What Do You Hate About Czechs? | Easy Czech 24

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Easy Czech

Easy Czech

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@macuken Жыл бұрын
Jsem Američan a bydlím tady v Česku a myslím, že je legrační, jak se koncept pořádání večírku mezi našimi kulturami liší. Uspořádali jsme například párty a pozvali nějaké Čechy, které jsme tak dobře neznali. Teď jsme si velmi blízcí a později nám řekli, že si mysleli, že bylo to skoro zvláštní, že jsme je pozvali na naši párty, když je sotva známe! 😅 Pro nás jsou večírky dobrou příležitostí k seznámení, zatímco Češi si myslím, že možná Češi považují večírky za intimní setkání. Taky si myslím, že koncept kokosove ořechy versus broskev v druhém komentáři je veselý a velmi přesný 😊
@hmmtentego5542 Жыл бұрын
z mojego doswiadczenia Czesi sa Ciepli i mili ...wiekszosc from my experience Czech people are warm and kind ....majority Pozdrawiam serdecznie :)
@adam0_519 9 ай бұрын
Díky. Miluju Polsko Thanks. I love Poland 🇨🇿❤🇵🇱
@hmmtentego5542 9 ай бұрын
@@adam0_519 :)✌👍❤
@joshuaehlers6925 Жыл бұрын
V České republice žiji 2,5 roku a jsem ženatý s Češkou. Vyrostl jsem v Americe a všiml jsem si rozdílů mezi Američany a Čechy. Američané jsou od malička vedeni k vysokému sebevědomí a k vyjadřování všech svých názorů. Učí nás, že máme mít svobodu slova a vážit si vlastního názoru. Uvědomil jsem si, že Češi jsou uzavřenější typ lidí. Češi mají své názory, ale ne tak rychle se o ně dělí. Když položíte otázku skupině Čechů, můžete u ní sedět dlouho, protože nikdo nechce mluvit první. Američané se bojí ticha a vždycky budou první, kdo ticho prolomí. Češi jsou jako kokosové ořechy a Američané jako broskve. Češi jsou navenek tvrdí, ale uvnitř měkcí. Američané jsou navenek měkcí, ale uvnitř tvrdí. Američané se s vámi rychle spřátelí, ale bude jim trvat dlouho, než vám řeknou, co mají skutečně na srdci. Jakmile se s Čechem spřátelíte, otevře se vám a bude k vám upřímný, jen to trvá déle. To je několik mých kulturních postřehů. Vážím si tohoto videa a všech kulturních poznatků, o které jste se se mnou podělili. Bylo to opravdu užitečné!!
@EasyCzechVideos Жыл бұрын
Přirovnání kokosů a broskví sedí! 🥥🍑
@adam0_519 9 ай бұрын
Mohu se zeptat. Toto ti přeložil překladač, nebo jsi to napsal sám?
@joshuaehlers6925 9 ай бұрын
Použil jsem překladač. Češtinu se učím skoro 4 roky. Ale umím jen asi B1. Jak dlouho se učíte česky?
