What GERMANY Tells US about CAMPS in POLAND!

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Chris discovers Poland

Chris discovers Poland

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What Germany tells us about Camps in POLAND!
🌟 PATREON: / chrisb_reacts
I love to do Poland Reactions and Reaction to Poland videos. I especially love to react to Polish culture, Polish history and Polish Comedy. I started with a few Poland Culture reaction videos, then did some Poland History Reaction videos and I am doing now also Poland Comedy Reaction videos.I was impressed by the Polish Army in comparison to the German Army. And maybe want to do a Polish Rap Reaction in the future. I love to react to poland and do polish music reaction videos. I already did an unconquered reaction.
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Original Video: • Do Germans Talk About ...
0:00 Intro
0:15 Reaction
26:30 Analysis
#poland #reaction

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@jacekorzechowski4795 Ай бұрын
Skoro zabierasz się z tą emigrantką niemiecką za takie drażliwe dla Polaków tematy, to może faktycznie zrobił byś coś dobrego dla relacji polsko niemieckich. Zauważ że Wy Niemcy używacie terminologii "polskie obozy śmierci", "obozy w Polsce" lub ewentualnie "nazistowskie obozy". Ani słowa że to były NIEMIECKIE OBOZY. Skoro sami jesteście uczeni tak aby podświadomie dystansować się od jakiegoś skojarzenia odpowiedzialności Waszego Narodu z tym co zrobiło Wasi przodkowie, to tym bardziej jak mamy się czuć my, Polacy w sytuacji gdy słyszymy z ust dzieci naszych oprawców, że to były "polskie obozy" czy też "obozy w Polsce". Brzmi to jak cyniczna próba zrzucenia odpowiedzialności na Polskę i Polaków, którzy byli ofiarami Waszej (niemieckiej) agresji i cierpień. Oczywiście, jak ktoś zna historię, bo się nią interesuje, to będzie wiedział kto był agresorem i bandytą, a kto był ofiarą, która się broniła i była mordowana, ale ludzie traktujący historię powierzchownie będą kojarzyć "polskie obozy" z myslą, że stworzyli je Polacy i że to Polacy mordowali Żydów. Obozy były NIEMIECKIE, bo Niemcy je zbudowali i mordowali w nich swoich wrogów którzy zasiedlali ziemię które oni chcieli podbić. Nie były więc ani polskie, ani "w Polsce", bo Polski w tym czasie nie było. I właśnie, kwestia naszych, polskich cierpień. Zauważ że w obydwu zamieszczonych materiałach na temat NIEMIECKICH ZBRODNI nie dość że używane jest określenie "nazistowskie obozy" albo "obozy śmierci w Polsce", to w obydwu materiałach nie ma słowa, że Wasi przodkowie zbudowali je na początku aby mordować w nich Polaków. Pierwsze transporty do tych obozów to były transporty głównie z etnicznymi Polakami, a później, gdy niemieckie elity nazistowskie uznały że trzeba w pierwszej kolejności pozbyć się Żydów, to i tak nie zmieniało to tego, że do obozów trafiali także Polacy bez śladu pochodzenia żydowskiego. Naprawdę przeciętny jak i uczony w historii Polak odnosi wrażenie że o ile Wasz kraj i Wasz Naród jest bardzo wrażliwy i wyczulony na temat zbrodni "nazistów" ja Żydach w Polsce, to w całej tej wrażliwości i współczuciu nie ma praktycznie grama miejsca na współczucie dla wymordowanych Polaków. Już pomijając kwestie tego, że wielu z wymordowanych Żydów czyli się Polakami w nie Żydami i większość z nich była po prostu obywatelami Polski z Polskim dokumentem tożsamości. Polak świadomy naszej historii odnosi wrażenie że to umniejszanie zbrodni niemieckich na Polakach świadome i wyrachowane czy podświadome i zmniejszające polskie straty, cierpienia i zbrodnie na naszym Narodzie mają bezpośrednie i celowe powody w braku zrozumienia dla polskich roszczeń wobec dzisiejszych Niemiec o odszkodowania za zniszczenia miast i wymordowanie ludzkiego potencjału naszego Narodu. Faktem jest że gdyby nie wojna i to co zrobili Wasi przodkowie, to Polaków byłoby dzisiaj nie 38 milionów a około 70-80 milionów, a nasza gospodarka