FFXIV: Wesk's Pandaemonium Savage Tier List

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@mobius4247 5 ай бұрын
P10S HH makes you FEEL like the raid boss hates you and is a gigachad. No other mech feels like the boss is going all out to kill you.
@KaiJumpingway 5 ай бұрын
HH was never hard if you had healers that didn't care about optimizing and just spammed their GCD heals.
@stealthassassin7 5 ай бұрын
Ironically, P10S is my favorite of the entire expansion. It felt like no other raid required such precision movement, positioning and proper mitigation, and you got punished often if you got hit or someone died. I did hear from friends that it had mechs as tight as or even tighter some Ultimates (my only Ultimate experience is up to Titan in UwU), but for me it really felt like a challenging step up from everything I faced before. Perhaps playing as Summoner helped me form this opinion, as that job is stupidly easy to play (eventually switched to Black Mage for P12S), but I really liked raid and I would like to see more in the future that’s similar.
@syaojyn 5 ай бұрын
P11s was an extreme fight and p10s tank towers were a great mechanic
@raphaelhuwyler6640 5 ай бұрын
Whilst I disagree on some fights I respect the way you explained the ranks and am able to see it from your perspective too. Very enjoyable video and a educational watch. I wish you a good day.
@zacharydavis3579 5 ай бұрын
Funny to hear how different roles would react to things differently. Double curtain call at the end of 4S2 was incredible to heal, as I was trying to juggle resources that were dwindling over the course of that incredible duration of consistent raidwides.
@SCPAgentBishop 5 ай бұрын
I don't think i've ever diagreed with your takes more, but this was an awesome watch ❤
@LightbladeRiulo 5 ай бұрын
Fun fact. Wesk is in the Hungrychad upload of Embers. The song that plays in the P8 first phase fight. Pretty neat being able to spot him in a crowd due to his look and glam. Correction. Its the Uvi upload but still! In one of the music videos uploaded.
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
Wait I am???
@biggiebeen 4 ай бұрын
The Uvi upload, but still cool
@LightbladeRiulo 4 ай бұрын
@@WeskAlber yeah its Uvi. My but yea
@zerozetta 5 ай бұрын
I can't disagree more with P10S, for me that's the best savage fight of the expansion LOL But I guess it gets hurt just by virtue of being this hard despite being only the 2nd fight on a tier, but that's what makes me love it even more, I like it more than TOP even
@swapertxking 5 ай бұрын
P10S reignited my alcoholism, that... fucking... spider...
@tsjeriAu 5 ай бұрын
Harrowing Hell is the primary reason I found P10S actually enjoyable (yes, even in PF) as a healer, but then again I'm one of the weird healers that actually want to heal instead of spamming dps! E11S was similar, I absolutely love fights that make me heal more. Never did P12S, but hot damn P11S was agony in PF after the first couple weeks, people just did not understand Dark and Light. Any party that had a prog point listed past D&L was really just D&L in disguise, if that. The fight itself is good, legit good. The people makes it bad.
@schoolmonkey13 5 ай бұрын
I think the only thing standing between p10s and S tier IMO is to loosen some of the timings by just a couple seconds. Heck I might even give it S despite that; I go back and do p10s in pf frequently as a tank. I've gotten *real* comfy with the fight on PLD. All the towers sequences could stand to give you an extra second or two, most of the bonds could do with an extra second or two, but other than that I think that fight was a masterpiece. Oh, I guess the tank tower could be a little more forgiving too, you're right about that. I loved the weird arena, I loved the heal/mit check on harrowing hell (healers have been literally begging for more heal checks, why the hate? Once people started giving it the respect it deserves, it wasn't typically a problem, even in pf), I LOVED the tank towers (even if they were overly-precise), and for the towers sequences it was very rewarding to finally work out consistent safe spots. There are a good handful of times where you really have to book it to your next spot, which gives the fight some stress, but that's not entirely a bad thing.
@raarasunai4896 5 ай бұрын
I very much enjoyed P9(especially as my first Savage) but P10? That was where I burned out.
