What I'm gonna do now that I LEFT UNIVERSITY?

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A lot of people asked me what I'm going to do now that I'm not at the UNI. In this video I answer this question telling you about my plan! =)
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@amberb3529 10 жыл бұрын
Just wanted to say I LOVE your KZbin channel. I'm Australian and a native English speaker. I also have a passion for languages and have commenced my first year at University taking Spanish. I also desperately hope to learn Russian in the future. I couldn't agree more with your perspective on university; it is easy when at university to slip into a mechanical lifestyle of drifting along to the instructions of a teacher, but like you I believe there is nothing more effective than being self driven and passionate, something which I too find most when I am responsible for my own learning and not actually at university. I think you are so brave for listening to your own self and following your instinct to leave university and pursue a self driven language learning strategy. Best of luck and keep inspiring us all!
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much!! Keep going and always keep faith, you can do what you want with your life =)
@jayemdaet 10 жыл бұрын
After watching most of your videos, I have the confidence again to go forward and learning more languages. I am a native English speaker that, a few years ago, attempted to learn German. I started with the books and listening to modern German music. I also love Italian songs/ballads and the Italian people so I wanted to learn Italian. The problem I had with German was that there are not many German speakers here where I live and lost interest. There is a population of Italians here and now I want to try to learn again. However, I have fallen in love with Romanian language (especially after watching you videos and others) and will be traveling there this Spring. My heart wants to learn it but my brain is telling me that I will have no one to speak it with. I will try your techniques to keep myself interested (video, radio, music, books, etc.) I hope you come to the U.S. I live in Southern California and we have all kinds of native speakers who live and visit here. I hope you will consider coming here.
@FernandoSaraivaRastaglot 10 жыл бұрын
You've got the power, dude... I wanted to be a doctor since I was a child, but then I found out the world was too big to be a doctor. I found my passion to languages and in a few days I'll start studying portuguese and german at the university. I totally agree with you, unfortunately here in Brazil things are not this easy, if I don't get my degree asap, I'll starve of something, and also I don't find here books that would help me, like language books in general. I totally suport you, you'll get amazing results in the future, congrats for the courage!!
@jazznr3 10 жыл бұрын
All the best on your journey! Here is a fitting quote by Ayn Rand: "Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists.. it is real.. it is possible.. it's yours."
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
LOOOOVE IT!! Thanks a lot!!!
@surrected4526 10 жыл бұрын
You’re great! I’m so happy for you :) Yes, “Don’t Give Up!"
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks a looooot! =D
@lilyfauzey59 10 жыл бұрын
i got depression when i was doing my second year of master degree by research and sick at the same time for almost 1 year something. i think am ok but actually fighting with depression is not as easy as switching the light on and off. you cant understand why you feel this way. so after a year am trying my best to finish my research, i think this is my limit. i cant rush things, its making me more uncomfortable and scared of being a failure. (i graduated top 3 in my batch). but, everyday i tell myself this, its ok, if you cant do it anymore, just be brave and face it. let go. life is much more than this.you only live once and now its time for you to find something that makes you happy not people around you. yes, you have to face RM100k debt probably more (i need to pay back my scholarship bcoz i didnt finish my study, so breach of contract), but thats ok, its not the end of the world. people can be so annoying scolding you and scare you because of that. they dont know doing research here is a very lonely journey. i will keep doing my research within my limit and when am confident with it, i will enroll to different university and at the same time working to pay back my scholarship. why i keep on doing my research? because i love study/learning something new/creating something new. i cant doing it under pressure and threat and whatever that make me feel down. i hope that people at least try to understand a person like me or just be there and listen, not condemning or making a person like me to feel bad and worst down. some people dont have a smooth sailing journey in life. so, be supportive and try to understand. being a good listener is more than enough. much love and world peace y'all ^_^ /
@100Livello 10 жыл бұрын
ANCH'IO HO LASCIATO L'UNIVERSITA'. Ma la cosa sembra avermi fatto l'effetto opposto: mi sono appassionato al francese, e ho cominciato ascoltando qualcosa di INTERESSANTE tutti i giorni :) Stra-concordo. Di cosa me ne faccio di tanta noiosa letteratura, nonché di materie aggiuntive che non m'interessano minimamente? Quindi, thumbs up e ti seguo! PS: Non adoro particolarmente come pronunci l'inglese, però vedo che conosci molte lingue.. Quindi.. Rispetto ;)
@hpttLBOYeFainAlexLeA 9 жыл бұрын
Livello 100 yeah!
