I have also raised a blind duck. It wasn't as hard as I anticipated. I named him Ciego, which is Spanish for "blind". I had to keep him in a small enclosure for protection. Another duck who injured her leg, and could not walk easily, became his partner. They enjoyed being together, and this improved their quality of life.
@reeree66822 жыл бұрын
My final thought at the end of the video was "He needs a friend!". You too, have a kind heart.
@moongypsyguerrero19252 жыл бұрын
That's sweet 🦆
@bunny96802 жыл бұрын
awe, that's wonderful!
@joanmjames24952 жыл бұрын
Thank you for helping the ducks! This is how we change the 🌎. ❤
@henridurner38122 жыл бұрын
So beautiful story, we are raising and helping blind cats, now we have one which we keep for us, she is so lovely, we can’t give her to other family ❤❤❤❤
@johnmac39312 жыл бұрын
My wife cried watching this. Shes been a bird rescuer for 45 years. She always wanted a small farm to have a sanctuary for disabled and sick animals like you. Unfortunately destiny for that dream never happened.. she said THANK YOU for helping all the animals you do. God Bless you
@pressstart8738 Жыл бұрын
Hope your wife make it! ❤
@abbyr654 Жыл бұрын
How can we help her do this?!?!
@Desperate4Freedom.6 ай бұрын
Change wife my boy
@kcnsky2 жыл бұрын
Seeing the duckling’s eyes made me cry. Thank you so much for showing love and caring for these sweet creatures. I am proud to be a supporter of one of the kindest humans I’ve ever witnessed. Much love and health to you and all the animals in your care. Thank you
@reeree66822 жыл бұрын
@renb61332 жыл бұрын
Agree 100% This man is so kind, he’s almost too pure for this world. We must protect him at all costs. He’s one in a million! 💕
@greaterglider2 жыл бұрын
@emilyinsco2 жыл бұрын
Well, thers more people who rescue dogs cats and other poor souls, so this KZbin channel is not the only one wich is kind:D
@chickensquailandbirds56502 жыл бұрын
@@emilyinsco That is the issue, people only care about dogs and cats.
@barakolshe41162 жыл бұрын
You’re awesome dude may god bless you
@elisabeth52852 жыл бұрын
I cried at the sight of this poor duckling. Thank God you were there. He would surely have died without your care, attention and love. Thank you for the life you gave this duckling. 🙏❤️
@pietervandenoever98322 жыл бұрын
so did i
@danjordan19792 жыл бұрын
Me too! I love/hate his videos as they always make me cry! He's the epitome of kindness. 🥹❤️
@jon8xty12 жыл бұрын
I cried as well. He is wonderful and sweet man.
@humairamushtaq44622 жыл бұрын
@@danjordan1979 why do you hate them?
@papillondogs42972 жыл бұрын
He needs money more than prayers - send him some? :)
@annehislop24492 жыл бұрын
He's such a handsome boy and knows he's loved. Thank-you.
@gkalenaki2 жыл бұрын
The fact that there's somewhere in the world a blind duckling that has made it to adulthood and is aware that it's in a safe place, well fed and loved, is making my heart a bit warmer and the hope that good people still exist and provide their love and help to their surroundings to rekindle 😊 Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do about these animals 💕
@bearvillebear14682 жыл бұрын
Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the evil in this world, God is full of justice, mercy and love. Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die" - if we break one in thought/word/deed it's as if we're guilty of all of them. Quite simply, living by the law (which is doing everything perfectly) is impossible for sinful humans . The law shows us that 1. We will die in Hell if we fail to follow it and 2. We cannot save ourselves BUT, 3. God's perfect, immovable law points us to Christ, who followed and fulfilled the law in thought, word and deed perfectly in our place. He did what we couldn't and did it on our behalf. He was then sentenced to death on a cross, and took our personal punishment for our sin, paying our penalty (like paying our fine) completely FOR us, and has given us freedom. If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us into His image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life. We cannot purify ourselves, but Christ lived that perfect sinless, pure life and then allotted it to our "account". That's where our righteousness comes from. Not from any good, works that you or I could do. It is not based on the amount of good works we do. God starts the changes, He carries it on, and He completes it in those who let Him. It's about letting Christ in to guide and teach you and obeying Him, again, through His power and instruction). He is our substitute in His life, death and resurrection. He essentially rewrote history in our place so that, if you believe in Him, it will be as if YOU had never sinned if you accept Christ's death as our own in our place. He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, forgiveness, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it. He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. Hes giving EVERYONE a chance, He wants everyone to take the free gift of salvation from Hell. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through His power and abiding (staying) with Him. So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to follow His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and let Him lead in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the ultimate victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, pray for Jesus to come in and He will do what we can't. Give us The Holy Spirit who will guide us in the right way. NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER If you have any questions let me know
@gkalenaki2 жыл бұрын
What I dislike of people most is that they take advantage of random comments in order to ask their proselytism. Nope, I am an Orthodox Christian but still I want to accept and respect every religion. So I will report every single one of you who disrespects others and is trying to lure them in "the best religion ever". Heck you and your cults that dare to be putting themselves under the holy name of Jesus Christ.
