What Happened to the WoW Game Masters?

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@BleysV 2 жыл бұрын
I was a GM for Blizzard for 5 years, between 2015 and 2020. We were still doing some fun interactions with players up until I left, even though it wasn't anything quite as dramatic as transforming an entire raid into animals or anything like that. My favorite story was, back in Warlords of Draenor, there was a secret hunter pet named Gara, and I got a ticket from a player who's flags for it were broken, so they couldn't tame Gara, nor restart the process. They were logged into their priest when I got the ticket, so I logged into their hunter and talked to them in-game while I was fixing it. Eventually, once I got everything reset for it, I sent them a message that just said "Ever taken a selfie with yourself?", teleported over to them, made their hunter visible, and let them get a selfie of their hunter and their priest together. Those little interactions made the job alot less tedious, though they were few and far-between. They started scaling back more and more on how much we could do to make interactions special, but any time you could, it was great. Plus, writing some horrible dad jokes for GM jokes was fun! Why did the hipster murloc move from the Southfury River to the Wailing Caverns? He wanted to leave his main-stream to get a bit more underground!
@ara9914 2 жыл бұрын
How could you login on their hunter? As far as I know GMs don't have access to player accounts and Blizzard frequently states that GMs never ask for passwords...
@RicksonGM 2 жыл бұрын
​@@ara9914 They wouldn't be on their actual account, more likely they can just load into any player character for dev purposes.
@ProjectPrologue 2 жыл бұрын
​@@ara9914 They actually did that to me once. I had a bugged Recruit a Friend mount (the devs forgot to update its use-lvl from 40 to 20) so they told me they would log in to my character and check if this was true. It disconnected me (of course) and just like I was told I couldn't log back in for a minute or so. After that, the moment I got in the item was replaced with the updated one.
@ProjectPrologue 2 жыл бұрын
@@ara9914 They can connect to the server with your account's unique identifier using their own auth token, they don't need passwords. That in itself is the main reason they would never ask for one.
@ara9914 2 жыл бұрын
@@ProjectPrologue alright, thanks for clarifying.
@jimbotheimpaler4756 2 жыл бұрын
I once had a GM appear and watch me AoE farm the orc camp in arathi highlands. I was so scared I thought I was doing something bannable at first but they were just like “ nice pull” and vanished lol. I miss those days.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
They were sending a message lmao!
@qlasalle 2 жыл бұрын
I used to swear someone was leading random mobs to me because I'd get into a fight with a mob and randomly another mob just jumps me and ik its set route wasn't near me.
@Epsyk 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe he was checking if you were a BOT.
@TheLionAndTheLamb777 2 жыл бұрын
@@Epsyk I know people that were whispered to by GM's just to see if they were botting so that's very possible.
@Anudorini-Talah 2 жыл бұрын
@@Epsyk A complicated classic mass pull will never be by a bot
@Jenel_79 2 жыл бұрын
I was a GM between 2008 and 2012 in the EU, let me shed some light on how stuff changed from the early days. I started as a GM towards the end of TBC, I think the Sunwell patch had just released. When I started there was two types of GM, your regular GM and a Specialist GM, the Specialist GM's where usually the ones who had been there since the start and had proven to have good customer communication skills, so they were given more leeway to do things, like turn into a dragon to kill a bugged mob, stuff like that. Regular GM's would actually rarely need to log into the game. But then WotLK hit, and the playerbase skyrocketed, all of a sudden we were flooded with tickets for all sorts of stuff, mainly phasing issues at the start of LK and the specialist GM role kinda got phased out as it just took too long to resolve the issue. By the end of LK is where it started getting bad for GM's as mentioned in the video, players started getting demanding, specifically with the Argent Tournament. In the past if a player sold something to a vendor we'd happily return it or refund it if they bought the wrong thing (within reason) but with the Tournament, players were buying weapons, using them for a few days then going, "Nah I don't like this" and asking for a refund, we'd usually do the first one no problem, but then they'd be back saying they bought another weapon used it for a few days and would rather have a different one. These kind of tickets took up the bulk of our work, so players who had actual issues with quests or bugs were left waiting as ticket assignments where filtered on a first come first served basis. Blizzard realised that something had to be done (in the EU at least, we'd always get conflicting reports that the US was doing something different, eventually it all balanced out) so the in-game 2 hour refund system was introduced, we'd still help the first time if they went over the 2 hour window, after that it was tough titties %n (that's what we called players, cos in our chat tool, you could type %n and it would populate the players name.) Over the next couple of years, Blizz started implementing systems to control the ticket volumes, letting players undelete a character and so on, we'd still get tickets from players asking to undelete a character that they deleted like 5 months ago, and sorry %n, that shit is gone, as deleted characters and items would only be held on the servers for like 6 weeks and then be purged. We did our best to try and educate players on being more careful, especially when buying or selling items and deleting characters, but it took a long while before this actually sank in as the playerbase still had this misconception that GM's could fix everything, we couldn't we were still limited in what we could do. But that essentially the reason why you don't see GM's anymore, we just got too busy to be spending way too long farting about fixing an issue that could be resolved in 2 seconds. I actually interupted a specialist GM when I first started, it was in Shadowmoon Valley, I had gotten a ticket saying that a quest specific mob was stuck in the terrain and you couldn't kill it. So I logged into the game, used the /kill command, wished my player happy questing and was gone. My player was happy, and I guess anybody else that came along would be too as they could do the quest also. After like 5 minutes I get a message from a specialt GM saying "did you just /kill that mob?" I was like yeah, and he told me he had been on that for like 15 minutes with his player setting up this elaborate situation of turning into something, giving a grand speech and then I killed it like half way through. So while that may have been awesome for that 1 player he was dealing with, it sucked for the hundreds of other players who had probably raised tickets about it. My takeaway from my time as a GM, was that we shouldn't be there for the players amusement, we were there to fix shit and keep things running smoothly so that all players could enjoy the game. The Devs made the game, the GM's kept that shit running smoothly, at least we tried to. :D I'll leave you with my favourite ticket, Player had been in the Storm Peaks and the Time Lost Proto-Drake litterally spawned in right next to him, and back then it was a ridiculously rare spawn, he managed to kill it but it bugged and died on a rock or something and he couldn't loot it. I logged into the game, had a quick look at the logs to see if he tagged it first, he did, so the loot was his, summoned the corpse to his feet and he was able to loot it. He was so happy and couldn't thank me enough, he thought that his chance to get the mount had come and gone. It was tickets like that that made all the whiny refund requests bareable. :)
@bobjoe2604 2 жыл бұрын
this is definitely the best comment here, really sucks it's not at the top. thanks for the read :)
@ulogy 2 жыл бұрын
It sure fixed the ticket response time, too! My Naxx lockout bug got resolved yesterday, a mere 11 weeks after filing a ticket about it. (Current Actiblizz mindset is very much "Hire three guys for this and make sure they work shifts so there's zero predictability in response time.")
@cloudzack1090 Жыл бұрын
Love how years ago back in vanilla, had a dwarf hunter named cloudx, name got deleted for being a "copy righted name" then someone ended up using the name lol. Brought it up to a gm who was giving me shit and told me some smart ass thing like "its not related to his case so I should sent in a separate ticket " lol
@orztaku Жыл бұрын
while you state "we shouldnt be there for the player amusement" you obviously enjoyed being able to be there directly for the players on occasion. A GM actually spawning in was always an occasion, i faintly remember GM's showing up stopping bitch wars in town. Also GM's just randomly spawning some mobs in town added some flavour events that the game normally doesn't have. But yes, it is additional workload that needs to be dealt with and ofc there will always be ppl who get demanding when they can actually directly interact with GM's. Still, from a player perspective i still think it was a really nice touch to have "the gods walk among us" rather then writing some text on a website and getting a text as answer.
