What Is Critical Immigration Theory? | 5 Minute Videos

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Critical Theory is key to understanding how the left thinks. They’ve applied it to race, colonialism, and feminism. James Lindsay reveals how they’re going to use it next. Get ready.
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I’m going to tell you what “the next big thing” is going to be.
I’m going to tell you because I want you to be prepared for it.
I know what it is, not because I have the power to look into the future, but because I know how the left thinks. And if you know how the left thinks, it’s obvious.
Are you ready?
Critical Immigration Theory.
No, not Critical Race Theory, CRT. Critical Immigration Theory, C-I-T.
Let me explain.
After George Floyd died in May 2020, the left unleashed Critical Race Theory upon America. It had been floating around academic circles for decades, but the Floyd incident-thanks to the left-leaning media-brought it into the mainstream.
The idea behind Critical Race Theory was that virtually every aspect of American life is now, and always has been, determined by systemic racism. The true founding of America was in 1619 when the first slaves arrived, slave labor built the country, America got rich by exploiting black people, and so on.
The view on the left is you either accept this theory, or you’re a racist.
Critical Colonial Theory sees the world as a product of colonial exploitation. Europeans got rich by taking advantage of weaker countries in Africa, Asia, and South America.
You either accept this theory or, again, you’re a racist.
Critical Feminist Theory sees the world as the product of the exploitation of women.
You either accept this theory, or you’re a sexist.
Getting the hang of it?
Critical Theory applied to mass illegal immigration will follow the same formula. It will start from a human rights perspective-having compassion for the poor and oppressed people of the world.
But that’s not what it’s really about. It’s really about targeting national citizenship and national sovereignty using mass illegal immigration as a wedge.
We’re already hearing some of the language. The New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, NPR, ABC, CBS, NBC have, over the last few years, migrated from “illegal aliens” to “illegal immigrants” to “undocumented migrants” to just “migrants.”
They won’t stop there.
“Undocumented Americans” comes next. And after that, as with “migrants,” no adjective at all.
In other words, people who enter the United States illegally are just as American as any American citizen.
By this way of thinking, national citizenship is merely a social construct (everything is a social construct to the left) that keeps migrants from accessing what is rightfully theirs-all the rights and privileges of an American citizen.
Why is it “rightfully theirs”?
First, because you as an American wouldn’t have all this wealth if you hadn’t exploited these poor people for the last hundred years. So, you owe them.
Second, it’s heartless to turn away people from other countries who are fleeing poverty, drug lords, and corrupt governments. After all, America is largely responsible for these countries being in such bad shape. They’d be doing just fine if we hadn’t screwed them up.
Traditional laws of national citizenship and traditional beliefs in national borders do not recognize these obvious “truths.” They are, therefore, regressive and unjust and must be done away with.
Do you think I’m exaggerating?
It’s already happening.

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@my_pronoun_is_your_excellency Ай бұрын
If you can't control your border, you don't have a country. If you let anyone and everyone into your country, you will lose your country. Please spread the words. BTW, I am an immigrant who entered the country legally, applied for residence through the company which hired me, waited for 5 years before I took my citizenship exam, sworn in 20 years ago and proud to be an American, don't want it to be turned into a banana republic.
@pwgearedturbofan2348 Ай бұрын
_"If you can't control your border, you don't have a country."_ Exactly. That's the point. It may be just an accident from Liberals' emotions, but it is the goal of Leftists. Leftists want this "evil" country to be removed. Leftists think we have no right to exist, just like Israel, and stupid Liberals follow along like dumb lemmings.
@lullaby218 Ай бұрын
We love anyone who follows the law.
@iambarks2814 Ай бұрын
USA wasn’t your country back in the day, the people living there were forced off the lands they had lived on for thousands of years, you don’t own the USA, it’s not yours to keep to yourself for ever, you will be replaced in exactly the same way you have replaced others.
@honoriufilimon7924 Ай бұрын
Same here:waited more than 5 years in my country,having health check ups in my country and in Rome before accepted.Education verification,places of work,needed affidavit of support from here.
@Orpilorp 23 күн бұрын
You came legally as my family did.
@RavenRunFoxRoam Ай бұрын
My father emigrated from Iran. I'll never forget the day he earned his citizenship. He carried the little American Flag in his pocket all week and cried tears of joy. He told me horror stories of the Islamic Republic and what he endured. The neo-leftists express their ideology from a position of ignorance and are too politically captured to persuade. They have no idea what they are asking for with wholesale illegal immigration.
@bludeuce3855 Ай бұрын
except islam will never take over america, europe, the west or the world its impossible. and WEF doesnt want that since they hate all religions including islam
@tony-gy2bq Ай бұрын
I'm glad your father made it here.
@etchalaco9971 Ай бұрын
the left has deported more people than anybody.
@rncine Ай бұрын
He is a true American 👍🇺🇸
@mccglastron1972 Ай бұрын
They know exactly what they are asking for... The democrat party is the Communist party now. This is a new revolution to destroy America, get rid of the Constitution, and remake like China and the democrats will be the CCP...
@generalissimoliberty1175 Ай бұрын
Stop worrying about people calling us names, and support others they call names. If we stopped playing their game, we win every time.
@freedomwriter1995 Ай бұрын
Problem is that people are either too scared to speak out, or rich and powerful people support them because it serves their interests.
@sathancat Ай бұрын
I thought the same thing listening to the beginning of this video. CRT has never been an issue to me because I didn't let it.
@CandiceMMartinez Ай бұрын
I'm comfortable being called a racist and Nazi. It's funny 🤣
@irkhanbasc Ай бұрын
If people start playing that game, you need to go on the offensive. If someone calls you a racist, sexist, xenophobe, or bigot, tell them you’re not and explain why. Think about it: Laws apply equally to everyone, so how can upholding the law be any of those things? Even if there is disparate impact, those inequities may be addressed in other ways, but don’t let anyone say that enforcement of immigration laws is somehow discriminatory.
@joelanderson5285 Ай бұрын
It is a normative belief system that creates an operationalized theater for the lefts identity politics.
@matt8663 Ай бұрын
I guarantee those that support this lock their doors and gates. Total hypocrites.
@HappyLeeHL Ай бұрын
Not 100% true. There are homeless people in the U.S. and people living on the street.
@ARLimon74 Ай бұрын
I doubt they support endless illegal immigration!
@billobrien5140 Ай бұрын
​@HappyLeeHL the politicians who support this live in toney communities I assure you.
@albertchurchill4845 Ай бұрын
@@HappyLeeHL, is there a difference between the two you mentioned? What is it, and what is your point?
@HappyLeeHL Ай бұрын
@@albertchurchill4845 Some people are truly homeless, and some people have a home but choose to live on the street anyway.
@holasoyalicia Ай бұрын
I am a US citizen born and raised in the US. I work in the Americas and live in a South American country where I am permanently a citizen. I am not a national citizen. I can not apply for social benefits. This new imagination to the USA is a slap in the face to all Americans who were vetted legally.
@edwardx4979 Ай бұрын
Obviously, they think everything should be free and we, as a society, should help pay for it because underneath it all there are socialist aspects to their way of thinking! If we don't then we're evil, racist, etc. Do they care what these costs are doing to our society and where it's coming from? No!
@gambitacio Ай бұрын
also to actual real refugees.
@DwightStJohn-t7y Ай бұрын
I'm in Canada, raised in the USA, and never thought Canada would fall hard for this stupidity, and now even America. America has forgotten who they were. Canada, and the UK, I'm not surprised.
@PrideinLondon-lp1vp Ай бұрын
Nobody care where you were born or raised, why should I care?
@forzanerazzurri2339 Ай бұрын
It's insane that people are just figuring this out now. Where were all of you 30 years ago?
@illbeyourmonster5752 Ай бұрын
Listening to the conservatives that said they were going to stand up and fight back any day now that never did?
