What is Mormon Culture?

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Saints Unscripted

Saints Unscripted

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@jamieolsen1200 6 жыл бұрын
Y’all are so great and I love that you make videos about literally every topic. Thank you for pointing out how important it is to differentiate between Mormon culture and the actual Gospel, living in Utah I feel like nonmembers sometimes just have no idea that they’re two different things!
@SaintsUnscripted 6 жыл бұрын
Jamie Olsen Thank you for watching! We totally agree with you:)
@williamhenley8593 5 жыл бұрын
Debbie Let US make man in OUR image. Read Psalms 82 and Psalms 86.
@joseejohnstun4641 5 жыл бұрын
One of the big reasons my husband and I moved out of Utah right after our first daughter was born, was because of Mormon Culture in Utah. You make so many great points in this video, thank you! I wish we could play this video at firesides haha!
@annikalapudas9742 6 жыл бұрын
I'm so happy that you guys made a video about this subject! I've been thinkin about this a lot. I love gospel but I have found myself to really dislike the mormon culture. It has been an alienating factor for me, but other people acknowledging too that the mormon culture is not the same as gospel has given me new inspiration to be in the church. We got to remember that it's okay to be yourself as long as you follow the commandments and gospel :)
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
Preach, girl!
@KevlarX2 6 жыл бұрын
"Mormon Culture" is probably different from region to region. Utah Mormons, you know almost every other person is a member of the church. You can often walk to church or Seminary. You have plenty of members to plan activities. Casseroles and jello for meals after church. ;) Then you have the California Mormon culture. Not as many members as Utah, but still plenty of them around, and they are a lot more laid back. In the South, the Mormon culture is like us against the world type attitude. Often kids are the only Mormons in their school, if not town. People have outdated stereotypes about you. Every other person is a Baptist. You don't have enough people to have certain activities. You have to travel 30 minutes to an hour to get to Church. People think it is weird you do not drink sweet tea. It's more challenging to create a culture. LOL!
@rauldiego6422 6 жыл бұрын
KevlarX2 I’m assuming that you’re a Californian Mormon bc I totally understand what you meant I live in SoCal two hours away from LA, I never assume people are LDS and it’s easy bc in my community it’s full of Catholic, and JW but when a investigator comes to our meeting no one judges them bc we’re so use to of the culture and I learned that most of the people who aren’t members are not very judge-mental as much as members are and also we’re in between what’s good and what’s bad I’m not saying other don’t go through to but in Cali no one is LDS and then we get to see how far we can cross the line but not too far I just wanted to say that bc I don’t get very along well with Utah Mormons bc I know some that see me not as a member they judge me before they even get to know me
@KevlarX2 6 жыл бұрын
I've been around Cali members, and Utah members, but I am a Southerner. Members in the South are very friendly, but we are not huge in numbers.
@jillymarie1211 6 жыл бұрын
KevlarX2 - Totally understand. I grew up in Alabama. But live in Idaho now. Some of the southern baptists where I grew up, literally had lessons on Mormons not being Christian & to stay away from them. We had a small but very close ward, but it was hard. One of the main streets in Alabama has the most churches per whatever. Primarily all Baptist & Methodist.
@weekendmovie3793 6 жыл бұрын
I love, ‘us against the world attitude’! That’s a great description. It was amazing how the one religion discussed about the most with the fewest members, especially 50 years ago. The one thing I miss most about the South was the respect I got when I said I didn’t drink certain sodas or tea. Many times if my friend knew I didn’t drink something and someone offered me that drink they would actually pipe up and let the person know that I didn’t drink that, it was against my religion and it was left at that. They didn’t ask me again and just respected that I didn’t drink that drink. I have lived in other places where my own people challenge my choice.
@marciemoonlight5687 5 жыл бұрын
Raul Diego dude, I’m from NorCal and I feel like a freak of nature when I go to Utah haha
@Pugpono 6 жыл бұрын
Culture is so interesting. Hawai’i-Social-Mormon Culture probably won’t have green jello (more likely lots of rice), but Utah-Social-Mormon culture will. Factors like geographical locations and traditions partly affect that and perhaps the word culture gets thrown around as an umbrella term to cover a plethora of topics. I think there’s a course on the KZbin channel Crash Course that talks more about culture if someone wants to learn more. Also, President Oak’s recent General Conference message about culture has intriguing insights that I absolutely love and needed to hear.