@anjoumaaka 5 ай бұрын
I had to buy all my p10s stuff with books and I am extremely salty about having to clear it over 50 times in pf to achieve full BiS on every job before Dawntrail. I agree with everything said here and would like to see it emphasized tenfold. The tank towers were funny the first few times seeing it, but it grew stale very quickly and became one of the top sources of griefing in pf, cause as soon as a tank failed the yeet, it was a guaranteed reset. The lack of available recovery on this fight is worse than any ultimate, and the rng protection takes far too much effort and time to acquire. I could have long since finished my backlog of other games I have if not for how much time this fight added to the grind. There was one week where I tried all day every day to reclear and it took 6 of the 7 days out of the week 16 hours a day to get that reclear, then I turned around and one shot p11s the next day. Xenos was 100% correct when he predicted that this fight would shit all over party finder. I will never forget how terrible the experience has been. Honestly, I say p11s is as easy as it is because after you clear p10s, you gotta have a fight that feels like a victory lap.
@Tiglath-Pileser3 5 ай бұрын
I enjoyed P10S. Cleared as healer, caster, ranged phys, and melee. One of the few real heal checks we've gotten... even if Tank LB became the PF standard. I agree that the level of precision necessary was a bit much, though. There were some tower placements that required immediate movement, or using sprint. As ranged, I'd usually have to move toward the worst case scenario spot, and then adjust to the easier spot once I recognized the pattern. Also, there were far too many times when 4 people were standing together for the 4 stack... and 3 died, while the 4th took no damage. The fight was too precise for the server tick. The fight was, at times, too tight for my ~75ms midwest US ping. Wouldn't be enough for me to put it in F tier, though. But hey, these are opinions and preferences. So you're not wrong, I'm not wrong, and we can go about our days without worry.
@crimsonecriture1215 5 ай бұрын
P10S is my favourite fight this whole expansion! Love the video Wesk ♥
@TheLogan1156 5 ай бұрын
I don't agree with most of your takes, but I couldn't agree more with what you said about P10S. I cleared the tier week one, cleared every ultimate, done hardcore parsing and speed killing, and can safely say P10S is the hardest, most frustrating fight I've done. It has all the same failings as P6S and P7S, but has an ultimate level of precision that those two fights don't have. Never have I been more confused by the raiding community than I did after clearing the tier and seeing how much people were praising it. A fight being difficult doesn't make it good. DSR is good because it's well designed AND difficult. P10S feels like an old arcade game that was made to eat quarters.
@Ratoncitow 4 ай бұрын
I disagree with that take, p6s/p7s were bad because their mechs were absolutely boring puzzles, every mech blurs together and like the only "hard" part were the harvests on p7s so you were brain off almost the whole fight (and those still had static positions), p10s on the other hand MAKES you and your whole team pay attention to solve the mechs, every bond mech is different despite being just pairs/spreads/light parties. The fight is good because it was designed to make you BE involved into the fight, requires having good execution and understanding. Skill issue is not a valid reason to hate a fight, and I did it as healer in PF, it's the fight I miss the most doing, fast esunas to save a teammate from doom, hugely mitting because silkspits/meldown/HH hit stupidly hard, healer LB3 bonds 3 because people eat crayons and can't preposition for shit, give me more of this!
@sirlenemodesto2665 5 ай бұрын
I hope your thoughts on the jobs actions come soon, especially wanna know what you think of dragoon
@coolman5242 4 ай бұрын
This video made me more confident into trying Savage content when DT releases, being aware of how difficult these things can be
@tetrahedron_in_space 4 ай бұрын
Crush Helm in P12S and the bite tank buster from P5S are two of the only times in the savage fights this expansion as a tank that I felt / knew I was absolutely going to die if I missed a mit.
@felixamari157 5 ай бұрын
L take about P10. (I say, without the foresight to look into the mirror. ;) )
@Inosabine 5 ай бұрын
@Foddes 5 ай бұрын
As my first savage tier, P10S was the most fun I ever had in this game. I hope they make more fights like this one 😊
@mafuran8840 5 ай бұрын
i can't wait to hear what you have to say about the 7.0 Dragoon job action trailer
@Evermar 5 ай бұрын
First time I've ever heard someone call the P8S music boring, I feel like its a banger for sure. It's a part of my music shuffle, I hear it while going to/coming from from work all the time.
