Which Walker Was Truly the Republic's Masterpiece? [Not the Tank You're Thinking Of!]

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@panzerviiimaus1581 Жыл бұрын
The iconic AT-TE was a massive armored slab propelled by six legs and covered with laser cannons. THE ICONIC AT-TE WAS A MASSIVE ARMORED SLAB PROPELLED BY SIX LEGS AND COVERED WITH LASER CANNONS. *AT-TEing INTENSIFIES*
@marsar1775 Жыл бұрын
ive always assumed that was a glitch on my end, but hey 30 other people seem to have the same so maybe not
@jesusfernandez974 Жыл бұрын
@@marsar1775 me too
@AshCreeper Жыл бұрын
I was falling asleep and the repeated quote kept me awake
@sugdolomar Жыл бұрын
The AT-TE can also climb vertically and therefore gain the high ground in every battle
@Scrotal_Recal Жыл бұрын
It happens kinda frequently in his vids
@DarthMagog Жыл бұрын
"The AT-TE had a hard time living up to their name, and had trouble in tight spaces." Also the AT-TE: *Can traverse sheer, 90 degree cliff faces and operate in space*
@allnamesaretakenful Жыл бұрын
@drxtale9446 Жыл бұрын
He does say tight spaces, compared to other walkers, this thing is *WIDE.*
@michaelandreipalon359 Жыл бұрын
So, we gonna meme Portal 2, or Red Alert 3?
@merafirewing6591 Жыл бұрын
@@drxtale9446 no, he *thicc*
@drxtale9446 Жыл бұрын
@@merafirewing6591 … Either that too…
@inquisitorgarza312 Жыл бұрын
The Republic Walkers all had a place within the battlefields across the Galaxy during the Clone Wars, and no doubt that the Galactic Empire ignored all those experiences during the war so they could follow the Tarkin Doctrine.
@CharlieHepp Жыл бұрын
@cjhott7237 Жыл бұрын
Plus the rules had change from outright warfare to suppression vs gorilla warfare.
@ronnyhansson8713 Жыл бұрын
my thoughts exactly - they were built for more specific reasons than just "bring guns on a moving platform". Just look at the difference between ATAT and ATST - the ST i scouting and protecting the flanks and is most suitable for fighting men on foot or in light vehicles/fortifikations hastly errected (like a wall of loggs or rubble - not true defensive bunkers or trenches or heavly armoured vehicles) they are there to screen the flanks for the ATAT and provide scouting and to hunt fleeing troops so they dont get a chance to regroup and counterattack. Having the right tools for the job is vital in all situations - no matter how impressive a fighter jet is, it is only usefull as a weapon system while in the air . no matter if it is a spitfire, a A-10 warthog or a stealth jet fighter - on the ground it is useless as a weapon system.
@CharlieHepp Жыл бұрын
@@ronnyhansson8713 yes
@zexalbrony4799 Жыл бұрын
Exactly. That was one of the reasons the Empire fell.
@isaackim7675 Жыл бұрын
Jedi General, “Send out the walkers!” Clone Commander, “Yea, sir. Uhhh…which ones?” Jedi General, “Yes.”
@jonathan4158 Жыл бұрын
It's funny since half of their military vehicles have legs.
@indianajones4321 Жыл бұрын
@michaelandreipalon359 Жыл бұрын
"As long as it's something I can randomly mount and control, just send it out!"
@spastictreefrog Жыл бұрын
The AT-AP was built specifically to be more maneuverable then the AT-TE, while still transporting heavy weapons across the battle field. It was MORE maneuverable then its given credit in this video
@jonathan4158 Жыл бұрын
The AT-TE, AT-AP, and AT-RT I find are the GAR's greatest masterpieces. I also notice why didn't the AT-OT made the cut?
