What does it mean to restore housing affordability?

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BNN Bloomberg

BNN Bloomberg

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@switchlane2009 7 ай бұрын
Honestly, housing will never be affordable in Canada. May be in 20 years it could be a little bit affordable. If you have a game plan to leave this country now. Please do it before it’s too late.
@PaulFlahr 7 ай бұрын
While it is still legal
@abcdedfg8340 7 ай бұрын
And price locals out of their communities? How is that okay to spread the problem? This sort of selfishness lead to the whole crisis. The solution is to vastly increase the supply of housing and not export the problem. It just seems so unethical to make others go through the same experience. Just my opinion.
@MrFanstar007 7 ай бұрын
The biggest issue which needs to be addressed aside of supply shortage is "SPECULATION". In the last 10 years, this speculation phenomenon transformed the housing market into some kind of lottery system, except that it came with Guaranteed winning numbers. Consequently, this creates a big financial burden on the next generation of citizens. For example, lets say you have a FOMO buyer and their agent show up to an average middle class Canadian neighborhood, offering $200k over asking price on a home in that neighborhood, the value of the entire neighborhood is changed for everyone regardless the income level as a result. Such massive new valuation can't be equated to the BoC rate hike. Not even close. So please stop blaming BoC for rate hike. It is also well known that people used to buy 2 or 3 or 5 pre-cons during the low rate era. Sell them on assignment and take hefty profit at closing. They repeat this over and over. Lets be clear here: there is a difference between profit and speculation lalaland. This is what we call LALA LAND/GET RICH QUICK MANIA. We are talking about housing. Not stock market where this should be the norm. I will have to give all level of GOVERNMENTs an F mark for not addressing this problem.
@Deheartless 7 ай бұрын
This and the fact that there are huge levels of mortgage fraud that are not being addressed.
@MrFanstar007 7 ай бұрын
@@Deheartless Right. This is another huge problem here. Canadians cannot and should not be left to compete with fraud and speculation. The whole system needs to change.
@MrFanstar007 7 ай бұрын
@@Deheartless Agree. No oversight. Lalaland.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
That’s a lot of words. There is only one solution and it is very simple: more supply. Add enough supply and it’ll get rid of speculation.
@MrFanstar007 7 ай бұрын
@@SigFigNewton As noted in the interview, supply wont come soon and everyone knows it. However, preventing fraud and speculation in the system can be achieved with restrictive policy/ies and good oversight. Having Canadian citizens left hanging to compete with fraud and speculation is both immoral and inhumane.
@pongort246 7 ай бұрын
It doesn't matter how far you move from the city anymore or how little your land value is.... it now costs more than 500K to build a half decent house that meet Canadian climate standards and that itself is simply unaffordable
@Momo-hh6er 7 ай бұрын
I guess it's time to give up on this country then.
@toastsandwich2862 7 ай бұрын
It is honestly disturbing what our country has done to future generations. Permanantly unaffordable housing? Ever-rising rents? Quality of life in Canada will fall off a cliff.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
It’s already caused untold numbers of small business failures. When half of peoples incomes goes to housing, then after food, transport, insurance, they have nothing left to spend at local businesses. Any city that cares about its local economy should be working hard to lower home prices.
@dev4statingx90 7 ай бұрын
Too many indians
@Bill-r9z 7 ай бұрын
Boc should hold interest rates for 5yrs and what ever happens let it happen.
@heck0272 7 ай бұрын
‪They talk about housing using terms like “value of their main “asset” and “how about “investing” in other things”. We don’t see houses as a home anymore. Government, banks, RS agents have sold this idea that a house is just an “investment” not just a place to raise a family ‬
@dev4statingx90 7 ай бұрын
Have you seen the TSX? What a flaming dumpster fire. Up 2% YTD. The s&p500 in the US up 11%. Very telling
@DL-ds7xp 7 ай бұрын
For new and Young Canadians who want to put down roots and build something for the future, Canada is not the place to do this. There is not enough time to wait around until a group of people who are willing to solve the problem. Look else where or change your life plans
@Mehmed317 7 ай бұрын
There is Africa to start with, Europe is unaffordable as Canada is.
