AMERICAN REACTS To IPNtv: The Unconquered 🇵🇱

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This is my reaction To IPNtv: The Unconquered 🇵🇱
ASIAN REACTS To IPNtv: The Unconquered 🇵🇱
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@WheresWes Ай бұрын
Like the video if you enjoyed! What should I watch next? Connect with me: Listen to my music: Contact me: Whatsapp: +57 324 243 6205 Set up a 1 on 1 consultation with me: Please consider donating to support the channel! Venmo: @Wesleezy Paypal: Patreon: If you want access to my unfiltered deleted videos, consider subscribing to my Patreon! You'll get access to a lot of my older deleted videos plus be able to contact me and ask me questions.
@janrudnicki6111 Ай бұрын
A documentary film about the Ukrainian genocide against Poles entitled "Neighbors" will soon be available on disk.
@janrudnicki6111 Ай бұрын
Will be available in English.
@janrudnicki6111 Ай бұрын
Polish title Sasiedzi.
@PrimaRipper Ай бұрын
Kraków was meant to share the fate of Warsaw (so mass uprising and demolition), but at the very last moment the chief of the Cracovian AK unit decided not to fight, because there was no real chance of winning. It's a very sensitive topic as some Poles think of that as a brave move, some see this is a cowardice.
@piekielnyantoniusz Ай бұрын
Battle for Poland - Animated |Countryballs| (1939-40) I don't expect anything to happen, but it would be nice if you could see this work, which always takes your breath away and even brings tears to your eyes. . .at least in my opinion
@paulinarapicka Ай бұрын
There is also an english version narrated by Sean Bean ;)
@Cezarygon Ай бұрын
And is much better.
@WheresWes Ай бұрын
I had no idea there were two versions
@NoctiVagusHD Ай бұрын
@@WheresWes I had no idea there is Polish version up to today XD
@magdalenas.zawadzka7661 Ай бұрын
@@WheresWesoch version with Sean Bean is SOOOOO MUUUUCH BETTER ❤❤❤and powerfull❤️‍🔥
@exbboi Ай бұрын
You as a foreigner should have watched english version for better understanding. Automatic captions usually sucks.
@artlove7575 Ай бұрын
Many people will say Poles are racist because of not wanting illegal migrants. When you look throughout our history, we had a lot of different minorities. Tadeusz Kościuszko was the 1st white person to actually ask American president to forbid slavery in USA - its a great story I would recommend to learn about Tadeusz. We helped free Haiti from slavery as we rebeled against Napoleon. We helped jews in WW2 even though it ment to be killed most of the time. We never took land by force making them our colonies as other EU countries (we took Madagaskar without fight but returned later on). Actually from this movie you can learn we were slaves not even a 100 years ago, yet we do not brag about it so most of the people think that modern slavery was mostly in USA enforced on black people. When your stabbed in your back as a country so many times by so called friends, you no longer have a shoulder to cry on. That's why we do not complain, and we do not show much emotions until we get to know someone better.
@Telashar Ай бұрын
Its incredible how many black americans are going nuts about their slave history, while none of them experienced it, while survivors of gulags and nazi camps in Poland still live to this day. You can go to hospitals and see privilaged queues for those survivors, and yet so many people believe racism and slavery towards white people simply never existed.
@filippwk8228 Ай бұрын
dobrze to ujales
@PrimaRipper Ай бұрын
Some poeple say that, but we, Poles, should stop listening to them. We are not racist, we have never been, we just require basic level of respect to our traditions in our country. That's all.
@josumipl5476 Ай бұрын
@@PrimaRipper Yup, if you act as decent human person and show respect you will get respect in return, doesn't really matter how you look like, or where are you from. :p
@walterweiss7124 Ай бұрын
Beniowski, king of Madagascar ;) Slowacki's epic poem
@macfrik12345 Ай бұрын
Every time I watched it, I shed a tear, not out of sadness, but because I am proud of my country, of my beloved Poland.