@eclipped Жыл бұрын
I’d say that it’s bc it was more of a transport than anything, sure it has guns but why not just bring in a couple attes for firepower
@eclipped Жыл бұрын
Also imagine the carnage of an open top if a bomber or any air support came in😭
@TheZamaron Жыл бұрын
Probably because the ATTE is better for transport as the troops are inside and exposed to enemy fire as much as the AT-OT, but yes, I like to think as the war dragged on and the Republic knew it could never match the Droid Army for numbers, by EP 3 it focused more on diversity and specialization, we can sor of see this with Gree, his troops in Phase 1 seems like just normal Clones, but later I think because Gree specialized in studying native races, his unit trained up for forest combat, thus when he switched to Phase 2 he started wearing forst camo armor alogn with his men. THey also trained more for scouting readyness, thus why most of the Clones in the Battle of Kashyyk wore CLone Scout Trooper armor. Same for space where the Republic replaced the V-19 for the superior Z-95, and later just started mass producing the ARC-170, sacrificing numbers for versatility, the ARC-170 was slower, but could be agile enough for a standard fighter role, as well as a gunner to cover the rear, and could launch strong torpedoes and maybe drop bombs, thus the Y-wing and Z-95 were used less and less by the Battle of COruscant, with the V-wing makign up for this as a dedicated Interceptor, while the ARC-170 would focus on general fighting and damaging warships or targets, the V-wings would use their agikity to take out enemy fighters, I assume Clone Pilots recieved better training. Or for the ground with dedicated units and specializations, and more diversity of vehicles, the AT-RT as a light fast attacker, the AT-TE as the standard heavy tank transporting troops, the AT-AP based on the 3rd leg having a very powerful heavy canon on the top, and the CLne Turbo Tank being a swift but heavy tank that charges forward guns blazing to clear a path, running over any droids that get in the way, Even the UT-AT being a repusor lift vehicle allows them to bring up artilary over terrain a normal Walker might struggle with.
@amarured Жыл бұрын
Because the AT-OT is just criminally underrated! 😢 The AT-OT must have been an absolute GOAT of the Battlefield and here is why👇 To Adress the elephant in the room first.🐘 Here is why the OPEN TOP Design is actually GENIUS: 1. As was rightly pointed out, an enclosed armored top does not protect against targeted straving runs or bombs from enemy aircraft. But an open top DOES give all troops inside additional situational awareness and room to react in case an enemy aircraft is approaching. And here comes the thing everyone forgets : MANPADS MANPADS are a thing in star wars as shown in several episodes! The open top allows troopers to quickly pull out a rocket launcher to repell any approaching fighter! It could be pointed out that a CLOSED armored top gives protection against light/medium blasterfire, against the elements and against shrapnel... BUTT🍑 here I may remind you that the troopers themselves ARE heavily armored and protected against all of those things. And regarding to direct blaster fire: There are 30+ armed men inside with lookouts and sensors to detect incoming fire. And almost 360 degrees of fortified positions on the walker that will open fire at you the moment you reveal your position! The resulting firepower can't be understated! Add some clones carrying Anti Tank weapons (rocket launchers) and suddenly you have an absolute fortress of a walker! The only achilles heel of the open Top design would be a DIRECT artillery hit! But may I remind you that: a) landing direct artillery hit on a moving tank is very hard b) an AT-TE will also be compromised by a direct artillery hit but tbf would suffer less casualties c) Armies aren't stupid. They don't drive unarmoured open trucks or open top AT-OTs into an assault under enemy artillery fire d) you could also argue that the accompanying AT-TE & later AT-AP would immediately counter enemy artillery fire by immediately returning fire on their positions. And HERE COMES YET ANOTHER benefit of the open top design (apart from cost and weight savings): Flexibility!!!! Wanna cramp twice the amount of troops in there during a hectic retreat or offensive? No Problem! There is room! Troops will manage! (As seen in countless wars here on earth) Try the same thing with an AT-TE/AP/AT and you will find the limits real quick!! Ans this possibility alone can decide battles and wars!!! And now imagine the same things with cargo!! (Just remove the seats and throw them out or put them in the cargo hold) Have to reposition a whole base? No Problem! Just stack everything up as high as possible! Have to carry a bulky/unwieldy cargo? Like say... a damaged AV-7 Artillery Canon? No Problem either! Just load it up somehow and 👏stack👏 it👏up👏 And here comes "ANOTHERONE" The AT-OT wouldn't even have problems carrying those heavy loads either because of it has TWO MORE LEGS! Which ALSO MEANS better weight distribution!! So it even can cross muddier terrain and more fragile bridges than any AT-TE ! THE AT-OT IS A LOGISTICAL DREAM COME TRUE. And LOGISTICS is what wins wars!! Especially when you face an enemy with extremely advanced logistics like a DROID army. The AT-OT's INSANE flexibility makes this thing an absolute OG and backbone of the Grand Army of the Republic! One of the most slept on vehicles in Star Wars History! (If you read until here you are INDEED a true Nerd of Star wars lore. Kudos and thank you!)