@7966016 7 ай бұрын
​@@Mehmed317That statement only applies to uneducated individuals that have no choice! Brain drain is real, and Canada is losing alot of their smart educated youth to a place called the US, where wages for most educated jobs pay double and house prices are a third of what they are in Canada! Canada is no longer great, it's only people who drink the coolaid that think so!!
@aalampara7853 7 ай бұрын
@@Mehmed317Yes Tunisia! You better lead the example bro!
@NaturallyKristen86 7 ай бұрын
Why does everyone need to live in Toronto? Canada is so much bigger and many more affordable places!
@aalampara7853 7 ай бұрын
@@NaturallyKristen86 Yes please you can please move to Soo or Sudbury!! Then we ll follow your path!
@keithstone790 7 ай бұрын
People have turned housing into a commodity most of the buyers are using it to enrich themselves but with every investment it comes with risk which they knownly choose to take on, so why should everyone in the economy take on the problems (not everyone are homeowners)of a few people? I say they benefited when prices where going up are then they should also take the hit when it is going down just like the stock market.
@shauncameron8390 7 ай бұрын
But 66% of Canadians are homeowners.
@101academics 7 ай бұрын
​@@shauncameron8390no they're not. The banks own their home.
@shauncameron8390 7 ай бұрын
@@101academics Yes they are. This so-called crisis is more of a big-city issue than anything else.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
@@shauncameron8390and that 66% has been voting in ways that cripple the economy. Voting against allowing supply to meet demand then wondering why people don’t have money left over after housing expenses to spend at local businesses
@9ethermediagroup 7 ай бұрын
Who is supposed to watch and check what they are doing? Who will police the police? Who will watch the watchers and who governs the government? QT and QE have raged havoc on the economy. Overspending and high salaries, but the general public is struggling cheque to cheque. Billions are being sent overseas when health care systems are crumbling, homelessness increasing, and middle class being wiped out. Am I the only one who feels there is no real recourse? How do we hold these people accountable? Voting is not fast enough, and the new government will like to continue the charades. How did the PM take a trip that cost more than what the average person makes? Madness.
@parkerbohnn 7 ай бұрын
QE destroyed Japan and the entire European banking system. It also put retirees and savers into the poorhouse. Under QE the poor and the middle class have gotten a lot poorer
@MyrtletheTurtle3867 7 ай бұрын
If housing prices don't collapse by at least 50% there won't be a middle class again for a generation.
@BA-kp1us 7 ай бұрын
The issue is 70% of Canadians do already own a home. So the majority do own homes and in the 30% group are a percentage (impossible to know exactly how many) that are children of homeowners who will get large inheritances from their home owner parents. Life has always been a lottery in terms of what situation you are born in to. With the policies of the last 7-10 years that has now increased as fiscal spending, immigration, interest rates and frankly the performance of the housing market have all ratcheted up prices - I can’t see a scenario where they go down 50% and some of the 30% of non home owners will be satisfied as they become home owners via wealth transfer/inheritance - it’s a smaller population that have no inheritance or wealth transfer coming and no prospects of owning and that’s where you will get civil unrest from.
@ihos501 7 ай бұрын
@@BA-kp1us i dont think that 70% is paid off. very few is actually paid off.
@BA-kp1us 7 ай бұрын
@@ihos501 no 70% own homes, of those about half have paid off the home with no mortgage but the average mortgage is in that $300-350k range
@midiminion6580 7 ай бұрын
i think you are looking at this the wrong way. Wages need to grow.
@dsbarclayeng1 7 ай бұрын
Cut all the blather. The same house in Niagara costs half as much across the border in the US.
@shauncameron8390 7 ай бұрын
Niagara Falls, NY is a dump.
@parkerbohnn 7 ай бұрын
@@shauncameron8390 Just the roads and nothing gets cleaned up.
@zomgoose 7 ай бұрын
Artificially Low Interest Rates for 14 years is the cause of the issue. Normalized Interest Rates are needed to restore balance to the economy.
