What If The Jedi PREPARED For Order 66

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The Star Wars Galaxy

The Star Wars Galaxy

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Thoughts on todays video? I hope you enjoy, and have a great day💙💚
#starwars #anakinskywalker #revengeofthesith #whatif #ahsoka #anakin #clonewars #darthvader #georgelucas #starwarswhatif

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@theofficialeggs 5 ай бұрын
@ClaudevonRiegan_ 5 ай бұрын
@lolyoupeople 5 ай бұрын
@kingatlanofatlantis3075 5 ай бұрын
@Sundragon53797 5 ай бұрын
@thestarwarsgalaxy 5 ай бұрын
@Elekdregs1664 5 ай бұрын
What if all CIS droids became self concious and joined the republic
@64bitVanny 5 ай бұрын
That is an interesting idea. This actually happened to a singular damaged B1 battle droid that got shot in the head, but instead of dying, he became self-aware and started fighting for the Republic.
@Elekdregs1664 5 ай бұрын
@@64bitVanny thats where i got the idea from!
@sib3155 5 ай бұрын
If it came at the end of the clone wars there woudl esencialy by a swap between armys Clones made from flesh and bones acting as robots And mechanical beings habing free thinking
@TheHighborn 5 ай бұрын
What if they were HACKED
@RichardWright-mf8hg 5 ай бұрын
I agree what if the droid armies joined the grand army of the republic.
@aureliamastergoomba1278 4 ай бұрын
“Five of them being masters, and the other being the chosen one.” The chosen one who is very angry.
@michaelhodnett431 Ай бұрын
And we all know Anakin fights better when he is angry. But also get the kid a Snickers
@Mad-Box 5 ай бұрын
I have an idea: What if Palpatine wasn't a force user, but still had the same ambitions? (Maybe he would work together with Plagueis, or he could focus on "controlling" the Jedi via politics? Maybe try to put them in a position where they HAVE to help him, no matter what.)
@IsaacVizasLurie 5 ай бұрын
This is something I always wanted to see. Have him be the SW, Lex Luthor hell maybe he even gets one over on the actual sith.
@JohnGeorgeBauerBuis 4 ай бұрын
@@IsaacVizasLuriethis also reminds me that if Palpatine lost his connection to the Force, he wouldn’t give up on life, although it would be incredibly frustrating and frightening for him.
@christianresel8051 4 ай бұрын
Without the darkside of the force, they would have seen through papa palps instantly, ending his reign prior to it running out of controll ya know? ONLY THE FORCE did help him shadow his stuff for that long. Without it he would have ben an open book right of the bad.
@Mad-Box 4 ай бұрын
@@christianresel8051 Hence why he might've worked together with plagueis. To that Palps, plagueis could just be used as an distraction and scapegoat. The Jedi are already fairly "corrupted" in cannon at this point anyway, so maybe their attention would've been dominated by the return of the sith. That way, they wouldn't have looked too deeply into an internal threat.
@IsaacVizasLurie 4 ай бұрын
@@christianresel8051 If he's working with actual sith then theoretically he could keep everything he does "legal" at least according to the letter of the law. The Jedi don't get rid of him because they literally can't unless they want to commit treason against the Republic. He also hides his paper trail well, and because he isn't trying to exterminate them 'yet' they can't do anything.
@DrownedInExile 5 ай бұрын
The Jedi Order being smart? What sorcery is this? LOL
@hackman669 5 ай бұрын
Sadly same happened to the Knights Templer near the end of the Holy Wars! Betrayed by the pope of the time. 😥
@mac3971 5 ай бұрын
What if after the council took the sith seriously? After learning of the siths return in the phantom menace, they began to train to old republic standards. The jedi entered the war a decade later with vastly superior lightsaber skills and maybe more powers.
@JediMasterZim 5 ай бұрын
So basically "What if the Jedi got their act together (combat-wise, at least)"? Interesting idea, I would love to see that.
@cylesteasunrise3199 5 ай бұрын
Yes please
@pault8630 5 ай бұрын
That is an interesting point of view. From the KOTOR game we learning when the main character landing on Korriban, a ancient SIth planet he investigating the one of the Sith tombs. Then the another force user travelling with him saying sth like "Tulak Hord was the master of the lightsaber. Compare to him our abilities are no more then a child's play." So the Jedi like 4000 thousands year before the empire they already been considered weak. On the other hand in the Bane trilogy is said a bit different. That the Jedi were not that weak in a sword combat at all. This ones who focused on a sword skills...like Anakin supposed to be quite strong. But if they met a Sith of old? Who knows...
