When Do You Have Too Many Aquariums? The Tank Talk Podcast

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The Tank Talk Podcast

The Tank Talk Podcast

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Have you ever wondered when is enough enough? Is there such thing as too many aquariums?
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#aquariumhobby #fishkeeping #fishtank #aquarium #petfish

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@Whips_World 3 ай бұрын
I'm of the opinion, right or wrong, that, if you take on the responsibility of caring for another living creature, you are figuratively signing on the dotted line that you will care for that creature for the rest of its life (or yours). That it's life and well-being are literally in your hands. Does that mean there's no room for negotiation? Of course not. If the well-being of said creature can't be met through hardship or incompatibility, of course you can, and should, look for other options - primarily the option of rehoming the animal to a better situation. Too many people look at fish and reptiles as disposable. The whole, "I'm tired of this fish, so I'm gonna dump it onto someone else so I can try something new." attitude frustrates me to no end. However, like you gentlemen said, if you're someone who has let their hobby grow larger than the time they can put forth to maintain a healthy, happy environment, then yes. By all means. Rehome that animal to a better situation. Of course, that's just my opinion... I could be wrong.
@docborrego1 3 ай бұрын
You are not wrong. Not even a little bit.
@JaymePaladino 3 ай бұрын
I agree one hundred percent. I do a thing that is kind of embarrassing but I'll tell you every time I get a new fish I look at it and I say "hi I'm your mom and I'm going to be your mom for the rest of your life." It's kind of a little promise I make to that animal. I feel like it's wrong to take an animal home if you're not willing or able to care for it passionately. That's why I don't love the word hobby. I know that that's the best word we have but living things aren't a hobby. I'll try to make up a new word. 😁
@Slawsers 3 ай бұрын
Well said whip!
@VolcanixAquatix 3 ай бұрын
That's facts, Whip 🥰
@markbaumgardt2868 Ай бұрын
I've been subed for a number of years good onya John when enough is enough face reality and your going to do it just get a helper love the honestly keep up the good work bro your pod cast is great and with Jason it won't get better ❤👍
@LeMonS531 3 ай бұрын
I have 7 tanks not including my fry tank or my quarantine tank. It's really hard to not want more. What stops me is no more room!
@lemonlizard1 3 ай бұрын
I have 8 tanks right now. There are two styles of tank that I really like: breeding tanks & planted tanks. 4/8 aquariums are planted, have a low stocking and low maintenance. The other half are aquariums that I keep as clean as possible, but they're all 5-10 gallons. I love the maintenance. I do think that I will enjoy 1 more small tank before it becomes difficult. But it's important half of them are very heavily planted with a low stocking, so they require very little maintenance
@peytonhenry9039 3 ай бұрын
I’m the same way. I have a few show tanks and then a few work/breeding tanks
@donandsharonfralick7642 3 ай бұрын
I have 9 different size aquariums but only have 3 set up with fish & snails. Lol! 2 tanks with different snails & 1 tank with fish. I'm 69 & my hubby that helps me is 81. And Happy Birthday John! I started the hobby around a year & a half ago when my oldest son moved & I inherited his fish. Some of these 9 tanks were given to me. My house was built in the late 1800's & my hubby had to add metal posts in the basement for support for tanks on main floor lol! My hubby is 12 years older than me but he can out work me all the time lol! We were both raised on farms.
@HapiPETSWM 3 ай бұрын
It’s NEVER TOO MUCH! My wife just likes to complain about space she wasn’t using anyways. Starts to be too much when the people and space around you is becoming inconvenient. Maintenance is a tough one but if you break it into bits you get left with a tank a day, and the pumps do the lifting. Personally I believe I have found a passion in doing it all so I can’t get enough, I just can’t afford to do 30 tanks, but 11 is perfectly manageable. Lots of great thoughts in this episode, stay happy and healthy my friends!!!
@law19859 3 ай бұрын
Had 2, went down to 1 36 gallon
@bobcobb99 3 ай бұрын
It's so easy to get too many at the start. I went from 0-7 pretty quick. I settled at 3 being the right number for me
@linzynason7000 2 ай бұрын
I’m happy with my two 6 gallon planted betta tanks and I couldn’t imagine having 5 or 10 tanks for just myself to maintain.
