What Kind of American Are You? | Morality & Civil War

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Dirty Civilian

Dirty Civilian

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@andrewbrady3139 5 ай бұрын
I lived through the ice storm of 98’ in northern Maine. We lost power for 3.5 months in the middle of winter. We all survived just fine. The wild animals had a hard time along with the trees. We had to syphon gas out of anything we could since no stores or gas station were open the whole time. No police or plow trucks for the first few weeks. 4+ inches of ice on everything. Hundreds of miles of wood high tension power lines broke. I had a power inverter and a truck battery to watch tv with our satellite tv & a VCR/DVD player. Neighbors helped neighbors. Small towns were amazing back then.
@raf25985 5 ай бұрын
no "BLM" in your area bet .. else it would of been very diff, all my korean buddies know the truth April 26 1992 never forget :)
@FR-ji3hw 5 ай бұрын
Small towns are still are amazing. These conversations about civil war and such are just scare mongering and propaganda that nobody would even be hearing if it weren't for the internet/media. Too many people with vivid imaginations and too much time on their hands. It's all just nonsense.
@thekerr8728 5 ай бұрын
Yup. That sort of thing works well in homogenous communities. Sadly multiculturalism has destroyed a very large part of America.
@blepware 5 ай бұрын
@@thekerr8728 No dude. We can get along with our neighbors regardless of cultural background.
@stephenerdley397 5 ай бұрын
​@@blepware Sadly, that's just not true. We're not all the same. There are groups of people that should never be allowed here, but those are the ones invading us as you read this...
@JohnWilliams-pn7ft 5 ай бұрын
During hurricane Ian, the island I live on was separated from the mainland and we were without power for over a month. And I'm proud to say with the exception of very few people. Everyone on the island pitched together and helped everyone. The looters found out real quick not to mess around. we shared water fuel food and ammo.
@PatrickThreewit 4 ай бұрын
But being without power for a month isn't like being without power for a year.
@Gorgonok3 3 ай бұрын
@@PatrickThreewit or 20, civil wars and wars in general, *especially civil wars* do not go by quick in modern times.
@PatrickThreewit 3 ай бұрын
@@Gorgonok3 If we ever have a civil war, it won't be with two sides but with many factions, and most activity will probably be in the Deep South since that seems to be where most of the hate is.
@HappyHermitt Ай бұрын
We rode out Katrina. That was a true shtf moment
@mattd4518 Ай бұрын
for the first time in a while some regular dudes have put down a video that aims to stop all the hate mongering in our community. Well done guys keep em coming!!
@mau48310 5 ай бұрын
Ty , this conversation has become too common and honestly makes me wonder about people .
@Traillesstaken 5 ай бұрын
Let mestart this comment out with I stopped making these types of vids. and shut down my old channel. But this is one of the most realistic based vid. of real world things/ events that could very well happen of what you all talked about in this vid. , that I have seen in a very very long time. My good friend and I have spoke about this many of times. And people just a few years ago thought we was crazy . this video alone has earned my sub.
@n.alanhill 2 ай бұрын
Found your channel recently and sub'd after the first video. Your content is of tremendous value especially in these times. This one in particular is especially needed. Thx!
@tizben 5 ай бұрын
Who was the seal that was going to kill civilians in shtf? Out this guy
@ericsfishingadventures4433 5 ай бұрын
I'm surprised a seal would talk like that.
@Nach0s187 5 ай бұрын
@@ericsfishingadventures4433Plenty of them do. Even Slade has mentioned kicking down the doors of preppers and has trained law enforcement on how to deal with prepper-type individuals
@P90XGetRipped 5 ай бұрын
I'd wager there are a lot of sof guys who are undiagnosed sociopaths that don't really care who they're fighting, they just want to fight.
@ericsfishingadventures4433 5 ай бұрын
@@Nach0s187 well good thing I don't have shit, but the seals I've met and know aren't about that. But let's be real, shit hits the fan it's going to be wild. That's why it's about building a community you can trust.
@HopeisAnger 5 ай бұрын
​@@ericsfishingadventures4433 I'm not surprised. SOF teams attract all types. Some are good dudes, some are barely capable of human decency.
@trevor361 21 күн бұрын
In any of these situations, I'll be in the woods not thinking about humans.
@robertvanderveer6809 5 ай бұрын
The kind that will fight till the end with extreme prejudice to maintain the country i grew up in.
@milfordstoner7873 4 ай бұрын
first vid I've seen with good common sense ! Well done, thank you
@travissmith399 3 ай бұрын
If you can not eat and drink how long is the ammo good for. Having a great prep and skill set is more important than a second 3rd firearm.
@XXzombieslayer666 3 ай бұрын
Love the clips from children of men. Such a solid movie.
@jrey800 3 ай бұрын
y'all gonna get a new safe or swap out that digital keypad on that liberty safe y'all have?
@petebutler5139 5 ай бұрын
Your intro is the very reason why a movie like CW is bad to begin with, because it will unnecessarily stoke an already unhealthy separation. It’s almost like a movie of that magnitude is designed specifically to definitize and or solidify the line that’s already been drawn.
@fukguigel Ай бұрын
I find it interesting that whenever a conservative is demonstrated in the media, it's the worst possible human. Even in live news events, they grab a disheveled, limited vocabulary, unprofessional person. Why don't they grab a person in professional attire, who is well spoken and thoughtful?
@RUSickofIt Ай бұрын
Is this a metaphoric example? I don't understand what a car crash has to do with civil war or revolution.
@erics870 5 ай бұрын
If a person is only good because they fear the consequences of being bad then they aren't good.
@joeblow396 5 ай бұрын
Care to explain?
@Nach0s187 5 ай бұрын
@@joeblow396If the only thing preventing you from stealing or killing people is the law or threat of consequences, then your probably not a great person
@joeblow396 5 ай бұрын
@@Nach0s187 ahhhh the consequences of man. I’m more concerned with my soul. Thanks for the reply
@dontAtMe69420 5 ай бұрын
@@Nach0s187 if shtf and your 5 year old daughter is on the verge of starving to death and you see a lone person with food, you will attack that person to save your daughters life. Its human instinct to preserve what they care about. No one is good. Most people just havent been in a situation that bring out the evil and thats because of consequences whether its divine or not.
@RingoAnselmo 5 ай бұрын
Exactly, when the world ends all the morals of these guys end along with it and they dont even know it
@MrJbaker020 4 ай бұрын
No man is a island to himself. Community is what will make us stronger. Divided we fall, united we stand
@yeimarsoto3196 3 ай бұрын
Divided is how we started and we made it...
@woopwoop-pc5dk 3 ай бұрын
Based. I support the idea of community
@thekerr8728 3 ай бұрын
Sorry but third world migrants have to interest in creating a “community” with you.
@parathings 2 ай бұрын
Conjuncti Stamis!
@DoNotImpose 2 ай бұрын
community is way better without trumpers
@kevadonis 5 ай бұрын
As a child, I used to go to bed worried about the boogie man. As an adult, I wake up from my bed worried about people.
@willbass2869 5 ай бұрын
Especially badge&uniform kinds
@KN-cool 5 ай бұрын
​@@willbass2869like furries?
@willbass2869 5 ай бұрын
@@KN-cool no....the kind that end up making their employer, local govt, pay exorbitant penalties for abuse of citizens
@mikef5694 5 ай бұрын
@@KN-coolno. He said people. Furries aren’t people.
@03BangBang 5 ай бұрын
This is wisdom
@deangullberry5148 5 ай бұрын
Reason to be the good guy #1: At some point, things will normalize. Anyone who survives being your neighbor will remember what you've done...
@OperatorJackYT 5 ай бұрын
@jasonmpd2946 5 ай бұрын
This is a great point.
@axiompathos7570 5 ай бұрын
@yoinky 5 ай бұрын
I think that was a subtle point in the Civil War movie. When they come across the dudes at the gas station, and the girl asks the dude to take a picture next to the hanging bodies. She took that picture for the "memories" of the dudes atrocities and torture. The gas station dudes took too much pleasure in suffering to be considered a "good guy"
@richardbigham4138 5 ай бұрын
This is something I've said for a long time and it delves into a lot of moral philosophy, it's ultimately in our best interests to act right to one another
@EricDaMAJ 5 ай бұрын
During the Civil War Missouri broke into pro-Union and pro-Confederate factions based on large families. It got so bad travelers would hear an anonymous voice coming out of the bushes asking “You (pro-Reb/pro-Union family) or (anti-Reb/anti-Union family)?” Travelers that gave the wrong answer got whacked. It’s where the term “Bushwhacking” came from. We don’t want to go back to that.
@Fla5thgenTryMe 5 ай бұрын
Too late but now we have 3rd worlders.
@avocadoarmadillo7031 5 ай бұрын
@@Fla5thgenTryMe "Too late" Really, how many people have you bushwhacked today?
@genericyoutubeuser8957 5 ай бұрын
​@avocadoarmadillo7031 We already have "rowdys" that like to play the knock-out game. It would be ignorant to think that wouldn't escalate.
@cliccclacc6561 5 ай бұрын
Graymane or battle-born?
@VictoryOrValhalla14 5 ай бұрын
That ship has sailed, we have nothing in common anymore.
@zaramichelle4613 3 ай бұрын
“Live by the sword, die by the sword.” That statement proves itself true tirelessly and endlessly. No one is invincible and we’re all equally mortal. People who only have plans to kill, steal, and destroy will more likely succumb to their ways because they’re seen as a threat by someone else.
@jamespiper4398 18 күн бұрын
Warlords will emerge
@ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz 5 ай бұрын
Supplies without weapons makes one a loot drop. Weapons without supplies makes one a raider. Supplies and weapons without community is a countdown til failure.
