What Your Brain Is Really Doing When Doing 'Nothing' : The Default Mode Network

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Quanta Magazine

Quanta Magazine

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@QuantaScienceChannel 26 күн бұрын
Read the related article at Quanta Magazine: www.quantamagazine.org/what-your-brain-is-doing-when-youre-not-doing-anything-20240205/ Papers mentioned in the video: - "A default mode of brain function" (Raichle et al., 2001) www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.98.2.676 - "Functional connectivity in the resting brain: A network analysis of the default mode hypothesis" (Greicius et el., 2001) www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.0135058100 - "20 years of the default mode network: A review and synthesis" (Menon, 2023) www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0896627323003082?via%3Dihub - "Psilocybin desynchronizes the human brain" (Siegel et al., 2024) www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07624-5
@Sara-q2g 19 күн бұрын
Can I know the name of the program that you use for animation
@TaLeng2023 25 күн бұрын
Whenever I'm idle, my brain is busy inventing problems for me to worry about when I'm not idle.
@evamkaushik5392 22 күн бұрын
Sounds like that's who you are then. A problem raiser.
@TaLeng2023 22 күн бұрын
@@evamkaushik5392 Problem solver ❌ Problem raiser ✔️ 🤣
@TurinBeats 22 күн бұрын
@@evamkaushik5392 Not a problem solver?
@idehenebenezer 22 күн бұрын
Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. HEY THERE 🤗 JESUS IS CALLING YOU TODAY. Turn away from your sins, confess, forsake them and live the victorious life. God bless. Revelation 22:12-14 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
@spaceguy20_12 21 күн бұрын
@@idehenebenezerthis comment has nothing to do with religion…?
@GrimJerr 28 күн бұрын
My Brain apparently keeps working on problems while I am doing something else, because the answer to a question or Idea I was thinking of will occur to me in the middle of another task.
@ghettrsc8764 28 күн бұрын
Maybe multiple networks are active in parallel but independently
@erwinzer0 27 күн бұрын
So who or what is that thing solving our problem? Make me question a lot about free will
@CitrianSnailBY 27 күн бұрын
Конечно!! 😂
@CitrianSnailBY 27 күн бұрын
​@@erwinzer0If it's the brain, it's the self.
@immanny85 27 күн бұрын
Absolutely. I even get that after waking from a sleep
@encoderencoder1031 27 күн бұрын
Truly that is the reason why brilliant ideas ignite in your brain in a Bathroom, Bed, Toilet......
@mrbengg 28 күн бұрын
Yo imma go default mode
@Julzchomovitch00 24 күн бұрын
Ultra instinct
@benhc99 18 күн бұрын
Brb going default mode
@wildrabbt 11 күн бұрын
@TheRguru1 4 күн бұрын
Default dance
@SpaceTimeTurtle 27 күн бұрын
Whenever I'm daydreaming (which is a lot), my mind always "shoots out" weird ideas, funny thoughts, or correlations. I've long suspected that daydreaming is akin to a less impressive superpower. If the mind never wanders, and thus is not allowed to connect disparate dots, I would be an automaton. Psycho-naughts for the win! :):)
@idehenebenezer 22 күн бұрын
Jesus loves you. Repent and turn away from your sins today 🤗
@Eidarm 4 күн бұрын
​@@idehenebenezer ill never understand why it is not a sin to force your religion down someone's throat
@janeharry790 21 күн бұрын
Psychedelics are just an exceptional mental health breakthrough. It's quite fascinating how effective they are against depression and anxiety. Saved my life.
@Michelinecharamba 21 күн бұрын
Can you help with the reliable source I would really appreciate it. Many people talk about mushrooms and psychedelics but nobody talks about where to get them. Very hard to get a reliable s0urce here in Australia. Really need!
@JualanZoomid5 21 күн бұрын
Yes, kayes_tripz. I have the same experience with anxiety, depression, PTSD and addiction and Mushrooms definitely made a huge huge difference to why am clean today.
@RobRyan1 21 күн бұрын
Is he on instagram?
@JualanZoomid5 21 күн бұрын
Yes he is. Kayes_tripz
@Teresaterriwelch 21 күн бұрын
Microdosing helped me get out of the pit of my worst depressive episode, a three year long episode, enough to start working on my mental health.
@kevinwhite6176 26 күн бұрын
I've made enormous strides in dealing with my anxiety since I learned about this a couple of years ago. I saw something quoting Ethan Kross from University of Michigan talking about how third-person self-talk would suppress the default mode network in people. I started doing it when I would catch myself having these "I'm going to make up a story about how something will happen in the future that isn't pleasant" and suddenly, as soon as I'd tell myself in the third person that I was doing it, it was like someone hit the pause button on something in my brain. That eventually led me to ACT (acceptance and commitment therapy), which is based around "relational frame theory", however I think it dovetails into this whole DMN thing. The DMN is where those negative thoughts are 'coming from' and getting circulated back into when you get stuck in anxiety.
@barryk7227 26 күн бұрын
If you happen to have a link to the Ethan Kross material I’d be interested!