@adam0_519 9 ай бұрын
@@joshuaehlers6925 já jsem čech a jsem rád když se někdo učí náš jazyk. ❤
@autumnflower8942 3 ай бұрын
Já znám Američany celkem dobře. Vy nejste vedeni k vysokému sebevědomí a k vyjadřování všech svých názorů, ale postrádáte jakékoliv vychování a ve svém lidském vývoji jste zůstali na úrovni dítěte v jeslích, které je přesvědčeno, že se kolem něho točí svět, má právo si vzít cokoliv vidí a dosahovat svých cílů řevem a lhaním. Pokud vidí, že i jiné dítě něco má, tak mu to sebere a zničí a pak to svede na toho poškozeného. To je celá vaše výchova, mentalita, chování a přínos světu. Sebestřednost, nerespekt k jiným lidem, naprosto neuvěřitelná hloupost a barbarství, nepřetržité lhaní a zkreslování všeho jak se vám hodí, to není o sebevědomí a vlastních názorech, ale absenci civilizovanosti a kulturnosti. Vy nakonec těmto slovům ani nerozumíte. Nechápete základní věci, kterým kdyby nerozuměl jakýkoliv Evropan, tak jedině kdyby byl nesvéprávný, ale co se týká lhaní, podvádění a prosazovaní si svých zájmů na úkor druhých lidí, tak tady se vám mozek kupodivu dobře vyvinul, stejně jako dalším problémovým národům nebo etnikům. O tom je nakonec nejenom vaše legendární mentalita, ale také celá historie USA. Vaše legendární pokrytectví a afektovanost, kterým civilizovaný svět opovrhuje stejně jako tím ostatním, asi není třeba připomínat. A ty nesmysly o kokosech a broskvích jsou jenom další hloupé stereotypy. Češi nezačnou být upřímní později, ale jsou upřímní vždy, pokud mají upřímnost v povaze. Co je to za blbost? Pleteš si upřímnost s civilizovaným chováním, kdy lidé rozlišují cizí lidi a své blizké.
@chri5toph_k Жыл бұрын
Hey. I just became a member today but didn't expect a new video so quickly. Thank you very much :) Greetings from Austria ☺️🇦🇹 I'm from Vienna and people here are even proud, that our city is voted as one of the unfriendliest cities in the world. But especially the younger generation is more open and I don't think that their mentality differs drastically to the mentality of Czech people. I guess you can party a bit better than we do :)
@patrickreuvekamp Жыл бұрын
Strangely enough, I actually consider Vienna as one of the most pleasant cities in Europe.
@Pidalin Жыл бұрын
I visited Vienna in 2021 and I can confirm that it's very unfriendly city. 😀 It was during the worst covid situation, you had to fill some papers everywhere, everything was in German only and nobody helped to you, they just always drop paper in front of you and say "fill it" and they also cheated us in caffé, we had just 2 coffees, but on bill, there was printed something more expensive which we didn't have, but I guess some Czechs own that caffé, it was the only place where they didn't want to fill some covid papers which was suspicious. 😀
@chri5toph_k Жыл бұрын
​@@patrickreuvekamp you probably did not experience people from the administration offices 😅
@tomassiegl4991 Жыл бұрын
Greetings from Moravia. :) Czechs and Austrians shouldn't be that different. Maybe different language, but same (or very close) history and culture.
@chri5toph_k Жыл бұрын
​@@Pidalin I believe the scamming was just bad luck. Maybe there are some tourist traps but it's not common here and it also could have been just a mistake. However, I can easily imagine the COVID registration situation with people not helping you 😅
@ZdenkaDarula Жыл бұрын
Vyborne a zajimave video. Narodila jsem se v CR kde jsem zila 19 let. Letos to bude 27 let co bydlim v Kanade. Manzel je ze Slovenska takze mluvime doma po nasem. Jaky ja vidim rozdil mezi Kanadou a Ceskem je ze Kanadani jsou neuveritelne klidni a porad usmevavi. Nestezuji si, nepomlouvaji. Vyslechnou si vas nez reknou svuj nazor.. neskaci vam do reci... nevnucuji vam nazory... . Vubec jim nevadi ze mate prizvuk. Kazdy si hlida sveho a nestaraji se o jine. Kdyz si koupite neco noveho tak vam opravdu uprimne poblahopreji. Kdyz jedu do CR na navstevu, naposledy jsem tam byla pred 5 lety tak se porad bojim na vesnici prodavacek. Jakmile vejdu do vecerky tak slysim... "co chcete??? misto dobry den" Polovina lidi je strasne hodna a mila ale porad jsou taci co jsou dost ostri, hlavne kdyz musim jit na urad tak se bojim co zase bude... Zavist tam je, pomlouvani take, starani se do ostatnich take... nekteri stale maji ve vsem pravdu a vsechno vi a vsechno znaji... Zavist je velika. Mela jsem nekolik znamych co se me uprimne zeptali: "Kolik tam vydelavas? To se mas tak dobre ze se nechces vratit?" Kdyz si koupite nove auto.. opravdu vas lidi zacnou pomlouvat a zjistovat kde jste na to vzali. Moje rodice se dost kvuli tomu izolovali. Mam tam ale maly okruch znamych kteri jsou strasne prijemni takze je tam i obrovska skupina lidi kteri jsou opravdu super...
