White On Purpose

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What are statues for? Why do we name buildings after certain people? And what do they say about what - and who - we value? As Black Lives Matter protesters topple racially problematic statues around the world, Mormon scholar Joanna Brooks asks members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to take a closer, more critical, look at the building names and statues on the campus of Brigham Young University and around Utah.
Based on our radio conversation with Joanna Brooks about her book 'Mormonism and White Supremacy'
Copyright 2020 by RadioWest Films. All rights reserved.
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@rustynelson2357 4 жыл бұрын
Remember Mormons: "Its Wrong to criticize church leaders, even if the criticism is true."
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
It is a quote given by Dallin H. Oaks in 2007, a man who claims to be a apostle, seer, and revelator, however, your wording isn't totally correct. The actual quote is: "It is wrong to criticize leaders of the church, even if the criticism is true."
@rustynelson2357 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgezeller6046 Correct!
@yummyjackalmeat 4 жыл бұрын
No where in the scriptures does it say we have to name buildings after important figures and no where does it say that it is blasphemy to change the name of a building or that once a building is named after a religious figure that it should never change. These kids are the future. I don't really get the obsession with "micro aggressions" names, statues, all that PC stuff etc, but if this is what they want, who cares? Let's just make the change and get it over with.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
The Mormon church teaches that its prophets counsel must be followed and that god speaks to these men and will not allow them to lead us astray. In the temple the Mormon church requires their membership to promise to follow their leaders , and failure to keep these promises have eternal consequences. These Mormon " prophets" have consistently been wrong, and have consistently lead the world astray. Mormonism can not survive a critical inspection of its truth claims or the evolution of its theology. The reason why the Mormon church is fighting tooth against these changes is these men are held up as knowing gods will. To admit they were wrong will undermine the churches narrative. The longer the Mormon church waits to admit their errors and make these changes the more painful it will be. Its not a matter of of but when the church will drop the names of these racists from their buildings.
@yummyjackalmeat 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgezeller6046 I'm not sure how what you said has anything to do with what I said. I'm saying rename the buildings because that's what the young generation wants. It doesnt even go against any mormon core beliefs. It's so simple. You have your own personal beef, rightly so I'm sure, with mormonism, but right now it's about p.o.c. who want an education from BYU but shouldn't have to be reminded and feel supportive of awful racist beliefs held by the historical religious folk the buildings are named after.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
@@yummyjackalmeat I agree with your assessment.
@invaderbrynn 4 жыл бұрын
This is so important. Thank you.
@carlcrusher Жыл бұрын
In my filmmaking I keep running across all of Brigham Young child trafficking Navajo kids for several decades - any shred of priesthood authority is GONE the moment that happens.
@lovethosedolfinz Жыл бұрын
Do you have any sources for this? I’d love to read this history, I haven’t even heard anything on it
@tyallgaier 4 жыл бұрын
Chills at the end. Thank you so much for making this. Beautiful cinematography, and an even better message.
@jasonfisher6732 3 жыл бұрын
Mormonism is racism
@thisisjoshy 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for making this, and for not using the many much more severe quotes you could have, in order to help more people accept the message.
@earlsmith1521 4 жыл бұрын
Said perfectly! This video only scratches the surface of Mormonism ties with racism.
@annamarie7339 Жыл бұрын
Thank you! This is so important for people to see! It’s time to let go of these false idols.❤
@shahzada5803 4 жыл бұрын
The Mormon belief in black skin being a “curse” is found in uniquely Mormon books they call “Scripture.” These books, known as the Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price.