@PBRRoughStockRanch2 жыл бұрын
Well said! 🐾❤️
@bertjesklotepino2 жыл бұрын
@@bearvillebear1468 i do have questions, but i think you might feel offended quite a bit. Plus i do not think this is the right channel to go into detail about these questions i have.
@bertjesklotepino2 жыл бұрын
@@bearvillebear1468 @BearvilleBear 14 i am going to ask you 1 simple question which i want you to answer truthfully on your own, by thinking about it. (sorry, i read back the first 2 lines, and yes i admit, this aint 1 question. This is a book. Sorry for that. But keep in mind: this is not meant to offend you. Just to make you think for yourself a bit more) This is just 1 question which i have, but which should be enough to show my opinion on this matter: Can you tell me the exact definition of Obeying? You say: It's about letting Christ in to guide and teach you. And that is fine, i do not mind. BUT you continu saying that i also should obey him. Which to me means: to act according to what you have been asked or ordered to do by someone in authority, or to behave according to a rule, law, or instruction. But, was i not created in the image of the Almighty? Am i not the same? Why then should i obey someone who is the same as me? Btw, you say that the Law shows us that 1: you will die in Hell etc etc. But if i would ever go to Hell, which i hope i will never have to, but if i go to Hell, then i already died, right? Or are you speaking of Earth today? Because this world we live in today can be seen as a Hell. And yes, if i die in this Hell, then you may have a point. But to die in Hell would be a good thing, right? Hell will be over after that, right? Just imagine this; Just imagine that it is all true, the Bible and such. God indeed created everything in a week, roughly. I do not mind imagining this. But then he has a rest period, the 7th day basically, right? And that is the day that people have chosen to go to church and complain. They carry a book with them, and they act as if they know what is written inside this book, and start complaining (praying). On the only day this Almighty Man has for to take a rest. And we demand him to Obey us, in our prayers. We say things like: Forgive us our sins as WE forgive. So this Almighty Spirit should obey what we tell him? I urge you to start thinking for yourself. The more people think for themselves, the less divided we will be. Think of a world where Christians have no worries about Muslims, or vice versa. Think of a world where we PEOPLE all have started to accept that we are all the same. NO MATTER what colour of skin or place of birth. We all breath the same air, we require the same basic needs. What we do not require is a fairy tale made up 1000's of years ago, simply to keep people divided. As long as we keep such fairy tales alive, people will excuse actions taken in the name of.
@oliviadavis36382 жыл бұрын
My friend has a blind chicken. She has also been blind since chickhood although they think she had an injury that caused the blindness. She has the whole coop memorized and has no problem finding her way around, and her favorite thing to do is eat so she's a chunky little girl :)
@coastalseasider46342 жыл бұрын
Dear humans like ACCA help *US* by their kindness as well as these precious animals. Thanks so much!
