What's the Best Diet for Optimal Health? | Simon Hill interviewed by Mari Llewellyn

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The Proof with Simon Hill

The Proof with Simon Hill

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@ZmogusJaponija 7 ай бұрын
Simon really stands out from "popular" diet/nutrion influencers being calm, polite, not making emotional statements (e.g. "plants will kill you"). He is an opposite of those angry, shouting in your face, red faced influencers who promote meat.
@longevitycoach1573 7 ай бұрын
But if we get all vitamins, minerals and amino acids from meat, why should we eat plants? Specially if we get cavities and tooth decay from plants only.
@chandebrec5856 7 ай бұрын
@@longevitycoach1573 I eat ~4 oz. salmon 3x/week; otherwise all plants. It's been decades since I've had any cavities or tooth decay. Of course, I don't eat any added sugar or products containing that.
@ZmogusJaponija 7 ай бұрын
@@longevitycoach1573 jeez, leave me alone with your stake promo :-)
@CharlieFader 7 ай бұрын
@@Beatrice-nx5ldhaving micronutrients doesn’t make a food healthy. For example the constitution of the fats matters a lot.
@CharlieFader 7 ай бұрын
@@longevitycoach1573you don’t have to get cavities from eating plant-based foods. On the other hand, eating a meat-heavy diet will usually lead to high ApoB and that’s causal for CVD.
@jeffreyjohnson7359 7 ай бұрын
I have some simpler suggestions. 1. Try to eliminate foods with trans fats and refined carbohydrates. 2. Reduce foods high in calories, saturated fats and salt. 3. Emphasize foods high in fiber, unsaturated fats and protein.
@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos 7 ай бұрын
I agree that it's all important as a superficial proxy. But I'm a bit sceptical that this is enough as a guidance. For example: Without variety and with emphasising fibre you will tend to get not all important kinds of fibre. Low fibre foods are important, too. Because they tend to have more soluble fibre. Variety is for various reasons an important guiding principle. And what does "high in calories" mean? Just energy balance (then there might be problems with satiation)? Calorie per volume (doesn't that exclude healthy foods and contradict 3) or something different? ...
@WiseMindNutrition 7 ай бұрын
Excellent explanations!! The dietary guidelines are well intended, however most people (at least in America) or not taught adequately how to follow them or how to cook them at home. Many others lack access to these foods. Likely more significant public health measures will be needed to shift the food supply to enable the masses to more readily follow these!
@Joseph1NJ 7 ай бұрын
Come on, that's a cop out. Reliable nutritional information has been available at your fingertips for decades. WHat people really need is crash course course in critical thinking to learn how to blow off all of the BS influencers on social media. Now access and affordability, that is a national challenge we continue to fail to meet.
@carinaekstrom1 7 ай бұрын
Except it takes just as much education to make an omnivorus diet healthy, as it takes to make a vegan diet healthy, because you have to eat very minimal amounts of animal products for an omnivorous diet to remain healthy.
@739jep 7 ай бұрын
They recommend limiting meat consumption but not eliminating it , which I think makes a lot of difference when it comes to not only adherence but the amount of effort needed to educate yourself how to eat healthier for a given diet. In general the more options you eliminate the harder it gets for when speaking to a larger population. Now of course many within that population will have no problem sticking to and properly managing a vegan diet or other diets that eliminate food groups.
@carinaekstrom1 7 ай бұрын
@@739jep So the whole recommendation is a compromise, not for just health, but for adherance with a bit less health.
@739jep 7 ай бұрын
@@carinaekstrom1 adherence is crucial to health , it’s not something you can separate from health. Also moderate amounts of meat intake , especially leaner cuts of meat or fatty fish are probably not going to harm your health and depending on the individual could improve your health. There’s a lot of nuance , it depends what you replace things with , what your health objectives are , your total energy expenditure etc etc . If cutting all meat out works for you, fantastic! But when they make these guidelines they’re making them for a large group of people , and people are different.
@carinaekstrom1 7 ай бұрын
@@739jep Of course you can discuss health and adherance separately. Sometimes to get adherance you have to compromise on health, simple as that. And "moderate" is usually less healthy, when it comes to any type of animal product, assuming everything else is optimal. I'm speaking strictly health. Guidelines is a separate story.
7 ай бұрын
In a way I agree, but also no. Vegan is definitely harder to follow in a healthy, however if you do it right you'll be much more healthy than an omnivore
@anungunrama7646 3 ай бұрын
I find it strange that he has no idea how long the Hadza live, but he knows precisely how long our paleolithic ancestors lived.
@jakobw135 7 ай бұрын
Doesn't the evidence show that vegans fare overall the best, even when compared to the ones who eat a Mediterranean diet?