@valentine_n 3 ай бұрын
My two favorite people in the aquarium hobby, the great aquarium gurus, John and Jason are the best🎉
@cyndyyoungschimke5936 3 ай бұрын
I must be out of the norm but I have reduced my aquariums to just one 20 gallon long. I only had four at the most but it just was too much for me. I'm perfectly happy with my one aquarium that I can focus all of my maintenance and enjoyment on.
@donnauk2493 3 ай бұрын
Oh I always think I'm the odd one out because I only have a 20 long but here we are just one lovely tank that's fun and enjoyed 😊
@Gaza14860 3 ай бұрын
I had six at my peak all above 75g and I’ve cut back to two both six foot but I enjoy the hobby more now, great podcast guys
@RoseBuddMedia 3 ай бұрын
Started January this year and I’m at 3 20s, 1 10 and 2 40s waiting to be set up after i build a table
@camyota 3 ай бұрын
I got my 55 about 4 years ago. Had it set up for 2 and only wanted 1 more tank(a big one) but life happened and not only did I have to take it down but getting my bigger tank got postponed. Just recently I set the 55 back up and I plan on building a 4'x6' and that'll be IT for me.
@deborahcheney432 3 ай бұрын
Hey guys, love these videos. I started in the hobby in 1984, and am still wildly addicted to it. I also work at an aquarium servicing company and maintain 27 aquariums. I have 8 aquariums at home but have had as many as 15. Had my house been bigger I would have had monster fish too. I am passionate about fish and everything fish, I love them around me which is why most of them are in my living room, but I do have a small fish room also. Love you guys and hope to see you both at Aquashella Daytona 2024.
@pg412 3 ай бұрын
A 75, 55, 40 breeder, 2 29s, a 20 long, a 20 high, 4 10s. It's a burden sometimes, especially when I have to take trips for work. But I do enjoy every single one of them and spend time watching them all. The python system makes maintaining them all easier...believe it or not the 10s require more time and energy than anything else because they're kind of too small for the python and I still use buckets. My dream is to replace the 10s and maybe the 20 high with a 125 for severums and clown loaches.
@andrewwhittaker2908 3 ай бұрын
Cory on co-op is going through this exact thing right now. Hes cutting way back as well. He has done some live streams having these exact conversations. 😅
@carybritton4178 3 ай бұрын
Full time RN I love the hobby love the channel. I’m Trying. 3 small kids wife I’m up late going non-stop. I’m tired. But I am passionate I’m at 7 with 2 to set up. Trying to figure out a rack with automated water changes. If that’s set I’m good. I can’t keep hauling Buckets. But 10 is the sweet spot. But 10 can easily turn into 20 and I have MTS. I want them all. Love the hobby! Thanks for the convo.
@davidglover7949 2 ай бұрын
I'm currently at my peak of 22 tanks. 10 of those are 10 gallons or under though with nothing exceeding 55 gallons.
@TripleFork 3 ай бұрын
MD fish tanks all look great.
@carlmilligan2486 3 ай бұрын
We was up to like 20 tanks, and after several years we sold them off except for 2. Now it's been a few years with just 2 I've started getting the itch to recreate the fish room, but we will see lol. I watch the market place just in case. I enjoyed all the tanks, and all the different fish. It was relaxing to spend time down there, but at the time it got to be a bit much. I miss it though. 10 tank max in the future I'd guess would be comfortable. I'm 52 so I'm with you on some of the problems 😅
@JaymePaladino 3 ай бұрын
Great topic. I saw Ben Ochart (I think) talk about this and he said something to the effect of when it's too much try to remember when you felt good about it and downgrade to that point when it gets out of hand. I think that's the best advice to kind of be your own parent about it. It sounds simple but it's really hard to do when you fall in love with this and you ARE an adult who has the choice. But you can burn yourself out and that is a terrible terrible thing. (Not a beautiful thing, as John would say).