@Blacha-PL Ай бұрын
mam tak samo
@robbob007 28 күн бұрын
Czuje to samo
@fifipmi 16 күн бұрын
mam tak samo, szczególnie teraz gdy rozkradają Polskę za którą została przelana krew
@robbob007 16 күн бұрын
@@fifipmi ostatnich 8lat spałeś?
@robbob007 16 күн бұрын
@@fifipmi 🤣🤣🤣 teraz rozkradają? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@missAlice1990 Ай бұрын
Every Polish person has an ancestor who was killed, imprisoned or tortured in the war. But not every story is absolutely horrible. My grandma was born during the war, in 1941. She was a very cute and beautiful baby and there was this German soldier who visited the family regularly and he was so in love with that baby. Maybe she reminded him of his own daughter, I don't know. But every time he visited he brought a gift for my grandma, an orange or some chocolate or candies. My grandpa, though, was almost killed for literally no reason. He was 7 or 8 at that time and he was walking down the road, to a store, I think, when he saw two German officers coming towards him with a large dog on a leash. He crossed the road to the other side, to avoid them but they did the same, on purpose, apparently. When they were close to my grandpa, they unleashed the dog and told the dog to attack the boy. Then they watched while their dog was mauling that little boy who was screaming for help. But no one came. Then they called the dog off and left my grandpa on the road. He literally crawled back home. He couldn't get out of bed for weeks (no hospital or painkillers, of course) but he recovered eventually. This is the kind of people most N*zis were, they did things like that for fun. I wondered how it was possible for a human being to behave like that. I get one psychopath, or a few, but so many people in the whole nation? And I figured it was due to dehumanization. Jews, Poles weren't humans in their eyes, and "deserved" everything that was done to them. That's why I'm so concerned with the political division in the world. I constantly hear that dehumanizing rhetoric, I can see the hatred, so many people convinced that the other side is the embodiment of absolute evil. Dehumanization is the most dangerous weapon in a political battle, because when we stop seeing humanity in another human being, there's nothing to stop us from hurting them when it could benefit us. Except law, of course, but sometimes it isn't enough. And laws do change.
@Marszo- 26 күн бұрын
@Slytherins-jg8gj 22 күн бұрын
niektórzy mówią że Polacy to rasiści.... nie, może pojedyncze przypadki. Historia Polski to głównie współpraca wielokulturowa bez rasizmu i niewolnictwa. Najgorsze jednak teraz jest że wielu Żydów mówi że Auschwitz i wiele innych obozów były polskie a nie że znajdowały się na terytorium danego kraju. W podręcznikach do historii we Francji i w Niemczech tak są opisywane aby wymazać czyny Niemców. Nawet nie wolno mówić że Niemcy zabijali podczas 2 wojny światowej tylko że byli to naziści (tak jakby był to odrębny naród a tak naprawdę to jest zrzucanie swojej winy na innych ). Wszystkie kraje od czasu do czasu wychwalają Polaków by za chwile ich upokarzać. Anglia wielu Polaków tam walczyło a parę lat temu wielce oburzeni że Polska powinna zapłacić Wielkiej Brytanii pieniądze za pożyczenie samolotów i broni w celu ratowania Anglii gdy byli atakowani przez Niemców. Żydzi cały czas drą mordę że Polacy ich zabijali potem biorą jakąś książkę i czytają i no wiecie sorry pomyłka. Żydzi do dziś kradną w Polsce ziemie i wyrażają oburzenie że kiedyś niektórzy Żydzi mieszkali w Warszawie i należy im to oddać . Nie zmienia to faktu że Warszawa została zniszczona i nic tam nie było a Polacy musieli harować aby odbudować stolicę. Żydzi nie dali żadnych pieniędzy a karzą oddać za darmo coś co od lat nie istnieje. Polacy płacą i utrzymują Żydowski cmentarz a oni? Polskie cmentarze za granicą mamy sami sobie opłacać. Auschwitz obóz zakłady Polaków (żydów był inny) ale Żydzi zrobili sobie z tego miejsca symbol gdzie im przysługują prawa a Polakom nie. Nie wolno wnosić Polskiej flagi i innych, tylko żydowska flaga i ich symbole. Najlepsze to że wielu Żydów mordowało swoich braci i ich rodziny są teraz bardzo bogate ale o tym nie wolno mówić. A jest sytuacja też taka sytuacja że kraje sąsiadujące okradały Polskę ale mówią że Polacy to złodzieje. W Niemczech dalej znajdują się dzieła kultury których nie możemy odebrać bo jakiś Niemiec morderca ( żołnierz nazistowski) ukradł z Polski jakieś kosztowności, obrazy i tak dalej i przekazał na dziecko a to dziecko na swoje dziecko. Według prawa Niemieckiego nie wolno nam ich zabrać bo należą do nich nawet jeśli zostały skradzione siłą.