@jind0sh 24 күн бұрын
Hey I had a similar experience. I also have social anxiety. And one of my strategies when in a social situation is to clearly picture how the interlocutor would see me, my micro expressions, etc, and then sort of emulate how I usually see how a "normal", socially fluent person would act. Picturing myself from a third person pov usually helps take me off my self-conscious tendencies and, like you described, felt like someone hit the pause button on something. Somehow felt lighter on my feet, didn't need to focus too much inwards on how I should act, but on the other person, and this makes everything more instinctual (system 2?). Sort of when watching this video or writing this comment in a cafe, I can feel something definitely paused my everlasting "that person definitely thinks I'm weird, I need to adjust my frozen bitch face" inner voice. So I think I'm starting to get it when Jordan Peterson (I know) said "anxiety is all about where you direct your attention. There is narcissism in anxiety: all you see is yourself. Look outwards, to the dragon's eyes, observe, listen, and you will have something to talk about." I'm wondering whether this is why humans felt the need for religions in a non-engineered, natural way. As an atheist, picturing an all seeing father watching and judging your every move definitely has an effect on one's behavior. Perhaps it plays on these networks on the brain somehow? Because being in a well functioning community like a church (ekklesia: group, congregation, church) needs everyone's self reflection (prayers), participation, clear communication, cooperation; the correct amount of ratio (?) of these two networks? To which, finding the optimal solution to any multivariable ratio is hard enough but the brain is a different beast, it's like everything affects everything. Maybe why these "holy" books are these complicated, self-referencing, long winded collection of narratives (to establish the validity "God"/the "right" structure in oneself) written in hundreds of years by numerous people. I feel like it's unintentionally our earliest pilot massive project tackling this exact behavioral regulation problem. Maybe some people believing these narratives as "truer than true" has to do with how these networks are affected by the narratives. I mean in the bible John said "Jesus is the Word". I looked it up, some say John meant that "Jesus is the physical manifestation of God the Father, just as a spoken word is the physical manifestation of our inner thoughts". But more believe that this establishes the point of faith (Christian at least), which is to believe in the words and act accordingly, to do the "right" thing to others in self-reflection. *I might have digressed, but it feels intuitive because these topics always show up in the same breath. There are people who vehemently believe religions can cure depression, anxiety, and so forth.* Again, not promoting any religion, just making connections that I think is interesting here as an atheist.
@Kuk0san 17 күн бұрын
Congratulations! You have discovered Metacognition. Thinking about the thinking.
@daverei1211 26 күн бұрын
Let’s just hope that infinite scrolling and technology based stimulation doesn’t diminish the default mode network.
@idehenebenezer 22 күн бұрын
To everyone in this chat, Jesus is calling you today. Come to him, repent from your sins, bear his cross and live the victorious life
@catalindeluxus8545 21 күн бұрын
As a Christian, you people make me sick. You bring Jesus out of context, He never asked for that. You shoo people awya form His teachings. Leave
@user-cg5qf8ke5w 19 күн бұрын
It will be bcz u aren't reflecting or recalling or lose self awareness
@thepoppersshow 25 күн бұрын
The artistic technique of “sit infeont of the page doing nothing” makes so much more sense now. Youre waiting for the default mode network to activate
@MaPo-d6k 23 күн бұрын
You can entitirely change what the default mode is though
@MaPo-d6k 23 күн бұрын
Whatever behavior/ brainwave pattern is most crystalline through time / space across a set of
@RamanBhagat-up9vj 21 күн бұрын
​@@MaPo-d6kcan you please explain this a bit?
@KopyErr 10 күн бұрын
@abhilasha4334 27 күн бұрын
Its so cool that our brain has a default mode
@kaushalsuvarna5156 27 күн бұрын
Now to watercool and overclock it 😂
@abhilasha4334 27 күн бұрын
@@kaushalsuvarna5156 haha😅
@stellarwind1946 25 күн бұрын
Default mode is a little misleading. There’s still a lot going on in the brain during a ‘resting state’.
@brianquigley1940 23 күн бұрын
Anthromorphic thinking... the "default mode" lies in the basal ganglia, ie. lizard brain. You can dope up the mammalian cortex, but the lizard brain still has a mighty powerful survival instinct running.
@67haudi 28 күн бұрын
This is very interesting stuff and touches on where the self comes from. Perhaps sometime in the future this research may provide answers to how consciousness is produced. Very cool. Thanks for the post!
@eeveelution8035 27 күн бұрын
The reason consciousness seems so elusive is that any attempt at explaining it within materialist metaphysics must be either insufficient in explaining how brain activity connects to qualitative experience ('explanatory gap') and/or must silently presuppose consciousness to prove itself*. Also people often mistake consciousness for self-aware behaviour, but consciousness can exist without having a sense of self, the detached self is just a thought. * To demonstrate - let us first assume that conscious experience is 'produced' by arrangements of or interactions between unconscious matter. This is the view that consciousness is an emergent phenomenon. The flaw here is a misunderstanding of emergence. All emergent phenomena require a field of *potential* to *emerge onto*. Notice that these fields of potential exist only within mind, and thus all emergent phenomena are made of thought/feeling. A picture can not emerge from pixels separate from the thought that groups those pixels together. A traffic jam similarly is a mental fabrication, all statements you can make about it - such as how long it exists for - are only ever statements about the thought which groups the cars together. So if we claim consciousness to be emergent, we must necessarily claim that consciousness only exists as a thought/mental fabrication, which leads to cyclical reasoning as we need consciousness to explain consciousness. 21st century conscious research is showing us the limitations of materialism. Finding that consciousness is not produced, but maybe tuned into like a radio signal or filtered like a beam of light, would be much more groundbreaking than finding how it is produced. A metaphysical framework more capable of investigating consciousness moving forward is Analytical Idealism.
@NadimShaikh-qv7zj 11 күн бұрын
Have researchers even proved that the self actually exists? Or is it just one of those metaphysical constructs that scientists take for granted?