@elisekehle8520 Жыл бұрын
Geetsly, I'm noticing a drift away from the pre-disney concept of blaster cannons and laser cannons being different. I.e., in legends lore, blaster cannons lacked some of the pieces needed to make a laser cannon, which in turn wasn't turbo like a turbolaser. This meant there was a hierarchy of tibanna weapons ranging from blaster to blaster or "flash" cannon to laser cannon to turbolaser. This sounds like semantics, but several vehicles have only blaster cannons, like the ATST, cloud car, A-Wing, and Tie Interceptor. I've noticed recent videos no longer distinguish between these two grades of pewpew. Do you think the fandom is moving past this difference? The implied difference in power levels certainly helps to denote why T-47s can't dent an ATAT (excepting its bridge) but X-wings can pulverize them, both in Rogue One (yes, I know, ATCT, not ATAT, bite me) and in so many games.
@avidityrar Жыл бұрын
^ This
@dhaburuk6494 Жыл бұрын
I third this. Can't remember if Eck covered this topic or not, but I want to know Geetsly's take on it regardless.
@squuid15 Жыл бұрын
Because it's not canon so why mention it
@elisekehle8520 Жыл бұрын
@@squuid15 Geets covers lots of legends things like the null arcs, the events of Star Wars: Republic, the novels Darth Plagueis, Shatterpoint, and the Revenge of the Sith novelization, the campaign modes of OGBF2, and a whole host of others. Now, he tends to do so in a way that assumes they are somehow compatible with disney canon, which is quite a take, but he does cover legends pretty frequently.
@elisekehle8520 Жыл бұрын
@@dhaburuk6494 I can't put my finger on anything here, but I know Eck used to discuss this, and I think he's started using them interchangeably as of late...
@veronicaclark3733 Жыл бұрын
The AT-AP is my favorite, it’s like having vanguard artillery.
@brandonwright2285 Жыл бұрын
You didn't even talk about how the AT/TE creates its own gravitational field so it could be walking up a wall or under a bridge without the crew being affected by planetary gravity. If you drop a pen, it'll hit the floor even if your AT/TE is in a roll.
@hambourje Жыл бұрын
Loved playing the AT-XT in the "Star wars the clone wars" PS2 masterpiece of a game
@michaelandreipalon359 Жыл бұрын
A shame it's only controlled in that game only.
@JustAnotherUser565 Жыл бұрын
What about the AT-AT? Sure it is more associated to the Empire but the Prototype version was used in service by the Republic. Most notably during the Battle of Jabiim and possibly other fronts. Funny enough it also fought alongside the AT-XT at Jabiim.
@GeneralGrievous-1138 Жыл бұрын
Scriptwriter here: we've got a whole vid on the Republic AT-AT coming down the pipe soon, so we left it out of this one
@jonathan4158 Жыл бұрын
I always see the AT-AT as an Empire walker not a Republic walker.
@flyingfoamtv2169 Жыл бұрын
@@GeneralGrievous-1138 makes sense.
@corduroycal Жыл бұрын
@@GeneralGrievous-1138 thanks for all the great work on the scripts
@GeneralGrievous-1138 Жыл бұрын
@@corduroycal thanks for watching :)
@Thaumh Жыл бұрын
It occurs to me that a civilian version of the AT-RT might be popular on worlds like Wayland where wild Garrals might try to ambush your speeder or swoop.
@snafu4696 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for mentioning the AT-XT, it was a suggestion of mine, another vehicle I’d like to see you do a video on would be the MTT
@rc59191 Жыл бұрын
There's a few Republic walker's in the Galactic Battlegrounds game that I wish we could of seen more of.
@frenzalrhomb6919 Жыл бұрын
I often need to deploy my own "Third Leg" ... Purely for "stability," you understand!! 🤣🤣
@leviosdraekion6993 Жыл бұрын
The only reason I know about the AT-XT is because of the Clone Wars game for the Gamecube. Such a shame it didn't appear in more games.
@dogloversrule8476 Жыл бұрын
Speed conversions: AT-RT: 90km/hr= 55.92 mi/hr AT-XT: 75km/hr= 46.60 mi/hr *AT-TE & AT-AP60km/hr= 37.28 mi/hr *neither of these vehicle’s speeds were given in the video, I found them on wookiepedia on the vehicle’s legends information page Note: I have all speeds to 2 decimal places
@michaelandreipalon359 Жыл бұрын
How's the AT-TE that fast?
@dogloversrule8476 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelandreipalon359 don’t know, just reporting what wookiepedia says.
@dhaburuk6494 Жыл бұрын
@@michaelandreipalon359 Maybe if the twenty-strong troop it carries got out to push? xD I suppose it could go faster somehow, but with the way that frame moves at slower speeds it must be gunnery hell at top speed. Probably a preference to go at pace with the infantry's 'leap-frogging' as well as to aim properly without getting cut up by the seat-belts.
@jonnywatts2970 Жыл бұрын
You would think that there would be some sort of power shield generator on those smallest walkers that leave the driver exposed...