@timshammm 7 ай бұрын
finally a sane economist
@CorporateShill66 7 ай бұрын
Those numbers are BS. Vancouver is way more expensive than Toronto and yet it needs to drop less? Salaries are similar or actually lower in Vancouver.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
@parkerbohnn 7 ай бұрын
@@SigFigNewton Household income.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
@@parkerbohnn source
@antonburdin9756 7 ай бұрын
Yes, either home owners are loosing some equity, or we are all dealing with inflation (wage-price spiral), or some combination of both (stagflation), there are no other ways around to fix affordability. No private company will ever increase supply in the anticipation of price decrease. Permits are not homes. Developers are already scaling down their projects and firing workers because there is not enough demand at the current price level. So only government could increase supply in this situation. Arbitrary immigration targets are simultaneously increasing demand and suppressing wage growth. There are better ways to control immigration. I would suggest demand based approach with some guard rails in place. For instance, I would require all educational institutions to provide housing for international student (at least 50%). Businesses should be required to provide accommodation to all temporary/seasonal workers on top of the minimum wage. In order to hire foreigners employers should be required to prove that he is paying enough to afford housing in the region (market cost of accommodation is less than 30% of salary). Accommodation for refugees should be secured before bringing them to the country from around the globe. No accommodation = no permits. It would limit demand and prevent wage suppression.
@RM-qf3sh 7 ай бұрын
cutting the realtors out of the sale will cut house prices $30-40 thousand.
@ChrisMCP2 7 ай бұрын
And then when an A bank refuses your private deal, you come to me, and borrow at 13% not to lose the deposit. Good idea boss! 👍
@rjkrjk8344 7 ай бұрын
Well if prices aren't coming down and builders won't build because people can't afford them. Then everything just stagnates and people start to lose their homes because they're losing their jobs. I'd say that's a total collapse. 😢
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
A responsible government would fund construction of more supply
@Nemija 7 ай бұрын
@@SigFigNewton I'd say that supply is not an issue. You can build a million new homes, and still 90% of them will be snatched by corporations, ever greedy virtual-equity-rich flippers, or scammers not even living in Canada. That's it. We are having a different problem here, my friend.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
@@Nemija you think that corporations want to own a million homes that they can’t find tenants for? More supply definitely is the solution
@Nemija 7 ай бұрын
@@SigFigNewton Ok
@maple.everything 7 ай бұрын
If income doubled without additional supply, house prices would double.
@edmac3893 7 ай бұрын
Affordability to own or to buy… Interest rates remain unmoved, property taxes have increased almost 10%, you can increase supply but building costs, land costs and finance rates to build are what they are. Affordability will occur in many years as the speaker has stated.
@djexpo6655 7 ай бұрын
Appalling situation we’ve created that will be nearly impossible to get out of because of such self-interest.
@lominiski 7 ай бұрын
I went through this in 1997. Obvious incomes will not doubt. So prices will be halved. Yep. My analysis for the 1997 crisis was that it takes about 10 years.
@lawrencehalpin6611 7 ай бұрын
That's what 12 years of 0% interest gets you. Blame your government and bank of Canada. Enjoy the mess.
@g-man7883 7 ай бұрын
My friends, don’t try to swim against the tide. Buy a home as soon as you can and live in it. Apart from the demand pressure you have the cost of the materials and the tradesmen wages to contend with. That community works for two to four times the cost of minimum wages. Three years ago, I embarked on a major updating transformation program for the home I live in as an original owner. The generalist tradesperson was 30 dollars per hour then. Today he is at 60 dollars per hour. If one can get him, that is. Buy a house as soon as you can. Rent rooms if you have to. Get yourself out of paying rent to pay for someone else’s mortgage. Be the landlord not the tenant!
@nairnbaker7385 7 ай бұрын
Give it some more time. Prices will come down. Many will lose their shirts.
@abcdedfg8340 7 ай бұрын
Look at singapore or parts of europe. They have safe, and affordable public housing that also works for the middle class. Certainly better than some canadian resident paying half or more of their income to rent and living off less than 3 meals day. Because yeah lets make everyone house or rent poor. Good going canada leaving a vital public good in private hands and creating almost zero public sector competition to keep it affordable.
