What's The Biggest Adult Drama You've Ever Witnessed?

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What's The Biggest Adult Drama You've Ever Witnessed?
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@wmdkitty 7 ай бұрын
Let's be fair, it was EXCEL. That program is notorious for forking things up at random, and I feel like the guy's outburst was fully justified.
@Dewald 7 ай бұрын
22:14 This guy thought he was alone. It seems like he was decompressing, letting go of all the stress of the day, week, or month in a safe space alone. When he saw he was not alone, he went right over to see if you were okay. I wouldn't call him Pyschco.
@smoothmarvingaming1309 7 ай бұрын
I relate lol I've done this before when work gets rough
@kaitlynmorgan4613 7 ай бұрын
i think the dude just didnt want ppl to think he was crazy. the guy was probably a "psycho" the rest of the time to his subordinates, cause no way would that one instance of a tantrum + breakdown make me describe someone as a psycho even if the boss thought it would
@BlueCaesar13 6 ай бұрын
Agreed. I had a coworker who regularly worked with excel. I'd regularly see him swear, yell, make Chewbacca noises, and sometimes even layout on the ground. Excel can make you crazy
@cyberra0180 7 ай бұрын
When I worked as a grocery store cashier, we still had to bag the groceries for the customer as well. I had one customer who would unpack everything and repack it himself while berating me for doing it wrong. One time he went off on me because the guys in produce had mixed up the signs on the tomatoes so he picked the wrong kind and blamed me for the mistake. I snapped back at him, by then I'd had enough of his shit. Thankfully I am no longer employed there and have not had to deal with him since
@ladyterror4663 6 ай бұрын
You’re allowed to stand up for yourself if someone is acting inappropriate. I don’t know why it’s treated like a loaded weapon. Like, if someone starts yellling and screaming at me they can head home. They’re an adult, they can figure it out for themselves.
@uberwarlocker 7 ай бұрын
I worked at a steakhouse while in culinary school, if you're at the bottom in the kitchen, you're a dishwasher and prep cook, as well as responsible for juggling cornbreads in mini cast iron skillets and frying hand made tortilla chips. Grueling job, seriously. I had to drive home with no shoes on to avoid foot problems from wearing wet shoes 14 hours a day. 6 and half foot tall man child who was a server got severely, red in the face upset with me because i was falling behind on a Saturday night being bogged down on a full house. His cornbread wasn't ready for a table, he started screaming at me, stomping and spinning in circles. I told him to shut the fuck up, or make the cornbread on his own. Later, he started passive aggressively throwing used steak knives into my rinsing sink while my hands were in the water to unclog food particles from the drain. I quit that job after they promoted someone over me who's only been there 5 days to the more relaxing prep position where you just get to do fun, relaxing kitchen chores. Like, chopping veggies, grating cheeses etc. By the way, the tantrum thrower who was 6 and a half feet tall and 40+ years of age had his fucking masters in psychology. 😐 When I told the chef that I'm done and I'm never coming back, it was cathartic.
@Beeba10 7 ай бұрын
I regard myself a very patient person, but one thing I have zero patience for is technology. If, for example, my laptop takes just a few seconds longer than expected to do something, I get annoyed and huffy lol. I completely understand WANTING to throw a tantrum when my tech misbehaves, but I don't, because I have self-control. The worst I do is mutter to myself, or mutter at the tech to f**k off lol. That said, I unfortunately get teary-eyed when I'm angry, so I kinda feel the guy at the office raging and crying over Excel. He thought he was alone, it's not like he was doing it for attention; he was just uber frustrated that it wasn't doing what he expected and that he didn't know how to fix it.
@ray0983 6 ай бұрын
I feel like the chemistry teacher had the most justified reaction
@dakotasan8719 8 ай бұрын
Back when I worked at a gas station, a man threatened me with physical violence for not turning the pump on before he paid. His breath reeked of alcohol
@DeadAlready_1248 7 ай бұрын
Yikes 😬
@CinderXiaoLong 7 ай бұрын
I turned the pump off on someone who refused to turn his engine off, and his response was to light a cigarette and flick it at me before peeling out Some days, I really love my job :/
@teresabillings8378 7 ай бұрын
I remember cruising with a local cover band after a concert. They stopped at a small out-of-the-way convenience store for gas. The driver got out of the car and started motioning to the cashier to turn on the pump. It worked. They got their gas and sped off without paying. I didn't hang out with them after that. Pretty crappy.