@kubabarbas5436 Жыл бұрын
This is a good observation but unfortunately Canada has changed enormously for the worse in the last 3 years. The society is divided and polarized and C19 'rules' brought out the worst in people - a huge part of Canadians would feel great in Germany between 1933-45...
@autumnflower8942 3 ай бұрын
Takže se chováte jako typická Češka a také jste negativní?
@patrickreuvekamp Жыл бұрын
That example with the shirt is something you will get in the Netherlands as well, but for totally different reasons: there are quite a few people who consider it quite an achievement that they got something for the cheapest price possible. So here it is not meant to downplay the compliment at all, but quite the contrary. (This is also a bit of a stereotype, but there is some element of truth in it.)
@rubenholtjer8599 Жыл бұрын
Ga snel heen, er liggen nog een paar 😂
@michaelbrodsky Жыл бұрын
V zimě je Čechům zima, pokud nejsou v Hondurasu ❤
@michaelbrodsky Жыл бұрын
@Fureori O podvodnících toho moc nevím, ale holky byly minulý týden v Hondurasu.
@WarlordMSM Жыл бұрын
that is the most understandable Czech voice I have ever heard
@natalieschoenn Жыл бұрын
i was born and still live in america but i am czech citizen (my mom is czech) and spent many summers there with family… i think the feeling of envy is spot on… even i have it 😅
@kaoim5045 10 ай бұрын
thank you for the video!!! i'm german and just spend a few days with friends in prague. we definetely had moments of "coldness" with waitresses- but weirdly enough they first came across as pretty rough , even pissed off, when we "made problems" not understading rightaway, and then on the other hand ,while leaving , were pretty friendly- so it seems to be an initial contact thing with non czech speaking tourists especially in prague, maybe...but we also had lots of nice interactions!!!
@agadominik7180 10 ай бұрын
Jsem z Polska. Ráda se učím cizí jazyky, ale česky se učím teprve velmi krátce. Když oslovuji někoho cizince z Francie nebo Itálie, snažím se s nimi mluvit francouzsky nebo italsky. Vždy jsou velmi milí a dávají mi komplimenty za to, že se učím jejich jazyku. Jednou jsem se pokusila mluvit česky. Češi, se kterými jsem se setkala, ale nic neřekli, jenom pokyvovali hlavou , krátce odpovídali na otázky a dívali se na mne velmi podivně. (Možná jsem mluvila velmi špatně 🤨). Nic to, učím se dál. Prostě to byla pro mě úplně nová zkušenost, protože takové komplimenty opravdu nepotřebuji... {Díky moc, ChatGPT, za pomoc!}
@autumnflower8942 3 ай бұрын
Já myslím, že to nebyl problém. Češi neočekávají, že Polák bude mluvit česky, stačí když se vzájemně domluví. To pak záleží na tom, co kdo umí a rozumí.