@JaymePaladino 3 ай бұрын
Just to add to my own comment +sorry+ I've never shut down in 15 plus years. I have never had to fully start over or cycle a tank from scratch. I've moved 4 times, gone from 10 to 75 gallons and I attribute that to an extent to having only one aquarium and to John's good advice about moving/moving beneficial bacteria. I did a fish in cycle sometime around 2010 or before that, never did it again. We have to watch ourselves and be vigilant but it can be done. Sometimes my tank only had one fish in it, but as long as it did, hey, I still had a tank! So thank you for your continued work. ♥️
@Quan_Dovii 3 ай бұрын
I treat all my fish like my kids.. I have 13 tank by the way.. it’s a good addictive problem I have😊
@donnauk2493 3 ай бұрын
I used to have 5 now I have 1 but I love that one I am in the middle of setting up number 2 but the one I'm setting up is the biggest tank I'll ever have at 100 g but before this my biggest has been a 35g 😊
@heaven7360 3 ай бұрын
i am burning out as 3 of my tanks have gone rogue with algae and it's causing extra work..plug maintaining the tanks that are doing ok....for now. So sometimes I wish I had half the tanks I have .. or even less because it's becoming too much work. I have had the fish for so long I really don't feel I can just give them away..I consider them pets. So when they pass on I'm not replacing the tanks. I guess all will work out.
@galejohnson8086 3 ай бұрын
I would love one 75 gal with Congo tetras. End of story. I am 73 so gotta be real here. For now my 12 gal long will have to do
@shericoleman7756 2 ай бұрын
I restarted this hobby at 62. Started with a 3 gallon, next was 10, next 20, neeeeext- 55 ( my dream) then a 10 gallon quarantine and a 5 for my baby girl betta. I am the happiest I have been in a very long time.
@BardstaleGoldens 3 ай бұрын
I just downsized from 6 tanks to 2…one 75 and one 5. Honestly, it was a relief. It wasn’t that it wasn’t fun anymore but I felt it was taking over all my space.
@jedeo299 3 ай бұрын
My max is 3 planted tanks. Anymore and the maintenance is too much
@wayneboyd4372 3 ай бұрын
I know not everyone has the luxury to do what I did, but I had several tanks prior to having kids, ranging from big to small. It was manageable and fun. But when I had kids, appreciating my situation was different and I didn't have another set of hands to help parent babies, I sold my fish and tanks. As the kids are now older and teenagers, I have been buying tanks again and building the numbers back up. I've had almost all types of fish (except monster fish) so I'm giving more thought to which ones I want to bring back knowing what I know now. I am also focused on single species tanks now and loving it - I'm happy to be back. When I retire, I will have even more time and even more tanks :) But as I get older, I know there will come a time again when I will need to sell the tanks and fish again, when my body will stop working properly. Of course, and again, not everyone can do this, I will likely hire someone to maintain my tanks before that happens... or hope that my future grandchildren will love the hobby as much as I do and help out. I think it's normal for many to go through ebbs and flows depending on what our life circumstance brings. Great topic.
@scottcahala7779 3 ай бұрын
When I was in high school. I ran a fish room of 150 tanks. Then had to stop raising fish. Know my son is 28. The fish room is back up and running. 15 tanks is it. I have the neke 12 40 breeders all set up just need water. But I don't have time. Good luck to you.
@jerrygoebel9152 3 ай бұрын
My partner surprised me last night by looking at an empty space in our living room and saying she'd like a tank with bristlenose plecos. That would be tank number five in a little over 2.5 years. I've been in the hobby on and off for 50 years, she had no interest until I got back into it about three years ago. I think I've created a monster. A good monster.
@rootsnwhiskers8351 3 ай бұрын
That's awesome 🙂 Love that Ann's involved.
@swivvle1185 3 ай бұрын
My partner asked for a betta and I still can't believe it as there has only been indifference to the aquarium thing. She doesn't want to do any maintenance of the tank, she just wants a betta by her desk which I said is fine as I'm just glad she is showing some interest 😂 just waiting on a friend dropping off a tank they don't want anymore
@Wintersdark 3 ай бұрын
And yeah: you get the tanks all looking meh, all needing a little work, so when you try to enjoy them you look at them and just see all the work you need to do. Its the opposite of relaxing.