@mrhodes9160 5 ай бұрын
Good comment. I enhanced it slightly. Supplies without weapons makes one a loot drop...and dead Weapons without supplies makes one a raider...and dead albeit slightly later. Supplies and weapons without community is a countdown til failure...failure means death. Supplies, weapons, and a community without a strategy and safe rooms in the face of a zombie horde...that makes you the Alamo 2.0 with the whole community still dead.
@Marty13B 5 ай бұрын
weapons without training is just loot drop for the guy with training
@russpendergraft5057 5 ай бұрын
All really good points! Unfortunately even with training, weaponry, supplies , and community, it's all finite without some large-scale economy and capability to manufacture! And that's if you're not dealing with either after math of a nuclear or biological conflict affecting the vast majority of populations in your countries or nations!
@captain_kidding 5 ай бұрын
This is one thing I hate about a lot of pepper channels is they tend to express this paranoid rhetoric of "don't trust anyone. Don't tell anyone about your collection of canned beans in the basement. Be alone in the Apocalypse" It's such a poisonous mindset that's going to get a lot of people killed.
@ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz 5 ай бұрын
@@captain_kidding did you even watch the video? Thats not what he said at all.
@jts0221 5 ай бұрын
Was at the range this morning and had this same talk with my buddy. It is important to be a community leader in a time of strife. I live in a quiet area in a dark blue state; are my neighbors prepared? no. My first priority during an event would be to touch base with the guy next door, he has 5 kids. Then check on the old lady on the other side of me. If we all resort to being savages in a crisis than what humanity is even left to fight for? Saying I am going to kick their door in and **** em for their stuff is fucking psychopathic and the reason I have gear is to defend myself from those people.
@willbass2869 5 ай бұрын
They won't extend the same courtesy to you....your gear & equip is worthless because you can't keep head on swivel 24/7. You stay in dark blue area....you're a target
@FatYokel 5 ай бұрын
@@willbass2869 Talking like that makes it seem you're the one to be worried about, the extreme paranoia will corrupt you and eventually lead to your demise.
@willbass2869 5 ай бұрын
@@FatYokel this is what I *KNOW* ..."Normies Americans" were attacked...no, hunted down, on the streets of Portland when it went through spasms of rioting in 2020. One man was beaten to death. It's on film. In my own LARGE (blue) Texas city people in pickup trucks were pulled from their vehicles by mobs FOR HONKING AT BLM STREET PROTESTORS. Three or four of them armed with ARs threatened to shoot any bystanders attempting to rescue. So F your paranoia sh*t. I live in the real world
@Shane10871 5 ай бұрын
@@willbass2869Ah, yes, those 5 kids really have it out for him.
@willbass2869 5 ай бұрын
@@FatYokel YT keeps deleting my response because I use examples of mass events unpleasantness during 2020. If yt sees to delete 3 responses quickly.....I must be saying the truth.
@Whats_noah_up_to 5 ай бұрын
"Novices plan tactics, professionals plan logistics" this is by far the best statement in regards to whatever people prepare for.
@BarbarianInFact 5 ай бұрын
Exactly my thoughts, I can't plan for everything but I can plant enough to feed lots of people. I know how limited I am because I'm a Combat vet, every dude with a deer rifle is a Sniper. People will be real nasty when the cops are gone.
@novaimperator 5 ай бұрын
Couldn't say it any better than that. To control the resources to get the troops.
@SeanMurphy00 5 ай бұрын
Logistics and tactics both fall under the umbrella of “objective(s).” Without a clear and executable plan or objective supported with both tactics and logistics you will eventually fail.
@novaimperator 5 ай бұрын
@@SeanMurphy00 no tactics is the way the enemy is engaged you are thinking strategy
@steveshellonearth 5 ай бұрын
@katiemobley5882 5 ай бұрын
This is why community is so important. There’s going to be people who know how to farm and have medical skills, but lack security skills/pew pews. For the long term, the good guys who work together will thrive in apocalypse.
@blackhawk_1317 5 ай бұрын
like they say "ape together strong"
@PatrickThreewit 5 ай бұрын
If we have a civil war, most likely the grid will go down and then you will not want to garden or use a generator.
@jinisteffani8035 5 ай бұрын
Idk...but every movie I ever seen about the society going down there is always someone that's evil...even in a close nit community....that wants to take over or take all the stuff...all people are your first enemy....stay in small groups...family....stay away from people.....
@IdahoSewing 5 ай бұрын
I'd hate to get on the wrong side of the Amish boys when they decide that raiders are actually animals.... They can do more work with one hand tied behind their back than you or I could hope to do, and they are often outstanding hunters, with keen senses and strong bodies.
@JoeBauers8 5 ай бұрын
U know what that sounds like?
@christianwetzel9709 5 ай бұрын
I overheard a coworker say the other day someone was talking about all the preps and guns they had. And the guy that I was listening too said (if some zombie type it happens you best believe I'm gonna be at his place taking his shit) truly baffled me we work at a good paying place. It just disgusting me on so many levels and it made me realize most people are not your friend. No matter how good of a person you are
@TacoTacoTacocat 5 ай бұрын
"The guy that has guns and an entrenched castle will be my (an unarmed bleeding heart) target and i will definitely be successful" You should politely remind him that he is the zombie that his neighbor is preparing for
@ianmedford4855 5 ай бұрын
Andy Stumpf was proudly saying similar shit a few weeks ago. It was gross. He was asked "are you a prepper?". He said nope, not really, I'm just gonna take stuff from everyone else because I'm a SEAL." It was unreal. This asshole makes WAY more money than the vast majority of the population, but because he doesnt want to put in the money and effort, he just figures it'll be easier to become a sick bastard. And when you think how many times you've heard him describe the exact same behavior in Iraq as the reason his war was morally justified, it becomes even more ridiculous.
@jenispizz2556 5 ай бұрын
I doubt people are being serious when they say stuff like this. In times of turmoil and chaos, people often band together.
@PatAdams-c6u 5 ай бұрын
@@jenispizz2556, I take it you weren’t aware of the happenings in new orleans after katrina.
@jenispizz2556 5 ай бұрын
@@PatAdams-c6u Of course I'm familiar with all of the looting. I think that's extremely outweighed by the number of strangers who came together to help. Plus, people were looting a lot of stuff that was going to be destroyed... It's super different from murdering someone for their stuff.
@saltypatriot8663 5 ай бұрын
These guys have become one of only two KZbin creators that I will stop what I'm doing to watch their content. Even if it is just to make sure I bookmark the video to watch later.
@JacobBrown-sx7qp 5 ай бұрын
Who's the other?
@xidney_ 5 ай бұрын
⁠@@JacobBrown-sx7qpIm gonna take a wild guess and say either Warrior Poet Society or Trench Grenade. Those two plus DC are my top three.
@anon-yw4wd 5 ай бұрын
@JacobBrown-sx7qp Grunt Proof.
@saltypatriot8663 5 ай бұрын
Actually the other Bear independent although I do like warrior poet
@ronpacheco3244 5 ай бұрын
Agreed... seems to be like a Dying Breed but my soul gravitates towards these😊
@Violett6969 5 ай бұрын
SIMPLE STEPS TO PRIORITIZE: 1. Have a basic means to protect yourself and your loved ones (actively and passively), and practice the practical application of doing so. Suggestions - pistol, possibly rifle, 200 rounds ammo for each, a means of concealing them, run drills involving family for what to do in different scenarios in first hour, day, week, etc. 2. Have basic food, water, medical, shelter, lighting, transportation, information gathering, and communications needs for at least one month. Suggestions - 5gal bucket water filter setup, 50lb bag of rice and beans, portable camp stove with an adaptor to attach to a 20-30lb propane tank, large jar of multivitamins, large family first aid kit and IFAK, a reliable vehicle (preferably with at least some ability to drive off road without getting stuck), a cheap tablet with useful ebooks (medical, food, survival, tactics, evasion, auto maintenance for your vehicle, etc) to reference when necessary (duplicates files on all electronic devices), shortwave emergency radio (solar, rechargeable, whatever), flashlights that take 18650 rechargeable batteries, a portable battery backup (with solar and car charging accessories) to recharge batteries radios phones walkie talkies etc, a tool box with pliers screwdrivers common socket sizes etc and multitool, cheap 4 pack of Baofeng bf-888s rechargeable walkie talkies (good for about 3-4mi range) 3. Have at least 2-3 friends or family members outside your immediate family you live with that you would trust with your life and vice-versa. Make a plan with them on where to go, what to bring, and what to do if they or you don't arrive according to plan. 4. If possible, extend step 3 to your immediate neighbors or at least a few neighbors you have determined seem capable and put together enough to respond to a crisis. Suggestions - post something on nextdoor asking if anyone is interested in forming a local community natural disaster preparedness group, vet individuals for further more extreme preparedness measures accordingly. 5. Have a place to go away from your home location if things go sideways...prioritize natural resource availability (fresh water, food to forage, etc), then security (rural better than suburban/urban), bring material to barter with (ammo, cigs, painkillers, anything small that stores easy and people would want) to build trust and community with whoever lives around wherever you're bugging out to if not already established. Total cost (not including vehicle) around $2000 and roughly 100hrs practice/preparation if going for used gear and bargain hunting to increase your survival odds 100x compared to the rest of the humans around you panicking with their hair on fire. Good luck out there, next few years might get a little hairy.
@wlewisiii 4 ай бұрын
Based on that? You'll be dead in a week.
@nathanielovaughn2145 3 ай бұрын
200 rounds? You meant 20,000, I do believe. Even then, is that enough?
@Violett6969 3 ай бұрын
@@nathanielovaughn2145 200 is enough for 6 30rd rifle mags and 12 15rd pistol mags...this is enough to protect yourself over the course of several weeks/months provided you are not actively looking for conflict, and hopefully within that time you've been able to link up with other prepared individuals or have scavenged additional ammo. 20k rounds imo is just asking for attention
@osango310 3 ай бұрын
Very practical! Love the note about a cheap tablet with useful ebooks. Recommend tripling (or even quadding) your water supply, though, for all that beans and rice.