@Waterwish545 5 ай бұрын
Only one I disagree with a fair amount is p8s part 1 but everything else is solid. Gorgons sucked but everything else in the fight felt high paced and difficult without being overbearing. The voice acting for the boss was also amazing but I guess that's not savage exclusive
@TRexLord152169 5 ай бұрын
P10S is the obvious disagreement point (tank towers *were not* that precise, people were just bad) It was pretty fast paced and I liked that, though it did go a bit *too far* in some cases (mainly Bonds 3) I feel like the fight would've been better off as the third fight of the tier since Themis was a *joke* by comparison Aside from that though, I do *largely* agree with the list myself. P9S might be a bit too high for me (though it's still a great fight), and I thought P3S sucked (it physically hurt my eyes to play, and I'm not colorblind either), but outside of that, no major disagreements tbh
@btate2526 5 ай бұрын
What are your thoughts on 7.0 dragoon?
@btate2526 5 ай бұрын
@@ElienKerdan I actually I can form thoughts I just ask him his opinion. Is that a problem?
@pwojtcza 5 ай бұрын
I am interested in his opinion too, I will move to DRG main for DT (never played it before outside of pvp), and would be interested in insights from a DRG that played this job basically from the dawn of time, even when me not playing it before basically means I won’t feel the difference (I value opinion from someone that genuinely loves DRG)
@majimapyro370 Сағат бұрын
Watching this as someone who's only done the Normal raids, P6 and 7 were my favorites😅 I wonder how much my opinion might change once I get into the very difficult content
@Khemrikhara 5 ай бұрын
My biggest complaint about 9 is that there are whole 30 second chunks where the boss stands there and does a raidwide or two and THATS IT. It became so boring to prog with my casual static that losing focus due to boredom before limit cut was an actual problem we had.
@Rush_Coil 5 ай бұрын
P10S is the best fucking fight ever dawg, more cap than a Viera
@ShandoCalrisian 5 ай бұрын
Oh Man P10S is S+ tier for me. Who doesn't love seeing tanks getting blasted into the air!
@tomcoleman8702 5 ай бұрын
Lol. You are allowed your opinions! Here's mine: since tanking is so homogenized, I want Tanks to be able to talk about a fight to each other, where everyone else has no clue what they're talking about. P1S tankbusters, P2S Coherence, P3S tethers and magic damage off tanking, P5S venom swaps, P10S fly through the air. Those are the things I want to see. DPS has the rotation while doing mechanics, and healers have the communication partnership. Unique mechanics should be a tank thing! The only other thing I'll say is that the damage down strat of P1S was fine the first four weeks. During those times, people just want to work on the later fights and tier clear, so nobody cares about parses. I dunno if you remember, but the first strat had all 8 people rotating for the mechanic based on this infographic. Getting PF to do that was just never going to happen. After week 4, there was enough information about the mechanic where it was only 1 person swapping. Then it became viable for swapping. I hadn't seen a single streamer screaming that the damage down was stupid arguing that the 8 person movement was better. They only started arguing about its stupidity after the 1 dps and 1 Tank swap existed. Then they were screaming "it's so easy!!!" Nobody was screaming , "It's so easy, everyone starts in their assigned position, and if it's top down then the dps take the support spots while the tanks and the healers rotate clockwise into the dps spots; unless it's bottom first which is the easy pattern, but if three equal gems are the bottom then we all rotate clockwise but then everyone has to do a cross pattern." That strat didn't even last week one, everyone just took the damage down.
@ChuteMi-ln3um 4 ай бұрын
Gotta be honest, I respect that a lot of people dislike P10S (and pf'ing it was a lesson in frustration, as it took well over a week to find a group that could even do bonds 1 so that I could see towers), but tanking it, potentially the most involved and precise role of the fight, was not that bad. The tankbuster knockback is easy, just stand in front of the line and around the middle-ish and you've got plenty of wiggle room. Messed it up twice then never again. The pillars mechanic took a second because it seems really fast and precise, but once I got comfortable with that to expect from each pillar that drops (2 chariots of two dynamo's) then I could quickly find the safe spot by just looking at 2 of them. Bonds 1 was a little precise at times as MT as the party stack to spread combo was kinda rough with sprint, as I had to move quickly but not *too* much else off the platform I go. Webs got me a couple times, but only when I zoned out. Just stutter stepping briefly when I hit a gcd would prevent me from flying off the bridge. Bonds 2/cannons was fine, the only hard part was hoping people wouldn't black out once they'd done their cannon and get sniped by another. Pillars right before bonds 3 was tight on timing as without sprint I would only barely make it back after silkspit, but I would still do it consistently. Bonds 3 was a pain, but again, it's not that tight as you don't need sprint anywhere beforehand and the big platform makes it far less likely to run off by accident unlike bonds 3. Like with 2, the issue was just waiting for others to get it right too. Harrowing hell hit like a freight train though. I can't comment on if that is good or bad as I don't play healer. Overall, I believe the fight to be one that rewards understanding as if you rely on simply adjusting on the fly, you will find yourself with no time but if you make use of pre-positioning for mechs, it doesn't feel too fast anymore and instead is quite refreshing. PF nightmare though.