@TheABCDario 6 жыл бұрын
XLpug I actually always found funeral potatoes popping up more than jello. But then I’m not really a fan of jello, so I may just be ignoring it most of the time, lol
@darthgela5622 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for taking this topic on. I am a new convert in Toronto, Canada and I have many tattoos and I lived a less than gospel life in my past. I have shared this in testimony meetings and everyone is so supportive. I was talking about it with the missionaries and a older sister who has been in the church for generations and both have warned me that many others would look down upon me for this. That they have been called out for less in certain circles. It hurts my heart that although Heavenly Father and Jesus do not judge me that my brothers and sisters would. I however love my ward family and am so blessed to have them in my life.
@lisam3674 5 жыл бұрын
I am a recent convert to the church. I actually had really good experiences. Of course I am still learning.
@rosebud7105 6 жыл бұрын
As a new Latter-day Saints, I think the thing I've noticed so far, is that others within the church just expect Chris and I to know what they're talking about. Yup, Stake Conference is next week. Okay....so what does that mean? Oh! I didn't know we were not having service at our meetinghouse! We would've shown up on Sunday to an empty church had we not found out through new church friends that it's closed. We still have no idea what goes on at a Stake Conference and won't be attending this one. It's all so mysterious!
@heatherluna5075 5 жыл бұрын
Perfecting the Saints , we all need some refining before the Lord's Second coming. Jesus Christ wasn't offended so when you know him truly nothing can offend you. A marvelous work and a wonder. GOD BLESS.
@jmcooper62 6 жыл бұрын
My ward in California is just the best! So many folks going out of their way to befriend me, and help me befriend others. I think it's that so many are such good examples of personal character, I wanna be just like them when I grow up (assuming that ever happens.) Let's keep on trying!
@biganimefan84 6 жыл бұрын
Mormon culture is great for the most part. I was raised and spent most of my life in Arizona. There are issues with it though. Both from what I've seen personally and what I've heard about... 1. Granted, this may not exactly be "Mormon Culture" per se, but there has been very damaging things done to the homosexual community in the "Mormon Belt". Among other things, I really think that if parents think it's alright to disown their kids for being homosexual or having problems with other aspects of the law of chastity, should face disciplinary action from the church and to do so publicly. I'm not sure how often things like this happen NOW, but even one time is too much. As a side note, I am NOT trying to change doctrine or demand changes to how the leadership does things. But I really think, that if the church wants better relations with the LBGTQ community, this needs to be done as a start. 2. I have not paid much attention to this recently, but church members(especially young women) tend to shun men that do not go on Missions. Regrettably, this definitely influenced MY decision to go on one 15 years ago(side note: I am the same person as "biganimefan84" that left a large comment the other day on one of your other videos about how said mission went). Wasn't the only reason, no, but it did influence me. What young women in the church in the past have looked for above all else, is a returned Missionary. Sure, not all of them, but there were plenty in any given area. A good friend of mine was shunned by many young women in our singles ward for not going on one. It helped drive him away from the church. I also have an aunt that married 2 men that were returned missionaries and ended up being VERY abusive to her. She left the church. Honestly, part of the reason that I ended my engagements to my first 2 fiances was them placing RM's in too high regard. I left the church myself for years...
@nedyahydarb 6 жыл бұрын
I think all religions have problems with personal convictions that people develop where they felt led by Jesus to live in a certain way. The problem is when people try and take those personal convictions and make them doctrine, which in my experience happens a lot in the LDS church due to the lack of training people receive for specific callings. One bishop mentions that his family doesn't do x activity on Sunday and then all of a sudden half the ward feels like they can do that, even though its a personal conviction not doctorine.
@karyncurr28 3 жыл бұрын
I’m sorry, I don’t see a problem with your example. The Bishop just mentions what they don’t do and the ward members saw the wisdom and decided to follow his example. I listened to an interview with Sister Wendy Nelson and she mentioned that she and the prophet avoid contention in their home by turning off the tv when something contentious comes on. I thought it was a very good idea and have since implemented it in my home. I didn’t make it Doctrine and neither did Sister Nelson.
@spencermcclain665 4 жыл бұрын
This is so great guys! Thank you for being so real and sharing feelings that a lot of us feel but don’t say or do anything about.
@saragarn4739 6 жыл бұрын
I grew up in Utah and now I go to college in Montana. The Mormon culture in both of those places is very different, but the gospel is the same and it is true.
@JESUSSAVESISA 6 жыл бұрын
Sara Garn - Wow! Where in Montana? Bozeman? Missoula? I'm from Great Falls! Been born and raised here my whole life! Welcome to Montana! ;)
@saragarn4739 6 жыл бұрын
JESUS SAVES ISA 43:11:12 I am in Bozeman! Thanks for the welcome I love it!
