Ensnared in the creatures' tentacles while simultaneously being confronted by the Force-wielding Ezra Bridger, who brought the Purrgil to defend Lothal, the Star Destroyer is dragged from the planet's vicinity by them, leaving both Thrawn's and Bridger's fates unknown.
@twistedyogert Жыл бұрын
I didn't think it was possible to see other objects in Hyperspace. I always thought that objects basically traveled independently along their own "hyperspace corridor".
@CharlieHepp Жыл бұрын
Ensnared in the creatures' tentacles while simultaneously being confronted by the Force-wielding Ezra Bridger, who brought the Purrgil to defend Lothal, the Star Destroyer is dragged from the planet's vicinity by them, leaving both Thrawn's and Bridger's fates unknown.
@luigiscartoons9223 Жыл бұрын
Star wars fans after seeing the purrgil: there he (Ezra) is! He's still alive..
@LeiasLair Жыл бұрын
We sure hope so! Can’t wait for the Ahsoka series!
@CharlieHepp Жыл бұрын
Ensnared in the creatures' tentacles while simultaneously being confronted by the Force-wielding Ezra Bridger, who brought the Purrgil to defend Lothal, the Star Destroyer is dragged from the planet's vicinity by them, leaving both Thrawn's and Bridger's fates unknown.
@CharlieHepp Жыл бұрын
@@LeiasLair Ensnared in the creatures' tentacles while simultaneously being confronted by the Force-wielding Ezra Bridger, who brought the Purrgil to defend Lothal, the Star Destroyer is dragged from the planet's vicinity by them, leaving both Thrawn's and Bridger's fates unknown.