@crcampbell2210 Ай бұрын
I was 10
@d3m1g0d4 Ай бұрын
I was 4yrs old😊
@jb-vb8un Ай бұрын
@@illbeyourmonster5752 another CRT NO FACTS claim"" FAIR: Biden Executive Order Will Not Secure the Border Share This Article: June 4, 2024 (June 4, 2024, Washington, D.C.) After claiming for the past three years and five months that he lacks the authority to secure our borders, President Biden today acknowledged that he has had the authority all along. The problem is that the Executive Order he issued today is riddled with loopholes and falls far short of what is needed to end the illegal immigration crisis his policies triggered. This is yet another attempt by the administration to deceive the American public into believing that it is serious about securing our borders, halting mass illegal immigration and ending asylum abuse. Upon close examination, the executive order, which includes a long list of exemptions, will do little to rectify the crisis: Closing the border and expelling illegal migrants to Mexico will not be triggered until Border Patrol records 2,500 encounters on average over a seven-day period. Illegal aliens encountered between ports of entry are already restricted from applying for asylum. 2,500 illegal aliens a day, though low by the standards of the Biden administration, is historically high and would amount to the entry of more than 900,000 illegal aliens a year. The daily cap generally applies to illegal migrants encountered by Border Patrol. It exempts illegal aliens who are encountered and processed at ports of entry through the CBP One App. The executive order doesn’t apply to unaccompanied minors. The executive order does not apply to any alien DHS decides to let in “based on the totality of the circumstances,” or “urgent humanitarian, and public health interests.” The executive order does not apply to any alien who DHS authorizes to enter “due to operational considerations at the time of the entry or encounter that warranted permitting the noncitizen to enter.” The executive order does not end the administration’s massive abuse of parole authority, under which at least 1.8 million illegal aliens have been allowed to enter the country during the past two years. Mexico will only accept the return of 30,000 illegal migrants per month, a small fraction of the monthly encounters along the Southwest border. Additionally, third country migrants who claim a fear of persecution in Mexico will not be returned to that country. Inevitably, migrants will make this claim. Today’s executive order does not rescind or repeal any of the hundreds of other Executive Orders, policy memoranda or final rules issued over the past three and a half years that have weakened the nation’s immigration enforcement capabilities. The executive order does not reinstate other effective policies to deter people from making false asylum claims that President Biden canceled during his first weeks in office. These include Remain in Mexico and the Asylum Cooperative Agreements with Central American governments.
@jeroliver Ай бұрын
I was watching Lou Dobbs ‘Broken Borders’ on CNN 20 years ago. Now look at it.
@matt4887 Ай бұрын
Replacement is not a theory in western Europe
@redblaze8700 Ай бұрын
And who is doing the replacement?
@TingTong2568 Ай бұрын
@@redblaze8700 just google it. You'll get the answer
@orp5us Ай бұрын
@@redblaze87002+2=4 the first 2 doesnt replace the other 2 they add together
@Guknowit Ай бұрын
​@@orp5us It replaces the votes needed to keep the country free. It's more 2+2 vs 2.
@candidlens Ай бұрын
​@@orp5usIt's more like adding 2 to a space that doesn't hold 4.
@TheTinyRedDot Ай бұрын
As a Singaporean, at the other end of the free world, I'm praying for Trump/Vance 2024 to put a stop to this borderless nonsense, for my own household sake
@marcservos3790 Ай бұрын
I'm an American who has been staying in Singapore, legally I'll add :) and thank you for your support.
@jamie59685 Ай бұрын
Whenever idiots on the left tell me that Europe is only rich because of colonialism and America is only rich because of slavery I ask them 'well what about Singapore?' They really wish Singapore didn't exist as it shows exactly what can be done when people are given economic freedom and good governance.
@AF_CSL Ай бұрын
Singapore migration policy should be an example to the world of what should be done. It is fair, and a win-win situation for both migrant and national.
@FirstAmendment2014 Ай бұрын
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@loooongneck Ай бұрын
Biden’s government in the 1st two years deported more people (both as a raw number and as a percentage of all illegal immigrants detained) than the last 2 years of Trump’s government. Biden supporting an “open border” is right wing bubble fairytale. The cold hard numbers are there for all to see. Go ahead and look them up if you don’t believe me
@jisangpark8085 Ай бұрын
A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Critical Immigration Theory
@bludeuce3855 Ай бұрын
it wont happen even if Harris were to ebcome president. and CIT it not possible since americans would prevent it from happening same for the west and europe and would lead to what happned in Sri Lanka happening in europe, america and other western nations
@jb-vb8un Ай бұрын
@@bludeuce3855 Congress Squanders Another Opportunity to Address the Border Crisis Share This Article: April 23, 2024 (April 23, 2024, Washington, D.C.) Today, the Senate followed the lead of the House of Representatives in approving $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, without including any provisions to secure our own borders and end the unprecedented surge of illegal immigration to the United States. For months, Republican congressional leaders, in both chambers, pledged that legislation to aid Ukraine must also include all, or substantial parts of H.R.2, the Secure the Border Act. H.R. 2 was passed by the House last May, but Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has refused to bring it up for a vote in the Senate. Earlier this year, House Speaker Mike Johnson vowed that a “border fight is coming, and we’re going to die on that hill.” Similarly, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell stated, “America’s national security begins with securing and maintaining our borders. It’s a matter of basic sovereignty.” Nevertheless, after several rounds of negotiations on government funding and now on foreign aid, the GOP leadership has squandered numerous opportunities to enact legislation that is vital to the security of our own country.
@tony-gy2bq Ай бұрын
@@bludeuce3855 We are already there.
@minisodas4174 Ай бұрын
@@bludeuce3855better not to risk anything related to this happening at all, it’s obvious she’s for it, she deliberately did a poor immigration job so they can come in for votes
@Alias3141 Ай бұрын
​@@bludeuce3855oh yeah? What have Americans done to prevent it?
@Alfonso-gp9mk Ай бұрын
Population replacement
@bludeuce3855 Ай бұрын
it isnt population replacement the left arent trying to de white the population or the country or america or europe, WEF doesnt want that and global birthrates are delcining across the globe they want to use them as slav labor to usher in the great reset, depopulation agenda to un alive all of humanity and every race and build 15 mincute cities
@praevasc4299 Ай бұрын
Which is, according to them, not happening, but at the same time it is good that it's happening.
@bludeuce3855 Ай бұрын
@@praevasc4299 there is no population replacement and illegals wont replace anyone or any race or native born americans its impossible WEF doesnt want that and global birthrates are declining across the globe due to global birthrates declining
@BevWood-e8g Ай бұрын
Just like the “queer agenda” (we aren’t indoctrinating and sterilizing your kids, you crazy conspiracy theorist, but if you won’t castrate your son, you’re an unfit parent and we’ll take him away)
@xyzct Ай бұрын
... and balkanization.
@ontariofirs7347 Ай бұрын
Im a Filipino Canada, and it is insulting for me that progressives to equate legal immigration with illegal immigration. Immigration to the US is a privilegw not a right
@moniesincere5083 Ай бұрын
I wish everyone understood your perspective !
@darienevans6229 Ай бұрын
sounds like you have brain. so i welcome you my fellow Canadian.
@freedomisbrightestindungeons Ай бұрын
No where does it say we have to take immigrants
@PJAlaska Ай бұрын
I am all for sensible, legal immigration. But we are far far from that. Mine as well be in Neverland…being a student of classics I look around me and see so much contrary to common sense, Logic and reasoning; history etc…it often makes me sick to my stomach
@user-ho8ep9ej1p Ай бұрын
Yes that is why we had the asian exclusion act of 1882 that last until 1965. It a privilege not a right to have the asian excluded after the asian build this country then got kick out. Got the pictures. Learn your history
@ThomasJacobz Ай бұрын
I dare say KZbin will shadow-ban this video.
