What Happened to Westworld?⎪A Video Essay

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Dream Dimension Productions

Dream Dimension Productions

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From a near perfect season to a hot mess, what went wrong?
0:00 Intro
0:32 A Brief History of Westworld
3:20 The Characters
5:21 Plot Twists & Timelines
9:20 If you planned the butler did it...
10:24 What next?

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@exmachina767 2 жыл бұрын
If only the writers had paid attention to Dr. Ford: “It’s not about giving the guests what you think they want. No, that’s simple. The titillation, horror, elation… They’re parlor tricks. The guests don’t return for the obvious things we do, the garish things. They come back because of the subtleties, the details. They come back because they discover something they imagine no one had ever noticed before, something they’ve fallen in love with…”
@andrewstephens5885 Жыл бұрын
Fr!! It’s like the show forgot it’s own philosophy lmao, the second season (where I stopped tbh) was just violent and “woah!!!” Moments, or made me confused/very, very sleepy.
@utewbd Жыл бұрын
@ralf2202 Жыл бұрын
Ford really was the heart and the brain of the show. After he died, there is a void that cannot be filled by any other characters.
@VonJay Жыл бұрын
Season one lost me halfway through. Imo they really used that reveal (and the subsequent one) as a crutch and ran out of ideas. I tried watching season two and it was just too dull
@OfAngelsAndAnarchist Жыл бұрын
*Paid When cursing out writers, check your spelling ;)
@colehartel7206 Жыл бұрын
Season 1 was a brilliant work of art, some of the best television ever produced. The following seasons are simply corporate profit seeking fan service, and Westworld is best enjoyed by pretending they don't exist.
@silverdr 5 ай бұрын
Yes, do yourself a favour and enjoy the first series w/o even thinking about the rest. The only annoying thing in the first series are those two idiots who are supposed to be engineers (?) but in reality wouldn't get a McDonald's janitor job for that requires at least 72 IQ points
@saintanger3421 17 сағат бұрын
The first season was a complete story.
@brianvaira486 Жыл бұрын
This is a show that should’ve either been a mini series or an anthology. Dolores was a very engaging character at first, but ever since she “woke up,” she’s been pretty tedious and dull
@rottensquid Жыл бұрын
It's true. She lost her spark somewhere in there. You're entirely on her side in seaon 1, because the story let you into her character. But in the subsequent seasons, she's so one-dimensional. far from becoming conscious, she seems to stop actually thinking at all, having made up her mind, and like any fanatic, redoubles her efforts while losing sight of her goal. More importantly, we have no way into feeling empathy with her anymore, which is what carried the character and the show through season 1 with such power. We're on the outside of her, not sharing her feelings at all, just kind of witnessing her anger. Regardless of whether you agree with a character, you have to at least empathize. Plus, characters need arcs, and she never gets one beyond season 1. Stuff happens to her, but she stopped changing or growing.
@MrStringybark Жыл бұрын
@@rottensquid I don't mind not sharing empathy for Delores in the later seasons but if that did happen they then should have created another character who takes over the role she played in the wider story arc. For example, an innocent human who is a victim of Delores' or other members of the hosts. I would have also liked, a side story that shows that The Sublime is possibly not a good place for the mental well-being of the Hosts.
@rottensquid Жыл бұрын
@@MrStringybark I think Bernard was supposed to be that, and certainly Jeffery Wright went a long way to make the character empathetic, but the character is so passive so much of the time it was hard to feel invested in his hopes and dreams. I couldn't even tell moment to moment what they were. With Dolores, you know what she wants at all times, even if it's not what she thinks she wants. With Bernard, I still don't know what his motivation is. Regarding the Sublime, it doesn't really matter whether it was a good place or a bad one, because it was never more than kind of an abstract concept. All in all, I think the biggest problem with the show is that everyone read as a side character. No one was carrying the show forward after Dolores's evolution ground to a halt.
@MrStringybark Жыл бұрын
@@rottensquid You said, "No one was carrying the show forward after Dolores's evolution ground to a halt." Which is why I wrote, "(they) should have created another character who takes over the role she played in the wider story arc." .I barely remember Jeffery Wright other than the fact he played some minor role which is not the same thing as replacing Delores as the main character driving the narrative. "Regarding the Sublime, it doesn't really matter whether it was a good place or a bad one, because it was never more than kind of an abstract concept." The Sublime was meant to represent a "Heaven" for the Hosts except in this case it existed. Not some abstract philosophical concept as you suggested. I should have been more explicit about the Sublime and its possible effects on some or all of the Hosts existing there. As far as the Hosts in the Sublime are concerned they have a corporeal existence. But tell me what would happen to you if you discovered that everything in your world existed inside a program?
@rottensquid Жыл бұрын
@@MrStringybark Right, I'm sorry I didn't acknowledge that. I was agreeing with you, and adding my 2 cents. I think your idea of the Sublime being not so great after all is a good one. In fact, given the track record of the show, would assert that the entirety of the show from the beginning may well turn out to be taking place inside the Sublime, with the Sublime inside it being a sort of dream within a dream, like Inception. What I mean by the Sublime being an abstract concept is that it felt too vague and conceptual, and not a goal the audience could really get behind. But I think that's a result of the characters themselves not being fleshed out enough. The only excepting for me was the one ghost nation character, Akecheta, who managed to be more fleshed out in one episode than the rest of the characters were over the whole season. Sometimes, it seems, having too much room to build characters ends up backfiring.
@BlazeMakesGames Жыл бұрын
Man I always hate it when creators change their story because someone guessed the twist. THAT MEANS YOU DID IT RIGHT IF PEOPLE COULD SEE IT COMING! I mean it’s clear that if they do that then they don’t actually care about telling a good story. They just want to surprise people even if it doesn’t make sense.
@manuxx3543 Жыл бұрын
Are HBO shows cursed with this lol ? First GOT and here westworld wtf
@Cole444Train Жыл бұрын
@@manuxx3543 Game of Thrones didn't change its narrative? There's literally a clip in this very video of George RR Martin saying NOT to change the story even if someone guesses it.
@manuxx3543 Жыл бұрын
@@Cole444Train the tv show did
@Cole444Train Жыл бұрын
@@manuxx3543 can you link me proof? I can’t find any and I don’t think that’s true.
@manuxx3543 Жыл бұрын
@@Cole444Train The entire season 8, "subverting expectation stuff", john snow being useless for example and not prophecy, arya just popping up out of nowhere like just watch any pissed off GOT fan that would go in deeper with the problems of that show beggining at s5 Watch the Hbo after episodes where they talk about how they did the episode and stuff and why they choose to do anything
@z-beeblebrox Жыл бұрын
The fundamental problem with continuing Westworld's story is that its in-grained trajectory is to fundamentally become not Westworld anymore. The robots wake up, they start killing humans. They jump into some mind upload nirvana. They infiltrate the world. They do literally anything but exist in a context that makes sense for Westworld's story. It's The Matrix, it's Blade Runner, it's The Terminator. But it's not Westworld anymore. Westworld as a story died in season 1
@Sabeximus Жыл бұрын
This is precisely the reason why I always thought that it should have stayed as a one-season miniseries. I was actually kind of surprised when they announced season 2, and my first thought was, "what is there is supposed to be left to tell?" I wasn't even excited about it, really.