@elisekehle8520 Жыл бұрын
If I understand correctly, a lot of the available shield technology doesn't do well when exposed to the ground at the speeds of walker footfalls, and was extremely expensive. Guess ground-based shields sort of had a hard tradeoff to make- walkers by their nature would tend to disrupt shield integrity and even overload it, while few repulsorlift craft have the surplus energy needed to power a shield generator. I guess if we're going to make any sense of this, we have to assume shield-bearing, atmo-friendly starfighters simply have a far superior powerplant than their airspeeder counterparts?
@danielferrieri7434 Жыл бұрын
Video Idea: Dumbest Decisions Made by the Jedi
@demi-femme4821 Жыл бұрын
Letting Atris sit on the council
@nobleman9393 Жыл бұрын
That would be 1 hour long video.
@sugdolomar Жыл бұрын
@@demi-femme4821 more like letting Windu sit on the council
@FastTquick Жыл бұрын
Sitting out the Mandalorian Wars would be an easy nomination.
@17mindgate Жыл бұрын
@@nobleman9393 only one hour? More like a 2-3 hour compilation.
@LMG1792 Жыл бұрын
I would swap 1 and 2 around. Mostly because as you stated engineering teams hated it and it was always changing making it hard to maintain. If your maintenance crew can't keep them up to snuff or hate working on them that puts a major hindrance on them. At least imo.
@Finleymcg Жыл бұрын
As the Germans learnt in WWII: it's all very well to have the best vehicle on paper, but it's pointless if you can't maintain it.
@DarkMatterMulab Жыл бұрын
AT-TE 'struggled to live up to the first half of their name' ... Proceeds to literally scale a cliff
@polishscribe674 Жыл бұрын
I actually have at-ap as a lego set. I really like it.
@elisekehle8520 Жыл бұрын
@Geetsly's, could you do a compare and contrast of the ATRT vs ISP vs BARC speeders? They all seem to fill a similar role, but BARCs seem to be the fastest, and can also act as airspeeders, while having more weapon hardpoints. I also don't remember ever seeing ATRTs holding multiple people, so BARC also wins for transport utility.
@tylergee1405 Жыл бұрын
I've always loved walkers thanks to star wars. I really like the at-rt maybe not my favorite walker but it's up there. I've wondered if we ever get walkers in real life would the at-rt be a realistic vehicle to own and being street legal? Doesn't seem too tall, not too fast, it's like a motorcycle but on legs with it being exposed and all.
@dhaburuk6494 Жыл бұрын
Entirely possible - Humans are bipedal - but might not be worth the trouble to make for a while yet.
@indianajones4321 Жыл бұрын
Dude if you ever run out of video ideas, you can always start looking into the Thrawn Campaign from Legends
@michaelandreipalon359 Жыл бұрын
Or the storylines of the X-Wing games and Empire at War, for that matter.
@jesusfernandez974 Жыл бұрын
Love the Republic Walkers there always so interesting,can't decide which is the best since all of them have there use, great video man 👍.
@hansmerker5611 Жыл бұрын
I would combine the best qualities of the AT-RT with the AT-XT.
@roadhouse6999 Жыл бұрын
The interesting thing about the AT-TE is that in real life, it's role is covered by three vehicles. Main Battle Tanks like the M1 Abrams, Infantry Fighting Vehicles like the M2 Bradley, and tracked utility vehicles like the AMPV or M113.
@kyleslavik6324 Жыл бұрын
The AT TE sounds awesome due to the mobile command post.
@kyleslavik6324 Жыл бұрын
But you make a good point about the maneuverability.
@JayTheGam3r Жыл бұрын
The ATXT is SO underused
@anglishbookcraft1516 Жыл бұрын
Needs to be shown in the early days of the clone wars, before Anakin’s knighthood
@avidityrar Жыл бұрын
AT-TE til' I die (or mutilated by my old master). AT-XT was great but honestly just worth focusing on the 'master of none' part as the modern addition of "better than master of one" is a silly outlook, just means you are better than no one at anything and sort of shows modern thinking like "yay you get a trophy for participating".
@darkdrp Жыл бұрын
The at-rt is one of my favorites because of the umbara arc
@marshalllatta2073 Жыл бұрын
Star wars walkers are so freaking cool
@hetzer5926 Жыл бұрын
Depends on the role. The AT-RT was great for units specializing in skirmishing or recon. And often it’s bite was more vicious than it’s bark. The AT-TE was in essence an MBT/APC, great for getting troops where they’re needed while keeping them safe and providing a hefty amount of firepower to assist the troopers in battle. Finally the AT-AP would be better suited for the mobile artillery role. Capable of setting up, shelling a target from a distance, then quickly moving to a different position to avoid counter battery fire. Not very effective on the front line, but deadly at range.