@Violett6969 3 ай бұрын
@@osango310 Personal opinion: it takes up too much valuable space in a vehicle loaded with supplies...in my case an old low mileage Jeep XJ. 1 gallon of unscented household bleach will purify about 5,000 gallons of unsalinted water (half teaspoon per 5 gallon bucket, wait 30min...bam, drinking water from any non-chemically/radioactive contaminated source) and take up a lot less space. My 5 gal bucket filter setup is washable, and good for 1000 gallons at a time, so I can use that to take care of inorganic compounds, and bleach to deal with organic ones. It won't taste great, but my family won't die.
@DogBeast221 5 ай бұрын
“Those who are proponents of war are usually those who have never experienced it.”
@blackriveroutfitters7185 5 ай бұрын
Those types are Battlefield and/Call of Duty Generals………….
@r.f.pennington746 5 ай бұрын
You got that right! Seen two tours and 13 years LEO. I never (read: NEVER) want to ever aim a firearm at another individual again in whatever life I have left. Defence?--I will. Anything else, I'll leave that to someone else.
@DogBeast221 5 ай бұрын
@@blackriveroutfitters7185 or bloviating members of Congress…
@alt-monarchist 5 ай бұрын
But I have experienced it though. You do realize the quote is foolish and doesn't have any nuance behind it???
@БакытжанСултанбеков-н2л 5 ай бұрын
@thatoneguy454c 5 ай бұрын
Evil people will do evil things. The greatest threat in a situation like that will be people who you think you can trust but that you really shouldn't. I know a guy who went around telling people that if the shit ever hit the fan his plan would be to take try and take out my neighbor and myself and just take our equipment (my neighbor is my best friend and he is also very well prepared) regardless of the fact that this guy has absolutely O training or knowledge on the use of our equipment outside of what he has "learned" from video games. This same dude then told us that his plan was to come find us and work with us because we "would make a good team". Fuck that noise. The problem is how many people think like that but don't say anything about it. Being a good guy would be very important and I feel like so many people today are completely morally bankrupt.
@ericsfishingadventures4433 5 ай бұрын
You're absolutely right, keep very few trusted people in your circle and don't let them know anything.
@matthewriegner5180 5 ай бұрын
I've always looked for people of integrity of their character and/or with a good level of morality. If they're pos, even periodically, that will only be exacerbated in a high stress environment. They also turn in to self serving cowards. Second trait is predictability/emotional stability.
@Senior_El_Guapo 5 ай бұрын
Less friends, less bulls*%t! Keep your circle small.
@JeanLucCaptain 5 ай бұрын
most people wont last past 14 days without electricity meds and other vital things anyway so its not worth discussing in my mind.
@miguellogistics984 5 ай бұрын
But as we see with the Milgram Experiment, and the Stanford Prison Experiment, People are just majority Evil. They just need a personally adequate excuse. Despite Peterson writing on "Ordinary Men" those men were killing Communists, yes even Pregnant Communists, like the "What kind of American are you?". The Communists before "Ordinary Men" starved the Kulaks and Ukrainians until they were eating each other, and then the crops in USSR collapsed because nobody knew how to operate a farm and get significant yield. Marxism, the Parent of Communism, and Nazism, and Maoism, and whatever the latest franchise of Justified and Moralized Envy and Resentment is crafted before us, is about mass death and cannibalism. Yes, it happened in the USSR and in China. It has also been going on here for a very very long time, as we know that the Missing and Exploited Children on the Walmart bill boards were not all found the week the bill boards were taken down. We know what Bohemian Grove is, and we know that hundreds of thousands of children are disappearing into America and being consumed. About 1850, the world went into a Marxist Revolution. Mexico was big into it, and their soldiers came to America, were arrested in Texas, and that is were the present Plan of San Diego which is happening all around us, was written. By 1913 we got the Federal Reserve Bank, and the plan of the Rich, to Rule by corrupted and worthless money won, and was always part of their plan to make us envy each other, eat each other, and never look at what they are doing.
@TommyMVSERVTI 5 ай бұрын
“When the chips are down…these…civilized people? They’ll eat each other.” - The Joker
@MalfosRanger 5 ай бұрын
"What were you trying to prove? That deep down, everyone's as ugly as you? You're alone!" - Batman
@cabnbeeschurgr6440 2 ай бұрын
As nice as this video is, there will be plenty of people more than willing to kill to get their way in shtf. This is why you prioritize defense and deterrence over being able to assault a base or whatever
@jason_m_schmidt622 Ай бұрын
Civilization was a mistake
@Refertech101 Сағат бұрын
@@MalfosRanger the Joker was truth though, society is only 4 meals deep.
@Xavieus 5 ай бұрын
I joined the Marine Corps at 18 and had so many fantasies of 'going to war' and 'smokin bad dudes' and it's still kinda fun to imagine it but now at 25 and out of the military, I am absolutely not about that anymore. I used to be the "I want to do what I'm trained for" hoping for any conflict to rope us in and get me a deployment. Those same ideas terrify me now that I realize there's more to life than just fighting/combat and maybe maturity kicked in too. I love guns and all the tacticool stuff and enjoy shooting and training but I really REALLY hope I never have to use it in any kind of serious scenario. Especially without the DoD directly supporting you. I get that it's fun to talk about 'doing work' and running hypotheticals to death. I never want to be in combat, but I'm gonna prepare all I can for it if I have to protect myself or loved ones. Love the perspectives and information in this video. Subbed and excited for some more great content.
@chrissewell1608 5 ай бұрын
Just realize this. You won't be mature until you are 30ish!
@jackjones9460 5 ай бұрын
Absolutely agree! You’re spot on target. Killing or even having to deal with dead corpses should always be avoided whenever possible.
@MrCoder14 5 ай бұрын
So young. Combat is different for a lot of people. Some people go home and get service dogs, some people go back for 3 more deployments. It wasn't about the killing, or wanting to kill for me, it was the excitement and the comradery. You will never have a group of friends like the guys you saw combat with. I served from 2003 - 2012. I had a good friend later after I was out of the Army who served in the late 80's and early 90's and I felt bad for him. All that practice and never going to the game. It isn't wrong to fight and to want to fight, you just need to have your morals right. There are always good causes to fight for. People who are not free, who are oppressed by bad dudes. There are more slaves today then during the Atlantic Slave trade. Lots of good things out there one could fight for.
@Nope-ik8wv 5 ай бұрын
Dude we are the exact same I wanted so bad to fuck some shi up in the marines and got out without ever deploying, but I think the exact same way now
@iiiKingLongSwipeiii 5 ай бұрын
25 and you're still a child you'll realize it when you hit your late thirties and all of your training was nothing look at the 77th division the unstoppable 30 year olds who went to war when they were in their mid-thirties
@user1acount 5 ай бұрын
Blocking the liberty safe logo is awesome haha. Can't really throw them away, so preventing advertisement is the only course of action.
@splatterkat3838 5 ай бұрын
Raiding is an unsustainable practice long-term. It might get you what you need in the short term, but if you only have combat skills and nothing else, you're fucked eventually.
@jordansauer1678 5 ай бұрын
Idk a well trained raider could just hit soft civilian targets for a long time before one of them gets lucky or he accidentally raids the wrong house
@jasonshults368 5 ай бұрын
I prefer having morals and ethics to being an amoral warlord who rules through violence.
@Aurora4804 5 ай бұрын
​@jordansauer1678 "soft civ targets" last for a week or two. The most anti gun people will sell their bodies to get them if necessary in good order.
@mastoner20 5 ай бұрын
Just steal and horde all technology in a medieval fascist society in an underground bunker. EZ.
@sergemarlon 5 ай бұрын
Idk about warlord, or combat-trained but being a "well trained raider" is definitely a sustainable long term strategy. I heard of a hermit from Maine who lived off of his survival skills and "raiding" without encountering people at all, ie non violence, for something like 27 years. Seems pretty sustainable to me.
@herbhungry7565 3 ай бұрын
I've been avoiding this video in my feed for 2 months... Never clicking "not interested' or "do not reccommend" because I thought maybe it'd be worth a giggle later. Now I'm a Dirty Civilian fan.... Officially. This is an excellent video guys keep up the excellent work.
@SanitysVoid 5 ай бұрын
“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” ― Samuel Adams
@JarodFarrant 4 ай бұрын
That is poetic ❤
@jason_m_schmidt622 Ай бұрын
That’s exactly it.
@jakobe5930 Ай бұрын
We reject tyranny always 😤
@MrDirigible Ай бұрын
@@jakobe5930 that's all smoke and mirrors... We generally as a nation have accepted more tyranny since 1913, you can trace our current trajectory as a nation back to that horrible year and Woodrow Wilson.
@jakobe5930 Ай бұрын
@MrDirigible yeah that's very true sadly. Our leadership has abandoned the American values
@thetravi1348 5 ай бұрын
I’ve played 264 hrs of Fallout 4, I’ll be fine. But seriously, keeping your mouth shut when needed is a top skill to have.
@anon-yw4wd 5 ай бұрын
How many hours at the range and getting fit?
@NelsonZAPTM 5 ай бұрын
Maybe it's too short, that's why you fell out four times?
@damianchristopher205 5 ай бұрын
@@NelsonZAPTMIs this a joke?
@NelsonZAPTM 5 ай бұрын
@@damianchristopher205 do you really need to ask? It's not funny when you have to explain the punch line.
@905SOu 5 ай бұрын
@@NelsonZAPTMit kinda bombed
@mattthereverend1989 5 ай бұрын
As a Pastor and former infantryman my goal is to build up the community and safeguard our freedoms. A people divided will never stand! But true unity is diversity built upon the law of love. I have personally prepared with firearms and ammunition in conjunction with a large supply of emergency food and water. Medical supplies and sheltering equipment geared towards helping those who have need in my church and community.