@carmenlynn5441 7 ай бұрын
Story around 4 mins, wtf why would you think MONOPOLY would calm him down? Ah yes, lets put this fire next to a nice dry tree
@teresabillings8378 7 ай бұрын
Got one. Secondhand though. My former school got a new band director. During morning marching practice he started descending into madness. He began by getting upset with first one student, then another for not following his instructions, finally demanding each individual sit on the sidelines. Even morning is hot in Texas so sweltering under a bright sun, listening to a madman didn't sit well with the other students. They performed the first sit-in since the 60s. Nobody moved. He went berserk. He jumped up and down on his podium. He shook his fists. He screamed and wailed, tears falling down his reddened face. I'm not sure he lasted even through football season. He definitely wasn't there the next year.
@melissacooper8724 7 ай бұрын
I once witnessed a man screaming at an assistant manager because the store was out of his favorite root beer! I think the cops got called because the man refused to leave after being asked.
@BlueThunder1988 8 ай бұрын
Who plays Monopoly to DE-escalate tensions???
@seanvanderstruys5196 7 ай бұрын
@melissacooper8724 7 ай бұрын
Never play board games with relatives!
@seanvanderstruys5196 7 ай бұрын
@@melissacooper8724 never a truer word ever spoken 😸
@killeroffruitflies 6 ай бұрын
Let's calm things down and play trivial pursuit 😊
@ameliachambers1347 6 ай бұрын
Monopoly was a big healing moment with my brother when we were kids, but then again we had a very backwards relationship, so I guess this makes sense lol
@novabrilliant4510 8 ай бұрын
Cleaning my basement while listening. Thanks!
@SapphireExile 7 ай бұрын
Oh boy have I been waiting to talk about this one. I wasn't there that day, but one of my neighbors was also a coworker of mine and he told me the whole story. We were working during the Christmas season at a famous toy store that is no longer in business currently. This happened right around the time when the Xbox Kinect first came out. A guy walked in and saw that a Kinect had been mislabeled as $40.00 and took it to the cashier. The cashier, who was an experienced manager, took one look at the Kinect and told him "Oh, sorry. That's $400, not $40." and this guy had the biggest tantrum, and was apparently cussing and all of the expected behavior of a person who wasn't getting their way. Bless her heart, the manager just let everything roll off her back and two other managers had to escort the guy out. While he was being brought outside, and this is the part that cracks me up, the coworker said he was shouting "BLACK MAN IS KING! BLACK MAN IS KING!". Bro, the only way you'll get a Kinect for that price is if it's broken. Sometimes I miss working there.
@Stussmeister 7 ай бұрын
Not sure if this counts as a temper tantrum, but I remember something I witnessed nearly 10 years ago: I went into a post office (near where I worked) to have something shipped, and in front of me was a family of four, mother, father, two boys. There were two carousels for cards/envelopes/supplies/etc. right beyond the doorway, and the two boys were spinning them to the point where items were flying everywhere. One of the post office employees politely asked the parents to tell their children to stop spinning the carousels, and the father replied, "Look, if they break anything, we'll pay for it, all right?" When the employee said that they were trying to provide excellent service to all customers, the mother responded, "Well, your service stinks!"" before sarcastically saying, "I'm so glad we came here." At that point, I turned around and left for another post office, though I very much regret not saying anything to the parents.
@Albanwinter 7 ай бұрын
That last one? Not a temper tantrum. That's a full on "they deserved that rant." Actually that sounds like something that happened at my high school when I was a senior. I wasn't in the class but I still recall that teacher coming out of that room looking downtrodden and deflated. I seem to recall that he was actually muttering something like "I just can't. I can't do this anymore." It was really sad because he was an awesome guy.
@crotchwolf1929 7 ай бұрын
I worked security for a music festival in Michigan one year and a few residential streets near where the festival took place were closed to the general public. People that lived on these streets were given specal passes to hang in their car so they could go to and from their houses and we had extra passes we could hand out wen needed. I was stationed at the end of one street and for the whole shift i had no issues outside the occasional resident who forgot their pass. Well about an hour before my shift ended this old guy came up without a pass. I stop him to let him know about his resident pass and before I could even get a word out this guy loses his shit. He rants and raves about how much he hates this festival to the point he was frothing at the mouth then after verbally assaulting me, drives off. My partner and i stood there witj WTF looks on our faces.