@MyNameIsMir 5 ай бұрын
I was certainly one of the tanks who really really really struggled with P10s' spots and basically had to find my own way of calculating the spot and be consistent with it, and I really do agree with your points on the fight - how it's so hard, so needlessly precise, how it asks so much of you... BUT, BUT, that's what makes it the best fight in the tier, imho. The feeling of progging that fight for two days on the first week and finally, finally getting good enough to do all those shot-gunned mechanics felt amazing. The pacing is so very fast, it makes my heart race every time you need to do binds with the cleave, and if it wasn't for the way Towers snapshot the players, it'd have been the perfect fight in the game, to me. Of course, we look at different things when it comes to enjoyment, which is why I disagree with some of your other opinions here: Pinax was great (Same reason as why P10s was great), Gorgon 2 was also great. A lot of the issues I had with this tier was that, at least on tank, I'd sleepwalk through most fights, especially P1s, P2s, almost all of the 2nd tier and P11s.
@Lulink013 5 ай бұрын
Still haven't cleared P10S but I agree about PF making it hell. I like the mechanics (except reading debuffs, but it's a common thing), just not how precise everything has to be.
@Cassapphic 5 ай бұрын
I LOVED both phases of P4S, the first phase is def just based on how much you enjoyed pinax, which I definitely did, but with it being like half the fight, its gonna be a huge variable. I really enjoyed all the acts for phase 2, and liked the enrage sequence with curtain call, it happening twice means the heals and mits are spread so wide that you really have to plan it out, and makes for a long stretch of nerves on an initial run, while also anchoring the feeling of length, such that is cleaner reclears when you kill the boss earliuer and earlier into this phse and it feels satisfying knowing you only got him to do it once and the like. (I might be biased since asphodelos was the first savage tier I healed so having a tight heal check like that I had to really think about stood out more to me, but I also really liked tanking for terminal relativity, I just really like enrage sequences, they also help future proof against power creep for the actual mechanics.)
@nilzero5686 5 ай бұрын
I think it;s definitely true that eric is more of a tutorial savage fight since they did see a big influx of new people from Shb into endwalker, so having a fight that teaches the timing and basics of Savage while not being too wacky was probably a good idea. I raided with a static so my opinion on Abyssos is probably pretty different, but I did actually like P7S simply because it was good rote movement and timing practice before P8S and since you didn't need to do much til the end we got to chat a lot about stuff, then the sudden onslaught of actual mechanics back to back creates some funny conversation segueways. P8S is... I like a lot about it but the big problem that makes it far more of a pain in the ass is definitely the snake/dog forked path. It makes it so much harder to practice mechanics because you don't know which one you're getting- you have sessions where you get snake 3 pulls in a row then get hit by dog just when you think you have a handle on snake. phase 2 is definitely a lot less intensive but again I don't think it's bad, it's just the process to get there makes you notice how much simpler the movement is compared to phase 1 so you feel like it's more uneven, but it wouldn't be a problem if you didn't get walled on phase 1 in the first place. I hope in future phase 1 fights get shorter.
@TheFrantic5 5 ай бұрын
KZbin still doesn't want to give me notifications for your videos despite me setting the notifications all the way up. Go yell at them please.
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
@TheFrantic5 5 ай бұрын
@@WeskAlber 👍
@ultron8717 5 ай бұрын
I really think P10S would be a great fight if they added like 25% more time to a bunch of the mechanics before they go off. Conceptually they're fun, but you have to move SO FAST. Oh and make the solo/duo/four stacks not instantly kill you if you mess them up, to make it so it's possible to live through them with mit if you're missing someone.