byłaby zupełnie na innym poziomie i nie straciła by tyłu dekad względem zachodu. Mamy mniejsze terytorium niż przez drugą wojna światowa. Rosja wyrwała nam po wojnie bardzo ważne miasta na wschodzie. Owszem odzyskaliśmy nasze historyczne terenu na zachodzie kosztem Niemiec, ale nie zrekompensowało nam to ani terytorialnych strat drugiej wojny światowej ani ekonomicznych, ani demograficznych. To my Polacy jesteśmy Waszymi sąsiadami a nie Izrael i Żydzi. Jeżeli dziwi Was nastawienie Polaków, brak zaufania, poprzedniego rządu RP, to zamiast zwalać to na jakieś fobie zastanówcie się z czego to może u Polaków wynikać. Podpowiadam - poprostu nie czujemy adekwatnej rekompensaty tak finansowo jak i pod kątem działań medialnych i propagandowych po stronie obecnych Niemiec względem Polski. Co więcej, Wasza obecna władza działa przeciwko inicjatywom w Polsce, które mają pomóc Polsce zrównać się poziomem życia Polaków i poziomem siły ekonomii Polski z ekonomia i poziomem życia Niemiec i Niemców. Sprzeciwy w sprawie CPK, transportu Odrą, budowie elektrowni atomowej (JEDNEJ ELEKTROWNI W POLSCE), czy nawet kopalni i elektrowni które już od dawna funkcjonują przy granicach. Jeżeli zatem chcesz coś dobrego zrobić dla naszych relacji i budowania uczciwości w tej sprawie, to zajmij się tym tematem i podeślij go tej niemieckie emigrantce na materiale której bazujesz w tym odcinku. Pozdrawiam.
@shchenka5973 Ай бұрын
I think one of the problems may be that in German schools they teach a lot about the Holocaust and about nazism, but don't seem to even mention about how and why Germans murdered millions of Polish civilians, including all the Polish elites during WW2. This silence is disturbing, since Poland is Germany's neighbour, and it is challenging to build relations built on ignorance.
@picard162 Ай бұрын
Popłakałem się. "Ludzie ludziom zgotowali ten los". Zofia Nałkowska "Medaliony"
@mariusz8265 Ай бұрын
I recently played call of duty with my friends, we had a fight with the German team, after they lost they started shouting that Hitler was right, I realize that they are stupid teenagers but as Poles it sounded embarrassing
@monikamatuszkiewicz2307 Ай бұрын
Nie ma dziedziczenia winy - ważne jednak jest, żeby nigdy o tym nie zapomnieć, bo niestety ludzie są zdolni do okrucieństwa. Nie wolno dopuścić, żeby politycy wmawiali obywatelom, że inni ludzie - uchodźcy, inne narodowości - są gorsi
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
But they are worse. In quality of phenotype at least.
@monikamatuszkiewicz2307 Ай бұрын
Nikt nie ma wpływu na to, gdzie się urodził. Chodzi o to, żeby nigdy nie traktować innego człowieka jak rzecz - co nie znaczy, że należy przyjmować wszystkich uchodzcow- potrzebna jest wlasciwa polityka antyimigracyjna
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
@@monikamatuszkiewicz2307 Αυτό λέω.
@MayaTheDecemberGirl Ай бұрын
​​@@tomorrowneverdies567No, You're not talkin about it - but about some racists things like fenotype. And it's definitely not the same as an issue of adopting sound, wise immigration policy, that every country should have to safeguard state safety, especially in today's times of risks connected with war in the neighbouring countries.
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
@@MayaTheDecemberGirl And what exactly is "sound, wise immigration policy for you"? And do you really believe that all people and ethnicities in the world are equally beautiful, and the opposite thereof? In other words, where exactly do you disagree with what I said?
@Zuzanna2201 Ай бұрын
Ich bin eine Polin, die in Deutschland gewohnt hat und ich fand es immer sehr traurig, dass wir in der Schule nicht viel über Polen geredet haben im Bezug auf das Thema Krieg. Tbh hat es mich ziemlich aufgeregt und wütend gemacht, da ich auch erlebt habe, dass falsche Fakten im Geschichte Unterricht verbreitet worden sind und Polen sogar noch dazu schlecht gemacht wurde.