@nightblade9886 Ай бұрын
Brother I got an ad for this video 4 different times
@ThomasJacobz Ай бұрын
it's still under 100k views within 12 hours."
@nightblade9886 Ай бұрын
@@ThomasJacobz that’s a higher average than most of their other videos not to mention they now compete with other similar brands like TPusa and dailywire who have made similar videos
@jurassicthunder Ай бұрын
also DNC bots are disliking the video, it has 5k dislikes.
@DoubleplusUngoodthinkful Ай бұрын
I wish I had taken my Spanish lessons more seriously. I would love to be able to get some of my tax money back from the government by pretending to be an illegal.
@illbeyourmonster5752 Ай бұрын
Thats my retirement plan. Go to Mexico and broke into the US illegally so I can then live happily ever after on the welfare systems I was never allowed access to as a citizen who paid for them.
@DoubleplusUngoodthinkful Ай бұрын
@@illbeyourmonster5752 sounds like a good idea. Mexico will help me with my Spanish. When I become proficient enough (and I tan like a mofo), I'll easily be able to take advantage of the benefits this country has to offer to people who break its immigration law.
@stepchicken3238 Ай бұрын
Except that the Marxist-fascists also want to introduce CBDCs. Remember: "You will own nothing and be happy." Which means, everyone will get a basic allowance of some kind, that's all!
@georgewagner7787 9 күн бұрын
Actually some people are retiring to Costa Rica where its cheaper​@@illbeyourmonster5752
@kinan6746 Ай бұрын
To them, I'm a racist. Regardless, I'm a proud citizen and will defend it.
@radiofreealbemuth Ай бұрын
Not even the greatest dystopian scifi writers could've predicted this woke matriarchy, where feelings and emotionalism overrule logic and rationalism
@BobRooney290 Ай бұрын
at some point, it will break down completely into anarchy. where will the liberal politicians run to?
@joso7228 17 күн бұрын
Iain M Banks did. But in a 'Utopia' where people can do whatever they like, including changing sex or race, in co-operation with friendly AI. And even they question their own morality. kzbin.info/www/bejne/Zn6yi6iYr7OCbMU I don't think we are ready for that yet - but worth a look.
@RascalCatify Ай бұрын
I know of no one that is against LEGAL immigration and vetting of those immigrants. The unchecked illegal immigration we have had for decades has been a huge drain on what the USA is supposed to be. Its also a slap in the face to those who came here legally and went through the process to become a citizen.
@tkorte101 Ай бұрын
Nope. No immigration. Long past being too full. You want to be around foreigners then leave the country and don't come back.
@neglectfulsausage7689 29 күн бұрын
There has to be a cap on foreign born or naturalized born but belonging to foreign etnhic groups in UK otherwise its over. So lets say no more than 20% can be from outsider areas.
@johnranallo424 Ай бұрын
Fight, fight, fight!!! Trump 2024.
@Galvinize03 Ай бұрын
Never Surrender, Brother!
@wademitchell3817 Ай бұрын
@@johnranallo424 Trump is Weird! *W* - wannabe *E* -etreme *I* - insurrectionist *R* -ridiculous *D* - dictator
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
During Trump, your country had record high immigration of people with less good quality of phenotype. Greetings from Greece.
@BobRooney290 Ай бұрын
the far left politicians tried to assassinate him. not one has be brought up on charges.
@JohnThomas-i4x Ай бұрын
The benefit seekers know many US citizens have guns - they will go to Europe/UK.
@rd10 Ай бұрын
Almost every democrat voted against the bill that allows only US citizens to vote. That fact alone tells you everything you need to know.
@NancyK-cu6xj Ай бұрын
How many of these so called Democrats are actually illegal immigrants?
@Bburn47 Ай бұрын
Irregular migration they are now calling it here in the uk
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
Here in Greece as well. But we do not care, as we all know they are all members of a secret organisation.
@millanferende6723 Ай бұрын
That's also called "word sorcery."
@JohnThomas-i4x Ай бұрын
"Illegal" would imply breaking the law and being punished. UK's Starmer wants them and is forcing the indigenous to accept his fantasy of acceptance and coexistence. The new arrivals will be the fall of the UK.
@ApriliaRacer14 26 күн бұрын
Liberal chameleon language to suit the agenda of the day.
@manymusings Ай бұрын
I'm down for Critical Patriot Theory.
@ReverendDr.Thomas Ай бұрын
nation: a population, normally residing in the same geographic region, in which most all the citizens share a common race, religion, language, and culture. This word is VERY often used erroneously in the stead of the term “country”. Therefore, it is highly suggested that one refer to the Glossary entry under “country”, in order to understand the distinction between a “country” and a “nation”. Unfortunately, an enormous percentage of the population has been indoctrinated by leftists to regard NATIONALISM as a malevolent ideology, when in fact, the adherence to a nationalistic framework is beneficial to both the citizenry of a nation and to the world as a whole. Multicultural societies are constantly fraught with conflicts, due to the incompatibility of competing ideologies and practices. Imagine, if you will, that the million most conservative men from an Islamic nation in Middle-east Asia, such as Afghanistan, and the million most feministic women from a liberal country like Canada, were taken to some barren island and asked to establish a new civilization. How harmonious and prosperous do you believe such a mismatch of persons would be? TOTALLY discordant! Furthermore, a variety of national identities is intrinsically beneficial, for nobody would want to travel to another nation if that nation was fundamentally identical to their own nation, except to experience the unique geographical features, diets or climates. I, for one, am glad that I can visit a nation such as Japan in order to experience its unique culture and language, then choose to visit or reside in nations such as Ireland and Egypt in order to experience the unique languages, food, art, dance, cinema, music, religion, and customs of those two nations. Of course, if I decided to reside in a nation where the language and culture differed radically from my own, I would need to adapt. For example, if I were to migrate to a Middle-east Asian nation, such as the one mentioned above, I could not openly criticize the Islamic faith (and especially its founder) without putting my very existence at risk. Upon moving to the Philippines over a decade ago, I found it EXTREMELY easy to acclimatize to its culture, since it is very much a Westernized nation, not dissimilar to the country of my birth, The Southland (that is, “Terra Australis” or “Australia”, as it is known in the Latin tongue). “Nation” was first recorded in the thirteenth century, from the Middle English, from Latin “nātiōn-” (stem of “nātiō”), meaning “birth” or “tribe”, equivalent to “nāt(us)” (past participle of “nāscī”, meaning “to be born”) + “-iōn-”. “-ion” a suffix, appearing in words of Latin origin, denoting action or condition, used in Latin and in English to form nouns from stems of Latin adjectives.
@manymusings Ай бұрын
@@ReverendDr.Thomas well that was a long reply for a comment that never used the words you chose to go on about.
@ReverendDr.Thomas Ай бұрын
@@manymusings, kindly repeat that in ENGLISH, Miss.☝️ Incidentally, Slave, are you VEGAN? 🌱
@illbeyourmonster5752 Ай бұрын
@@manymusings It's likely a bot account. No real person can post something that long and on point without it getting instantly deleted by YT.
@alexneigh7089 Ай бұрын
Critical multiplication table: 2 x 2 = 5. If the Party says so.
@Michelle-sl9gj Ай бұрын
If anyone can move anywhere then there was nothing wrong with colonialism after all!!! Why do they always get made about settlements and colonialism? They dont want borders, correct? These people are nuts.
@abidullah2048 Ай бұрын
I was homeless, I had nothing to offer, always sleeping on the street, until Jesus sent me a friend who helped me... I got a job & was managing till I melt a friend who helped ... She changed my life and now I have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... HALLELUJAH
@Graciezi Ай бұрын
How did you do it? Do explain please 😯
@abidullah2048 Ай бұрын
I raised 75k and Christina Ann Tucker is to be thanked. I got my self my dream car 🚗 just last weekend, My journey with her started after my best friend came back from New York and saw me suffering in dept then told me about her and how to change my life through her. Christina A. Tucker is the kind of person one needs in his or her life! I got a home, a good wife, and a beautiful daughter. Note: this is not a promotion but me trying to make a point that no matter what happens, always have faith and keep living!!!