@sabersz 7 ай бұрын
I've never heard of a festival having that kind of reach where they'd need to close off surrounding streets. What was the reason for that? Cuz while I don't agree with the guys actions, I can see how that would piss off locals who aren't directly residents on those streets
@crotchwolf1929 7 ай бұрын
@@sabersz This was up near Muskegon Michigan one of the more rural areas of the state. The road as I remember was a rural road that had a few houses and ended onto the festival grounds. As far as the festival goes, the organizers were all kinds of shady. The security team was run by a real piece of crap who got the job because he knew people. He'd come onto and harass the female guards who turned him down and several up and left after a couple days. He wound up leaving with some contraband that had been confiscated while the rest of security was breaking camp. We also continuously had issues with food. Part of our contract included the security team would be fed during the week we worked. The organizers argued that wasn't part of the contract and we wound up getting one meal a day from them (a couple other supervisors came through and made sure we had food to eat during our shifts.) We were also supposed to be on 8 hour shifts but the organizers cheapest out and didn't hire enough staff so most of us including myself worked 16 hours shifts. I also heard they skimped out on paying us after the festival ended and my company had to threaten legal action but I heard that second hand.
@Ingrid-sb6my 7 ай бұрын
Story 22. You should have pressed the charges!
@arcticafrostbite617 5 ай бұрын
Story 2: Regarding that post-story rant about not yelling at service workers, this guy has clearly never been actually wronged by a company. Or if he has, has never stood up for himself. I've yelled at customer service workers for literally lying to my face before.
@theironrubberduck 7 ай бұрын
4:13 OP was just asking for it at this point
@m.a.packer5450 6 ай бұрын
"If you see someone being mean, you be mean too!" Great advice 🙄
@IzzyPR2010 7 ай бұрын
Story 22, OP should have pressed charges, the girl got physical and broke his glasses, she needed to be taught a lesson. Allowing her to get away with this kind of crap just encourages her to do this crap again.
@pogo-jh5fu 8 ай бұрын
Try working in a restaurant when people come in 10 minutes before close and you've already cleaned anything. Tantrum totally deserved!
@psycake1310 6 ай бұрын
My mother and sister. Mom: when she REALLY acted out of line, gossiping pretty hard with my father about how much she hated my sister's boyfriend, even going as far as to make up false statements and accusations before of his drug history (which he since dropped the habits), and interest in producing a gun collection. I relayed such gossip back to my sister, and my mother's 'humbling moment' resulted in a conniption fit which I thoroughly enjoyed. Sister: she tried to dump her responsibility of watching her kid for the evening while she would run off to get laid. Had an agreement that if such babysitting situation were to occur, we would have to negotiate it 48 hours in advance. She didn't comply to this requirement, so I declined. She proceeded to threaten ending my life. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.
@kathrinsides2838 7 ай бұрын
I used to be a teacher. It takes a lot to make me lose my temper, especially when it comes to my kids, but there were a few times when it happened which resulted in me slamming my hard wood door very hard. And I can tell you that when you don’t get mad often, when you finally do, it has a way of jerking a knot in everyone’s ass. And all of the kids are very willing to listen when you lower your voice.
@WendyDarling1974 7 ай бұрын
Once at Thanksgiving dinner my grown-*ss sister shook up a full 2-liter bottle of soda and blasted it in my face because... something about how I was a sloppy eater and had stepped on her feet under the table (we're both over 6 ft. tall, it happens). She was 30, I was in high school.
@evanmdavis9751 7 ай бұрын
I agree u should be polite to front desk workers but dude the last couple years, at least in my state, they've been incompetent and rude, I don't know what might be going on in another persons life, but if your getting paid to do something and a customer approaches you politely, I'd at least appreciate an attempt at like kindness. This is coming from someone whos worked at price chopper, Hannafords, and ShopRite as a teenager
@legoqueen2445 6 ай бұрын
I've noticed since coved it's like customer service has just turned to shit.
@alisonbailey2636 7 ай бұрын
In the late 80s I worked in a hardware superstore as a clerk in the stockroom. We had a Stockroom Manager who you sometimes had to walk on egg shells with. This particular afternoon we were under a lot of pressure and I can't remember details but he was bringing something in on a pallet by a forklift. This item fell off the pallet in transit and he flipped. He swore, parked the forklift in the middle of the stockroom and walked out. I was left on my own to do what I could unloading lorries and do the paperwork. I didn't realise it until the Stockroom Manger told me later on that he was having marrital problems.