@brizka7565 Ай бұрын
Prowokacyjny tytuł, utrwalający błędne pojęcie. A znak zapytania na końcu to za mało, żeby wyprowadzić z błędu mniej zorientowanych. Obozy były NIEMIECKIE! To Niemcy sa sprawcami. Tu trzeba mówić prostymi, oznajmiającymi zdaniami, bez znaków zapytania, bez sugestii i zasiewania wątpliwości. Celowo to zrobiłeś.
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
But weren't they in Poland? So they were polish concentration camps, right?
@PiotrPilinko Ай бұрын
@@tomorrowneverdies567 Not really - Poland did not exist at this time for several years.
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
@@PiotrPilinko no shit 😂
@MayaTheDecemberGirl Ай бұрын
​@@tomorrowneverdies567You're writing again such weird, provocative, untrue comments? What's Your point in doing this, spreading such misinformation? Like in the last video repeating that the Polish vicitims in Auschwitz must have been communists? Now You're writing about Polish concentration camps - what's is this?
@MayaTheDecemberGirl Ай бұрын
​@@tomorrowneverdies567It's not funny. We don't joke about horrible deaths of millions.
@MrSojeft Ай бұрын
Ok, the first question that comes to my mind is: why are you talking about holocaust in context of WWII in Poland? Holocaust was just a SMALLER part of all commited crimes in Poland by german soldiers (and soviet soldiers). Holocaust is only about Jews. Few times more Poles were killed or transported to Siberia than Jews died. Almost 50% (so more than 10 mln people) of Polish nation was extremely hardly touched (killed, moved few thousands km to another place like siberia) during WWII while "only" 3-6 mln Jews experienced the same. Also - what Nazis? they were mostly german soldiers. Not nazis! You really do not know the history. I am not attacking you, just saying the truth.
@sylwiatime Ай бұрын
You wrote: "Few times more Poles were killed or transported to Siberia than Jews died". That's simply not true.
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
Yes but these polish people were not put into concentration camps because of their ethnicity. Whereas these jish people did. This is why this crime was even worse than polish people killed in war.
@MayaTheDecemberGirl Ай бұрын
​​@@tomorrowneverdies567Again the same fake, historically untrue comments. Although so many people explained this already, so many times, in so many previous comments (also to the earlier video). They were, - exactly because of so-called "racial" inferiority, so because of being Polish. In the German Generalplan Ost, that started to be implemented since the beginning of the war, they planned to murder 80-85% of Poles, just because they were Poles, and the rest were supposed to be turned into slavery workers. And so many other examples, already given, in numerous comments of people, also to the previous video (part 1). It just doesn't make sense to write all of this again and again.
@Tomasz-rl6yk Ай бұрын
@@sylwiatime Prawda, większość Żydów była Polakami :)
@paulinarapicka Ай бұрын
Auschwitz-Birkenau isn't in Kraków, but in Oświęcim, and is about 70km from Kraków ;) EDIT: As part of the so-called "General Eastern Plan", Hitler planned to expel (or kill) Slavs beyond the Urals (from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, part of Ukraine, Crimea called Gotenland, and the Leningrad district called Ingermanland) and colonize these areas by the Germanic population and create the "Greater German Reich". There were supposed to be only a few million Poles left (out of about 35 million)...
@oskardumanski8538 Ай бұрын
Birkenau isn't in Oświęcim but in Brzezinka...
@paulinarapicka Ай бұрын
@@oskardumanski8538 Oświęcim i Brzezinka are like 4km apart, but yes, those are separate. I wasn't precise, my apologies.
@sylwiatime Ай бұрын
Krakow Auschwitz? So they went there and they still don't get the geography of the place? Kraków was the capital of Generalgouvernement which was considered the territory of occupied Poland but the Nazis didn't want to call it "Poland". There was a concentration camp there and it was called KL Krakau-Płaszów. Auschwitz was in Germany with the capital in Berlin, in a territory seen by Germans as German so at the beginning of the war they expelled all Poles living there to Generalgouvernment or took them as slaves to Germany. Kraków and Auschwitz weren't even in the same country during the war.
@beznick96 Ай бұрын
Bierzesz na klatę więcej niż nie jeden polityk z twojego kraju...