@Koip119 3 ай бұрын
Most Tanks: 10 Current: 3 (40/30/10) Reality Ideal: 1-3 Desire Ideal: 3-5 Love every podcast! Thank you!
@Wintersdark 3 ай бұрын
I feel this in my soul. I want more tanks than I have, but reality intrudes; I simply don't have the time to manage more and I start falling behind then dreading maintenance. Maximum: 8 (75, 40, 29, 29, 20, 15, 10, 8) Current Target: 4 (got a new 75, condensing a 10, 15, 29 and 40 into that 75) I'm targeting 4, but my wife manages one (upstairs 29g), so I'll end up with 3 to deal with - 75g, 40g, 8g. And that's a limit for me to be able to actually manage. I was even running 5 of them off one sump, so I could simplify water changes, but there's still so much more. Maybe algae in one tank, an issue with fish in another, maybe a hydra outbreak elsewhere... I work 12hr shifts, I have a wife and two kids, it's just too much.
@Junkbox_Aquatics 3 ай бұрын
my idea of the perfect number of aquariums…So I’m gonna answer this question as short as I can first of all I am admitting hear that self-care has become my second job. My main job I do mostly work from home except for a small number of clients. I see in person at my downtown office. I run my own mental health practices.. and then my second job is my hobby. Honestly, working from home has given me the benefit of throwing in an hour here an hour there to do some maintenance or moving things around as I’m always doing… I honestly cannot tell you how much time I put into the “ Hobby” but yes, second job… I’m trying to keep it as self-care and from becoming a burden it is a constant balance. As far as making money at it, that will probably not happen but I am playing the long game… I have gotten a little bougie. I bought really expensive racks to put my fish tanks on so when you sell a Molly to your local fish store and the fish tank is sitting on top of one of those really expensive Costco racks….. then, of course, for growing plants, CO2 high-quality lights, blah blah blah….. I compare The fish hobby to playing golf, but this is more ethical… of course you don’t have to buy expensive fancy stuff. What I have is around 25 tanks some of them are live food cultures like whatever type of water bugs, Infusoria, Daphne and so forth but here is the thing that anybody who is getting into this hobby needs to understand every single thing that you put water in does need to be maintained even live food cultures need to be treated just like fish tanks… most of my fishtanks are 10 gallons or 20 gallons I do have 2, 75 gallon tanks 1, 40 gallon breeder and 3, 40 gallon tall. Some of my food cultures are in 3 gallon jars. I have the breeding tanks and the grow out tanks and then I have some tanks that are kind of designed For small fish and also growing my plants for profit so I can take the plant right out of the tank and straight to the fish store… when you think to yourself oh God I have to do a water change, I’ll just do it tomorrow and tomorrow never happens. That’s when you have too many tanks. I think the only way to answer this question, how many tanks is too many is a question for your personality your character type? Some people are really good with maintaining a whole lot of fish tanks Of course, some people also have obsessive compulsive personality disorder, so that’s kind of my answer… find what works for you and do more of that. OK I kind of went way out there on this but this is something I’m struggling with right now. Yay for me. I love you guys shows. I’m kind of new to all of this. I’ve only been in the Fish hobby at the breeding level for about three years, but as I mentioned before, this is my self-care and my actual job that pays the bills is working in suicide prevention, crisis management you guys know last five years have been tough everybody out there take care of yourself take care of each other…..
@curtiscrump7153 3 ай бұрын
For the right number of tanks is 4. Enough to have some differences yet not spend all my free time on them. I do have "smaller" tanks, 2 x 10 g, 1 x 20g long, 1 x 29g. This is due to the room I have and supporting structure that has helped me keep them to this level. I am not planning to be a 1000 tank person, the amount of work is staggering. Rather I see myself retiring a tank if i want a bigger one. For example if I get a 125 for an Oscar, I might retire the 10 gallons (keep them ready for hospital and quarantine). Like mentioned it is not always the number of tanks but the size and work needed to maintain them. I would rather have a smaller number of better looking tanks, which I am still working on, vs 30+ meh tanks. Right now I spent a couple of hours a week on maintenance with the time saving tools I have.