@1234allaboutmusic 6 жыл бұрын
Since you are so much for talking about this I grew up in Idaho where I was told that I wasn't Mormon enough to have friends in this area of Idaho.
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
Brutal. It's for times like those that I have to remember that even the apostle Peter wasn't always the best at representing his religion (ahem, assaulting government employees [cutting off an ear], denying Christ, etc.) People can be poops.
@jillymarie1211 6 жыл бұрын
bree taylor - I can understand this. Growing up in Alabama, then moving to Idaho, was a big difference. I thought it'd be easier to follow the church, but it was actually harder. Esp bc most of my extended family live here in Idaho also & are all active church members. So I feel a little "less than" bc I'm one of the very few non-active family members. Some people call people like me, "Jack Mormons" in the southeastern part of Idaho I'm in. But I still am a believer in the gospel & I do most of my spiritual growth at home or talking to people on channels like this. But there are so many incredible members here. When my sister died, the church helped us daily. So I feel like maybe I'm assuming they are more judgey than they really are. Some wards really are better than others.
@jillymarie1211 6 жыл бұрын
On topic with the video, I was born in Idaho, moved very young & grew up most of my life in Alabama. My mom & siblings all raised Mormon. We moved back to Idaho 10 yrs ago. I was 22 when we left, I'm 33 now. I can say the Mormon culture here was a huge shock. First, there was only one church in our city in Alabama, compared to one on every street corner here in Idaho. FAR more judgemental in Idaho. Nothing like I expected when we moved here. My sister & I had attempted to get back into church, thought we'd fall back into it & be married to a nice, non-judgemental Mormon man, in a few yrs. Quite the opposite. It was much harder here. In Alabama, I always felt far more comfortable & loved with no judgement when talking to church members or my Bishop.
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
It's amazing how different peoples' experiences are in different areas!
@laceyarchibald277 6 жыл бұрын
Jill I live in Idaho too, I understand what it feels like being judged. It's hard being single being in a family oriented church. I'm in my late 30's and sometimes I feel like others judge me because I'm not married, but I shouldn't go to church to please other people, I go to church to show my commitment to God. To draw closer to Jesus Christ, to Remember what He did for me and improve my relationship with Him. To partake of the Sacrament, That's the reason I still go to church. I don't go to please people, I go to please God.
@jillymarie1211 6 жыл бұрын
Lacey Archibald - Definitely. I am also a non-married, single mom. So yeah, its hard sometimes. One of the, if not the only woman in my ward who got pregnant & not married. But I do have really great support from my family members. Still feel a lil looked at differently at times though. Like the black sheep. But I do my best, read & teach my daughter as much of the gospel as she can grasp at 5 yrs old, trying to get more active too. Esp for her. ❤
@jillymarie1211 6 жыл бұрын
5zazen - It's been super hard to find a nice Mormon man. Because I have a daughter, her father & I were never married, so I kinda need a man who can be ok with my past & present issues. Also accepting my daughter with me. I guess they call people like me "Jack" Mormons, here in Idaho. Lol.
@emptybusseat 6 жыл бұрын
So as a nonLDS person I find Mormon culture so interesting. Not in a bad way!. I feel it would be a difficult culture to live in during the developmental years tho with the judgmental aspect.
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
It's an interesting topic, and as one of the earlier comments said, it really changes from region to region. For example, I grew up in Oregon where I felt more judged by non-Mormons than Mormons, but in other areas it could be flipped. Just like with any group, club, insitution, church, etc. you've got to figure out the real reasons for being there. I go to the Mormon Church cuz I believe that what they teach is true. Any social aspect of the religion is just a bonus for me.
@emptybusseat 6 жыл бұрын
David Snell Thank you for your insight! I agree that with any group, since people are imperfect, there may be negative interaction. I think it would be grossly misrepresented to label ALL LDS as judgmental. However, I do stand that growing up in that culture could be rather difficult.... It's hard enough needing acceptance during adolescence so that compounded with judgmental peers... I don't know, I just imagine it being pretty difficult.
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah for some people it is, you're right. There are a lot of factors, but even in The Book of Mormon there are a couple of times when the prophets recognized that the believers were sometimes the reason why others didn't accept the gospel (because the believers had become prideful). Like you said, I don't think that's at all the case with Mormons worldwide, but down to an individual or even community level, it can happen, just as it happens in any church.