@Neexienous Ай бұрын
I hope the thumbnail is just a joke. It is German concentration camps.
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
Everyone knows that they were polish concentration camps. They are in Poland after all.
@WoZYtaZ83071 Ай бұрын
@@tomorrowneverdies567 In that time that they where in General Gubernatoria(III Reich-Germany)
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
@@WoZYtaZ83071 no shit 😂
@MayaTheDecemberGirl Ай бұрын
​​@@tomorrowneverdies567You're really weird, writing intentionally such rubbish, that You know very well is provocative, fake and offending for us. Joking about such horrible history of the victims murdered there by Germans.
@bea6719 Ай бұрын
@@tomorrowneverdies567 I knew someone who was in the Auschwitz camp as a child and she was Polish, and according to your logic she was in a Polish camp? It was a German camp, run by Germans in what is now Poland, which was then occupied, and you write provocative comments
@dusenepodkrkem Ай бұрын
Omg. Chris, be patient. You say what you can learn in German school, I can tell you what you can learn in Czech school: nothing. Because we have a inseparable part of our national identity be the "survivors", the previous communistic system based their legality as a winner over nazism (particularly not true). Probably it is similar in Polska. Our golden fund of literature is about Holocaust, our famous movies (including Oscar awarded), national holidays, places like Lidice or Terezín... you cannot avoid it since your birth. I am allways upset when all that cruelty is limited to Holocaust while we were the next, the Nazis just undisclosed how many exterminate, how many germanise and how many expulse (and they started with that). I never find the reason why were Poles treated much worse than we were, they were freely chased up the streets (lapanka). I do not want Germans feel guilty today for something what happened 80 years ago. But I cannot pretend that nothing happened. I strongly appreciate all german sources, but they are sometimes a bit smooth or, frankly, naiv.
@leno_o17 Ай бұрын
Slavic people were generally considered a lower, barbaric race, but Czechs were seen as sort of "little brothers", who could be germanised with a right guidance. Because of the multiple wars between Poland and Germany and a long german occupation during the Partitions, Poles were seen as 'revolting servants' who can't be taught to obey their masters and aren't good for anything other than extermination.
@nightingaleblackbird1313 Ай бұрын
I wouldn't feel guilty but for sure I would feel ashamed that my country massacred so many people.
@zawiszaczarny7876 Ай бұрын
She did not even scratch the surface...
@grzesgeo6903 Ай бұрын
Mogę dużo napisać ale nie wiem czy jest sens... Osoby które były świadkami tych wydarzeń już w większości nie żyją tak jak moja babcia... Ona zawsze mówiła że Niemca by... jak by tylko mogła własnymi rękami... To jest sednem polityki Niemieckiej aby zapomnieć, przeczekać życie świadków... Czy jest pewność że te wydarzenia nie wrócą nieważne w jakiej narodowości...??? Oby NIE
@oskardumanski8538 Ай бұрын
Wielu Żydów mogłoby powiedzieć o Polakach tak jak Twoja babcia o Niemcach. Naprawdę sprawia ci przyjemność pisać takie rzeczy? Ulżyłeś sobie? Poczułeś się lepiej? Czy w polskiej historii nie dostrzegasz niczego haniebnrgo? A może jej po prostu nie znasz?
@grzesgeo6903 Ай бұрын
@@oskardumanski8538 Tu przyznam rację co do Żydów, a dokładniej "żydowskiej partyzantce" na polskich terenach 2WW... Wbrew nazwie głównym jej zadaniem było atakowanie Polskich wsi i łupienie nierzadko zabijanie bezbronnych chłopów i współpraca z Rosjanami... Czy ta historia odpowiada...???