@cordrac 4 ай бұрын
Man I loved p9 normal when it came out, but I took a break from savage after abyssos and felt a gnawing FOMO about p9s. You rating it S tier just really made me wonder if I could awkwardly start learning it and bother my disbanded static weeks before Dawntrail
@Thirtyleven 5 ай бұрын
I think p10s might have been ruined for you by your role--it gives an incredible amount of responsibility to supports between the buster towers, laser towers and HH. As someone who tanked and healed it it was incredibly fun, but I can understand the frustration if you're doing your job as a DPS and other people screwing up ends up wiping you. However, that kind of frustration is necessary for fights to be really fun for support mains. High levels of mechanical precision like tank towers with a simple rotation is more fun to me than low agency and a complex rotation. People often say that DPS is low responsibility but it's not, you need to do damage or you'll hit enrage. What DPS is is low agency--you do not make as many choices that can get people immediately killed if you choose wrong. Some people like that about DPS, and its what I personally dont like about it. Conversely, people that want to play tank and healer in hard content want to be challenged in that particular way, and their failures (which are a part of prog) will be frustrating to those with less agency over the fight than them. Week 1, when DPS checks are as tight as they ever will be, something like fat fingering an early mirage dive might be as deadly to a clear as a missed tank tower, but the tank's failure is immediately obvious while your mistake is only clear 10 minutes later when you die to the 1% enrage. P10S was incredibly demanding on supports, but learning to rise to that challenge was the most fun I had in the entire tier. I did also start skipping it in reclears though because yeah especially as time went on pf became abysmal at doing it. The good days were so good though.
@Raionhardt 5 ай бұрын
As someone who was new to savage in endwalker, I think p3s was one of the best fights. It has a little bit of everything. P10s should have been a 4th turn. It was S tier though. People's true colors of how bad they were came to light. P11s was the worst fight this expansion. It's a glorified extreme trial and a waste of the character in general. Caloric was the worst mechanic this expansion
@jimi_jams 5 ай бұрын
If the timing of Bonds 3 was a little looser even just by a second, then P10S would go into a much higher tier for me. I'm also not a big proponent of debuff watching, I'd rather see markers above someone's head like P7S did with Inviolate Purgation. HH is fine for me, great fun to get through as a healer if tank LB3 isn't available (see Bonds 3 for the 99 reasons why it often is not.) I don't despise the fight, but with just a few small changes it would be less "ah shit here we go again" level.
@xela4854 5 ай бұрын
I'm having a hard time choosing between p12s phase 1 or p10s as my favorite... but the more I look back on it, I think p12 is the better experience and is more satisfying (though I still love p10)
@jerkson5050 4 ай бұрын
I didn't hate doing P10S during prog but doing it for reclears was miserable. P12S p1 was what finally burned me out on raiding though. The first 3 minutes of the fight are so unbelievably boring as a healer by the time we would get to the meat of the fight I would be half-asleep. P8s was complete trash in both phases and I'm glad more people are saying it.
@marzocchi705 5 ай бұрын
Q seems like the intended strat for both caloric
@commandguthix 5 ай бұрын
I personally disagree with your opinion on p10s and p11s. To me p10s was very fun, where my main issue was the tower soak for m1 and m2 being ever so slightly too far away to be able to use jumps without going out of the aoe. While p11s was just...really boring, slow and repetitive with nothing going on for almost the entire fight.
@Caerikz 5 ай бұрын
I really think the DPS perspective must be entirely different than the tank perspective. I loved P10S, and thought P9S was super annoying to pug.
@liviealamode 5 ай бұрын
i can honestly totally understand the p10s hate, as i flip flopped on it being my least favorite or favorite fight of the tier, but in the end i think its honestly my favorite fight in the game, at least when everyone knows what they are doing. the movement and damage are just tight enough to feel amazing when everything works out, and its probably the most fun fight of anabaseios to tank in my opinion. there are some really interesting ways to get extra uptime before the tb towers hit you depending on which tank you are playing, and the fight hits hard enough that you have to actually roll through all of your mitigation to make the fight comfier, while still being able to adjust which mit you use incase something goes a bit wrong. i will say that my experience likely differs from yours as i started the fight a few weeks after the tier dropped so i had more tome gear at my disposal, as well as joining a static right before clearing which made the fight much easier.
@ehko9989 5 ай бұрын
I'm so happy to finally hear someone say p3s didn't have that much of a visual bloat issue, I kept saying it to my group at the time, in which no one was colorblind, and some would always complain about the orange aoes on orange arena issue. Maybe tuning down their shaders or mods was the way to go, idk.
