Thank you so much Gerry, for not only your website, but your newsletter which I just subscribed to, and your free Ebook. Your generosity heals lives through your work, serving others, and will do so for eternity. I've just been sent your website link from a dear friend in Arlington, TX, with her daughter in Austin. Both of whom consider you a very authentic teacher and light-worker. I trust their judgment implicitly. ...and am very excited to be a student of yours through these gifts of your time, wisdom, and love. Thank you.
@GerryStarnes7 ай бұрын
Much appreciation! Great to hear from you. Be well.
@CaptainAustralia648 жыл бұрын
Very happy to stumble across your site and videos. Hopefully you can help me or at least offer some guidance. I started practicing TM about 2 years ago. I seem to be able to transcend into that expanded blissful consciousness relatively easily and 40 minute sessions are common. About 6 months ago I attended a TM retreat with the aim of taking my meditation further which it did, however I had and have had since, other experiences that are not similar with anyone elses experiences that I know. Last week I had a one on one 3 hour session with a Sharman, it was an amazing experience which has lead me to research and hence come across your videos. I have had about 6 experiences in my TM that have been like a vortex that lasts for about 3-5 seconds and the feeling of dropping, sometimes this happens a couple of times in a row, I end up in a place of complete darkness and am very conscious of my situation, sometimes its like flying in a wave motion. I am very conscious and often think its time to "go back" especially when my wave is near the surface, but then I descend again. I don't see anything when in this state. As you would be aware this is not a topic you can bring up with anyone and the friends I have that TM listen and are supportive but because they don't experience anything like this, they still just don't know. I hope some of that made sense. I do know about Kundalini and have experienced it numerous times, but these experiences just seem different. Am I beginning the journey?