@momof4kids7352 жыл бұрын
I am sitting here crying like a baby at the struggles this little creature had from birth, and the compassion one person had for him. Thank you for your empathy and concern for a little animal that maybe another would never even consider committing to. It warms my heart when another cares for God’s creations, regardless of size ❤️
@mihaifloares25032 жыл бұрын
God created animals for us to use. Dogs and cats for protection and companion. Cows, Pigs, ducks, chickens to consume. Do you feed your kids with meat?
@momof4kids7352 жыл бұрын
@@mihaifloares2503 Proverbs 12:10 look it up. …..Genesis 1: 24-25 …It also says the breath of God is in all animals. I am not an overly pious person, but kindness is for everyone. smh
@mihaifloares25032 жыл бұрын
@@momof4kids735 I love animals, I wouldn't hurt an animal without reason, but I was raised by my grandparents in a rural zone. Slaughtering chickens for eating them was a normal practice. At first, my grandfather did this, when I was 15-16 years old, I had to slaugther 3 chickens myself. What can I say, it isn't a good feeling, but that happens with KFC wings. Also, in Bible we can see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob(Israel), all the way until Jesus sacrificing animals and burning their flesh for forgiveness, so they didn't even consume them, and then Jesus came and did the final sacrifice, the "perfect sacrifice", but that doesn't mean we can't eat meat. Jesus ate meat, Apostles ate meat, priests eat meat...
@momof4kids7352 жыл бұрын
@@mihaifloares2503 nowhere in my original statement did I allude to or comment directly against using animals for sustenance. Showing compassion to an otherwise defenseless and or vulnerable creature, for no personal gain except improving their quality of life, is what I was commending. It’s a personal sacrifice and commitment that otherwise may not be made by many individuals who believe in Darwinism, or just not wanting to be bothered by the responsibility of it. I am well aware of the ecological value of animals to human survival, but unsure as to why you even questioned it.
@mihaifloares25032 жыл бұрын
@@momof4kids735 I feel like the western society is too disconnected from the real world. The nature(whether you believe the evolutionary theory or the theory that God created it) is harsh. My grandfather(thanks God he is alive) is a villager that loves animals, but also knows how the life works. My grandma(she is alive too, thanks God) was also born in a rural village, but she is way too "mercyful". She cries when she sees an antelope killed by a lion on National Geographic(Yes we have national Geographic in eastern europe). I explained to her that she should feel the same mercy for the lion cubs that will starve to death if the antelope didn't die to feed them, but she doesn't want to hear. Thanks for clarifying your view, I misunderstood your intentions, have a nice day!(As I said in from eastern europe so excuse me for my english grammar mistakes, there are probable a lot)
@TopCatsFatDuck2 жыл бұрын
So much trouble and effort to help one little duck. I wish everyone cared for animals the way you do.
@mspears_bobobuddytheseniorcat2 жыл бұрын
He is so incredibly precious! I cried when he nearly drowned and so happy he’s doing better now!!!!
@australianwoman96962 жыл бұрын
Me too! I think the little duck couldn't see to settle for the night & panicking it landed in the water & grew too cold & weak to leave it? Who knows, but it's clear the smaller & safer enclosure is the best option for him. Isn't he so BEAUTIFUL? 😍
@justhearmeout39592 жыл бұрын
You're not just saving animals with these videos, you're helping all of us too ❤️
@fd5022 жыл бұрын
Absolutely before I watched these videos I thought that birds that hit windows were dead period. These videos taught me that sometimes they are in comas. I always give them a chance to recover now when I see them at work.
@terryhickman79292 жыл бұрын
SO true!
@missvegan26072 жыл бұрын
When you made him his own heaven (home) l cried,you are one big big angel 😇 God bless you ♥️
@FabGamer2 жыл бұрын
I love watching this channel whenever i feel low , it makes me realise that there are other lives too as important as our human lives and we too can live like these sweet animals , just a simple and peaceful life , no chaos , no messed up mind , just calm and going from one day to another simply n happily, living each moment....
@janetc39302 жыл бұрын
yes, this gentle,caring man soothes the soul.
@daniellepiergreen56422 жыл бұрын
That's what the LORD Jesus taught me and He gave my soul rest and peace.