@theornerytrilobite 5 ай бұрын
I started raiding in Abyssos and my static never cleared the tree. Gave up on raiding after the group dissolved. Kinda bummed my only real raid experience is with what are apparently some of the worst fights. Guess I should try again in DT.
@arzedeu 5 ай бұрын
Personally, I like the web bridges. But, I think they should be a bit wider. And Tank Golf should need less precision (it's fun to watch and I want to do it). But otherwise, I agree with you.
@aiellamori 5 ай бұрын
P9s to p11s are so far my first ever on expansion savage clears. Never raided before. I feel like I can throw myself at anything now I want to do 12 but starting fresh in pf is kinda a nightmare, i will only be able to learn and clear it with a static
@soldierorsomething 5 ай бұрын
Intresting list, but as a PVP player i only cleared the extremes in endwalker due to unlocking the savages super late and basically attempting P9S a total of 3 times before quiting 😂, but if the first tiers keep being historically easy then i will try the new savage tier in Dawntrail
@SkeletonMilks 5 ай бұрын
When the last 4 Savage raids dropped, I was committed to make it through P12S, but P10S was so unfun and miserable, I barely made it through P11S before the though of P10S reclears killed any remaining enthusiasm I had. Fuck P10S, fuck the turrets, fuck Bonds 3, fuck HH, and fuck the web tightropes.
@TheUrbanLegend52 5 ай бұрын
Man I am GLAD to hear someone talk why P10S was hard. The fact this felt so unfun on pf. The mechanics suck ass. Very punishing to the lengths of TOP. Oh one person effed up? Party wipe. The fact HH was shared damaged on top of a double tankbuster I never seen it done without LB3 unless it was used on Bonds 3. It utterly baffles me how often I hear the praise. It’s difficult sure but it’s fake difficulty. I rather do all of P8S phase 1 (the entirety) than do 10S. I rather do P3S cause it was just pf suck at spreads and adds.
@ashencometmom5291 5 ай бұрын
you are forgiven for disliking Anabaseios: The Actual Fall Guys Event (Savage) because you're correct about p8s
@NataiAmanthus 5 ай бұрын
@ReyXander 5 ай бұрын
this raid series was definitely one of the most controversial ive seen since ive started playing. The fact that NO ONE can agree which fights were actually good and why is part of my point that this series overall was a bit worse than others. Were there good points, yes, absolutely, but nothing that REALLY stands out. I still stand by p3s was the best fight in the series and peoples main complaint was just the floor.
@icecoldbath 5 ай бұрын
I had to stop watching at p10s. I've never disagreed with a take more. Quite possibly the most interesting and engaging fight they've ever made. Like you literally could not convince me that fight is any less then a masterpiece.
@GarnetDust24 5 ай бұрын
P8s is so lameeee im glad someone said it. I still need to go back in to get the mount for my alt but I can’t be arsed. Maybe I’ll go back after I have DT first tier bis as to not have to deal with it. P10s too. THROW THE FIGHT AWAY
@manafish8732 5 ай бұрын
p8s1 in c tier is utterly diabolical
@manafish8732 5 ай бұрын
@JudgementScythe 5 ай бұрын
I feel like I got godlike luck because I keep hearing horror stories about 10 in PF and on 10 reclears the most the fught took me was 3 pulls and I was pretty much doing it every week. I always had issues with 9 and 11 which sometimes took hours but 10...in and out
@Myrtneough 5 ай бұрын
I can not agree more on p10s. I'm seeing a lot of comments about it being "rewarding" and such on supports, but as someone who did it on sage? No thank you. I'd rather chew on rocks than touch this fight ever again. Harrowing was never really the issue, but the set up right before that is just too chaotic and unfun because someone would inevitably be slightly slow on positioning and miss a tether or in trying to position they accidentally pop one.
@frozentranscended 5 ай бұрын
Question about p10s when the web bridges are there can you use movement skills across the poison? Cause i swear i did it several times on ninja.
@Epic4ever 5 ай бұрын
Shikuchi doesn't really work to cross the poison. You'll appear on the other side, but the poison will still affect you.
@frozentranscended 5 ай бұрын
@Epic4ever I'm talking specifically when the webs are there to make the bridge I did test when there was no bridge cause you can do it without pulling the boss. Cause you have to be in the fight to test when the bridges are there I never did it just to find out.