@SFuruli 10 ай бұрын
Ideally you'd want both types of GMs, since they are both good for the game. Specialist GMs to create those memorable moments that spawned this fan video, and Regular GMs to get tickets out of the way as efficiently as possible. Too bad those two roles conflict with each other.
@1OnlyOneOnlyOne1 2 жыл бұрын
Meeting a Game Master in game as a kid was one of the biggest gaming moments of my life.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
It really did feel like such a big deal!
@1OnlyOneOnlyOne1 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jaggro What topped it was the fact that I just wanted a name change. (At a time paid name change didn't exist.) The game master landed next to me in Elwyn Forest, we both hid in nearby mountains and discussed my request. Meanwhile I was frantically linking his items (the robes etc) in the chat to my friends.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
@@1OnlyOneOnlyOne1 LMAO I miss those days of being enamored with little things like that. Good times!
@King.Leonidas 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jaggro one teleported me to the GM isle on purpose because i asked him. though he did say he woulden't :P then he said OOOPS in the chat 5m later and teleported me back
@croszdrop1 2 жыл бұрын
Yea getting banned for spamming inappropriate words changed my life when I was 11
@GodlordBazi 2 жыл бұрын
Back in Classic, we as a guild celebrated our one year anniversary. It was just like the usual chat we had with eachother everyday in the evening, but with alcohol and meeting ingame in the tavern in Orgrimar. About 15 minutes before the party started, I got killed by a guildmate in a duel (sometimes that happened when a dot kept on ticking even after the duel was already over) and there appeared no window to revive myself. Other players weren't able to target my cow carcass either, so I had to ask a GM for help. She decended down from the sky and rezzed me in front of all the people dueling outside of OG with a whole extra show on top to make it fun for all the bystanders to watch. I then thanked and invited her to our party and told her to bring as many of her GM friends with her as she wanted. Seven of them showed up. They fucking lighted up OG with all sorts of stuff, they spawned in mobs for people to fight, one of them sat at a campfire and answered people's questions regarding the secrets of WoW, they publicly advertised our guild with some fanfic about us being the chosen ones of the GM gods, etc. etc. Thanks to them, our anniversary had been 10 times better than we could've ever imagined and after that day we had an unbelievable influx of new players, everybody present that day either wanted to join us or become friends with us. :D I stopped playing the game a few years ago, but man, I'll never forget those seven GMs that stayed in the office for one extra hour after their shift had already ended just to entertain a bunch of strangers. That's dedication. :D
@TheEnevitable 2 жыл бұрын
That sounds amazing! Sure would have been a memorable experience!
@4Tay96 2 жыл бұрын
That's gaming right there.
@heramaaroricon4738 2 жыл бұрын
"Seven to the Horde-lords in their Valley of Honor"
@peileed 2 жыл бұрын
They should have GMs focused on issues and a couple of role player DMs that focus on this kind of stuff, some sort of in-game God that from time to time mix with humans
@Anudorini-Talah 2 жыл бұрын
imagine none of the 500 players recorded anything of it.
@Mithras1388 2 жыл бұрын
Former WoW GM here. I came in towards more the stricter side of things but it was still a great job, at least for me. We always wanted to do the most we could for each player, we helped everyone that we could as fast as we could. There were some great interactions and some not so great but that's just how the world is. My favorite thing was telling player WoW jokes, as GM's we'd come up with them and share them internally with each other. Even if it was a little "haha" or a "ROFL" it made my day because I know how much that interaction meant to players around the world. Unfortunately myself with a lot of great people were affected by the layoffs. Shout out to the people and users on WoWhead, MMO Champion, and the WoW Forums you guys and your info really did contribute to the community. Thank you to the players, even though it was work it was one of the highlights in my life being able to help you guys through your journey in WoW.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That's awesome! Thanks for sharing and for helping make the game that much more special back then.
@treebacca2800 2 жыл бұрын
We miss you guys!!!
@Kamakazy0789 2 жыл бұрын
Just curious . what was the compensation ?
@ColbiGodlove 2 жыл бұрын
omg thats awesome!!! i loved the jokes too!!! By any chance, it is a small world i have to ask but have you or maybe you've heard it from another gm but when i was 11 yrs old my toon colbiw i did brewfest boss and didnt get the mount but i DC'ed and didnt see who won or if i did and couldnt loot it LMAO and a GM was like sorry no didnt win... but its brewfest and ive had one too many pints... hic! and told me to not tell ANYONE and said to check my mailbox, teleported me to a mailbox and BOOM THE KODO WAS IN THE MAIL! lmfao it was the coolest thing ever and is still my fav mount because of it! when i ride it i feel like im riding a one of a kind, did not come off the boss came from a gm lol super nice of the gm! that was like around 16 yrs ago ish xD ( so i think im safe to say, blizz wouldnt take away something that drops like 100% now hopefully and my account is safe xD )
@BudMasta 2 жыл бұрын
What perks did you get for your personal account? any? I could never get an answer with any of my tickets
@UMCorian 2 жыл бұрын
Player: "Tell me a joke" GM: "Your Arena Rating." Holy crap. Utterly savage.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Have to open up another ticket just to recover from that burn.
@kruxisthemighty 2 жыл бұрын
Bro gotta get a new subscription for that burn.
@Mad_Cap. 3 ай бұрын
Sorry that was me I was new and scolded for that... They said if you're going to do player interactions make it fun and memorable, nothing mean that could cause loss of player base. I was told to watch a few others interactions before being aloud to do anymore. Still did work in the Risk room though.
@kellyhayden1216 2 жыл бұрын
I once got stuck in Durotar as alliance during Noblegarden farming eggs on a PvP server. Literally stuck between two rocks and very killable by horde. My HS was on cooldown and I begged a GM to unstick me and port me to safety. They appeared above me and laughed at me in full Noblegarden garb carrying an egg basket as a weapon, and kindly ported me back to stormwind.
@Ringzap 2 жыл бұрын
Guess you could say you got stuck between a rock and a rock place
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That's cruel but pretty funny ngl
@Ooshgaar 2 жыл бұрын
I got stuck in limbo after the Great Raiding Crash of 2004 when my then pvp server called Sunstrider crashed everything during peak Raiding hours. Everything disappeared and went black, we then spent a few minutes falling. Though no one could tell until we all hit the bottom of the game zone. Most people just respawned back at Ironforge but I guess I was trapped in a non world. All I could see was sky above and sky below. Relogging didn't help, my character was effectively dead. It took 2 days before my ticket was responded to due to the amount of damage the crash caused. But finally the GM turned up and teleported me home. It wasn't much of an interaction, but the GM was funny and made a story upto say I was in heaven and my time wasn't done yet and I was being sent back to see out my destiny. All in humour. I miss them days
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
@@Ooshgaar That is an amazing story, thanks for sharing!