@marcelxd1633 Жыл бұрын
6:10-6:22 LOL
@elisekehle8520 Жыл бұрын
Is there a good classic bf2 mod with an ATAP? I loved using ATXTs on Raxus Prime, though their weapons seem to no longer be speaking to the targeting reticule, lol
@shadowminor Жыл бұрын
I have been racking my brain trying to figure out why you name card is so familiar. It has been so long since I played the OG classic star wars battlefront. So many memories.
@chriswriter9087 Жыл бұрын
I feel like the AT-XT should have come in last due to it's experimental nature and mechanical issues. The AT-XT showed up for maybe 1% of Republic ground campaigns while the AT-TE & AT-RT were available 99.9% of the time.
@Finleymcg Жыл бұрын
I agree. Hard to compare against a limited combat record.
@zexalbrony4799 Жыл бұрын
2:31-2:35: You're right this is the first time I'm hearing of this Walker. Which is kind of embarrassing because they were at the Battle of Jabiim, which I wrote a fanfic on, which required me to learn up about the battle, and I still didn't include or even remember these things. Once again, I'm still a Padwan compared to you Master Geetsly. I seriously thought I would be at least a Knight by now. lol. Though, I wouldn't think this Walker would be the best. Sure it has no weakness, but the other Walkers each outclass it in a specific area, like if it went up against the AT-RT, as the AT-RT would just use its speed to outmaneuver the AT-XT and win. Or the AT-TE would be able to tank more hits from the AT-XT, allowing it to survive and return fire which the AT-XT wouldn't be able to tank as well, allowing the AT-TE to win.
@alwaysplotting2096 Жыл бұрын
So glad the galaxy has walkers. Nobody wants to watch a bunch of floating heads shoot lasers out of their ears.
@fallenreaper9066 Жыл бұрын
The AT-XT is the same as a Raven from Battletech and Mechwarrior game series
@blisterbeetle01 Жыл бұрын
I knew it! I knew the XT was somthing special! Atta boy! Wooohoooo!!!
@goldeagle6431 Жыл бұрын
The Senate is the Republic’s masterpiece.
@tristanemery8748 Жыл бұрын
Just throwing it out there- I think geetz is picking favourites here, as the AT-XT (which, let's be real, is one of his favourite walkers) may have been good in the few engagements it was deployed in, but it was still ultimately a prototype vehicle, and the AT-TE was much more widely used and more important to the war effort, with its multi role capability being a saving grace for Republic ground forces.
@RedXlV Жыл бұрын
The AT-TE was slow and heavy, and its mass driver turret was poorly-designed (being open-top and having very limited elevation). But it could also climb sheer vertical cliffs and even operate on asteroids as a makeshift anti-ship platform. The fact that it did those things while also carrying 20 clone troopers and a pair of AT-RTs means it has incredible versatility. There's also the forgotten walker that you didn't include in this video. Not forgotten in the sense that people don't know about it, because it was quite prominent in the Clone Wars. But forgotten in the sense that everybody forgets it's a walker. The true heavy hitter, the SPHA-T. It's practically a pocket Death Star on legs.
@TheFirstCurse1 Жыл бұрын
My favorite Walker in Star Wars is between the AT-TE, AT-AP, and AT-M6. I can't decide which one I love the most.
@garylangley5413 Жыл бұрын
I know im late but i think the at-te should be number one, it could climb vertical cliffs and its main cannon can blast through a command ship. Totaly sealed off from the vacuum of space, and has magnetized feet
@josesoria2072 Жыл бұрын
I know that Star Wars us full of droids, but why on earth the comments are full of bots? (Or what seems to be bots) it's weird
@nommoda2818 Жыл бұрын
General Veers + AT - AT's = YOU'RE DOOMED!!!! Remember the "Battle (Slaughter) of Hoth.
@SenHai Жыл бұрын
During the At Te section you repeat yourself during the initial intro of the vehicle. I think I notice this in some of your other videos as well.
@olesmokey3023 Жыл бұрын
Anything geetsly I’ll watch tbh, could u make a video comparing the first order and empire? In over all equipment and why they changed?
@TJDious Жыл бұрын
Ha. It WAS the one I was thinking of. The AT-AP is without peer.
@slicerneons3300 Жыл бұрын
AT-XT or Bust. LucasArts Forever!