@GAJake 4 ай бұрын
I think this follows a "What if qui gon didn't die?" or a "What if mace windu went with obiwan and qui gon to naboo (and saw maul and believed oh yea definitely sith)"
@pault8630 4 ай бұрын
@@GAJake If Qui-gon did not die Anakin would be having a father and not a brother. We would feel the fathers love and protection. That is why song playing during combat between Maul and the Jedi is called "Duel of the fates". That was the struggle between Anakin having a someone he can admire during his journey or brother WHO basically is closer to him on different way.
@hanhnguyenluu75 Ай бұрын
Pilot: It will be done my lord Copilot: Plo Koon left
@letemknowjulio6798 5 ай бұрын
8:24 not the Roblox death noise 😂
@RoboticKnight0Z Ай бұрын
Damn I thought i was the only one that heard it hahaha
@RodBlanc Ай бұрын
I was about to comment that 🤣
@noahsibahi-jackson8757 5 ай бұрын
Its honestly mind blowing how the Jedi had as many hints as they did eluding to the plot of the sith to destroy them as they did and yet they were still unable to uncover palpatine’s plans until it was too late… really speaks volumes about their stupidity.
@White_Recluse 5 ай бұрын
Tbh it’s mostly bad writing. Also not to mention Dooku literally told Obi-Wan that the senate was being controlled by a Sith Lord and he just didn’t believe him. Never brings it up again, not even when they were growing suspicious of the chancellor
@mr.boomguy 5 ай бұрын
I just think if it as Palpatine having plot armor. Had the prequals been the first movie, and Anakins Destiny's was still unclear, we would most likely see a much more competent order just barely stopping the threat
@JediMasterZim 5 ай бұрын
Well, it's not so much "The Jedi"-the entire Order as a collective group-were stupid so much as the people at the very top, the Jedi High Council, being either incredibly stupid or just ludicrously arrogant. I mean, knowing the Jedi Council, they probably didn't bother sharing those hints with regular rank-and-file Jedi, even most of the more senior non-Council Member masters. But yeah, it does speak volumes, if nothing else it at least speaks volumes of what terrible leaders the Jedi High Council was filled with in the last century or so of the Jedi Order's existence, and how terribly they failed their fellow Jedi who trusted them to lead them. Although, that said...what really boggles the mind about regular Jedi-at least those who weren't, like, teenage padawans or younger initiates-is that none of them found some huge army made in the middle of nowhere under shady circumstances by shady people (and through ethically questionable means) to be strange, let alone suspicious. It honestly is logically astonishing, if you stop and think about it, that you didn't have a bunch of them openly questioning this and just accepted it with no questions asked, even if one didn't have the benefit of hindsight. I mean...a shadowy organization based in the middle of nowhere in total secrecy making an army in complete secrecy for a country in use in a war predicted a decade in advance is the stuff of truly crazy conspiracy theories, and here (in Star Wars, I mean) it actually happened. I suppose most would fall in line quickly enough if the Council told them to, but it's not like EVERYONE in the Jedi Order are total conformists and space sheep, that there wouldn't be at least a minority of Jedi who would openly question this and be somewhat free-thinking. In the pre-Disney Star Wars Legends lore, the Jedi Order has had cases of Jedi leaving in the thousands and had some major schisms (with all leading to a new Sith Order or an equivalent) for seemingly far less. In the new Disney Canon it seems literally no one questioned this, and even in pre-Disney Star Wars Legends the only Jedi I can think of who seriously questioned the trustworthiness of the clone army on account of its origins and arrival was Jedi Master Rahm Kota. I guess I would just chalk it up to bad writing and writers feeling that "Well, the Jedi have to almost totally die out by the time of the Original Trilogy, and most long before that somehow." 🤷
@Skylerrelyks93 4 ай бұрын
It’s bad writing.