@Flypy.17 9 күн бұрын
"Bo my nie błagamy o wolność, my o nią walczymy"
@Szafran_Polska 3 күн бұрын
@Sezam3k 2 күн бұрын
No ta, walczymy.. nie trzeba byłoby walczyć gdyby ten z natury głupi naród uczył się nie błędach, ale nieeee, my wolimy epicko umierać i poświęcać się dla zajebistych historyjek i opowieści. Coś czuję, że historia zatoczy koło i znowu dostaniemy w d*pe, z powodu polityki oczywiście. Otóż prawda, jednoczymy się w kryzysie, ale gdyby pomyśleć i zjednoczyć się wcześniej to żadnego kryzysu by nie było, mówię tu o wiecznej wojnie PiS/Po, dwie partie rozwalające ten kraj od wielu lat, wybierane za każdym razem, bo "przecież nie ma innej opcji, trzeba wybrać gorsze zło". Gdyby powstańcy warszawscy albo ktokolwiek inny walczący o ten kraj podczas II wś zobaczył jak to teraz wygląda, to zakładam, że pożałowałby swojego poświęcenia. A teraz cieszmy się naszą "wolnością" i "niezależnością" od innych krajów (UE, czyt. Niemcy) 😃
@MsGtr 2 күн бұрын
​​@@Sezam3kotóż wyobraź sobie że ten głupi naród przetrwał 123 lata rozbiorów gdzie traktowali nas jak kolonie 2 wojny światowe i 45 lat miłości bratniego narodu radzieckiego bo WALCZYŁ. Taki los , tak nam pechowo się wylądowało na mapie świata . Nikt nikogo nie trzyma na siłę , możesz wyjechać, nie obrażaj przodków. A pisiopopki przeminą jak braknie ich generalissimusów którzy trzymają w kupie ta zbieraninę. Wierz mi chodzę trochę po tym świecie i nie takie rzeczy przeżyłem ( jakbyś komuś w 88 zapowiedział że ZSRR się rozleci jak domek z kart to by cię do psychiatry wysłali )
@Laleczka3000 20 күн бұрын
Poland is a wonderful country, Poles are loyal and devoted, always! Never want us as your enemy, only as your friend. When in Poland, be sure to visit the museum in Oświęcim to see with your own eyes what the Germans did to us during World War II -> you will cry a long time. We remember! We are proud to be Poles! Best regards
@adrianooooo8978 Ай бұрын
Warsaw was almost one hundred percent destroyed after the war
@SthNothingEverything Ай бұрын
Podobno 85% Warszawy zostało zburzone. Na 24 500 budynków 17 500 bezpowrotnie. 😥😕 W samym rynku Warszawy zachowały się 3 czy 4 kamienice - tylko dlatego, że Niemcy nie zdążyli ich zniszczyć...
@Marszo- 26 күн бұрын
@@SthNothingEverything ty jesteś głupi? po angielku pisz
@SthNothingEverything 25 күн бұрын
@@Marszo- po 'angielku' nie umiem akurat pisać 🤭😅
@Marszo- 24 күн бұрын
@@SthNothingEverything to sie naucz ja mam 12 la a mój english is perfect
@SthNothingEverything 22 күн бұрын
@@Marszo- a ja nie mam 12 'la' i my English it's not perfect
@demolek22 Ай бұрын
Kraków is also special because it was a capital city for hubdreds of years. I love when foreighners react to this video. There is always this spark in their eyes which make me proud to be Polish. And this video is very well made.