@elisekehle8520 Жыл бұрын
It's such a cool visual. I love the gunship-MI-24 inspired cockpit. That said, I've seen them in exactly two pieces of media- the Jabiim arc of Star Wars Republic, wherein their only onscreen activity is getting onehitted by a mine, and a fan-made expansion for Battlefront II which is of course entirely apocryphal. I love how geetsly's acts as if canon and legends are somehow a unified whole with regard to trying to integrate info from SW Republic into disneycanon- truly a herculean effort- though even combining what I know of both timelines I have no idea where they get this info. Maybe essential guide to warfare? I know the ATXT wasn't in the AOTC edition of vehicles and vessels...
@HazopGaze Жыл бұрын
@@elisekehle8520 I don't know if it still counts, but the first time I ever saw an ATXT was during the Star Wars Clone Wars video game back in '02. That was also the first time I ever saw an IFT-X (Or the TX-130, depending on who you ask.) According to Wookiepedia - not sure how good of a source that is, tbh - their first appearance WAS in the '02 video game, and was cut from the first Star Wars Battlefront game, with sources cited related to the Clone Wars game as well as The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, however everything I can find on it suggests that the ATXT is a Legends-only vehicle. Also I kinda like that they combine the two. A smart move, since I think there are a lot of people who'd prefer if Disney hadn't thrown everything out the way they did and this is a good way to bring attention to some of the awesome stuff that has since been relegated to the corner of Star Wars.
@elisekehle8520 Жыл бұрын
@@HazopGaze oh, agreed, it's awesome to have the "First Battle of Kamino" on ANY timeline
@elisekehle8520 Жыл бұрын
@@HazopGaze I SO need to play that. It was pretty much the last major SW release for gamecube, wasn't it?
@HazopGaze Жыл бұрын
@@elisekehle8520 I believe so. It also came out for the original Xbox which is what I played it on. I'm not entirely sure how one would play it today, though. Last I checked one of the major emulators for Xbox games was having issues getting it to even run, and I don't know anything about Gamecube.
@tk-6967 Жыл бұрын
Geetsly's: 'ATTE armour is strong' ATTE: explodes after a single rocket shot/AAT missile. Geetsly's: 'ATTE firepower is impressive' ATTE: Mass driver fires and tickles ATAT.
@darthnihilusthebestsith Жыл бұрын
Real world equivalent of the AT-RT would be the Toyota truck
@RayHardman7567 Жыл бұрын
AT-TE should be #1. Sure it wasn't the fastest, but it could do stuff the others couldn't, (i.e climb vertical structures, operate in space,) and wasn't constantly plagued by being recalled and upgraded.
@tk-6967 Жыл бұрын
I reckon the ATXT was shelved completely both because it was too expensive and therefore a big investment, and also because it was a lot of work for just one pilot. I am no expert, but I am pretty sure tanks with that many weapons generally have multiple crewmembers. We have only seen it used really well in the hands of jedi, other wise they have mainly just sat around, probably because the pilots were so darn overworked. And that isn't even mentioning how poorly clone pilots were trained with the exception of ARF troopers and ATRT drivers, the vast majority of clones in vehicles weren't exactly well versed in more than the bare necessities/tank driving 101.
@chimera6485 Жыл бұрын
The AT-RT did their job well but pretty much everything they do a can be done better with a speeder bike so. AT-RT at number 4 for me. The AR-AP is just walking artillery and it does that perfectly so there is an argument to put it high on the list. I am going to put it at 3 though because as you mentioned it lacks versatility. Still does its job perfectly. I agree with the placement of the last two so I won't get into it but I wanted to give my thoughts on these two.
@CloneScavengerVulpin8389 Жыл бұрын
Meanwhile in the original battlefront games the at-rt goes five miles per hour, ten while sprinting. Still it's fun to get on the walker and shoot battle droids.
@hammer1349 Жыл бұрын
And trying to not be sniped out of it, as pointed out in the video
@Drillz007 Жыл бұрын
So At-te supposedly moves at 37mph i would love to see a video of that happening... aside from it falling off a cliff (has happened) it does not seem possible also why is it that the expendable droids cover there drivers with some level of armor but clones are usually just chilling outside with no cover
@Goatcookie Жыл бұрын
Can you make a video about what types of more vehicle that the republic should have but didn’t?
@lerneanlion Жыл бұрын
AT-XT: I am All For None!
@EzekielDeLaCroix Жыл бұрын
All these advanced optics and sensors, yet the driver is still exposed design-wise.
@brokenbridge6316 Жыл бұрын
Hey why don't you talk about Separatist tanks in a future video. Because this was a good one.
@lordMartiya Жыл бұрын
I favor the AT-AP and the AT-TE: indirect fire artillery is invaluable.