@eliadbaruch2458 Жыл бұрын
Hello. im from Israel. I was in Prague several times i dont think Czechs are cold , i think you are actually very nice people
@Ben-r7 Жыл бұрын
Thanks that was usfull 🥰❤️
@thomasalbrecht5914 Жыл бұрын
I regret that I cannot yet comment in Czech, but after two visits to Prague, I find that the Czechs are not colder than the average German, but they have a similar attitude that may earn them the same reputation for coldness: they are not spontaneously outgoing like, for example, Mediterranean people. They prefer to wait and observe before they open up. And some of them will stay neutral and reserved for a long time. Similar attitudes as in Germany, with variations depending on individual personalities, regional differences, size of the town or village... I have to say though that I have admired the patience and politeness of Czechs with the large crowds of absolute nitwits coming to Prague from all over Europe, especially Germany and Britain, because the beer is good and cheaper than back home. I have seen a lot of tourists who would have deserved much worse than coldness, and they got treated with a lot of leniency. My favourable impression of Prague and my admiration for the mentality and the manifestation of culture and spirit on display there is the reason I’m here to learn Czech. I love your videos already after watching only about a dozen or so.
@slavkopolskiperun5358 2 ай бұрын
Yes, like a Pole I can confirm that czechs are very cold people with close beer-knedlik mentality.
@user-bj8mm4lv6b 11 күн бұрын
Being that Czechia is an Eastern European Slavic country, it’s not surprising that bubbly American’s find its inhabitants rude or cold. The thing with Slavic people (I am Russian) is that we’re not going to smile or laugh with you unless we trust you or know you. Being too open with someone could either lead to you looking like a fool or potentially being targeted by someone with bad intentions.
Osobně mi připadají Češi šarmantní a pokorní. Skutečnost, že nejsou přehnaně ambiciózní, ale jsou spokojeni s tím, co jim život dal, je ctnost. Další ctností je také pokorný a ne drzý charakter. Opět je to můj názor.
@LordDamianus Жыл бұрын
Why do they think so? For example, we Poles, always think that Czechs are cheerful and friendly people. If someone compared our two nations, then we would definitely come out as colder and more introvert.
@lukebruce5234 Жыл бұрын
Czechs and Poles are alike. We're not cheerful at all (in my opinion). The only Slavs I found friendly were the Southern ones. It could be the weather. I could be wrong though. ^^
@LordDamianus Жыл бұрын
@@lukebruce5234 Hehe. Pozdrawiam, bracie!
@kdochces2732 Жыл бұрын
It also depends where you meet those people. For example, there are many foreigners in Prague or Brno, and it can be said that Czechs have gotten used to foreigners. When I come to Prague and i hear only english language or different languages it makes me annoyed. Well I hear about a lot of experiance of my friends who come to bigger city and there was a lot of foreigners and they wasn't happy about it xd. I think if foreginers come to smaller city I think more of them could change their mind if Czech are cold or not.
@adana01 Жыл бұрын
You should ask to foreigners about this topic.. not to Czech people...
@isabelcunha2301 Жыл бұрын
Češi nejsou chladní, jsou přímí.. Jsem z Portugalska a možná si myslíte, že jsme hezčí .. ale pokud máte v Portugalsku problém, musíte zvládnout příliš mnoho formalit, které zde nevidím
@jirihruby2679 5 ай бұрын
Jo su stedené čumák. V práci se snažím býti otevřenější, ale doma se zavřu.
@BrunoGomes-ne9eo Жыл бұрын
I'm Brazilian, so most Europeans culturally speaking are cold to me hahaha
@pierregrangier2731 Жыл бұрын
The Czechs are said to be cold ? Ok maybe, I don't know actually... Anyway, I think the best way to break the ice is learning czech, even though this language seems very tricky
@rubenholtjer8599 Жыл бұрын
Jaké upřimné video! Falešná skromnost vypadá jako celonárodní.
@Greenforrest7342 Жыл бұрын
Omlouvám se, že se nevyjadřuji k tématu, ale je v Česku hodně takových blondýnek jako Lucka?