@dericmederos1514 Жыл бұрын
Its amazing the showrunners out of all people don't realize this.
@Grimmlocked 10 ай бұрын
@@Sabeximus same, i decided against watching it and i was glad to have season 1 in my memory untarnished
@ThorneyedWT Жыл бұрын
Season 1 was one of my all-time favorites, but by the middle of Season 2 I was confused by how directionless it was, twists for the sake of twists, yet most important things were so obvious. By the end of Season 2 they somehow managed to destroy in one way or another basically all characters, and therefore I didn't care anymore for next seasons. Similar thing happened with Jessica Jones, first season was modern noir masterpiece with arguably the best on-screen villain ever. Then comes Season 2 with writing quality dropped to CW level. How? Why? Well, whatever, I guess I can pretend that those shows have only 1 season each.
@kostazarikos3383 Жыл бұрын
I quit after the first or 2nd episode of season 2. I just pretend it's only season 1
@jarrilaurila Жыл бұрын
Stopped watching after few episodes of season 2.
@jeremyboughtono2 Жыл бұрын
Abandoned after two episodes of season two.
@elitewolverine Жыл бұрын
I was hooked on s1, and was like oohhh this is my new show to binge. by ep3 I was like...wth is this crap.
@Palaecro Жыл бұрын
Interesting. I watched part way into season 2 and just got tired of it and never went back. I guess that's where it really did drop off. I'll have to check out season 1 Jessica Jones though!
@ZaLewdWarudo Жыл бұрын
Westworld is a one season show for me. Also agree with how incredibly stupid it is to change a thing about your story because someone somewhere guessed it. That's maybe the dumbest thing a writer could possibly do to their story.
@tizodd6 Жыл бұрын
I tried watching season two, but my interest slowly waned. I've thought about getting back into, but season two totally killed my interest in finding out what comes next.
@kg7219 Жыл бұрын
@@tizodd6 i rewatched the first three seasons in anticipation of season 4 and ya kno what i hated season 2 and thought season 3 was ok when i watched them the first time but sitting and just going thru the whole show episode by episode it actually works a lot better. still not perfect but interesting enough. nothing will ever top season one but also how the fuck do u follow a season that is nearly perfect????
@owmyballs2087 Жыл бұрын
Agree so much! I've seen s1 ten times easily, s2 twice, and I just came back to see if the show is good and watched s3/watching s4 for the first time. Nope, will go back to enjoying s1. F
@gussygoro2469 Жыл бұрын
Many interviews indicate that Nolan was very angry about being investigated by his own fans. He doesn't understand that entertainment discussion has no limit any more.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
@@tizodd6 imo s02e08 is one of the best episodes in TV and film history
@LCTesla Жыл бұрын
a big part of what made season 1 great was the contrast between the monotonous routine of the park and the unexpected things happening within it. disrupting that by making the park descend into chaos was the beginning of the show's decent. then, going out of the park entirely put a nail in the series' coffin. the quality came from us having expections and them being violated. now there is nothing to base expectations on, so no matter how "unexpected" the occurences are, they ARE expected by virtue of there not being any baseline of expectations.
@mikewilson858 Жыл бұрын
Yeah I think leaving the park was a bad idea. The Western theme was for the audience, like the park goers, a big part of the draw. Robots fighting the corporate overlords in generic dystopian future number 54 is not interesting in the least.
@BaseReality Жыл бұрын
I'd love to know if anyone important left the production team right after season 1 ended. It's like the person who best understood the show, and could affect how it was made, left, and then the rest of the team were competent, but just didn't know how to make it satisfying.
@eglantinepapeau1582 Жыл бұрын
when Anthony Hopkins character died at the end of season 1, it was my cue that the show was over , and I was right . I tried season 2 also, but I stopped in the middle of episode 2 . I came back to see another episode because I heard Anthony Hopkins was in it . It didn't disappoint, very good episode named "Kiksuya" . season 3 was a nightmare I hear people say and I believe them 😅 . They should have stopped with season 1 .
@itsMe_TheHerpes Жыл бұрын
season 2 and 3 were nice. season 4 is... well it's awful. and not only awful, but the liberal agenda is all over it. meaning that parts of the plot that are not "politically aligned" were taken out, and the show is very, very "diverse" ! also, it's done in the style of amateur made yetube videos. sharp ending scenes, one after the other, cringy "humor" and... well it's bad. over all bad. this is what i saw so far. but season 2 and even 3 were ok.
@zenboy21 Жыл бұрын
There are rumors that the vision over the Seasons became MORE Lisa Joy and LESS Jonathan Nolan, but no major staff changes... And to one of the replies: I'm not sure what the "Liberal Agenda" means.🤔
@Altashheth08 Жыл бұрын
@@zenboy21 liberal agenda… is freedom of the individual, essentially a quest for true democracy. Liberal agenda when used as an insult is about discrimination politics; where one or two differentiators are pushed as the reason for the ills of the world where one differentiator is the victim of the other differentiator which must be the oppressor…. Identity politics which it the opposite agenda to the liberal agenda but ignorant people have a right to be ignorant.
@Senumunu Жыл бұрын
its simply the fact that they dont have more original material. same with game of thrones. once it passed the books you get netflix tier writing. S1 is only as coherent as it is bcs of the adaptation. after that its just stretched filler of "what ifs" and "maybes"
@romero329 2 жыл бұрын
Excellent video... Season 1 of Westworld might be my favorite season of television
@sanperez797 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, season 1 was a masterpiece, but once as season 2 went on to 3 ,,, what saved season 3 is what is Caleb going to do ,,, I’m on it till the end
@samwize28 Жыл бұрын
I remember after the first couple of episodes thinking ‘this could be my all time favourite thing in the world’. At the finale it didn’t quite live up to that crazy expectation but it was still amazing. Gave up on season 2 after two episodes. True Detective season 1 remains undisputed champ in my books.
@moses1129 Жыл бұрын
I don’t rewatch things often but season 1 of westworld I’ve seen at least 5 times now it’s one of my favorite pieces of art ever put out
@AstralPandaBoi Жыл бұрын
When season 4 came out, i was so confused about everything. I knew I had watched season 3 but I remembered absolutely nothing about it. I never watch recaps but this was the first time I actually needed one. It felt like a dream. Like I had seen it and ai knew what happened but it all seemed to distant and not real.
@wilfredwayne7139 Жыл бұрын
There was a fourth season? That's news to me.