@vrim819 5 ай бұрын
Some movement skills that are fast enough will work relatively consistently if you’re not moving when you use the button, others don’t. Shikuchi/thunderclap work very well but elusive jump/icarus/en avant- don’t. It’s iffy
@Crovius 5 ай бұрын
Highly disagree with P10S, the entire thing start to finish was awesome. The difficulty of it is what made it so much fun to prog. Farming was meh due to bonds 3 memes, but I still think if it isn't S, then it's at least A.
@jameysotelo540 5 ай бұрын
Honestly aside from first tier for me personally being rated higher i actually agree with the rest of the fights being in basically the exact same spots as myself. i am one of the people who found p10s cool on paper but as time went on its become easily my most hated fight not because of pf but its just so ungodly boring to me. like i would rather suffer in p7s for eternity than ever see p10s again. i will say for my s tiers though i would have to throw p4s p2 with p9 and p12 p1 because i just enjoy the puzzle mechanics at the time it actually made it feel quite fun to learn how to do the fight and do your damage otherwise you enrage
@thesparrow1116 5 ай бұрын
17:16 speaking as a tank who struggled to learn the tower placement in prog, P10S gave me massive anxiety attacks to not fuck up for the final tank tower after harrowing hell Imagine going through like 8 minutes of the fight finally making it past harrowing hell and your tank dies to the tower wiping the run basically, thats what I wanted to avoid desperately and stressed out abt
@MelvaCross 5 ай бұрын
I understand the P10S hate. It felt awful to play. Bonds and towers can shove it. But what I love about savage is seeing all the different unique mechanics you never get in other content. P10S was filled with fun new ideas. Badly executed, I admit. But seeing the tanks fly, building brides and the net and freeing tethered players? Yes please. I prefer fights like P10S. That's why P2S and P12S1 are my favourite savage fights this expansion. Because they have new, interesting mechanics, thematic cohesion AND they were fun to play.
@thepainsight 4 ай бұрын
Interesting video, I only agree on 6/7/3 personally.
@steveh1474 5 ай бұрын
big agree on P10 and P7. well, 7 isnt really bad as a fight, its just slow and easy. i remember when i was just progging it, i was very early prog, like hadnt even seen purgation, so i joined an enrage prog party. we cleared on the third pull. i watched videos all afternoon on the stupid fight to make sure i understood everything, and it was just that easy. P8 really kicked my ass after that though! and i play tanks! so its no big surprise i hated P10 because of those damn towers. i got blacklisted from a few players because i just kept whiffing the platform after the launch. like dude, i know yall dont play tank, but you gotta realize its a tight little spot i gotta stand in. theres just not enough wiggle room for that.
@TheRoyDestroyer 5 ай бұрын
Huge disagree with basically everything past P8S, but also huge respect for standing by your own opinions regardless of what others would think. Really enjoyed many of the insights too. Role preference really shifts our perspective from fight to fight. Also feels like you had some notably bad PF experiences in the last tier as I've really never seen any tank having the slightest struggle with Para 1, even in fresh parties.
@KAIZA2002 5 ай бұрын
Someone else who also thinks P10S is the worst fight in the game?! I never thought I'd see the day...
@zirilan3398 5 ай бұрын
I am not colourblind but I found P3S was very tiring on my eyes. Couldn`t do it for more than 1,5 hours at a time.
@ssimam2737 5 ай бұрын
Which job are you playing next expansion
@ode-blu 5 ай бұрын
Oh yeah here we go
@rare9242 5 ай бұрын
kokyotos as the first s rank??? no wayyyy
@TheIvoryDingo 5 ай бұрын
I'd give my thoughts on the Pandaemonium fights, but I've only ever done the Normal versions (of which, I only dislike P2N and P3N (both for more personal reasons)) so it wouldn't really be relevant to this video.
@ninjamonkey5697 5 ай бұрын
I find it interesting how polarizing p10s is. you put in in f tier and others think its a very good fight and put it in s tier. I only started raiding during the last tier so this was my second savage fight ever. I thought that all savage fights were like after the first fight in the tier and they started to ramp up the difficulty but I guess this is an outlier. I feel like what you mentioned the precision of the fight is one of its greatest downsides like with the laser mechanics and the tanks launching themselves off the platform. it got so bad in pf at some point I saw pf listings threatening to kick tanks who joined if they missed the launch too many times.