@analogueoverdigital929 5 ай бұрын
Agreed. Our church community has talked about all of this stuff. I don't think we are invincible, but atleast we do have plans. It's all about community and helping each other while all coming together with diff skill sets.
@addiroids 5 ай бұрын
Diversity is weakness. Unity is strength.
@mattthereverend1989 5 ай бұрын
@@addiroids I believe every combat veteran would disagree with you. The bond of brotherhood and community is only strengthened by those with different life experiences and culture that transcend differences to unify around a common cause.
@mattthereverend1989 5 ай бұрын
@@addiroids for the record I am not talking about the liberal version of diversity. I’m actually drawing on a biblical framework and what the founding fathers took to heart.
@valian8985 5 ай бұрын
while i agree with you, no unity is not diversity, in fact diversity as proven thousands time across history prevent unity, even with love included.
@neph13 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for saying all of this. As an ex military solider, I could never wrap my head around a bunch of civilians salivating on the possibility of being able to kill other civilians. They are not playing solider, they are just being sociopaths.
@saltysaty8686 5 ай бұрын
They think they have respawns like video games. Never had a blister get infected, never broke down in the woods, never got stuck on the side of the road where a cell phone doesnt cover.
@DogBeast221 5 ай бұрын
Amen. “Those who are proponents of war are usually those who have never had to experience it.”
@BIGxJIMxSLADE 5 ай бұрын
They only salivate on the idea. Their best buddy getting parts of him thrown on them and watch how quickly their mouths will quickly dry up.
@no.9516 5 ай бұрын
lets not pretend this mentality isnt born in the military and propagated through the tactical space. servicemembers are a large contributor to this problem.
@neph13 5 ай бұрын
@@no.9516 some may, but all of the military I know are trying to avoid the situation, not expedite it.
@kevinboege2768 5 ай бұрын
6:30 Nice Liberty gun safe. Hope you changed the locks lol
@joeblow396 5 ай бұрын
Anyone who uses a digital safe is beyond help.
@HopeisAnger 5 ай бұрын
​@@joeblow396 I'm guessing you don't make friends easily. Or at all. Lol.
@joeblow396 5 ай бұрын
@@HopeisAnger with friends like you who needs enemies
@Volks756 5 ай бұрын
@@joeblow396 Angle grinder trumps all
@sbhjackson5931 5 ай бұрын
@artoflifehomestead998 5 ай бұрын
In an "in person" meeting where good people get together and discuss how we could help each other in a bad situation, a former Ranger pulled the same sorta thing this video highlights. he admitted to not being prepared for any sort of bad situation. His exact words were "Might is Right. I am trained well enough to take from the people who are prepared, and I got SEAL buddies who do the same." I was appalled, but not as much as another attendee who retorted "How long do you think that way of living will last for you? How many doors do you think you can kick before you kick the wrong one? He didn't really no how to answer. It was a major wake up call for all of us. This guy is not a random bad seed, I think its far more prevalent than most would believe. Suffice to say, better vet everyone you bring into your circle before you share much with them.
@DogBeast221 5 ай бұрын
Vetting in a calm environment is difficult. “Adversity doesn’t mold character, it reveals it.”
@paulfretz6777 5 ай бұрын
I don’t believe in a whole hoard of individuals making attempts to survive. When it hits the fan, people will change, and those who were trusted, and appeared to be someone that was going to be an asset, will soon turn into an enemy of the group. They may go as far as betraying the group, in order to improve their position, by joining another group divulging important parameters of the current group. Look at Leonidas and the Spartan at the battle of Thermopylae, there are more examples, just look at history.
@DTreatz 4 ай бұрын
Idiots like that thinking he won't get clapped by someone with a hi-point or getting caught out kicking in the wrong door 🤣
@dthundergunb3115 4 ай бұрын
True, but you have to remember that just because you allow someone over that doesn't mean you need to show them anything. Building a network is a good plan. I understand the risk involved too. I have a plan with a couple of my neighbors to establish kind of a neighborhood security detail and contingency plans just in case. If it ever comes to that shit will get brutal quick. I can only imagine what I'd do to feed my kids if they were starving to death and laying on my living room floor unable to move from not having food for several days...I consider that when we discuss situations like the supply chains being interrupted or halted for extended periods of time. I know I would do anything it took to keep that from becoming a reality, and I mean anything...I don't know everything but I do know a majority of the citizens in this country haven't thought about that and what will happen when they're faced with that
@bruceh.7351 4 ай бұрын
@@DogBeast221 Nice "try", but "Adversity doesn't BUILD character, it REVEALS it." If you haven´t put in the time to understand and mold your persona, your intentions. thoughts, emotions. actions. or plans, You simply reveal your ignorance and lack of planning. Being a LIBTARD reveals 0 character and, instead, weakness. We were so focused on getting ahead of life that life got ahead of us, and that was a disturbance that we couldn't manage quite well because of our lack of preparation.
@TheGenFem 5 ай бұрын
Real men teaching authentic masculinity. What a breath of fresh air!
@wlewisiii 4 ай бұрын
Where? Ain't none here.
@SkeletonXin 4 ай бұрын
@@wlewisiii Calm down, big guy, leave some virility to the rest of us.
@osango310 3 ай бұрын
@@wlewisiii lol you just outed yourself champ
@mostpopularpresidentever 2 ай бұрын
@@wlewisiii we found the harris voter
@Prepper_Raider 2 ай бұрын
supermale☝/ deemed to masculine.
@burtpenguin 5 ай бұрын
this is a really good video. a lot of people who fantasize about when theres an apocalypse or a civil war think of like doing badass operator shit and just killing people and dont actually think about the "rebuilding society" part of it. this video is very wise and valuable.
@jdw_2130 5 ай бұрын
Man I really appreciate you guys. I’m just a guy who wants to be a more prepared citizen and I’ve found a ton of value in your content. Keep it coming!
@waterboy239 5 ай бұрын
Don't forget food and water, when the power goes out the city water supply goes out to water is key
@Constitutionalist76 5 ай бұрын
@@waterboy239 If you have any body of water nearby, load up on water purification supplies. It takes up less room and will be the long game. Water gonna taste like shit, but it'll be clean and you won't die.
@jager6863 Ай бұрын
Machiavelli - "Never do your enemy a small injury"
@Thoroughly_Wet 5 ай бұрын
People gotta remember what allowed us thrive as a species. "Apes together strong".
@D1G1TALSYNAPS3 5 ай бұрын
Underrated comment
@hahahano2796 5 ай бұрын
You're using 1st generation genetics propaganda. We're not apes. We're not even the same species. Modern genetics even knows this but those studies don't make it to the MSM.
@naya83443 5 ай бұрын
exactly why I thought 7:42 was a bad take. We built this human empire on cooperation through all the wars and conflicts. Even in nature, survival of the fittest and competition is only half of the reality. Animals frequently form symbiotic and mutual relationships across species and within their own species. Apes together strong 🤙
@hambone950 5 ай бұрын
Hey fellow ATS gang!!
@CarlosIowa 5 ай бұрын
I don't monkey around. 😂
@jamesjameson2244 5 ай бұрын
Finally a smart, comprehensive approach to prepping. All my friends ask me what new guns they should buy. How much ammo? I tell them food, how much food do you have? Do you take any medicine? How long can you go without a pharmacy? Im glad theres other level headed people preparing. Its especially refreshing to see a focus on morality. Also I want to thank you for reminding me that i may have to deal with "bad" veterans that have as much or more training than myself. In my head I had become slightly naive in expecting other former service members to be "good", thats naive of me. Not all of them will be :(
@ShitBucketBlues 4 ай бұрын
If a man, any man, had a starving family at home he would happily skip over your dead body, do a cartwheel, and moonwalk over to your pantry like Michael Jackson. Does that make him a bad guy, a murderer, a monster? Or does it make him a good father, or son, or grandfather, who would do things that may eat away at his conscience forever in order for his kids to survive? The line between good and evil goes right through the center of the heart of every man. We like to think we would always act morally, in every situation, but the truth is we do not know how we would handle any given scenario until we are thrust into it. We also tend to see ourselves as better people than we truly are.
@ShitBucketBlues 3 ай бұрын
Good? We, and a few of our allies, spread nothing but death and despair all over the world. You think we bring freedom? Those goat traders in the middle east are truly free. We are told we have inherent rights, but they send billions of dollars in arms to other countries while they plot on taking ours. Freedom? Must be nice.
@YouTubeisOligarchy 3 ай бұрын
Yeah, food is more important than pew-pews! And medical supplies! The only way you're going to eat bullets is if someone is force feeding them to you. Trusting your fellow man is definitiely an issue when desperation takes hold.
@Swearengen1980 3 ай бұрын
Firearms and ammo is still 100% part of proper prepping behind food and water. Especially if you live anywhere near a city. With preppers being an insignificant point of the population and grocery stores only having 3 days max worth of food, it would take no time at all before cities to turn into a blood bath. You can't eat your food if you're dead. I mean, realistically, if you live in a metropolis, you're likely dead anyway. Still, it is in fact naive and silly to completely ignore protection. That's as impractical as only focusing on firearms.
@popupheadlights 3 ай бұрын
​@@Swearengen1980exactly food and medicine are absolutely essential, but a way to protect your food or medicine is also absolutely essential. In scenarios as this I would absolutely try and avoid conflict after all I don't wanna kill unnecessarily, but conflict may just find you especially who we're ill-prepared trying to become prepared.