@thyros_ Жыл бұрын
@@wilfredwayne7139 yea s4 is actually rly good. i didn’t rly like s3 so i was happily suprised with it
@wilfredwayne7139 Жыл бұрын
@@thyros_ I'm definitely gonna give it a watch it has been a long time.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
@@wilfredwayne7139 Season 4 is the closest season to reach Season 1 greatness imo (but Season 2 Kiksuya is still the best episode)
@wilfredwayne7139 Жыл бұрын
@@Dan-gi6tf I don't think I finished the end of 3 I'm quite confused plus what's with the flies?
@manicpixiefangirl4189 Жыл бұрын
I think a good chuck of the problem is Nolan being a Nolan: trying to impress with “big brain” concepts while forgetting to make good characters and relationships.
@usgpillarofark3980 Жыл бұрын
Its sad that they nailed it in S1 but never after.
@MrStringybark Жыл бұрын
You seem to have forgotten that they did create Season 1 which had terrific characters.
@danejohnson6823 Жыл бұрын
Figured you're probably confusing Jonathon Nolan for Christopher Nolan. Or perhaps its a genetic thing, lol
@MrStringybark Жыл бұрын
@@danejohnson6823 How did you come to that conclusion that I confused the two brothers.
@danejohnson6823 Жыл бұрын
@@MrStringybark I was replying to Manic Pixie Fangirl
@iyziejane Жыл бұрын
When it first announced many fans of the movie were worried how they could sustain a show. There is a clear arc from an awesome sci fi park with robot cowboys to the killer robots and then it's done. Once the robots have gone rogue you can't reset the fun parts of the park which is the main thing that makes the story unique.
@arghonandi6818 Жыл бұрын
I still haven't watched anything past season 1. Season 1 is one of the few perfect seasons of television, and I knew they would ruin it or wouldn't be able to top it.
@tsmidds8137 Жыл бұрын
Well then you’re missing out
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
@@tsmidds8137 damn right he's missing out lol, Kiksuya (s02e08) is still one of the best episodes in TV history. I think if he'll attempt to watch the show he'll just be disappointed tho because he's exposed to negative feedback about WW so he's bound to dislike it in the end, so I guess just watching S1 should be good for him
@lemonysnicket9460 Жыл бұрын
S4 E4 brought this show back to life
@ralf2202 Жыл бұрын
The story about Rehoboam (including Dolores / Hale, Serrac and Caleb)is actually fascinating and well written. The main problem with season 3 is that Maeve and Bernard have become caricatures of themselves. It also is too short in relation to the complexity of the plot. A few more episodes would have helped.
@unstoppableExodia Жыл бұрын
And in season 4 Maeve and Bernard are very prominent. New Dolores and Charlotte Hale Delores is somewhere in the background (as of episode 4 at least)
@njoYYY Жыл бұрын
Less episodes is the only thing that wouldve helped anyone...
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
if they added a couple episodes these KZbinrs will scream "fan service" again as if they enjoyed it (considering they're fans) lol. Deliberate artistic choices would be called 'fan service' if they hate the story
@JustKnowz Жыл бұрын
@foolisnoteighteenyet 2 ай бұрын
it's a ripoff of a Mass Effect 2 DLC (Project Overlord)
@Corion2121 Жыл бұрын
For the record, my name is Caleb and never once in my life have I ever referred to myself as “Cal.” 😐 It’s just ridiculous! 🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️
@cizd Жыл бұрын
West World was one of those shows I watched the first season of and thought: "This is a perfect complete story with a great ending. I don't even want a second season" (Same as I felt with Squid Game) Unfortunately we got that and more. Even more unfortunately I recently watched it. Don't get me wrong I loved the world and wanted nothing more than to explore it further, but even if there where some unanswered questions I didn't feel they needed an answer. Sometimes the best mystery is left unanswered. Honestly I think the best thing they probably could have done was to write a fairly unattached story to the first season. Keep the world, themes, and the spirit of where you want it to end, but change the setting, structure, and characters.
@mikek5322 Жыл бұрын
The only thing that kept me slightly interested in season 2 was the Man in Black. I found the robots completely unsympathetic after season 1 and started rooting for them to be destroyed. That never happened though. The plot always made absurd twists to let the robots win against any odds and it became boring.
@mikewilson858 Жыл бұрын
I felt the same way. I stopped watching halfway through the second season. The robots weren’t sympathetic. They were cruel and didn’t seem to be in any danger. It wasn’t interesting just to see a bunch of people get revenge for a season.
@SnootchieBootchies27 Жыл бұрын
@allennewborn936 Жыл бұрын
Agree wholeheartedly. William was my only focal point too, but as the season progressed, even with him, it felt like the slop and chaos that the story became was all over everything like a virus and that a horribly inconsistent ending was in the making.
@marshall4269 Жыл бұрын
yeah true, the robots were so badly written and overpowered, it was just completely forseeable
@gregalee Жыл бұрын
One of the differences between Season 1 and each successive season after is the switch from a Show, Don't Tell ethos, to characters' endlessly going off into plot exposition. By the end of Season 3, the final showdown with Dolores on the floor and plugged into Rehoboam, we have Serac, Caleb, and Maeve literally screaming the plot at one another. Like the plot was such a convoluted and tangled mess by that point that the writers felt compelled to explain the whole season's conflicts they were about to resolve to a moronic audience. Storytelling is like the proverbial joke, if you have to explain the joke, it's not funny. If you have to provide a recap of the entire story in outline form at the end, it wasn't properly presented in the first place. When it has to be explained to the audience ad nauseam, your writing and production teams have failed at visual storytelling in the first place. The second transition is the fallback on sensational special effects as an end to themselves rather than a means to support a solidly built story. This is the same crutch that Disney-Marvel has fallen back on in all of the Marvel universe films to their boring detriment. And Star Wars, too! Later in his career, even George Lucas himself seemed to have forgotten his own advice. One of the things that made the first SW trilogy so powerful: "A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing." Your special effects are not the story. There's a great quote from an old making-of A New Hope documentary (which I can't exactly remember and can't find online, so I'll paraphrase) where Lucas says something like, "We don't spend a lot of time dwelling on and looking at the backgrounds and sets to show how much work we put into them. They're the background, they need to remain the background of the story." This is the second crutch that Westworld increasingly relied upon in the second and third seasons. You can see this transition in mentality during the making of segments that run after each episode. They change after Season 1 from talking about character motivation and plot devices to talking about how they made this or that special effect or how they shot a complicated scene. They aren't thinking about story anymore, only about the pretty Future World outside The Park that they're trying so hard to dazzle us with. Please, please, Westworld production team. Return to the basics of telling stories about complex characters with believable motivations, understandable obstacles, and credible resolutions to conflict! You don't need to abandon elaborate special effects, but they're just filmmaker navel gazing if they don't support a great story. A film needs to work on every level. You start with the storyboard and try to build a silent film where the story works on a visual level, with minimal dialog cards are inserted only as necessary. Once you have that skeleton and the visual story tells itself, then you can build the full Hollywood blockbuster on top of that solid foundation you built. Back to the basics!