@emptybusseat 6 жыл бұрын
David Snell Exactly. I don't believe that Mormons have cornered the market on being judgmental. It's a symptom of our sin... It's frustrating when any Christian doesn't behave Christ-like
@charlenel5107 6 жыл бұрын
Everyone judges when they are young. It's difficult yes, lots of youngsters leave the Church cuz of the judgements . That's something the adults need to fix. But, there isn't a Church that doesn't have something that needs fixing and that is because we, humans, aren't perfect. Only our Lord Jesus Christ is, was, perfect.
@Ingrid.oestreicher 6 жыл бұрын
Hey!! I am an lds member from Chile!, I was watching other videos of people complaining about lds culture in Utah as if the LDS were only Utah things ... and of course it is not. Thank you for makeing this video and highlight that there is a diffrerence between Utah culture and LDS Church culture that it varies from one country to an other. I always watch your videos. :D
@naliburg 2 жыл бұрын
What's the Latter-Day Saint culture like in Chile? I'm curious :)
@jasonellis2358 6 жыл бұрын
its the people its great when people get to know u as a friend and not as a responsiblity for a calling
@amandadangerfieldpiano 6 жыл бұрын
I don't know anyone (and this was Utah) who thought they HAD to go to a BYU because they are LDS. I know some LDS who didn't want to. I attended BYU-I after BYU didn't accept me. Then after finishing my associates degree there, I went to the University of Utah. I loved both, but the Church school had a different spirit. :)
@anitamistickokat1249 6 жыл бұрын
totally everything I needed to hear. 🙌🏼
@karostef9462 6 жыл бұрын
Love this topic! Thank you!
@brendawright5899 6 жыл бұрын
This is really deep! Stacking chairs? Mormons are really deep.
@brittanyalexissinger 6 жыл бұрын
One of my favorite topics so far!!!!!
@ernestmarcucella6918 5 жыл бұрын
So is the Gospel? The Holy Bible or is there a name for the Gospel. I have received a Gospel pamphlet from the missionaries that visit me.
@tiffanyfree5135 8 ай бұрын
The gospel is just term to label the complete teachings of Jesus Christ, so the gospel is simply just that, sometimes it might be called the gospel of Jesus Christ, but basically the word gospel is just the name of the teachings of Jesus Christ, his laws and doctrines. I hope the pamphlet was informative to you and that the missionaries have helped you as much as you needed. 🧡
@PoppaWoodiE 6 жыл бұрын
ive been a mormon for 28 years and in that time i have been across the country, i like how you specified "utah culture" cause ive seen a different culture in each area ive attended church. i was also offended by the behavior of some that i call "upity mormons" who seem to have the attitude that they are better than everyone else. and eastern mormons are even different still.
@beckah21 6 жыл бұрын
This guy in the middle makes me want to go back to church.
@vannessmorris700 5 жыл бұрын
Then go back glad to have you
@Rileyhaines123 6 жыл бұрын
hey guys i love your channel and told my other youth at church about you. i have a best friend who lives with me currently because he doesnt have a family. because of his past religion was what he stuck to to keep him going. he know a LOT about the bible and he has investigated the church and believes specific major things like for example he believes joseph smith was a modern day profit but he also believes we break commandments like sunday being the sabbath day instead of saturday. How can i walk him through what is true and help him understand without him trying to bash it?
@Dawn.thedon 5 жыл бұрын
Mormon culture is different region to region but I've found ethan, McKay and Sariah are some of the most popular names
@latter-daycanadian1341 6 жыл бұрын
I love your videos guys but I think this one missed the mark a bit. I like the concept of talking about the culture of the church but I think talking about how you’ve seen members act to others isn’t quite the same thing. You’re very right that things are different in other wards or states or countries and that applies for the actions of members too. I’ve never seen any member (aside from my brother but that’s another story) condemn an investigator or even another member
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
Hey Andrew, I agree in that I think we focused a lot on the negative aspects of Mormon culture for the first 3/4 of the episode and focused on the positive for the last 1/4. I think those ratios should probably have been flipped. But I disagree in that I know of plenty of people (way too many) that leave the Church because of the culture. Sometimes it's not one specific person they're offended by, but rather general attitudes, etc. Anyway, you and I have just had different experiences I guess! Have a good one.