@eduardoaraujo8174 28 күн бұрын
I was constantly on daydreaming mode while I was a kid. When I was on the car my mind was always wandering and loved the ideas that would come out of it. Also I saw things a lot clearer and everything was easier to learn. In my teenage years I tried drugs for the first time and immediately you could tell I was very susceptible to psychosis. One time, very early in my drug carreer (less than 10 joints I smoked in total), I started getting into actual psychosis. I stopped drugs immediately, but I felt like I was always on the edge of having an full strength episode without actually having it. My dmn became scrambles and pretty painfull to experience mentally. I am being treated for that for some years now and while I did not have major episodes I still battle with minor ones constantly. I feel like I am not a quick learner anymore and my dmn is not the same as before. A bit more foggy and devoid of mind wandering experiences . I miss the sharpness of my years before this event although overall I am doing pretty well.
@triton62674 27 күн бұрын
Same happened to me regarding weed probably laced with spice, had an adverse reaction and haven't been as sharp since.
@devon9075 26 күн бұрын
That's just from getting old. Drug use or no drug use wouldn't change that
@jeroenstrompf5064 25 күн бұрын
Thanks for sharing that!
@keelan270 21 күн бұрын
I relate to this a lot
@amandamate9117 11 күн бұрын
you just getting old. and maybe you had a mini stroke
@LuisAldamiz 28 күн бұрын
My personal take, as I'm experiencing this "default mode" more and more these days (no drugs involved, rather an "om" phase I'm having), is that the brain is "listening" to a large extent but also "quietly processing" (without any rush nor particular priority).
@TheSummoner 28 күн бұрын
This sounds like a pretty nice mind state, but I'm not quite there yet
@LuisAldamiz 28 күн бұрын
@@TheSummoner - Yes it's nice but just months ago I was in a completely different mindset, getting in many quarrels, and even weeks ago I went through a serious emotional crisis when my boss unfairly scolded me badly. So it's probably just these last weeks. Hope I can stay there.
@TheSummoner 28 күн бұрын
@@LuisAldamizI wish you the best in that regard!
@devilsposterboy 28 күн бұрын
Your default mode network is always on without the need for drugs or meditation. Psychedelics and meditation actually shutdown the DMN not boost it up
@LuisAldamiz 28 күн бұрын
@@devilsposterboy - I don't think they do. Meditation and default seem to be very similar if not the same thing. Drugs are another story altogether because they "force" your brain to altered and possibly chaotic forms (which may be very interesting at times but not really meditation, something else). In fact meditating on yews under the sun was part of the process of achieving "default".
@klawiehr 28 күн бұрын
I was hoping you’d go into psilocybin’s effect on neuroplasticity here :) amazing that the idea of the default mode network is so new
@brianquigley1940 23 күн бұрын
Define "nothing". As I understand it, there's two basic types of meditation used to focus your mind. 1. busy meditation, i.e. mantras used to focus the mind. 2. stilness meditation, i.e. shutting off all thought. Form 1 is often used to get to Form 2, e.g. counting breaths. Having practised both, I can tell you that stilness meditation is virtually impossible. Usually, I can minimize the stray thoughts floating around, but it is a very, very rare moment that I find myself floating in that odd state of "no thoughts". And by "no thoughts" I mean no distress due to a physical pain in my body, no verbalizations, no static or moving images, no memories replaying, just a state of awareness of body and nothing else. This state of mind is so infrequent and so "alien" that I immediately pop out of this state of mind. If I'm lucky I can hold that state of mind for some seconds, maybe a minute. Reason? Millions of years of evolutionary survival that created the lizard brain (basal ganglia) and the surrounding mammalian surrounding cortex trained us to always be on the alert and/or preparing for the next crisis.
@Shockysho 6 күн бұрын
You are lucky, I can easily remain in that state of ZERO thought, with only a sort of passive awareness of subconscious (beyond my conscious and intentional control) actions like biting my cheek. My struggle is being alert and aware of my external world
@brianquigley1940 5 күн бұрын
@Shockysho The "perception" that there is a difference between "external" and "internal" is an illusion. Consciousness and awareness are epiphenomena of our brain.
@newenglandgreenman 4 күн бұрын
I do something apparently similar to Form 2, but in fact almost the opposite. I agree that repressing thought doesn't work well. What does work for me is embracing presence and awareness. Don't repress thought. Embrace awareness. Let the sounds and other phenomena around you happen. Focus on your awareness of them. Focus on awareness itself. Instead of rejecting thought, embrace awareness. If an occasional thought pops up, embrace your awareness of that thought. That returns the focus to awareness.
@brianquigley1940 3 күн бұрын
@newenglandgreenman Nice. Thanks for the advice. Actually, it's not far off what I already do. Just be aware of it, the thought, or emotion, or physical pain. Just let it be. Just be aware of it. If it's a pain, it fades away. If it's a thought, it dissipates. Usually(!) Being aware of the awareness seems "contradictory", but I get what you mean (I think!).
@dann_y5319 28 күн бұрын
Default Mode Network is involved in introspection. Executive Control Network is involved in outward concentration. Saliance network switches between the two. Also, creativity or even a "flow" state arises in the optimal condition where these large-scale neural networks can fluidly communicate, activating and reactivating, enabling you to think and gain insight about a certain task, like when mind-wandering or even after focusing on work in a more restful, imaginative state
@timetraveller2818 27 күн бұрын
cool insight makes me want to learn more about brain networks
@brianquigley1940 23 күн бұрын
Basic neuroscience covered in any textbook covering executive functions.
@dann_y5319 23 күн бұрын
@@brianquigley1940 👍
@simontemplar404 28 күн бұрын
Rarely do I see something that I have not heard before these days. This is new to me. Thanks.