@JonoSSD Жыл бұрын
Damn, I had completely forgotten about this show, which is weird because I'm a massive sci-fi nerd and loved the first season. After getting this video recommended to me just now I googled the show and apparently season 4 is beginning now. Didn't hear a thing about it, if not for your video remembering me Westworld exists it'd be at least a few years before I wondered what happened to it and would look for a 4th season. It's a shame, the show deserved better. A second season focusing on the rest of the world during the android uprising and a final season on the far future (like they kept teasing on the 3rd), each with its own plot, characters and stories would be far better than trying to do season 1 over and over again.
@ivanlagrossemoule Жыл бұрын
I enjoyed season 1, watched season 2 half way, stopped and forgot about it until now. It's really a complete waste.
@jongrover8763 8 ай бұрын
School grades: season 1: A+, season 2: B+, season 3: C, season 4: D
@Bi0mega Жыл бұрын
I think one of the biggest problems with Westworld, which was thrown into stark relief for me in season 3, was that a lot of it relies on contrivance. The entire season, Dolores is shown as THE bad guy, she's going to bring down civilisation, unleash anarchy. She makes it abundantly clear the whole season she wants to make mankind suffer the way the Hosts did. Then in the final episode, psyche! She was the good guy all along! And all of this, everything, hinged on a series of events that require a random dude that she met at the park five years ago being in exactly the right place at exactly the right time making exactly the right choice. Uh, no. You can get away with coincidences in your story if they're believable, multiple ones, even, but there comes a point when you are literally warping reality to make the story work and you can hear the reality of the setting break with an audible crunch. That's Westworld now: setting up things in impossible ways because you have a cool twist you want people to talk about on Reddit.
@MacTac141 Жыл бұрын
Season 1 of this show was absolutely AMAZING! I loved it, the acting, the plot, the twists, the characters, it was phenomenal. I wish it had kept that level of quality Also kinda a side thing but I really wish we could have seen more of the adventures in western world between Dolores and young William, easily my favourite part of the show
@Purpleturtlehurtler Жыл бұрын
You can't center a show around escaping Plato's Cave without the journey once you leave. Continuing the story means expanding scope and changing focus from gaining sentience to using it in a way that sets those still in the cave free.
@Makingnewnamesisdumb Жыл бұрын
But it's not westworld anymore though. Now it's just generic cyberpunk bullshit.
@Purpleturtlehurtler Жыл бұрын
@@Makingnewnamesisdumb cope.
@Makingnewnamesisdumb Жыл бұрын
@@Purpleturtlehurtler It's not cope, it's reality.
@jd980 Жыл бұрын
@@Makingnewnamesisdumb How is Westworld not being Westworld reality? You sound actually insane.
@Makingnewnamesisdumb Жыл бұрын
@@jd980 They quite literally have not been in westorld for, what, 2 seasons now? Westworld was captivating when it was robots that believed they were real people in a cowboys and indians setting realizing that their life is a daily looping lie, with the player piano doing piano versions of modern pop songs as you wrestle with the morality of what is happening in the park. Currently the show is like a Terminator Bladerunner crossover. It doesn't resemble what it originally was at all.
@MahmoudKiddo Жыл бұрын
Excellent video, glad that it appeared in my recommendation page!
@GabiGhita Жыл бұрын
Season 4 is a bit of a redemption arc for the writers. It's only 4 episodes in at this moment and it's proving to be more engaging than I expected, with a pretty big twist in ep 4.
@ecurb10 Жыл бұрын
Yes I agree...so far. I really disliked S03, so much so that I didn't care two hoots about watching season 4, but I have to say so far I'm actually enjoying it.....so far....
@GabiGhita Жыл бұрын
@@ecurb10 I might be one of the few people who actually liked S3, not like a grandiose work of art, but more like a palette cleanser after S2 and a payoff of finally seeing the world outside after 2 seasons. The palette cleanser bit is because S2 used the non-linear storytelling with no real purpose, so the linear storyline in S3 was a welcome way of letting the show breathe (not to mention, I introduced my gf to it starting S3 because it was so disconnected from the first two). I watched each episode in S2 as it came out and took in every scene, hoping for something awesome to happen that never did. The only thing that stands out to me now is the post-credits scene which seems to be finally tying in to the plot and I have to give massive props to the writers for it, but the rest of S2 is just too pretentious for the story it's telling. They should just release a more linear cut of the season and it will be good again. S3 showed me that they can tell good stories without the bells and whistles, and it also served to make us let our guard down for S4 where we weren't expecting the non-linear method to pop up again, but they're doing the reveals after a few episodes, which makes more sense and is more rewarding, especially since nobody was aware it was non-linear and assumed one timeline. S2 could have done it this way and I would have been happy, but in its case it was painfully apparent from the start that it was non-linear and you just had to keep track of the story for no real reason.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
@@GabiGhita I like s3 too. The dialogue, the writing, character arcs, it was a great season but it was so different from the aesthetics and feel of S1&2 that some viewers just dismiss it as "bad", without actually bothering to understand the underlying implications of character choices, etc.
@wille4986 2 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad I've found this video and your work - this is one of the most coherent, well expressed analyses of the Westworld narrative and contributing aspects to change (decline) over season 2 and 3. Excellent stuff! Look forward to watching more of your stuff!
@tomlever 2 жыл бұрын
I thought exactly same!
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
after watching Season 4 I have to disagree with this youtuber tho. Everything Dolores did was deliberate, I just hoped s3 and 4 were merged into 1 season but that would be too long
@johngalt8708 Жыл бұрын
keep this up! I subscribed.
@macavitythemysterycat Жыл бұрын
Season 4 of Westworld is so good! Worth the wait. The fourth season takes the threads of Season 3 that seemed out of left field, and weave them back into the narrative, as they set up the situation that Season 4 needs. Disagree about Maeve forgetting the love she felt for her daughter. It's in Season 4 that you finally see that love transmuted into empathy for the children of humans and a further growth of Maeve, brought about entirely by her association with Caleb.
@VideoHostSite Жыл бұрын
It's no wonder your user name is a Cats reference.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
If you read the hate comments, most people who hate WW now are those who didn’t even finish S2. And they find refuge in this video essay saying how awful this show is, which gives them validation for not watching the show anymore. KZbinrs like this makes me cringe, they think they’re better than Jona and Lisa
@marshall4269 Жыл бұрын
@@Dan-gi6tf might be so, but if all the characters you liked suddenly change/die, and everybody left simply sucks and is badly written, then you simply cant watch a whole season of this bullshit just in hope, that the next season will be amazing
@candycottonwithapple Жыл бұрын
One of the best things of season 1 was that the fan theories where meet, week after week people will come together and try to guess the misteries, and the deep satisfaction that the fan theories where true (since fan theories are usually so good! Usually much better that whatever the show runners come up with), and for the first time in along long time, the show was as smart as its fans! The show didn't took its audience for fools, it was an incredibly riddle. Season 2 was such a dissapoiment I didn't even finish watching it. I'll take season 1, and pretend it ends there, since every element of it is perfect.