@CyVinci 2 жыл бұрын
I remember getting stuck somewhere in outside molten core and being unable to retrieve my body, back when there was no return to graveyard option. Had to wait for a GM to res me lol
@sidhionoakbranch4871 2 жыл бұрын
One of my fondest memory from my first time in WoW, a year or so before TBC, was trying to put a group together to run SFK. For those unaware, back then there was no Dungeon Finder. If you wanted to do a dungeon, you'd go to a major city and announce it it the Group Finder chat, then two in the group had to ride to the location to summon the others most of the time. This time around, I was one of the people who was tasked with summoning. I was already at the location waiting for the second person. Bored, I went to the village just south of SFK and started jumping around on the rooftops. Eventually I fell down a chimney and couldn't get out. At this point I'm freaking out, because maintaining a group can be difficult. If any single person gets sick of waiting and bails out, it's bound to cause a chain reaction. Instead, they all got engaged giving me tips on how to get out. Finally we settle on me deleting my Hearthstone, which is bound to Orgrimmar, and to use the /unstuck command. One of the guys told me that if the /unstuck command couldn't find my Hearthstone, it would just teleport me a short distance away. I tried it and... obviously it didn't work. Now I was truly stuck, and the only way to get me would be if a third person showed up and summoned me. I thought that would split the group for sure, so I sent a ticket about the issue instead. 5 minutes later, a tiny dragon appears in front of me. I don't get enough time to process what I'm even looking at before the dragon starts laughing at me. It introduces itself as a Game Master, and between laughs and jokes about Christmas coming early, he managed to teleport me out and restore my Hearthstone. I thanked the little winged creature, and he proceeds to thank me back, saying that I totally made his day. An amazingly wholesome and funny interaction that I retell anytime I get the opportunity. :)
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
I'm very glad you took this opportunity to retell it. Great story!
@divaythfyr8643 2 жыл бұрын
the Summoning Stones infront of Dungeons coulnd't summon players till tbc. So there might be somethin off in your memories. But yea the Chimney thing, i understand 100%. Alterac Ruins.. fell into a few of them at this pont. :D
@knivesron 2 жыл бұрын
@@divaythfyr8643 must be somthing off with my memory too. maby its a mandela effect or what ever that things called.
@tendiesgbp4065 2 жыл бұрын
GMs had the power to give accounts 2 weeks+ play time as well. I remember being a kid and putting in a ticket and asking for a couple days more time before my account time ran out waiting for birthday money lol. Made me feel like Blizz cared.
@podporWidelec 2 жыл бұрын
I opened a ticket few months ago and they gave me 3 days to try it out
@gamatos9797 2 жыл бұрын
they still do but much less like 3 days in legion was 7 also they still care but i think they dont have the power anymore
@caffemocca8855 Жыл бұрын
​@@gamatos9797 TL:DR the GMs still care but their ultimate "God" (Blizzard itself) doesn't
@henripihala6230 7 ай бұрын
No, this is a lie.
@ForThePleasureOfEating 2 жыл бұрын
Former GM here. Worked 5 years for Blizzard and loved it. Especially the ingame contacts. A few clarifications though: While GMs generally had a lot more freedom during WoW vanilla (So I heard...as i started just short befor BC came out), that was taken pretty much off the plate for a fair few years until, at a certain point, it was decided to introduce a special team back into support, that would pick tickets that lend themselves to ingame direct GM support and being visible, to, I guess, make us feel more approachable. The team was on a type of rotation, with GMs handpicked by their general quality of support for it. I was part of, I think, the second round of people doing this and really enjoyed it. Mostly we picked quest or raid issues, that would require us to go ingame and fix them anyway, but while we would usually do so invisible, we were allowed to show ourselves and use some very specific spells created for just that type of support. There was once even a screenshot from a guild with my GM character, solving one of the stuck quests, which was very fun to see. What was not part of it was giving items to players for free (unless as restore of course) or killing them, unless needed to solve the issue. We were not supposed to interfere with the game in other ways than plain cosmetic (the transformations you could see) or solve the issue and basically appear to "work magic" to do so. I saw a comment somewhere that the GMs you could see were only Devs. That is not correct. Though I'm sure there were some Devs having fun around Vanilla time and the pre-expansion patches. I left in the first wave of redundancies, figuring (rightly so, it turned out) that there wasn't much room for career advancement after. I'm sad to hear that special way of interaction got abused and had to be abandoned later. It was such a great thing for us and the players. The white room on GM island was, at least in my initial training, used as a target to practice our GM "flying through walls" skill, so we'd learn to navigate to a location that wasn't reachable otherwise. I still feel the training I received at Blizzard was one of the best in the industry. Despite now working for a huge IT company, that of course offers a lot of training. The tools we had, how the training was delivered and how they were improved to make more and more complex issues easy to resolve is incrdible and many companies could learn from it.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks very much for your input. I'm loving how this video is resulting in more GMs talking about how thing used to work. There was so little online when I was researching this video that I had to go back as far as 2009 for some first hand accounts
@ForThePleasureOfEating 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jaggro We weren't allowed to talk even to our friends in WoW about our job while working for Blizzard. Really top secret verything. ;-) I still feel weird posting here, but hey, they can't fire me for it anymore. 😛
@ahapka 2 жыл бұрын
@@ForThePleasureOfEating in a way that’s probably a good thing. One of your friends might accidentally spill the beans,and you’d get hounded on your personal account. Or have someone pressure you to do something you weren’t supposed to do.
@mattkuhn6634 2 жыл бұрын
IIRC the hidden room was originally supposed to be "GM Jail," with the idea being that players could be sent there for bad behavior. For obvious reasons though, this never was something that actually was done in live - though I do recall some of the oldtimers (pre-Vanilla GMs) saying that they had used it during the beta, but I can't confirm that. Def agree about the tools and training at Blizzard - though I'm definitely biased on the latter, as I was somewhat involved in training. Although a lot of people complained about it initially, when Atlas got its legs it was SOOOO much better than the old days with GM Tool.
@aaronpaolilli8578 2 жыл бұрын
This is exactly what I meant when I commented about WoW feeling like a Theme Park and Blizzard creating a special Team of Theme Park Entertainers.
@biggarysguides1622 2 жыл бұрын
It represented a time when Blizzard still had a soul. When they still loved their game and the people who played it. But I believe those people are gone now, replaced with marketing executives, content calendars and engagement metrics. Sure it was messy back then, but it had charm. Things are so formulaic now.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
It certainly feels that way. I'd pick messy and real over corporate and, honestly, not any more efficient!
@MurrmorMeerkat 2 жыл бұрын
it sounds like it was more so that gms would abuse their power.
@Eastmarch2 2 жыл бұрын
Command abuse by GMs was indeed an issue. You can't hire 200 GMs and let them play it by ear without the most insane (and insanely expensive) abuses happening.
@cliqclaq508 2 жыл бұрын
If my account got hacked and I had to wait 7 days for an answer from a gm, because he was busy clowning around wow with cheats on. I'd just quit.
@huelerhuelin3334 2 жыл бұрын
It's like this in almost every game now. Report system are automated, no one is reviewing anything. GG gaming
@Slazors 2 жыл бұрын
I still remember an interaction I had with a GM where they introduced themselves by saying that the clouds parted and light shined through the opening, and down descended the GM from the heavens. I remember smiling at the fact that they put that much effort into their writing and how much they wanted to preserve immersion. I miss old GM interactions.