@fenrirgaming37 4 ай бұрын
@@JediMasterZim I agree with a large portion of this, however, we must also remember that Yoda himself confirmed that their visions through the Force were clouded by the Dark Side of the Force. So through that we can confirm that while the Jedi were aware that the Sith were making movements, they couldn't be sure of what the Sith were doing due to this. Also, there was a scene where Yoda, Windu, and Obi-Wan were talking, with Yoda commenting on how many of the Jedi had become complacent and arrogant. This indicated a much larger trend within the Order that was beyond the control of the Council. Masters like Yoda, Windu, and Obi-Wan were unable to do much, as the actions of their predecessors had also tied their hands. One of the biggest issues however, and though many may criticize this, but there was also the tendency to be reactive, rather than proactive, something that was caused by Grandmaster Yoda himself. Throughout the Prequels, we can see this from the way he talks, to the decisions that he makes.
@michaelgoldsmith6615 5 ай бұрын
I really don't think Palpatine would've won the initial duel. If he revealed his manipulation of Anakin's dreams, i don't think it would've unbalanced Anakin, but merely taken away his only reason to hold back. he would be completely giving up his one piece of leverage with Anakin for zero benefit. And if we're to believe George Lucas when he said that Mace beat Sidious fair and square, Mace + Anakin would've been way too much for Palps to handle, he would've died before Order 66 could even happen. In addition, i don't think Kit Fisto leaving before the fight would've made Mace take Anakin instead, but if it did, i think that during the LAAT ride, Mace would've sensed the unease within Anakin, asked him about it, and Anakin, knowing who they were about to kill, would've shared his dreams much sooner, in the calmer environment of an LAAT over coruscant and with 3 jedi masters present who were all not as blinded by the dark side as Anakin, i think together they would've figured out that Palpatine caused the dreams before even arriving. Of course Palpatine would've sensed this shift in the force and probably activated Order 66 before the Jedi arrived, and considering the Jedi were in a clone-piloted LAAT, they probably wouldn't have arrived. But really, i think the fight would've gone almost identically to how it did in the movie, Anakin arriving late and disarming Windu. only without Fisto there at the start for Sidious to mow down like grass. Then Anakin, Now Vader, knowing about Ahch-To would've made the Jedi significantly less safe.
@zackcook1924 2 ай бұрын
in my mind palpatine was expecting anakin to be fully unleashed there, a risky play sure but taking advantage of an enemies aggresion and blood lust is something i imagine palpatine would be especially skilled at.
@jamesw3413 5 ай бұрын
I wonder how likely it is that the jedi would abandon their posts so quickly, even if they knew the severity of the alert. Honestly I think a lot more jedi could survive if they were simply aware of the possibility of order 66 and keep a few skilled jedi at the temple in case of an assault.
@fenrirgaming37 4 ай бұрын
I think a more likely scenario was them finding out about the implants in the clones, and researching how to deactivate the implants. When all is said and done, the clones were extremely loyal to the Jedi and the Republic, and there are more than enough sources confirming that many clones did not want to betray their Jedi commander's. This can also be substantiated by the fact that some clones resisted and even broke free of the implants control, one such example being Rex.
@dracoarton94 5 ай бұрын
8:24 did anyone else hear the old roblox "oof" sound there? I did
@Achuidian179 5 ай бұрын
Love this story: as the Jedi not doing anything after discovering Tyranus and the Clone Army really made me want to stop watching the show. So them doing something here really made me happy. Day 41 of my list. What if; Anakin never gave into his feelings for Padme, Aayla Secura was the chosen one and became Darth Talon, Shme Skywalker was adopted by the Tusken Raiders, Boba Fett saved his Tusken family, Count Dooku was a regular count for the CIS, Jabba the Hutt supported the Jedi at the Start of the Clone Wars, and finally, what if Sabine and Ezra fell in love?
@Sienna6164 5 ай бұрын
I think that they didn’t act as they were to arrogant to believe that the sigh had outsmarted them
@kingorange7739 5 ай бұрын
@@Sienna6164which at that point is nonsense when discovering the Sith created their own army. By then it goes beyond arrogance into the realm of incompetence.
@riddell26 4 ай бұрын
Sabine and Ezra fell in love in canon
@jadeimusprime2158 4 ай бұрын
​@kingorange7739 I agree. I understand they did nothing to keep continuity with RotS but by that point that arc just shouldn't have been done at all.
@Sienna6164 4 ай бұрын
@@kingorange7739 Touché. But I think that they just intentionally ignored it as the contingency order said that only the Chancellor could activate order 66
@JuanCGomez-hr5ts 5 ай бұрын
I have a couple of ideas… What if Obi-Wan decided to sacrifice himself during his fight with Anakin to ensure he dies? Or maybe just what if Anakin didn’t survived? What if Yoda told Anakin about Qui-Gon’s force ghost before he felled to the dark side? What if Qui-Gon revealed himself to Anakin?