@shauncameron8390 7 ай бұрын
Europe also has a housing crisis. And Singapore has no more land to build new housing on.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
@@shauncameron8390European union as a whole, households spend almost 25% of income on housing and in Canada it’s more like 35% Imagine how much local small businesses in Canada could be making if Canadians had spending money left over after you expenses
@abcdedfg8340 7 ай бұрын
​@@SigFigNewton I think the figure is worse than 35 percent looking at major cities in canada. I would personally guess it is maybe half or even more for many people, just looking at rental prices and property prices. I dont know how much that leaves for food or other basic necessities, let alone actually being able to spend money in the economy. I think even many people who would be considered middle class a few decades ago are now living on budgets that would be considered poverty level. Just my opinion.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
@@abcdedfg8340 seems like the portion of the population who can afford homes went from 65% to 35% and somehow conservatives are pretending to themselves that it’s a personal responsibility issue rather than systemic
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
As though it would be fine and good if only one in a thousand people were well off other 999 deserve to be treated with derision. At that point people would get it. But when many still can afford, they lie to themselves about what causes not being able to afford
@beautanner8409 7 ай бұрын
If house prices are permanently unaffordable, as mentioned, this will spell the end of Canada as a middle income society. Resigning ourselves that this is the case will be new to the Canadian experience, and will open us up to division, ethnic strife, violence, of a variety that we have not yet seen. Homeowners who want to protect their equity may want to rethink their position on this.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
Homeowners who want to protect their equity are strangling their local economy and putting small businesses out of business. When all your income goes to housing, you spend nothing at local businesses.
@Unchainedboar 7 ай бұрын
It will never happen, if you cant afford housing that sucks for you, that is what all Canadian governments think but wont say
@VictoriaPorscheGuy 7 ай бұрын
Nothing is permanent. What so many economists apparently forget is that markets are CYCLICAL. The money ultimately has to come from somewhere. So when any commodity far outruns its intrinsic value, demand will simply be destroyed. To think that Canada will somehow magically avoid a recession or bust cycle over the next several decades is lunacy.
@HS99876 7 ай бұрын
House prices won’t come down 50%, salaries won’t go up four times, lenders , banks fixed the problem!!! They just close their eyes and approve everyone!😂😂😂😂
@derek04151 7 ай бұрын
It can't be restored because it would wipe out too much wealth.
@GETLITUP69 7 ай бұрын
Who cares. If people would ignore realtors and their greedy schemes housing prices would come down.
@SmilingBakedBaguette 7 ай бұрын
Is everybody's wealth is cut in half, I'm equally wealthy
@simonboulanger7335 7 ай бұрын
@@SmilingBakedBaguette It would be a net transfer from homeowners to non-owners, and they don't want that to happen
@maple.everything 7 ай бұрын
@@simonboulanger7335 Should we eat the homeowners like the rest of the rich?
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
@@maple.everythinghomeowners aren’t not the problem. Lots of housing units don’t get built because of homeowners. And it strangles the economy
@ssuwandi3240 7 ай бұрын
Means a central bank Reset. Gold backed currency and fiscal / entitlement revaluation.
@danimal_666 6 ай бұрын
I believe wages are the issue, look at how wages have stagnated amongst all the inflation in the last few years, never mind the last 4 decades.
@parthppatel28 7 ай бұрын
3:27 voters don't vote based on what their house prices will do. If house prices are unaffordable then you are pushing labor and people with skills out which a greater loss than a lot of people could even realize.
@BA-kp1us 7 ай бұрын
Of course they do… Voters vote for their own self interest. You vote against a policymaker that raises income tax - if you make a good income. You vote against a policy maker if they threaten to regulate or restrict your industry. You vote against a policymaker who will hurt your assets (homes, stocks, bonds) if you own assets. Not sure what world you are living in where people don’t vote in their own self interest. Now I agree most people aren’t great at truly diagnosing the policies of who they are voting for and holding them accountable but make no mistake it is their intention to vote for self interest, they certainly aren’t voting against their interests.