@legionaquatics 3 ай бұрын
I have 4 tanks, 1, 65g cichlid tank and 3, planted 10g tanks. Currently it’s too much for me, my plants in the tanks aren’t doing as well as I’d hope and I’m getting some algae. So I’m currently taking down the 3, 10 gallons and replacing them with a rimless 60p tank. So I’ll just have 2 tanks, 1 planted tank and 1 cichlid tank. This way I will have plenty of time to make them both look really good all the time and it won’t feel like a part time job to take care of them. If I ever do get a third tank it would just be a shrimp breeding tank and that type of tank is such little maintenance it wouldn’t add much work at all.
@jerrygoebel9152 3 ай бұрын
Off topic, but the two of you should put your heads together and come up with a product that will retrofit devices (like heaters, for example) that mount with suction cups and replace them with magnets. Maybe get Jay Wilson and Sicce involved; Sicce magnet mounts are the best!
@Ty_Miller 3 ай бұрын
I’ve had over 20 but then the fishroom became my daughter’s room when she was born. If i had the space I’d have that many or more again. My fish room was very minimalist bare bottom with potted plants strictly for breeding. My “show” tanks were in the living room and master bedroom. Right now I’m down to 8 plus some ponds.
@Wintersdark 3 ай бұрын
Strong agree on more tanks = less special per tank. I had 5 shrimp'n'nano fish tanks (and 8 total tanks). I could never really spend much time with any specifc tank anymore. Im in the process of collapsing those 5 into 1 large 75g nano tank, so i can spend 5x the time on each of those animals.
@Ravelle_ 3 ай бұрын
I upgraded in size from a 110L in to a 260L a while ago and because of the low resell value of used aquariums I might as well keep it and use it haha, and now i have a third one just for Shrimps.
Max 12, Current 4, Ideal 2 for me at least. I think that 2 tanks with one having aqua-soil and 1 having sand would be a good way to experience the most range in the hobby whilst minimizing tank number.
@Whips_World 3 ай бұрын
I have 9 full time aquariums ranging from 210 gallons to 35 gallons, plus two smaller quarantine/hospital tanks. That's all I have time for. That's all I have. That's all I'll have moving forward. I already spend Wednesday nights and all day either Saturday or Sunday in the fish den pulling maintenance duty. I certainly don't want to change that OR to an AND.
@Brackish_Babe 3 ай бұрын
I can't imagine if my husband was into fish tanks too! my house would just turned into a fish tank. I can see the benefit of having someone keep you in check I currently have four although I don't count one of them because it's scuds and culled shrimp.
@ashenwalls3558 3 ай бұрын
I'm someone who would absolutely get carried away if I could. I love the excitement of the new setup, new fish, new ideas about how to set up! But it's just not reasonable for me and my lifestyle to have more than one or two. The style also matters. A white knuckle grip kind of tank will fail if I get overwhelmed and don't take the exact steps it needs. My dirted planted low tech tank is so much more stable than the ones I had in the past.
@galejohnson8086 3 ай бұрын
Hobbies can morph into a deep hole if not kept in check. You guys are being honest!
@dax8753 3 ай бұрын
I have the old house issue too , I have 4 nano tanks its probably where I will stay
@tree.65 3 ай бұрын
I really enjoy this podcast with two of my favorite fishkeepers! I had up to six planted nano aquariums of betta fish with a snail or neon tetras. That was a lot to keep up with. Now I just have a 10 and a 40B. This is a good number for me to enjoy a few tiny fish and shrimps.
@DirkDeadeye_ 3 ай бұрын
You got cat people, and you got cory cat people. :x
@curtiscrump7153 3 ай бұрын
Why not both? 😄
@Snailyandwhaley 3 ай бұрын
Learning lots of future lessons with these podcasts! Just one tank for me. A humble 29gallon. And thats enough for where my life is at. Thanks John & Jason for your honesty.
@michelle8898 3 ай бұрын
Amazingly honest and real tank talk and couldn't have come at a better time. Thanks guys❤
@FreshandSaltyFishLady 3 ай бұрын
I have to admit I went a little crazy with my collection. I currently have 12 Freshwater aquariums in my home ranging from 40g to 1.5g and one Saltwater 50g with a 25g sump. I also have one 5g freshwater at work. I am taking a new job with my company that will allow me to work from home. My plan is to reconfigure my fish room back to an office as I will need it to function as one lol. I am planning a new Saltwater tank but will cut my Freshwater tanks down to 5 so a total of 7 with a 20 in storage for emergencies. That's the plan anyway!