@AaronJuddMusic 4 жыл бұрын
@The Last Danite 2Nephi 5:21 , 3 Nephi 2 : 14-16. , Jacob 3: 8 The LDS church claims the BOM to be the most true book and does not require additional "translation" like the bible. When JS translated it, he used words he knew, and if someone wrote something down incorrectly in the translation process, JS could not continue translating until the correct english phrase was written down in accordance to what appeared in english on the seer stone. In the current LDS manual explaining these vrs Make sure students understand that the curse mentioned in this chapter was separation from God. The changing of the Lamanites’ skin was only a mark or sign of the curse. How does 2 Nephi 5:21 help you understand why the Lamanites were cut off from the presence of the Lord? (You may want to explain that flint is a hard stone. In saying that the Lamanites “had become like unto a flint,” Nephi emphasized the hardness of the Lamanites’ hearts. To be hard-hearted is to be unresponsive to the promptings of the Spirit of God.) Therefore: Curse = being separated from God. The sign = Darker skin. From this we can gather a few things 1) By hardening our hearts we become separated from God. 2)an entire blood line can be cursed with darker skin to be a sign of a hardened heart. 3) by "Skin" it means the layers of skin that determine pigment - the standard definition of skin by any modern person reading it. Later we learn that the "skin" can change back in 3nephi 2: 14-16 We also learn in Jacob that there was a fear among the rightous of their skin changing. Further revelation by Joseph Fielding Smith said "The dark skin of those who have come into the Church is no longer to be considered a sign of the curse...these converts are delightsome and have the Spirit of the Lord." So even though a later prophet, Spencer W Kimble believed the Native Americans were becoming more white due to the intervention of the gospel among those people. *this due to the untrue belief that the Lamonites and Nephites were the primary ancestors of the Native American people, Whose skin would still be subject to the same curse and could therefore change. It is current LDS belief that God has changed whiter people to darker skin as a sign of a curse in antiquity, There is no current LDS teaching that any of the current races and skin tones are caused by a curse or are subject to change with righteous. That being said there is a lot of racist things said and believed by LDS leaders over time they firmly believed as the only scriptural reference to dark skin was associated with Sin and distance from God. These ideas, though no longer supported, caused years of racist beliefs among leaders and the churches people. If only they had just asked god how skin skin works outside of being cursed only in this situation rather that preaching that black people were non combatants in the war in heaven. hahaha
@AaronJuddMusic 4 жыл бұрын
@The Last Danite I'm not the original commentor sooo... I too do not agree that the BOM is a racist document in and of itself. I'm believe though, the perceived divinity of a text that mentions the darkening of skin with curses for disobedience and alienation from God, became the cultural lens, and therefore justification of racist ideas, among the churches members and leadership. Modern day members seem to think that it is impossible that these verses were used to justify racism, but they were. For many, many years, these verses were used by the lowest of new members, to the most elite within the church in the creation of cutural racism especially in Utah. The evidence is pretty clear that like bible thumping Christians use bible vrs to paint Pres Trump as the fulfilment of prophesy, so did the church use "holy scripture" to explain, and maintain racist ideas that have since been disavowed. Also - Nephi may not have been white... but looking at the majority of the depictions of the nephites in Mormon artwork shows a social understanding throughout the years that the nephites were white like Europeans... Cultural racism, even if the BOM itself does not stand on its own as a racist document (in my opinion, though people much smarter than myself disagree with very strong arguments) Just check out the old BOM cartoon booklet - comic book - the church used to sell at desert book.
@laurieguenther7047 4 жыл бұрын
Great production. Thanks for your work! I love that line that says the statues are literally cast idols. We should not be worshiping these men. We should not be proud of these men.
@josephsorg 4 жыл бұрын
@The Last Danite "He (Brigham Young) counseled the brethren to buy up the Lamanite children as fast as they could and educate them in the gospel so that not many generations they would be a white and delightsome people." Discourse by Brigham Young May 12 1851. Journal entry of Wilford Woodruff
@jasonfisher6732 4 жыл бұрын
@D. W. If the Mormon church admitted the errors of these men and clarified that these monuments stand as a "testament to flawed men" it may be viewed differently. The Mormon church has not apologized for their behavior or admitted these men were wrong. The Mormon church continues to hold these men up on pedestals and claim they were righteous leaders, prophets, seers, and revelators who spoke for God. So where does that leave us?
@dannyh.7490 4 жыл бұрын
@@jasonfisher6732 In 2 Nephi 28:14 it was prophesied that in our day, the last days, that there would be few " humble followers of Christ" and that even they would in many instances err because they were taught the precepts of men. The men God has chosen to do his works have never been perfect as has been shown, none the less they were chosen to lead to the best of their ability. If making a mistake disqualifies any God has chosen to do his works then we by that judgment would have none. God works with each of us despite our short comings, weaknesses and mistakes made. As to the reasons why The Church should or shouldn't apologize for past errors of specific leaders I cannot answer as I don't have all the facts therefore I can only refer to Alma 37:11! My spiritual conviction of the truths I know won't be toppled by a few mistakes made by men in the church !
