Whick vs

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Whick TV

Whick TV

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Destiny thinks Alito needs to recuse himself because his wife flew a couple flags.
I think thats unreasonable, and I think that any standard requiring that would create more problems without solving anything.
PROUD to be working with Progressive Victory.

Пікірлер: 59
@__RD14533 7 күн бұрын
Whick is demanding that everyone gives every corrupt Republican ultimate charity on everything. It’s like someone demanding that you to give a treat and a pat in the head to a wolf as it’s disemboweling you.
@deeky1239 7 күн бұрын
Yep its just stupidity at this point.
@myrmidon4464 6 күн бұрын
As he demonstrated though, Dems to things that are just as bad. Hell, nuclear options are used by Dems first. Both sides suck and are corrupt, the issue is the double standard of when it's ok to call it out and when it's not. Didn't Joe Scarbarro just ask for journalists not to be critical of Kamala and then get eviscerated by Anna Kasparian for that opinion?
@AKABattousai 6 күн бұрын
Why would the Left wants Progressive Judges if their narrative is that judges should recuse themselves if they can't be impartial on a case?
@Scorned 7 күн бұрын
This kind of boils down to a different understanding of how marriages function? And I don't know if there's like a generational divide or what, but my wife and I have been happily together for 14 years and she wouldn't just fly a flag that could jeopardize my job and if she did it wouldn't take me 3 days to convince her to take it down
@AKABattousai 6 күн бұрын
The difference is that it doesn't technically jeopardize his job. And the press and activists are not supposed to dox Federal Judges. And it's federally illegal to stage any type of activist protest or anything at their residences. So if anything, any media commentary to pressure a supreme Court judge should have been strictly corrected.
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
54:25 interesting question. If the judge was going over his wife criminal case for her attaching the capital. 100% recuse. Now have that same radical person sleeping in your bed every night. Y'all talk daily, share secrets and everyone else. Would that not influence the husband? How much influence is too much?
@AKABattousai 6 күн бұрын
When it comes to the supreme court, they are selected and confirmed into that position. And they are the authority on whether they should recuse themselves. They have many peers and legal council to give them the best legal interpretations of where constitutional processes would be best determined. The judge out of other judges was put in that position and they are trusted to be the best authority on whether they themselves would not be able to make a ruling based on the merits of the cases. There is no standard basis for when a supreme Court judge should recuse themselves.
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 6 күн бұрын
@@AKABattousai sounds like a job where the person is selected for their character just as much as their work history. They have no ethics code worth a flip, with any teeth. They are all aware of what should be financially reported, while Thomas just ignores it and justifies 100s of thousands in gifts. Ethics is a hell of a thing to sell off.
@AKABattousai 6 күн бұрын
@@BlueDirt_ProAggressive there wasn't evidence that Thomas was receiving gifts for changing his opinions or rulings. He was a friend of the family, and they did multiple outings and trips which were not just them paying for travel expenses. So it was literally a vacation. The judges are expected to not accept gifts that are attempts to gain favor. And they disclose any gift that is over like 10$ If we don't expect the judges to have any integrity, they should never be accepted to be on the supreme Court. The problem with the Thomas stuff, is that the political left is against it when it's not a judge they like. But when has the left ever demanded one of their judges not be allowed to go on expensive vacations with friends? The supreme court makes a base salary, unless you are the chief justice, and the IRS I'm sure looks into disclosures of gains by the justices. Notice the reporting on the Thomas stuff only makes reference to them being taken on expensive trips. It isn't reporting on decisions which might have been impacted because of them.
@SpideyFan777 7 күн бұрын
It's one thing if your friend or parent is flying a flag in a treasonous way like this, but someone you're married to is a whole other level. The nature of that relationship is enough to cast MAJOR doubt on ones ability to remain impartial. This should be obvious.
@AKABattousai 6 күн бұрын
In old fashioned homes, there might be a dispute in a marriage, but the head of the household will eventually decide on crucial matters at hand. They wouldn't be married that long if they didn't already have a system that settled issues.