@SickJoke93 29 күн бұрын
Yeah, We love You too brother. You're very kind and respectful, and You're not an ignorant like most Americans. Great to have you here 🫡
@michadybczak4862 Ай бұрын
Judging based on old photos or even films, Warsaw had monumental roman style buildings, so it would be similar to Vienna or maybe Paris, or Budapest.
@veles_pl Ай бұрын
Second part please! "The Unconquered: Trying Times". It is actually about the time between World Wars and how Poland was uniting a country after 123 years of subjugation.
@RepublicOfPolandOfficial 23 күн бұрын
@WheresWes Definitely you should watch them! :)
@aratros1484 Ай бұрын
The actual borders of Poland were established in 1945 at the Poczdamie and Jałcie conferences. The shape of the post-war borders was decided by the three victorious powers: the United States, the Soviet Union and Great Britain. Poland could not decide on the shape of its post-war borders.
@janrudnicki6111 Ай бұрын
The Recovered Territories were leased to Poland until a peace treaty was signed between Poland and Germany, and Germany did not sign any peace treaty with any Ally.
@JanKowalski-cq6sg 13 күн бұрын
@@janrudnicki6111 Sprzeczność aż w oczy kole, kto nazwał ziemie wydzierżawione ODZYSKANYMI !?.
@JanKowalski-cq6sg 13 күн бұрын
@@janrudnicki6111 Sprzeczność aż w oczy kole, kto nazwał ziemie wydzierżawione ODZYSKANYMI !?.
@ElCaprio. Күн бұрын
as a Polish guy im very happy that u were smiling so much and u were hyped when watching this! God Bless u and America
@sr.AnnaOnline 28 күн бұрын
2:34 this woman it was Irena Sendlerova, she saved 21.000 Jews children
@Holyyghost 35 минут бұрын
if she only knew...
@kingamatuszek6909 Ай бұрын
Polityka zawsze okazuje się ważniejsza, niż ludzkie życie...
@benchmarki_kAMYK 18 күн бұрын
@ArstonI 15 күн бұрын
Tylko nie dla nas, Polaków. Nie raz wychodziliśmy stratnie na pomocy.
@texakarna Ай бұрын
You should watch it in English with Sean Bean narration :)
@walterweiss7124 Ай бұрын
Boromir, sounds so slavic :)
@anthaer Ай бұрын
You should check the story of Corporal Wojtek, if You didn't.
@mikoajczechowski9315 Ай бұрын
I would love him to react to this story ❤
@trudaubidu9875 6 күн бұрын
Thank you for the honesty of your comments. I appreciate your contribution to explain Poland to other English speaking audience. With all my best wishes
@szumaker Ай бұрын
what? no Sean Bean voice ?
@aleksandracomolaola Ай бұрын
there was 35 M ppl pre ww2 and 23M after
@JanKowalski-cq6sg 13 күн бұрын
Zginęło nas znacznie wiecej, trzeba doliczyć jeszcze Polaków którzy zginęli poza bezpośrednimi granicami kraju, jak i później na skutek tejże wojny !!. Pozatym Polacy Żydzi powinni być zaliczani do ofiar po naszej stronie, nie żydowskiej !.
@aleksandracomolaola 12 күн бұрын
@@JanKowalski-cq6sg W mojej liczbie sa wszyscy, polegli katolicy i zydzi, sybiracy itp. Po wojnie w kraju zywych nas zostalo 22-23 mln. Jak najbardziej zaliczam zydow jako naszych, wyroznienie liczby zmarlych polskich zydow ma na celu pokazanie ze ponad 50% ofiar holocaustu to nasi. Pozdrawiam
@cnbysk 18 күн бұрын
Chwała Bohaterom.