@dennisvanopstal7360 3 ай бұрын
This shouldnt take an hour. The answer is simple. As long as you can afford it, your animals are healthy and happy its good. But the wife has the final say
@sewerrat7612 3 ай бұрын
Got to get her in the hobby hard for them to say no if there in it to.
@tyler9mm614 3 ай бұрын
I'll pack orders and do aquarium maintenance 🙋🏻‍♂️lol
@Lumpydog 3 ай бұрын
I’ve got 16 aquariums and/or indoor ponds. That number allows me to keep most of what I want too. Weekend maintenance of a couple hours. All tanks are heavily planted and don’t require frequent water changes. Breeding projects are limited as I struggle to move fish and run out of space.
@marielaavila9182 4 күн бұрын
For me 2 is perfect. Find the types of fish you want to keep. The ones you won't and haven't ever gotten bored of. Im happy with just my 55 gallon with fancy goldfish. But I could see myself adding one more tank of them. Maybe a 75 or another 55 gallon. That's it.
@lisastanked 3 ай бұрын
I caught an aqua-scaping bug, and it led to 10 very cool tanks that, ultimately, I could not maintain. I scaled back to three (125,60B,20L), and they are gorgeous! It is definitely my sweet spot. But having all those other tanks taught me a lot, and the three that I have now are so much better for it. Quoting another fishtuber, "It's a fluid situation." 😊 If you aren't loving what you are doing, make some changes. There is no shame in that!
@evilone543 3 ай бұрын
This one is tough for me. I’ve gone from 11 to 6. Some of those started getting bigger, too. One of the bigger tanks will be replaced with a much smaller one next weekend.
@ShamuAquatics 3 ай бұрын
I don’t have MTS. I have OBATS (One Big A$$ Tank Syndrome) with my 8 foot 240 gallon. My future plans will be to just have 3 or 4 large tanks 125 gallons or bigger, rather than dozens of small tanks. I want this hobby to stay a hobby, rather than become a job lol
@MichellePlatter 20 күн бұрын
Not sure where to ask a question...I listen to both of you about a year now and both of your wives as well. Maybe a question for Lisa, but with both your experience all opinions are necessary! I just start having houseplants and having aquariums in the last year plus. (Been many years from previous aquariums) Is it "normal" to be expected to have gnats/ some type of gnats all over the house, since having tanks and houseplants???!!! I'm easily bothered by any bugs, Flys etc. I have put up adhesive/Raid trap/clear films on top of window glass and try to not allow any houseplants to have standing water. I have lids on 2-55 gallon tanks, a 29 gallon tank and a 10 gallon tank. No smelly or dirty lack of maintenance in any of the tanks either. Am I being super sensitive to noticing these gnats or do I have some sort of problem I need to dig deeper into? HELP???
@blasterjr5424 2 ай бұрын
I currently have 6. 75, 40B, 37T, 10, Flex 9. I am planning on adding 3 more 10s shortly and saving up for a dream 180. Oh I also have a 40 gallon patio pond.
@sylvie4345 3 ай бұрын
I went from 5 to only 1 tank and I'm now thinking about adding a second one because I really miss having a betta in my life... By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN!🎂🎊
@Joshym93 3 ай бұрын
Having two Marine tanks is a lot of work but I wouldn’t have it any other way ❤️
@Monkey_pops_balloons 3 ай бұрын
Ive got 5tanks. Geckos and aquariums. I completely agree with John. Ive got five and in slipping a little😅. With work and school, 5 is enough for me. Im probably gonna downsize to 3 and get my 75gallon planted. Any stocking suggestions? Ph is around 8. I need to buy another test kit.