@schenanigans 2 жыл бұрын
When I was 9 and first started playing, a random guy came up to me in the nelf starting zone and asked if I wanted to go on an adventure - obviously I said sure and we ran all the way to dark shore together while he protected me from higher level mobs on the road, being the first time I experienced Darnassus and the portal, the boat showed up right on time and boated over, then ran down the far end of the dock from town as a different boat from the first time arrived (the model I later saw again as very similar to the boat to Exodar) and the boat took me through a loading screen and dropped us off at an island without NPCs and human architecture and he just said something along the lines of “hang out as long as you want, but you have to hearth back” and vanished I tried to take some other poor random guy with me again and was so confused why the boat didn’t come again, but that interaction with the GM is to the day one of my gamer highlights
@ClassicMocha 2 жыл бұрын
You’ve unlocked a core memory within every Veteran WoW player, including myself. I thank you for bringing me back to the glory days of Azeroth
@Girrrrrrrr 2 жыл бұрын
[Achievement Earned]
@VexGamingTV 2 жыл бұрын
No one ever believes me when I tell them this story but I don't care and continue to tell it because it's a memory of mine that I will never forget. I got randomly messaged by a GM when I was a noob to the world. Apparently there was a mix up and they meant to contact someone else. Either way they continued the conversation for a bit before telling me they had to go. At this point I realized they had powers because they were toying with me throughout those few mins by going visible shushing me and then going invisible again. I asked if they can show me something cool before they left. They teleported me to GM Island went visible, waved goodbye, went invisible, said Bye! In the local chat, then I disconnected, Only to log back in and find myself back where I was originally. I bet they did this because they knew I didn't know any better. It wasn't until much later that videos were released and I saw the castle that she brought me in front of on GM island that I realized where it was she took me.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
It's like that scene from Brooklyn 99. "Why are you doing this to me?" "Because no one will believe you"
@Dunwael 2 жыл бұрын
I believe you. Taking a player to GM Island was forbidden, but I can totally imagine one people or the other doing so anyway. I was bold enough to do things nearly as forbidden, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@knivesron 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dunwael ohh, what are your juicy stories
@Dunwael 2 жыл бұрын
@@knivesron I have tons. I was a specialist of killing player in duels, making giant enemy chickens appear on raids, walking as a demon around bots during investigation. I had only 3 rules : Never give an advantage to a player, never annoy someone who is not willing to have fun with me, never spawn mobs unless needed. In nearly tens years, I have fucked up a character only once. (And fixed it.) So that's fine.
@knivesron 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dunwael cool. Very interesting Thx for sharing
@Avatar1977 2 жыл бұрын
I only got to see a GM in person once, and I was legitimately surprised when it happened. I was questing an alt through Winterspring back in the original wrath days, and encountered a hunter bot doing the usual yeti farm. I reported him assuming I'd get the standard "thank you for reporting" response but instead the GM actually appeared near me and went to observe the bot in person.
@phelim301 2 жыл бұрын
he said anything?
@Avatar1977 2 жыл бұрын
@@phelim301 Not in character, just did a /wave. He was talking to me via GM whisper though at the time
@Dunwael 2 жыл бұрын
Investigating bots manually on reports was a standard thing up to 2016 or 2017, the automated systems would find them, but who knows when? - After that, we had to let it to the automated systems anyway. Some old rebels (hum hum) never left checking them though.
@MegaMrASD 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sad they removed the interactions. I can understand the reason behind it, but I wish they brought back something similar. Perhaps not as GMA but perhaps “living NPCs” have some staff show up once in a blue moon on some random map and get up to some shenanigans with the players around. More “community service” type stuff and just rotate who among staff gets to okay that day, all use the same character so they don’t get their ego caught up in the hype
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
I agree, even just handful of them would be nice. Hopefully we get something similar in the near future. We could always play classic I guess...
@Nitidus 2 жыл бұрын
Smaller games still do it. In Elite: Dangerous (sci-fi), staff had to handle the alien ships for special events, there was no AI for them. I've definitely heard of similar things in other games, too, but can't remember their names right now.
@xdgg4433 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nitidus There were UFOs in Dark Orbit that were played by Admins/Staff. If I remember correctly they dropped tons of resources when killed.
@CBourn48223 2 жыл бұрын
@@xdgg4433 I played from 2007 to 2009 or so on Global America when it had a massive and amazing community. was in the top 10 ranking with 3 stars in EIC that was destroyed when they released the galaxy pay gates. A guy i knew who loved the game and community so much he went to work for Bigpoint and he hated it due to the complete disrespect they had towards us as a community. Not to mention the pure greed that caused it to become what it is today, dead space and bots.
@will2998 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nitidus I'm just laughing at the idea of the programmer going "Boss, we don't have enough budget to fix/make the Artificial Intelliigence (AI)" and the boss just going "Then hire Non-Artificial Intelligence"
@thelinsky2319 2 жыл бұрын
I remember holding a Lesson on the Holy Light on a RP Server. A Gamemaster spawned in and made sure no one "ruined" it. He (was a male model) also frequently asked questions and thanked me for my contribution to teaching about the lore and worldviews ingame. Most epic moment in all these years in WoW.
@Soma81 25 күн бұрын
I always watch my guild during Trivia Night they always asked why i never played until One night i got EVERY single answer right. And they were accusing me of cheating Guild master said to them He has every single warcraft book
@Avanniful 2 жыл бұрын
I was questing in the Stranglethorn Vale/Booty Bay area back in Wrath and teamed up with a Gnome to take on one of those [3 Players recommended] quest targets - we died a couple of times trying and the Gnome mentioned that they were chatting with their GM friend. I asked jokingly if the GM friend could help us - They turned up, turned me and the Gnome into pirates and healed us through the fight so we could complete our quest! I wish I had taken screenshots.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That would have been insane to see!
@siriusbizniss 2 жыл бұрын
So basically you and your friend were coddled cause you were cry babies that couldn’t get the job done?🤔
@Browser404 2 жыл бұрын
Ex GM here also. Played since release of TBC and became a GM towards the tail end of WOTLK into the Cata launch. From speaking to a lot of people that I worked with and were there before and after me...up to the layoffs, they had said there were no major changes but overtime there was more pushback on those type of gm interactions and 'familiarity' with players. Many saw this as something that was push more from the activision side. In general the majority of people I still spoke to said it the job started to become more like a standard call center/tech support job. Some people were ticket/ingame support and others did phone support for billing/account issues. They started to merge those and it seems that was the beginning of the end for many of them. Being a GM meant something different but for many in the end it became a standard and less enjoyable tech/cs role. The point made at around 5:25 mark is correct, I had heard of people getting really into the 'fame' side of being posted about online. If you got a mention on wowhead/forums etc it would be talked about in a 'ah thats cool' type of way. Buy it seemed others were getting a bit obsessed with it. Thats where professionalism has to take over but you knows it can be the 'one person to spoil it for all' type scenario. Side story, in my first year I got really sick around xmas and had to be brought to hospital... while waiting on the stretcher to be seen a nurse started asking me questions (name/dob etc). When she asked me what I did for a living.. for a split second younger me said to me (this is you time.. DO IT).. I proudly (with as much as i could puff my chest out) stated.. I'm a Game Master 😏 I still chuckle to myself about that every now and then 😁 /%n
@Browser404 2 жыл бұрын
They have team lead/managers. All activity is monitored just like anything else. It was more done for some light fun and the sense of 'wow i saw a gm today' type of thing for the community. It is why the role of a gm was seen as different to your standard customer support type role. But like anything .. once ego's enter the chat and people saw it as bragging rights.. it quickly descends into a mess and as such stopped. Its the old line of 'this is why we can't have nice things'
@Ravageritualx 2 жыл бұрын
Huge shout out to all my Guides who take time and energy out of their lives to handle all the low level questions new players have even though they are not GMs and not getting paid or kickbacks.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
They're the real heroes!