@wiolettajankowska1183 28 күн бұрын
I watched your videos about Poland when you came here and I noticed that the longer you are here the more you like it 😁
@mat522 4 күн бұрын
Referring to the Warsaw Uprising. The insurgents knew they would probably lose the uprising, but they were already so pissed off at the Germans for being beaten to death by them for so many years that they often started the uprising with the sole thought of feeling a moment of freedom... "That's worth fighting for" Pozdrawiam
@MilesDei95 6 күн бұрын
the lector guy is the same for the Witcher 3 opening in Polish. for me i feel like crying, but i am glad you enjoy our history
@tomaszbrzeczyszczykiewicz4082 Ай бұрын
My grandfathers died fighting in ww2, this was not a game... :(
@Neji641212 Ай бұрын
I highly recommend youtube video "How Poland was wiped off the map - THE PARTITIONS OF POLAND". It has fantastic animations and explains partitions in a more detailed manner then most of the yt videos.
@margplsr3120 Ай бұрын
you are very observer and analyzer - smart remarks
@roninsmc7207 5 күн бұрын
interesting fact: British pilots during World War II said that Polish pilots did not shoot at German planes but at Germans in side planes
@TenJedenRusek Күн бұрын
"there is nothing impossible for a polish person" -a polish person
@kisielkowo Ай бұрын
It's a bit of a shame that you haven't watched the English version because it would hit you much harder thanks to Sean Bean's narration.
@ADRIAX-n7n Күн бұрын
fajnie że ktoś poza granicy się tym interesuje
@Demon10685 5 күн бұрын
my polacy jako pierwszi przejeliśmy moskwe
@lucjanrybak1050 Ай бұрын
I recommend you watch two videos: ,,Most popular Polish song from each year (backed on YT views) [1976-2023]'' by Polish Singers Chart And ,,Polish Rock Bands be like:" by Serce Europy I think both represent Polish music history and are quite entertaining to watch.
@be_ata Ай бұрын
You are ready for Geography Now: Poland 😁
@WheresWes Ай бұрын
Coming soon :)
@bip5395 Ай бұрын
If I recall correctly this one had a lot of errors and incorrect info though
@be_ata Ай бұрын
@@bip5395 not at all. It’s funny and very true
@bip5395 Ай бұрын
@@be_ata I rewatched it: yes, there are 😂 they are mostly inaccuracies, but still. One example: According to the video poles received 17 Nobel PEACE prizes.
@kolezka161 Ай бұрын
I wrote on your channel before and I have to say it once again. You can not learn about Poland's history from YT videos. The above video highlights many very good points but it doesn't explain the context and connections between them (there's no depth). Therefore your knowledge of Poland's history will be only very superficial because you won't understand the context. The best source of knowledge are history books or perhaps even wikipedia because they do explain the context. For example in the video you see an image of a fighter pilot but you do not understand why and where he is and what special significance to Poland's history he has. I will give you some homework to do. Read the biography of the Polish-American US Air Force fighter pilot ace Gabby Gabreski (on wikipedia to make it easy). From his bio make the connection to Poland's IIWW fighter pilots, what they did, and what was their significance.
@pawellewandowski2888 13 күн бұрын
"Woow" ❤
@MrMagister111 Ай бұрын
You have to watch the channel "Historia bez cenzury" and the film "Polacy - zajebisty naród!" Generally, the films from this channel are about Polish history and not only, kept in great humor and have many interesting facts. I recommend and greet you.
@dariajaruszkiewicz4126 27 күн бұрын
I'm from Poznań. I didn't know that You living in Roland. I really appreciate your reaction ❤
@barbac3742 29 күн бұрын
Krakow was saved in fact by Armia Krajowa - Home Army 🇵🇱 They managed to disarm explosives left by nazi Germans under the city when they fled before the soviet red army approached the citi . Krakow was to be blown up , so that its most precious treasures which are also the world's heritage would have been lost forever...
