Thank you Dr Nigel Speight for participating,I think it's very important to reveal cases like these.I'm an adult and for me it's already very difficult to deal with some professionals.Very hard to imagine how it is for a child and family to fight medical bureaucracy Looking forward to your colleges.
@rogersleep11 жыл бұрын
Wish all Pediatricians were as compassionate and stuck their neck out to actually help children and their families instead of vilifying them for something that is not the child or their parents fault. Dr Nigel Speight a Hero for children like ours!
@hippokonder11 жыл бұрын
Thank you Dr. Nigel Speight for being such a wonderful physician, helping so many patients. I hope the patients get proper help soon, here in Norway the psychiatric view on the disease still stand strong.
@timbitstimmy11 жыл бұрын
Anytime social services is involved, not only with ME patients, the situation is most often made much much worse and NOT better
@BedboundME11 жыл бұрын
I'd just like to add it's not just children at risk of harm/pressure. I was in care & had huge pressure from all quarters to attend a rehabilitation inpatient service which was thought to be my only hope as "lying there wasn't getting me any better" ( ofcourse anyone with ME can be "rehabilitated" -not) There are few Drs adults in this situation can access for medical help. Severe ME is just left like an open wound - some survive it, some live it, some don't.
@faithwong923210 жыл бұрын
Fascinating interview!
@faddy123100011 жыл бұрын
thank god for this dr
@planetautism241810 жыл бұрын
This EXACT SAME THING is happening to families of autistic children!!! It's likely happening to others with invisible disabilities too. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (also connected to autism) is a connective tissue disorder which causes fatigue and exhaustion and some people are misdiagnosed with CFS/ME. It also comes with a condition known as PoTs which causes dizziness and other difficulties. All these conditions are the sort of thing people are quick to blame on laziness or fictitious. Professional awareness needs raising and the medical profession needs to correctly diagnose people. I am so glad the GMC is purportedly cracking down on medical mistakes. There is almost zero autism awareness amongst professionals and autism is misjudged as mental illness in parents, or child abuse in their children. Autism can mean introversion, lack of or reduced eye contact, socialising problems and behavioural issues which are often held in at school and exploded out at home where the child feels safe to do so. This can give professionals all the reason they want to falsely blame parents of autistic children, even knowingly. because it appears to match up to their false opinions. And social workers lie aplenty. Of the few decent ones out there, there is a barrel load more of nasty and dishonest ones, people that go into that job for a particular reason. The NAS is aware of the problem autism families are facing with erroneous safeguarding interventions, but instead of public awareness it is trying softly-softly to get the point out there to professionals with a kid glove. This won't do it, families are being destroyed whilst they dilly-dally. There is a national disgrace going on in social services as well as the medical profession. Look up Professor Vivienne Cree's series on moral panic, the nanny state is out of control. I would love to speak to Dr Speight, because his account mirrors so EXACTLY what autism families have and are suffering, including removal of children. It is state abuse and it's high time that professionals INCLUDING SOCIAL WORKERS are held accountable and prosecuted for their offences of abuse of children and libel and defamation of character of innocent parents.