@latter-daycanadian1341 6 жыл бұрын
David Snell I think you’re right about the ratios and I agree people leave because of a culture but I would argue were they really there if that’s what made them leave? It is the church of Jesus Christ of Later day saints, not the church of members who may or may not be incredibly nice. Perhaps in extreme cases it’s understandable but a lot of the time from what I’ve heard the people leave and blame it on the culture. Thank you though for the time you’ve taken to address the fact that certain things people in the church do are in fact an issue and that it’s not up to us to judge but simply to come closer to Christ
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
Andrew, I totally see your point. And I totally agree that leaving the Church because of a bad social environment is not good excuse. Does that mean they never had a testimony to begin with or that their motivations were out of whack? Maybe, but I don't think that's a fair judgment call for us to make. We don't know their whole story or circumstances. And even if their motivations weren't were they should have been, I don't think that means we should just write them off as not actually being a part of the Church to begin with. Everybody's testimony starts somewhere, but no matter where it starts, there's always room to grow. Does that make sense? I think we mostly agree, but are just on slightly different wavelengths.
@latter-daycanadian1341 6 жыл бұрын
David Snell I think you’re correct. My mistake
@morganpiippo7176 6 жыл бұрын
Amen Elder Bednar has given lots of talks about the difference between Doctrine and application... for example as mentioned skkme people have different opinions about what movies to watch. The doctrine is that we try to fill our lives with things that are virtuous, lovely, or praiseworthy, and we don't take part in things that make it hard to follow the spirit. When people hear this doctrine it doesn't specifically say which are ok. It is really up to the individual and so what movies you watch is the application of this doctrine. Don't judge others cause they understood the doctrine differently or apply it differently than you.
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
Interesting thoughts! Thank you!
@natalasalosi2974 6 жыл бұрын
Awsome video so many stereotypes when it comes to Mormon culture a big one is the great world of women’s fashion and the judgmental aspects someone can face because there clothes aren’t from high end stores. It’s about God!!
@BillPowers-qy8bp 8 ай бұрын
You guys are so cool. I am living in a mormon culture in the Philippines. Things are so different here as when I was living in the United States in California. I am not the norm here. Sometimes that is good sometimes it is very difficult.
@sabrinasalik51 6 жыл бұрын
Nooooo, this is not just a Utah culture, I’m from Brazil and we have pretty much the same “mormon culture” *not in a bad way, people* 😂
@furiskykatt 6 жыл бұрын
Great video! Jesus said it best - love thy neighbor - especially your ‘siblings in Christ.’ Though I was a little concerned for the Goldfish - he/she was uncharecteristically stationary for a good portion of the video.
@freemandiaz5123 6 жыл бұрын
Question. @7:26, are we to be like God or do we become a god? And who was that pop up guy? Was the American Jesus Jewish?
@scottb4509 6 жыл бұрын
We are to both be like our God and to become a god ourselves, which is the fullest measure of being like our God. In fact we are commanded to be like God and called to become a God ourselves as we progress and take on the necessary responsibilities that are associated with Godhood. Matthew 5:48 teaches that we should be perfect like God, and 3 Nephi 12:48 adds Christ to the list of perfect beings once he had been resurrected. "Ye are gods", says the Psalmist, and "children of the Most High" (Psalms 82:6). "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ" (Romans 8:17). There is a famous LDS quote that says, As man now is God once was, and as God now is man may become". this sums up the belief of Mormons that we are to become both as God is and do what God does, because we are on the same path He once traveled. imagine it as a principle of parentage, meaning that you have a Father but are not meant to remain only a child of that Father, but are also meant to become a Father of your own Children. And in becoming a Father in your own right doesn't diminish your own Father's dominion or glory, but in stead only grows His dominion and posterity and glory, as He becomes a grandfather. this is the same way we are to become a god. we don't usurp our God's glory or authority. we don't undermine His power or work. we simply do what He did for us for other creations and worlds of our own. we can never quantitatively be equal to our Father/God, because He will always be one generation ahead of us. However once we become a Father to our own creations we qualitatively become equal with our Father/God in our Fatherhood and glory and joy in our posterity, as He has joy in us.
@FacesDeUmLivro 6 жыл бұрын
I am a mormon in Brasil and the mormons here have same strangers things from Utah
@MrTairis 6 жыл бұрын
The negative aspects you describe is true of any organization or religion. People are judgmental and ignore Matthew 7:1-6
@eliasarches2575 2 жыл бұрын
I’m visiting to Utah from Canada so I’m interested to see what Mormon culture is like
@ethancate8462 Жыл бұрын
What'd you think?