@WaltDisney-vo6em Ай бұрын
Chris, it's great that you take on difficult topics like this one. It's obviously not your fault what happened during WWII and I don't see reason why young Germans feel guilty about it. I feel you don't understand the reason why Poles are (still) bitter about this part of history which Germans may perceive as "blaiming" is that the history has direct impact on our present. So called Sonderaktion AB (Außerordentliche Befriedungsaktion) has eradicated leaders and intelligence making us mentally the nation of medieval farmers. Since then we've constantly been a nation without true leaders, without social capital, without true intelligence group (and I have graduated from 3 "prestigious polish" universities which level is joke). This all roots back to the mentioned 1940's slaughter and you don't understand the hell we still live in now because of what your forefathers did. Nazis aimed to obliterate/abuse and destroy Poland on many levels. Sadly they have successfully eradicated the heart and soul of our nation. The fact is that Your Ascendents killed, our Elites - Leaders beliving in leading Poles for Poland's good instead of their egotistic gain. This changed entire mentality of the nation to be selfish, egotistic and distrusting in good will of any polish citizen. We have never recovered from it and maybe we never will. Our people even today vote not for, but against greater evil. Social tensions are greater and greater every day because we have no capital and no real means of generating it at nationwide scale. Poles are not even educated enough to spot, let alone understand financial and economical crimes commited by their politicians against them and their country in broad daylight. Crimes, for which in Germany a politician would have slid into infamaous oblivion are accepted and expected by milions of Polish voters because the VIP is supported by politically omnipotent catholic church. Then you may say "go and change it, it's your country". Imagine bringing Vietnam to G20 - it would be project of simmilar difficulty. Try positively changing mantality on national scale anywhere and you'll see how imposible the task is. Anyways Germany supposedly lost WWII, Poland was among victorious alies. Germany is now in G20, Poland probably will never be. Who has actually won this one?
@zda2606 Ай бұрын
Niemcy za czasów Hitlera nie reprezentowały prawicowych idei tylko socjalistyczne to znaczy lewicowe,zawsze irytuje mnie to mieszanie pojęć.
@fancommie Ай бұрын
Mnie też irytuje nieuctwo ludzi, którzy zaliczają nazistów do lewicy, bo NSDAP miała w nazwie SOCJALISTYCZNA. To zupełnie tak, jakby mówić, że Korea Północna jest ostoją demokracji, bo ma w nazwie DEMOKRATYCZNA (Koreańska Republika Ludowo-DEMOKRATYCZNA). Poza tym, gdyby naziści byli lewicowi, to współpracowaliby z komunistami i socjaldemokratami, a nie mordowali ich w obozach koncentracyjnych. Ale jest dla takich tłumoków nadzieja. Wystarczy, że otworzą Wikipedię, gdzie przeczytają definicję nazizmu: "Nazizm (skrót od niem. Nationalsozialismus, również narodowy socjalizm, hitleryzm, nacyzm) - ideologia Narodowosocjalistycznej Niemieckiej Partii Robotników (niem. NSDAP) założonej po I wojnie światowej. Jest to niemiecka i skrajna odmiana faszyzmu, zaliczana do SKRAJNEJ PRAWICY."
@pantarei. Ай бұрын
To Ty mieszasz. AH nie był żadnym ideowcem, jeśli chodzi o gospodarkę - w tej kwestii był zupełnym cynikiem. W jednym wywiadzie wypowiedział się w sposób sugerujący, że jego partia mogła mieć jakąkolwiek inną nazwę i też byłoby ok. AH był zafascynowany przywódcą Włoch (BM), który to bratał się dużym biznesem (naturalne u faszystów). Generalnie u podstaw faszyzm był prawicowy gospodarczo, czy tego chcesz, czy nie i skłaniał się ku korporacjonizmowi oraz etatyzmowi. Etatystyczna była też IIRP pod rządami sanacji. A lewicową czy socjalistyczną, sanacji nazwać się nie da.
@dominikdrabek4733 25 күн бұрын
Ile ludzi zginęło w III Rzeszy przez socjalizm, a ile przez nacjonalizm?
@Rapershark Ай бұрын
Have you listened to Polish classical film music? If not, and you want to listen, watch the Polish waltz to the film " Noce i dnie " A very romantic scene
@MichaelSkweres Ай бұрын
two koments..: Jeśli mam być szczery? Do Ciebie nic nie mam, ponieważ Ty nie jesteś winien temu co się stało. Czy odczuwam urazę gdzieś w środku do narodu niemieckiego? Tak. Czy słusznie po tylu latach? Zapewne nie, bo ludzi, którzy to robili już wśród nas nie ma. Niemniej.. ucząc się historii ten niesmak pozostaje. Jak wspomniałem, nie wobec Ciebie, jesteś bardzo pozytywną i świadomą osoba. To jest po prostu coś.. w środku.