@lorinpoik Ай бұрын
Wow 😱 I know her too Miss Christina Ann Tucker is a remarkable individual who has brought immense positivity and inspiration into my life.
@lorinpoik Ай бұрын
I started with a miserly $1500. The results have been mind blowing I must say TBH
@BarbuAna-cw1wn Ай бұрын
< I know that woman(Christina Ann Tucker) If you were born and raised in new York you'd know too, No doubt she is the one that helped you get where you are!!!!
@em-dy3hn Ай бұрын
This is what happens when people can't deal with their own guilt and shame. Immature people who haven't grown out of their crap childhoods is being put into policy. It's pathological traumatic codependency turned political.
@BevWood-e8g Ай бұрын
It’s also a result of decadence. If you’ve inherited this enormously wealthy and free society, and you didn’t have to work hard to build or defend it, you are going to think you don’t deserve it and you’ll give it away. It’s why children of the elite embrace this ideology; they didn’t earn their wealth and so they think everyone should just be born into lots of wealth like them, aka champagne socialists
@kuenringeling Ай бұрын
Seems plausible!
@ElderEagle42 Ай бұрын
I can guarantee that this is gonna be even more common in Europe
@alexneigh7089 Ай бұрын
It is heartful to turn away people from other countries who bring along with them poverty, drug lords, and corrupt government.
@bludeuce3855 Ай бұрын
there wouldnt be drug lord or cartels if we called for collective punishment against criminals which would mean punishing not just the criminal but his wife, children, parents, siblings and cousins which means if a criminal is caught and sentenced to death his wife, children, siblings, parents and cousins would also face the same punishment for his crime which would strike fear into criminals and lead to a reduction of crime
@michaelwmauser1 Ай бұрын
@@bludeuce3855 Guilty by having a cousin who is a criminal? Maybe we should make an exception if you happen to be a police officer?
@bludeuce3855 Ай бұрын
@@michaelwmauser1 nope. thats not how collective punishment works and it doesnt work that way in north Korea either
@petersteenkamp Ай бұрын
Poverty, drug lords and corrupt government don't grow out of the soil. They are the result of the culture of the people. The same culture the migrants bring with them.
@sweddi Ай бұрын
@@bludeuce3855 dude this is insanity
@TS-mt6rm Ай бұрын
We used to say that whatever happens in the US will come to Sweden 10 years later. Now it seem the other way around.
@jamesphilip6737 Ай бұрын
If Kamala gets to be president, we're all screwed.
@Moha-v6c Ай бұрын
No actually trump is the one who refused to sign the border law
@crazyedswonderfulworldofso9370 Ай бұрын
I doubt this video will ever see the light of day. KZbin will take care of that!
@jimwerther Ай бұрын
How did you comment two days ago on a video which was posted four hours ago?
@smthsmthsmthsmth Ай бұрын
2 day ago. 5 hours made. :/
@mpetersen6 Ай бұрын
I think its time for Critical Critical Theory
@candidlens Ай бұрын
Yes. It can always be turned on itself.
@andrewst9797 Ай бұрын
All reasonable people must go on the offensive against 'cults' like socialism, communism, islam etc and their ignorant supporters Always. We owe this to ourselves and to our children.
@kramer26 Ай бұрын
Not just the US but the UK too. And it isn't just the cost of providing these migrants with homes, healthcare, education, etc., but also the cost of the increased infrastructure, providing more housing, roads, hospitals, schools, etc., what they take away from the native citizens in terms of jobs, hospital beds, doctor appointments, etc., and in terms of the cost of the crimes they commit, the social unrest, and the societal division that's created as a result of all of the above, just as we're seeing in the UK now.
@angelafloodgate4437 Ай бұрын
There is nothing that tells you more about the quality of someone’s character than the way they handle borders of any kind.
@edwardcook2973 Ай бұрын
I was born and raised in Texas, and I am not an American citizen. I am a U.S citizen. Period. End of discussion.
@JonahzVoice3-4 Ай бұрын
Excellent distinction! I'm trying it on. "I AM A CITIZEN of the UNITED STATES." ❤
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
What is the difference?
@LGranado-pj6nb Ай бұрын
​@@tomorrowneverdies567America is the name of the continent, not the country in this case
@tomorrowneverdies567 Ай бұрын
@@LGranado-pj6nb I know. But usually it is obvious whenever one with "America" means the USA.
@Doomsday556 Ай бұрын
And now you know why they want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment and ban all those scary semi automatic rifles.
@fajarcahyono3693 Ай бұрын
As a South East Asian, I can tell you that current US Immigration Policy is a JOKE lol, it's much worse than country like Laos or Cambodia in terms of illegal immigration In Laos if you are entering the nation illegally, if you are lucky you can enter Laos without problem, if you are not, you can't. At least it's 50-50 chance. Human Trafficking also quite a big problem there (In Laos & Cambodia) In US, it's much worse than that, imagine you have border so open that even a drug smugglers and people without any legal document can entering it without worries lol!
@shannon6876 Ай бұрын
My city has gone from being a nice medium sized city with a tax problem (too many Left leaning people from a certain major city in the North East which shall remain nameless) came here and took over the city government, and since them have raised our taxes at ~18% per year, every year while spending the money on landscaping to make it pretty for the wealthy - I kid you not - and slashing our police force by 33% to being a large city full of people who don't speak English, who come from Middle and South American countries and various islands of the Caribbean. Now we have too many people even when the snowbirds have gone home; our traffic is awful; nobody obeys the traffic laws anymore; people have taken to parking wherever the hell they please (in the road at the front doors of restaurants because they can't be bothered to actually park; and we have people violating noise ordinances constantly with their booming music both in their homes and their cars, all day and late into the night. Every Saturday and Sunday I get to listen to neighbors more than a block away play their bass music so loud that in my home, I have to wear noise cancelling headphones to be able to block it out, and that only works some of the time. We have people setting off city level fireworks for a week to a month before and after not just the 4th of July, but Christmas, New Years, and at least one other holiday now (which is almost entirely illegal, but nobody will enforce that law either). And other forms of crime have skyrocketed also. For the first time ever, we have homeless and beggars. And all of this started happening in... 2020. You can draw whatever associations from that, that you like. I can tell you first hand, they're pretty far along with this critical immigration theory. No matter where I go, even out of state, I simply cannot get away from the illegals. But it's gotten so bad here that I have to move..
@russellgay5337 Ай бұрын
"Let me tell you something New Yorkers, never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to - I don't see an ending to this,” the mayor said in his opening remarks at a town hall-style gathering in Manhattan. “This issue will destroy New York City.” Backlash Against Chicago’s Sanctuary City Status Gains Steam, Supporters Warn of Consequences. Denver closed its last hotel shelter for new immigrants. Some families are still struggling to come inside. The number of new arrivals has slowed, the city is scaling back its support, and advocates are looking for answers as they try to get people into shelter.
@tomwallace3103 Ай бұрын
Yet most New York citizens will vote for the left!
@georgewagner7787 9 күн бұрын
I bet Adam's is the first not to see reelection
@andrewwilson3395 Ай бұрын
So true. I'm in the UK and it is exactly the same here.
@ogslowdragon Ай бұрын
It's not being critical at all when allowing immigration.