@M7mdCC2 жыл бұрын
Hey , Your work is amazing ! Speachless how you are helping birds ! Thanks
@JG-ph3xg2 жыл бұрын
Beautiful content showing what humanity is supposed to be doing. Be a steward for all living creatures.
@DominionMovementDotOrg2 жыл бұрын
absolutely! i realized this and became a vegan then. it’s the very least we can do is not hurt them
@calmpeace97262 жыл бұрын
This man is an angel !
@jase1231112 жыл бұрын
Wow...seeing this video reminded me of a blind duck I had many many years ago. It would do the same as yours, walking around in circles looking for the food, and rocking backwards and forwards like it had bad balance. He got on just fine on our natural pond with 6 other ducks. He would follow them around by their sound...and he got left behind he would panic and make a fuss till they heard him and came back to see what the problem was. He lives a long and happy life.
@thewisceeeggg16242 жыл бұрын
Their helplessness is heart rending💔
@duckyO.o2 жыл бұрын
what a beautiful story, thank you for sharing and I hope you have an amazing week
@kinderleichtlerneneasypeas6885Ай бұрын
That' s amazing to learn that even this ducks have learned how to help their blind friend ❣
@Frenchmisto2 жыл бұрын
You are who this world needs now! Thanks so much
@Thescienceguy-a2 жыл бұрын
who else agrees that he is the best person to look up to when you're upset, not feeling the best, or overwhelmed? *he's* always so positive and comical, which always puts a smile on my face even if I'm not feeling the best :)) we love you Man ❤❤❤❤
@minusculeinsecte14532 жыл бұрын
@henridurner38122 жыл бұрын
So true I love this channel, my must to see, especially with kids, we are big fans the entire family. This guy is amazing. ❤❤❤❤❤
@mepmepimabee98662 жыл бұрын
This man is one of the great protectors of wholesomeness, I agree Edit, I’ll help!
@cj85272 жыл бұрын
This is exactly why I'm here right now
@mochaXX162 жыл бұрын
@acidickiddo202 жыл бұрын
This video made me cry. And sad 😔. I'm so glad the duck is doing fine. This soul made it through with your help and I have to thank you for that! Some of us still have a kind heart to help poor little souls.
@winniecash16542 жыл бұрын
I have a special needs almost blind hen. I nursed her back to health and now she weighs almost as much as the others. We have a special bond. I renamed her Bella as she is so beautiful. Thank you sir for caring for this beautiful little duck. 🧡
@e1woqf2 жыл бұрын
@tuyl654 Жыл бұрын
Keep up what you have done ❤️
@beatamroz15602 жыл бұрын
Cudowny, wspaniały, kochany z Pana człowiek dziękuję z całego serca🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏
@reeree66822 жыл бұрын
And mine, too!💖💕💖💕💖🙏
@cltier72572 жыл бұрын
Pobre patito 😢, gracias por ayudarlo eres un angel en la tierra .
@Emma_N2 жыл бұрын
@kalayne67132 жыл бұрын
I love ducklings and when I was younger, was lucky to live where I could have some. I always put a rock or brick in their pool, as my father who taught me to love all animals, knew how easy ducklings can drown if they have no stepping stone to get out of their pool.Many happy memories of ducklings at play, chasing flies, bobbing and grooming. I cry at Alwyn's videos too. His love of all life reminds me of my late Dad, who enjoyed and cared for animals right up to his death, at 99. Thanks for teaching me, Dad.Thanks Alwyn, too.
@DominionMovementDotOrg2 жыл бұрын
you’re very lucky to have been raised vegan. that is rare. and if not, you still have a foundation to do so.