@stronganalytic6751 5 ай бұрын
Seed kits would allow you to feed many if war comes to our country. Clean water is another aspect. A responsible citizen has provided for a season of food, to get to summer, seeds to plant to feed many, and has the means to provide clean water. If the “good guys” did this, most of the problems people imagine wouldn’t exist, and the “bad guys” wouldn’t have a reason they can hide behind to exercise their lack of morality.
@suburbanhomesteaders5397 5 ай бұрын
I keep enough seeds to plant to feed much more than my own family. I already give away fruit and vegetable plants for free to my neighbors because then they’re more prepared before the problem begins.
@NelsonZAPTM 5 ай бұрын
A seed bank is just a back up. If you are growing your own food now, and preserving it, you are saving money and practicing a skill.
@waterboy239 5 ай бұрын
Yes water is very important, using residential wells will be key for everybody ,when the power goes out then City water municipal services go out to, a well can be hand primed hand pumped and used as needed Wells can be found not just in rural areas but in large city areas having an electric TDS meter and water filtering supplies will be key,
@waterboy239 5 ай бұрын
Your comment warmed my little waterboy heart
@NelsonZAPTM 5 ай бұрын
@@waterboy239 our well ran dry a month ago, got two 30 000 litre tanks for backup. Not sure how many cheeseburgers in a litre sorry.
@mrhunt0341 3 ай бұрын
Here is the thing. Games have been programming kids, adults, well the major populace to do just that thing. Look at all these “survival” and battle royal game modes. They program the overall populace to turn against each other and “loot” bodies. For those that have never experienced reality in these types of situations they fall to their predispositions which is the video games they played.
@colorblindboi5271 2 ай бұрын
Jfc lmfao
@PasstheA1 2 ай бұрын
play rust on a vanilla server solo fresh wipe has to be 500+ pop and you will legit feel like you are trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.. its literally 600+ apes all logging into a server and spawning on the beach at the exact same moment running inland on an island scavenging for loot... ngl wipe day is the best xD
@dakota9821 2 ай бұрын
Take off the tinfoil and go outside kid.
@MyDadCanFixAnything Ай бұрын
Playing a video game where you die and respawn in 2 mins and only having one chance in life, besides the pain and consequences of actually attacking someone irl are two totally different things. There’s no fear in Fortnite. There is in real life.
@mrhunt0341 Ай бұрын
@@dakota9821 who are you referring to?
@JonSnow-c8p 5 ай бұрын
The hurricane footage at 17:10 is from Hurricane Ian hitting Fort Myers Beach, Florida in 2022. I can confirm first hand that there was some sketchy moments of civil unrest when help hadn't arrived to most parts by day 3. I was carrying(and glad I was in a few situations) while working before, during, and after the storm for a local municipality. Having an entire city blame you for the city water being off when you were the one trying to fix it is a terrifying place to be in. I know my part was very small and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but seeing how people acted when their water was off for a couple days(we were estimating 2-3 weeks of no water and managed to work nonstop for 5 days and turn it back on to most of the city) was enough to change my mind on my own preparedness.
@williamdodson7654 16 күн бұрын
Hey neighbor, rode it out in the Keys and a few weeks later went to your town to see the destruction, most people have no idea how bad it can be when all those luxuries we live with are gone, it was military first in town, those heroes replaced about a mile of our one road that washed away , next it was the utility workers and us construction workers, I’ll never forget watching my impact glass with shutters flexing, 6’ x 6’ window was flexing in and out well over an inch in the center and the sound and pressure, worst I’ve seen in 24 years of riding them out, a lot of deaths that they don’t like to report down here, bodies floating in the canals, most people don’t understand, you can’t even rage a war in something like that
@jonhein6575 5 ай бұрын
Prepare your soul and not just your body for the fight. "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."
@marymorris6897 5 ай бұрын
My guess is if you memorize Bible verses and put them into practice now, it will help whatever comes along. It doesn't take too long to memorize 50 to 100 verses. A little at a time, and you're well prepared.
@nicoincognito2160 4 ай бұрын
I am just reading about these dark forces. They are responsible for three revolutions, two worldwars and most conflicts up to now. Forget, what you learned in history classes.
@MattKearns-zi4rc 4 ай бұрын
Amen amen
@zachboswell8349 4 ай бұрын
Ephesians 6 right there my boi!! Good stuff! Train the fam up in the WORD baby!!
@jessiehubble 4 ай бұрын
yup i agree. but i also say that people that are willing to kill you have already lost their spiritual battle, so it may become physical.
@zerofactor7871 5 ай бұрын
The thing about the people who would choose to take the "bad guy" route, is that it seems like they haven't considered the consequences of it. Let's consider the fact that this involves murdering innocent people and leaving children without anyone to take care of them, or worse...all to fill your stomach and keep you warm. Those you harm will have friends and family who will want to know what happened and who's responsible, and in a WROL situation, there's nothing between them and you except your ability to hide. If you plan to be a "bad guy" when everyone is suffering, you better make sure you have elite SERE skills because you're going to be spending all your time on the run. And the longer you run the more desperate you'll get, and the more violent you'll get, and the more enemies you'll make. It will be a matter of hours, days at most before you're found and treated very badly by people who are extremely emotional over the things you've done.
@CalzaTheFox 5 ай бұрын
Outlaws in a nutshell.
@Sillydilly321 5 ай бұрын
Not to mention - what will you say on judgement day? Spiritual fitness is more important than physical fitness. Physical fitness can be stripped from you at any time, and it WILL be stripped from you at some point. Spiritual fitness is yours to keep.
@driverjamescopeland 5 ай бұрын
Survival does crazy things to people. Hunger is a powerful motivator. Seeing your children starving, or without necessary medical treatment is hard. Don't kid yourself. In the right position, nearly anyone can be "the bad guy"... and you never truly "know" anyone.
@RealBenAnderson 5 ай бұрын
@@Sillydilly321 Amen. 1 Timothy 4:8
@Jameshoover753 5 ай бұрын
@@Sillydilly321 very true
@chrisduncan3449 5 ай бұрын
This is one of the best videos I’ve ever seen on KZbin. You guys not only talked about SHTF and survival , but more IMPORTANTLY you talked about character and honor. Queen of battle Hooah !!
@badlaamaurukehu 5 ай бұрын
I'm a certified civilian.
@aaronwright6058 5 ай бұрын
Community is the best bet in any crisis. Always get to know your neighbors, and be of genuine assistance in every day life. Learning first aid, trauma aid, and have this equipment first, and as always, food ,clothing, and shelter to spare for those without it Then defense gear lastly! Train, train, and train. Have a plan as a community. Your channel won me over by removing the hyper aggressive.
@jakobmorningstar 5 ай бұрын
It’s strange how people in the comments are all about law and order and anti-looting until the situations meets their criteria for said activities. Thought the point of owning the gear and being prepared was so you can survive and with your ability to survive, help those who are struggling and willing to work for their survival too. What a whacked country we have.
@pennsyltuckyreb9800 5 ай бұрын
The problem is, barely anyone is actually, truly "prepared." And tons of folks out there have some guns and MRE's and think that's "prepared." Unless you're currently, RIGHT NOW, living every day of your life as someone in Amish country.... you ain't prepared! Prepared is full-blown and operational off-grid homesteading with a community of like-minded individuals and families already also doing the same thing in the same area.
@pro_154 5 ай бұрын
I could say so much about this, but well said, this was an enjoyable read
@Boom-Freaka 5 ай бұрын
​@@pennsyltuckyreb9800yeah, go and shut your little circut breaker off for about a week and come back with a diagnosis.
@jakobmorningstar 5 ай бұрын
@@pennsyltuckyreb9800that’s the thing though. You don’t have to have a full blown operation. That’s the point of community. Everyone contributes something. Yes, if there’s a collapse you and your community would eventually want to get to the point of redundancy, but to begin your community members can have individual responsibilities. Luckily I have enough family members and property that we can be and completely self sufficient, and we are always in the process of learning how to do so. But again, it’s more about community and spreading the responsibility of preparedness than going lone wolf. Many hands make light work.
@johnb.6468 5 ай бұрын
It isn’t strange when you realize the social contract has been broken.
@LaurenLovesFall 4 ай бұрын
Your channel has quickly become one of my favorites. Great content that’s practical and easy to understand. I appreciate it more than you know! ❤️
@typer2909 5 ай бұрын
i love that somebody finally pointed out all the disaster psychos, like yeah i’m prepared for an armored and or trained target but that doesn’t mean i want to make them my target if i do not have to. if i’m within earshot of a random, i will probably take a good position to announce my friendship, or just let them pass if i haven’t been seen and i don’t trust them.
@natrious9601 5 ай бұрын
"A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control." - Jordan Peterson "No one knows how truly bad they are until they try very hard to be good" - CS Lewis, Mere Christianity "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you" - Matthew 17:12
@crono3339 5 ай бұрын
"Pinocchio is a story about wanting to be a real boy!"- crying Jordy Peterston
@TealWolf26 5 ай бұрын
The original definition of "meek." Strength with restraint and responsibility.
@no.9516 5 ай бұрын
congrats you know how to search other people words and copy/paste them. your cookie is in the mail.
@Archer801 2 ай бұрын
I'm a bit like the governor. My good guy died with the loss of my daughter. She was everything to me and savagely ripped away from me, by a 3 time felon child abuser. My good guy died, with her... I for one, hope for the collapse of civilization. So I can take my rage out on the people who could have done more but hid behind a desk and "regulations". I would love to be one of those people fighting for my family... but what happens to a warrior spirit when your heart and soul and everything you fight for has already been ripped away from you and all you're left with is an empty shell, filled only with the echos of rage and hate.
@johnsullivan8673 2 ай бұрын
Lol. Meds. Now.
@Learning5515 Ай бұрын
So you’re hoping for everyone else to suffer?
@GuidanceforGuardians Ай бұрын
There's only one real and lasting remedy for your "echos of rage and hate" and the collapse of civilization is not it.