@ReverendDr.Thomas Ай бұрын
nation: a population, normally residing in the same geographic region, in which most all the citizens share a common race, religion, language, and culture. This word is VERY often used erroneously in the stead of the term “country”. Therefore, it is highly suggested that one refer to the Glossary entry under “country”, in order to understand the distinction between a “country” and a “nation”. Unfortunately, an enormous percentage of the population has been indoctrinated by leftists to regard NATIONALISM as a malevolent ideology, when in fact, the adherence to a nationalistic framework is beneficial to both the citizenry of a nation and to the world as a whole. Multicultural societies are constantly fraught with conflicts, due to the incompatibility of competing ideologies and practices. Imagine, if you will, that the million most conservative men from an Islamic nation in Middle-east Asia, such as Afghanistan, and the million most feministic women from a liberal country like Canada, were taken to some barren island and asked to establish a new civilization. How harmonious and prosperous do you believe such a mismatch of persons would be? TOTALLY discordant! Furthermore, a variety of national identities is intrinsically beneficial, for nobody would want to travel to another nation if that nation was fundamentally identical to their own nation, except to experience the unique geographical features, diets or climates. I, for one, am glad that I can visit a nation such as Japan in order to experience its unique culture and language, then choose to visit or reside in nations such as Ireland and Egypt in order to experience the unique languages, food, art, dance, cinema, music, religion, and customs of those two nations. Of course, if I decided to reside in a nation where the language and culture differed radically from my own, I would need to adapt. For example, if I were to migrate to a Middle-east Asian nation, such as the one mentioned above, I could not openly criticize the Islamic faith (and especially its founder) without putting my very existence at risk. Upon moving to the Philippines over a decade ago, I found it EXTREMELY easy to acclimatize to its culture, since it is very much a Westernized nation, not dissimilar to the country of my birth, The Southland (that is, “Terra Australis” or “Australia”, as it is known in the Latin tongue). “Nation” was first recorded in the thirteenth century, from the Middle English, from Latin “nātiōn-” (stem of “nātiō”), meaning “birth” or “tribe”, equivalent to “nāt(us)” (past participle of “nāscī”, meaning “to be born”) + “-iōn-”. “-ion” a suffix, appearing in words of Latin origin, denoting action or condition, used in Latin and in English to form nouns from stems of Latin adjectives.
@illbeyourmonster5752 Ай бұрын
@@ReverendDr.Thomas Not saying you're a fake account, but no real person on YT can post anything that long and on point with those topics without it being immediately deleted by YT.
@ReverendDr.Thomas Ай бұрын
@@illbeyourmonster5752, not in this case. 🤫
@somercet1 Ай бұрын
Ugh, the lowest tier response. The whole point of Critical Anything Theory is that it is critical of anything that opposes its agenda _for the moment._ Valid arguments against policy A today are not valid tomorrow if policy A is hurting intersectional Marxists today and helping them tomorrow.
@georgewagner7787 9 күн бұрын
That experiment was sort of tried after the mutiny on the bouncy it's a true story and if you read this book about what happened to the pirates when they were found many years later only One man was alive because the other ones all killed each other
@jackcarterog001 Ай бұрын
Critical illegal or legal immigration?
@michaelleone9931 Ай бұрын
I’m thankful I’m 44 and don’t have or will ever bring kids into this world! It ain’t getting better
@jefhorton1958 Ай бұрын
They used to have hypnotists on TV. Once the victim was hypnotized, the hypnotist would say, "Now bark like a dog", and the victim would bark.
@maxxon99 Ай бұрын
They always forget that rights and privileges come with responsibilities...
@d3m1g0d4 Ай бұрын
So from Critical Race Theory to Critical Imigration Theory! what's wrong with these people.
@JohnSmith-bs9ym Ай бұрын
What's wrong with them is that they are communists...These things have happened in the past, especially in Maoist China, and they will happen again and again. It's the perpetual fight between good and evil.
@moowaffels Ай бұрын
the video is a prediction of what philosophy the left will invent next. if you look up critical immigration theory you mostly just get PragerU articles or videos. Its a term coined by PragerU to push a narrative. they invented a fictional belief based on what they think the left is like. Its insanely partisan. Try to see beyond party lines.
@Yabberfrat Ай бұрын
Love you James! Thank you so much for sharing your message on this platform!! You are one of the few rare voices standing up to the insanity!
@digithuman Ай бұрын
South Africa is being persecuted for this very reason, not to mention what is happening to the UK.
@NancyK-cu6xj Ай бұрын
We need to hold our Secretary's of State accountable for making sure only legal American citizens that are legitimately registered voters count. They need to pledge their allegiance to us and the United States of America for which it stands.
@md12318 Ай бұрын
Then why bother with passports anymore?
@jendrizzyy Ай бұрын
@howtubeable 28 күн бұрын
Democrats on the New York City Council also gave non-citizens the right to vote, but it was overruled on the state level. Their bizarre reasoning is if you buy something and pay sales tax, then you should have the right to vote. Insane!
@georgewagner7787 9 күн бұрын
NYC Council is insane.
@deckardcanine Ай бұрын
Let us be critical of all things "critical."
@kma3647 Ай бұрын
And that's just the short version. The longer version includes discussion of the EU as a framework for destroying national sovereignty, the use of trade interdependencies to tear down national borders, and the explicit declaration that ethnicity (long the foundation of national identity) is itself a problem, well, only some ethnicities. The others are preferred, and we all know who's who. There's a discussion about a North American "EU" where just like the EU and it's predecessor, the EC, NAFTA/whatever they call Trump's renegotiated version of it, is used to build a political union on top of the trade union. Ship the factories to Mexico and the workers to the US and Canada, gaslight people by telling them they have to accept this or lose their avocados and guac... never mind the drugs and s-x trafficking. Whatever it takes to destroy national identity and get to a global identity. And why are Russia and Turkey now persona non grata? They're standing in the way of EU expansion. It's still communism. It's still the same international vision. The same corruptocracy running the show. The same dictatorship masquerading as "democracy." They can't sell the idea with the original branding, so they keep rebranding it and trying to sneak it past people.
@Nordic_Sky Ай бұрын
James Lindsay is always worth listening to. Great video!
@a.cameron207 Ай бұрын
I have thought for a while that critical theory, at least in how it's used now, was constructed not to better understand the world by critiquing and analysing things, but rather to protect indefensible ideas from external criticism while giving them the ability to deconstruct opposing views. In short, it's an academic formalisation of the rationalising nature of humans.
@mattraveltheworld3980 Ай бұрын
The video is correct. A few years ago, I traveled through the US for 6 months (I am not American), and I talked to many of my hosts. Some of them openly favored to completely eliminate borders and passports. I was surprised to hear this from an American history teacher!
@sherbear8286 Ай бұрын
Education was the first place these ideas gained traction, and of course the teachers indoctrinated the students without the parents’ knowledge.
@danielsempere3395 Ай бұрын
Thinking I once thought of myself as an European centre left , the left has gone so far away from reality…..
@candidlens Ай бұрын
Because it has no limiting principle.
@steveguti6452 Ай бұрын
Jesus Christ died for our Sins according to the scriptures and that he was Buried and he rose Again the third day praise God praying for everyone Everyday God bless you all...
@ReverendDr.Thomas Ай бұрын
I am not really concerned about what any particular person BELIEVES. You may believe that there is an old man with a white beard perched in the clouds, that the Ultimate Reality is a young blackish-blue Indian guy, that the universe is eternal, that Mother Mary was a certifiable virgin, or that gross physical matter is the foundation of existence. The ONLY thing that really matters is your meta-ethics, not your meta-physics. Do you consider any form of non-monarchical government (such as democracy or socialism) to be beneficial? Do you unnecessarily destroy the lives of poor, innocent animals and gorge on their bloody carcasses? Do you believe homosexuality and transvestism are moral? Do you consider feminist ideology to be righteous? If so, then you are objectively immoral, and your so-called "enlightened/awakened" state is immaterial, since it does not benefit society in any way.