@heroinabuser5980 Ай бұрын
Damn qui gon flashed anakin
@MichaelDeLaRosa 5 ай бұрын
8:23 Bro put the ROBLOX death sound 🤣🤣🤣
@davidcaceres9184 3 ай бұрын
8:24 *oof*
@Demonoicgamer666 5 ай бұрын
The Jedi weren’t very smart for continuing to work with the clones.
@Trelitty11 5 ай бұрын
Yeah honestly it was clearly sketchy . But due to their loyalty to the Republic and senate they had no choice . The folly of the prequel Jedi
@thestarwarsgalaxy 5 ай бұрын
Palpatine had them trapped
@imonit4272 5 ай бұрын
Yea, when the enemy literally provides an army for you, you at the very least tell…like…everybody.
@reckszkingzactivitiesrkat.4134 5 ай бұрын
Facts bro ✅
@RFDN0 5 ай бұрын
There legitimately was not any good option for the Jedi let alone the republic.
@crayonchomper1180 Ай бұрын
They really grabbed some homies for a round two
@lightdragonslayer9630 5 ай бұрын
Stumbled across this channel yesterday and love your writing for these. Also I do t know how much old republic era content you have but what if Revan never turned to the dark side?
@thestarwarsgalaxy 5 ай бұрын
Im not super knowledgeable on that era, but maybe someday once I learn more!!
@JAN2MARS 4 ай бұрын
I always thought it was baffling that the Jedi council did absolutely nothing when faced with the revelation that Dooku made the clone army for them. Like they got lazy and were content to lounge on their cushions.
@immortalfrieza 4 ай бұрын
Yep. It would be one thing if the Jedi planned at least *something* and it failed, but they all but had you know who screaming in their ear "IT'S A TRAP!" ever since the start of the Clone Wars and did nothing.
@nobbyfirefly57 Ай бұрын
Probably because it was added in by Disney. George Lucas probably would’ve had them plan for such if he had known that was in the timeline, but it wasn’t yet. Or maybe I’m being ignorant and it was already in the timeline but was yet to be shown.
@littlefoot5013 5 ай бұрын
Wouldn't the future grand inquisitor tell Palpatine where the Jedi went?
@zackcross7190 5 ай бұрын
What if Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Maul all died on Naboo?
@RFDN0 2 ай бұрын
Then Anakin likely doesn't become a Jedi. Otherwise some other Jedi Master possibly a counsel member becomes Anakin's master. They likely wouldn't train Anakin properly Palpatine gets his grip in Anakin and Anakin likely explodes. Otherwise he likely is trained as a Sith or never is trained in the force.
@SamCaiman14 4 ай бұрын
Thanks a lot for this awesome work, I have been asking for this WI in multiple Star Wars stories channels for a while now.
@darthconquest1046 4 ай бұрын
This is the most sensible What If I've probably ever watched.
@onion4620 5 ай бұрын
It’s nice to see the Jedi finally wise up and get out of their own way and this way they saved everyone and themselves
@hackman669 5 ай бұрын
If only they had a brain. 🦧
@SanctifiedLux42 5 ай бұрын
Would love to see a continuation of this where Palpatine returns and uses the Sith Eternal to wage war on the Galactic Republic. Maybe have Dooku survive and be arrested as well in this timeline?
@hanhnguyenluu75 Ай бұрын
Gree: Alright let's get Yoda Scout Trooper: Uh he left
@artistpoet5253 4 ай бұрын
this one is my favorite thus far. Excellent work.
@joelmulder 5 ай бұрын
Each and every time I watch episode 3, I hope and expect it to turn out differently. For the council not to be so incredibly stupid and shortsighted. This is exactly how I always hoped that would go.
@matthewgreenwood4286 5 ай бұрын
What if Obi-Wan helped to bridge and alliance with the Mandalorians and the Jedi. Allowing for a united Mandylor to be the Jedi army during the clone wars, as the Republic had the clones
@Kanekumongaming 4 ай бұрын
Your fan base support is inspiring 🎉🎉🎉 your content is very enjoyable
@diannamckellar7769 4 ай бұрын
Love this! I too have wondered why the Jedi didn’t prepare more after learning more about the origin of the clones and the information Fives shared.
