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John Barnett Online Teaching

John Barnett Online Teaching

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Whenever we hear "Armageddon" in the news--like we are this week, we need to review what God has said.
Here is a quick summary of all my Q&As on Russia, Iran, and Armageddon and how they fit into God's plan for Israel and the future.
(Q&A-30, BYT-30, EBI-10, & EBI-11)
Join the LAND OF THE BOOK channel to access weekly video releases over the next year totaling 50+ EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS featuring weekly in-depth Bible Study lessons with John & Bonnie. Clips are taken at just one of the places where we are taking our virtual journey through all the Lands of the Bible & Great Museums of the Bible on the Paul's Life & Letters Course. Plus all the assigned HOLY LAND, Paul's Life & Letters Course STUDY RESOURCES, and John's two most loved books--David's Spiritual Secret & Living Hope for the End of Days at:
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@jg1709 2 күн бұрын
🌺🌺Please pray for salvation for my husband, Pete and my two sons Chris and Nick.
@ReligionOfSacrifice 2 күн бұрын
Keep in mind Revelation 11:7-15 and show it to your husband when Israel is gone and Palestine is whole. Biden quoted lines from the William Butler Yeats poem “The Second Coming," to the U.N. yesterday, and he is coming according to the Holy Bible, but first Barack Hussein Obama will have 1.6 billion Muslims prostrating to him in Palestine whole. How? Biden even said, "The center holds." However, the words "the center cannot hold" is the line in the poem by Yeats, taken from Jonathan Alter's book on U.S. President Barack Obama's first term, "The Center Holds" published in 2013. Kamala Harris quotes Karl Marx at you with "unburdened by what has been" meaning to sweep away the past by death to see "What can be unburdened by what has been." Lebanon has fired 10,000 rockets at Israel since October 8, 2023. Israel is now responding. Iran has threatened Israel and if Russia were to posture at all as if they wish to help their buddy for over 45 years in the Middle East then Iran will disappear from the face of the Earth and Russia will learn they must sit down even if Ukraine were to fire long range missiles at them for Israel could eliminate 85% of all of Russia's population before one man could make it into a bunker to try to live. Russia would learn they need to give Ukraine whatever it desires before the war ends just to make sure they never have to fire anything, for Russia would learn never to fire a thing without begging Israel for the permission. Ezekiel 38:5a "Persia will be run through in your future.. Persia or Iran will die, it is as simple as that. Ezekiel 38:2 "Son of man, set the face upon God's Word, Gog and land Magog, for the prince of Russia, Meshech and Tubal, and I have prophesied of Allah." Ezekiel 38:3 "and utter, "Thus saith the Lord, Yahweh, "Behold I am against you, Gog, for the prince of Russia, Meschech and Tubal.""" Ezekiel 38:4 "and you will return by set hooks in your jaw, and come out with all your army, horses, horsemen, all, splendedly dressed, great company of buckler and shield, and all of you will be laid hold of by the sword." Ezekiel 38:5-6 "Persia will be run through in your future, all of you with shield and helmet, you worthless patients wounded in battle, all of you troops from a house from the recesses of the North, all you troops of many people." Ezekiel 38:7 "Prepare, and be firm in it! and all your company assembled about shall be imprisoned." Russia loses in the first Gog-magog War. The break down of all those atheists who birth animals... Ezekiel 38:2 “Son of man, set the face upon, God’s Word, Gog (“all flesh” is the translation of Gog = China) and land Magog (“above all flesh” is the translation of Magog = Russia is above China and India) for the prince of Russia (“the head of an animal” is the translation of prince of Rosh / Russia = atheism) Meshech (“for there is a price” is the translation of Meshech) and Tubal (“for being long drawn out over all” is the translation of Tubal) and I have prophesied of Allah.” Biden quoted lines from the William Butler Yeats poem “The Second Coming," and the words "things fall apart" in the third line are alluded to by Chinua Achebe in his novel "Things Fall Apart." You see Joe Biden knows his boss wants "peace in the Middle East" to be his legacy before his term ends and that was why when he thought of his legacy at the DNC he brought up "peace in the Middle East" for if he is the demented Alzheimer patient then he must focus on his boss's desires to stay where he is at, which is "The President of the United States of America." Barack Hussein Obama, who was the first world leader to condemn Israel after October 7, 2023, has had two times, was ruined to prosper in the sense hatred grew under Donald J. Trump, so had a cut off time, denied the desire of women for Hillary Clinton, and now we are in the midst of a week of an image of his time with all the same staff running the White House, needs to make peace in the Middle East. Why? So that Israel can be ruined. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 "For when they shall say, 'Peace and safety,' then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." The West Bank and Gaza Strip must work together to perform the magic that Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, and any other nation can't perform. John 5:43 “I am come in My Father's name, and ye receive Me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” Luke 10:18 “and He (Jesus) said, “I saw Satan as Barack Obama.” Isaiah 14:14 “Allah Obama ab, dama elyown.” Micah 6:16 "It is owed unto America, and all who work the deed and the house Ahaz ("he has grasp the ten") and watch and keep you with their strange counsel. Walk in it for the purpose; I will give you up to desolation. And your inhabitants shall be a derision, for you will bear and be a reproach my people." Ameri ve (and) ca = America Omri or Amri is Ameri for there were vowels wherever you want them. Hosea 10:10 “It is in my desire that I should chastise them; and the people shall be gathered against them, when they shall bind themselves in their two furrows (West Bank and Gaza Strip).” Obadiah 1:10-13 “from out of Hamas, your brother, a deceiver, cover your shame, and you will be cut off forever. In that day you stood afar, on the day the strangers were carried away in strength. And the stranger entered to cast lots for Jerusalem, then you were one of them. Do not gloat over your brother’s day of taking strangers captive, nor rejoice in the day the sons of Judah are destroyed, do not boast in the day of distress. You should never enter at the gate of My people, in the day of their distress. Moreover do not gloat over their calamity in the day of their disaster, sending wealth in the day of disaster.” Amos 1:6-7 “For thus saith Yahweh, “for three transgressions of Gaza, four, I will not revoke being against: they capture people at peace with them (1) and bring them to be shut up (2), bloody (3). And send fire over the wall of Gaza (4), and consume all of the citadels.” Habakkuk 1:9-11 "All come, Hamas, assemble the horde of the east, gather the captives like sand. Mock the ruler, and their judgment a joke, laugh as all strongholds become rubble, seize them, then pass through like the wind, pass through guilty by the strength of your god.” Luke 17:24 “Only as Barack Obama exits heavens in one part and then thus Allah Obama, then doeth the Son of man have His day.” Daniel 9:27 "He shall be firm in a covenant with many for one week, yet in the midst of a week shall he stop to make sacrifice in the wing. Abomination! The one who spreads desolation spreads desolation even until complete consummation, for the decree that shall be, is a flowing forth." BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA (the firm week) First time 2009-2012 Second time 2013-2016 DONALD TRUMP Cut-Off time 2017-2020 JOE BIDEN (in the midst of a week of an image of his time) Then cometh Annihilation, the perishing of the end. Daniel 7:25-26 “He will speak against Allah, to wear out the saints of the Highest One, intending to change time to a decree (stop all time - decrees are final), and give his hand a time, and a time, and a cutting off time. But the judgment shall be final and his dominion (a restored Ottoman Empire - as well as any influence over Joe Biden) shall pass away, then annihilation, the perishing of the end.” Quran 13:11b-14a says, “Never doeth Allah change the condition of a people, excepting they change themselves, and Allah intendeth evil for all people, and there is no stopping him. Neither doeth he accept an equal. Barack is he who showeth you the face of Allah, giving a fear and a hope, though heavy the clouds and the thunder, exalt and prostrate to him, for even angels fear him, for he sendeth forth thunderbolts, striking whom he wills, while they dispute before the face of Allah, and he is severe in his attack. To him alone are the prayers in truth." Daniel 12:8 "and I heard, but understood it not, and I said, "Adoni, how shall it end for Allah?"" Daniel 12:9 "and He said, "Go Daniel. For his words are stopped, and affixed to remain at the end of time."" Isaiah 66:23 ““New moon to new moon, Sabbath to Sabbath, all mankind will come to be brought down before Me,” saith Yahweh.” From November 1, 2024, to November 30, 2024, all life comes to a close. Hosea 5:7 "The dealers of treachery against Yahweh bear the illegitimate children, and now, in-between the new moons, I will devour all of them in their land." Zephaniah 1:2-3 “”I will cease all, from the face of the Earth,” declares Yahweh, “I will cease man like a beast. I will cease all the birds of the heavens, the fish of the sea, and bring down to ruins until the wicked are cut off, mankind from the face of the Earth,” declares Yahweh.”
@SkibidiMomm 2 күн бұрын
Bring it on please! This world is too unbearable.
@Tom-and-Jerry-again 2 күн бұрын
The world is perfect for what it's supposed to be.
@PamelaByers-on6vt 3 күн бұрын
Still need the Third Temple built and a seeming world uniter who goes into the Holy Place and declares himself God. Pray for the building of the Third!-Temple 💜
@gLiscere 2 күн бұрын
When the man of sin is revealed; the son of perdition, that seems to be 3.5 years into the 7 year tribulation. I have also heard the temple has a likelihood of being built while being protected by the 2 witnesses during tribulation as well. I believe Netanyahu came to America with those freed hostages months ago to come get the 'replica' ark of the covenant that DJT supposedly has/had, to take it back and begin preparation. The temple institute has stated that they know where the ark is and they will go get it when the time comes. Of course that is just bored speculation and fitting info into areas to fit an outcome I want, so take it with a grain of salt.