@jakey3887 Ай бұрын
@@ReverendDr.Thomas If there is no God, nothing is moral or immoral. No God = No Evil If there is no God, the Nazi’s were not wrong. You can’t say the Nazi’s were wrong unless there is a purpose beyond life. Unless there is a standard beyond our government and their government. That’s how we convicted the Nazi’s at Nuremberg. They said, “We were just following orders and obeying our government!” But we said, “You had a moral obligation to disobey immoral orders!” Because there’s a standard beyond your government and our government. Thomas Jefferson called it “Nature’s Law” in the Declaration of Independence. C.S. Lewis called it the “Moral Law”. Today we call it “International Law”. It comes from God’s nature. If there is no God, love is no better than rape. You may personally like love better obviously but it’s not objectively better, because it’s just your opinion. There are thousands if not millions of people who prefer rape over love. They prefer what you don’t prefer. If they enjoy raping, why are they wrong? It makes them happy. If you enjoy loving why are you not wrong? Because it makes you happy? Just like people raping others makes them happy and they get enjoyment out of it too? Why is your happiness better than the rapists happiness IF THERE IS NO GOD? Who says? In fact, if there is no God there are NO HUMAN RIGHTS. Everything’s just a matter of opinion. No one has any rights and yet a lot of people are saying they have a right to this, that, and the other, but they are atheists! Yes, it’s true they have “certain” rights, BUT…those atheists can’t justify those “certain” rights. If there is no God, slavery and racism aren’t wrong unless God exists. Neither is murder. Nothing is wrong! Because there is nothing right! If there is no God, religious people have never done anything wrong. People might call a Christian a hypocrite, right? If that’s true, then they’d be right. Because if I wasn’t a hypocrite or I was perfect I wouldn’t need a savior. Why is hypocrisy bad if there is no god? I bet the person who calls a Christian a hypocrite isn’t living up to their standard either, right? Much less God’s standard. Tolerance is no better than intolerance if there is no God. By the way, are Christians commanded to be tolerant? No! Tolerance is too weak. Tolerance says, “Hold your nose and put up with them.” Love says, “Reach out and help them.” Christians are commanded to love and go BEYOND tolerance. But if you legitimately and actually love somebody, that means sometimes you CAN’T TOLERATE what they do. If a child’s parent tolerated everything they wanted to do as a kid, would that parent be loving? No! Parents need to stand in the way of evil to protect their kids and the same is true in real life in the rest of life. Unfortunately, our culture thinks that love requires approval. That if you love me you’ll approve of what I do. No, because if I actually love you I’m going to approve of the good things and disapprove of the bad things BECAUSE I love you. Love always protects. In fact, Thomas Sowell, the famous economist now 92 years old put it this way, “When you tell people the truth you’re helping. When you tell people what they NEED to hear you’re helping them. When you tell people what they WANT to hear, you’re helping yourself.” Why don’t they tell them what they really need to hear? Because we don’t want them TO BE MAD AT US! So we are just going to go along just to help ourselves, unfortunately. By the way, if there is no God, then you can’t complain about the problem of evil. Why? Because if there is no God there’s no such thing as evil. There’s no such thing as good actually. You see, evil cannot exist without good and good cannot exist without God. Evil cannot exist on its own. Evil is like cancer. If you take all the cancer out of the body, you have a better body. But if you try to take the body out of the cancer, it doesn’t work because cancer can’t exist in its own. Or like rust in a car. Take the rust away and you have a better car. Take just the car away then you have nothing, rust cannot exist on its own. Evil cannot exist without good and good cannot exist without God. Evil may prove there is a devil out there, but evil does not and can’t disprove God. What does it mean to submit? Certain people don’t like this word. What about submission? Let’s break that word down. What does mission mean? It means you have a goal or purpose and are going in a direction, right? Sub means you are foregoing your own personal mission and putting yourself UNDER this other mission. If God exists, and He does, and He has a mission for us, we would be foolish not to submit our own personal missions to His. Just foolish! We are talking about eternity here. Not just the next 50 years. It would be like a diva receiver on a football team saying to the coach, “Keep throwing me the ball!” Coach will just say, “If we keep throwing you the ball we’re not going to win. We have to spread the ball around! You’ll get your shot, but we can’t keep throwing you the ball!” So a smart receiver will submit his personal mission to the overall team mission. Would this be a good thing for the diva receiver? Of course. The same thing is true for us and God. Atheists try to come up with all kinds of moral objections and arguments but none of them work. When atheists try and reason they can’t even explain why reason works. Most atheists are materialists. They think EVERYTHING happens by natural forces. That we are just molecular machines or moist robots with no free will and no individual choices are being made. Everything we think is because of physics. Yet when someone commits a heinous crime that requires a personal choice to be made, the same choice another can choose not to make, and we punish the criminal, supposedly for something they had no control over lol. Makes no sense. This makes reason impossible.
@tella117 Ай бұрын
One, you cannot be a so called Reverend😂! You mock God , He will never accept you or the lies you tell yourself and others…. Get behind us Satan…. You have no power here! In Jesus Christ I rebuke you and the evil spirits within you… the video wasn’t based on God and came in here to say so… but will always defend him…. You just came in here to trash someone… so brave behind your masks and the keyboard… see you depended on the silent majority staying just that, silent. We’re rising , we woke up… not the woke your gonna like either! The Pendulum is swinging back to reality and we’re on the rise! You will no longer have any power here… we love liberal tears so cry them up
@jakey3887 Ай бұрын
@@ReverendDr.Thomas No God = No Evil If there is no God, the Nazi’s were not wrong. You can’t say the Nazi’s were wrong unless there is a purpose beyond life. Unless there is a standard beyond our government and their government. That’s how we convicted the Nazi’s at Nuremberg. They said, “We were just following orders and obeying our government!” But we said, “You had a moral obligation to disobey immoral orders!” Because there’s a standard beyond your government and our government. Thomas Jefferson called it “Nature’s Law” in the Declaration of Independence. C.S. Lewis called it the “Moral Law”. Today we call it “International Law”. It comes from God’s nature. If there is no God, love is no better than rape. You may personally like love better obviously but it’s not objectively better, because it’s just your opinion. There are thousands if not millions of people who prefer rape over love. They prefer what you don’t prefer. If they enjoy raping, why are they wrong? It makes them happy. If you enjoy loving why are you not wrong? Because it makes you happy? Just like people raping others makes them happy and they get enjoyment out of it too? Why is your happiness better than the rapists happiness IF THERE IS NO GOD? Who says? In fact, if there is no God there are NO HUMAN RIGHTS. Everything’s just a matter of opinion. No one has any rights and yet a lot of people are saying they have a right to this, that, and the other, but they are atheists! Yes, it’s true they have “certain” rights, BUT…those atheists can’t justify those “certain” rights. If there is no God, slavery and racism aren’t wrong unless God exists. Neither is murder. Nothing is wrong! Because there is nothing right! If there is no God, religious people have never done anything wrong. People might call a Christian a hypocrite, right? If that’s true, then they’d be right. Because if I wasn’t a hypocrite or I was perfect I wouldn’t need a savior. Why is hypocrisy bad if there is no god? I bet the person who calls a Christian a hypocrite isn’t living up to their standard either, right? Much less God’s standard. Tolerance is no better than intolerance if there is no God. By the way, are Christians commanded to be tolerant? No! Tolerance is too weak. Tolerance says, “Hold your nose and put up with them.” Love says, “Reach out and help them.” Christians are commanded to love and go BEYOND tolerance. But if you legitimately and actually love somebody, that means sometimes you CAN’T TOLERATE what they do. If a child’s parent tolerated everything they wanted to do as a kid, would that parent be loving? No! Parents need to stand in the way of evil to protect their kids and the same is true in real life in the rest of life. Unfortunately, our culture thinks that love requires approval. That if you love me you’ll approve of what I do. No, because if I actually love you I’m going to approve of the good things and disapprove of the bad things BECAUSE I love you. Love always protects. In fact, Thomas Sowell, the famous economist now 92 years old put it this way, “When you tell people the truth you’re helping. When you tell people what they NEED to hear you’re helping them. When you tell people what they WANT to hear, you’re helping yourself.” Why don’t they tell them what they really need to hear? Because we don’t want them TO BE MAD AT US! So we are just going to go along just to help ourselves, unfortunately. By the way, if there is no God, then you can’t complain about the problem of evil. Why? Because if there is no God there’s no such thing as evil. There’s no such thing as good actually. You see, evil cannot exist without good and good cannot exist without God. Evil cannot exist on its own. Evil is like cancer. If you take all the cancer out of the body, you have a better body. But if you try to take the body out of the cancer, it doesn’t work because cancer can’t exist in its own. Or like rust in a car. Take the rust away and you have a better car. Take just the car away then you have nothing, rust cannot exist on its own. Evil cannot exist without good and good cannot exist without God. Evil may prove there is a devil out there, but evil does not and can’t disprove God. What does it mean to submit? Certain people don’t like this word. What about submission? Let’s break that word down. What does mission mean? It means you have a goal or purpose and are going in a direction, right? Sub means you are foregoing your own personal mission and putting yourself UNDER this other mission. If God exists, and He does, and He has a mission for us, we would be foolish not to submit our own personal missions to His. Just foolish! We are talking about eternity here. Not just the next 50 years. It would be like a diva receiver on a football team saying to the coach, “Keep throwing me the ball!” Coach will just say, “If we keep throwing you the ball we’re not going to win. We have to spread the ball around! You’ll get your shot, but we can’t keep throwing you the ball!” So a smart receiver will submit his personal mission to the overall team mission. Would this be a good thing for the diva receiver? Of course. The same thing is true for us and God. Atheists try to come up with all kinds of moral objections and arguments but none of them work. When atheists try and reason they can’t even explain why reason works. Most atheists are materialists. They think EVERYTHING happens by natural forces. That we are just molecular machines or moist robots with no free will and no individual choices are being made. Everything we think is because of physics. Yet when someone commits a heinous crime that requires a personal choice to be made, the same choice another can choose not to make, and we punish the criminal, supposedly for something they had no control over lol. Makes no sense. This makes reason impossible.