@tomasfuksa5163 Жыл бұрын
@Pidalin Жыл бұрын
It's funny that native Czechs in video said we are cold and not native speakers said that we are not cold. 🙂 BTW, that "redneck" mentality is the worst about Czechs, I live in small city for 10 years and I want back to Prague, people are more ok in Prague, they don't care about you, when you have something new in a small city, everyone is asking where you got money for that, it's very annoying. And yes, many people are happy when something wrong happens to other people, not only here in small city, but generally, this is more like mentality of middle age people, I think very old or young people are different, this middle age generation is probably damaged more by communist era because they were born to it. That with "it was only for 200 crowns...." is typicaly Czech reaction, you say it on purpose to not trigger envy in other people, as a Czech, you just always have to pretend that you are poorer than you actually are because when you have something expensive and people see that, they will immediately run to you and want to borrow money from you, so you just always have to pretend that you have nothing.
@rejoinslarepubliquedebourg1436 Жыл бұрын
That's a mindset from the communist era. It used to be done so that Soviets wouldn't butcher people and steal their properties.
@Pidalin Жыл бұрын
@@rejoinslarepubliquedebourg1436 I know, mostly middle age people (like 45-60) are like that, very old people (who remember first republic or WWII) and young people are different. I see it on my father, when we have something at home, like let's say washing powder, he has to waste it as soon as possible, it looks like he is afraid that someone visits us and steals that and I see this mentality in many people of his age, when they have enough of something, they use it even more to waste it sooner for some reason. You normaly have for example some spice for whole year, but these people, when you buy 2 packs of spice, they will use twice of it to waste it sooner, I totaly hate this mentality, but I can't really change them. That's why our middle age generation has just debts and have problem to survive until next salary, it's not about they earn low money, it's about they can't manage their money. When they get salary, they have to spend it immediately, they are probably afraid of some money reform or something, it happened during communism several times and these people have mind set to "spend all your money when it still has value" and that's why they have nothing.
@Pidalin Жыл бұрын
@@rogerflorida1498 You speak exactly as my father, better to die after you drank few beers than die with money for few beers. 🙂
@mihaicisnoc5037 8 ай бұрын
Yes, Czechs are cold especially towards foreigners coming from any country that lies East of CZ. Even if you speak the language to some extent, they will not include you in their group and if you are smarter or more mature or speak more languages than they do, they will envy you a lot and hate you for it.
@tomjuran7635 Жыл бұрын
Tak já jsem studenej ?🥶
@matylda1637 Жыл бұрын
I think that we Poles, Czechs and other post-communist nations are cold. But Czechs have a better sense of humor ;)
@themeltedchocolate Жыл бұрын
I've always gotten the impression that the Czechs are pretty envious of others, pretty selfish, that they have low confidence that they're desperately trying to hide by acting like they're better than others. But I didn't realize they were this self aware about all this haha Really interesting video, I really liked it!
@EasyCzechVideos Жыл бұрын
Thank you!🤗
@tomasfuksa5163 Жыл бұрын
you obviously know nothing about us :D
@themeltedchocolate Жыл бұрын
@@tomasfuksa5163 I've met many Czechs over several decades, I've been to the czech Republic and that's the impression I've gotten
@tomasfuksa5163 Жыл бұрын
@@themeltedchocolate It's alright, it's your personal opinion :) however, my comment still stands, you know nothing about our nation
@themeltedchocolate Жыл бұрын
@@tomasfuksa5163 it's a personal impression, it's not a fact. I wasn't really going around sharing it with people but since the video creators did ask for people's impressions and opinions and since it really surprised me that the Czechs themselves were saying the things I as a foreigner have noticed I figured I might as well share it. I wouldn't say I know nothing about your nation, like I said, I've known many Czechs and been to czech Republic but I would never claim to know your nation very well either.
@Anonymanonymos235 Жыл бұрын
The language is very difficult for German speakers to learn
@tomjuran7635 Жыл бұрын
My jsme zkratka rasisti -kromě mě.Ale zase jsme ✝️
@tomjuran7635 Жыл бұрын
Ne, my jsme HOT JAK PLOT!!!🥵
@weixuanchang8814 Жыл бұрын
NO.......comparing with the Asia world, cz is more easy and friendly..........
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