@johnsullivan8673 Ай бұрын
@@GuidanceforGuardians just so we’re clear, we’re talking about self administered fatal kinetic lead poisoning, right?
@GuidanceforGuardians Ай бұрын
@@johnsullivan8673 "Self administered"? No. I don't want anyone to take a self-imposed dirt nap. I was talking about coming to the foot of the cross and seeking healing, forgiveness, and restoration from Jesus Christ. The vengeance thing? Yeah, I get it, but I definitely don't want a societal collapse (which would kill 10s of millions) just so I can get back at a few people who did me wrong. They'll get theirs sooner or later. Absent real justice in this world, that is the best we can do, and anyone wishcasting for personal vendettas ain't on my side.
@MoonMoon-gu2ge 5 ай бұрын
Bold of you to assume the government would be trying to keep order or keep chaos to a minimum. The government is the very reason we sit at the crossroads of such a crazy timeline.
@causticmain5002 5 ай бұрын
We win if we have fun and build cool stuff.
@antilaw9911 5 ай бұрын
@yowman98 5 ай бұрын
Government benefits from division, not chaos. It has a vested interest in maintaining power, there's no reason to think it would just roll over and accept it's own death
@StanlyTPT 5 ай бұрын
And the cops are the gov...
@warthogA10 5 ай бұрын
They'll all be watching from safe places until they assess the time is right to "restore order" This will be only after a considerable number of the general population has been reduced.. because that will be the entire plan behind them igniting a social/civil war in the first place.
@whathavestthou6175 5 ай бұрын
Kudos to your cameraman for raising this topic. A foreign or domestic enemy would love for those they are attempting to subject to fight each other. May this topic of morality despite desperate circumstances becime a trend amongst other you-tube "influencers"
@sammich4660 5 ай бұрын
i thank my father every day of my life for instilling in me the hardline discipline that made so i strive to be a good guy. Maybe when i was a child i didnt realize he was shaping my character into having a good and strong moral compass when he was being heavy handed, but now as a man i can not stop thanking him. I love you apa, thank you.
@Baconator5642 4 ай бұрын
If he was hitting you that wasnt "instilling discipline" that was "beating a child and telling them it's morality", if he wasnt im glad you have a healthy and loving relationship with your pa, or did
@sammich4660 4 ай бұрын
@@Baconator5642 i agree with you but just as a reminder, while your up there on your high horse feeling like a self righteous hero, always remember your no one to tell a father how to discipline their child.
@Baconator5642 4 ай бұрын
@@sammich4660 Listen, as a fellow human being, I understand the personal responsibility every parent has for their kids, and I know from the mountains of personal and professional evidence that corporal punishment negatively impacts kids, reinforces disciplinary problems, and causes behavior issues, this might not have been what you personally experienced but it is the vast majority, i am not on a high horse, i am trying to genuinely educate people on a serious topic, im not being condescending or talking down to you in any way
@sammich4660 4 ай бұрын
@@Baconator5642 bubba i actually do agree with you believe it or not, you havent said anything i dont agree with, maybe my tone was to abrasive yea? and i am sorry, i just wouldn't have the audacity to tell any parent how to discipline their kids, or "educate" them as you put it , no matter how i feel about it. Yes you are right there is a fine line between discipline and just flat out beating your kids. What i feel is that you see any form of spanking or "corporal punishment" as just a flat out beat down no matter what. I may not fully agree with your opinion but id sure ass hell die for your right to have it regardless.
@Baconator5642 4 ай бұрын
@@sammich4660 I'm glad we can see eye to eye and move past that misunderstanding, I hope you have a lovely day
@hungrypear6425 5 ай бұрын
Off subject but EXTREMELY important to spread the messages, hear me out. You guys need to make, sell and give away stickers... A lot of us are blue coller working men who use stickers to show others what we're about and it start conversations. We out them on hardhats, lunchboxes, workspace, tools and even trade them. Just a thought.
@MrRyryrose 5 ай бұрын
Fantastic video. I work in law enforcement and have a Mormon background. Not part of the religion any more, but the preparation upbringing has really tuned my preps, and enabled me to make contacts through work for that “security” portion, while preaching the importance of food/water/etc to some serious hitters. This video was immediately sent to those dudes. Keep it up fellas, we’re going to make it.
@threat2demoracy5454 5 ай бұрын
I also escaped the cult. 🤙🏼
@Fla5thgenTryMe 5 ай бұрын
Congratulations, you are part of the problem.
@babycarrots5605 5 ай бұрын
You don't enforce 'laws", you enforce "codes". Get it straight sir!
@balasaashti3146 5 ай бұрын
Also have a Mormon background. I was excommunicated. I will say I'm glad I grew up in the environment gave me a lot of skills.
@halogod0298 5 ай бұрын
@@babycarrots5605don’t start
@bustoje 5 ай бұрын
I made the comment during a conversation yesterday about SHTF. My greatest strength today, will someday become my greatest weakness. Kindness.
@calebh7902 5 ай бұрын
That will get you 6 feet under the grass my friend. I too am kind, but when the SHTF you gonna have to learn how to switch characters real quick.
@DogBeast221 5 ай бұрын
My dearly departed brother was a physically imposing man. As I was riding with him in his recently purchased used “mudmobile” from San Antonio back to his home in Henderson, NV, he suddenly pulled in to a seedy looking joint with a bunch of motorcycles parked out front. He declared, “I’m hungry, let’s eat!” When we walked in to the smoky, crowded bar, you could have heard a pin drop. My brother quietly walked to the bar while nodding and occasionally asking in his New England accent: “Ow ah ya?” While I hid in the corner quietly eating my sandwich, I suddenly saw my brother playing pool with these scary bikers while having a good time. When we left some time later, I breathed a sigh of relief while asking my brother: “What is your secret?” He did his Cheshire Cat grin and said: “Kill ‘em with kindness, bro. Kill ‘em with kindness.”
@josephahner3031 5 ай бұрын
I have this discussion in TTRPG circles under a different name. My usual response is "lawful good doesn't mean lawful stupid".
@DogBeast221 5 ай бұрын
@@josephahner3031 educate me: “TTRPG”?
@supfoo3638 Ай бұрын
Grunt Proof’s vid about contractors coming after us is straight facts. That dudes legit
@Yeoman7 5 ай бұрын
Being the “Good Guy” is the road less travelled for a reason…. It’s hard and can get you killed for trifling reasons; Selfishness is a survivor instinct. But we should always strive to be the “good guy” and attempt to stave off becoming a monster.
@jeremyoberg2409 5 ай бұрын
Good guys have a significant long-term advantage because they can build trust with each other over time to form growing communities. "Bad" guys have this as a disadvantage because they will never be trusted by the people they work with, and they don't trust the people they work with. They have to continually plan around the chaos caused by unaligned goals and their own disposablility.
@willbass2869 5 ай бұрын
​@@jeremyoberg2409over 35% of US males 18-35 do NOT have a solid deep friendship with a single person. Your "optimism" is misplaced
@anon-yw4wd 5 ай бұрын
High trust White society...
@Waxisland 5 ай бұрын
⁠@@willbass2869 Ohkay… what is your point? Do you think that the 35% of males who don’t have a friend are going to go mad max and be the bad guy? If so, what he is staying still holds true.
@willbass2869 5 ай бұрын
@@Waxisland simply to point out that it's not some minuscule number. It's big enough to F up your parade
@NelsonZAPTM 5 ай бұрын
Great topic. I too, are pissed with the attitude of (some) people who claim to be preppers. Their attitude and comments are counter productive when they think the only prep they will need is a gun. My primary prep is food production and storage. If shtf, my plan is to feed people and help rebuild. Marauders, bandits, thieves, and raiders will be composted.
@Fla5thgenTryMe 5 ай бұрын
You won't last a month helping strangers.
@scottzackery3209 5 ай бұрын
Grand ideals, now go to Cleveland Ohio. And sit outside a soup kitchen with hot food in a parking lot. 🤔 And just watch, get in line ,talk to folks. You'll see exactly what they're talking about. The snoop dog quote, if you offer to feed me today , I knock first, tomorrow- I knock/ 3rd day I'm just coming in. 😲😳
@NelsonZAPTM 5 ай бұрын
​@Fla5thgenTryMe I'll take you off the guest list if that makes you feel better 😉
@FatYokel 5 ай бұрын
While I'm not as pessimistic as these guys, realistically you'll have to wait until the unrest settles and population reduces to do any outreach, trying too soon could be unwise to say the least.
@NelsonZAPTM 5 ай бұрын
​@@scottzackery3209I live half a world away from Cleveland Ohio. Location Location Location. If Snoop Dog stepped on my lawn with that attitude, he would be compost too. I get what you are saying, and I don't even disagree. I don't even mind if you'd prefer a lead sandwich to soup and bread. P.S. Snoop, if you're reading this, bring a blunt, and try my whisky from the jar.
@crackshot-tv 5 ай бұрын
Dang I'm only 15 minutes in but this is such a balanced conversation, great job guys and way to not fear monger.
@granitejeepc3651 5 ай бұрын
good guy? what is that? thats a very normal society thing that is a luxury......its you either live or you dont...this whole society thing is not the norm....its only a western idea from last 100 years
@chrisj1982 5 ай бұрын
Morality separates us from animals. Not to mention we all know that there’s always gonna be a chance for someone to get the drop on you or to overpower you. It pays to be nice so you have other good people watching your back.
@heathclark318 4 ай бұрын
We are animals bud. Animals have hierarchies and norms just as we do. We are no different only more creative
@chrisj1982 4 ай бұрын
@@heathclark318 and more intelligent and we have a higher level of sentience. I get we’re “animals” but what keeps us civilized is a common morality and common sense of what’s good and bad. Most animals operate just on survival.
