The employee survey concept began in 1920 with the advent of employee satisfaction surveys. That morphed into the employee engagement survey, the employee experience survey, and several other minimal names. So survey science has evolved, people analytics was added, HR tech has grown exponentially, and there is no evidence that this has improved business results. There is not a single article mentioning the results, how the results were measured, how long it took, and whether it was sustainable. The survey is the least impactful aspect of an engagement initiative. HR has almost no ability to force change on disinterested leadership; they have the responsibility without any of the authority. So, why does the EE/EX industry never mention examples of successful EE/EX initiatives? Satisfaction\ and engagement are a distinction without a difference. If a solution impacts business performance, CEOs would be involved, but they are not. HR is in a terrible spot with EE, they can't ignore it, and they can't fix it.