@danjordan19792 жыл бұрын
I've been waiting for this video since you showed the preview. What a beautiful soul, and you're a beautiful human. I love seeing how they arrive in your care so distraught and pitiful, and become so happy and full of joy. You work miracles! I have rescued a bunny with bad infected eyesight, and she behaved similar to this blind duck. But with care and love, her eyes improved a lot, and she is now very healthy and happy, despite her disability. Your kindness and love always makes me cry! 🥹 What is his name? Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything that you do. ❤️
@shreyaghosh1305 Жыл бұрын
Forget the world, I wish I can be half as kind as you are. Thank you for all you do. :)
@4984christian2 жыл бұрын
Can you show us what your typical day is like? You care so much about every individual that its hard to imagine how you do this with so many animals at once :)
@DominionMovementDotOrg2 жыл бұрын
i think he must have connections to some vegan animal sanctuaries to transfer most of the animals once they’re brought back to health
@gnarbeljo89802 жыл бұрын
Check out his channel! Subscribe, you'll be amazed at everything he does!
@duckyO.o2 жыл бұрын
I'd love to his 'day in the life'
@pblw42762 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! 🧡🐾
@mudge04832 жыл бұрын
@lisamostert82462 жыл бұрын
Thank you so so much for your kindness. May ALMIGHTY GOD bless you. Zimbabwe 🇿🇼
@mfcabrini2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking such good care of this lovely duck. You are giving him the best quality of life he could have.
@ladymidna78812 жыл бұрын
I have never commented on youtube before. But when I saw this video today, it kind of encouraged me. Maybe there is someone in my life who will save me. Right now I feel like the duck that almost got drunk. I don't know why I had to write this, but I feel a little better now. Thank you for showing me that there are good people in the world.
@clutzwinstead2792 жыл бұрын
I'd be happy to speak with you
@anthonyhasler53972 жыл бұрын
Stay strong Midna 👍
@Lorraine24_2 жыл бұрын
There really still are good people in this world!
@jovialtrap85272 жыл бұрын
It can be really difficult to pick yourself up from a hard place, and I obviously know nothing about your situation, but your words reminded me of myself. I'd like to offer some words of encouragement/unsolicited advice. When I was a teenager, I was in a terrible place with my mental health. I liked to say I wasn't "actively suicidal", but the only reason I stayed alive is because I couldn't bring myself to hurt my loved ones by ending it. I found good friends, I found things I was passionate about, but nothing really helped. I still lived every day just going through the motions. I owe a lot to my friend, who dragged by sorry butt to therapy after I relapsed on some self destructive coping mechanisms for the umpteenth time. It took years of hard work to untangle all that psychological mess that had been causing me so much pain, and I still have work to do, but I'm in a much better place now. I find myself enjoying life, picking up new hobbies because I want to, I feel so much more like myself. I had never realized how far I had sunk into my mental illness until I started to really get better, but I am so very happy to still be alive, and that I get to experience this. I firmly believe my struggles made me a better person, I'm just so glad that I didn't decide to cut my life short. I know my story is probably much different than your own, but know this: there are people out there who can help you, you just need to find them. There is so much to be said for the benefits of professional psychiatric help when you are struggling. There are a lot of mental health resources out there available to people in all kinds of situations. Recovery is a slow, difficult process, and it will require a lot of effort, but life is worth living, and you will learn to enjoy life again. So please, don't give up on yourself. Sorry for the lengthy response, I do hope that at least some of my words resonated with you. I hope that you will find the help you need to get better, and I wish you the best. ♥️
@ladymidna78812 жыл бұрын
Thank you all for your kind words :)
@SClark77712 жыл бұрын
Poor little baby. He's lucky to have you as his human! God Bless you! 🙂
@PrismaticVelocity2 жыл бұрын
I absolutely adore ACCA. When I was little, I had an old KZbin account which I unfortunately lost. But I’ve always loved animals and wished to take care of many like you do. I found you on that old account and would watch your videos all if the time and I still do! You are such a genuine person, which I love because in every video you have, it’s as if you can see the kind, healing and chance giving energy from your hands. I hope you know how truly amazing you are. Save more lives one at a time :)
@fojtupetr Жыл бұрын
@ladyinred922 жыл бұрын
I’m not ashamed to say this brought me to tears . I did know though that with you this cute little duck would grow, and thrive despite the obstacles it faced . Thank you and bless you for all that you do to save and help these beautiful creatures ❤
@krnlg Жыл бұрын
This made me cry. What you're doing is amazing!