@heathclark318 4 ай бұрын
@@chrisj1982 Hmmm not sure you have studied animals very long... Whales saving other species from killer whales. Elephants going back to the same places for decades to pickup bones of their deceased relatives. Think you really need to contemplate what you call morality as we have cities playing the knockout game, where no crime goes punished, chain stores shutting down after operating in areas for decades. ' Did you just wake from coma?
@ShitBucketBlues 4 ай бұрын
Morality is situational. What is more heinous, killing someone so your kids survive or sitting around watching them starve to death? Life isn't a Hollywood fantasy movie, and evil isn't some physical entity you and your buddies can go find and destroy. Every man is equally capable of good and evil. Like I said, it's situational. Th truth is you have no idea how you would handle this shit until you find yourself knee deep in it. It's a cold world and nature isn't compassionate.
@ryanward8039 3 ай бұрын
Morality is what separates us from the left.
@eliaspergande2663 5 ай бұрын
This is the best video you guys have made so far! I love flashy gun content don’t get me wrong but the need to address real deep topics and point out the blind spots we don’t want to deal with are the conversations we need to be having. Especially the lack of morality and brotherhood this world is facing. Thank you gentlemen you have a just impact on the world!
@fudgeknuckle952 5 ай бұрын
Grunt Proof is legit a good sub folks. Hope you send some love his way. Always get a take from him I haven't seen on other channels. Good to have those.
@SecondClassCitizen 5 ай бұрын
Hes a hypocrite tyrant. Go back and watch that video where he makes the comments about being a good person, the very next thing he says is he is going to put people on a list and actively go take them out because they are pieces of shit who throw trash out their car window. Go after them like they did HVTs in the war. Who the fuck is he to assign a death sentence to someone who hasn't done anything to him?
@anon-yw4wd 5 ай бұрын
@waterboy239 5 ай бұрын
We do
@sw640 Ай бұрын
These young men are extremely naive if they don’t think humans will go werewolf once they get hungry
@Jupiterxice 5 ай бұрын
As a Army Vet and tactical/survivalist this video is awesome. Keep them coming because these videos give a realistic scenario of all the knowns and unknowns of what will happen if SHTF.
@BlueJayWaters 5 ай бұрын
I run a non-profit for vets. Part of it requires me to talk with every park district in my county, and I do my absolute best to stay connected and build a network of good people. If something bad kicks off, I feel my role will have allowed me to potentially bridge our communities to work together to weather the storm. But at the same time, I've seen the things people are willing to do when they're hungry, or their children are hungry. It can fall apart quickly. The people who just resign themselves to take instead of give and share are the cracks in a foundation that would need to be filled before continuing to build.
@caseycarter3066 5 ай бұрын
I saw that Andy Stumpf video too
@SAVAGE-qs2yb 5 ай бұрын
I believe the best method to identify yourself WHEN (not IF, definitely WHEN) you cross paths with someone you do not know and do not know their intentions, the best way to identify yourself is "I am a Constitutionalist" because if SHTF, our best hope for fixing things is to go back to our roots and start again.
@joeblow8525 4 ай бұрын
The problem with that is, the other guy might say the same thing to get you off guard and then try to take your stuff! There is no sure way, unless you are part of that community to have back up from others if that unknown is a wolf in sheeps clothing. Your going to have to follow your gut for the most part JMOP
@billieunderwood8303 4 ай бұрын
Geez, but democrats aren't constitutionalists.
@Maverickj1 4 ай бұрын
The Constitution didn’t keep this from happening the first time. Why would it work next time?
@billieunderwood8303 4 ай бұрын
Tru maverick. Lincoln KNEW and discussed the fact that his war violated the constitution.
@ElMarinoLoko-yf1pq 4 ай бұрын
There's literally a constitutional political party.
@oliverallen5324 5 ай бұрын
"Our fellow countrymen." "My Fellow Americans" doesn't mean the same thing to everyone. When the lights go out, a lot of uniforms are going to look after their own, and I say this having been in public safety for 15 years. "Every man for himself, & God against all." Everything in this video is true. You have to make sacrifices today, so you don't have to make the choice between evil or being dead.
@jenispizz2556 5 ай бұрын
I super disagree with you. In times of great turmoil, people tend to band together. Nobody's going to have a civil war in the US anyway.
@ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz 5 ай бұрын
Uniforms only look after themsleves when times are good, imagine when times are worse.
@texaschizophrenic 5 ай бұрын
Yes, we already know the blue line is a gang.
@gridtac2911 5 ай бұрын
When the left consistently repeats "our democracy".... You know they're not talking about real Americans. They're talking about fellow communists. So no they're not "my fellow Americans"
@MALICEM12 7 сағат бұрын
​@@jenispizz2556 The last civil war was fight between mostly white Christians who all believed in 90% the same thing and fought over a tiny disagreement. Nowadays most men have nothing in common with their fellow American. The union soldier trying to kill the Confederate had more in common than I do with my next door neighbor. War is inevitable
@DadHominem 5 ай бұрын
I agree with the premise of your video. That said, it's important to study events like the Yugoslav Wars to get an idea of just how horrible things can get - and remain for several years - as the result of a civil war. It is likely to bring out the worst instincts in many. By way of example, in 1984, Sarajevo hosted the Winter Olympics. Eight years later, much of Sarajevo looked like something out of Cormac McCarthy's "The Road". I hope we never see that in the USA. Never.
@whenpiratesattack 3 ай бұрын
I was drinking beer in a buddy's garage whom I thought as a potential mutual aide several years back. We all were talking about what to do and where to go if something happens and starting to make a plan for things. Exactly what was described is what happened. Always let people tell you whom they really are. As I listened to his plan of picking off people and using their reserves as his own, I started to pack my stuff up and distance myself. Even when people are joking about this thing; they aren't. On another occasion, I attended a shooting class of a relatively well known dude. He made all kinds of notes about the place, about how there was plenty of food and water and natural beauty and even commented on the homeowner's daughter. Yeah, this would be a nice place for the apocalypse. Never took a class from that dude again. Just because someone is a relatively known firearms instructor, also doesn't guarantee that they are a good person even if they can shoot well.
@genericadjectivenounname9001 5 ай бұрын
A very important part of security is time. We all have the same 24 hours in a day. You cannot be awake for all of them, you cannot be home for all of them. You need a community to protect your blind spots when you are asleep or away. Humans are social animals. Everything we do is built upon social interaction. Humanity built the modern world on working together and protecting eachother. If you want your neighbors to be willing to help you when times are hard, you first need them to be willing to help you when times are good. Meet your neighbors, know your neighbors, be in community with your neighbors. Do it now while you have the choice, not later when you have no other option. When people trust each other to pitch in and participate for the good of all it becomes harder for society to break down. If society never breaks down you will never need to ask yourself if your morals are more important than your survival. Be kind to your neighbors. Be kind to your coworkers. Be kind to strangers in the store, or on the street. Just be kind, like Mr. Rogers.
@Baconator5642 4 ай бұрын
Mr rogers wasnt promoting genociding "the infidels" or "ridding our nation of the filth", there's a reason people liked mr rogers, he was respectable and reasonable and treated people with kindness, you dont get that from so called "patriots" who'd rather kill their fellow man than talk to them and *understand* them, a fundamental problem with creating a community is the fact alot of people dont *want* you in a community for a multitude of reasons including: not having the "normal" sexuality, the "normal" gender, etc etc, people are cruel and will find any reason to treat you like shit because theyve been brainwashed by the rich corporate elites
@Monsoon_Enjoyer 10 күн бұрын
I mean I've been alone all my life, so i have no issue with going crazy due to no social interaction Also yeah i do realize i can't be awake all the time that's why i know how and where to sleep
@WraithlikeLuke 5 ай бұрын
I remember reading “Lord of the Flies” and although it’s fiction, it’s true in that people’s true nature comes out in times of hardship. If Americans aren’t willing to band together and support each other, if they are hell bent on being a “lone wolf” and are so combat focused they should be shunned as just another directionless person and treated as potential bad guy. History shows that only when like minded people band together that’s when great things (or bad things) happen, humans strength is in numbers there’s no disputing this fact and the truth is communities don’t have time for the knuckle heads who refuse this concept of banding together and creating a support network within the community. If a person is going around looking for trouble dressed and equipped like a Army Ranger just send them on their way ranger or not they won’t be around very long.
@Gizziiusa 5 ай бұрын
just keep in mind that its been reported in numerous instances that police band up and become essentially heavily armed marauding bandits. per frugal squirrel article from many years ago. when shtf happens, sure gray and black markets do crop up. but also, morality tends to go out the window when hunger-desperation sets in. many a folk were robbed at gunpoint from people who appeared all innocent when they got to your doorstep. ergo, be VERY careful around strangers.
@lanejohnson7656 5 ай бұрын
So how many people are you prepping for? 100, 1,000? Banning together after SHTF and there is no grocery stores is going to result in you dying of starvation if you share your preps with the unprepared.. Something tells me you are lucky to have enough just for your family if that.. Good luck trying to build a community in your town/city. I live in a small rural county of less than 5,000 people and only got a handful..
@Hebdomad7 5 ай бұрын
Lord of the Flies is full of shit. You look at what happens when people actually get shipwrecked. They don't turn on each other, they band together. It's is basic human instinct to protect and care for their tribe. The enemy becomes the adverse environment not each other. Humans will go to extreme lengths to save each other from such situations, even if they were previously trying to kill each other. Even when they sank the Bismarck in WW2, they still stopped to pick up survivors from the sailors real enemy... the ocean!
@boowav 5 ай бұрын
Lord of the Flies is absolute bullshit. Ask yourself why it was required reading in public school.
@boowav 5 ай бұрын
@@lanejohnson7656 Fear / Doubt enjoyer
@rapcreeperproductions3269 5 ай бұрын
One thing to consider is trying to live without the need of some support systems. I went back to my old job because I can walk. It's not the only reason but when multiple parts of your vehicle break at once not needing to drive is nice
@NelsonZAPTM 5 ай бұрын
Living with your means is good.