@ingegerdthure613310 жыл бұрын
I'am so sorry to told you about what's happend our doughter and granddoughters. It's a social municipality in the middle of Sweden who has taken two chileds from her. One of the doughter has the diagnos you talk about. It's Me. She vas only 4 years when they understund that something was wrong. A doctor start to find out what's it could bee. After a time together with a team of experts fr.o.m. differnt hospitals they give her that diagnos. They had done a second upinien whith same resultats. 2010 it was another doctor and his team call them self Mio-grops with out look at the girl or her mother he sad she wasn't sick and our dougther has Münchhausen by broxy. They vant to take all the children. But after a while they stop it and the girl could stay home. My dougther had a lot of trouble with her kidney's last 2 years after a gastric by pas operation. Under that time her husband start to illtreat the girls. Our doughter was to sick and the childrens father sad that if they told their mother she could die. The girls was to afried so they was still quite. When she left the hospital after the latest operation and comeback home. She heard something from her dougthers room, she was 15 years old them and she has ADHD. Her father illtreat her. Her coach told her to go to the police. She took photos from her body. The socialworker told our daugther to leave the appartment emiditly whit the girls or they take the girls fr.o.m. her. They move to us in the south of Sweden for a week. Her husband does'nt live the appartment. The girls was afraid and the socialworker say to them to stay whith us intill he lives. After a few days they could go home again. Now our dougther understund that she had to move. She understund she needs help and we are and her sister and husband and a onkel lives here. They stay whith us the whole summer. Told us that the husband she has been married to 17 years has start drinking more, he has been angry specialy with words and even with hand on her. They move in the end of august. With the municipalitys help. 1 months later come to the door about 10 a clock in the evening with 2 policeman and 2 socialworkers. We tray to stop them but they say that if the girls doesn't follow them they must take them with force. We told the children this is o misstaken. Next day we ask the socialworker in the middle of Sweden what's happend they sad differnt things. They had take the same papper they told her to move fr.o.m. Her husband help her to the south and changera them against here. Ask the father if his wife has falsified his doughter socknens and if she has Münchhausen by proxy. And he sad yes. After that he has changera things a LOT. Everythings was lies. We had to show them the throught of everything and they don't car. The oldest girl are still at home. Because they send her papper before they send the the other girl. And the new municipality say that girls shouldn be with her she is not sick. We has been tolking with specialists of Münchhausen by proxy. With psykolog and doctors. Even doctors has look in the girl paper nothing wrong. But they still mean that our daughter has falsified her doughter. Now it's mars 2014 and the children is still in another home. In the first place they were they told us that we couldn't talk to them if we do something go to the school or anything. They move them. It was a terribly home the first place. They don't give them food. The oldest girl has to take care and wash the youngest clothes and so on. We, grandmother and grandfather couldn't do anything. We foulen'till wrote to them call them or anything in 6 month and so has even our other dougher and husband done. We has taken calls recordings we can show them that they don't say what we had told them. But they don't care. The doctor who has start this stil says that the girl is not sick the hole winter they took the medicin from here. It's has been terrible for her. But, listen. The father has been so nice with the community so they have nothing against him. They even pay for his trio to visit them once. He is not interested on eight months. The municipality pay for him. Not our dougther. He start everything. Now they are totaly against the mother. They has taking all here Moneybrother away and send her bills that she should pay to the municipality because they take her girls from here. We don't know what we are going to do. They take us like criminals people. And now she need to go from here apartment because it's to expensive. But if the girls come home she need it. We had talk to the muncipality in to places around here and they say that what they are doing in the muncipality Sigtuna in the middle of Sweden are totaly wrong. But they still win. Why taking this girls? They also say that our doughter doesn't took care of the children when she was at the hospital and live the girls with the father. She should had call some more. But she says even his Mather was there and help them. But they sad it was not enought. She couldn't know that could she? This is just a litterära about what's happend here. When i heard the intervju i try My best to roten. IT was about 45 years a go i roten in school so i hope you understund the meening. I can told that last week goverment gives her fight against his father. But in the paper the muncipality sats that the gouverment don' t take this up. We don't understund anything. Tahnk you for try reeding this.
@MadeleneThure10 жыл бұрын
Thanks mom, that your try tog help me. I dont have so much hope anymore for any statement tog help men. But please doctor, try to help me? ! / Madelene
@Wetenschap-MEcvsVer10 жыл бұрын
Madelene Thure Mäkelä Dear Madelene and Ingegerd, Thank you for your reaction on the webinars of the paediatrician dr. Speight. Our admiration for your courage to try and write English after so many years. Rest assured that we understood every word of what you have written. We have taken notice of your heartrenting account and your appeal on dr. Speight. Please mail as soon as possible either us on or directly to to the attention of Lisa Forstenius. Moreover we would like to know if you allow us to make your story public. For that answer please mail to We do wish you all the strength and wisdom you need. Please keep us informed via our contact-address and if you want us to, we will publish your updates to make your situation known to as many persons as possible With best wishes. Team Science to Patients
@EMGoudsmit11 жыл бұрын
As one of those independent psychologists, I am well aware of the tendency of groups to agree (cf Asch's theory on coherence). If enough people share one view, then a newcomer will agree, assuming the others know. But this is also true of groups, alas. ME is CFS? Where is the evidence? Wasn't this an assumption which just gets repeated, as though it were fact? CFS is an umbrella term and includes some people with psychological disorders. ME presents more neurologically. Rate of psychiatric illness is no higher than in MS and cancer. As long as patients concur with the group who believe that ME is the same as CFS, these horrors will continue. I am an independent thinker. That's why I want proof that ME is CFS.