@parthppatel28 7 ай бұрын
@@BA-kp1us yea I know and get your point and I should've said people shouldn't just vote based on their selfish interest. Like if I'm a responsible citizen I'll vote for someone who will bring affordability in housing even if it means correction in house prices. It's insane what we have in Canada. Of course I like the candy but I'm not going to vote for someone based on the candy I get. If people were to just vote based on narrow selfish interest then we should expect people to vote for whoever is going to push the house prices up but it'll kill the economic health of Canada badly I think.
@BA-kp1us 7 ай бұрын
@@parthppatel28 I wish most people acted like you but I think it’s clear that most don’t - it’s why the whole immigration surge happens under a certain party - juice up immigration on the proven decades long evidence that those immigrants will vote to support the party in power during their immigration so that they can bring their entire families over…
@BA-kp1us 7 ай бұрын
One of the issues - everyone chalks this up as greed but nearly 70% of Canadians do own a home and have been told that it’s a core part of their retirement strategy - this isn’t greedy millionaire investors - the fast majority are nurses, firefighters, factory workers etc who have invested in their home, climbed the property ladder and intend to use their home (downsize or reverse mortgage) to help fund their retirement…if government or central bank policy target prices and reduced them by 50% that population will come under huge duress and will create a whole other problem for the social safety net … and that older population votes at a higher rate than the middle age or youth…not going to be an easy problem to solve and there is no path that doesn’t include victims… Hence why my prediction is you’ll see the politically convenient path, prices will come down a bit (10%) rates will come down a bit (100-200 bps), incomes will rise a bit (4-5% a year) and things will move in the right direction and then you’ll get an about face with a new government and new policy makers who reverse that, drive rates down, spending up, prices up and we’ll be back here again…the cyclicality means it will never be solved, just ebb and flow.
@a88888888a 7 ай бұрын
Firefighters work 2 days a week where rhey sleep 9 hours a day and play 4 hours a day. So they are on call and work say 18 hours a week and get 120k+. My cousin is a Firefighter up there. Each time he goes to work he calls it going to the frat house. They deserve to put up with lower home prices as they also have a defined pension plan
@BA-kp1us 7 ай бұрын
@@a88888888a is your life at risk at work? Do you inhale toxic fumes? The ignorance towards firefighters, police, military, nurses, etc it’s obscene - I have no issue with them working those hours when you contrast it with the risk of their jobs. Regardless of firefighters - my point is the average Canadian with an average job - which is $60-120k type jobs - is counting on their house equity to retire. If prices fell 50% which they won’t, it increases the demands on CPP, OAS, GIS so the rest of the population will see 20-25% increases in those contributions and increased tax rates to fund it - there is no free lunch - every action has equal and opposite reactions - there is no utopia.
@101academics 7 ай бұрын
​@BA-kp1us the majority of police work is paper work. They are not risking their lives at all. They get to crime scenes after the fact. Police in this country are nearly useless.
@CorporateShill66 7 ай бұрын
70% of Canadians do not own a home. First of all it's 66.5% now (latest stat). Second, homeownership rate is the percentage of owner-occupied homes. If 10 people live in 1 house with the owner, they all count as homeowners. Most people don't understand these official stats.
@BA-kp1us 7 ай бұрын
@@CorporateShill66 I believe I said nearly 66.5% is nearly 70% and I am not sure I’m buying your analysis - there is no way my 9, 6 and 3 year old are counting as homeowners in the statistics.
@ryantaylor5297 5 ай бұрын
This government has just pumped immigrants in at the rate where even pre 2020 immigrants are getting screwed. Housing is one thing, but part of the reasons wages aren’t rising is because of cheap imported labour. Full stack tech job in Vancouver won’t even pay 6 figures. About 20% of jobs are public sector too. Our economy is completely screwed up.
@midiminion6580 7 ай бұрын
Inflation is inevitably what needs to happen. In all fairness inflation has already been built into stocks and real estate, but consumer goods and wages are yet to go up. So BoC can fight it all it wants. But inflation had happened already. Some asset classes are just yet to get the memo.
@seph_f 7 ай бұрын
i feel so dejected as a guy in his late 30s with a young family. We're so screwed
@mdkhaledhyder7287 7 ай бұрын
So far I found he is the only economist with common sense. I wish rest of the non sense will be vocal once everything fall apart .