@joeprovenzano4362 3 ай бұрын
After watching all you guys I started off with delusions of grandeur and was immediately going to be a KZbin fish selling beast so 36 20g tanks I started with. I’m down to 11. two 125’s. Three 75’s , four 40’s three 20’s. So 13 because 2 are In my bedroom. And no sign of selling fish or KZbin success
@stevecox8066 2 ай бұрын
MTS can be a bear to deal with as it is very real indeed. The two factors I see in deciding when enough is enough is water change method and placement of tanks. I don't have racks with auto change plumbing. Still using buckets and siphon since that's what I've done since '83 and it works well for me. The second is placement. I recently had two tanks that were on the bottom shelf of a larger tank stand. They fit perfectly and looked very cool, but I found I never watched those tanks and I absolutely hated cleaning them. I got rid of those two and I'm much happier without them. The five tanks I currently have now are at a normal height (no bending, no climbing) and doing maintenance is a breeze - so no dread on cleaning day 😀 Sometimes scaling back is the right thing and brings more enjoyment than adding more.
@edraffile6505 3 ай бұрын
I may be the oddball here. I've had only one tank ,40 gallon, for 20 years. Mostly because of my living situation and work. Several years ago I finally bought and set up a 55 gallon. Don't get me wrong if I had the space I would have more . I have always loved this hobby. Having aquariums is like having living art in my house. It's some hard work but we'll worth it. I love this hobby.
@andrewwhittaker2908 3 ай бұрын
Im happy sitting at 9 tanks. Only 5 are "SHOW" tanks. The other 4 are matennence tanks quarantine, nursery, and grow out tanks. My show tanks are 4 large tanks and my daughters betta tank.
@ZenCoryCat 3 ай бұрын
Interesting chat! I'm a 55 yo woman. I got my first fish tank last November. It is a 20 gallon. My first fish were panda corydoras. I love the little fish. I just set up my 2nd tank- a 24-gallon tank. I also have a plastic tote for my plants. I want to breed my corydoras so I think I will probably get another tank in the future. I have some killifish I'd like to breed as well. I feel like I'm too old for this, but I'm doing it anyway. I love my fish and so far I'm giving them a good life. I recently started hatching bbs for them. It's so fun to watch them hunt.
@Scaperoot79 3 ай бұрын
MD's fish room/studio is the most impressive I've seen. Second would be Adrian's fish room in Australia.
@kenjohnson2900 3 ай бұрын
Great information as always! Last week you were the number one fish podcast in the universe. Now you are back down to only being number one in the world. What happened and how will you get back to being number one in the universe? :)
@sewerrat7612 3 ай бұрын
Had 60 or so when younger currently at 14 and couple outside. Personally think you need more tanks just to get a feel for the hobby with how many species types of Breeding. Need at least 3 just to breed basic fish properly. Been in hobby almost 28 years thiers still alot of fish i haven't been able to trt. I think the only restriction would be your housing. Once your able to keep stable tanks it doesn't take long for maintenance at about an hour a week currently. Unless keeping highly aquascaped tanks seems the more fancy plants you have less stable an aquarium can be.
@marianneh6763 3 ай бұрын
So recognisable! 4 Tanks at the moment, all planted, 240 liter, 40 liter cube, 40 liter shallow and a 80l tall. The 240 and the shallow are running on auto pilot, only waterchanges and trimming needed. No algae or other issues. Two others are getting there. I would like to add 1 more after those two are running smoothly, that will be my max on time and space. Right now the maintenance is mostly fun especially trimming, scaping etc. More tanks would make that harder, thankfully there is no way to jam more than 5 tanks in my living room lol. For me tanks that are in a seperate room take away the enjoyment, I love looking at beautiful fish rooms here and other channels but for me that results in neglect of those tanks. All my tanks are visible from the couch and I can just tinker with them when I feel like it and enjoy them all other times.
@markbaumgardt2868 Ай бұрын
I've got a custom 150 gallon hap tank and a 75 gallon Discus tank working a big shift to me it's all I want
@terriratcliffe2388 3 ай бұрын
You guys need to do a podcast on top 20 mini aquarium Titans were you guys can discuss good monster fish alternatives that don't get as big. Love the channels by the way keep it up. ❤🎉
@joeprovenzano4362 3 ай бұрын
FRAUDS!!! You mean you actually are human like us ???? lol. Love you guys
@bookmouse2719 Ай бұрын
I have 5 aquariums....the largest is about 50 liters and that's as big as it will get. I also have 3 cats. 👀
@tedriggs1513 3 ай бұрын
When I was with my dad it was 13 total tanks. I have four currently with room for one more. I am limited by space so that might be the best thing to keep me from going overboard. Love the podcast.