@beepbeepnj2658 7 ай бұрын
Which person consumed the best diet? 1) Sylvester Graham the father of vegetarianism in the USA died at age 57. 2) William Alcott, founder of the American Vegetarian Society died at age 60, other member of the society Louisa Alcott died at age 56. 3) Jay Dinshah the founder and president of the American Vegan Society died at 66. 4) Leslie J. Cross vice president of the UK vegan society died at age 65. 5) Longevity expert Dr. Henry S. Lodge died at age 58. 6) Vegan diet expert Susan M. Levin, RD died at age 51.
@jakobw135 7 ай бұрын
@@beepbeepnj2658 And Jim Fixx who followed all the right protocols died at a young age because of his genetic inheritance. You cannot conclude from your examples anything meaningful about the nature of the vegan diet. The evidence is pretty clear that eating whole plants is beneficial to the body - overall. Doctors Michael Greger, Joel Kahn and Neal Barnard are familiar with the evidence published in reputable journals. P.S. Dr Ellsworth Wareham, a cardiothoracic surgeon, adopted a vegan diet in his sixties and died healthy at 103 - performing surgery into his late 90s.
@jakobw135 7 ай бұрын
@@beepbeepnj2658 I answered you earlier today. Was my response CENSORED or ERASED?
@beepbeepnj2658 7 ай бұрын
@@jakobw135 Jim Fixx did not follow any protocols as he was a heavy smoker, running marathons are not healthy and he ate a lot of junk food such as donuts which were loaded in trans fats at the time. The 4 people you mentioned have zero credentials in nutritional biochemistry and Wareham lied to the public as he was a regular lifetime consumer of fish and his wife cooked with dairy and eggs.
@vincentpolaczuk4240 7 ай бұрын
⁠@@beepbeepnj2658 Vegetarian Centenarians Dr John Scharffenberg Vegetarian 100 Years old and still alive Dr. Scharffenberg was born in Shanghai, China in 1923. He graduated from Loma Linda University School of Medicine in 1948 and from Harvard’s School of Public Health (MPH) in 1956. He served as the nutritionist on the secretariat of the Interdepartmental Committee of Nutrition for National Defense at the National Institutes of Health, and has been a Professor of Nutrition at Loma Linda University for 63 years. He has also been a consultant to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. Ellsworth Edwin Wareham Vegan Aged 104 Ellsworth Edwin Wareham (October 3, 1914 - December 15, 2018) was an American cardiothoracic surgeon and centenarian from Loma Linda, California who promoted the health benefits of plant-based nutrition. Loreen Dinwiddie - 108 year old Centenarian - VEGAN.The oldest woman on record in Multnomah County and perhaps the oldest woman in her entire state. She follows a fully plant-based VEGAN diet. This vegan centenarian is in incredible fitness and health even at near super-centenarian status. Angeline Strandal - 104 year old Centenarian - VEGETARIAN.
Appeared in NEWSWEEK magazine. She loves the Boston RedSox and even watching heavyweight fights. She has outlived 11 of her siblings. What enabled her to love longer than most: “I’m a vegetarian” she says. Beatrice Wood- 105 year old Centenarian - VEGETARIAN.
The woman whom the James Cameron movie “TITANIC” is written about. This vegetarian inspired the character of the elderly woman named “Rose” in the film. (The one with the necklace.) She thrived to 105 on a complete Vegetarian diet. Blanche Mannix - 105 year old Centenarian - VEGETARIAN.