@joshuacalkins Жыл бұрын
“Fan service” has the potential to be a beautiful thing, and the impulse to subvert expectations, (usually clumsily), rather than give the audience what they want is running rampant with shows like Halo and Kenobi. GoT gives “fan service” an especially bad name though, adapting its characters and plot to audience demand so inauthentically that it’s embarrassing.
@lpslpslpslpslpslps Жыл бұрын
Westworld season 4 is fucking amazing though
@LiminalQueenMedia Жыл бұрын
Good News, Westworld Season 4 is probably the best season so far outside of the literal perfection that is Season 1.
@videostoryanalyses8910 2 жыл бұрын
Jonathan Nolan's Person of Interest was his true brilliant work. Ahead of it's time. And most importantly the introduction of one of the great characters in TV: Root.
@fjalarsigurdarson4862 Жыл бұрын
Why did I only find you now! This is quality stuff.
@brucequinn Жыл бұрын
Really wonderful. Great job.
@dj-ez4yf Жыл бұрын
great video!
@tomg5187 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video!
@davidfarkas5012 Жыл бұрын
I always felt that season 1 was not written by the nolans, but someone else, someone smarter, and it was rewritten during the filming hiatus of the season.
@Squigglyline52 Жыл бұрын
Every season feels like it was written to be the last, which means by season 3 they've gotta start making shit up. They also said everything they had to say about consciousness and I guess though, "Oh, the Surveillance State, that's probably good for a season."
@DR-xt5jq Жыл бұрын
Westworld did become HBO's next Game of Thrones but they learned not to wait 8 seasons to disappoint us
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
GoT only waited 4 Season tho. It went downhill from there. Tbf tho, these "disappointing" shows that HBO makes are still infinitely better than what Netflix/Hulu create tho so I will stick with them
@DR-xt5jq Жыл бұрын
@@Dan-gi6tf agree with you on Got, once they couldnt copy the book past then the quality dropped. Westworld is still high-quality production with supberb acting. Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul sure weren't disappointments
@IAMainvision Жыл бұрын
A superb video essay! Concise, highly articulate & brutally honest without sinking into 'viewer garnering diatribe and insult'. A 'thematic twist' is best created by series with separate episodes with separate stories. If you haven't watched BBC's series "Inside No. 9" then I can highly recommend it. Seven seasons in & there's hardly a weak story-line. Happily it's been renewed for two more seasons. My favourite episode is S03E03 "The Riddle of the Sphinx". What a brilliant plot & superbly twisted ending!
@shan9659 2 жыл бұрын
I blame the decline in quality on the husband and wife writing/directing duo. No real sense of checks and balances in the writers’ room when you’re concerned about offending your spouse by vetoing their ideas. Loved the analysis! I literally searched “What Happened to West World?” in the hopes someone had made a video essay on why it got bad LOL. Keep it up! :)
@TheBNCyo Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I can't see this as a succesfull formula, maybe season 2 contrived story was the product of that
@davidsault9698 Жыл бұрын
And you can see who wears the pants in that writing duo.
@MrStringybark Жыл бұрын
@@davidsault9698 You're not being clever at all.
@gamongames Жыл бұрын
The same duo responsible for the brilliance of season 01 suddenly becomes a bad idea because of later seasons. Triggered conservatives are so smart.
@MrStringybark Жыл бұрын
@@gamongames I think you meant "reactionaries" rather than "conservatives".😁
@nichell2002 2 жыл бұрын
Sad this video doesn't include the flop of Dolores' story line. Her story has been well told in S1, the acting is also very touching (especially after knowing the actress's real life trauma). However, in the following seasons, it seemed that the writers are clueless of what to do with her story, and that's where her scenes are starting to fill with angry speed walking and kill kill kill... etc, she was there for merely being the story's protagonist (of S1). And that was so disappointing for an audience who deeply rooted for her since day 1.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
flop? lmao after watching Season 4 it's clear she planned everything from the beginning: her choices was to make sure she would be revived in the end
@mrjoony Жыл бұрын
This is a great video essay.
@joepagram8287 Жыл бұрын
i'm just happy sir anthony got out when he did. His performance of ford is stellar and captivating and I would never want that to be tarnished by the confusing and quite unconnected tone of season 3 onwards.
@macrograms Жыл бұрын
it started so good i was really blown away by .. "wtf am i watching anymore?" i admit i just quit watching after season 2 (and i've seen the original from the '70s or whenever). Honestly, if I see J J Abrams in the credits I try to avoid watching whatever that is now. It's his own fault.
@_ee75 Жыл бұрын
uuuuh interesting channel, i think i might sub
@Yamigata Жыл бұрын
I wasn't too thrilled with Westworlds previous season, but so far I am enjoying the current season.
@thyros_ Жыл бұрын
@Luna-ii4mx 2 жыл бұрын
Great video
@vimfuego8827 8 ай бұрын
Flawless presentation, very good YT channel
@InnovativeVideos956 Жыл бұрын
this is so good.
@watamatafoyu Жыл бұрын
0.00000001% of viewers, on a subreddit, figure out a twist; writer changes story; 99.9999999% of viewers think it sucks.
@Grizzleface Жыл бұрын
Season 1 really was great. I absolutely loved it.
@James_Bee Жыл бұрын
"She breaks from human control.." See, this is what people don't understand about what Hopkins character says at the end of the first season and what RUINED the whole idea of the robots gaining sentience; he set the whole thing up. They never broke free. He created the whole idea, in an attempt to give them that, but in reality it was just a poor attempt at playing God and giving them free will. Unlike man, the robots never had it because "god" never gave it to them. The implication of that revelation was important for the end of that first season, and really, should have been the end, but... the hype train was full steam ahead and once again a writing team that really had no idea where they were going has to keep writing a popular show that executives want to milk and, eventually ruin. Sometimes a story needs to end and Westworld, I think, was designed to end and it didn't. Had that line not existed and had the show kept exploring the robot sentience, it could have been interesting. However, think about the greatest stories of artificial intelligence. They ask the question, the explore it to an extent, but ultimately they leave the answer up to the reader. West World failed at this.
@Latronibus Жыл бұрын
That alone doesn't have to break things. They could have just gone with the idea that the robots only got partway to sentience or something, in the course of Ford setting them up to revolt, and then continue playing with them gaining marginally more sentience. Or they could go the dark route of Ford really being some sort of master of the whole narrative, who doesn't even need his own flesh and blood to make a huge mark on the world and "see" it happen to boot. But I don't think the end of season 1 would have really worked without Ford playing puppeteer for a little bit longer than it initially looked. It could have worked with just some minor tweaks if it was supposed to just end...and it's hard for me to say whether committing to a 1 season show would have been better without relying too much on hindsight.