@TheeOwlQueen2 жыл бұрын
Thank you and thank God he made it, my eyes started leaking at the beginning when you said he was blind. The bond between you and this darling duck, nuzzling into one another pulls at the heartstrings so much. Watch the 2nd and 3rd chances you give to all of these beautiful creatures when no one else could or would is extraordinary. You are the most remarkable man on KZbin and most incredible human on this earth. You give us HOPE, you make us fall in love and make us want to be better humans and help save animals. Thank you ♥
@reeree66822 жыл бұрын
@ez8553 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being there.
@violetf.20252 жыл бұрын
If world and life is out of control - watching Alwyn 's videos heals my heart 💗
@mortalclown3812 Жыл бұрын
These are the memories I want to take to heaven...people being kind. And the ones who respond to kindness. It seems such vibes are contagious. Blessings.
@Krista28822 жыл бұрын
aww, i'm so glad you saved his life and took care of him. It was interesting to watch because blind cats and dogs can usually navigate around someone's house and can find their food bowl by scent. they eventually learn the layout of their house they live in and can avoid permanent objects, but it seems like ducks are much more helpless when they're blind. it was sad to see him literally walking around in circles trying to find his food.
@FioreCiliegia Жыл бұрын
Unfortunately ducks have a pretty terrible sense of smell and I don’t think they’re known for having amazing hearing
@FioreCiliegia Жыл бұрын
Not that duckweed makes a lot of noise in a bowl
@eeveeofalltrades4780 Жыл бұрын
Sight is ducks' main sense
@Vousie Жыл бұрын
@@FioreCiliegia Yup. Both cats and dogs have very good hearing and smell - sight is actually their weakest sense of the three, whereas ducks (and most other birds) are the opposite: Excellent sense of sight, okay sense of hearing and terrible sense of smell. So losing sight is a much bigger problem for them than it is for cats and dogs.
@janetc39302 жыл бұрын
Poor little fella would not have survived without the animal guardian. I believe he’s one of God’s special people to look after the needy animals. ❤️
@kaitlando6362 жыл бұрын
@Ratzmoonmopes2 жыл бұрын
Your beliefs are factually wrong.
@justusb.plorer87732 жыл бұрын
@@Ratzmoonmopes Shh, let them dream.
@meria20822 жыл бұрын
Can we pls be accepting of one another? They said this on a non christian video, but what they shared was still relevant enough to be a seperate thing from the people who spam bible passages in yt comment sections. They were only sharing a harmless and slightly relevant belief, so why is there a need to say its fake? Doing that is almost the same thing bible spammers do. If you don’t like something, but it doesn’t harm anyone at all, scroll away. Saying this as atheist
@Voidi-Void2 жыл бұрын
It is my belief that our actions are our own, and are not mandated by any deity. Whether the big guy is god or someone else, we are ourselves, and only ourselves. Make the world yours, and make it a better place for it, for nobody will do it for you.
@gmllatha64102 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being there for that special duck....👏🙏 Luv from India
@sylphofthewildwoods55182 жыл бұрын
Your kindness knows no bounds. Thank you, for always going the extra mile for all of those creatures in trusted to your care.
@priscillasalzberg5349 Жыл бұрын
How kind of you to be so compassionate to this disabled duck. May God reward you and your family for being so kind to the disabled.
@pandap4ntz2 жыл бұрын
Awww, he's a special, sweet duck! I would love to snuggle with him! Ducks are so cute, they have a special place in my heart. I've never had the chance to keep ducks, just chickens, but one day, when I have the land for it, I'd like to have ducks. Thanks for helping all these babies!
@aimeevandijk1482 Жыл бұрын
Bedankt voor de goede zorgen en hartverwarmende filmpjes
@DaffyTaffy932 жыл бұрын
This is why I love your channel you always show us how taking care of nature can feel so rewarding 😊
@gsmith95312 жыл бұрын
You have a big heart - thank you.
@fastgurrrl2 жыл бұрын
I think he was the most pitiful duckling I've ever seen. You've gone above and beyond and he looks wonderful. Hat tip sir...