@ThyCozy 6 ай бұрын
1:01 me in line behind him: “get up or I’m put my hands on you” I’m sorry guys, adults that act like this tick me off
@sarahreaume6659 6 ай бұрын
Story 10 is similar to what I witnessed my dad aunt and I were waiting for my younger cousin to get off the carousel when this woman came up looked pretty young and started yelling for her boyfriend she then got really angry when she saw that her boyfriend was ignoring her I felt really bad for the boyfriend
@recoveryguru 7 ай бұрын
I totally relate to that boss, I'll loose my shit when I'm alone. 🤣
@emmamorgan4128 6 ай бұрын
I just found your channel and thank you for not being the crappy AI voiceover videos
@andyghkfilm2287 5 ай бұрын
16:52 I mean I feel like if this happened to me my first reaction would be like “okay this is a prank though, like this isn’t real”
@mizu_the_floatzel 8 ай бұрын
So hearing some of these stories brings back memories of time at Enterprise Rent-A-Car it was actually pretty funny So at the time I was just a car cleaner you know detailing cars and making sure they're prepared to be rented out to the customers. So I worked at a small branch and I mean really small. It was like one of those satellite locations in a small town. So one day it was a pretty chill day quiet. Not much going on. I was able to take my time to clean the cars so this woman pulls in with one of our cars Don't remember which car was. I believe it was like a 2016 Nissan Altima. I can't technically remember it was so long ago anywho. So I'm sitting there. Just rocking out to my music. Not paying attention. I hear somebody yell out to me. Excuse me again not listening. Just rocking out to music and then I hear again this time louder EXCUSE ME again, didn't hear the person and then the next thing I know I feel somebody's hand grab me from behind triggering me to jump and hit my head ( I have a jump reflex every time somebody touches me. I flinch like a rabbit) This woman ready is a tomato that is laying into me about being an obnoxious person who isn't helping the customers or listening or anything. I'm just standing there lost for words thinking to myself. What is this woman's problem? And I said to her madam please slow down. I've been busy cleaning this car. You literally just say to me. I want you to clean my car . And I said I could if you're returning the vehicle , Just say a temper tantrum assumed. My manager heard the commotion rushed out to protect me and said to her madam calm down or else I'll have to call the police. Just say she got back in her rental. Drove down the road to the next branch and started the whole spiel again. Just say the manager at that branch called the police. I didn't hear the rest from the other manager but it sounds like it didn't end well for her
@mztweety1374 5 ай бұрын
When the cashier tells people they have to show ID to buy booze. Ma'am it is not the cashier's fault ...blame that on Uncle Sam... he's not buying the dumb shit
@kaydwessie296 7 ай бұрын
That guy's ex sounds like Devin from Big Mouth
@Fuzz32 7 ай бұрын
Story 7: If that happened with my family someone would have ended up in the hospital.
@merilynnewman1640 8 ай бұрын
One day we were driving adn hen we got into a crash (at a low speed) and they blamed it on us and drove off. We recorded itt
@michael43216 8 ай бұрын
What can be said? Meth is a hell of a drug...
@Tucher97 6 ай бұрын
This may sound cynical or insane but I am an adult who doesn't know how to adult however I do not think that is an issue as I came to learn that the full grasp of adulting is even unknown to the masses because people who do these sorts of things. So therefore, no one can truly say I am not an adult since there doesn't seem to be a define definition. Especially people who are deemed to be successful, owns several businesses, real high pay and considered as adults when said adult throws a fit every time he or she is told to fuck off when he screams out racial profanities. Also, for first world problems, its strange how people throw fits in a country like the US when that is a first world country possibly declining into Second world.
@maniacalworm 6 ай бұрын
this is why emotional regulation is so important
@sanzas4834 8 ай бұрын
Is this a repeat. Swear I've heard these before
@doll9340 7 ай бұрын
It's a Reddit video. It's nothing but a bunch of people repeating the same stories
@codm22712 8 ай бұрын
First lol
@theawsome2aidengroup575 8 ай бұрын
This is like a rip-off Mainly Fact channel
@Kondoge 8 ай бұрын
its the same persons channel mainly and mostly fact are pretty much the same
@merilynnewman1640 8 ай бұрын
they're owned by the smae lol
@Kondoge 7 ай бұрын
@@merilynnewman1640 Smae?
@JaelinBezel 7 ай бұрын
@@Kondogedon’t tell me you’ve never heard of The Smae
@Kondoge 7 ай бұрын
Ima be honest here I have not heard of the smae
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