@mikecotto1167 5 ай бұрын
This is the what if I was waiting to watch. Very well done.
@bigmanhelper 5 ай бұрын
I love this Star Wars What If story. I think that, as the perfect epilogue to this, Qui-Gon's Force Ghost appeared once again and guided the Jedi to take the same journey as Yoda did in the episodes, "Voices", " Destiny", & "Sacrifice". I believe this would be the best way to both understand and learn from their failures. What do you think?
@lancethornton5405 3 ай бұрын
That was enjoyable. Thanks for making this.
@djmcgee9 4 ай бұрын
I love a good story, this was awesome... thank you!!!
@ClaudevonRiegan_ 5 ай бұрын
What if bode never betrayed cal What if crosshair didn’t join the empire and stayed with clone force 99
@WilliamStamour-ey1by 5 ай бұрын
I love the videos man you deserve more subs ❤
@djnewjam2802 4 ай бұрын
I believe if they know about the Clone chips then the Jedi would NOT have become so close and trusting of the clones and would’ve been mentally prepared to kill them at any time which meant that order 66 would not have come as a surprise at all they would’ve probably sensed it immediately actually.
@marcusisgod2592 5 ай бұрын
What if anakin fell in love with luminara unduli, serra keto or bultar swan. What if anakin was taught by agen kolar or sasee tin or adi gallia. What if anakin was piloting before attack of the clones and sensed ventress fall to the darkside as her master died and took his ship to the planet to investigate. Perhaps starting a romance as they are very similar in their stories. Also what if ahsoka taught ben skywalker as she saw him as history repeating itself. What if anakin was a jedi watchmen or wayfinder. What if anakin went with kenobi to face maul and savage instead of adi gallia. What if anakin fell in love with luminara or your own version of aayla secura romance. What if oppo rancis trained anakin. What if anakin met and fell in love with ventress just before the clone wars just after her masters death. What if anakin became a jedi sentinel like a watchmen or one of those who find younglings. What if evan piel became a mentor or second master to anakin. Or anakin became a healer either before or after his mother death could be related to his friendship with offee or alternatively what if he was trained by tra sa who taught windu and actually did not forbid attachment as shown by her relationship with tholme , they could become like a pseudo parents to anakin and train him away from the temple in azati martial arts and from trasa the living force as she is a plant lady so imagine anakin controlling plant life.
@hanhnguyenluu75 Ай бұрын
Neyo: Time to sho- Wait the Jedi left
@mrazivekladivozeseveru8256 Ай бұрын
The Legacy of House Ordo
@Watcher-ts3ql 4 ай бұрын
Wow not just a happy ending but a cool story too!
@DarthTerminus-wy3gp 5 ай бұрын
Good story, keep the great ideas coming
@XXXJohnKennedy35 5 ай бұрын
This is fire thanks!
@ryanqueen9705 5 ай бұрын
This was incredible 👏 👏 👏
@nathanboyle7573 3 ай бұрын
One thing that people forget is Anakin was made a member of Palpatine staff and had the security clearance to be able to talk to the clones if Palpatine was killed. Would this being said Anakin could have ordered the Clones to stand down saying that Palpatine was killed and the Clones would have had to have listened to Anakin's orders.
@DarthnightKing 5 ай бұрын
Great work
@ChanoCYBER9Avila 5 ай бұрын
What if qui gon revealed himself to the council when anakin was rejected the rank of master?
@earlcarr4478 5 ай бұрын
really enjoy the videos
@hanhnguyenluu75 Ай бұрын
Cody: Blast h- oh wait Kenobi's gone
@StarWarsElement 4 ай бұрын
Here's a silly idea: What if Sidious/Dooku forgot to make Order 66 for the Clone Trooper inhibitor chips?
@entity37 3 ай бұрын
watched the prequels again recently and realized that the Jedi would most certainly catch on to this, and act properly. Great work
@Polothx 4 ай бұрын
definetely You can write some STAR WARS what if scenario
@dianesinger9729 5 ай бұрын
I am so glad the order got ahead of Order 66.
@jonathanbranum8976 2 ай бұрын
Interesting, very interesting, I like your What if? while I'm typing it's closing speaking of the Jedi arrogance, and they wonder why Anakin turned to the dark side--hehehe nice one I'm a new sub now btw...