@raftemmerman765 26 күн бұрын
Sorry Einstein 🥺
@michaelkun1594 17 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠@@raftemmerman765u seem insecure lol
@emmanuelweinman9673 23 күн бұрын
My brain makes other peoples’ brains very confused 😂 My brain is mostly space, because I am spirited, so it’s hard to find “me”. Fully experiencing the same spirit of life all around and within all of us is absolutely mind blowing ❤️🙏🏼
@edf859fa 28 күн бұрын
My brain runs both modes at the same time, all the time. ADHD 💪 HELL YEAH
@F00Lsmack 28 күн бұрын
I'm pretty sure that ADHD is basically the inability to switch between the default mode network and whatever the other more active mode network is, at will.
@devilsposterboy 28 күн бұрын
@@F00Lsmackit actually is. Between the default mode network and the task positive network. The DMN is overactive and doesn’t know how to switch off when the TPN is needed
@brianquigley1940 23 күн бұрын
@TelaGamer 20 күн бұрын
​@@devilsposterboyWhat is TPN?
@devilsposterboy 20 күн бұрын
@@TelaGamer task positive network
@Mr3921151 27 күн бұрын
From a mindfulness perspective, the default mode network can be pernicious...it causes rumination and constant unconscious mind wandering. Mindfulness...focuses us on the present and pulls us away from this constant rumination...which seems to be the root of suffering
@kushalramakanth7922 27 күн бұрын
Yup, when your thoughts wander and you bring it back to focus, your pre frontal cortex is involved and doing that helps in the betterment of impulse control!
@liliya_aseeva 16 күн бұрын
I used to have a rich imagination. However I suppose that the DMN in my case is not working properly at all. All it does is to reanalyze events which already happened and worry about mundane life questions. I have basically nothing to dream of and this sucks. I can't understand, what do people do in their life? What they can do? For what? At one time metaphysics slightly helped me to imagine that there is something 'outta there' which is waiting for us. But now I'm not so sure and it doesn't comfort me. I simply see everything as meaningless, and I understand that this is a problem with me.
@PueMonTen 26 күн бұрын
The test subjects weren't doing "nothing", they were resting. Resting is doing something. I regularly dive into sensory deprivation so I have the right to this opinion. The brain does not want to be denied sensation so in the absence of that, it will create its own. In doing so, the brain is effectively doing gymnastics. You may be laying down with your eyes closed just simply breathing but a lot of energy is still being used. You can settle brain down and eventually you can reach "nothing" but that is a field apart from this study. I just felt that this was a very important distinction to make
@Newgodlove 24 күн бұрын
@Kid420 24 күн бұрын
ehh.. disagree honestly, you really can’t ever be doing “nothing”.
@Vysair 24 күн бұрын
no such thing as absence of activity. Everything is always in an active or passive state unless you are dead
@FrederiqueBertin 23 күн бұрын
We become intelligent into a relax state when we stop spinning into outside stimulus that keeps us running like without orientation .
@1MoreWin 11 күн бұрын
I’ve never for a single second of my life been void of half a dozen simultaneous thoughts whilst conscious unless I’m a second or two from falling asleep, which then again- could just be me forgetting what happened. Not sure why anyone believes this nonsense.
@discoteque7768 5 күн бұрын
Even more fascinating is that as early as 2500 B.C., the Buddha discovered that the mind creates a thought that masquerades as the self (the ego) and is the root cause of human suffering. In the 20th century, the Indian philosopher J. Krishnamurti explained to the world that the Default Mode Network (DMN) consists of past memories and future projections, as well as the sense of oneself in relation to ideas, people, situations, and so on. He transcended the ego and claimed that anyone who observes and deeply understands these mental processes will be liberated from the ego, and thus from all suffering.
@Dr_Larken 27 күн бұрын
The human body especially the brain is amazing! Not too long ago, I came across a experiment/ study of 2 groups “Control-C & Normal- N” where both groups did the same thing in seven days however the control group was blindfolded “ Don’t remember exactly how, but they were blinded During the experiment” Doing the same basic “everyday” task + more Extensive task “learning braille etc”! Obviously, I’m summing this up but the findings were At First the C Struggled, adjusting to not being able to see. After that almost like unlocking a new sense. The brain no longer had to process visual information, freeing up brain “processing” power! Comparing both groups learning braille, the C learned it relatively quicker than the N group. Along with some other stuff! However, on the last day when the C group regained access to their eyes. Almost immediately the majority of what they learned of braille, faded away. Kind of like the brain needed that space back! I look at the human body as an engineering masterpiece, a machine! The brain is the computer running that machine! The brain has a hard drive “long term memory”, RAM “short term memory” it’s consistently processing a ton of information from all senses! Filtering Information received giving a value to it “relevant, irrelevant, important, Possibly important, garbage etc” kind of like an algorithm “or multiple algo’s” always adjusting learning from new Information! Requiring energy “bioelectric” if its low on power there are issues and if it completely looses power, the HDD & RAM may be corrupted or “almost” completely wiped! From every few days to over a decade “if I remember correctly” your body gets a complete hardware update “growing & replacing new skin, hair, muscle, bone” whilst the brain is constantly making new connections storing data, overwriting older data! Again this is a massively oversimplification, but what logical person wouldn’t think that the body is amazing! Understanding a tiny bit of how one of the almost perfectly engineered biomechines functionality, w/ a brain “computer” to to control & maintain it. Plus its own immune system “antivirus” sleep mode, even when the body or part/ parts of z