@docholl93 9 жыл бұрын
I've thought strongly that uni is just one of the many ways society has to put us into a wicked routine, chewing time and nothing more
@novikmish 10 жыл бұрын
Very motivational as always, really love your videos and keep it up with the Italiano Automatico which is really great :)
@heinzjohlen6232 10 жыл бұрын
Damn Alberto, i always liked your videos, but now I start seeing the similarities between us both! :D I also read the China Study and turned Vegan at the beginning of 2014. I´m 18 years old, German and at the moment I´m improving my language-skills so that I can write good songs in multiple languages. I´m not studying at university either right now, even though everybody tells me that I should do so. I´m focussed at my music, writing everyday. Your doing the right thing! Keep it up! ;)
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Wow that's great bro! =D Keep on following your passion, if u love something you'll do it well! That's what my father told me after 2 months where he was telling me that I wasn't doing the best thing! He's a pretty successful entrepreneur and I think I'll follow my passion with enthusiasm as you're doing =)
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
heinz johlen that's really kind!! Can't wait to see them!! =)
10 жыл бұрын
"Fuck" is coool, from time to time even desirable, similar to spices in a dish :)
@rodriguez970 10 жыл бұрын
I like your train of thought i been wanting to learn italian....ill visit your site thanks!
@MauroAndresss1 10 жыл бұрын
that's cool!! never give up!! :D I'm learning italian and french at the same time, actually i'm using your method! you know... "ascoltando... ascoltando e ascoltando video e podcast! and it works!! i can't believe it! :D thanks dude!! apropósito me gustaría que me recomendaras algunos libros en francés e italiano!!!
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Wow! Awesome Mauricio! Keep going!! =D
@steinkox9009 10 жыл бұрын
Sono pienamente d'accordo con te Alberto. Anch'io ho preso la stessa strada e devo dire che mi sento più felice con me stesso... condivido pienamente la tua opinione....ho letto tantissimo al riguardo e devo dire che nn siamo gli unici al mondo anche se in Italia questo è ancora un problema...lo so xk ci vivo e l'ho sperimentato...diciamo che questo è il bello di essere quello che in inglese si chiama " dropout" no? tu cosa ne pensi ?.... Poco fa ho trovato questo proverbio : The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” ~ Alvin Toffler Quel proverbio nasconde una verità molto profonda che molti nn riescono ancora a capire e a differenziare. Keep up the good work!!!...maybe some day we could have a nice talk about that :)
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Grandissimo!!! Proprio così! Ci sono molte strade verso la felicità, ognuno ha il diritto di scegliere la sua =)
@adrianaguilar3275 10 жыл бұрын
You are cool! I mma study many languages as you, but first I decided to improve my english until I think It´s ready :) For Now I know Spanish XD and English. I wanna learn French, Rumanian, German and Czech. To learn those languages are my dream!!!
@godfatherk7 10 жыл бұрын
oh and btw I think you nailed it on the university case. Have you tried MOOCs yet?EDx, coursera etc? Veritasium, Smartereveryday, numberophille, there's a ton of good stuff out there. I think you shouldn't exactly go vegan unless you have health issues. You can replace milk with yoghurt, or animal meat with fish meat. That will be awesome for health ;)
@WaterDragonG11 10 жыл бұрын
Buen trabajo tu haces lo que Crees que es correcto . No te preocupes lo que la gente piensa.
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Gracias amigo =)
@kayhayhappy6837 10 жыл бұрын
I commend you on following your inner self!
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Thankssss I'll do it! =D
@RedMoonRising24 9 жыл бұрын
Congrats on your new path! I have learned SO much more on my own than I ever did through college. How long have you been studying foreign languages?
@felipegonzalez3939 9 жыл бұрын
Querido Alberto te mando un gran abrazo, no te deseo el éxito, ya lo eres!!.
@tipsytrips 10 жыл бұрын
good luck, keep inspiring me. Im so lazy
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
The most important thing is that you feel well with yourself bro =) That's what everybody wants, and when you have peace of mind, you have achieved the most important thing in life to me =) Good luck to u as well!
@loganshawnroberts 10 жыл бұрын
Hi Alberto! I have been watching your videos for some time and you have been a great motivation for me. I speak English and Italian and I am studying Spanish, but lately I haven't felt the motivation to study. Do you have any tips for me? Grazie!