@eliasarches2575 Жыл бұрын
@@ethancate8462 it was great! Everyone was friendly. I particularly liked Logan. The state is a gem 😊
@savannawoods4376 4 жыл бұрын
yeah, kwaku, i’ll help u understand why saying ‘i don’t like muslim culture’ is different from saying ‘i don’t like mormon culture’. i know you think reverse oppression is a thing, but it’s not. it’s not the same thing and it’s not the same dynamic. very very different.
@brettmajeske3525 3 жыл бұрын
You didn't actually explain anything, just made assertions.
@jillymarie1211 6 жыл бұрын
This is not the topic of this video, I just hadn't seen anything about this concept. Its new to me..flat earth?? Some say its in the bible. Can someone tell me what Mormons believe about this? Just a curious question! Thanks!
@charlenel5107 6 жыл бұрын
Jill T I'd say that most Mormons believe the earth is round.
@jillymarie1211 6 жыл бұрын
Charlene L - I'm a member, just haven't been active in years. Always been involved through family, but I'm getting back into learning the gospel. I always assumed the same. Just curious on this concept in correlation with the scriptures.
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
Jill, yeah we definitely believe the earth is a globe. But I don't think I could point you to a specific scripture anywhere that says anything about it. The Church hasn't come out with a public statement saying "Mormons believe THIS," I think it's more of just an accepted astrological fact. Good luck on your journey back into the gospel!
@jillymarie1211 6 жыл бұрын
David Snell - Thank you! I'm getting there, thanks to everyone helping me with my questions. Every time I listen to that still small voice, it always leads me back to the church. I know there's a reason for that. Esp when my sister passed away at 27 yrs old. I strayed, but I know she wants me to find truth. She's def helping me along the way. Her spirit is strong. ❤
@EpIcRaNdOmNeSsNiCoLe 6 жыл бұрын
I found my eternal companion in Texas ❤️
@ashleyj97 3 жыл бұрын
I think 2 of the most toxic forms of Mormom Culture are the way visitors are treated, and the way Ex members are treated. A friend of mine attended a congregation with her family in the states while on vacation, and they were ignored by everyone including the missionaries... nobody said hello or asked how they were, it was as if they didn't exist. When it comes to ex members, we shouldnt judge them for that. We can still treat them with the love and compassion we did when they were members. Remember... we ALL have agency. Some people come into the Church who just aren't ready. We must allow them to go through this themselves. Not to mention, this is part of the reason the rest of the world consider us to be a cult.
@mikhite5711 3 жыл бұрын
Oh boy, I've experienced the cold shoulder at LDS meetings PLENTY. I think the reason for this is another cultural aspect: missionaries are expected to take care of investigators. Point. Blank. Period. If a new person is at church members point them to the missionaries instead of talking to them themselves. Missionaries are supposed to teach, befriend, baptize, and do service for you and I've yet to see members be told to do the same. Maybe they aren't allowed. If that's the case this will continue to be a problem.
@ashleyj97 3 жыл бұрын
@@mikhite5711 couldn't agree more. Thankfully I have never experienced this. Entering into a Church of Jesus Christ has been no different than any other
@marciemoonlight5687 5 жыл бұрын
It needs to be reconstructed. Minds need to be illuminated, members need to raise their frequency. The culture is something I will never identify with. Not because it’s “wrong” it’s outdated, and safe. I know I’m here on earth to share the truths about Christ’s church, but Christ’s culture, Jesus culture, is limitless.
@christinedubois936 6 жыл бұрын
I’m not Mormon, but I watched one video and saw your fish on the desk. I just want to make sure you know that isn’t a very good habitat for your fish to be in. The bowl doesn’t have enough space for it to swim around. It’s literally swimming in circles. The round bowl disorients the fishes vision. Also, it doesn’t have any enrichment objects in the tank. No plants or decorative items. Lastly their isn’t enough water to sustain a clean water quality for the fish. Unless you change the water everyday, it’s most likely swimming in bacteria ridden water. Which is good for the fishes health. Fish are intelligent, sensitive animals who think and feel pain the same way that cats and dogs do. So please be a more responsible pet owner and get a larger tank and maybe some decorative items for your fish? It’s the least you can do for its decorative purposes of this show.
@SaintsUnscripted 6 жыл бұрын
Christine DuBois Thank you for your concern. Rest assured, the bowl isn't the fish's full-time home. He is in the bowl for about 1-2 hours per week. The other 166-167 hours per week are spent in a big tank, complete with filtering, a friend, and automatic feeding. We've had the goldfish for almost 2 years. He's very happy and very healthy.
@christinedubois936 6 жыл бұрын
3 Mormons Okay thanks for letting me know! Also, good job on your videos! As a non Mormon person, I find them really interesting!
