Great job, very clear and concise! If we do not approach the biblical text in an unbiased and truly exegetical manner... we have learned nothing from God's word. We must look carefully at our own biases, filters, and presuppositions in order to identify possible misconceptions we've been spoonfed through blind obedience to theological traditions. Thanks for encouraging open dialogue on seeking truth, not just repeating systematic doctrinal suppositions!!
@Kman.2 жыл бұрын
To your 1st argument, "Escape VS Endure". Just what would the "dire consequences" be? You actually say that those who are pre-trib will "fall away" from the faith, so you're saying that their spiritual depth & walk w/Christ is not as *GREAT* as those who expect the tribulation to come beforehand. And if we ARE looking for the tribulation 1st, you really can't argue that you're looking for CHRIST as the bible tells us, agree? When you suggest, that were the tribulation to PRECEDE the rapture, that believers will be "DISAPPOINTED", and that simply is an appeal to's fallacious, & carries no weight in the argument. Nevertheless... I find no scripture that tells us HOW to "prepare" for the tribulation, & the Thessalonians for instance were given NO instruction as to HOW to prepare for any such thing. We're ALL to be in the Word, in prayer, & after the souls of men/women, and is not the truth of the matter, that we're ALSO all to be looking for & awaiting His return, NOT the tribulation period? To your stating that Jesus, Paul & John are/were post-trib is simply a truth statement from you that cannot be validated from scripture. You immediately go to *Matt 24,* and you couldn't be more correct with your opening comments about the entire matter being one of hermeneutics, for *Matt 24* has ZERO to do with the church. You began that portion of your video in verse 29, yet you established *NO* context. I had to stop the video there after that statement...heading to bed, but several PAGES could be written up to refute what it is you're wanting to make of *Matt 24.* All the best to you in your search for truth, *MARANATHA!*
@Mike658092 жыл бұрын
My friend, can you produce one passage in context that teaches a pretrib rapture? Can you prove that all of Matt. 24 only applies to the Jews, even though much of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John applies to the church?
@michelleszocs42202 жыл бұрын
Hey Pastor Burt ,did you watch that The unseen Realm by Dr Micheal S Heiser Watch it it’s a good one
@Pre-Tribulation2 жыл бұрын
Paul tells us to watch for a thief that never comes. When Jesus talks about the thief, it came and broke up the home. We escape the "Thief in the night", or, "Snare" event that tests the whole world with Mark or No Mark. The judgment is on THEM, not US, the Body of Christ Church. Plus the Rapture is only for those who believe Jesus died for their sins and rose again, it's not for "Those who refused the Mark", or, "Those who fled the AntiChrist". See 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
@Mike658092 жыл бұрын
Well said. So many believe in a pretrib rapture. But the sad fact is that there are no passages in context that actually teach a pretrib rapture, not one. The theory is brought to each text from someplace else, basically, man's wishful thinking. Check each context and see if I'm right. What happened to hermeneutics? Sorry to be so critical, but we have to interpret in context. Amen? If we don't we can end up with all kinds of ideas not truly supported by Scripture. That is the case with the pretrib rapture. God bless,