@bewareofmountainlions4429 7 күн бұрын
Like how Whick's response to Justice Alito just taking down the flag was "but muh wife be angy 🥲" versus "bringing into question the integrity of the most powerful court in the land that literally has the power to steer the future of the free world" like bro. Come on. Easy to see why Destiny is speechless with a response like that. That is some mega simp behavior. Alito wild for that.
@Whick-TV 6 күн бұрын
We generally dont punish or hold people accountable for things they didnt do. Its wild to me that you wanna punish Alito for something his wife said/did.
@bewareofmountainlions4429 6 күн бұрын
@@Whick-TV YES, we do hold property owners liable/responsible for things displayed on their land. We do under the law(fines), and we do personally. Somebody puts a junk car on your lawn, and you leave it their long enough you will be fined(responsible), and your neighbors will be pissed at you. Regardless if you did it or not.
@Whick-TV 6 күн бұрын
Can you cite me a case where someone was fined for leaving a car on their lawn for 3 days? Can you cite me a case where a Judge recused themselves because of a political belief expressed by a family member? Remember: We arent talking about a donation, about attending a rally, but someones WIFE putting up a flag *which the person asked them to take down* This is the point: You are basically making up a standard no one has EVER been held to, and pretending that we do this kind of thing all the time. Its Unreasonable, you'd never do this in any other situation, and more importantly *its never been done in any other situation*
@AKABattousai 5 күн бұрын
​@@Whick-TV if the Topic comes up again, you could make them aware that supreme court judges recuse themselves a lot, even today and Alito has done it the most this term I believe. The reason most cited for recusing is owning stocks in the companies involved with decisions, and also if they have previously ruled on cases. When it comes to family members, the recusals have been if the member is an affected party by the decisions. Financially or career wise.
@jamiehayes7353 7 күн бұрын
Exhibit 392 that Whick is the only honest and morally consistent Leftie. You're my Wicka.
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
1:22:00 ish time he deflated that claim. I usually agree. He is consistently and wise, but bringing up RNG going to Israel is in no way, form or fashion close to Gorsish getting his home bought for after ruling in favor of the company. Thomas getting unlimited credit line with his billionaire friend whom he has business in front of the SC. Grumpy like justification.
@myrmidon4464 6 күн бұрын
Whick is my litmus test for a consistent and reasonable leftie. I don't typically agree with his ultimate conclusions, but I can reasonably understand how he got there.
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
If one of your good friends had cases in front of the court , should you recuse?
@Scorned 7 күн бұрын
Pretending that the Thomas cruise vacation is the same as the other justices going to universities to speak is wild
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
Thomas spends more on vacation than he and his wife makes to go hang out with a billionaire whom have cases in front of the SC. Crazy!
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
16:43 maybe the NYT didnt think it mattered. The current understanding of influence and biases that have run deep in the SC is coming to light. Further evidence comes out to strengthen the story.
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
Should Justice Thomas recuse himself bc if his wife's action's before J6?
@AKABattousai 5 күн бұрын
This is like saying a Justice who believes in 2nd amendment rights and owns a gun should recuse themselves from every anti Gun case.
@Marcus-143 5 күн бұрын
There is a 2nd amendment regardless of belief.
@AKABattousai 5 күн бұрын
@@Marcus-143 but the point of gun control laws is to limit people from owning guns. So a Judge would have to be expected to rule fairly when restricting who can have access and ownership. And when it can be law. Also the progressives are constantly wanting to change the amendments. Which the judges would also have to rule on the ability to change the bill of rights. And I can imagine some progressive thinks a judge being biased on that issue is something they should recuse themselves for. Cuz it would be like the same situation if the judge's Wife was also buying and owning guns or vocal about less gun control.
@Marcus-143 5 күн бұрын
@@AKABattousai if the case was about the judge's wife, then obvious recusal. The rest is interpretation.