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
@@dannyh.7490 It was prophesied that few people would accept crazy claims that contradict reason and evidence? Amazing prophecy! Mormons account for only .2% of the earths population. The plan of salvation is failing 99.8% of the earths inhabitants. Your church leaders fought against the civil rights movement and preached hate until 1978. The Mormon Prophets taught that those of African decent were cursed by god with dark skin for their actions in the preexistence. The church segregated people of African decent from the white members in the temple and the priesthood and banned a whole race from exaltation.This continued for 14 years after the USA passed the civil rights act in 1964 giving equality to all regardless of skin color. Your church is on the wrong side of history. They have never apologized for their racist actions and preaching. This isn't a case of, "The men God has chosen to do his works have never been perfect". This is 129 years of racist teachings and practices that was pushed on the world as Gods will by men who claim to be the mouthpiece of god. Wake up. Shame on you for justifying racism and segregation!
@candydomination7348 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for doing this. I knew it was bad bc i read up a little bit on UT and mormon religion before i had to move here, but did not think it was this bad. Not sure what's worse, where i was born and raised until graduation (MS) or where I moved for work (UT). Going to do some digging on my own. :)
@josephsorg 4 жыл бұрын
Mormonism is very toxic. This video gives a good overview of many of the issues. kzbin.info/www/bejne/p5S0pZuvnrl0bcU
@jsal6902 4 жыл бұрын
Very misleading. look for yourself if you want to know about Mormons. newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.org/article/president-nelson-shares-social-post-encouraging-understanding-and-civility
@josephsorg 4 жыл бұрын
@@jsal6902 This video obviously makes you uncomfortable, which it should. If you think the link to the video I posted is misleading then name one thing in the video that is incorrect. There are 50 issues raised and all of them are backed by evidence that can be proven. Your post with Russel Nelsons statement is extremely hypocritical. The Mormon church pushed racist polices and hateful teachings about people of African decent for over 100 years. The Mormon church taught the world through their prophets that these people were cursed by god with dark skin, and it was gods will to segregate them from the temple and priesthood and the racist preaching was justified. The church further said though its prophets that this treatment was not just a policy but doctrinal. The USA passed the civil rights act in 1964. The Mormon church continued their segregation and racist teachings until 1978, this is 14 years after the rest of the USA accepted equality. The church has never apologized for their racist behavior. If the Mormon church wants to live by the principles they teach then repentance requires admitting the mistake, doing your best to make restitution to those harmed, and then do it no more. The churches statement you posted is laughable when their actual behavior is compared to their recent words that don't even go as far to include an apology. Its gas lighting. Now if the video I posted naming 50 issues with the Mormon church is misleading. Comment on the video I posted with one single issue that is not correct. You will get a response with the evidence that backs up the claim. The Mormon church can not survive a critical inspection of their history or the evolution of their theology.
@jasonfisher6732 4 жыл бұрын
@@jsal6902 Here is a rebuttable to the link you posted. kzbin.info/www/bejne/a5zKm4J8bdGUoq8
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
@@jsal6902 You cant name one?
@maryfratrick5438 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for doing this. Utah has been blind for too long.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
@The Last Danite The Mormon churches institutionalized racism, clearly.
@tannerelliott6570 3 жыл бұрын
People in this comment section are killing me talking about yes they did these horrible things but also did good things.. I’m sure Hitler helped a woman across the street once.. does that excuse the Atrocities? Or at the very least does it make you question whether or not these men are in direct communication with God? Furthermore it would be less of an issue if the prophets who hold office today would denounce the teachings of the past.. why is that? Because they’ll be admitting that these men taught false doctrine.
@lorencarle6285 4 жыл бұрын
Finally someone saying it out loud. Thank you. Exclusion, of any kind, has nothing to do with the example and teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. “You are neither slave nor free, Jew nor gentile, male nor female.”
@josephsorg 4 жыл бұрын
The bible is not a moral book. The bible condones slavery, rape, and genocide.
@josephsorg 4 жыл бұрын
​@The Last Danite kzbin.info/www/bejne/n3iQe3-jmJl-qNk
@josephsorg 4 жыл бұрын
​@The Last Danite kzbin.info/www/bejne/d6jIk4eOaNeeaac
@josephsorg 4 жыл бұрын
​@The Last Danite This is a real basic concept to understand. Although here you are a mormon defending segregation and racism, so clearly reason and rational thinking is not your strong suit. Rape is wrong because it hurts another person. Same reason stealing is wrong. Slavery is wrong. Murder is wrong. God is not needed to establish objective morality. This is a known fallacy.