@breadandcircus12 жыл бұрын
I am so glad to know this man exists in this world. People like him are only a few ones who incarnate compassion, humanity. Thank you for saving that precious duck's life. God bless your heart forever 💗
@122351176575985025862 жыл бұрын
@hectorskmetija30152 жыл бұрын
I was talking to a neighbour the other day, who said you can't truly love an animal in under a year!!! This little creature was loved on day one. As many humans know we can bond and love our lovely creatures at first sight 🥰
@Calcie_2 жыл бұрын
This guys love for birds never fails to impress me. He treats them like his own children, letting them be their own creatures, yet, improving their ways. ❤
@serpente3002 жыл бұрын
This man is really an angel in disguise 😇🥰🦆💞 this baby couldn't find anyone better to care for him
@dee-jae9989 Жыл бұрын
I’m glad you rescued the sweet duck again. The enclosure is perfect. Giving the sweet animal a good life.
@budgiestar3602 жыл бұрын
Gosh! Clearly after he'd almost drowned his chances were bleak, but with you to help him, the duckling recovered amazingly! Thank you for being the kind rescuer you are ❤
@zetateal64282 жыл бұрын
I cried watching this. Your gentleness is so touching. What the world would be like with more men like you!
@Sheworkshardforthemoney Жыл бұрын
Amen, amen amen!!!!
@margolenney60322 жыл бұрын
I can not stop crying. Please please don’t let this little darling out of your sight. Thank you
@SilverAscension9 ай бұрын
@patbowman67232 жыл бұрын
I suspected he was blind because I had a puppy that was blind. As long as they have another animal they will grow and play just like a sighted animal. Bless you, your so kind.
@K.P.20232 жыл бұрын
Very touching and so impressing, thank you!
@susanmcarthur91352 жыл бұрын
Oh my gosh....my favorite video on Utube right now.l saved for my friend to see who has some ducks she calls her children. Thank you so much for sharing this. We wish we were your neighbors.How kind you are to your little ones.Thank you for you.
@toffeeapple7783 Жыл бұрын
OMG, so upset at the thought this little blind duck was sick in any way, but got to wipe away the tears of sadness for tears of joy! I have no words that would do you justice except to say you are a beautiful, beautiful man and wish you luck and love.🐣🐓🦚🦉🦢💛🙏
@crystalDM962 жыл бұрын
I love the idea of giving him a little shallow private pond all to himself
@Everyoneisanartist7762 жыл бұрын
Taking care of animals is an joy. Watching their development and maintaining their safety is a rewarding feeling
@eekaspeeka57042 жыл бұрын
you're a disney princess I swear! that duck is so adorable I'm so happy that he's doing well
@rejmons18 ай бұрын
I love this! I'm a tough guy, but this movie moved me almost to tears. Because every real man has a great need to help those who are weak and defenseless. That's true masculinity I suppose. This can give you the greatest satisfaction!
@Loki_the_tiel2 жыл бұрын
The love and the patience Alwyn gives to each and every precious soul. Just awe inspiring. There is no favoritism, there is no discrimination, just humbleness and care for whatever the species or who comes across his path. Every life is worth his care, time and to be helped.
@lancenash11222 ай бұрын
Back in England in the 60's it was my job to mix the meal and feed the ducks before i went to school. We also had chickens, goats, pigs and some bulls, it was my fathers hobby. Growing up on a farm has such a wonderful foundation and basis to help humanity. I live on the small Island of Kauai in the Hawaiian Islands for many years, i'm 74yrs now, we have wild chickens and cats all over the island. I go into to town 3 times a week and take food and water for the cats and chickens, my heart won't allow me to let anyone or anything go hungry no matter what. i thankyou greatly for your huge caring heart. Blessings of Light, Artemaus.
@micklaws55202 жыл бұрын
This channel makes my day..no matter what. Kindness to the helpless and defenseless is as it should always be. I truly love what this man does and simple lesson he teaches.
@nucleobuenosaires21442 жыл бұрын
I have a 9 years old boy who loves your videos. He is so interested in your work, he begs me to join your channel... I think soon you will gain one new member, from Argentina and super young. Thanks for bringing so much beauty and love to this world. We love you.
