good talk. I think nature takes it's time and never force a process. I think gradual change will be more sustainable in the long run and this is where small changes are very powerful over time.
Thanks Wellen read my minds... I'm 😊 the one always break the Discipline. Especially in diet. At weekends will have some beer with friends... what's life about??? 做人中庸,就好。😂😊
多謝 Wellen。 小小分享,我發現有糖尿病嘅時候就5日由25年乳蛋素轉雜食(因為實在太多素食嘢係雪櫃,要清理大部分,因為老公同步開始低碳,同要search 去邊度買肉類,義大利超市就 not my cup of tea),第一日生酮就食豬腩肉,嚇死D朋友(我相信我轉念可以好快)。開始168 然後起身可以好自然就會係204(如果係做 strict 生酮,因為你飽嗝時間實在係多左),當你食油脂足夠,同已經習慣不餓不吃,你會開始意識到 the different between want and need。感覺餓係身體嘅信號,佢有嘢需要,可能係水或礦物質,所以好多時候都呼籲斷食人士飲鹽水(粉紅鹽/海鹽 no table salt) 一次204唔得就下次加多D油脂係飲食,慢慢調整。呢個過程係要學習聆聽身體,係最重要嘅部分。當然204有一個目的,就係減少胰島素,你明白如何運作,就知道如何解決問題㗎啦。🙏