body is lacking, starved it shuts down parts to preserve the vital, most crucial parts. If it’s overwhelmed with extreme pain causing the person to pass out! It even can over heat! Depending on the environment, habitat, lifestyle, parents genetics and a sh¡t avoirdupois of other variables. Evolving to gain or loose something “up or downgrade” ie the “model” consistently in the sun, hot climates their “shell, case” skin pigmentation will adjust “evolve” to a darker tone better suiting the brutal pounding of that radioactive lamp in our solar system! Millions of years in humanities past, when sky islands existed out of reach. Humans ancestors evolved to have wings “along w/Other things such as 6ft+ long tails” along with more complex brains. Allowing us to dominate those sky Islands, Molding nature to our will forcing said islands back to the earth. Creating great, fisher and cracks upon the massive land surfaces. With a side effect breaking that large single land mass into multiple pieces, slowly separating from each other! Over Millennia Some of that land sunk below the waves, others rose above. So the human body is a advanced being controlled by advanced computer, Perhaps capable of wireless connections “Bluetooth and or Wi-Fi” that been forgotten or gradually used less & less, eventually no longer used leading to have been forgotten. Annndddd if that’s the case then Information would have been transferred the same way between people and something like the cloud “universal consciousness” storing data on a level FB, Goog’s etc would be envious of. Storing each and every experience, thought, emotion, action, Interpretation, outlook, knowledge along with that individual’s unique understanding or lack their of. When the hardware eventually completely fails or gets fatal damaged beyond repair. That energy “consciousness” is transferred in some for or another back to the cloud, absorbed into a pool mixed with all of those billions of consciousness’s that completely the same process and billions that inevitably will! Only for that pool/ cloud to upload a relatively identical average “scoop” of all of that mixed cocktail of consciousness to another human fetus, auto downloading upon reaching a point of assembly when that individual brain goes online. As if it had a BIOS, once the process of all the cells reaching a point of progress during the assembly, enough wiring ran over the frame & through the internals connecting everything to turn on the power, running the necessary parts “organs, blood flow etc” establishing a connection to the brain thus allowing automated control whilst the rest continues to be built. Receiving a lot from its host “z Mum” until reaching a point its able to be removed from the factory. Hopefully without any defects, issues etc. as once it leaves z factory, that’s it! Even though the process isn’t complete, It continues on outside said baby factory. As adjustments are made, parts grown expand with time including z brain. Given it only has Essentially factory settings however, one could argue when z baby’s downloaded Consciousness APK…. Хорошо, я был бы полностью шокирован, если бы вы прочитали все это! За это я приветствую тебя! Прошу прощения за то, что увлекся в конце! Тем не менее, кому не нравится хорошая пряная история!
@casev799 27 күн бұрын
I want to say I understand this on some deeper level, but after a few of the comparisons between humanity and machines you’ve lost me…
@yinyang2385 27 күн бұрын
You were doing well until you dived into fantasy and started talking about humans evolving wings and shared conciousness.
@iceyyakiee 15 күн бұрын
i always thought it was odd that people think your brain can do nothing. the brain is so complex and beautiful, it’s doing things we don’t even know!
@herethere5637 15 күн бұрын
Your brain is literally a universe
@iceyyakiee 14 күн бұрын
@@herethere5637 exactly
@danielle78730 27 күн бұрын
marvelous and well-written/produced video! now i have a bunch of shiz to research regarding ASD and DMN…
@harshitsingh8721 27 күн бұрын
“A brain 🧠 watching a video about the brain 🧠, while another brain 🧠 explains mysterious things about the brain, and a brain 🧠 reads this comment.”
@valmoodley1857 26 күн бұрын
@henrycardona2940 24 күн бұрын
What about how we are using words to explain something to someone with the same understanding of all the information being presented along with the ability to create perceptions as the narrator, but also the main character, yet the rest of us are also somehow separately thinking our own words in our heads, but the words in our heads are not heard by others.
@Kaa864 21 күн бұрын
The brain is the only thing in the universe that named itself .
@LMGFIT 11 күн бұрын
@user-vc8yc2sq1n 18 күн бұрын
I thank God finding this content. And Amen
@Joseph843 23 күн бұрын
It felt like this video was constantly repeating the same information.
@smriti9305 2 күн бұрын
What’s up ? Nothing Good, keep at it bro
@dimlylitcorners 25 күн бұрын
I often say that my brain is working on something it's not (yet) telling me…
@ScottJPowers 28 күн бұрын
of course there's some activity when you're letting your mind wander. do you think your thoughts and imaginations come out of nowhere and you're brain is only active when you're "thinking" about something in particular? The firing of neurons are responsible for every thought in your head and is what produces you, the person in that head. Besides, you can never not think of anything. no matter what you're doing, there are always thoughts and images dancing in your head.
@derBene 11 күн бұрын
Funny: I remember 20 years ago my step dad from Lebanon saying that that I am too distracted and that I should do nothing from time to time. - I also remember from some days ago reading that leisure/Muße had a better status in older times. People didn't know about the Default Mode Network but they suspected that something good must be happening when you do nothing from time to time.
@szaltisb2107 24 күн бұрын
0:40 hans burger
@NavajoNinja 25 күн бұрын
Dreaming is the mind tapping into hopes, traits and goals of your ancestors through the bodies natural "memory stick" (blood).
@stellarwind1946 25 күн бұрын
Blood? Blood is mostly water. How are memories stored in water?
@NavajoNinja 25 күн бұрын
@@stellarwind1946 maaaaaaaagic.