@Max1989PL Ай бұрын
I highly recommend the documentary: Das wissen Schüler aus dem Jahre 1959 über Hitler und den Nationalsozialismus. When it comes to current times, this movie shows it perfectly: Er ist wieder da, from 2015.
@pawelhuczewski2772 12 күн бұрын
Nie odpowiadamy że rodziców , rodzinę , swoją nację , za tych co mają taki sam kolor skóry , za tych co mają taką samą profesje . Odpowiadamy tylko za siebie . Za tych co mają taką sama religię jak my możemy się wstydzić -jeżeli jesteśmy jej wyznawcami , ale nie jesteśmy winni tego co robili jej wyznawcy .
@Tomikchomik1 18 күн бұрын
Mu great grandfather was shoot in Auschwitz. My grandfather (from father site) was in Mauthausen Gusen till liberation. Someone says "its history", but not. Because of 4 years of concentrations camps, my grandfather was without any feelings....that way he raise my fathjer, and my father me...
@flecht Ай бұрын
Hi Chris! At about 13:10 you translated "brown-shirt" as "brązową" (no shirt here, just a colour) and correct translation would be "brunatną"-that's what we call the colour of the SA shirts in Polish. Frankly speaking, at first I thought it was about the colour of lady's skin but of course that didn't make any sense. With "brunatny" I would not be confused. Regards
@lilith5231 Ай бұрын
U mnie w mieście jest rotunda Zamojska cmentarz miliardów ludzi
@apzaluska8615 Ай бұрын
This is the reason why Poland still don't forgive the German's you denied the suffering of Polish people because of your actions 11 million Poles died 22% of population
@michaelf1487 Ай бұрын
"This is the reason why Poland still don't forgive". Please don't speak for the whole nation.
@apzaluska8615 Ай бұрын
@@michaelf1487 I'm not but is true I don't hate German's you not committed this crimes what I meant is that this is in the way foor our good relations
@FuN-zv3gb Ай бұрын
Z łaski swojej mógłby podać źródło w opisie...
@Mania26 Ай бұрын
Main Kamf is illegal in Poland.
@PiotrPilinko Ай бұрын
Not true: it is fully legal but it cannot be used for glorification of Nazi ideology - you can buy ORIGINAL edition of this book (if you find one) and modern (but this one only with a critical comment). Also you can use a swastika in a movie or a game (from 2nd WW) or a historical reproduction of a battle but you are not allowed to use it for glorification of a Nazi system.
@anuskas9244 Ай бұрын
​@@PiotrPilinkoIt's not legal. You can't buy this book in Poland. It is only available with critical commentary. You can't buy the original version. The exception are old books that were bought a long time ago and are treated as historical editions....
@sylwiatime Ай бұрын
@@anuskas9244 So you can buy the original version. Literally every original edition of Mein Kampf is old.
@anuskas9244 Ай бұрын
@@sylwiatime When I say the original version, I mean the book re-published but in an unchanged form, as written by the author, without any comments. It should look like it looked when he wrote it. You can't buy such books in bookstores in Poland
@PrzemysawNizioek Ай бұрын
Polisch people are sensitive. Becuse if You write something like "polisch death camps", some stupid people think that they were "polisch", whitch is not the case. They were german death camps. No hard feelings. Your schow is great. Greatings from Poland.
@qPolakq Ай бұрын
Oh really? I wonder what would have happened if someone called these camps a "Jewish concentration camps". What reaction would you expect? An adjective before a noun implies ownership. We talk about British concentration camps in South Africa or Dutch concentration camps in Indonesia. It is natural and don't try to twist it and say that it's just Poles who are sensitive. There were no "Polish concentration camps", period.
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
@@jutrzenka7503 there is a german conspiracy trying to persuade and trick the world that the concentration camps were polish! 😂
@qPolakq Ай бұрын
Oh really? I wonder what would have happened if someone called these camps a "J*wish death camps". What reaction would you expect? An adjective before a noun implies ownership. We talk about British death camps in South Africa or Dutch death camps in Indonesia. It is natural and don't try to twist it and say that it's just Poles who are sensitive. There were no "Polish death camps", period.
@cicimk2603 Ай бұрын
Maybe an effort of being accurate when talking about one of the biggest mass murders in history is worth it? Polish death camp is something else than a death camp in Poland (German death camp, why not just call it correctly, does it hurt or what?).