@ThirstyPlant-sigma 3 күн бұрын
I like my country being noticed
@barbiethingz Ай бұрын
Warsaw used to be called „ the Paris of North” bc of it’s beautiful architecture…85% of all buildings have been leveled to ground🥲
@89alcatraz89 Ай бұрын
You can treat this video as intro to grand strategy and if you want you may come to poland and be a part of its ongoing campaing to greateness ;)
@bip5395 Ай бұрын
He lives in Cracow 😂
@89alcatraz89 Ай бұрын
@@bip5395 I know, he's already in, I was saying this in general
@biao-czerwony7557 Ай бұрын
Dumny z bycia Polakiem
@100ksubs1week Ай бұрын
tak samo
@wojtekmarciniak1173 8 күн бұрын
'No greater Ally' written by Kenneth K. Koskodan - interesting book about how Poles split all over the world were in fact... 4th fighting army in WW2 despite having no official country and no official army... Today we look at Poland and sometimes people make jokes about this country (that we are poor, not well developed compared to Ger/USA etc) - before you do, please take into consideration 2 facts - 1. our War did not end in 1949 but in 1989 once communism collapsed (mostly due to Poles labour force strikes), we are in fact quite 'young'country. 2- because our western allies sold us into USSR 'protection' we were not part of Marshall plan of rebuilding Europe. What we have now we have achieved solely since 1989, while other countries had time to rebuild since 1949 + financial aid from west. Also our connection with USSR made west reluctant to make any deals with Poland even after 89 and it took many years to get us into EU. Poles are (official statistics) one of the hardest working nations in the world. Despite all of above, many people here, without understanding of geopolitical situation of the history and without full understanding of above 2 points complain that Poland, compared to western world is a village without real opportunities, but per statistics we are one of the safest places to live in the world (s3x assaults, murderers etc). Kocham Was Polacy, jesteście niesamowici i nieugięci!
@vNoxX01 26 күн бұрын
I love people who want learn history about another countries, I m from Poland and I like learn history of USA
@mrsmith2051 4 күн бұрын
“Remember, no Munich agreement.”
@szymonlisowski6600 7 күн бұрын
@PodrozezIgorem 8 күн бұрын
I ❤ Poland
@DK-zw4vv 13 күн бұрын
About the Krakow city. It's survived mostly because one of Hitler's pupil Hans Frank who was Krakow governor he was very cruel to poles but he loved antiques and history and he believed that after the second WW this city will be his.
@rafalszczepanski98 Ай бұрын
But you know there is also an English version, right?
@kotkotowicz3586 5 сағат бұрын
Kraków was also a capital city of Poland for some time
@swietytomasz9828 21 күн бұрын
Because We Do Not Beg For Freedom! We Fight For It!
@jwojczulis Ай бұрын
Pampered life breeds weakness.
@ryszardkrawczyk1225 9 күн бұрын
Thank you, it's We Poles - we don't beg for freedom...
@cecyliakrl5623 23 күн бұрын
Wanda Król to jest smutna Historia wiem bardzo dużo z Historii i od nieżyjącego dziadka i taty to straszne byłam w obozach zagłady po wojnie widok był straszny tej Wojny. pozdrawiam z Poland dziękuję 💔❤🕊🍀🕊🌹🌹🌹🕊😢😢😢🕊🌏
@miroslaw7105 Ай бұрын
Thank you for your interesting comment. ✌this sign in Poland means Victory (very often used during "Solidarity" demonstrations against communist regime). 🤔
@TimON33333 29 күн бұрын
daaamn, you should watch english version man
@Tulkaspl 17 күн бұрын
Finally someone who understands...
@bobeczek01 Ай бұрын
This viedeo actually shows you the tiny bit of the story of "The Polish pope" and why he is such an important person in Poliah history. I mean I am not even that religious bur that men knew the atrocities of war first hand and had great love for his jewish friends and he kept that with him when he became pope in Rome. He did not hide in Vatican City but opened his heart to the people - he actively preached the peace and unity between people of feith and visited Jerusalem and Palestine, many synagos and mosques and talked about God with anyone who wanted to have that conversation. He also talked and forgave the man who tried to kill him. And when his homeland was behind the Iron Curtain he knew people are not safe and need hope over there so he came and gave that hope to them - kissing the ground upon he was born and bleesed all the people givong them hopes of freedom and future.
@Jessica1234-p6p 23 күн бұрын
i really love my country because its my blood and where i was born
@PaweBystrzan Ай бұрын
There's an english (voice) version that even I as a Pole prefer. Just in case You would like to see it again without the subtitles but in EN:
@VxDamagExV Ай бұрын
Check the English wersion.