@kiwionkeys 25 күн бұрын
@@stellarwind1946if you want a more serious answer, dreaming is the minds way of healing and cleaning itself and consolidating your experiences into neural pathways that can be used later. Since your brain doesn’t shut down, and sort of practices existence by firing those neural pathways and reinforcing them, dreams often mirror things you experience, including desires and worries.
@selbie 25 күн бұрын
So it sounds like the DMN is a figurative "bridge" or interface between our primal input processing centres (ie. vital sensory inputs for survival) and the conscious ideation levels of our brain. "Doing Nothing" is just a social construct of ideas between people. If we truly "did nothing" we would stop existing because all of our atoms would need to "do nothing" as well :P Thus our DMN continues acting full-time as the distributor between the vital inputs and would explain why psilocybin generates that detached sensory experience. It could also explain our Intuitions. When the DMN interface harmonises our conscious time/ideation/memory centres and unconscious vital sensory functions, we experience a "flow" or "calling" as though being guided by an invisible hand. What some might think of as a spiritual or enlightening experience may simply be a result of this amazing organ COMPUTING THE VERY FABRIC OF REALITY. If for example ADHD is our mind attempting to "boost" our lack of dopamine production via the salience network, then it would explain how performing meditation and exercise would regularly lower this network interruption and allow the DMN to operate more fully for longer periods. I'd be interested if the ADHD tendency to slip into hyperfocus could be at moments when the salience network is 'satisfied' and the DMN facilitates it fully? and then at other times we are in a daydreaming mind fog because other networks are too active and the constant switching between DMN and salient throws us around? Hence why we have no control over moments of hyperfocus and how the disorder can undermine self esteem without external support frameworks.
@rsa4510 26 күн бұрын
I wonder how much of this my dog experiences?
@horsepowermultimedia 23 күн бұрын
My brain be keeping itself in performance mode 24/7
@TelaGamer 20 күн бұрын
Mine is in battery-saving mode 24/7
@CitizenSlide 8 күн бұрын
And what happens when your DMN is permanently disrupted due to a brain injury? And you lose all sense of self, you lose the ability to form new (or recall old) episodic memories and connectivity between your major brain regions no longer allows for the kind of mediation essential to a working theory of mind. That’s what happened to me, and despite over a decade of brain scans, dementia tests and studies by eminent UK neuroscientists I am still a long way from recovered.
@lunapam2447 22 күн бұрын
there was this time that I solved a problem after sleeping. Like when I woke up the solution suddenly came to me and was so obvious.
@KopyErr 10 күн бұрын
We need to use the subconscious and stuff more like this :0 I saw a video talking about how powerful the subconscious is It said smth like for example you can say out loud "I want to wake up at 8am" or smth and if you want/mean it then your body will just wake you up I tried to practice it myself, I said out loud "I want to wake up at 11am" I was worried that I would be too tired to even want to wake up if I did wake up at 11am though, but didn't rlly pay that much attention to the thought Then that morning my body did smth weird, it woke me up from like 8am every hour untill 11am 💀 Maybe they were trying to make it easier for me to wake up :o But anyways I love that we can use our subconscious, it's a superpower A second brain Not talked about enough I should probably research and test it, it's absolutely phenomenal
@lunapam2447 10 күн бұрын
@@KopyErr That wake up thing is real. I tried that. after sunmer, first day of college, I had to wake up early. So I set my mind to wake up 8 AM, I was also afraid to be late. So what happend was I woke up at 7:30 much more earlier than the alarm. This was unusual because I usually wake up 10:00 Am in the summer hahaha. it was weird because I did not feel sleepy or anything, My eyes just opened and I woke up exactly before 8 AM, this was before the alarm.
@horizn9982 23 күн бұрын
Incredible content! 👏👏👏
@rogercroft3218 8 күн бұрын
Prospective memories aka memories of the future!
@Newgodlove 25 күн бұрын
THIS IS THE ANSWER I HAVE BEEN WAITING AND YEARNING FOR! THANKS SCIENCE! Im just really excited because Ive been taking breaks while doing some intense brain creative work. And breaks help but the science? How. So god bless 🎉
@ionic7777 28 күн бұрын
I wonder how ADHD might affect the default mode…
@liam78587 28 күн бұрын
"It sounds like you're interested in how ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) might impact the default mode network (DMN) in the brain. The DMN is a network of interacting brain regions that is active when a person is at rest and not focused on the outside world, like when daydreaming or thinking about the past or future. In individuals with ADHD, research suggests that the DMN behaves differently compared to those without ADHD. Here are some key points: Impaired Switching: In people without ADHD, the brain switches efficiently between the DMN and other networks, such as the task-positive network (TPN), which is active during focused, goal-oriented tasks. In ADHD, this switching is often less efficient. This can lead to difficulties in sustaining attention on tasks, as the DMN might remain more active even when focus is needed. Overactivity of DMN: Some studies suggest that the DMN may be more active in individuals with ADHD, even when they are trying to focus on tasks. This overactivity might contribute to the distractibility and mind-wandering often seen in ADHD. Functional Connectivity: The connections between different regions within the DMN might be altered in ADHD. This could affect how different parts of the brain communicate during rest and how the brain transitions between different states of activity. Developmental Differences: The DMN typically undergoes significant changes during development, and these changes might be different in individuals with ADHD. This could contribute to the persistence of ADHD symptoms as a person grows older. Overall, these differences in the DMN could help explain some of the core symptoms of ADHD, such as inattention, distractibility, and difficulties with executive function. The relationship between the DMN and ADHD is an active area of research, with ongoing studies aiming to better understand these neural dynamics." chatgpt
@LilYupper 28 күн бұрын
@@liam78587bro pulled up chat gpt 💀
@dead-claudia 28 күн бұрын
can't find much (yet) but it seems from a quick search that the default mode network doesn't quiet down in people with adhd actively doing tasks like it does for most people
@policeman1104 28 күн бұрын
So interesting. thank you
@jesseskellington9427 22 күн бұрын
5:11 Dr.K caused this "Theory crafting"
@treefarm3288 25 күн бұрын
That was terrifically interesting! Thanks!