@AKABattousai 5 күн бұрын
@@Marcus-143 yeah judges recuse themselves when the decisions are going to affect a family member financially and whatnot. But the debate was about whether they should for the topic of the flag thing. And I say whick is correct that it doesn't reach a far enough obvious bias for the judges just because their spouse hangs a politically charged flag. That the judge had to put effort into removing. Which showed that they were not in favor of having that declaration be publicly displayed.
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
9:55 if a woman can't rule. No father could either. Since every man came from a woman, likely has aunts, sisters, daughters to whom HIS ruling will effect greatly.. By that logic the woman would have greater claim over woman issues. Identity politics all the judge rulings. 😂🎉
@goaskalice4571 7 күн бұрын
I don’t agree with you on a lot of things but you are always logical & argue in good faith.
@AdamEdn 7 күн бұрын
That being the takeaway after this convo in particular is a bit of a reach 😂
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
I agree 100% , normally but this one does not fall into that category. IMHO 👍🏽
@AdamEdn 7 күн бұрын
@@BlueDirt_ProAggressive oh good, I thought it was just me 😂
@AKABattousai 6 күн бұрын
​@@BlueDirt_ProAggressive what do you mean? The topic is about a supreme Court judge. Do you think Whick isnt saying that cases with different levels of severity of bias would merit when a judge ought to recuse themselves? That's essentially whether you think he was being good faith or not. And his opinion was about the wife's ability to express her political opinions and how it isn't directly impacting the ability of the judge to still rule impartially. Those who think Alito should recuse himself, would be arguing that him being married to a women who expresses a right wing opinion makes him reasonably unable to be impartial. And Whick is saying it doesn't meet that level. A judge can be married and have a different view about how they should be ruling on cases. The wife's opinions doesn't have to infer that they share that opinion.
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 6 күн бұрын
@@AKABattousai whick is the ballon in water. No matter how rough the seas, he floats atop. His rigidity to reasonability is not realistic. IMO on this topic. Anybody who has been married or even in a serious relationship knows you are a pair. The friends and fam see you 2 at one unit. There was the undercover reporter that talked to Mrs Aleto, and she is clear in her thoughts and motives. She knew what the flags meant and what she wanted to express. Despite what her husbands job is. Despite knowing what issues it could cause. And if the SC had an ounce of integrity Aleto and Thomas would at minimum recuse from any J6 case.
@MQT.Onewheel 7 күн бұрын
Destiny has been gone since the assassination attempt
@deeky1239 7 күн бұрын
Or done playing games with authoritarian fascist dishonest actors more like.
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
Gone where?
@AKABattousai 5 күн бұрын
Destiny loses it every election year. I wouldn't blame it on Jessiah too much. It's just amplified because of MAGA. But we've seen Nebraska Steve riled like this before.
@warpio 7 күн бұрын
I would say the fact that Alito didnt leave his wife over this is evidence enough to cast doubt on him in this case. Imagine being married to a nazi and not leaving them after they decide to fly a nazi flag in front of your house.
@PsychorGames 7 күн бұрын
They call him Whick because he's lit (like a candle.)
@crisjr6478 7 күн бұрын
I live in Burlington Vermont the Haitians literally roast cats dogs geese essentially anything they can get their hands on right in the middle of city park. Cops can’t do anything they DA and prosecutors just let them go arresting them is just a waste of time. It kinda nuts.
@BlueDirt_ProAggressive 7 күн бұрын
Are these pets or random strays?
@crisjr6478 6 күн бұрын
@@BlueDirt_ProAggressive whatever they can get their hands on. We don’t really have stray animals downtown.
@Barkanine 7 күн бұрын
I'm just here to see how unhinged and bad faith Destiny is.
@jamiehayes7353 7 күн бұрын
Being in a marriage means that the actions of your partner are ostensibly your own? I guess that means Destiny has been ploughed by *a lot* of men . . .
@MithosDagon 7 күн бұрын
1:15:25 Great job Whick! Got him there 😂
@deeky1239 7 күн бұрын
Whick doesnt understand the english language.
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