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
@@qPolakq nothing would have happened. 😂
@KamilazWarszawy Ай бұрын
Chris, I as a Polish, have to thank you for touching such a sensitive topic. It's not so simple to forget and forgive but obviously I can't allow myself to think that "the sins of the father will be passed on to his children" (like the Bible says). You are the next generation, you are here to build a new world where this kind of atrocities will never happen again. And I believe in you, young Germans. I have the strong belief that you have learned where the brutality of some ideologies can lead. "Historia magistra vitae", like they say. We have to learn from history, not to feel guilty for what they have done but to learn, to learn what are the consequencies of our actions, of our decisions, in order to never make the same mistakes of our fathers or grandfathers. And if you want to hear something funny (not so funny) I feel guilty because I was born too late to fight in WW2! I feel guilty for not being there to fight for my city, for my country. I often cry because I would have rather died fighting than living now knowing that I did nothing for my freedom and my Country. That's another side of the question. What we can do NOW? What future we actually CAN build for our sons and daughetrs? That's what we can do and we should do. And if you want to see something interesting about the involvement of the Catholic Church in what happened in WW2 (not only the persecution of the jews but also the murders of the mentally ill people even before the war) I strongly advise you to see the movie "Amen" by Costa-Gavras. Really touching and real. In this case we have to blame some people not for what they've done but for what they haven't done. They just didn't nothing, not all of them, but as an institution, as a State, the Vatican is to blame for not having done nothing.
@MayaTheDecemberGirl Ай бұрын
In Poland the Catholic clergy, priests, monks and nuns, were dying in the German concentration camps, especially in Auschwitz and in Dachau, but also in KL Mauthasen-Gusen and Sachsenhausen. Or were murdered in German prisons with a guillotine, like a priest, beatified few years ago, Jan Macha - who lived in Upper Silesia and was killed, just for helping ordinary people in everyday life, like getting a job or food, by Germans in Katowice with a guillotine. And the Church, especially nuns, were helping to save many of the Jewish children by hiding them.
@adriannakotleszka6585 19 күн бұрын
Psmietsc trzeba o jednym fakcie. Podczas, gdy jedno psństwo napada na drugie(sąsiada), to zostsje byc nie ważny traktat pokojowy podkiszny kilka lat wcześniej. I jeśli agresor przegrywa, i z psństwem, ktore napadł nie pidpisał nowego traktatu pokojowego, to nafal oboeiązuje wojna miedzy tymi krajami. A tak jest miedzy psństwem polskim (napadniętym), a państwem niemieckim (agredorem). Czemu w tym filmie nie ma najmniejszej wzmiank, co niemieckie wojska SS, czy Gestapo, wyrabiały na ziemiach państwa polskiego?
@oskardumanski8538 Ай бұрын
Very emotional. Idk if we watch YT to get something like that especially YT is oversensitive with any scenes of violence.
@chris.poland Ай бұрын
KZbin HATES the video. Its the worst performing video on my channel ever.
@oskardumanski8538 Ай бұрын
​@@chris.poland Considering the subject you decided to discuss and the fact it is in YT you can be only proud. That was well done.
@tomaskos397 17 күн бұрын
Look my German Frend 1st I like your content you doing a great job honestly. 2nd Most of the Poles don't want you to FEEL GUILTY About, as it wasn't your fault i believe it wasn't even your grandparents fault... We are wired nation And once someone do apologise we will forgive and forget. Unfortunately I am over 40 years old and I'm never heard real apologise to Poles. You did apologise to French in early 50s to Jews "wich by the way about 60% of Jews were POLISH CITIZEN by that time" but newer to Poles who was suffered a lot more than for French... we are also wondering how such a Great German Nation get such a badly brain wash in such a short time? We don't understand this. So next time once you will hear from Poles. You are German? you are responsible for wat happen. Don't take it personally as we all know you have nothing to do with. All we want is to see that you are fill sorry for a Victim same way as we are. So we all never forget about once you will clear that with Polish person you will see what a real Polish Hospitality means. Good luck to you and your chanel Chris all the best
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
I do not see what the AfD has in common with the NSDAP and the NS time. Please do not misunderstand me, I do not support the AfD.
@mateuszzjawin9621 Ай бұрын
Nie nazisci tylko niemcy !!!