@qifridek 7 ай бұрын
Lower interest rate. Higher interest rate means lower construction, lower people selling their home to change, lower supply, which increases cost. Higher interest is higher loan cost which cost is passing on rent. Therefore, investment rental goes up. Higher interest increase inflation
@parkerbohnn 7 ай бұрын
QE caused the entire thing so how can lower interest rates fix it?
@qifridek 7 ай бұрын
@@parkerbohnn I just explained the impact of the high interest. Basically, it's like choosing that rent and housing goes up so that price of your toothpaste don't go as much. Not a great choice.
@SkSk-ni3bk 6 ай бұрын
Attention bank of Canada .don't lower mortgages yet.or the housings Affordability will never recover.
@SaeedAlsomali-u3n 7 ай бұрын
Fools may work for money, may inherit money, may even win money by sheer luck. Sooner or later, however, they will either spend it or gamble it away. That’s the idea behind this general, unscientific but still quite appropriate saying. Retired Saudi 🇸🇦 Saeed Alsomaly
@beautanner8409 7 ай бұрын
Um, glaring omission here, why no mention of limited the record-breaking number of people that are currently being welcomed into the country? This is a pretty critical element of the overall picture.
@TheNotConnor 7 ай бұрын
The overall immigration rate (around 1%) is actually pretty typical over the last couple of decades. It's amazing that we only broke the record recently because the previous record high immigration rate was 400,000 in 1913 when the population of Canada was 7.5 million. (For reference, that is 5 times higher than it was this year)
@BA-kp1us 7 ай бұрын
The immigration rate has been between 2.5-3.5% these last few years including permanent residents and students which is not typical and thus 250-350% higher than the normal rate - and with no infrastructure planning or suitability so yes it’s a huge part of the problem - not the only thing - but a major element nonetheless
@TheNotConnor 7 ай бұрын
​@@BA-kp1us Can you share the source on the 2.5-3.5% rate? The 1% primary refers to permanent residents. You can't become a Canadian citizen right away, you always have to become a permanent resident first. If you start to add students and work permits, you're going to run into double-counting people who've applied for both in the same year. Immigrants want housing affordability too, and I agree the infrastructure is not up to it anymore, but I think that's the case even if we bring down immigration rates. Like they said in the video, it's insane the fate that our housing infrastructure is dependent on a handful of developers who will only build if it's profitable. With market forces standing in the way of affordability, the government needs to step in and start building houses directly like they did during WW2 when they built Ajax, Ontario
@g-man7883 7 ай бұрын
We are about four years behind before housing supply meets housing demand. If you have a home then immigration will work in your favour. Thank you, thank you PM JT and the Liberals.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
The solution isn’t a conservative one. It’s government money funding construction.
@seph_f 7 ай бұрын
thanks for ruining the country for countless generations to come! way to go!
@SaeedAlsomali-u3n 7 ай бұрын
“Do not take life too seriously. You never get out of it alive.” - Elbert Hubbard
@bobbybird4985 7 ай бұрын
But u do thru ur family❤❤❤ families first
@SaeedAlsomali-u3n 7 ай бұрын
Advisers could face 20 years in Saudi Arabia prison if they comply with U.S. investigation in PGA Tour, LIV Golf dealings
@spaceinvader8892 7 ай бұрын
Interesting to hear about: "Homeowners will not be pleased to see the values of their homes are going down". No worries these stupid people will see how the entire country goes down.
@Relaxlifeisshort2 7 ай бұрын
What are you talking about 13 years just to keep pace.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
He means that after 13 years of typical wage growth and zero home price appreciation, the home price to income ratio would be back at historically normal levels
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
Or Canadians could choose to cripple their economy by keeping home price to income ratios high
@DJRS2178 7 ай бұрын
Solution, rent. Make investments elsewhere. The real estate being an investment cycle is over for at least a decade.
@rustyhauler6477 7 ай бұрын
No one is going to sell below market value, prices will just go flat
@mobfxtrading 7 ай бұрын
what makes you. think ppl have a choice....renewals are coming ppl cannot afford this and will be forced to smell the roses
@rustyhauler6477 7 ай бұрын
@mobfxtrading 30% of owners have mortgages, average mortgage is $350k. Only a small chunck will over extend and abandon ship. Not enough supply so those will get bouggt up fast
@Bittersweet721 7 ай бұрын
And builders won't build.
