"When a Birthmother Revokes Her Consent to Adoption." From the Historical Archives of CUB

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CUB | Concerned United Birthparents

CUB | Concerned United Birthparents

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For Lee Campbell's fourth appearance in April 1984 on the nationally syndicated "Donahue" Show, she joins host Phil Donahue to focus on birthmothers who "change their minds" and "try to get their babies back" after surrendering them for adoption.
Donahue speaks first to birthmother Barbara Landry, who recently surrendered her daughter for adoption to the Gladney Center for Adoption, in Texas, which also houses women during their pregnancies. Although Barbara Landry immediately revoked her consent, she says she is in a legal fight to try to reclaim her motherhood.
Patricia Bennett is interviewed next. She reveals how she surrendered in 1983, sued to revoke her consent, and was able to retrieve her baby.
Austin Foster, Ph.D, represents the Gladney Center for Adoption. He offers a different perspective. He is pro birthfamily-separation. He emphasizes adoption is a "choice" that mothers have "nine months to decide."
The late Bill Pierce, the first Executive Director of the National Committee (now Council) for Adoption (NCFA), defends the adoption industry against Phil Donahue's claim that "there is money in (Landry's) adoption." Mr. Pierce counters that the counseling received by mothers served by adoption agencies is better than what mothers receive in private adoptions.
Lee Campbell, founder of Concerned United Birthparents (CUB), warns that a pro-adoption stance is entrenched in the United States, and that the increased demand for adoption is leading to more forced adoptions, unethical practices, and the unnecessary separation of families.
Phil Donahue adds that a couple things should get on the record about the Landry situation. He says the Gladney Home is, not surprisingly, "professionally interested in this case because, if they lose, they face the very real problem of no one . . . trusting them (to protect against mothers who try to retrieve their babies)."
Some Final Words About the "Donahue" tapes. As was the case with Lee Campbell's previous appearances on "Donahue," thousands of letters poured into CUB's main address, which was superimposed by the producers on viewers' television screens. The number of "Donahue" letter-writers were not separated from those who wrote letters after CUB's many other radio, televised, and print media coverage. But it is interesting to note that during CUB's first eight years, CUB's National Secretary, Gail Hanssen Perry, and other volunteers, responded overall to more than 45,000 letters.
After taking a random sample of letters at one point, CUB learned more about those who wrote. Half the letter writers were birthparents, who were grateful that some of their own were telling "their" stories. About 40% were adoptees, who now realized they not only were remembered but were probably still longed for. And, the remaining letter writers were adoptive parents, other members of birth or adoptive families, and adoption professionals.
Today, Lee Campbell, now almost 70 years old and a recently retired college professor, wants to add another thought: "CUB very much appreciated Phil Donahue and its producers for inviting birthparents to move from the shadows where we had been relegated. 'Donahue' provided a' soft, safe spotlight where we were able to reveal some hidden truths about adoption. Looking back, it is literally a crying shame that indifference among too many in the general population continues to sweep these truths into the mists of history."
About Concerned United Birthparents (CUB).
Founded by Lee Campbell in 1976, CUB is the first, and the longest-lasting, organization in the world to support and advocate for mothers and fathers who lost children to the adoption industry. Along with CUB's ongoing focus on birthparents, today's CUB serves everyone affected by adoption. CUB believes that when feelings and experiences hidden behind adoption's façade are exposed, healing and wisdom follow.
On its website, CUB also makes available to members and eligible professionals more than 4,000 pages of its history. Meanwhile, Lee Campbell has captured some of this history in two books available on Amazon. "Stow Away: They told me to forget. And I did. Now my memory has mutiny in mind" and "Cast Off: They called us dangerous women. So we organized and proved them right."

Пікірлер: 50
@amandasailsbury1878 6 жыл бұрын
I just wanna say I absolutely love these commercials.
@monelleny 4 жыл бұрын
It speaks volumes about Dr. Foster's integrity and humanity (and also about the validity of his position) that he never once looks at Barbara during this whole program.
@angelamyles23 2 жыл бұрын
Wow, yeah. This is one of the major reasons so many women are hurt
@terrykelly6113 10 ай бұрын
She didn't have 9 months to decide. She had 7 months to decide since she only knew she was pregnant for 7 months.