@wesallstar9273 4 ай бұрын
Whoa!!!! 3:00 people
@wyattterrell 5 ай бұрын
I ain’t American I’m murican
@deangullberry5148 5 ай бұрын
MURICA!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
@OperatorJackYT 5 ай бұрын
I Love Murica
@vos2693 5 ай бұрын
God bless
@mhsandifer 5 ай бұрын
An alleged friend joked about taking my and another friend's stuff, just as you describe. He's no longer in the circle and if I see him with a big smile and arms open walking onto the prop, asking for help, he'll get pilled. I'd rather help a stranger whom I'm 50/50 on, rather than he.
@bladesmith01 5 ай бұрын
Same thing here. I pay attention to what people say, and separate accordingly.
@bewbew0016 5 ай бұрын
Yep, it means it was at least something he's thought about. From there, it's likely he plans on doing it, but because you're "friends", he knows it's wrong and feels guilty. Oftentimes, when people feel guilty about something, they want to tell someone. Sort of, getting it off their chest in a way. That would be my guess as to why he would tell you. I think your plan to deal with him is entirely appropriate. It's no different than someone making a threat and then showing up during the time specified in their threat. We should all be alert for these types in our groups, but make sure it's based on objective reasoning (like the OP). Don't succumb to paranoia, or you'll be the one the group views as a threat and deals with.
@lanejohnson7656 5 ай бұрын
The “You have to have a community” crowd cracks me up.. They portray it as simple to get people interested in joining an actual community.. My personal experience is all I was doing was painting a target off my back.. I can’t stay home in a situation because I’m not delusional enough to think I can defend my home from all those I’ve talked to about joining a community.. Actually ran into a guy outside of my county who is quite so my group is going where he is ..
@Ambusher1st 5 ай бұрын
You got upset over one of your friends making a joke so you told him to leave and never come back? Lol, are you serious? There has to be more to the story, because if that’s why you cut off a friend, then you aren’t much of a “friend” yourself.
@halogod0298 5 ай бұрын
@@Ambusher1stthat’s what I was saying. Me and the boys joke about looting each other all the time
@MrStropparo 5 ай бұрын
I was in a welding course about four years ago and I had a Marine who was in his late 30s. Tell me that when the world comes to an end, he was coming directly to my house to take what I had because he knew I had resources and I told him that if I see you when the world ends, I will assume you came to die. He assured me, I would never see him coming. I assured him I wouldn’t be there when he got there 😮 Marine?!!! Really great right? Duty honor country yeah right. He doesn’t understand that I would’ve given him whatever he needed and more if he had just asked
@anon-yw4wd 5 ай бұрын
I am assuming non-White...
@doctundra2596 5 ай бұрын
Probably a pog marine
@altechelghanforever9906 5 ай бұрын
Why the fuck are y'all assuming race when none of that was mentioned in this comment?
@Icidulon 5 ай бұрын
@@altechelghanforever9906 I wonder why.
@altechelghanforever9906 5 ай бұрын
@@Icidulon Ah yes, because only non-white people do bad things.
@zach9092 2 ай бұрын
Your very first priority when it comes to prepping should be building a community BEFOREHAND. So you aren’t scrambling and meeting strangers having to judge their character on the spot and fight with them
@stevecooper7883 2 ай бұрын
Yep. Mormons have us beat there.
@killgoretrout877 2 ай бұрын
he wasnt wrong they were Chinese and the other guy was a Mexican who quickly said Florida
@jabbamagnus 5 ай бұрын
Community is the only way for long term survival. IMO. People with different backgrounds and skillsets.
@christaylor5189 5 ай бұрын
What if a Civil War breaks out? Andy Stumpf: Well then I have a lot of guns and bullets because your supplies will become mine! So why don't you stockpile water, because I know other people that are and they don't have any guns, so they can work for their water ration. Valuetainment - Episode "Wild Sh*t Happens" - Navy SEAL Explains How to Prep for Civil War & Cyber Attacks. "time stamp 2:00"
@Kompyutershchik 5 ай бұрын
Thanks for the helpful comment!
@nicholasmerryman928 5 ай бұрын
If your worldview and morality only applies to a world with rule of law, your views and beliefs are void of meaning and superficial. Be a peacemaker and seek truth in all things. Thank you for this, guys. This was a much-needed video.
@ab5olut3zero95 5 ай бұрын
Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the Children of God. Blessed be the Lord my God who trains my arms for war and my fingers for battle. Being ready and willing to fight and trying to make peace are not two opposing ideas. Peace is almost always secured through violence.
@anon-yw4wd 5 ай бұрын
@ab5olut3zero95 Amen.
@RyanPratt-dl7qo 5 ай бұрын
@@ab5olut3zero95 you make god seem like such a great and non tyrannical guy
@KToll5784 5 ай бұрын
@@RyanPratt-dl7qo*tips fedora*
@RyanPratt-dl7qo 5 ай бұрын
@@KToll5784 you just made this all so much worse
@dallinmickelson5245 4 ай бұрын
7:36 "Weapons of war". Can we rephrase that, please. Your brain auto-corrected because of the algorithms forced on you. I understand. I believe that you meant to say tools of great utility and importance or more simply said firearms or guns.
@franciscomoreno7388 Ай бұрын
Wow so sensitive.
@franks.8799 5 ай бұрын
Thank you for pushing back against amoral people who believe that they can do whatever they want. You reap what you sow! What comes around goes around.
@ShitBucketBlues 4 ай бұрын
Morality is situational. Is killing a man worse and more heinous than sitting around doing nothing watching your family starve to death?
@John-eh6jg 4 ай бұрын
"Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth " ... i see a lot of people saying " i am a good guy " . But every villian throughout history thought they were the "good guy" . Actions speak louder then words . When the shit hits the fan always remember the golden rule . Treat people how you would want to be treated
@ifyoudontfailyouarenoteven6210 5 ай бұрын
Just one comment - not only the US folks are watching you.
@clanof1144 3 ай бұрын
once we start fighting ourselfes china presses the big red button. not like we could send any back at that point.
@blkcyborg92 5 ай бұрын
I think the reason people start with guns instead of anything else is because as men you are drawn to want to protect your family from harms way. Also doesn't help that the government keeps talking about taking guns away. Fear of lack of Supplies (GUNS, Ammo) breads fear of unpreparedness so Demand raises. Even though food and shelter could be at risk, the gov is threating to take that stuff away from you.... Just my 2cents but i 100% agree with you guys.
@IdahoSewing 5 ай бұрын
Even in the worst of states, it is still usually legal to have a shotgun. Most states allow carrying a handgun on your own land. The question is, for all those who don't do it in peacetime, it is a real shift if suddenly everyone is running around with a shotgun slung over their shoulders. Realistically, that isn't going to happen unless some real fighting starts. But, if you can carry that belt knife or concealed handgun, even if you fudge a bit on property boundaries during a serious disruption, you can do the necessary in most cases. (Be sure to have practiced concealed carry at home, so as to remain undetected if you have to stretch the boundaries briefly.) More important, is an early activation of neighborhood communications and guard duties. Be sure to have a central command post that can alert the whole neighborhood to trouble. Then, having a couple people walking the streets all night with a radio, or even a police whistle, with authority to investigate and to alert others to suspicious activity, would go a long way. If the community is on the same page, they might even be carrying the afforementioned shotgun. Just make sure these are upstanding citizens who are known and trusted by the neighborhood, not gangbangers. (There is nothing worse than rogue security guards who use their office to facilitate crime.) While everyone needs to be part of the security plan, the goal is to minimized the draft on manpower needed to maintain it. There is no substitute for an effective alarm. "ALL ARM!" Then nature of the incident needs to be communicated, and the response needs to be coordinated. Often, a small fraction of the community workforce can handle the matter, while others return to their private employment. Our biggest problem as a nation, is the mentality that looters and rioters are good, and those who would restrain them are evil. Reject that nonsense! Speak out, and don't shut up until people get the sense worked into them. (And it helps if you don't live in Gangster Ghetto.)
@ericd9853 2 ай бұрын
Who was the navy seal they are referencing about saying he would do malicious things when SHTF?
@nocera415 2 ай бұрын
I've been trying to remember for days who it was
@BruceWayne-oh6bj 5 ай бұрын
THANKS GUYS, all is not lost, I put my life in the hands of Jesus Christ, however I do understand I will need to fight when the time comes. My point ,I will live in the best light I can so when judgement day comes. So, if society falls, I believe strength in numbers and also, I don't want to lose my humanity. I support your message 1000% #USMC
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Крутой фокус + секрет! #shorts
Роман Magic
Рет қаралды 21 МЛН
Рет қаралды 23 МЛН
Red Dawn Gray Man
Grunt Proof
Рет қаралды 271 М.
Will an EMP Actually Ruin All of Your Tactical Tech?
Dirty Civilian
Рет қаралды 325 М.
Civil War Movie Review: Why So Serious?
Apocalypse Tedium
Рет қаралды 1,2 М.
What CIVIL WAR Is Really About
Рет қаралды 194 М.
Navy SEAL Joins French Foreign Legion After Jail & Being Homeless
The Most Overlooked Weapon for Tactical Dudes | 22LR
Dirty Civilian
Рет қаралды 297 М.
This Jeffrey Epstein Story Will Send Chills Down Your Spine - Eric Weinstein
The Most Hated Politician in America
big boss
Рет қаралды 1 МЛН
Signature Reduction 101 | How Modern Equipment Can Compromise You
America's Airborne Anti-hero - Jake "McNasty" McNiece
The Fat Electrician
Рет қаралды 4,5 МЛН
Рет қаралды 4,6 МЛН