@bartekkowalski764 3 күн бұрын
a different question is, what would warsaw look like now if it wasn't destroyed in the war
@arturartur3397 15 күн бұрын
bombings were where logiistics were , Radom have war factory , they didnt ever wanted to destroy, they wanted to work it on german side.
@Sezam3k 2 күн бұрын
Yeeah let's be so proud my polish brothers! All jokes aside, Im polish man, living in Poland and Im just curious how happy polish ppl become when they see someone is talking about them cool. That's just externals, excessive sweetening, false words, fake respect. Nobody cares, nobody.. and you should learn this my polish brothers, instead of sacrificing we should learn from mistakes and prevent tragedies before they go and expand. Instead of uniting in time of crisis we should do it before crisis, and we're not doing it yet. Polish people are conflicted and they let government destroy our country slowly and steadily for many years, just because we see only two choices, both wrong. We call ourselves independents and free but in reality we are still under someonEUs shoe. How many falls will we count untill we learn something? Those who knows history pretty well, they know what I'm talking about, Poland made itself a whipping boy before II ww and it's doing it now. Let's hope history, which is known of staggering, won't do it again.
@tomek860 10 күн бұрын
For a change of mood you should watch some of Polish comedy films from the 80s and 90s as there are many references in our coukture to them. A friend of mine from Turkey had a full marathon of Bareja and Lubaszenko movies :)
@grzybci0o352 16 күн бұрын
And that is why we Poles buy a lot of equipment and arm ourselves, because we know how the Germans arm themselves, it bodes ill, and Russia is our oldest enemy and we do not want a repeat of hisotry
@SlamCorn 23 күн бұрын
Jestem Polakiem i jestem dumny z mojego kraju
@AN-ix9lg 8 күн бұрын
yes, the institute of national memory exaggerated a bit ;) but we have to remember (and know) that world war ii was composed in... the usa! just like what is happening in ukraine now.
@apacz3995 Ай бұрын
Greetings from Kraków
@chanell59 Ай бұрын
Greetings from my magical city of Krakow🙂
@matikol122 13 күн бұрын
Poland is something that no one will understand... Being a Pole means fighting for everything like our ancestors and we do not say no to other nations, but you must follow our rules! if you do it, it's ok!
@makczupikczu204 23 күн бұрын
You should watch "Bloody foreigners. Untold Battle of Britain".
@BIALE009 7 күн бұрын
Nie urodziłam się podczas tej wojny ale mimo to często jestem albo mocno wkurzona albo płaczę przy tych historiach
@JAN0L Ай бұрын
If you're ever in Gdańsk you should check out the WW2 museum there.
@krzysztoftyszkowski8770 10 күн бұрын
700 wojen i jeszcze Polska nie zginęła......
@misiek7306 14 күн бұрын
You will never understand Polish freedom. You have to be Polish. Blood. Honor. Homeland.
@danieljanuszewski 3 күн бұрын
Widać że ty też nie rozumiesz Polskiej wolność i twoi przodkowie o nią nie walczyli Bóg honor i ojczyzna... Mój świętej pamięci dziadek opowiadał że przetrwał wojnę dzięki Bogu i codziennej modlitwie.. pamiętam do dzisiaj jego opowieść o wojnie!!!
@DeluxMaT 2 күн бұрын
​@@danieljanuszewskiI co Bóg przyszedł i go uratował tak? Nie mieszaj Boga do wojny bo on nie ma z nią nic wspólnego...
@danieljanuszewski 2 күн бұрын
@@DeluxMaTgorliwa modlitwa go ratował cwoku.. modlił się przed każdym zadaniem bojowym.. i wierzył że Bóg go ochroni
@DeluxMaT 2 күн бұрын
@@danieljanuszewski No tak i sam Bóg schodził z niebios go chronić mając głęboko w poważaniu miliony innych ludzi... Z całym szacunkiem dla twojego przodka ale bez przesady gdy by Bóg istniał to czy pozwolił by na ten cały syf który się wydarzył? Twój dziadek przeżył bo był/jest odważnym twardym facetem i chwała mu za to co zrobił dla nas, byś my mieli własny kraj ale proszę nie mieszaj do tego Boga tylko tyle. Wojna i mordowanie ludzi jest sprzeczne z naukami oraz tym co zostało nam ofiarowane.