Blanche is a lifelong vegetarian, meaning she never has, and chose never to eat meat in her entire life. Blanch’s lifetime has seen the Wright Brothers launch the 1st aeroplane, and two WORLD WARS. She is exuberant with happiness and life, and attributes her vegetarian diet for her longevity and happiness in life. Missi Devi - 105 year old Centenarian - VEGAN. She followed the Jain lifestyle, which respects all animals. Jains follow “Ahimsa” in which they avoid even dairy in order not to inconvenience the cow too much, and try to eat mainly fruits and aim for things which try not to hurt or kill the main stalk of the plant offering the nuts, fruits, or food. Aiming to eat only what it kindly offers. Missi was a Vegan Centenarian and lived to an incredible 105 years old, she was one of the most-honored people in her nation. Catherine Hagel -114 year old Centenarian - VEGETARIAN. She is the 2nd oldest person in the United States, and the 3rd oldest person in the entire world. The ovo lacto vegetarian likes carrots and onions and lived on a vegetable farm. Aside from vegetables she enjoyed strawberries, which she sold at a little stand when she was a little girl. Her confirmed baptismal certificate affirms that the vegetarian was born November 8th, in the year 1894. She had TWO sets of twins, and still has a daughter that is 90 years old. Interestingly, Catherine’s sister in law once held the sopot as the oldest living person in Minnesota, living 113 years 72 days old. Catherin herself says she says she is still active and enjoys vegetable gardening, picking raspberries, and recently she canned some tomatoes. Charles “Hap” Fisher - 102 years old Centenarian - VEGETARIAN. He is the oldest living resident of the Brandon Oaks Community. The vegetarian still has a sharp mind and IQ. He is still active as a scholar at Roanoke College and is likely the oldest scholar in the nation still publishing research. He is a scientist. He has a degree in Research Chemistry and has worked out numerous equations. The vegetarian centenarian also taught at HARVARD University. One day his favorite beloved pet chicken was killed and roasted and put on the dinner table. He was 10 years old and vowed never again. Charles said he has been vegetarian for over 90 years, and he is now a centenarian aged 102. Christian Mortensen - 115.252 years old Centenarian - VEGETARIAN. Christian Mortensen, vegetarian, holds the record for the oldest fully documented and verified Man in the World, and perhaps the oldest man in human history (fully documented and confirmed) according to the esteemed Gerontological Society of America. This vegetarian’s case of extreme longevity has been written about by John Wilmoth, PhD in CSA Research. Male centenarians are rare, females often live longer. This is why the vegetarian Christian Mortensen’s achievement is so astounding. He achieved such a feat of longevity he actually reached what is called SUPERCENTENARIAN status, which is a person who has lived over a decade beyond 100 years old. And in fact, aided by his vegetarian diet, and exhibiting NO signs of degenerative diseases nor dementia, this still mentally sharp vegetarian remains as the oldest fully confirmed human male in documented history. (Keep in mind there may quite well be older individuals, but Christian Mortensen is unique in that his documentation is conclusively proven.) The vegetarian singly re-defined Longevity Researchers and Gerontology Scientists ideas on the the limits of human male longevity. He retains a great sense of humor and happy in life. Claris Davis - 102 year old Centenarian - VEGETARIAN. Known simply as “Miss Claris” she was born in Jamaica and is a 7th day adventist, a religion which follows a healthy vegetarian plant-based non-paleo diet. She doesn’t miss eating Meat at all and in fact is happier for it. In fact, she makes everyone around her happy as well. “There is never a sad moment around Mama Miss Claris, she keeps you smiling all the time!” said the woman who tends to her. “She is always singing”. Fauja Singh - 100 year old Centenarian - VEGETARIAN - Astonishingly Mr. Singh has retained such athletic muscle and strength that he is a Marathon runner! This vegetarian in fact holds for his age group, the world record for running the marathon. In fact, a major part of even getting to the level of gaining a chance at his record is first being able to get to his age in the 1st place, much less then being able to run 26 miles. Fauja is a Sikh, a people of India whose striking long beards and moustache’s add to his impressiveness. He currently lives in the UK and has even been offered commercials for ADIDAS sportswear and has been featured in their campaigns. He is 6 FEET TALL and follows a healthy vegetarian diet. He enjoys lentils, green vegetables, curry, chappati, and tea with a bit of ginger spice. In the year 2000, the vegetarian Singh astounded the world by completing the 26.2 mile incredible stamina endurance race and beat the previous world best record by nearly 58 minutes, at the age of nearly 90! Today he holds the record for the world’s oldest centenarian endurance Marathon Runner, all on a vegetarian diet. Florence Ready - 101 year old RAW FOOD VEGETARIAN CENTENARIAN - To this day she practices a 6-day-a-week Aerobic exercise regimen. That’s right, this vegetarian food lover is over 100 years old and still doing Aerobics 6 days a week. She mostly eats RAW FOODS, including mainly fruits and vegetables. She’s been a vegetarian for nearly 60 years at the age of 40. 60 years is more than some meat-eaters have stayed alive, nevermind the other 40. “You talk to her and completely forget she’s 101 years old,” her friend Perez said, “It’s pretty amazing.” -Blue Ridge Times Frances Steloff - 101 year old VEGETARIAN Centenarian cared dearly for Animals. She is considered the Patron Saint of Animals and always did her best to tell people to take care of all the wondrous animals we have all around us. She was a Poet, a Writer, and ran a bookstore whose clients included the renowned George Gershwin, Woody Allen, Charlie Chaplin, and more. In her fiesty early years the vegetarian had to fight for women, and against censorship (remember this is the 1800’s and early 1900’s) in order to fight the banning of books, and freedom of speech and for women and caused her share of controversy resulting in one of the landmark legal decisions against censorship in American history. Her obituary was featured in the New York Times. Gladys Stanfield - 105 year old LIFELONG VEGETARIAN Centenarian. Gladys learned to drive in a Model T Ford, loves her purely vegetarian diet, and admits she loves the occasional bit of chocolate and loves to eat whole grain honey buns. wanted steak, due to the smell of it. Harold H.D. Singleton - 100 year old Adventist African American Centenarian - VEGETARIAN. Harold “HD” Singleton was a great leader who pioneered the Adventist work among Blacks in the southern US. He graduated Oakwood University, survived the great depression, and rose to become the president of the South Atlantic Conference. Not only rising above the adversity of being a pioneer for the rights of african americans, he also had the foresight to stand for health and life as a vegetarian over a century before it may have even occured to those of us today to give it a try. Herb Wiles - 100 year old Vegetarian Centenarian - William Howard Taft was president at the time when Herb was growing up, and a company named Chevrolet Motor Cars was first formed. Yet he has survived til today and credits his Vegetarian diet, faith, sense of humor, and exercise as his secrets to long life. Yes, he said exercise. This vegetarian still works out his muscles at the Gym. Many more… but I think the point is made. Yes you can name some vegetarians that sadly passed away young, but the population level data is clear, vegetarians live long and healthy lives! Can you name a single meat heavy Keto style centenarian?