@melissabourn3538 2 күн бұрын
I have been studying Scythian territory for about a year. Tracing maps based on Herodotus’ histories, I only see Ukraine. I don’t see Russia. Yes, Ukraine was part of Russia forever so I get why we say Russia, but I don’t find it when comparing ancient maps to current maps. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Would appreciate any input. I am the only one that sees it this way so I’m guessing that I’m wrong, but I can’t get it out of my head. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@petersinclair3997 2 күн бұрын
Suggest evangelistic folk have been forecasting the End of Days, again and again, for centuries. We are still here 😊. The Bible says, in Matthew 24:36, only the Father knows, so it seems presumptuous to hold otherwise. My understanding is territorially Russia came from Rus and, Rus from Kiev, over thousand years after Rome. The modern State of Israel (1948) has quite recent roots, post WW1, founded in the Palestinian Mandate conjured up by Britain, France and Russia. Palestinians, surprise, surprise, lived in Palestine. The Jews lived across a diaspora and later emigrated to modern Israel: Many from Soviet Georgia. Today, diplomatically, Israel and Russia are aligned. On the other hand, Russia (and Iran) fund and support the terrorists that are adversaries of Israel. At present, autocrats Netanyahu and Putin appear to be too enveloped in personal self-survival to highlight the contradictions just outlined. While, as an outliner, Iran (and Lebanon) might make air attacks on Israel, Russia continues to have its hands full with the Russo Ukraine War. Moreover, Russia would not stand a chance in full-on conventional conflict with NATO and several other countries. Russia want attack Israel.
@44hawk28 2 күн бұрын
I would also like to point out that currently, and right now it is still September of 2024. We are not in the last Jubilee year as yet. Remember who has been supplying Iran with most of the money with which they have been building these weapons. It's been the Democrats who've been running the United States government. The only hope for salvation and help from anybody on the planet is a place where the Israelites have also been coming together for over a hundred plus years and that's the United States
@DavidKleiven Күн бұрын
I'll let you in on my secret dream only once I dreamed of a nuclear war and I was right beside the explosion I felt very free and comfy trully because I don't and never will fear death been there three times trully don't care if you believe me ÏÂM ĐËÅŢĤ TRULLY BUT THATS NOTHER SUBJECT LOL BWAAHAHAHA 😂❤
@michaelparsons9063 2 күн бұрын
Psalm 83 now…followed by 1,260 days of peace (Revelation 7:1-4) , followed by the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION, then-durning the final 42 months of GREAT TRIBULATION-that’s when GOG & MAGOG takes place, running concurrent with the 7 Trumpet judgments. 💥
@44hawk28 2 күн бұрын
Very interesting video , probably one of your best especially considering I'm actually able to keep up with it because most of your videos you get off on subjects that I am usually ahead of. Although I disagree with some of your texts on this like the sticks will be brought together and that means the the unification of israel. That is not what it's talking about is talking about the writings of Judah being married to the writings of the two tribes of joseph. And it is exceedingly clear that that's what it is saying. The Ashkenazi Jews are not Jewish by Blood. And although I disagree with those who say that they're just Zionist Jews and they're not true jews. That may very well be true. But that's not the point. God says he's doing it because there is his land. And if you disagree with the LDS and their take on the stick of Joseph I'd like to point out that the largest tribe to survive the first influx of the white men into the country which were actually Knights Templars over 100 years before Columbus. Was the Ojibwa and the algonquin. First of all the first book printed in the new world was a Bible written in the Algonquian language that had both ancient Jewish and ancient Egyptian symbols in their alphabet secondly the Ojibwa tribe over 50% of them still have a haplogroup marker that identifies them with every single Hebrew group on the planet. And it doesn't hurt that the Redskins just like Abraham, david, solomon, etcetera etcetera all the way up to the mother of Yeshua.
@ultimatepatriot 18 сағат бұрын
Why are you reposting the same video over and over and over with a different thumbnail and title?
@garywi.9299 2 күн бұрын
Should be Obomber's face, not Putin's.
@dolyharianto 2 күн бұрын
God will deal with the Shia (Prince of Persia) first and later the Sunni.
@patriciawand4768 3 күн бұрын
@HARDERNOTSMARTER8985 3 күн бұрын
Outstanding! Thank you
@augustineorozcoiii8752 2 күн бұрын
Why does the pope say we Christians and ( Catholics )worship the same God ? Can I get an answer?
@ferdnerkel 5 сағат бұрын
Because he is deceiving and being decieved. He is not a believer, of either roman catholicism or Christianity. His theology is defined by his politics. This is why he is including all religious beliefs in his NWO globalist religion. He is utterly unaware that the beast hates religi9n and will destroy it as soon as he is finished using it to cement his dominance over the planet.
@kennethroth6990 2 күн бұрын
I love listening to the content but so many commercials. Any way to limit them a bit?
@tokenkoi5667 2 күн бұрын
Only by paying KZbin i believe
@thenewgardianmedia 2 күн бұрын
Good money in this you tube gospel hypocriet
@jeffc5474 2 күн бұрын
He isn’t doing this to make money you lying false witness and hypocrite
@franksam6818 2 күн бұрын
You must be watching something else unfold, instead of what is. How masonic.
@ВикторГорчев-с2р 2 күн бұрын
When this incursion is going to happen? Most probably never. Why? Just read Ez.38, and 39 more than once and you will get it. For instance: You say that Russia has hypersonic rockets, but the armies of Ezekiel are supplied with WOODEN weapons and are riding horses! You would better ask: Isn't this book fake?
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