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Hey man!! Thanks a lot! Well it happens to me as well sometimes! What I personally do is to remember how many people I've known thanks to the languages I already can speak like romanian, french, spanish, english and when I'm learning russian I think about the 220 million russian speakers that wait for me to discover their world, the same works for german!! Just keep going knowing that it will be worthy! There will be occasion like for me was a cruise where I was with people from all over the world and I could speak with french, french GIRLS!, spanish, spanish girls!, and it feels every time so good!! During the days where I feel really down, it happens to everybody once in a while, I just do things I enjoy, maybe listen to some songs, see a tv serial, do easy things just to keep in touch with the sound of the language! Let me know what you think! =) And obviously keep a daily list of activities that u have to prepare the night before, so that you'll know when and what you'll do for that language the following day! =)
@vladimirgeorgiev5340 10 жыл бұрын
I enjoyed watching your videos.. i'm curious to see your progress and will watch your automatico italiano..i also kinda searched a lot about these things, but consider to stop and focus more on important staff..
@derkiki_ 10 жыл бұрын
Wow! It's too great to know there's another one like you! I'm from Mexico and I feel identified with you because I love languages too! Actually I learn French and German in the school! I'd love to learn Russian, I mean I know just a little bit, the basic phrases, alphabet and stuff like that but I'd love to learn it completely. I think almost like you. I just joined at Italianoautomatico.com to recive the news and all the material possible, I'd love to know Italiano too!! I thought I was lonely but I see i'm not... All that you said... oh no, I feel so identified! Hope you're ok... Sigue así! :)
@vladimirgeorgiev5340 10 жыл бұрын
Salut, Alberto, eu sunt un baiet din Bulgaria, care studiază programare în Danemarca și încearcă să devină poliglot. Am multe idee ce aș vrea să fac în viața mea, dar până acum am petrecut majoritatea timpului meu citind aceleași chestii. Sono di accordo con te, că universitatea nu poate te ajuta, când n-ai dorințe și motivație. Toamna trecută am găsit site-ul fluentin3months.com și el m-a inspirat să învat limba română.
@miyakoyuu 10 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Russia! I've just found your channel and want to wish good luck :)
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks a lot!! Spasibo! =D
@hpttLBOYeFainAlexLeA 9 жыл бұрын
Really good job!
@pavlenesovic4832 10 жыл бұрын
you know what's really the difference (when you cut all the bullshit), when you finish university you have a diploma, which is a proof of your knowledge and it's easier to find jobs... ofcourse if you are really good in something that you do people will notice, but it's easier with colleges.. and i learned french on my own, with pimsleur, assimil and michel thomas, and i can understand movies and music, you are one of the people that inspired me and i thank you for that, but that works for languages, and not for all the areas of life.. i could know all about medicine and i didn't finish medicine, will you let me to operate on you :P? so you should say that, in order not to discourage people on other colleges.. btw i'm on a 4th year of medicine and i speak serbian, english, german, french, and now i'm learning swedish
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Yeah of course man!!! I've already said it on my website in italian in an article, I'm talking about UNIVERSITY RELATED TO LANGUAGE LEARNING!! That's why in the video I do say that I'd really love in the future to have my degree but not in languages, maybe a MBA, or something related to health etc… That would be great!! But in the specific case of languages when you speak it you speak it as you already know =) And moreover I don't want to find a job, I want to create something new where I'm the owner of my job. This being said university is absolutely 100% necessary in the specific case of MEDICINE, as well as LAW, accountability etc… if that is the profession you want to do and especially if you want to work for someone else! Thanks for the message bro =)
@italianoautomatico 10 жыл бұрын
simplylearning1994 p.s. congratulation! So 1 year and you'll have finished?
@pavlenesovic4832 10 жыл бұрын
simplylearning1994 i'm sure that will succeed with you ideas, you are really determined and that's one of the keys for success :) i wish you all the best.. thanks for answering Alberto ITALIANOAUTOMATICO thanks, no, 2 more years, here in serbia medicine last for 6 years..
@kashkapavlova1226 10 жыл бұрын
conosci il nuovissimo corso triennale di global law alla Tilburg University, Netherlands? facci un pensierino... fra tre anni con le tue conoscenze di lingue potresti lavorare come manager per grosse aziende...viaggiare nel mondo...oppure crearne una tu. Non è un corso di legge alla provinciale, è nuovo e comprende anche elementi di economia. Se poi ti specializzi potresti davvero spaccare il mondo. Comunque mi piacerebbe davvero conoscere le tue precise intenzioni circa il tuo futuro...credo possano essere davvero originali, rivoluzionarie e positive a parer mio.