@treebacca2800 2 жыл бұрын
100% Kudos to this comment 🙌🏻🙌🏻
@AnxietyMacabre 2 жыл бұрын
I was a GM around 2006. We could get to the interrogation room by swimming down through the ground, but it wasn’t used for anything other than the occasional making sure someone was a bot (by summoning them there.) Folks weren’t required to talk to us when we messaged them, so we couldn’t assume a lack of response was verification of them being a bot. The most frustrating thing about that job is that we were sworn to absolute secrecy. No one could know about our position as a GM, under threat of termination. So, a job that I was very excited about at the time had to be absolutely mum.
@Kilorelv 2 жыл бұрын
I remember a GM partying with us in goldshire. We had a massive party going on and a GM showed up (assuming cause we made some lag not 100% sure). Instead of ridiculing us, they turned into a 2 headed orc made themselves huge and started talking in all kinds of different languages. They spawned in fun party related items and eventually they vanished never to be seen again. This was back in burning crusade, and I've always wished another instance like this would happen.
@addictedow9551 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing video! I hope your channel blows up!!
@HuntMeDown237 2 жыл бұрын
Oh my god, I had NO IDEA this was your first real video. Just based on the level of production and obvious effort put into it, I would've guessed you've made dozens of videos! Awesome video, and I miss the old GMs from back in the day, it was always fun interacting with them. You've got yourself a new subscriber!
@RaimaNd 2 жыл бұрын
A friend was on the GM isle in 2006, I had him in my guild til just recently where he left, probably because the acc was deleted after 15 years or so idk. I was with him in a group and saw where it was located. If you wrote /who gm isle or something like that you also got the info of said player. The coolest thing I had was a phone call, not really from a gm, but employee, he gave me a job offer because back then I was very active into having new ideas for features in the game and some abilities are based of my ideas (like the self heal of rogues which back then costed combo points). I declined the job offer tho because I was studying computer science at that time. I also had multiple encounter with GMs ingame. It was just great, you felt like a real part of the game and company behind it. That was the best quality any game ever had. I've wrote a support ticket today and got an automatic reply that there are currently many tickets and they closed it. I've no issues waiting for days but automatically closing it isn't nice. The quality went down, as it goes down in the whole gaming industry. :(
@hye181 Жыл бұрын
did not happen
@k01dsv 2 жыл бұрын
6:30 Lol that's me ^_^ Had several similar experiences since then. Honestly can't remember a single instance of a GM actually helping me in the past 8 or so years. Not even sure why I'm trying...
@Zyyk0 2 жыл бұрын
Wow what a great first video! I wanted to check out ya other stuff but was very surprised to see none
@whzbwkkfu 2 жыл бұрын
Well done, bro. Seems like you put more effort into your videos than a lot KZbinrs with over 100k subs. Keep up the good work and I'm sure myself and many others will stay subscribed!
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That is very kind of you to say. I appreciate the support and hope you and everyone else finds my future videos as enjoyable!
@rixxey2048 2 жыл бұрын
I used to do a lot of wall-climbing back in vanilla, I loved the feeling of exploring places we were never meant to see, or just getting to fun places like up in the rafters of the Stormwind AH, having people ask "how did you get there!?" was always fun :P one time I was climbing on a hut in Crossroads and a GM appeared and asked what I was doing. I confirmed I was just having fun, climbing around. He said that was fine and not to abuse any places I found, I said I wouldn't and he disappeared. Not even particularly interesting, but that's still a core WoW memory of mine.
@J.O.H.N-The-Second 2 жыл бұрын
2:43 Aw man, instantly recognised Hayven's footage, I still tear up whenever I think about him 😭
@real3h4 2 жыл бұрын
Jesus Christ, only 83 subs??? Can't wait to see you become on of the greats
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That is incredibly kind, thank you!
@robin92101 2 жыл бұрын
I was a GM back in the day, and when the GM's started getting out of control, I was promoted to a manager. I was more or less in charge of checking the activity of all GM's to make sure their "fun activities" didn't get out of control. And trust me when I tell you that this was a full time job and some new GM's were fired on their first day, they just couldn't keep their hands to themselves.
@Nibashe 2 жыл бұрын
I worked as a GM at the office just outside of Paris from 2005 until 2008. It was fun but a lot of things outside of appearing in front of players were a bit tedious. Also we only appeared in front of someone rarely, not all the time. 99% of the issues got dealt with through a ticketing system.
@Dunwael 2 жыл бұрын
Vélizy is a fond memory (Though I arrived when you left :D )
@Nibashe 2 жыл бұрын
@@Dunwael It sure was, just the Mcdonalds close to the office was such a bad idea though haha. Good old times. Still missing one of my seniors a lot. R.I.P
@H0kram 2 жыл бұрын
C'est marrant, on a peut-être déjà échangé en jeu sur le serveur Dalaran à cette époque là. J'adorais le style plutôt RP, c'était toujours un grand moment de recevoir un whisp de GM haha x)
@Dunwael 2 жыл бұрын
@@H0kram Salutations ! Je suis le Maître de Jeu Gwenyrael, et je vous contacte à propos de votre requête concernant vos souvenirs nostalgiques. Avez-vous un instant à me consacrer ?
@Dunwael 2 жыл бұрын
@@Nibashe Pizza Pino FTW. I loved Versailles offices, but I am very nostalgic of the Vélizy period indeed.
@mirorih2TheTrueFinnmarkWierdo 2 жыл бұрын
Twice I've had the need of a GM's help. Both times stuck in a chimney. Once in Duskwoods on my old undead rogue, and once in Alterac Mountains near Dalaran dome on a blood elf mage. No runes and both times HS was on cooldown. In Duskwoods I was ported to the middle of Darkshire without getting aggro on guards on a pvp server before he ported me to Org. In Alterac Mountains the GM spent around 15 minutes just telling stories before porting me out of the chimney and challenging me to a duel and just insta win. Both GM's just laughed and asked how I got stuck in a chimney, and I've gotten one of those GM's help another time, and he just asked me if I was stuck in a chimney. Only needed help because I fell through the world that time, he did not show up, just ported me to the surface.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That's hilarious! I wonder if you became known as the chimney guy.
@Kumodatsu 2 жыл бұрын
My first time talking to a GM was also because I was stuck in a chimney, in Lakeshire. Didn't have a hearthstone because I would often destroy that for an extra slot of inventory space when I was full... They didn't show up in game, they just teleported me out. I was quite young back then and was kind of nervous talking to a GM, so I didn't say much more than thank you and take care ^~^ I wonder how many people they had to rescue from chimneys over the years.