@floodcityfishkeeper8365 3 ай бұрын
John you forgot MD Fish Tanks channel. Tons of beautiful tanks, and he was part of your original tank talk idea.
@solowmk3 3 ай бұрын
Love this podcast! I have one 240 gal two 75b gal a 55 gal and two ten gallons and ive had them for the last 5 years. Any more than that i wouldnt be able to enjoy them with my kids.
@Laserloungemaker 2 ай бұрын
John, I remember from your old store you mentioned after it closed you wished you had hired help earlier. Are you not in that same place now? Should you hire now to avoid the same issues and frustrations that you experienced from the store?
@hellrazor2050 3 ай бұрын
Planted aquariums would be a good one to do . I love them because done right they can lower your maintenance schedule . If you have cichlids, goldfish etc then it is not going to happen . If you are new to the hobby and just have a few nano fish could be a way to go . (This does not absolve you of maintenance learn your tank and when you need to vac or do a water change )
@joaocorreia792 3 ай бұрын
MD fish tanks and Serpa Design are clearly two superhumans aswell.
@galejohnson8086 3 ай бұрын
Dean is meticulous. He is bothered if there is a spot on the glass. Love watching him
@GodFirstGreatGod 3 ай бұрын
I’m starting my second tank, a 75 gallon aquascaped one.
@MeanOldLady 3 ай бұрын
I've got 3 now & want to add 1 more & stop. 1's a betta tank & the other 2 are just random project tanks. But my dream project would be one of those 3 tiered lobster tanks turned into a vivarium/aquarium combo.
@darthplagueis3400 3 ай бұрын
The quantity probably also depends on type of fish and setup natural lots of plants vs no plants.
@darthplagueis3400 3 ай бұрын
Whenever I clean my tanks my 6 month old cat always offers to help
@Lonewolfblue66 29 күн бұрын
I was up to 15 at one time, but got burned out. Down to 3 and going good.
@wayneabel5421 2 ай бұрын
8 tanks too much but 22 tanks 2 x 10 tank systems and 2 x stand alones .....system is as easy as a stand alone tank to maintain
@Cnature2 3 ай бұрын
Very good tank talk and timely for me. Thank you.
@MFTAQ 3 ай бұрын
I am at 4 aquariums and think that is perfect for me.
@sydefect Ай бұрын
The most is 17scaled back to 8
@daniellesomerville3018 3 ай бұрын
I'm up to 9 tanks now and I'd like to get down to 5 or 6.
@AgxntAqua 3 ай бұрын
I started in the hobby about 6 months ago or so, since then I only have two tanks. I have plans to setup a betta tank for my SO and a living room tank for my mom. I just hope they don’t expect me to do all the maintenance for them. The whole point of it for me is to teach my family about the hobby so they can enjoy every aspect of it. I want them to understand that it’s not just a decoration.
@FinnegansFish 3 ай бұрын
I'm a 45 year old fishkeeper, 18 tanks of fish, 1 dart frog vivarium, and 1 vampire crab paludarium. My kids are grown, and I work 4 10's. My spare time is my own. However, if my situation changed in any drastic way, I would have to reevaluate the number of enclosures I look after.
@robertwayman7974 3 ай бұрын
I'm at 5 tanks, one 75, two 10, and two 5.
@byz513 3 ай бұрын
@TheRavenBlack1-cw1sr 3 ай бұрын
@reginaphalanges7331 3 ай бұрын
You're the reason why I don't hate Mondays!😅
@maxkat1749 3 ай бұрын
I adore that 50-gallon low-boy just behind Jason's head. gets my attention every time. I would no douibt have "too many" aquariums if I could create stuff like that
@jordynjones855 3 ай бұрын
I was just looking at my full 4x2x6 rack 5 full shelves and two 60 gallon tall aquarium’s on either side. I think it’s perfect for now.
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