@WereSquatch 5 ай бұрын
Super dumb they DIDNT considering all the info they learned
@user-je3tc1nv9e 5 ай бұрын
Your doing a brilliant job of storytelling, it would be a great addition to your playlist if you could partner with an animator to take it to the next level.
@stuartl7761 4 ай бұрын
I find it doubtful that it would go that well. Anakin especially had been to well groomed for this moment. I don't think Mace would bring him even with out Kit. He was basically grabbing any master he could anyway but he didn't bring Anakin because he sensed conflict within him. Even if he did come along with Mace, the large secret plan to move all jedi would just add more evidence that the jedi didn't trust him and had a conspiricy to take over the republic. And I even if Palpy died, I can't see Bail becoming interim Chanceller. There were plenty more like Mass Amada who were next in line and were loyal to Palpatine. The control of the galaxy was so well orchestrated that I don't think it could have been stopped at this point. Or at least there would be a bloody grab for power by all those corrupt powers that Palpatine had elevated. The best outcome I can see would be that there would be a lot of jedi still alive and the galaxy might get more of the truth in the ensuring confusion, and there'd be enough resources to start a rebellion immediately that might in a few years restore order.
@fenrirgaming37 4 ай бұрын
Actually, I believe Bail Organa would have been made Interim-Chancellor and then later on confirmed as Supreme Chancellor. I say this because Palpatine/Sidious used manipulation and deception to control things to go his way. He also would not allow anyone too ambitious or difficult to control to be in positions of power when it came to the Senate, there was just too much that could go wrong. Plus, if the Jedi survived, and presented their evidence to the Senate, the corrupt Senators would have already likely fled for fear of their crimes being found out. This would then leave the Senate in the hands of people like Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, and Padme Amidala.
@stuartl7761 4 ай бұрын
​@fenrirgaming37 Yeah you might be right. Bail certainly had power in the senate and was already putting together a coalition to oppose Palpatine. And if the jedi came forward and presented their evidence publicly then I can see that he might gain power. But I don't think it's a forgone conclusion. And you might get some currupt senators running away but I think most will cling to their institutionalised power. And most wouldn't have been directly involved with sidious' actual plan, so might be hard to prosecute.
@fenrirgaming37 4 ай бұрын
@@stuartl7761 True enough, but given how powerful Bail Organa's faction was, since his faction had many of the most powerful and influential Senators, it would be less likely for anyone else to be confirmed as Supreme Chancellor. I could also see the Jedi moving their main headquarters to a hidden location, maybe even returning to Tython like they did in SWTOR. They would likely keep ties with the Republic, though would move away from being the main defenders of the Republic. I could see them acting more as investigators, or law enforcement agents in a way, and as for the Clone armies, I could see the Jedi stationing some of their members on Kamino to oversee the creation and restructuring of the Clones, with the Clone's themselves becoming the military arm of the Republic. I think that all would see that being demilitarized is what led to the Clone Wars, even the ones who want peace. So it is likely they would invest into the military, and eventually maybe phase out the clones, but that could be a story for another time.
@hanhnguyenluu75 Ай бұрын
Bly: Alright let's shoot Sec- Oh wait she left
@lordtwisted4216 5 ай бұрын
What if Sifo Dias lived and was discovered by Anakin and Obi-Wan on the Pike homeworld.
@oldbean7150 5 ай бұрын
I love your videos dude
@k.i.a6433 2 ай бұрын
8:21 lol
@covertcombine49 5 ай бұрын
This is a fun one for sure.
@Sultan_Vader_VI 4 ай бұрын
What if Darth Tenebrous’s Maxi-chlorian plan to inhabit the chosen one succeeded in some facet
@Polothx 4 ай бұрын
@BearseMechawolf 4 ай бұрын
best remake ever
@wedgeantillies66 4 ай бұрын
Another very interesting and compelling take on what might have happen if the Jedi had taken notice of the various warnings that there was something up with the production and creation of the clone army and take steps to guard against a potential betrayal and attack on behalf of the sith through them.