@leonardceres9061 2 жыл бұрын
What if you were the only one who ever got stuck in a chimney because not once in my entire wild career did I ever even think to try and go into a chimney lol
@Kumodatsu 2 жыл бұрын
@@leonardceres9061 That's fair =p I can't speak for the original commenter but I sometimes just get the urge to see if I can go to places without caring about whether I -should- go to said places. In games, that is... just to clarify that >~>
@Khunark 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jaggro I remember also getting stuck in a fireplace in Duskwood. It was I think from the Stalvan the Reaper or something questline. You go around and find clues or something, and then creepy magical effects happen to you. I got polymorphed, and the sheep with the smaller hitbox walked into the fireplace, took fire damage, and then the effect broke, trapping me. The fire there would still hurt me, but not enough to kill me. So it would constantly interrupt the cast of my HearthStone. Had to ask to be gotten out.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
IMPORTANT! - I've been made aware of a spam bot replying to comments on this video using a variation of my name. I'm doing my best to remove the comments and block the channel but please note I'll never ask for any of your details or try communicate with you outside of this video. Thanks and always be vigilant! Thank you all so much for the beyond overwhelming support. I really never expected the video to be this big in my lifetime. I wanted to like and reply to every comment but now that Asmongold has reacted to it I think I'd need to it be a full time job to do so! Just know I'm reading all of them and I appreciate all of your support. I'll be aiming to upload every 2 weeks so please subscribe if you liked what you saw! Thank you all so much.
@BigBammer 2 жыл бұрын
saw this vid on asmons stream today and i loved it good shit bro, hope you keep doing what you love
@clamdigger1602 2 жыл бұрын
W video
@noelward 2 жыл бұрын
Also just saw this late on a recap on asmon’s youtube and had to come say I thought this was a really well-done video. Great content, well thought out, well edited, and you are well spoken. Earned a sub from me for this for sure. Looking forward to your next video! Love you
@gibble7863 2 жыл бұрын
awesome video my man! keep it up!
@kennethwagner7073 2 жыл бұрын
You have a great narrator voice. Keep it up bro.
@cmdrTremyss 2 жыл бұрын
I thought I'm watchin a video from a channel with a million subscribers. Great potential. Underrated.
@charlayned 2 жыл бұрын
I'm glad to see this. I remember meeting one or two of them when a new player and having trouble. When my adult kids got me into the game, I would usually go to them for help but occasionally things would happen when they were unavailable and I got rescued by a GM a couple of times. I have missed seeing one, only getting replies by game mail.
@gosonegr 2 жыл бұрын
I still remember our first Illidan kill, somehow the server crashed and dropped nothing, we were kicked out the raid party so no one was able to loot, we opened a ticket, a GM came, spawned another Illidan let him kill everyone of us, then kill him and mass ress us. Then started dancing and spam chickens.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
What a troll way to help out. Prime classic GMs
@sordschie3944 2 жыл бұрын
Truly a magical moment back then, meeting one of those transcended beings. Great Video!
@downlowgo_401 Ай бұрын
At the end of 2024 here for the classic anniversary launch.. There was a GM that floated down from the sky and landed on the mailbox at crossroads on nightslayer server. He started flying around and launching fireworks. It was one of the most nostalgic and amazing things I’ve seen.
@Frostwingcry 2 жыл бұрын
I joined the GM team at the Velizy offices (and later in Versailles) in 2008 and for many years it has been the best work experience of my life. I have had the opportunity to help many people and be part of a wonderful team. Damn, I've even done weddings in SW,,, in my opinion, the player support policy started to change radically since the merger with Activision, we weren't even allowed to appear in the game anymore (at least in the European team ). It has been an honor and a privilege to help be part of the adventures of so many.
@TheLiveactiongamer 2 жыл бұрын
If this is your first ever upload, I'm excited to see how you do in the future! some high-quality stuff
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you very much!
@druidlololol 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! Takes me right back to the glory days of WoW... some of the best times of my life - if not the very best. Subbed!
@flangrl 2 жыл бұрын
ur super underrated, i loved the editing in this!
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!
@debsylvania 2 жыл бұрын
I really enjoyed this video and look forward to more from you. I never witnessed a GM materialize in game but I do remember getting some serious help from one late on a work night when the game lagged as I was buying mats to build six chopper mounts early in WOTLK. I had worked so hard to get those mats together to make mounts for myself and my family members and now I was short because the lag hiccuped a purchase, buying more than I actually needed. I put in a ticket and within minutes a GM whispered, asking how they could help. Very quickly, my mat issue was resolved and six choppers were ready to rumble. GMs always had a personal "routine" they would do, jokes or patter unique to them. It was a great PR thing between Blizzard and their subscribers and it was sad to see it come to an end.
@nanniatheneko4524 2 жыл бұрын
Interacting with a GM was fun. I only asked things out of curiosity or just to chat with them. Got to do it in WoW and quite a few other games. It's nice because it can be a reminder oh how human they are because it seems people forget. It's especially amazing when you can interact with the Founder of an Game Franchise. Something I've seen with Artix Games is that when thier Moderators, GMs, or Artix decide to get on its an event kinda thing which is a special rewards that happends at semi-random and game with a unique currency and tied them nicely into the game for such goofy fun things. Sometimes you can cone across them on a Normal Account with thier tags because they genuinely were playing the game or testing something. Or they played as actual characters from the game. I got to Freind Artix and Dage from those series and got to chat with them everyday. Get Teased and Tease back and just joke around. I sometimes still do xP. I think I was only freinded because I didn't ask for anything just being playful.
@FS4SS 2 жыл бұрын
​Not sure if this is mentioned anywhere, but it was on youtube back in 2008/2009. There used to be portals to GM island hidden in the sandbox areas beneath the map. Orgrimmar, Stormwind, and a few other cities used to have ways to use creative mechanics (glitch through walls) to drop down into a zone beneath the actual ground. I used to go there a lot with friends to wow them. One time, some buddies of mine went exploring (there were actual buildings down there, and sometimes in strange spots) and came across a building near underground Stormwind. It took some parkouring for them since it was overlooking a river nestled in some hills. They went inside while I was on call with them and found a portal. According to them, clicking on that portal took them to GM Island. Their location in game displayed to me as GM island, although I never went there myself. This was before screen sharing and if they sent me any screenshots I've long since lost them. Anyways, they were laughing and having the time of their lives for about 30 minutes, then all of them got disconnected at the same time. I saw them appear online one by one, but none of my friends was able to log in. They all got suspensions - and one was perma banned. This stood out to me at the time since having a friend get perma'd in WoW at the time was like losing him almost.
@_darco 2 жыл бұрын
Great job. You really dug into the old feelings of this game and while it will always hold a special place in my heart.
@arcamean785 2 жыл бұрын
Simple answer is they realized an automated script could tell people to delete their WTF folder and it didn't require hiring actual people to read the complaint to ignore the content.
@hallo-mt5tx 2 жыл бұрын
i remember doing the achievement where you had to kill both kolagarns hands in a specific timeframe in ulduar about 12 years ago our raidlead put up a timer and we killed both hands in time, but we didnt get the achievement so he submitted a ticket, which is when a GM showed up, made us stand in a line and gave everyone the achievement one after the other
@EQOAnostalgia 2 жыл бұрын
This is how EverQuest GM's did things. A GM married my wife and i in a game called EverQuest Online Adventures. A PS2 MMO. I still have the original video recorded on VHS! on my channel lol. They hosted events, it was so cool. The MMO genre really isn't what it once was. It's not just nostalgia goggles. It wasn't perfect no, but it was NEW, it was EXCITING, it had a more small community feel per server, and it felt like the devs really loved us. I liken it to working for a small family business where everybody knows your name from the owner to the new guy. Contrast that with working at say. . . walmart lol. Oh and EQOA also had a GM island, we found it much later when rebuilding our world and server. Our devs did an interview with us and we learned a lot. SoE shut us down in 2012, we turn 20 this Feb 11th 2023!