@ClaudiaCorriganDArcy 10 жыл бұрын
Interesting fact: Dr. Foster says that the cost of adoption at the Gladney in 1984 was $5,000. The base price to adopt from Gladney now is 50K. So in 30 years, the cost for a “normal” adoption was increased 100 times over. There is definitely MORE money in adoption now. Granted, everything cost more, but just for fun, I used an inflation calculator to see what a 5K adoption SHOULD cost now and it is only a 129.4% increase to $11,469.83 based on general inflation not five times that amount. money= corruption
@SuperArline123 10 жыл бұрын
I think that man is there to lift up Gladney like the above the agency has Mega money from the adoption ,the agency.That psycho lies ,my daughter in law had the state tell her how to raise her first two children but when my son and her married my granddaughter was born so they had scouts ,sent out by the state and spy on her and soon it happened my granddaughter ended up in foster care then to a solid adoptive family that already got 18 through the agencys and state and of course open lied then closed it like the babys born in the hospital love to confuse pregnant mothers into saying its normal the mother is so confused and any confused mother can not raise a child .Bias yes so right wish he was still doing his shows .Wish we could have him and more like him.the show host was great.
@AllBling 6 жыл бұрын
Follow the $$$$. $$$$ nearly always leads to corruption.
@ritaramon90 4 жыл бұрын
My name is Rita and I want to share adoption story so another birthmom doesn't go through this pain of not having their baby. I was coerce into adoption in 2016 with my son. The Gladney Center for Adoption caseworker wouldn't let me have my son back and I had not signed any relinquishing papers at the time that I asked for my son back. I even asked to take him with me from the hospital and the caseworker would not allow me do that or put my baby's father name on the birth certificate. I asked for more time to think about the adoption the caseworker said that I couldn't have more time and I asked for him back and she said "No it's not going to happen. your never going to have your baby back...So she just told how great adoption is for my baby and that my baby's life hasn't began yet and that his adoptive parents are waiting for him to start his life. I was so crazy with what was she telling me and I was on two anti depressants which alter my decision making that I had to sign. Then I got off of those anti depressant and I went to told the CEO Frank Garrot of Gladney that I was coerced into adoption all of a sedan I no longer had my open adoption. I had to fight for me see my baby in 2017 and they gave me a 1 hour and half with supervision by Gladney staff and I have not seen my son this year and Gladney told my attorney that I have my open adoption but I can't do any thing about in court cause Gladney is withholding that paper from me saying that I have an open adoption. Not to mention the service that Gladney promise to me was on going counseling for me my daughter, help with getting into a better place to live, and also education services so I get a career. Also Gladney has treated me like criminal by calling the cops on me any chance they get. They have a tress passing warning against me and put an assault charge against me and I didn't assault anybody at their office....the office put their hand on me first and I was defending myself and also they drug me like I was animal down their hall way and throw me out their door and then called the cops on me saying that I assault their employee...The Gladney Center for Adoption did not treat me that way when they wanted my son and once they got what they wanted they throw me away like piece of trash. Rita Ranon My story is even longer than this...when I took Gladney to court they lied to judge saying that I was inappropriate with my son and adoptive parents...and I have the evidence saying that Gladney lied but I miss my motion to retrial date because the court coordinator wouldn't call me back to set up my court date and I had to jail for this action that she did Now I have to a bill of review and Gladney refuses to me my adoption. (The contracts that I had to sign.6-20-19 I had to go to a mediation meeting on 9-12-19 and Gladney called the cops on me and lied to police again and I got attracted by a police officer and got sent to a mental hospital for no reason at all THE GLADNEY CENTER IS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF BIRTHMOMS AND PEOPLE WHO WANT TO ADOPT ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS? I have evidence of this happening to me and I also have of this happening to other birthmoms.
@sarahg3396 Жыл бұрын
Another example of the babies not being centred in adoption it's almost as if us babies don't even matter!!
@laurieannrodriguez4551 4 жыл бұрын
A very stressful situation.
@kristannharrigan5806 7 жыл бұрын
I am adopted. I have always had trouble with it.
@terrykelly6113 4 жыл бұрын
So sorry. Are you 18 yet when you can search? I will pray that you can have a healthy reunion. Seek counseling first from someone trained in adoption issues.
@kamina1979 3 жыл бұрын
Did you find this video wildly insensitive? I couldn't watch it all the way through.
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
Family Ties is a san joaquin county migrant farmworker program
@angelamyles23 2 жыл бұрын
Wow no one is listening to these first mothers. This is so gut wrenching
@maureenmcnamara6629 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you!!! I surendered 50 years ago, it IS still painful, because I was never listened to by the adoption agency, I work at listening to others. My son and I reunited 30 years ago, (he was 20 ) he was raised by an abusive/verbal and physical mother AND she divorced and remarried 4 more times by the time my son was 10 years old. I WAS NEVER counseled, like the majority of women.