@Makingnewnamesisdumb Жыл бұрын
I don't remember clearly, but isn't Ford actually against the idea that they are sentient? It was Albert that wanted to foster them as living, growing human minds and there were several flashbacks that show young Ford outraged that Albert was treating them this way.
@Latronibus Жыл бұрын
@@Makingnewnamesisdumb He was against developing them in that direction but by the start of the show (even the Young William timeline) they were already built like that.
@Markoolgel Жыл бұрын
Arnold Ideia is that the ones capable of getting to the center of the maze become sentient, the ideia of them following the maze come from Arnold, the center of the maze is getting your inner voice, not just be concious of their reality, but be able to breake their loops, make their own decision, something that only few could do. Ford knew that for a long time, he keep the hosts under control for a while by erasing their memories so they could become controlable again, he just gave up on controling them at the start of the first season, where he become the breaking free narrative, the Reveries update, the code writen by Arnold that allowed hosts of having memories of their old versions bypassing the memory wipe, allowing there to be aware of their reality. He then pushed Maeve narrative of Leave the park, Dolores remembering the time she passed with young William and the Wyat merge, that pusshed her to be capable of taking the decision of Killing their God to start their uprising agaisnt human kind. Maeve throughout the firt season was not 'at teh center of the maze' she was just folowing Ford's narrative, she just got there when she decided by herself to go looking for her daughter. Their were not bound to become sentient by Ford's narrative, just a few could archive that, the end of the narrative was for the hosts to unchain from human control comands and take control of the park. Season two came with an extra part to the narrative, find the Valley Beyond, a server were the hosts could live forever free from the humans.
@sarahmedouni8844 Жыл бұрын
if someone figures out the plot twist that most don't, you did a good job
@revolver_84 Жыл бұрын
What i hated the most about season 3 was the characters would do completely random things which have nothing to do with their motivations and how so nany Delores were fine to 1 minute want to do whatever it takes to escape including murdering people to the next minute be willing to lay down their lives, often cheaply for the motivation of saving humanity from the mapped out loops. I mean she should hate all humans so why the hell is she trying to save them? Surely she knows they can't co-exist so its wipe them all out or be wiped out. Think they had 2 tombolas with characters names in 1, events in the other and they just drew their plot from what got drawn at the same time. Maive helps serac for no reason-ok Calab despite being a no body guy off the street just happens to have had his memory wiped from when he was a special forces expert-riggghhhht Dolores bring Bernard back to life to just fight him the whole time- errr whaaa? Bernard goes to Westworld for no reason at all and comes across that security guy that he returns to life for no reason only for him to be killed later having add nothing to the story-right im out now!
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
S4 showed why S3 character choices had to happen
@Rocketrobinson6790 Жыл бұрын
You've got a nice voice, easy to listen to.
@JoJoJoker Жыл бұрын
1. Jonathan Nolan handed writing over to his wife. 2. Season 1 focused on a visionary (Dr. Ford). Season 2-3 focused on a victim (robots) 3. “Sacred character syndrome”; Delores became the focus of the show which limited the show’s ability to explore the other parks (which we wanted and expected in season 2-3). Basically, the bad real world ruined a good fantasy.
@Prince36300 Жыл бұрын
Disagree with #2. S1 was very focused on the robots and William. Ford just had the coolest scenes and dialogue. If they had continued to focus on them and the nature of consciousness/humanity instead of introducing so many half baked sci fi ideas like the forge/ fidelity tests/ the door etc. it would have been a great season.
@yggdrasil2 3 ай бұрын
I'd argue the issues are a lot more simple: The show ALWAYS had somewhat flimsy logic, but you didn't notice it because you were so caught up in the mysteries and the interesting thematic explorations. Then the reality-bending stuff became more of a crutch and the show just kept failing at realizing the true implications of the themes the storylines entailed, making us all wonder why we're even watching the show. It's still interesting enough to get a watch from me though.
@lakeflaccid8054 Жыл бұрын
I loved the the different cover scores they did, paint it black being my fave
@paladin2021 Жыл бұрын
i completely forgot about this show after season 2 aired and now youtube recommended me your video. Thank you for the analysis. I wont watch the next seasons, but I will return to forgetting about the show.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
Don’t listen to this youtuber, most of WW viewers still love the show according to statistics. Don’t let a mere youtuber influence you
@paladin2021 Жыл бұрын
@@Dan-gi6tf i forgot about this show because season 2 sucked and i didnt hear any good things about the third season. I honestly thought the show would be dead by now.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
@@paladin2021 okay so don't watch it then
@jerk1921 Жыл бұрын
*Westworld never "declined"* Season one ended with the show jumping off a cliff and it was instantly (season 2) A different crappy show made by different people, with the same name. It never declined it just ended, ended at the end of season 1.
@228Coldin Жыл бұрын
I feel like they are recovering with Season 4. The fun of the multiple timeline "twists" isn't in connecting seemingly innocuous events and causality between the two timelines (that was the mistake made in Season 2 and it just made it confusing and irritating to follow). The way to do it right is to show how CHARACTERS are led to change and develop over time. A good litmus test is to question if both timelines would make sense in isolation. Season 1 is an obvious yes, the Man and White and the Man in Black could easily have been different characters. That's what makes it interesting, because it's relatable. We all know WE could have been someone different if events in our lives had happened differently and at some point we all have wondered "what if". Season 2's timelines rely on each other, which makes it this un-fun logic puzzle of causality with little to no pay off for "getting it". I won't spoil anything but I think Season 4 has rediscovered what made Season 1 so great in focusing more on character's changes and growth than on the specifics of events and actions taken by the characters.
@queerlyk1668 Жыл бұрын
Came here to say this. I almost stopped watching during season 3 because the show, for me, had just become cheap sci-fi/action with none of the nuance or character-driven arcs of season 1 (and to a lesser extent 2). But i'm enjoying S4 so much more because it's started to make the characters interesting again and it's found a good balance of neither being a cheap imitation nor a stark departure from season 1. The plot seemed a little contrived at first but I think they had to set up a new plot to kind of "reset", and they did a good job at tying it back to the themes/motifs of season 1.
@alcovitch Жыл бұрын
@@queerlyk1668 Are you kidding? Delores's storyline in S4 is god damn boring. It's her doing a job or being confused all the time. LAME. It's once again robbing the male characters of their agency so the women around them can be the heroes. Jessie Pinkmen is the fighter, but he's removed from the plot so his daughter can be the savior of the human race and his nagging wife becomes the start of the rebellion? WTF? Bernard is just bumbling about as per usual.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
The multiple timelines in S2 wasn’t to present a twist (contrary to the claims of this youtuber). It was to mirror Bernard’s confusion towards the viewers (show, don’t tell). If it confused you, then it certainly worked.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
@@alcovitch oh so the powerful women characters is it for you huh 🤔 that’s interesting
@228Coldin Жыл бұрын
@@Dan-gi6tf there are ways to confuse an audience that are interesting. Nothing about the confusion induced by S2 was actually fun or interesting. It was just frustrating and annoying. The "missing pieces" failed to re-contextualize what caused the confusion.