@Offmikesmysticalelixir 2 жыл бұрын
Amazing vid, hope to see more in the future!
@derekrebuck2190 2 жыл бұрын
I interacted with one of the game designers about 14 years ago. They designed the textures for some of the trees and grasses. It was cool. They gave me some free loot and were able to share some interesting insights.
@elminster8470 2 жыл бұрын
i had a few gm encounters back in the day, i always enjoyed them very much. i would get my issue resolved and they put a smile on my face whether it was from jokes or great role playing. you will be forever missed gms
@Strath21 2 жыл бұрын
Nice to see small creators blow up a bit, check out your audio levels though, its very quiet :)
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! Yes I've purchased a new headset as the levels sounded fine while editing but I noticed after uploading it was much lower than other videos. Next one will be done right lol!
@aidanbrown7137 2 жыл бұрын
incredible video. You deserve more subs!
@tvhe4d 2 жыл бұрын
This video was amazing keep up the good work, also it is great to still see videos about old wow around.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much, that's very kind of you to say. I'll be doing vids on all types of games but WoW holds a special place in my heart so expect to see more for sure.
@pinstripe5487 2 жыл бұрын
With Dragonflight’s launch, the servers were obviously having issues, and in Stormwind the boat to the Dragon Isles completely broke. On MoonGuard, my friend told me that he had found a GM flying around invisible trying to get the boat to respawn to let more players jump into the expansion since the boat wasn’t spawning again on its own. Obviously it was a game bug situation, not a player interaction, but it’s cool to know GM accounts still exist.
@intensellylit4100 2 жыл бұрын
How did he find that
@Raviis 2 жыл бұрын
How did he know, if the GM was invisible? 🤔🤔🤣🤣
@pinstripe5487 2 жыл бұрын
@@Raviis Nameplates and who list. The GM was, presumably, in an invis morph, not actual GM invis.
@princessarialeer 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when it broke LOL. Our sharded group kept screaming: ‘BOAT’ to summon it. I will never forget the Boat cultists.
@MrWaspAvispa 2 жыл бұрын
Every interaction with a GM I ever had in the past was great. An actual person who cared about the people playing and the game is what is missing these days and what made WOW awesone.
@Hvanudetfornoget 2 жыл бұрын
I once saw a GM hovering around the isle far out left in STV. He interacted a bit with us before pinging out of existence. I will never forget it and i get goosebumps just writing this. Aah the wonders of being a kid.
@Matt7895 2 жыл бұрын
I remember back during WotLK, one of the quests I had at the foot of Icecrown Citadel bugged and the quest giver wouldn't respawn. I raised a ticket, sat, and waited while reading a book. A couple of hours after raising a ticket a GM actually came up to me in game and chatted with me about the problem, spawned the NPC, and then we talked a little bit about him being a GM, my experiences playing WoW.... and then he gave me a wave and left me to finish my quest. It was one of the best moments I've had in internet gaming.
@jtstjstaylor 2 жыл бұрын
Loved it - great first video!
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you kindly! Glad you enjoyed it.
@BlackGermerican 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video, and be sure to keep it up! Sadly some of the WoW community can be harsh and judgemental, especially to OC, but don't let it stop you!
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That's very sweet! Thank you kindly :D
@calebsonger4552 2 жыл бұрын
@@Jaggrodid you mean for this video to hit 300k
@Kings_Crossing 2 жыл бұрын
Any other OG's who used to get the message "Please move to a secure location" ;)
@lobusdexter6427 2 жыл бұрын
I think this video is going viral I mean it's going viral already. Hope u get big.
@shockracer 6 ай бұрын
OG Vanilla WOW player here. It tucked with the long wait times but I always had a GM that did their very best to help with my issue. I hope GMs are still like that to this day.
@Squizblorg 2 жыл бұрын
Great video, lots of nostalgia! I think I beat patchy to a vid of GM island (on a live server) by a couple of months (Squiz The Noob, Jun 27th 2007) but im pretty sure there were others before me
@ssisnake 2 жыл бұрын
I was QA testing for vanilla forever ago, stayed friends with quite a few people, actually randomly ran across another guy in a completely different field and we ended up working together again too. Old GM's were cool and had a lot more freedom.
@K3vyB 2 жыл бұрын
The 2000's were the golden age of gaming in more ways than most would initially think, i cherish every hour of the vast and varied experiences across all mediums and playercounts i got to take part in. We knew it wouldn't last, but never expected it to become this bad.
@musicbycandlelightmbc3225 2 жыл бұрын
In Guild Wars 2, they usually have visiting ArenaNet Gm's also often play along with the general player base in WvW or general PvE or when there is a special event as an example. It was always fun and welcoming to see GM's be no greater than the other players. As for WoW however, I never had the pleasure of experiencing such a GM encounter but I did love the days when you could chat with a GM with an open ticket and explain your situation more thoroughly and the GM in a matter of minutes would have it all resolved. For example, such as the days when using 'Trade' and you give the player material to craft an item for you and instead they keep your materials and run off. They were excellent at restoring something you either accidentally or carelessly deleted or impulsively purchased and would resolve it instantly. However, this has really changed a lot with the timers added and ability to resell the item.
@sacredprovenance5451 2 жыл бұрын
Here from the stream! Great video man
@CadaverJunky8 2 жыл бұрын
The same thing that has happened with everything else under Blizzard: they stopped giving a damn.
@Askharr 2 жыл бұрын
Their GMs are such good people. There have been times where I needed help and they went above and beyond to get me answer, if they could. There were also times when I was bored or feeling down and put in a ticket asking them to tell me a joke. They'd do so and always put a smile on my face. My favorite thing was when one GM noticed how I've had my account since Vanilla and thanked me for being such a dedicated player. Was very kind of them.
@Torbtastic 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! I miss old WoW, a simpler time with some great interactions all around, good memories.
@nisx2012 2 жыл бұрын
GMs were a real humans back then, now they are mostly an automated responce system.
@ColbiGodlove 2 жыл бұрын
no gms, garrisons, man when i returned in wod it was depressing the game felt dead. glad they got us back to social based gaming prob thanks to twitch streamers
@Eastmarch2 2 жыл бұрын
They are still people answering tickets and surveys are indeed important, but going in game is rarely necessary these days.
@ftb282 2 жыл бұрын
I wish they still did, it really helped to foster the sense of community when they came to your rescue in game lol.
@godblessamerica9908 2 жыл бұрын
Now you’re stuck waiting 30 days to get a ticket resolved
@gavin1375 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! Hope you make more!
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I plan on uploading every 2 weeks
@chiggo7742 2 жыл бұрын
this video deserves much more attention. this is some real high quality stuff. take my upvote!
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That's a very nice comment, thank you!