@ZehnWaters 6 жыл бұрын
Can anyone quantify how people are being judgmental at church? I’ve heard this a lot but it’s never quantified. I’ve lived in 5 states and never felt it.
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
That's great that you haven't felt it! Your comment made me think of this story: www.deseretnews.com/article/865591437/Mormon-bishop-disguises-himself-as-homeless-man-to-teach-congregation-about-compassion.html I think it's an extreme, but good example.
@ZehnWaters 6 жыл бұрын
So you don't know if they were being judgmental you just assumed...a'ight.
@ZehnWaters 6 жыл бұрын
5zazen or ask talk with them to make sure you actually know what they’re thinking instead of making assumptions.
@the1savagebeast Жыл бұрын
I agree...crumby Saints. You could have a whole other channel about that.
@hollayevladimiroff131 2 жыл бұрын
"If you are led by the spirit, you are not under the law or a set of rules." Gal 5:18. Mormons doctrine is laws, ordinance, oaths, laws and rules, you must receive Gods grace and love each other, then your pleasing the Lord will come automatically, Grace cannot be earned, you cannot have grace and law, we can never be like God, never equal to God, we can desire righteousness but we will never be a God.
@IsabellasWardrobe1 6 жыл бұрын
The true Church does not claim to be the only true Church.
@snorribjorn5074 6 жыл бұрын
Speaking of Brigham Young, isn't today his Birthday? Happy Birthday, Brigham!
@snorribjorn5074 6 жыл бұрын
Ah. I read somewhere that it was June 1st. Thanks for the correction.
@ZehnWaters 6 жыл бұрын
So how would you reply to friends watching a movie you wouldn’t? Like, just saying “Oooo” and leaving is judgmental? Are you supposed to watch it?
@SaintsUnscripted 6 жыл бұрын
Zehn Waters I don't think the leaving is the judgmental part. I think the thoughts of "oh, my roommates are such sinners and I'm living the commandments better than they are" is judgmental. If you don't feel comfortable with something, you should definitely leave.
@mouthymormonmetalhea 6 жыл бұрын
Let us know what experiences you've had he says... Nice words guys. Lets see you recast the video with some of those cultural minorities you were talking about saying your lines! I've studied group behavior and cult like behavior fairly extensively and even in "the true church" this is a problem. A very good book to read is The angel and the beehive by Armand L. Mauss. A good quote from this is, " During my visits with friends or relaives back in Utah [also entrenched orthodox areas like Alberta Canada] during thode years, the church had a different 'feel' there; it felt more powerful and secure ,to be sure, but also more SMUG, COMPLACENT, PAROCHIAL, RIGID, and INTOLERANT! (emphaisis added.)Also Luna Lindey's Recovering Agency (I think 90% of her critism is valid and it's unfortunate that this critism is automatically dismissed by TBMs becuase of how it's presented.) To quote from The CXhrysalids by John Wyndam, "From the true trail branched many false trails that sometimes looked easier and more attractive; all these really led to the edges of precipices, beneath which lat the abyss of eternity. THERE WAS ONLY ONE TRUE TRAIL, and by following it we should, with God's help anbd in his own good time, regain all that had been lost. BUT SO FAINT WAS THE TRAIL, SO SET WITH TRAPS AND DECEITS, THAT EVERY STEP MUST BE TAKEN WITH CAUTION, AND IT IS TOO DANGEROUS FOR A MAN TO RELY ON HIS OWN JUDGEMENT! ONLY THE AUTHORITIES, ECCLESIASTICAL AND LAY , WERE IN A POSITION TO JUDGE WHETHER THE NEXT STEP WAS A REDISCOVERY, AND IF SO, SAFE TO TAKE; OR WHETHER IT DEVIATED FROM THE TRUE RE-ACENT, AND SO WAS SINFUL." Also from the same book, "But when people are used to believing a thing is such and such a way, and the preachers want them to believe that that's the way it is; IT'S TROUBLE YOU GET, NOT THANKS, FOR UPSETTING THERE IDEAS!" My three Mormon brothers, entrenched religious people who think they are in the correct club (whichever that one happens to be...) have a tendency to think that only the views they subscribe to as per the common accepted interpretation of the religious beliefs is the only valid way to live or view the world. They audit the hearts of those who don't fit or disagree for heresy! They tell those struggling members that this heresy makes them unworthy of the kingdom. Unworthy of God's forgiveness! Then, they can't understand why everyone on planet Earth can't just have the disposition to read the book and pray about it, totally having a miraculous conversion, and the investigator submitting his will, desires and whole soul to the group so that investigator and indeed everyone on planet Earth make themselves available so that their souls are forgivable! They don't understand how they give the evil world all the proof it needs to accuse the saints of being one sided and parochial, and all the blame is placed on the person who either refuses to join or gives up enduring to the end under such circumstances! How morally conceited! The core membership behaving this way does more damage to missionary work than your very nice but impotent attempts to say "well we all aren't that bad." Most members are like the laborers in the morning and the prodigal son's brother and fail to realize that the woman is losing the coin on not just an individual level but a church wide social/social level as well. In closing i'd like to reference D&C 64: 9-13 and Alma 42 : 27 . Those who will not come are NOT COMPELLED TO COME and it is the GREATER SIN to not be able to say in your heart let God juidge between me (the active member of the church) and thee (the inactive, the apostate, the unbeleiver) and let God reward thee according to thy deeds. FOR I THE LORD GOD WILL FORGIVE WHOM I FORGIVE! IT IS REQUIRED OF YOU TO FORGIVE ALL MEN" And as much as you want to say that applies to me as the bitter apostate who's left, it allso apllies to you as far as forgiving all those who will not come as they are not compelled to!