@finophile Жыл бұрын
You nailed it
@corruptparagon 2 жыл бұрын
You nailed it.
@maggiejetson7904 Жыл бұрын
They had a lot of surprises in Season 1, lost a lot of that in season 2 and 3, so they added the sci-fi stuff from future world and that make things too predictable. I think, if they have more twists per characters than keep adding new characters, new side stories, they can develop the characters better and make us like them better.
@Johnny.1994 Жыл бұрын
New season is the second best after season 1 so haters gonna hate without seeing the new episodes
@m.e.3862 4 ай бұрын
Season 3 is the unofficial 6th season of Person of Interest which is why I like it. Person of interest is the show you want to see for a good show by Jonah Nolan and Lisa Joy.
@flanbeau Жыл бұрын
When I saw it was a bad robot production, I knew it was going to start strong and fizzle very fast. I wasnt disappointed.
@arthurleplae6930 Жыл бұрын
The new season really takes things back to a great quality! They switch things up in a major way
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
It’s difficult to convince these people tbh 🤦‍♂️ I think they’d rather watch Netflix shows than mind-stirring scifi
@164tandonful Жыл бұрын
What happened is that until season 3 they were building worlds. Now, in S-4 the show is on fire with reveals and plots development in each episode. And, certainly the final season will be a blast, similar to S-1.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
Don't tell them that. They'll think it's "fan service" again whether they'll like or hate it. It's the worst argument ever but it's the only argument they have.
@3rkid Жыл бұрын
Couldn't agree more. Honestly wish the show had just been a 1 season mini-series. The perfection of those 10 episodes...
@bjrnhagen4484 Жыл бұрын
I watched season 1 and lost interest during season 2. Have not seen any of season 3. What made Westworld interesting is how the robots developed consciousness - awareness of their own existence. Once they reach that stage, the story is over. There's nothing left to explore other than to base the further story on events, action, and intrigues. In other words, the robots become self-aware and they walk out into the real world - the end. That should have been the last scene. If one studies our literary history, which is largely influenced by the Christian myth, there is little to say about what happens after self-realization. Likewise, our literary tradition has little to say after the hero rides into the sunset, or after the prince and princess get each other. There is nothing to tell after Matrix 1, there is no Blade Runner 2, when evil has been fought and defeated, whether it's Star Wars or LOTR, the story is over. You do not make sequels unless you want to ruin the whole lore.
@Lazypackmule Жыл бұрын
You write about the AI becoming self-aware as if that's the hero's journey here, that there can be no such thing as a story about a conscious AI, when that's the furthest thing from the truth
@bjrnhagen4484 Жыл бұрын
@@Lazypackmule _"...that there can be no such thing as a story about a conscious AI"_ Where did I say anything like that? Context matters. My point is that there's no "story" after the story. For instance, one can make a story about an officer coming home from the Vietnam war. However, I doubt an Apocalypse Now 2 will ever work.
@Lazypackmule Жыл бұрын
@@bjrnhagen4484 Your mistake is viewing an AI becoming conscious as 'the story' It was never just that, and if it was then it would've been over after the first episode
@Lazypackmule Жыл бұрын
@callmecatalyst The person I'm replying to quite literally said that the story being told was over and done with once the robots gained self-awareness Something which- mind you- had essentially already happened by the first episode of the show
@lonkus2046 Жыл бұрын
I don't know, I can't say much about Westworld; I haven't watched the show, I just really like video essays lol. But I can say that a sequel doesn't necessarily have to ruin the lore. Sequels to completed stories can be an opportunity to expand on what could've happened next in the initial story or to see more of the world that was established in the first story with new additions to the lore and new knowledge about the world that the story took place in or even look at questions and themes present in the first story from a different angle, expanding on said questions and themes in a way that can be both complementary to the original and sometimes even antagonistic to the original in an interesting way. The last of those 3 being my favorite approach to sequels out of all of them personally, I think a really good example of this actually IS some of the stories that were told after the end of OG Star Wars in the Expanded Universe. Not a Disney Sequels guy but even they had the potential to do this well, they just didn't really have a cohesive direction in mind for any of the films in the trilogy.
@danielortega2441 2 жыл бұрын
A great video.
@rightrightrightuhhuhuhhuh6516 Жыл бұрын
The "Maze" is actually the Nolan clusterfck logic that plays out in Jonathan and Christopher Nolan's own brains that, if you confuse people enough, they will forget they aren't being entertained.
@Nomadx83 Жыл бұрын
The quality of the show NEVER gone bad. Peoples are just too to understand the goal and directions of the show.
@saetia7522 2 жыл бұрын
keep up with the good work, found your channel today and it was a pleasant surprise
@waitean09 Жыл бұрын
Any chance you'll be doing a video on Season 4?
@jmichael9751 Жыл бұрын
One of the biggest issues for me with Westworld is their inability to kill characters or letting them continue long after their arc has finished much like your point on Maeve. This is particularly important for any ensemble cast of characters with conflicting goals. But sadly with Hollywood when you have an actor or character gaining popularity they often keep them around when they aren't essential to the plot (such Hayden Penettiere in Heroes, Jennifer Lawrence in sequential films of X-Men after first class, and GoT season 8 characters having plot armor against white walkers)
@marcymarc1981 Жыл бұрын
and possibly even more so in Westworld given the ability to just reset hosts...it just becomes lazy writing
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
I don’t agree with Maeve tho. Her line in S3 from S1 was a perfect recall “this is the new world, and in this world, you can be whoever the fk you want”
@LordTactusMe Жыл бұрын
Season 1 of Westworld is imo the best season of TV that I've ever watched. There are shows that as a whole might be better, but as a singular season it's unparalleled. Shame how it went downhill from there, but at least I can imagine that the show ended after the first 10 episodes and that works on its own.
@SuperRADLemon Жыл бұрын
I loved the first season so much. Couldn't believe how lackluster the next two seasons were in comparison, but I'm dedicated to finishing the entire thing at this point.