@dollahbill510 5 ай бұрын
My interactions with GM's have never been good. Lots of GM's in the comments saying they liked to do fun stuff more frequently, but whenever I petitioned a GM, I was basically given a huge 'Fuck You'. Grinded R14 in vanilla, got a 1-week ban in the middle of pvp'ing with no explanation, other than I was reported by multiple people. (The "new" pvp team on my server attempted to exclude me from the team, and I broke brackets on them, after they tried to oust me. I got a 1-week ban, but I hit r14 and fucked the ringleader out of getting it the last week.) Then in WotLK, my account was hacked at the peak of it's popularity. I had farmed about 20,000g in darkmoon cards, raw gold, mats, etc... was just waiting on reputation to get the repair mount for cheaper. Woke up, logged on, my character is butt-naked, all my items are gone, my gold is gone, my equipment is gone. I petition a GM, guess what they say? They're unable to do anything about it. So, I quit. Got into Classic, grinded r14 again, and somewhere around r8 I was banned for 1-week for quite literally, going to take a shit while in an AV. I was near the top of the board, just doing some center-field ganking, and wake up on raid day (2 days after) to find that I've been banned for 1 week. Then, about a month later, I was banned for 2-weeks, because my RL sent me some gold that he owed me. (I was a rogue, and I would farm Lotus/Arcane crystlas in silithus all day during Covid - I always had at least 2-3k gold on me at all times, and I funded my RL friends Epic mount). So when he sent me the gold back, I receive it, buy my raid consumes, get raid for raid and whatnot. Guess what? An hour before raid I'm banned for 1-week. After the 1-week is up, I log in and my account is drained of 100% of everything vendorable. I have 0g 0s 0c, my bank is depleted of potions and flasks, my AH flips are all gone, I had absolutely nothing. I couldn't even ask a guildie for fucking help, because if I did, I would probably get banned again for receiving gold in the mail. At that point, blizzard support was effectively dead to me. I've learned that if I have any problems in Azeroth, getting a GM involved would just result in me getting a ban for something stupid. It's like going to the cops, after you're robbed - but you jay-walk to get to the cops, and get arrested for a week because you jay-walked.
@caroka89kh 2 жыл бұрын
I had an awsome interaction Witherspoon an GM on around Christmas 2022: it was awsome, no formul words bur mythical creature came and granted my wish. Best christmas gift ever
@lonegunvidz 2 жыл бұрын
My fondest GM experience was during BC when a group of us from my guild tried to find GM island. I think someone in the group submitted a ticket about finding the island. Anyway, a GM showed up in Feralas where we had been and just roleplayed with us for a few minutes and left. It was really cool to chat with a GM when there were issues in the game.
@user-ce8ld5nf8d 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when I was about 10 years old I fell into the lava inside black rock mountain, there was no way out so I ticketed a GM and then went afk, came back to find my hunter had respawned on the ledge and a GM was sat in a deck chair with a parasol and my character was just dancing! Good memories.
@regolith8173 2 жыл бұрын
Interesting topic and well done video. :) I ve never met a GM in WOW
@grasstoucher42069 2 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for the GM xpac where they come back in full force and try to take over azzeroth
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Raid wide stun called "Ticket Response Time" stuns everyone who fails an item restoration mechanic for 6 days
@EquanoxDragon 2 жыл бұрын
I remember I once got a character stuck in a perpetual instant DC area, and I couldn't get her out. So I sent a ticket, technically I had exploited to get out of bounds but I more so just wanted to see a little Easter egg in northrend dalaran. Keep in mind i was fully open and transparent with the gm about what i was trying to do and saying as it was a pretty well known thing and this was during like, Legion i was unlikely to get in trouble. The GM was super chill, offered to port me back to a major city for my faction, and then I asked if they had any GM jokes I could end the interaction with. They told me one, I laughed, then I told them a joke, and they found it funny too. Over all a great interaction that I recall fondly. I've never had a bad experience with any of WoWs GMs, they are all typically down to earth and understanding people who are genuinely great to talk to.
@TableKiller 2 жыл бұрын
I had a ingame wedding in wrath where a gamemaster where doing the ceremony. It was on the shore of silvermoon. he even despawned the npc there and made a buffed for us. Great times.
@graveyardoperations7407 2 жыл бұрын
My one encounter with a GM came from the stricter part. They possessed an NPC and simply fished in Orgrimmar. It was just prior to an expansion drop when this happened, but I can't remember which one. The thing that made it funny was that it was a HUMAN fisherman. In Orgrimmar. Just some random fisherman who'd occasionally go "Good day!" in /say. As this was on an RP Server, we all collectively lost our minds. They were friendly aligned too, so it was impossible to kill them. It was just a 'haha' fun moment. I miss our hidden gods in blue and brown robes. I hope they're doing well.
@CyVinci 2 жыл бұрын
I have so many fond memories of GM encounters over the years, it’s a real shame these things don’t really happen anymore. I remember sending in a ticket because I wanted a WoD beta code and I had a nice convo with a GM. no code though :(
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
Shame about the code, yay for the convo tho!
@Flightcoach 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! Is going to Kickstart your channel!!
@OKG2000 7 ай бұрын
i got stuck inside a wall but y character was glitched in a permanent jump so i couldnt teleport or anything, i called the gm to help and he came and moved me away from the wall, we sat on a near by dock and actually spoke for hours about life the game etc...he said he was a bit sad because he has no friends in real life and this game was all he had and thanked me for speaking to him...i motivated and convinced him that he can be whatever he wants to be and not to give up on life...he took my advice and became more happy in real life...we added each other on MSN and were friends for about 4 years after our interaction..hope hes still doing good where ever hes at
@Flarty1990 2 жыл бұрын
just watched on asmons stream good vid dude
@Crashphoenix666 2 жыл бұрын
I've had 2 GM interactions in all my time playing. Once during Wrath- The GM helped me get my missing Zods repeating longbow back. It was a wonderful personable interaction. Even though I'm not on an RP realm, it was very much an RP experience and made me think that Blizzard really cared about it's players. The second during Shadowlands. The outcome was what I needed. The interaction was more transactional, less personable, no chit chat, etc.
@tek512 2 жыл бұрын
Man, I miss those days. I was there, on Kirin Tor, for the infamous worm incident. Those were good times.
@carlosjohn5546 2 жыл бұрын
Back in TBC Classic 2021 i was doing TK on last boss Kael'thas Sunstrider , we wiped multiple times and a GM appeared, cheering us up in chat i think they're too busy in PTR nowadays.
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That's still really nice that you got that experience this late in the game. I appreciate that they tried to emulate the experience in classic though.
@Talix. 2 жыл бұрын
This is the kind of stuff that made vanilla WoW special. GM's made a comeback on the classic PTR's which was cool to see. Things like this go a long way. PS I had a guildmate who was a GM in vanilla but hardly anybody knew about it aside for a half dozen of us and he never once used his powers for our benefit or for fun so I'm surprised to see all these interactions in this video between players and GM's!
@Jaggro 2 жыл бұрын
That's awesome, fair play to them for not showing off.
@DarkRequiemFilms 2 жыл бұрын
Back in 2009 I had an argument with a GM who was adamant that Death Knight could not equip Two Handed Swords.
@skywise001 2 жыл бұрын
I and my two friends were thremanning the old blackwin lair when I got contacted by a GM about a ticket. We were just pulling Razorgore. She hopped into the zone and was my cheer leader for the fight. She was impressed with how we handled the mechanics as a Paladin, Shaman, and Rogue.
@andrewpiegzik4121 2 жыл бұрын
I was a GM for about a year for the end of vanilla and into BC. At the time Blizz was struggling to keep up with customer service so they contracted Client Logic (later Sitel) to help carry the load for them. I worked for the contractor and for us it was all strictly business and cranking out the tickets. Keep your convos as direct and to the point as you could while still treating the players well. But there was no zipping around the game world and manipulating things for us. The most we would usually do in world was teleport the dude on a trial account who started a night elf, deleted their hearthstone, and proceeded to jump off the world tree.
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