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Wow Kashka!! Sei molto gentile! Grazie per aver scritto questo commento! Per il momento sto lavorando su un sito www.italianoautomatico.com ho appena finito di scrivere un Ebook per insegnare italiano in un modo alternativo e sta avendo un grande successo =D Poi salute, sport, sviluppo personale, lingue, ecc... sono i miei obiettivi =) Un abbraccio fortissimo!!
@kashkapavlova1226 10 жыл бұрын
:) grande, quello che stai facendo è davvero bello. italianoautomatico wins
@1pockodetodo 10 жыл бұрын
Yo quisiera dejar la preparatoria...jaja :)
10 жыл бұрын
CIAO , Hi Alberto ! I have been watching your videos for long time and i learned from you a lot of thing _ I can speak 12 languages But i should Improve it :( Arabic , french , english , spanish , deutsch , Russian , ROmanian , serbian , Turkish , portuguese .....) but I need More & more Plz Help us with your book ...() thank you for your Video I'am very glad To See your's Thank you,Again .!
@alexanderfilipovski917 10 жыл бұрын
Hey, that's awesome what you're doing. You say fings instead of things tho, with the same pronunciation as finish. F. fuh. T. Th. Just noticed it listening. Still, I can understand you fine.
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Thanks bro!! =D
@giuxss 10 жыл бұрын
Scrivo questo messaggio non per contraddire te, ma per evitare che persone che vogliono scegliere lingue all'università vengano sviate. Detto ciò, è assolutamente vero che se prendi un'autoditatta e un laureato in lingue potranno avere le stesse competenze nel comunicare. Se questo è il tuo obiettivo allora la laurea non serve, hai ragione, ed hai fatto bene a lasciare l'università. Ma, va detto, con una laurea in lingua acquisisci un set di skills che non si limitano a raggiungere un livello C1 in una data lingua, ma ottieni anche un'educazione in vari campi umanistici quali linguistica, filologia, filosofia, storia, letteratura, ecc ecc...
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Assolutamente d'accordo! =) Come dici te dipende tutto dai tuoi obiettivi, quello che hai in mente di fare, se ti piace o no, se i professori che becchi i ispirano a continuare, ecc ecc decine di altri fattori! Detto questo è qualche tuo commento che leggo e ti ringrazio! Posso sapere quale università fai e cosa vuoi fare in futuro =)? Buona fortuna per tutto!
@giuxss 10 жыл бұрын
simplylearning1994 Studio Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Tedesco e Svedese) alla Statale di Milano. Il futuro è abbastanza lontano ma voglio diventare sceneggiatore e scrittore. Grazie mille e buona fortuna anche a te!
@Efilzeo 10 жыл бұрын
se ti interessa il culturismo dovresti guardare tutto il canale di "scooby1961" per capire come funziona.
@godfatherk7 10 жыл бұрын
haha in stilul virgin, povestea celui mai rapid om din lume. Vrei sa vezi si filme in romana?
@JohnDoe-nk1dd 10 жыл бұрын
The "F" is bad. Your videos are very motivating but when you say the "F" word that causes parents to either not watch your videos with the children around or they have to wear ear plugs while listening to you. I know curse words in foreign languages just don't seem like real curse words. It doesn't have the same "feel".
@kobayashimaruaikiken 10 жыл бұрын
Lingue e letterature straniere per una persona interessata allo studio delle lingue può essere una GROSSA delusione.
@simplylearning1994 10 жыл бұрын
Eh già!!! Soprattutto a chi è interessato principalmente alla lingua!! Sapere cose relative alla storia e cultura è di sicuro interessante, ma è una cosa che preferisco scoprire da solo cercando argomenti che mi interessano altrimenti lo faccio mal volentieri =)
@100Livello 10 жыл бұрын
simplylearning1994 ESATTO!
@crazygabsify 10 жыл бұрын
Ciaooo Vorrei tanto conoscerti per praticare qualche lingua insieme :) ti lascio il mio nome facebook : Gabriella Allocca, spero mi aggiungerai ciao :)
@zane98zane 10 жыл бұрын
I have to suggestions for making your English sound more like a native. Try to stop applying Italian intonation to English, it sound unnatural to natives. I know you do it in Italian but you should stop saying "no" at the end sentences, we don't use it. Instead of using the sort of "euuuhhhh" sound when you're thinking of what to say you should make the "uhmmm" sound, it makes you should more like a native.
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