@apple1231230 26 күн бұрын
i have a hyperactive default mode network, constantly stuck in and out of the present tense
@jer103 26 күн бұрын
The brain and the mind are 2 different things, yet they are also interlinked.
@handyhacker11 27 күн бұрын
Lolol my DMN is failing 😂😂😂 Like its so hard to keep track of a narrative and not just default back to "being, confused, lost" 😂
@orktv4673 22 күн бұрын
pony pfp chad
@AlexSav 28 күн бұрын
Should i eat more of these mushrooms?
@LuisAldamiz 28 күн бұрын
Depends on how many you eat now and how well you manage (generally most people report favorable effects but environment plays a role in these visionary drugs, incl. the rather benevolent psylocibes).
@AlexSav 28 күн бұрын
Speak slowly, please. I ate A LOT. It is very difficult to concentrate on what you are saying.
@newuser689 28 күн бұрын
@@AlexSavthat’s a no then lol
@Antleredangelbun 28 күн бұрын
Haha youre hilarious ​@@AlexSav ! Did you actually? How was it if yes?
@PassivUser 13 күн бұрын
Watched and liked🎉
@shreeveda 25 күн бұрын
Hope you do research on 'realized' souls who can guide and support you by volunteering. You will find such people in India, the spiritual land. Sri M (well known spiritual teacher) is one such person who wants more studies done on Consciousness and what happens in our brains. Please get in touch with him, if you think so.🙏
@AnimeFridays 25 күн бұрын
Be interesting to see these studies on someone with Aphantasia such as myself
@erwinzer0 27 күн бұрын
I punch people with my words often unintentionally because I'm autistic, This may have something to do with different DMN patterns in an autistic individual because sometimes when the fixation comes in, following conversation is truly a challenge
@davidwilkie9551 28 күн бұрын
Caltech discussed the kind of signals processing eyes do in the Retina, heterodyne transmission of wave-packaging formation. The period doubling of default frequencies, alpa, beta, gamma and delta suggest that math-music type harmonics and counterpoint plagel integration are occurring in a to-be-expected probabilistic/logarithmic pattern of brainwaves functioning according to neurological interference positioning-location in the Singularity-point Aether of Mind-Body QM-TIME Completeness Actuality.
@gabberwhacky 27 күн бұрын
That's a really badly trained AI
@tsanguine 26 күн бұрын
@@gabberwhackyback in my day we used to call that schizophrenia
@xiongbenjamin 11 күн бұрын
Basically, the DMN’s role is to validate its memories.
@1MoreWin 11 күн бұрын
I’m confused.. how is there ever a quiet moment in anyone’s mind? I haven’t had a single second of silence from my thoughts for every second I’ve been conscious, atleast from 5-6 years old.. I typically have a half dozen thoughts running simultaneously, I will both daydream and decide whatever situation I am in from multiple perspectives. It’s mentally extremely extremely exhausting keeping track of it all and I have no ability to turn these thoughts off, they occur naturally for me atleast?.. My mind is constantly running and I’ve always been completely aware of my subconscious “daydreaming”. Is this not normal? Maybe I have ADHD. Idk
@anywallsocket 28 күн бұрын
What is the 3rd network? There’s clearly intro and extrospection…
@brianquigley1940 23 күн бұрын
These "systems" are just approximations in an attempt to build a model. You can strip away parts of the mammalian cortex, and the basal cortex will still keep our body alive. What "systems" have been stripped away? People that lose one half of their brain can still learn new skills... where are the "systems"?
@JF098 7 күн бұрын
Sad that psilocybin is still illegal in most of the US
@purdysanchez 27 күн бұрын
In the future, Neuralink will use the brain's resting mode to mine Bitcoin.
@danthesquirrel 25 күн бұрын
And the waking mode to access ad supported cell phone functionality, and the default mode that tells us who we are is a moving target based on Elon's whims. Glitchy upgrades, malware and bloatware (requiring hardware upgrades to regain brain function) become the new normal. Everyone who gets brain chipped (and has received the first software upgrade) will wonder how they ever lived without it.
@ons-psi-gs 21 күн бұрын
Thank you all for those were you with me in the journey up above and so within and so below or is like my Middle East friends like to say Bismillah as above so without
@tomazflegar 28 күн бұрын
We don't fully understand, i think and such statements are leading publics to think they are on something, but they are just theorizing. To know the feeling of self is to be the self
@yuhansungscoffee 12 күн бұрын
Fine video, except for the totally unnecessary clips of random experts saying irrelevant quips for rhetorical effect. “Wait what’s that?” “Maybe it’s not just resting.”
@Boris29311 26 күн бұрын
The subconscious mind is always thinking 😮
@smallpeople172 27 күн бұрын
My question is, how do we know the subjects were actually doing nothing? Maybe it’s just as hard for any given person to do nothing with their brain as it is to achieve absolute concentration…
@user-mm5jr1xm8f 28 күн бұрын
I feel these studies could be observed in animals. I think it could lead to a great understanding of this discovery, honestly.
@tonelemoan 28 күн бұрын
No. Human subjects or nothing at all.