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
Δηλαδή δεν ήταν ναζί? Τί ήταν? Πράσινοι? 😂
@michaelf1487 Ай бұрын
Nie SB'cy tylko Polacy. :) A tak na serio przecież wiadomo, że o Niemców chodzi.
@tatartatar6504 Ай бұрын
Jest mi wstyd przed pokoleniami, które poświęciły siebie byśmy my, wdpółcześni Polacy, mogli jeszcze być. Naprawdę niewiele brakowało aby Niemcy wymordowali cały naród. Zapominając o ofierze obrońców Poczty Gdańskiej pozwoliliśmy poprzez DPD poniżyć i dobić Pocztę Polską. A tak w ogóle wydaje się, że cały kraj jest wersją soft niemieckiego obozu pracy na rzecz rady pamów. Bo wstyd było być Polakiem.My teraz przecież dumne Europejczyki.
@Martin46869 Ай бұрын
Niemcy proszę pana: kzbin.info/www/bejne/jJCzmH6EiJWgd6s
@nataliazachariasz9427 Ай бұрын
hey Chris how are you feeling (because I'm not feeling well and the weather is bad in Poland) I love you Chris you are my idol and I love your films about World War II and all your films bye bye my favorite idol❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Mr_Kaboom Ай бұрын
Random Comment nr.4
@silverenjoyer123 Ай бұрын
ur blonde u have blue eayes can u be more german?
@EyeScreamPL Ай бұрын
I can tell you about my very first meet-up with German people in my life. It was in the middle of 90's. Me and my friend went to the Nederlands. I could speak a lil bit of english, but my friend only could speak Polish. As soon as we arrived in Amsterdam we found that small restaurant nearby the final bus stop. We were thirsty. We sat on the chairs outside the bar and then the Geramns joined (sat by a table next to us). I told to my friend "now don't try to say a word in Polish!, Just shut up". That was our very first meeting with Germans. OFC, after years I know it was a paranoid reaction, but many of us - Poles still thinking Germans treat us from above, or just hate us (treats us as "untermanchen").
@januszrogowski3771 Ай бұрын
To straszne ale Niemcy wykorzystywali sadystycznych Auststrjakow i Ukraińców do obsługi swoich fabryk śmierci Austryjacy byli bardzo gorliwymi pracownikami i bezwglednymi. 😢Zabijali więcej niż wymagała od nich Rzesza 😮. To mówił mi mój Dziadek, żołnierz kajzera i więzień obozów niemieckich 😢
@ShadowSmokes Ай бұрын
For this thumbnail you can only get the so-called WPIERDOL Edit: The thumbnail had earlier written: "Polish camp??" " and a photo of Auschwitz Birkenau
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
What is wrong with the thumbnail?
@anuskas9244 Ай бұрын
​@@tomorrowneverdies567The inscription on the thumbnail has been changed, it was different before....
@ShadowSmokes Ай бұрын
@@tomorrowneverdies567 The thumbnail had earlier written: "Polish camp??" " and a photo of Auschwitz Birkenau
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
@@ShadowSmokes really? Then yeah, it was silly title.
@MayaTheDecemberGirl Ай бұрын
​@@anuskas9244Really? It was earlier "Polish concentration camps"? Wow, incredible, what was the intention to do this - a joke, or what? And the title "What Germans think of concentration camps in Poland" is still misleading (for many it will mean that these were "Polish camps").
@januszrogowski3771 Ай бұрын
Przepraszam ale w połowie tego materiału przerywam oglądanie 😢
@EyeScreamPL Ай бұрын
Does those books tell the stories of common Polish people under the German occupation also? The common ones like my grandpa's (first) family, who's wife and small children were burned alive? He managed to escape and join the partisans, but he saw that horror on his own eyes. Does those books tell the story of Wieluń and Wizna? Of Westeplatte? Of newborns held by their little legs and smashed on the wall? Does they? Or they tell the stories of the Jews only? Does the German history classes say anything except the poor Jews? One of Five Poles were killed by Germans during the IIWW! Chris, I'm 51 yo now and I'm not blaming your generation on what happened during the IIWW - I'm far away from this! But i can understand ppl who does. Polish relationship with Germany (let's generalize) wasn't good - let's say so - from ages. Same with kacaps. Don't blame us for our opinion or historical experience and knowledge.
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