Thanks for honoring freedom of speech. What gave my life meaning was when I no longer believed the theory that the universe was created ... and instead chose to believe the scientific theory that the universe and electricity always existed ... no creator ... no plan ... and that suffering of all forms of life was and is ... natural. When I was still under the impression that the universe had been created ... I wanted someone to tell me why an all-powerful god in his right mind would create souls to place in humans on planet earth ... while knowing ahead time that "HE" was going to reject most of those same souls to an afterlife of eternal suffering. I never did receive a credible response ... but I did know that if I had the power to create a universe ... suffering would not exist ... because if it did exist ... I would have to take full responsibility ... and not put the blame on my "subjects." ... while adding insult to injury by having the audacity of expecting them to worship me. "Given a choice between creating humans who will suffer for eternity and not creating the human race … I would simply not create them." Author … Mike Siler