@WesAG23 Жыл бұрын
AT-XT all the way, I made this before watching the video. I just love the power and speed it gives you.
@loganoldon8924 Жыл бұрын
I always felt like we needed at tps on tabletop
@joshuacohen2735 Жыл бұрын
A suggestion for a cool video is make one on each planets wildlife
@darthgonk5648 Жыл бұрын
How about specialist blasters next such as the quad blaster and others
@tk-6967 Жыл бұрын
I thought ATPTs were called sniper tanks for the sheer distance of their shots, not their accuracy. And besides, we have never seen their main turret fire *ever* so it is hard to judge, otherwise they are completely pathetic. I mean you can just go around the thing and it would take ages for it to turn around let alone be able to retaliate against anything from a missile launcher to the rotating turret of an AAT.
@gs-8279 Жыл бұрын
Ah yes, the editor’s comment
@dododostenfiftyseven4096 Жыл бұрын
Are walkers practical in any way? Atleast in real life?
@copyrightproductions5776 Жыл бұрын
@avidityrar Жыл бұрын
Not even a little, a walker is inferior to wheels (or tracks if you want to be even better 99% of the time)
@Finleymcg Жыл бұрын
You could make an argument for some environments but the trade-off is a larger target profile. The other problem would be the amount of moving parts. This would make them vulnerable to shots that crippled the legs or even servicing the legs. Remember that walkers do have a practical application in Star Wars. It's their ability to walk through certain sheild types.
@dhaburuk6494 Жыл бұрын
Best answer I can think of is where Humans use wheels instead of their own legs IRL, and the inverse.
@andrewtyrell4795 Жыл бұрын
I knew it was the AT-XT!
@Altarahhn Жыл бұрын
Sooo... anyone else getting Zentraedi Battlepod vibes from the AT-XT?
@tristankawatsuma8962 Жыл бұрын
Kind of getting ticked off Imperial vehicles and ships keep ranking higher on this channel than Republic ones. Granted, that’s mostly due to my favorite characters being the clones and my favorite faction by extent is the Republic, so pushing my feelings aside, the arguments are logical. Victory was basically the Republic’s version of the ISD, Tie Fighters didn’t have as many complicated features as Republic starfighters which meant losses of the latter cost more, and this top Walker must have done something right if in Legends the AT-RT was designed off it. And of course a lot of these arguments can also apply to CIS ships and vehicles which also get higher praise than the Republic’s on the channel. My only comfort as a pro-Republic fan is that the Empire and Separatists does better than my faction because they’re more militaristic and evil, or at least the military is in the case of the Separatists.
@spacemanspiff6332 Жыл бұрын
Your opinion is exactly what I thought it would be.
@robertagu5533 Жыл бұрын
The smallest walker of ALL gotta the fastest an most agile from size BUT the WORST for general combat. Something that small can only take on so much. An like said.. Defense, defense, defense. There's a reason real life sillouetting oneself is a huge no no in battle. It's basically a suicide mission turning one into a sitting duck. No snipers needed just be a good shot an close enough.woulds say STILL the AT-TE Clones loved in their war vs the CIS is probably still the best thought out an most versatile.
@dylan-kk2ni Жыл бұрын
Atxt was used ones in rebels if im correct
@ussrtaxes8986 Жыл бұрын
@saiyanape6015 Жыл бұрын
Crab droids ?
@tomywijaya2442 Жыл бұрын
0:27 is that AT-XT ?
@youcanthandlemyname7393 Жыл бұрын
highly disagree with at-te being number two. yeah its bigger and bulkier but it serves far more roles than the xt plus it can be used in the vacume of space and it can scale 90 degree walls. this is not to mention its superior fire power and defensive capabilities. all in all it beats the xt in just about every area other than mobility. and if its above in 9 areas out of 10 then the mobility would have to be significantly better for the xt to make up the difference which its not, maybe if it was as agile as an rt it could compete with the te but being as maneuverable as an st is not all that much better than the te especially since the te has a 360 degree firing arc so it does not need all that much maneuverability. lets just say if im on a battle field id rather have two at-tes than five at-xts.
@michaelandreipalon359 Жыл бұрын
Cool, the idea of walkers, but I rather prefer hovertanks. More safe and practical. Now, mechs like the Gundams, the Gunbuster, Gurren Lagaan, and many, many others, on the other hand... (OK, what's with all the comments involving an Amazon LPA23X?)
@dhaburuk6494 Жыл бұрын
Repulsor-lift craft can drift, which isn't always what you want. Does somewhat depend on the design & altitude capacity.