@alexm7310 7 ай бұрын
I like the Danish dietary guidelines 😊
@tiktak4773 3 ай бұрын
They eat a lot of butter and meat
@alexm7310 3 ай бұрын
@@tiktak4773 the guidelines do? remarkable
@BarbaraJ1111 7 ай бұрын
@toddupchurch1028 7 ай бұрын
Sounds like the suggestions from the WEF
@AM1media 7 ай бұрын
@ceeemm1901 7 ай бұрын
Hyuk Hyuk......they know where you live now, Jethro, hyuk.
@tezk8470 7 ай бұрын
90%agreed on by who? Nobodys advocating polyunsaturated highly processed seed oils except u simon.
@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos 7 ай бұрын
Nobody in your social media bubble perhaps. From Harvard Health: "Canola and other seed oils are good choices, despite what some social media posts say." All scientific dietary institutes I know don't say seed oils are unhealthy. Most explicitly list canola oil as an healthy option. The scientific literature is pretty clear and favourable for seed oils. I've never even heard of an active researcher that says that seed oils are unhealthy given the scientific evidence. The only problem is with oil/fat in general. It's kcal-dense, makes food more palatable and is easy to add to meals. So it should be consumed in moderation.
@tezk8470 7 ай бұрын
@@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos highly processed using chemicals. U can eat it if U like....
@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos 7 ай бұрын
@@tezk8470 Everything you eat is chemicals. Processing is not making things magically unhealthy. You can avoid canola oils on irrational grounds. No need to include them. But you should be careful that your irrational reasoning is not detrimental to your health via other decisions.
@ceeemm1901 7 ай бұрын
Nobody else? Out of 8 billion people? I've said this a million times -"Don't exaggerate!!!"
@tezk8470 7 ай бұрын
@@ceeemm1901 8billion...really U sure on that number?
@tezk8470 7 ай бұрын
Theres no link between diet and serum cholesterol simon. And cholesterol has been a very poor indicator of heart desease. In fact in the older population lower cholesterol corelates to higher risk of heart desease. Get your facts right. Oh this doesnt agree with your personal views does it
@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos 7 ай бұрын
I'm extremely sure you haven't looked at the literature yourself. It's wild to deny a link between serum cholesterol and diet. There is plenty of evidence including incredibly many RCTs. LDL is a good marker for CVD risk shown by Mandelian randomisation abd observational data. We also know the mechanisms for it. Higher BMI than normal correlates positively also with decreased mortality. If you adjust for other risk factors this correlation disappears. The same way the positive correlation between low cholesterol and higher CVD risk in older people. If you would just read and search in the scientific literature you would find that. Educate yourself and don't just regurgitate things you heard about the scientific literature.
@tezk8470 7 ай бұрын
@@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos scientist and PhDs a lot smarter than me have read the literature. The tide is turning. If LDL is a risk then explain how hyper responders have virtually no plaque after years of keto?
@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos 7 ай бұрын
@@tezk8470 Can you cite the published study?
@Jeffs60 7 ай бұрын
@@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos The study was published in 2001. "The relationship of nutrient intakes to life expectancies in Japan since the Second World War has demonstrated that sufficient intakes of animal protein and fat are crucial for attaining longevity. In the community dwelling elderly, the higher the serum albumin was, the longer the further life expectancy in the elderly. Serum total cholesterol showed a U-shape relationship to further life expectancies in the elderly. Low serum cholesterol was deleterious for higher levels of functional capacity."
@tofu-munchingCoalition.ofChaos 7 ай бұрын
@@tezk8470 Can you cite the published study?
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