I used it to tighten up a high distorted tone by putting the drive to dead 0. Tone and level at 11oclock or noon. But I found a much better pedal Caline CP-76 that has the TS9 and TS808 in it. I use the 808 setting on it doing the same dead setting 0 and this pedal just kills the Ibanez TS9 and its only like a $30.00US on ebay.
@andrewsiemon13 күн бұрын
Right on. Thanks for the recommendation
@rAMarerA13 күн бұрын
when you said at 3:50 that it 'might cause clipping' Did you mean that your audio interface's preamp clips if you turn it all the way up? I'm trying to figure out what to buy in order to record \ play with ampsim while keeping my physical pedal board (any maybe the amp too, just sim the cabs)
@andrewsiemon13 күн бұрын
Yeah, I was referring to causing clipping in my audio interface/DAW due to the volume spike from cranking up the volume or drive or whatever it was.
@Neil-Aspinall15 күн бұрын
I have always thought TS are too dark also. They probably sound pretty good at volume with a hard Rock band, not my world. There must be something about them as certain people love them?
@andrewreviewseverything15 күн бұрын
I’ve been told they’re meant to be used for colouring a loud tube amp.