@Novastar.SaberCombat 27 күн бұрын
"Silence is NOT emptiness. There are some lessons which sound... cannot teach." --Artemis (DD1) 🐲✨🐲✨🐲✨
@whitneyhobbs8234 24 күн бұрын
You: My brain is malfunctioning Mushrooms: Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
@tantzer6113 28 күн бұрын
Would love a more in depth video on the default mode network.
@mdarifulislamhridoy9147 23 күн бұрын
"Voice to skull" has the full relation with all mental illnesses.
@utsavkc3946 18 күн бұрын
Is the default mode also active when we are asleep or does this only occur when awake?
@user-nl6dg2mp8p 25 күн бұрын
So all the daydreaming I do isn't useless after all.
@chekaschmeka4283 28 күн бұрын
Also known as the Seinfeld regions.
@cjsamtab7 22 күн бұрын
Mine, is never doing nothing. And I can't make it hang loose.
@dehrk9024 13 күн бұрын
Since taking trazodone xr my brain is stuck in default mode the whole morning :(
@PedroHenriquePS00000 26 күн бұрын
I'd love to scan my brain
@Milkshakman 28 күн бұрын
One of the most interesting fallacies of human experience is that we can feel like we're not doing much whilst embedded in oceans of counterfactual mental constructs. What I don't understand is why there is typically a felt resistance to less counterfactual depth. Perhaps because you think if you go too far in that direction, you will be annihilated?
@vladyslavkorenyak872 28 күн бұрын
Because only the counterfactuals that impact your reproduction success are being brought naturally to your attention. The brain actually does not care about logical coherency, it did not evolve to.
@thwartificer 28 күн бұрын
What do you mean by counterfactual?
@Milkshakman 27 күн бұрын
@@thwartificer "As soon as one is ‘away’ from the present moment, one has made an ‘abstraction’. For example, there are the wavelengths of light that represent the shape of a ‘teacup’. However, once it has been conceptualized as a teacup, there is a new level of abstraction that demands further inference from past experience than simply representing the wavelengths of light (i.e., more temporally deep processing). And yet, experiencing a ‘tea cup’ first necessitates the representation of the wavelengths of light contacting the retina (thus, hierarchical processing)." - Laukkonen & Slagter (2021) So a "counterfactual" here could perhaps be considered informally synonymous with "conceptual construction", in the sense that the construction is 'counterfactual' to the constituent parts that lead to its emergence. I recommend that paper for further discussion.
@slothsarecool 20 күн бұрын
Anxiety Mode Network
@TheDudeManBro 23 күн бұрын
I would really love for a neuroscientist to help me understand what "envisioning" in your mind means. I have Aphantasia and I have been stuck on what imagination must look like but also if it isn't something I can see with my eyes then where is this imagery I'm told everyone can see but not see??? I know it's not debilitating, I function 'normally' to everyone else but the concept of imagination has made me question quite a lot in the past 3 years. Also just to make sure the question is worded correctly, I do not mean the parts of the brain that are active when imagining. I am asking where these images manifest to become something perceivable.
@richard_darwin 21 күн бұрын
we dont do that anymore
@Vysair 24 күн бұрын
I think it's doing a routine malware scan and some other miscellaneous background task like telemetry collection 😂😂
@1conscience0dimension 11 күн бұрын
An IA would do a better at analyzing patterns and defining structures.
@Loroths 22 күн бұрын
This is probably only me bit I have always found the phrase "my brain" a very odd one. As if it is someone else. We are our brain to all intents and purposes. It's like someone who refers to themselves in the third person. "I" and "my brain" is the same thing. The only time I would make a distinction is when referring to unconscious things the brain is doing, but even then I would just say "unconscious." The amount of times I hear people say things "my brain is confused, I just want it to sort this problem out" or something like that, almost like blaming a third party. What they really mean is they are not smart enough 😂
@gj8683 21 күн бұрын
My brain used to play tapes. Now it plays files.
@Oltoir 27 күн бұрын
I wonder how different this is with those who have aphantasia
@SpencerTwiddy 17 күн бұрын
Does anyone know what that third network is, besides Salience and Default Mode? It was kind of weird they didn’t mention it by name.
@SpencerTwiddy 17 күн бұрын
They mention it around 5:55
@manfromearth4346 3 күн бұрын
DMN: Devil mode network
@ketchup2707 13 күн бұрын
This region of the brain may be getting smaller because people can’t stand doing nothing anymore, they have to scroll Instagram or tiktok
@zdrowymiro 24 күн бұрын
@RishavKundu 25 күн бұрын
So a multi agentic system with tool calling
@vinniepeterss 27 күн бұрын
@ladycommentor2536 23 күн бұрын
You know what my brain is doing while I stare into nothingness.. all daze?? It's remember some funny memes
@JJ-fr2ki 7 күн бұрын
I like Quanta but this was nit well done, except the psilocybin bit, it left out the electrical “anatomy” of the brain (cf. Buzaki’s text)
@terrificmenace 13 күн бұрын
My brain 🧠 goes to sleep and dreams of sleeping 😴
@VikrantSingh-se2zb 27 күн бұрын
So both associative autobiography memory and prospective memory linked rational reasoning systems connected collective attention economy engineered structural functional and dynamics of deep brain state phase transitions modal mechanisms can be hacked simultaneously via direct neural interface embodied within cognitive networked bio surveillance environments. Thanks for the insights.❤😊
@Ironstarfish 10 күн бұрын
There is a reason why it uses 20% of the body’s energy
@insightfulperspective108 14 күн бұрын
You are nothing but just a creation of the brain to run the life.
@mayarmshmsha957 17 сағат бұрын
Thos video made me to sleep 3 times
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