай бұрын
react query with context api is enough to build a huge application.
@Dhdnrjrbrjrnrkfjwk Ай бұрын
In such simple examples you can avoid using even react, not only state managers. The question is how much time will it take to debug and test everything. To avoid boilerplate there are different solutions e.g. redux tool kit (RTK). I doubt if it is easy to debug complex state changes using useReducer/state + context API when with redux devtool + redux extension in browser I can see every step of updating my state
@Mari_Selalu_Berbuat_Kebaikan Ай бұрын
Let's always do alot of good 🔥
@jacobphillips9235 Ай бұрын
@WebDevSimplified Ай бұрын
Thank you for the support!
@othersidesss1 Ай бұрын
Waiting for Ecommerce Project Video
@awaisraza2285 Ай бұрын
True. People use unnecessary tooling while the same functionality you achieve without using 3rd party libraries.
@jigmelodey4632 Ай бұрын
To be honest I feel like we are moving back to PHP world 😢
@fabiovictorino350 15 күн бұрын
I like the ideia of using more Hoock
@ernestwarhead4144 Ай бұрын
Next tutorial should be about the brand of shampoo that you use lol
@codewithved Ай бұрын
Amazing video
@DannyGlobal Ай бұрын
That's why I use Svelte/Kit.
@fischi9129 Ай бұрын
Idk, on one side, URL state is extremely underused and should be used more, on the other side I really don't like the react Context api, I think zustand is easier, faster to implement and generally just more comfortable to use, so when I would actually need context, I just use zustand. Takes me less time to implement, and it's not really complex
@jenstornell Ай бұрын
In Vue we have Pinia. That is all that we need, if any.
@amkamn1886 Ай бұрын
Pinia better than vuex ?
@canardeur8390 Ай бұрын
​@@amkamn1886 Pinia is the new Vue officially supported store library. Vuex is now deprecated.
@jenstornell Ай бұрын
@@amkamn1886 Yes, much better. VueX was good but grew into a bloated monster. They started over and made Pinia. It's tiny but still better and more simple. VueX is for Vue2 mainly. Pinia is for Vue3. Pinia is also recommended as the new default go to state manager.
@thesynalice Ай бұрын
​@@amkamn1886, yes. Pinia is preferred for new projects.
@andrewwall2730 Ай бұрын
I somewhat disagree. Though your project may begin as a simple app not needing global state management, it may grow in complexity and features pretty quickly, and useContext, useReducer will not scale. Why not start with a global state manager, though there may be a bit more setup and boilerplate code, it will scale and is pretty simple to implement.. Don't really understand the dis on redux. That lib with redux-saga allows to build large projects that once setup will just work. Lower maintenance, ease of testing need to be considered.
@Cognitoman Ай бұрын
I like redux still
@netssrmrz Ай бұрын
If the problem is prop drilling then we'd have to blame Reacts, very limiting, hierarchical architecture. Real DOM components are not restricted to only interacting with parent or sibling components. Additionally, I don't feel incurring the additional SSR cost of splitting UI onto another server is acceptable. Even my "simple" sites consist of a client site, a back-office site, and scheduled tasks all of which use a common HTTP API. Do I want to incur the extra effort and dollars of more servers, and UI code tied to a specific framework AND project? No chance!
@vigneshwarrv7136 Ай бұрын
You have my respect brother. I am confused why people are not even talking about the reasons that made us to shift from server side to client side in the first place.
@netssrmrz Ай бұрын
@@vigneshwarrv7136 Yes that's a really good point. I've often thought this would be a great topic for a video... "Why is this round of SSR better than the last?"
@StephanHoyer Ай бұрын
I just read "Stop using react", unfortunately I missread. 🤷‍♀
@hineko_ Ай бұрын
I think that literally anything is better for state management than the built in react tools
@dereksniper Ай бұрын
What about using signals?
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Рет қаралды 78 МЛН
Top 6 React Hook Mistakes Beginners Make
Web Dev Simplified
Рет қаралды 553 М.
Picking From 20 React State Managers
Jack Herrington
Рет қаралды 82 М.
Why Signals Are Better Than React Hooks
Web Dev Simplified
Рет қаралды 436 М.
You might not need useEffect() ...
Рет қаралды 117 М.
This is the Only Right Way to Write React clean-code - SOLID
This Library Makes State Management So Much Easier
Web Dev Simplified
Рет қаралды 128 М.
So You Think You Know Git - FOSDEM 2024
Рет қаралды 869 М.