@macbr9 7 ай бұрын
@@mobfxtrading Naw people can just reammortize out and the payment is pretty close to the same. I have a few coming up next year, and I looked at what my monthly payment would be going from 2.7% interest to 6% interest. And by reammortizing out to even 30 years my payment after the principle paid down is very close to my existing payment.
@BA-kp1us 7 ай бұрын
@@mobfxtradingthis is overstated - the majority of homes in Canada have no mortgage this no impact and the renewal will move rates from 2-5% on an average mortgage of $300k that’s an extra $9k a year or $750/m. The more likely outcome is a recession because people will find a way to pay that $750…eg no new cars for the next 3-5 years, cutting cable and streaming services, no vacations, picking up a part time job, cashing in investments, etc.. The mortgage is typically the payment of last resort meaning the broader economy will feel the effects of the rate change more than the housing market. Everyone focuses on buyers from 2021/22 that was such a small percentage of the overall market it will have an impact but I see prices coming down maybe 5-10% more and that’s about it. Remember they’ve already dropped 10-20% in most markets.
@GF-po4lb 7 ай бұрын
Houses will not fall 50% there are too many people
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
What is your city doing to increase supply of housing?
@GF-po4lb 7 ай бұрын
@@SigFigNewton letting in millions of Indians
@Lovelovemyberry 7 ай бұрын
Sad day for canadians
@williewang6493 7 ай бұрын
Even lower the interest rate. It won't help the affordability. Rich prople still rich. Poor still poor.
@SaeedAlsomali-u3n 7 ай бұрын
How many members of a particular ethnic minority does it take to change a lightbulb? A: Enough to reinforce my negative stereotype about them.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
You a Brazilian who dislikes blondes or what
@ChrisMCP2 7 ай бұрын
Muahahahahah. Affordability! Got a good chuckle out of this one, so I did! Now get back to work renters, you have rent to pay soon.
@Icecold0505 7 ай бұрын
The sad part is it that it means loss of talent, loss of ‘fertility’ rates, and a generation of people who won’t have the luxury of using their home as a savings vehicle and will then put off retirement.
@beautanner8409 7 ай бұрын
So current homeowners can "maintain their equity". This is essentially the land-owning class of Europe in centuries past. It doesn't lead to any place good.
@SigFigNewton 7 ай бұрын
People who get in the way of housing developments are a shameful hindrance to the economy.
@Dictone-kg3tq 7 ай бұрын
That guest looks like an older version of Micheal Knowles
@SaeedAlsomali-u3n 7 ай бұрын
😂 Jobs in France Find your next English-language job in France. You can find thousands of jobs in sectors including teaching and translation to engineering, IT and customer service 😑 The CEO of king Salman of Saudi Arabia Oil companies 🤴 is just poor in France 🇫🇷 Jobs in France Find your next English-language job in France. You can find thousands of jobs in sectors including teaching and translation to engineering, IT and customer service 😑 The CEO of king Salman of Saudi Arabia Oil companies 🤴 is just poor in France 🇫🇷
@stephanienguyen6992 7 ай бұрын
@testcase7258 7 ай бұрын
What a joke, you want cheap workers and talking about housing affordability 😂
@bobbybird4985 7 ай бұрын
Lol put me on ur show..im native n i see toronto really has nothing valuable so they use housing a stock market ...anaylsis is always better from real owners of the land n resources ❤ love ur show 💕
@GearsDemon 7 ай бұрын
Prices will go down further in 2024 but there is no real buying opportunity for anyone who understands the fair value based on rents.
@1mikesass 7 ай бұрын
One word: Edmonton
@parkerbohnn 7 ай бұрын
If you're fair skinned plenty of rednecks in Edmonton. More people have lost money in Edmonton than in the rest of Canada combined in real estate.
@mymailgmail2754 7 ай бұрын
if working class not paying any taxes like indigenous maybe be they have a chance to survive this expensive cost of living😂
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