Ill never get tired of you saying walkers😂😂🫡
@Pastry656 Жыл бұрын
Needs more AT-PT…
@greylotus1 Жыл бұрын
You missed a repeating phrase during editing from 6:09 - 6:22
@matthalo871 Жыл бұрын
The AT-AP really shouldn't be on the list it's like calling a self-propelled canon a tank it's not an AT-AP isn't anything close to a combat walker it's a support walker.
@armchairwarrior963 Жыл бұрын
In a universe with repulsers the walker idea is just dumb as Tie Fighters where your view is mostly blocked.
@michaelandreipalon359 Жыл бұрын
The viewport problem with the TIE Fighter isn't that bad, if one plays the X-Wing games.
@00yiggdrasill00 Жыл бұрын
I think I have to disagree on the AT-XT being so high up. It was well balanced true and that is a big benefit, but a deliberately experimental vehicle that is constantly being pulled from combat to be retooled and reworked is a logistical, training and doctrinal nightmare. You would constantly need to hunt for new parts, pilots would need constant retraining and nobody would ever know how best to employ it because it's attributes are always changing.
@RedXlV Жыл бұрын
Also, that's a pretty high workload for a single pilot. The AT-XT has a lot going for it compared to its successor the AT-ST. But having a single person serve as the driver, gunner, and commander is not a good choice for a "tank". I mean sure, there could be a significant level of automation (maybe even a droid brain installed to act as an assistant to the pilot). But ideally it should've had an enlarged cockpit for a second crewman to handle the guns and sensors.
@00yiggdrasill00 Жыл бұрын
@@RedXlV that's a rather good point and one I didn't think of. Even if we forget the roles of gunner and commander this was an experimental testbed vehicle, they should of at least had a second person to monitor combat performance and gather data on how all that new stuff is working
@sirvalentine8883 Жыл бұрын
I mean, you could just, get mechs.
@BoredBricks Жыл бұрын
The AT-OT Walker is the best.
@oyunsomurucu5198 Жыл бұрын
Word spreads really fast with LPA23X doesn't it?
@timmayhans8874 Жыл бұрын
the best walker is a Skywalker
@darthnihilusthebestsith Жыл бұрын
Why ranking them? They were wonderful at their respective jobs
@darthnihilusthebestsith Жыл бұрын
Apart from the AT-XT which really didn't any specific purpose
@huseynaleskerov5717 Жыл бұрын
What is this LPA23X thing everyone talks about? I see it in all videos comments
@nicholaswalsh4462 Жыл бұрын
Walkers all suck. They lack sufficient speed to maintain the operational momentum necessary to achieve and exploit breakthroughs in the face of repulsorcraft and starship-borne strike fighters. The AT-RT, for example, maxes out at 75 km/h on flat terrain, comparable to 50-ton weightclass main battle tanks of our own time. The AT-TE, meanwhile, supposedly can travel at 60 km/h but is never seen moving faster than walking pace. Either way, in the face of repulsorcraft like the STAP recon platform or even the TX-series of repulsor tanks, their limited speed leaves them vulnerable to counterattack, a vulnerability expanded by the prevelance of starfighters and their own high speeds and high-payload capacities. Furthermore, the legs take up valuable space and require significantly more maintenance than tracked, wheeled, or repulsorlift systems. An AT-TE tank takes up 19 times MORE deck space than a TX-130 tank while also requiring more maintenance than the repulsorcraft or even a tracked vehicle. With the need to support large ground forces with heavy armor and limited by the capacity of starships, smaller platforms are far more useful. Finally, their reliance on limited points of contact with the ground means that their ground pressure is far higher than tracked, wheeled, or repulsorlift platforms of similar masses. Ground pressure is an oft-ignored issue with combat vehicles, as it determines their ability to travel cross country without bogging down. Poor ground pressure leaves the vehicle more susceptible to bogging down. Simply having a lot of guns and a ton of armor is not enough for an effective combat platform. The platform needs to be fightable, it needs to be mobile, and it needs to be effective. And walkers simply are none of those things.
@davidschrepfer3077 Жыл бұрын
@Zehamas Жыл бұрын
Beat me to it by two minutes....
@kerimevcen Жыл бұрын
I skipped the New Year's celebration but celebrating Amazons LPA23X now! What a time to be alive guys, seriously
@gizemulu4575 Жыл бұрын
I don't know about you but I think we should all spend some time to really think what we'll do this year. Amazons LPA23X is a strategy which can give sustainability and avoids bad decisions. Even if you only use that for cheaper groceries it's already better to run with it than against it
@dhaburuk6494 Жыл бұрын
Never take investment advice from someone telling you what exact opportunities they're profiting from.
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