@danieljanuszewski 2 күн бұрын
@@DeluxMaT poważnie jesteś takim pustakiem? Wiara czyni cuda jego wiara w Boga dawał mu siłę i pewność siebie i trzeźwe spojrzenie skoro mój świętej pamięci dziadek w to wierzył i dzięki temu przetrwał ten dramat ja mu wierzę!! Opowiadał również o takich jak ty to albo strzelali sobie w łeb albo ginęli przy pierwszym wyjściu w bój! Dzieciaku dla mnie wierz sobie w co chcesz ale nigdy Polsce żołnierze nie szli z hasłem krew honor ojczyzna na ustach do boju i z tego co znam historię zawsze byli po właściwej stronie konfliktu!!
@suzilast8712 Ай бұрын
Here's a recommendation for you - a full move called Tha Way Back, starring Jim Sturgess, Colin Farrell, Saoirse Ronan and some more. Based on a true story. Another one that you might want to see is Roman Polanski's The Pianist.
@forexscalping_pl 29 күн бұрын
It is not exacly true we dont want peoplefrom other countries. We just want they will keep our rules in our country, with respect for their tradition and culture.
@blooddragon1332 Ай бұрын
You should see The Animated History of Poland! It is pretty good and interesting as well.
@wojtekprowski2118 4 күн бұрын
warsaw is build on scraps from war that are like 10 m high
@marekyskowicz5963 11 күн бұрын
Hitler wanted to level Warsaw to the ground. All the old style buildings were rebuild after the war thanks to series of realistic paintings made before war. Krakow for most part was "Free City of Krakow" till later years of war thus not destroyed as much.
@polandballll Күн бұрын
btw we werent on the map for over 100 years
@limaksokim Ай бұрын
Maaan, you should go with the one narrated by Sean Bean. It was actualy done for foreigners so they learn our sad story
@brajanox3321 10 күн бұрын
Thank god for my country have the best history 🇵🇱🇵🇱 in my town we have lots of polish bunkers and defense barracks i live in twierdza modlin cool town to learn what cool buildings and history we have if you want you can go to this town this twierdza modlin is the biggest defense barracks in the europe and i think in the world this barracks was surrender after surrender in warsaw in ww2 they surrender beacuse they dont have any food today i hear they find two polish planes next to my town in wisła two polish fighter planes karaś
@patrykgrzyb2776 14 күн бұрын
Despite everything, the Germans were humanitarian in their own sense, unlike the USSR.
@Iniedowierzanie Ай бұрын
How he says Kraków is just funny "krokow"
@xvbartulxz 3 күн бұрын
dying light was created by polish people too
@mateuszkosior2827 17 күн бұрын
Dude you should watch the english version for sure
@WestTaiwanHater 2 күн бұрын
@miwoj 23 күн бұрын
today we are mostly cool with germans. they've apologized like a thousand times, we forgave but we'll never forget. we're good. they've been solid neighbors, allies and bros ever since. russians on the other hand...
@rufsven8312 15 күн бұрын
Zaszłości historyczne
@zegarp 28 күн бұрын
3:35 - your tradition is the War of Independence of course. War against the previous colonial empires you were parts of. This was the nation-building factor back then, before the Civil War even. We were kinda there, mind Kościuszko and Pulaski :)
@TheVidoQsn Ай бұрын
You should watch the video about polish 303 squadron
@damianzpip8742 9 күн бұрын
@agata3958 26 күн бұрын
Have you been to Warsaw Rising museum? It's really good. It's in Warsaw, duh
@annaklimas1614 Ай бұрын
OMG the one with Sean Bean narration is so much better. His voice does the magic. Please check it out.
@Kyrtap192 13 күн бұрын
Small correction poland have long history actually not being conquer and wining. In whole 1000 hisotry there are 3 events "all" neighbour at once attacked us, and those 3 times it was total disaster. All other cases including mongolians we came on top.
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