@JonahzVoice3-4 Ай бұрын
​@ReverendDr.Thomas You just opened a can of worms. Congratulations! Were you ethical in doing so? Please state where you got your standard.
@pw3858 Ай бұрын
They present these theories that you aren't allowed to argue against. They don't allow politicians to question it , they don't allow students to question it , anyone that does has their comments hidden or reported.
@anthonymorris5084 29 күн бұрын
If you ever question the Left you'll be accused of being a racist, Nazi, fascist, bigot, hater or you'll be accused of having some kind of "phobia". They never have an argument, they rely on slander, invalidation, dismissal and demonization.
@kbcinmedusn Ай бұрын
It seems like we have a clear and eloquently stated dilemma with no solution in site.
@GaryVanDolzer 18 күн бұрын
absolutely superb as always! Prager is a lifeblood part of our freedom
@bludeuce3855 Ай бұрын
saying that illegals have a human right to be in america and recive money is stupid. we might as well undermine that logic by saying "Its my human right to un alive people i dont like and you cant infringe on my right because i say i say so."
@ricovargas9775 Ай бұрын
I was already a believer in critical theory and this video sold me even harder on it!
@MumRah Ай бұрын
I suggest changing it to Critical Limitless Immigration Theory. It's a much more fun acronym 😂
@chaecoco2 Ай бұрын
Dude you beat me to it! First thought that came into my mind when watching this. I guess great minds think alike, LOL.
@caissa222 18 күн бұрын
@@chaecoco2 universal nation
@TRUEC4N4DI4N Ай бұрын
The main reason for CIT is for businesses to employ immigrants for cents/pennies where the native population are making dollars. This is what happened when China was allowed into the WTO and the majority of factory jobs left North America and went to China where they make a fraction of what North Americans made.
@bf6159 Ай бұрын
Before whatching the video I'll simply state. Thus far, I've yet to see the words Critical and Theory utilized in the same sentence, where such was not in the promotion of Toxic Fraud while playing victim. OK, after watching, I'll add this, other than to farm people as a financial resource, when has anything instutited by those who promote initiatives where the words Critical and Theory are ajoined, actually followed through and delivered on their promose? It's just a coincidence the WOKE and SJW folks parrot Brownshirts? To paraphrase George Carlin, "from Shellshock to Post Tramatic Stress Disorder, if it were still called Shell-shock, there would be greater urgency addressing such". Rather, they made PTSD a social trend" Same with illegals... frauds soften the language in an effort to minimize the reality of the matter, and to grotesquely misrepresent. Also, and because I'm guessing most didn't realize it while such was in motion. The label American, was offset a decade ago, if not longer. There were commercials, a marketing campaign showing various Peoples from the America's, stating, "I'm an American", showing them with their Family and the flag of their Homeland. I tried to explain what that meant in the long run, few understood and even fewer cared.
@tomchidwick Ай бұрын
Bravo James! Thank you for this excellent explainer. Hopefully we can stop this beast before it does some real damage. We appreciate you so much!
@aisforapple2494 Ай бұрын
You didn't mention the moniker of "asylum seekers" in the litany of RadLeftist NewSpeak.
@handimanjay6642 Ай бұрын
One world governance would never work. America’s darkest days are yet to come. At some point 10 million ish people will be told they can no longer hang out here waiting for their immigration hearing and need to leave the country until that date.
@Hendreh1 Ай бұрын
Same in Germany. Outlanders go Home!
@kuenringeling Ай бұрын
Döp dödö döp!
@mrsentencename7334 Ай бұрын
You Germans predicted this nearly a century ago
@Hendreh1 Ай бұрын
@@mrsentencename7334 yes that IS correct . But all the politicans Close Thier eys 🔥😡
@mrsentencename7334 Ай бұрын
@@Hendreh1 it’s a plan to ethnically cleanse white Europeans
@AndrewKendall71 Ай бұрын
People are getting sicker faster of "immigration" than the others... perhaps because of the others. So, it'll be different. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds, though. The media are powerful enough and the credulous go along enough for it to be the problem the others have been. But people are more "done" than previously. Staying tuned.
@АндрійОлексієнко-п3э Ай бұрын
(2:10) The Overton Window in action.
@Suttisan78 Ай бұрын
I have been living in Thailand for 15 years, I'm not Thai, they call me a foreigner and I will never be Thai, even if I get citizenship (which is virtually impossible btw) I will still not feel Thai or considered to be Thai.
@albertmooney2628 Ай бұрын
there goes the neighborhood.
@THall-vi8cp Ай бұрын
The formation of the European Union was a first step.
@candidlens Ай бұрын
Who is behind all this?
@AskBibleNotes Ай бұрын
If you wonder what Kamala Harris means when she says, "what can be, unburdened by what has been"...this is as well-explained as I've seen.
@steveguti6452 Ай бұрын
Update alleuia Urgent emergency please join me in prayer for injured police officer shot three times in NJ he was in critical condition now stable condition he desperately needs continued prayers for full recovery please pray for him and family God bless you all
@nadakidd Ай бұрын
Love James. His New Discourses videos are awesome!
@steveguti6452 Ай бұрын
Urgent emergency please join me in prayer for all those affected families children animals massive fires in California USA and the whole world they desperately need your prayers please pray for them God bless you all
@liam6550 Ай бұрын
Instead of praying, it you have the capability, you could actually do something about it, rather than feel good about pretending to help
@JonahzVoice3-4 Ай бұрын
​@@liam6550hummm, You don't believe in the God of the Jewish & Christian faith. Your arrogant answer is a dead giveaway. (There's a theological pun in the last sentence. )
@r3sfernjbb Ай бұрын
If CA would clear under brush and stop allowing homeless to cook on the sides of freeways, it would stop. I absolutely believe in God and prayer, but that problem is solvable right now.