@josephsorg 4 жыл бұрын
@The Last Danite You are standing on a platform where you are first defending racism and segregation as justified behavior because your god said so. Then you want to also claim religion is needed to establish morality. You are a disgusting racist, and your position that god is needed to establish morality is a well known fallacy. You do a good job showing the Mormon mentality and why this is such a toxic religion.
@BillLund 4 жыл бұрын
Frankly, could you have found a white person 50 years ago who wasn't racist by today's standards? I'm not excusing this, but really just pointing out that if you want to only name buildings after non-racists you'd have a hard time doing that.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
There were always people and groups who were abolitionists, the Mormon church was not one of them. Not only did the Mormon church not speak out against the poor treatment and inequality of Blacks but the Mormon church fought against the civil rights movement. The civil rights act was passed in 1964 in the USA, ensuring equality to all regardless of color. The Mormon church continued to preach hate and racism against those of African decent until 1978. This is 14 years after the rest of the USA accepted equality. The Mormon church claimed the racism and segregation enacted by the church was doctrinal and gods will. The church has never apologized for their disgusting behavior and the hundreds of thousands of lives they marginalized by banning an entire race from exaltation. Shame on you for coming here and suggesting this behavior was normal for the time. The Mormon church is on the wrong side of history.
@javiersanabria7513 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah you kinda are trying to excuse the behavior. But you're right that behavior was common and still is pretty common among white people.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
@@javiersanabria7513 Continuing segregation until 1978, 14 years after the civil rights act was passed in the USA was not normal at the time. The Mormon church fought against the civil rights movement. Its disgusting that William Lund feels he has to come here and defend racism and segregation to protect his faith.
@BillLund 4 жыл бұрын
@@javiersanabria7513 I can see your point, but I wasn't trying to excuse the LDS Church. I guess my point was that I don't know that you could name a building at BYU after anyone who was in a leadership position 50 years ago and not find some type of racism in their speech or actions. No excuse, just an observation.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
@@BillLund You are correct. In the Mormon church, 50 years ago, you would have had a very hard time finding a leader that was not racist. Because if a church leader was preaching equality for Black men in 1970 they would be at odds with the doctrine and teachings of the church. The church would have removed them from their position for preaching equal rights. The Mormon church excommunicated people who spoke up against the churches poor treatment of Blacks and racist preaching. What does this say about the Mormon church? If we look back 50 years ago today, as you suggest, the year would have been 1970. In 1970 the civil rights act had already been passed in the USA for 6 years giving equality to all regardless of color. Why was the Mormon church still preaching hate and racism and segregating until 1978? Why did the Mormon church fight against the civil rights movement? Why has the Mormon church named its buildings for its racist leaders that continued to push inequality and hate for so long after the rest society has changed? The answer is racism has been institutionalized in the Mormon faith.
@davemedsker 4 жыл бұрын
Looking back and condemning people with our new info while they can't accept and change seems as narrow vectored as their original prejudices. Ezra Taft Benson laid a foundation for blessing black people that isn't represented here. You might be healing hurts but you can't fight hate with more hate. Anger does not yield love and contention clouds judgement in social matters.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
The United States passed the civil rights act in 1964. This is when the USA accepted equality for all, regardless of skin color. The Mormon church continued their segregation and preaching hate until 1978. This is 14 years after the "fallen world" had already accepted equality. This isn't "looking back and condemning people with new info", stop justifying the horrible racist behavior the Mormon church pushed on the world. The Mormon church is on the wrong side of history. The Mormons not only pushed a hateful narrative under the disguised of Gods will, but they continued this behavior long after the rest of society changed. Today they have never apologized or acknowledged their disgusting behavior. Just look at the disgusting behavior you must condone to protect your churches narrative. Disgusting.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
Is this the same Ezra Taft Benson you speak of? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Hammer
@rustynelson2357 4 жыл бұрын
@@georgezeller6046 HAHAHA
@javiersanabria7513 4 жыл бұрын
It happened because the church was going to lose its tax exempt status lol. Look at you trying to twist and pull some white savior complex bullshit facts.
@juneholley1813 4 жыл бұрын
​@@javiersanabria7513 The mormon jesus was white. A white man in the middle east...
