SOC is wrong. The storage potential of Carbon in soil is bound entirely to the digestive potential of Life contained within the soil. More Life, more storage potential. To very quickly measure the digestive potential of soil, aka the density and distribution of microbial life in the soil, one can simply harvest a core sample, stabilize it's temperature, and run a sugar solution through the sample while monitoring for temperature fluctuations. If the runoff solution contains less sugar, and the core sample warms up, you can use the increase in temperature and the loss of sugar to estimate the total carbon storage potential over a large area. Life is Carbon. More Life alive translates to less Carbon in the atmosphere. 65% of potential terrestrial Life is below the soil. That means 65% of the storage potential of any terrestrial Eco system is found within the subsurface digestive gut. Not above it. SOC calculation and every atmospheric carbon model is wrong until this simple fact of reality is expressed in the data. The Rhizosphere is a global carbon storage system that can store thousands of gigatons of carbon. Carbon that must come from the atmosphere. Every model you depend on to make these programs work is wrong by exactly how much carbon was contained in the Global Rhizosphere 2 centuries ago and has since been dug up and gassed off to make room for human development and industrial agriculture over billions of acres. There's a solution in the data. But only if it's complete. That solution is to rebuild that global Rhizosphere in every available acre of diminished land. Around 50 million acres per continent ends the carbon crisis within 10 years. 25% of the organic waste in just the United States alone can be used to rebuild the North American Rhizosphere. Doing so would, within 10 years, eliminate the entire carbon glut left by Western Industrial Revolution. The North American Wildlife Corridor would not only protect biodiversity in North America, but also eliminate the carbon footprint of North America, in its entirety, from the atmosphere, and place it firmly within the living bodies of trillions of living organisms. Statistics aren't science and the math only works if you feed your model proper data. Feed your models the Rhizosphere, or the results will always be wrong. Humanity dug up and gassed off billions of acres of active living Rhizosphere, and did not replace any of it. In fact, most of the land has been poisoned in such a way that prevents the bulk of organisms contained within Rhizosphere from naturally returning. Billions of acres of lost Life, is NOT insignificant. Just as Living organisms represent carbon storage, their decomposing bodies have a carbon footprint. Trillions of organisms over billions of acres isn't in your statistics. Until that data is added, every prediction made without it is wrong. None of them can be right. Fix that. Or all of this is for nothing.