@ShubhamSinghYoutube Ай бұрын
I'm from India, I think Colonization of India did lead to British profiting off of it. British took 64 tn $ from India, and caused millions of deaths by ignoring people's problems and oppressing them. I'm a right leaning conservative but denying that is something I won't support.
@Westmansouth Ай бұрын
Colonization of India brought modern medicine, saving millions of innocent lives, and allowing a population boom that leaves India with one of the largest populations of any country in the world.
@jimdavies6764 Ай бұрын
Very good presentation of the problem; not so good though about the fix. Like the socialists, I think nobody should be prevented from living and working wherever he wants, on the face of the earth. Unlike the socialists, I don't believe in government ("world", or any other) or in the redistribution of funds from those who earned them to anyone else including new immigrants. Remove those two obstacles, and people will migrate freely - but only to places where they can earn a better living, without welfare. That will slash the rate by a factor of a hundred or more.
@gus-199 Ай бұрын
It's a problem of values and cultural differences too. And the lack of welfare won't stop people from migrating - just the possibility of better pay (not necessarily better work) is enough to stimulate migration. Before people accuse me, I'm an immigrant, and I talk from experience
@jimdavies6764 Ай бұрын
@@gus-199 As I said, I've no wish to stop migration. Just let it be at the expense and risk of the person moving. That's how it was for the whole 19th Century and the result was the wealthiest nation in history.
@quinnroberts3158 Ай бұрын
@@jimdavies6764 The problem is that mass immigration erases the culture and ethnic continuity of the citizens who built the country the immigrants are coming to. You're forcing people to work and pay their taxes (and possibly be drafted into war) only to have their communities foreignized. If the US has endless immigration from Mexico, then what's the point of having a separate country from them? If Mexicans are incapable of solving their country's problems and will always need special help from the US, then why not just annex them, and we'll administrate them down there. (Or put all of Latin America back under the Spanish crown.) If so many Indians want to come to the UK (rather than solve their country's problems), then why not put them back under the British crown? Pro-mass immigration arguments can be easily turned into arguments for recolonization, and that white governance is superior to brown people ways.
@dreamingghost306 Ай бұрын
If you don’t believe this to be a serious question just take a look at what is happening in the UK
@keyes858 Ай бұрын
You mean the "mostly peaceful protests"?
@pantarkan7 Ай бұрын
Is every nation on Earth required to accept anyone who wants to go there, no questions asked; or is the US unique in this regard. If the latter, why?
@nigelthompson874 Ай бұрын
Good. Very puzzled why North America wasn’t included in colonialism at 1:30. Wasn’t it a British colony? Feel even this great vid couldn’t quite accept that.
@CallousCoder Күн бұрын
As a Dutchman we see the same here! Illegals have now become immigrants or refugees. And the left says we need them to keep population up and fill jobs. Ironically we have a housing crisis a massive population growth and these “immigrants” most of them (almost 70%) still hasn’t have a stable middle class income after 5 years. According to ten left Thats because they are discriminated against. But we all know that you need skills and mastery of the language and adaptation to different culture to be able to be a valuable employee. They simply cannot in most cases. Because what education and job experience does a subsaharan 18-24 year old have?
@victornewman9904 Ай бұрын
A theory is a valudated hypothesis. A social construct is merely a social construct which may be shared (hence social) but can at the same time be nothing but a myth.
@tuco0x Ай бұрын
If we let all non-citizen in this country vote, then why not also do on-line voting. And further, who says you need to have foot on US soil to do so. Let everyone in the world that wants to be a US citizen vote on who will be the next US president! B) In a recent speech, Kamla Harris said she would solve the immigration problem if she is elected. She hasn't done anything about it yet as VP. So what could she do? Simple, make it legal to enter the US at any location without being recorded. Therefore, you are not an illegal immigrant anymore. Problem solved!
@josephgerard5473 Ай бұрын
If anyone's interested, there's a British band called UNIT that released a whole album inspired by and dedicated to Prageru, TPUSA and The Daily Wire. I discovered their You Tube channel a couple of years ago and most of their stuff is excellent. I'm not an agent for the band nor do I know any of them but, to judge from their lyrics, they seem genuine. I found them by typing UNIT Andy Martin The Voice Of Reason into YT which did the trick. They have the entire album as a playlist. One of their tracks features the mighty Ben Shapiro, a couple of later pieces feature Matt Walsh and they do a cracking version of Columbia Gem Of The Ocean, too!
@florencedenham9395 Ай бұрын
Here is an interesting story...while on vacation in Mexico we were talked into looking at retirement homes for sale. As we were looking at houses much to our surprise we were informed we could only stay in our own house purchased with our own money for 180 days out of a year because...wait for it...we are NOT Mexican citizens and can only be in the country 180 days out of the year...even though we paid our own bills and added to the economy we could not stay in Mexico for more than 180 days a year...EVER....
@kevindowell6003 Ай бұрын
Could the Replacement Theory, and CIT be connected to the Cloward-Piven strategy to force a shift towards socialism and communism?
@sanji1259 Ай бұрын
we have the same in germany, but we go even further. they just detained a 17y old, because he stabbed three people in the pedestrian zone, one critical and may die. that was his 35th!!! criminal offence. his family has accumulated over 100 criminal offences. If a german would do just 2-3 of them, he would get jail time on probation. they literally protect criminals and leave the citiziens in fear, that´s how they make their people weak and obress them
@robertsmall1657 Ай бұрын
The government NEVER does anything for people out of compassion. There is always an objective and endgame unrelated to “helping people”.
@DDDDD760 Ай бұрын
The first African slaves were not brought to America in 1619, but rather in 1526. Enslaved Africans were part of a Spanish expedition to establish an outpost on the North American coast in present-day South Carolina. Those African slaves launched a rebellion in November of that year and effectively destroyed the Spanish settlers’ ability to sustain the settlement, which they abandoned a year later. Then in 1565, the Spanish brought enslaved Africans to present-day St. Augustine, the first European settlement in what would become to United States of America. * The Spanish bringing slaves over doesn’t quiet fit the “white man” narrative.
@pavlvs_maximvs Ай бұрын
Please don’t make us laugh. The fact is that the United States kept slavery until 1865, and kept laws with racial segregation until the mid-late 1900s. They also eradicated all native Indians wherever they set foot. In contrast, the Spanish forbade Indian slavery already in the early 1500s and Latin America is full of native and mixed people. Even though I don’t like the narrative of the left, the past of North America is an extremely cruel one.
@DDDDD760 Ай бұрын
@@pavlvs_maximvs Don’t make you laugh? I don’t want you to be ignorant, which you apparently are by that statement.
@jimyoung-h3z Ай бұрын
Vote RED everywhere and Trump will save our country
@PhilMante Ай бұрын
Right now in Canada this is an issue with the influx of Indian immigrants.
@person6117 Ай бұрын
Same here in NZ
@JonahzVoice3-4 Ай бұрын
That could be due to the persecution of all other religions by Hindus. I think the leader of India is Hindu, who allows the persecution to happen.
@roberthancox Ай бұрын
Same in UK
@projectalice8119 Ай бұрын
What is ironic is this will eventually lead to the “global government” being able to dictate where every person lives based on their perceived value and their willingness or ability to “follow the rules”.
@wasdakommt653 Ай бұрын
It's the same in Europe.
@nascar0509 Ай бұрын
"The self-flattery of the vision of the left also gives it's true believers a huge ego stake in that vision, which means that mere facts are unlikely to make them reconsider, regardless of what evidence piles up against the vision of the left, and regardless of its disastrous consequences." Thomas Sowell.
@skonstas4683 Ай бұрын
They are Trojan horses.
@danielfoliaco3873 Ай бұрын
Prager used the best person to talk about CIT 👍🏼
@peteratherton1792 Ай бұрын
Same in the United Kingdom and it's crippling us :(
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