@badif9572 жыл бұрын
Your channel is the most touching on the whole of KZbin. I love your compassion, your patience and your devotion to all these birds, squirrels and critters. You surely are a very special person with a heart of gold. A modern Franz of Assissi.
@lornacarlock57572 жыл бұрын
You are a good, kind man!! May God Bless!
@StarxZee2 жыл бұрын
Sir i really love your videos keep on doing this work and helping animals we will support you❤
@susanasalinas8797 Жыл бұрын
Such a sweet beautiful duck
@cindyivanoff72642 жыл бұрын
Ducks are smart,they even let puppies get on there backs.As he gets older he'll get adjusted.I think animals that are rescued and loved become closer to you,you could probably have raised him in the house I've seen that.Guess harder cause he can't see. Glad he has a good home.
@carolinekinney2364 Жыл бұрын
Not too many people take the time to care for small, helpless animals. It takes a huge heart and true love and compassion to do what this man does.
@mandydavidson66942 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being there to help these injured or needy animals. This is so heartwarming. 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
@thestones17108 ай бұрын
I can’t get over how pretty he is! You did an amazing job caring for him.
@christineyoung43492 жыл бұрын
This man is an angel for animals, i totally respect him very much ❤❤❤
@carolegreen99389 ай бұрын
I am a carer and one of my rescues was a small white duck that had been attacked by a fox and had lost an eye. She was fine for a few years and lived with my chickens, 2 geese and an assortment of other creatures. Then about 2 years ago she lost the sight in her good eye but has amazed me with her ability to get around. She listens to all the others in the yard and I make sure she has her food placed in front of her. Her name is Missy White.
@annl8500 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for being there for this special duck. Your so thoughtful and caring. When he seemed as he was on his own, I started crying about this wonderful duck thinking it was his last day. You're souls were meant to be together. You gave so much love and hugs to and made his life so much better.
@thelwell256 Жыл бұрын
What a kind and un selfish person you are. Bless your heart.❣
@katendeedward47562 жыл бұрын
I love your smile toward the birds. The Love alone makes them feel they are at home. In a special way allow me to thank you for saving this duck. This is so encouraging and comforting.
@ElenaDelucca2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for taking care of and love him...
@amandamcmurray71062 жыл бұрын
The tears are tripping me, the poor baby. Thank you for being you. You’re an angel on earth ❤️
@donaldduck64632 жыл бұрын
Got a clutch of lovebirds for rescue and one was particularly hard to hand rear and it turn out he was blind. Thankfully he is not underweight anymore and i have to say he does eat more than his sibling now.
@evama63482 жыл бұрын
I choked back tears when you rescued him, twice. Thank goodness you caught him in time and found a way to ensure he has happy and healthy life.
@jvahl87472 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your patience & kindness!!! My mother-in-law lived beside a fjord in Norway and she so loved the ducklings in the Springtime. She always took good care of them...all the birds, dogs & cats! She was such a true animal lover, with a heart of gold. I miss her every day and am so happy that there are others who look after all of God's creatures 🙏 (I have been blessed to rescue kitty after kitty that have come to me with health issues or hungry...and they have stayed 💞)
@snowgriff2 жыл бұрын
what a beautiful story! i almost cried seeing him in such a terrible state but i'm so glad he survived and all thanks to you now lives a happy live ❤
@cattu12 жыл бұрын
Made me tear up in a good way, lovely videos and amazing animals, thank you.
@joannewatts9892 Жыл бұрын
This is too sweet for words . You're one hell of a man , dude 🦆
@KristinaStacks12 жыл бұрын
thank you for finding out why he wasn’t growing and caring for him like you were his mom❗️plus one sub
@stacysalinas222 жыл бұрын
You are a good person. You are so wonderful with birds of all kinds. Thank you for the great video!
@yvonnepagan99126 ай бұрын
You are thanking us for our support! We cannot THANK YOU ENOUGH for your wonderful care and dedication for the welfare of these poor animals who YOU choose to save! You surely are an angel on earth! Thank YOU, for everything you do, and for sharing the love with us!