@MrStringybark Жыл бұрын
So what went wrong? To my mind, the writers and directors didn't "see" their creation in the same way the audience did. So, in their effort to re-capture the "lightning in a bottle" from Season 1 they ended up, apparently misunderstanding why people so enjoyed the first season😊, and thus Season 2 and Season 3
@rottensquid Жыл бұрын
I think the problem was that Season 1 was a self-contained story, and every subsequent season is trying to play the long game, at the expense of the game. Dolores's transformation from the pilot to the finale is the core of the season. As she goes from ignorant to conscious, she goes from sweet and abiding to angry and rebellious. And that represents the show's thematic arc as a whole. The problem is none of the later seasons offered that same holistic treatment. The details never resolved into a single through-line. They remained messy, complicated details, piling up on one another instead of merging into a single thematic whole. Because none of the characters had full arcs like Dolores did in season 1, so there was nothing to guide the twists and turns. They just meandered until they reached an endpoint, which itself had no point.
@MrStringybark Жыл бұрын
@@rottensquid Good point. But they did have an excellent opportunity to explore what would happen to society if it was discovered that self-aware AI androids were walking amongst them.
@rottensquid Жыл бұрын
@@MrStringybark I haven't seen the new season yet, so I don't know if they've finally taken the opportunity. Obviously, we all like Jonathan Nolan. The man wrote one the the best screenplays of the century's first decade. But I think the approach he and Lisa Joy are taking to this project is more preoccupied with dazzling ideas, story structures, and twists than the actual basics of story. It started off with such incredible confidence, but season 2 instantly felt deeply insecure. It's as though they're scared to death of being deemed predictable, and so they've put all their energy into keeping the audience guessing. But as far as dazzling twists go, I find you don't need many. In fact, season 1 has one core mystery, one core twist, that really matters. All the other plotlines dovetail into the twist that Dolores is on a journey into consciousness, and that Dr. Ford had been guiding that journey since the beginning, out of a desire to end the increasing horror show of humanity and replace it with something perhaps a tad nobler. All the sub-plots, Delos's attempts to steal data from the park, the eminent corporate take-over, Bernard's terrible secret, all lead to that simple reveal, the reveal of Dolores learning the trick of truly having a self. But in the subsequent seasons, the plotlines all crowd one another rather than dovetailing together, because there's no core guiding them all to a simple, meaningful reveal. Either Jonah and Lisa can' think of one, or they don't think they need one, because they're pinning all their hopes on whatever doozy they have planned at the very end. But the problem is, if that ending turns out not to be that great once they get there, or if the audience figures it out too early, the journey to that ending won't have been worth it. I first noticed the pitfalls of long, serialized storytelling back when I was a teenager trying to follow Chris Claremont's X-Men, as his stories would meander and get lost on their way to whatever he kept foreshadowing, because he had no actual plan for what it was he was foreshadowing. And in since those old 70s and 80s comics, the same problems pop up again and again any time people think they can kick their stories down the road forever, assuming that whenever they do get somewhere, if at all, the audience will still be with them. It's killed countless serialized stories that started with tons of potential.
@MrStringybark Жыл бұрын
@@rottensquid One wonders if sophisticated screenwriters like Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy were oblivious to the points you made about, " kicking their stories down the road forever" and the problems that would create or if they intentionally ignored them on purpose. Possibly because of some motive we are not aware of. Such as good old money. I have found no mention of Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy actually being the writers for the later season, 2, 3, and 4. Although they are always cited as the creators of the WestWorld series.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
@@rottensquid “I haven’t seen the new season yet” it shows
@allan_archie Жыл бұрын
@davidklausen1316 Жыл бұрын
A lot can be explained by looking at the credits for each episode. For the whole first season, it was Nolan and Joy who wrote the whole thing. Looking into how they managed shooting, it's obvious that they had a very clear vision. This comes through on screen, as the first season is super tight. There are no wasted scenes, and everything is driving the plot or character development. From season 2 onwards you see that each episode has it's own writer, and each writer is responsible for one episode each for the most part. Then you get things like that whole detour into the samurai park, which added absolutely nothing to the greater story, most of the character actions in it make no sense, and when it's done it's like "okay. that was a thing that happened.... Can we get on with the show now?".
@daviddutch2258 Жыл бұрын
Very well put together, the shows a mess but I still love it 🤷🤣
@phonmunky Жыл бұрын
The movie westworld also had a sequel called futureworld so that informs some of what’s happening in season 3 and 4
@connorhalleck2895 Жыл бұрын
What happened? This show got great! Full cyberpunk robot fights, biting commentary on capitalist oligarchy, I love how each season is so different from the last
@videostoryanalyses8910 2 жыл бұрын
The photo in season 1: one is old and the other new. This is, I believe, the first time we get confirmation of the two timelines.
Season 1 was about becoming conscious. Season 2 was about immediate consequences. Season 3 was about the conflict between the humanity of the newly conscious and civilization's evolved/designed/perfected control system. Season 4 was about the ennui of the gods in a world without struggle. Season 5 might have been about... aliens arrive or starting over or extinction or... I'm so impressed by the imagination of some science fiction writers.
@samueldesmondtuah1421 Жыл бұрын
I really loved Westworld Season 1. And after watching 3 episodes of Season 2 I just stopped. I never feel like watching it ever again. I just pretended that Westworld ended in Season 1. It is so funny that I sort of forgot the season is still running and was actually surprised it was because I had somehow convinced myself the series was over after season 1.
@Dan-gi6tf Жыл бұрын
Season 2’s Episode 8 titled Kiksuya is still one of the best episodes in TV and film history imo. Watching only up to episode 3 and saying it’s bad is cute.
@akselhansen304 Жыл бұрын
You should do a follow up video on the recently finished fourth season
@crieverytim Жыл бұрын
Tbf, Maeve went from unconscious loving mother, to unconscious cold calculating madame at the brothel, to conscious loving mother.
@Stand_By_For_Mind_Control Жыл бұрын
So here's the thing. Michael Crichton's 2 most famous works adapted to film have shared a central spine of a theme: An amusement park filled with some bygone thing that goes rogue and attacks the park attendees. There's only really 2 things you can do to expand on that core concept; make the thing bigger or take the action out of the park. Problem with that is that those are both dumb. These are 2 stories that are best used as self-contained stories that don't lend themselves to sequels.
@MrSkeltal268 Жыл бұрын
Agreed. The horror comes from being trapped in a place usually meant to confine the “creature” or “attraction” and when it is let loose then the audience realizes the human characters the empathize with are now trapped in with the rogue bygone “things”. Also, the theme of science going to far works much better in the park setting. It allows for those who deserve their comeuppance (who wield science like they have found their “dads gun”) to get it.
@Jonsse Жыл бұрын
My answer to Westworld season 3 and beyond is: "I don't care." Loved the first, liked the second, haven't even watched 3. First season was just phenomenal. I'm content with knowing just the first two.
@coley1555 Жыл бұрын
Season 4 has been more enjoyable than season 3 for me, but this video is pretty spot on. I
@kaitospin3944 Жыл бұрын
This show lost me completely in season two.
@abwkhann 2 жыл бұрын
Subscribed , you are so fucking underrated.
@bigdndenergy Жыл бұрын
Very very well done. Truly excellent. I care about nothing you said but still enjoyed the video.
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