@JanoschNr1 4 ай бұрын
You say that like they had no training with ranks till master and connection to the force
@mitchellpayne8988 5 ай бұрын
Loved it! ❤
@johnpluta1768 5 ай бұрын
I can see the Head Archivist Jocasta Nu being part of the evacuation of the Jedi younglings from the Jedi Temple on the ships
@RodBlanc Ай бұрын
8:24 Agen Kolar dying like a true chad 🗿
@cutepsycho1224 4 ай бұрын
Mace Windu would let Anakin die 😭
@jonasbrumley8184 4 ай бұрын
Palpatine: execute order 66 The clones: yes my lord... wait a minute
@IWantChickeyNuggets 5 ай бұрын
"cutting easily through agen kolar OOF"
@LucaLukaszPascua 4 ай бұрын
What if Anakin was time travelled back to Bane's Era before the thought Bomb was completed?
@Capt_boba7732 5 ай бұрын
What if the clones worked with the CIS and the droids with the Republic
@buffninja69 5 ай бұрын
love this channal love the videos
@stephengilbreath840 3 ай бұрын
This is awesome
@teamdeo6313 4 ай бұрын
loved this
@ArthurOseven 4 ай бұрын
It's a very satisfying story this time. all order 66 stories in a summery.
@gl0bal7474 5 ай бұрын
great twist on the tragedy
@rojieemmanuelogayonbalane8145 5 ай бұрын
Here is a good video suggestion bro What If you are a member of the Jedi Order?
@toddstaples5127 3 ай бұрын
Great story 🎉🎉🎉. 😊
@bartoszgodlewski8935 4 ай бұрын
They should know it's a trap after episode 2. Somebody should ask. This guy standing next to Doko look like our clones
@JD_Saltyway 5 ай бұрын
Amazing story would have loved to see the jedis actually be smart in the clone wars end show like that
@daniels7907 4 ай бұрын
Great AU scenario! In RotS, Mace Windu bluntly told the Council: "I sense a plot to destroy the Jedi. The Dark Side of the Force surrounds the Chancellor." How much clearer a prophecy did the Council need? At minimum they should have immediately evacuated the Temple, since the Chancellor's power on Coruscant was virtually unrestricted. Besides, it was a *war* and Coruscant had come under attack already. The Jedi should have had an evacuation plan in place all along regardless, just in case the Separatists managed to breach the planetary defenses and bombed the Temple from starships.
@ItzSam._.324 4 ай бұрын
8:25 was that the oof sound just now
@JWAVer 5 ай бұрын
Any scenario where the Jedi survive somehow is always a good scenario to me
@brothers_of_nod 4 ай бұрын
I always find it frustrating that there was evidence that the Jedi could see but because of the way the movie was, they had to not act on it.
@jovontahelm5229 5 ай бұрын
Long time fan and would love a video of what if grogu stayed with Luke and became a Jedi
@tonystank3091 4 ай бұрын
"What if the Jedi were smarter?" Isn't that basically *every* what-if you do where Palpatine loses?
@767darthmaul 3 ай бұрын
Omg love this 😮
@Rainbowhawk1993 4 ай бұрын
Basically what if 5s got the message out before his termination.
@DcGaming19 11 күн бұрын
I wish we saw Jedi Baylon skull, rip🕊
@reeceemms1643 5 ай бұрын
Here are my ideas day 8 of asking: What if Cal and Merrin had a Daughter (Jedi Nightsister hybrid)? What if Padme was enslaved during the clone wars? What if during the rescue of Han Solo Leia failed to kill Jabba and was left behind remaining as a slave? What if Din Djarain and Bo-Katan fell in love during the events of Mando season 3? What if Luke and Leia found out they were siblings earlier (like before Empire strikes back?)? Similar to the previous one, what if Luke and Leia were not separated at brith and were both raised by Owen and Baru? What if Jyn Erso survived and went on to meet and fall in love with Luke Skywalker? What if Ahsoka found Shin Hatie before Baylon Skoll? What if the Aldani Heist went fully according to plan aka the whole payroll was stolen from under the Imperial noses?
@nathanfreeman8250 5 ай бұрын
One problem Luke already got a wife Mara Jade
@reeceemms1643 5 ай бұрын
@@nathanfreeman8250 yeah in legends not in new canon. Also it’s a What If so anything could happen.
@alexbanks7115 3 ай бұрын
I like that operation Tup. 😊
@brokenbridge6316 4 ай бұрын
I almost wish the Jedi really did plan for a Clone Betrayal.
@dannylopez5976 Ай бұрын
"Anakin recognized Apo's voice." Wait how? Most clones sound the same.
@Specter1997 4 ай бұрын
8:25 OOOOF
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