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
My point is Larry Byrd was more important to barbara Byrd than me or my pregnancy and dumped me and my second car I drove there from Arlington texas
@ronniemarie8751 9 жыл бұрын
The woman at the end talks about the strong emotions of the baby. What about the trauma the baby goes through when it's swooped away from the mother at birth everything it has known for 9 months (smell, voice, touch). It's that's not trauma than I don't know what is. The adoption industry is a seriously flawed system.
@d.george 6 жыл бұрын
I don’t have an issue with being an adoptee, however, it’s bothersome to hear that the ‘triad’ is essentially parents, agency & birth parents. Listening to this & looking at adoption case law 30 years later & very little has changed. I have an autoimmune disease that primarily has affected my lungs. I’m sick now & I’ve had to fight to get the most basic of health history. My birth mother signed a fake last name to a letter & I have no way of confirming her identity aside from 7 years of detective work that seems reasonable, but is a toss up. She’s deceased. She wasn’t even 50. The cause makes me think I very well may see the same fate, all because the adoption took place in Utah & I can’t get a judge to unseal my records. I am saying this because ultimately, adoptees deserve full rights to their history. Whether one searches or doesnt is a personal choice, but it’s state sanctioned perjury to revise a birth certificate & say your parents who are not biologically related to you are. You don’t deny it from biological children. People know their background. We deserve that. My god, it may save lives!
@terrykelly6113 3 жыл бұрын
Have you triad DNA testing.
@connievino4226 Жыл бұрын
You have a tremendous strength. All adopted people should be able to have all records unsealed.
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
It was Mr Hardaway money not Larry Byrd her house boy
@teresaleach7955 4 жыл бұрын
No...wait four days before contact...not right.
@grosvenorclub 4 жыл бұрын
Everything is based on emotionally splitting the mother from the baby . So terribly wrong . All the waffle about a young mother with no support and being lectured by senior adults and very authorative figures is just bullshit . All support should be to the mother . What weasel excuses are made by these adults .
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
Bill Bond Chick is evidently my worst enemy
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
Randy Gladney Home for unwed fathers
@ronniemarie8751 9 жыл бұрын
I don't hear much about the need of the adoptee. Everything is about the adoptive parent's rights or the birth mother's privacy. It's not about the child. It never has been. It's about money. The adoptee is the one whose voice never gets heard. They just expect us to be quiet and grateful. Sadly, things are still the same today. Lets also remember that the argument for an adoptee to have 2 parents is an absurd excuse to support adoption. Adoptive parents gets divorced every day. They also lose their jobs just like anyone else.
@AllBling 6 жыл бұрын
I am a first mother. I have never ever heard of a first mother asking for or being offered anonymity. Secrecy was demanded to protect the AP. It IS about money. These interviewees were first mothers, and so the answers are from the first mother's experience. We would never try and speak for an adoptee. No one knows the adoptees story like the adoptee. Maybe he did another show with adoptees?
@Sacred-Heart-of-Jesus829 3 жыл бұрын
@@AllBling Yes, Adoption is a huge RIP OFF. It's a lopsided one-sided agreement. With two losers: The mother and her child!
@DavidFraser007 Жыл бұрын
Yep, I was adopted twice, had my surname changed 4 times, all before the age of 18 months. This was around 1959 to 1961. No real screening of hopeful adopters, just be members of a church. I was placed with people with no parenting instincts, who had marriage problems, affairs etc. But they put themselves on a pedestal because I was the result of an immoral act and I should be grateful.
@monelleny 10 ай бұрын
Did Barbara ever get her baby back?
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 2 жыл бұрын
Those are all private adoptions at the gladney center . They do not allow them to sign the papers after the birth of anyone's baby born there.
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 2 жыл бұрын
This is nothing but more evil against all birth mothers.
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
Barbara is not me
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
Amanda told me
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
Tulsas Randy Gladney home for unwed fathers
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
As if Barbara Landry is me Janet bond
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
Did she stalk Amanda cardillo
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
Did she drive Amanda cardillo to commit suicide in my home
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
Who the hel is barbara landry
@ramonarunnels7458 5 жыл бұрын
I am seeing this today who would contact?
@GreeneyedKittyNKimJongMeow 5 жыл бұрын
I assume that Dr. Foster is now deceased?
@privatedeletebuttongooglei5221 Жыл бұрын
While you annihilated ten zillion Vietnamese and cambodians
@raccoonchronicles5134 4 жыл бұрын
Girl doesn't even know what TRIMESTER means...SHE WAS PREGNANT FOR GOD'S SAKE....
"The Search for Missing Parents." From the historical archives of Concerned United Birthparents.
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