@YMyzk6 6 жыл бұрын
if we had to go to BYU, there would be more bilinguals, and less YSA in Japan, 🤣
@heatherluna5075 5 жыл бұрын
@walkingthroughtheword4623 6 жыл бұрын
5:50 nice foley work :)
@ingvildkvakestad 6 жыл бұрын
This was very Intresting I loved it so much In my country The Lds Are hidden Not kidding They Are no where my parents wont Even let me go to church They think it is just A crazy American cult. This church has made me so Happy more Happy than I have ever been. Any tips? I Am so frustrated. I want to join so badly I Know this is true and I believe that this Is The true church. I just I dont Know what to do?
@davidsnell2605 6 жыл бұрын
Just be patient, Ingvild. Even if your parents don't let you join right away, the Lord knows where your heart is. Do what you can to learn and live the gospel in your circumstances and the time will come when you'll be in a position to make decisions without needing your parents' approval. Do your best and God will do the rest!
@ingvildkvakestad 6 жыл бұрын
David Snell Thank You I do hope that god understands I have made some improvments I am thankfully Of age In less than 18 months haha but yeah I do alot Of voulenteer work In The church were I tecnicly belong and I Help In my community I follow the Word Of wisdom I am celibate and I dress modestly. I talk with missonaries online
@scottbrandon9390 3 жыл бұрын
The mormon doctrine and mormon culture need to be differentiated. LDS doctrine is the word of wisdom (D&C 89). Mormon culture says it includes no caffeine. Mormon doctrine: no coffee. Mormon Culture: no Coke.
@dicebagdaryl 6 жыл бұрын
"We hold ourselves to a high standard." "We believe that we're the one true church." "The purpose is to progress." "When we try to follow the commandments..." You guys are parroting the same stuff that's been parroted for over a century. If you want to actually add to the conversation, you should come up with something original to say. This is like an Institute meeting in the form of a KZbin video.
@conniepine1770 6 жыл бұрын
Hello prayers for you guys that your eyes would be open to the truth about who Jesus really is. Can I ask you what did Lucifer do to get kicked out of Heaven according to what Mormonism teaches?
@JESUSSAVESISA 6 жыл бұрын
Connie Pine - I'm praying right along with you! I care and love the LDS so much! So sad how deceitful Satan is.
@kjvjay 6 жыл бұрын
Do not let the Mormon Church make merchandise of you. The Mormon Church is not needed to have forgiveness of sin, nor for eternal life in the presence of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But then the god of Mormons is not the God of the Bible and Christians. According to Joseph Smith, founder of Mormonism, the Mormon so-called heavenly father, who is supposedly an exalted man that became a Mormon god and is a Mormon exalted man god among a myriad of Mormon exalted men god and according to Brigham Young, 2nd Mormon false prophet practice polygamy in their so-called celestial kingdoms. Christians are not Mormon and Mormons are not Christian. Do not let the Mormon Church make merchandise of you. Forgiveness of sin and to have eternal life in the presence of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is through Jesus Christ only, not through any church. As it is written, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23) “For the wages of sin is death; but the GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD.” (Romans 6:23)
@francescogorbechov4192 2 жыл бұрын
Stati Uniti d’America
@alumniadri8716 6 жыл бұрын
You love jello
@JoseLuisGarcia-vv6yg 4 жыл бұрын
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