@ambercarbuncle1440p 4 ай бұрын
@eadwynroark8137 3 ай бұрын
lol, Listening to the PF portions reminds me why I stopped raiding on Midgar. Nope, need my sanity.
@retzerbil867 5 ай бұрын
I think P10 is super interesting mechanically. It's just that the mechanics snapshot way too early and could use maybe one second more for bonds. The mechanics are wayyyy too hard for pf to do and harrowing hell is has a really akward placement since tanks most likely need to use lb3 which means the pull is over if someone died to the stack spread after. P10 had potential but mechanics are too punishing for pf
@SophiaChrysalis 5 ай бұрын
P10S is a great fight but ovetuned AF for the second fight of the tier.
@ZeroTwoX2 5 ай бұрын
I love ya Wesk. But putting P10 in F broke my heart.
@cobra_XCI 4 ай бұрын
@misterbxiv 5 ай бұрын
AnBs is only needed for shitters. “Northmost shape people north, west shape north if tie” is vastly better
@WeskAlber 5 ай бұрын
That takes far more time to explain, isn't static spots, and proves my point. It's a bad strat and AnBs should have been standard
@sctorus 5 ай бұрын
P10s I hate it not from damage but from precition movement required With perfection position require 1 person Missing anybond = wipe . No dmg down, no mit can save you. No revive help you prog. nothing
@TheIrishAurum 5 ай бұрын
Strongly disagree with P10s placement and since youre not the only one who feels the way you do about how punishing it can be I can't imagine they'll do a fight like it again. Which from my PoV is a real shame
@pod155 4 ай бұрын
Normally, I dont agree with your takes, but I can get behind you on P10S. That shit was garbage, and p11s was just fun.
@BlackXSunlight 5 ай бұрын
The colorblind accessibility issues is definitely a big obstacle for some players. I tried to teach a friend P1S bc it was an easy gateway drug into savage raiding and he did fine until we discovered the very little contrast between the teal/orange checkerboard pattern. That did not jive well with his red-green colorblindness.
@domixd7666 5 ай бұрын
I don't understand your Savage words, but good vid!
@Sabata 4 ай бұрын
the worst take in here is not liking hic svnt leones >:(
@BionicLatino 5 ай бұрын
I hope you’re carb loading and getting limber…July will be here before you know it.
@Narlaw1199 5 ай бұрын
Sheesh, first second of p1s and we already see horrible tank positionning.
@theunionofdarkness 5 ай бұрын
Hard disagree on P10S. The fight needing such extreme precision is an exaggeration I think.
@Este314 5 ай бұрын
You come across like you’re so mad at everyone.
@kennys6288 5 ай бұрын
Thank you. Was sick and tired of all the praise P10 got. Most overrated fight ever. Maybe wouldn’t put it in F (The tree belongs there) but absolutely no higher than C and that would be absolutely generous. Also don’t understand why so many healers think a lot of damage = fun. Damage for the sake of damage isn’t fun. Harrowing hell wasn’t fun to heal, it was annoying. Only one I’d have to disagree with would be P11. Would place that one in D myself but otherwise great list.
@RomuloSilva 5 ай бұрын
p10 is horrible even in the normal mode... i hated every moment of that specially being the tank...i felt very overloaded on that. the day we cleared that we felt so free we needed to repeat only once more (everyone else got upgrades some other way) also agree on all ranks... i dont quite remember p9s but i like the pace of that fight
@DamianRavenhold 5 ай бұрын
My biggest problem with Anabaseios is that it is too ambitious while not being ambitious enough. What I mean is that there are mechanics that suck ass only because the game engine cannot handle it properly. Caloric Theory is the worst mechanic in the game only because of how janky it is. At the same time, the tier was so lame and easy compared to the earlier tiers. P10S was the only tier that was good, but was miserable in pf by all accounts
@zemperish 5 ай бұрын
To be fair P1s was back when sight had a tiny range so flexing could be very annoying. chop chop mr tank
@rcpoisond 5 ай бұрын
Lol, interesting. My personal rating: P8S SSS-tier, best fight in the game; P10S S-tier, not much else was as fun to tank; P11S F-tier, more boring than even P7S/P6S; the rest is OK. Whatever rocks your boat I guess ^^
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