@ryder42089 4 жыл бұрын
They aren’t social distancing
@danielstephens9196 4 жыл бұрын
I find it so interesting that this kind of material can be produced and shared as the complete truth. It is therefore all based on a lie. Sure, some of those people "back in the day" said things like this, but they also said many positive things too. Which, of course, you left out. Why? because it suits your purposes which are not honorable. if you look into the history of your ancestors in this great country, you will find they too said things like this. Should they have? No. But they did. To deny that and make yourselves so much better than others is again a lie if you use the history of what "used to be said". SO, are you going to deny that part of history. Are you saying your ancestors and sometimes current family members don't have some of these biases. By your standards, you too are racists. COMMON! look to today and what has and is being accomplished and be part of the solution. Tearing history down is to deny it happened. Calling people and institutions racisit (and other names) and causing damage to property not yours is nothing other than criminal behavior. If your going to produce something like this BE HONEST! Don't leave out what has and is being done to improve things.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
Your church, the Mormon church, pushed racism and segregation as gods will until 1978. The USA passed the civil rights act in 1964. This means the Mormons continued preaching hate for 14 years AFTER the rest of the USA accepted equality. The Mormon church fought against the civil rights movement. The Mormon church is on the wrong side of history. Shame on you for condoning racism and segregation.
@peacemakermindset7838 4 жыл бұрын
george zeller Nothing he said condones racism. You’re filled with hate for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints so why don’t you deal with your hate instead of attacking dead people for their lack of understanding.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
@@peacemakermindset7838 The horrible treatment of Blacks disguised as gods will is probably the biggest stains on the Mormon church, although there are many. Someone is not "filled with hate" by pointing out this injustice and exposing the churches hypocrisy. It can be argued that those who defend the Mormon church in this disgusting behavior and try to confuse the issue are also responsible for the injustice. Shame on you for defending this group in their behavior and lies. Just look the horrible things you have to accept to protect your faith... Not only do you have to believe that god was racist against those of African decent, and then he changed his mind and decided to not be racist anymore in 1978 (If this is not the case your prophets lied to the world and led us astray for generations and generations)... but Mormons must also accept the churches current narrative that God sent an angel with a sword, to force the already married Joseph Smith, against his will, to marry children as young as 14. Joseph Smith also married his live in teenage house help, adopted daughters, mother and daughter pairs, and teenage sisters. Joseph also married 11 women who were already married to other living men. Joseph also lied about these relationships to his only legal wife Emma, church members, and authorities. He also had others lie to hide his actions.
@Billsbob 3 жыл бұрын
@@georgezeller6046 really, you need to maybe worry more about your own conduct and less about a church. I mean, if you don’t like it or want to be a part of it that’s great, I don’t see anyone forcing you to join. So as an outsider, I just don’t understand why you care unless it’s hatred and spite that you can’t let go of.
@georgezeller6046 3 жыл бұрын
@@Billsbob The Mormon church has negatively impacted my family. They are not honest with their membership or the world in their pursuit for financial gain and control. If a group of people defrauded and harmed your family or friends would you not speak up against them in an effort to protect others for the same abuse?
@Mrlaroca6 4 жыл бұрын
If you choose anyone before the civil rights movement they’re gonna have prejudices. That’s unfortunate, but that’s not what’s being idolized. It doesn’t take away from the amazing things they did.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
The Mormon church fought against the civil rights movement. They also continued with their segregation and racist preaching for 14 years after the civil rights act was passed and the rest of the US accepted equality to all regardless of color. The Mormon church is on the wrong side of history on this issue. Their lies are obvious. If you look at how the church has treated people in the LGBT community and their rhetoric on this topic history is repeating itself again.
@georgezeller6046 4 жыл бұрын
@The Last Danite Who would have thought that standing for equality and equal rights to all regardless of color would be such a trashy opinion? Thanks Mormon.
@Billsbob 3 жыл бұрын
This woman has done not a fraction in her life what any one of these men have done that are memorialized by building or statue. Raging at her own incompetence and failure to add to our world she digs up the past in order to destroy the most idealistic representative of the good. She would dismiss and destroy the entire legacy of persons who are responsible for at least three states, the founding at great human cost of multiple cities throughout the west, the establishment of a worldwide religion, the cultivation of a world-renowned university, the careful and steady development of a welfare system that is second only to the Catholic Church, and did all of this while evading mobs, murderers, and Union armies. And did all of this even after the leader and founder of the church was murdered while in jail. I’d rather honor one of the worst leaders in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints than rely on a thousand smug useless people like this woman.
@janamckay 2 жыл бұрын
Whoa dude. Let’s keep this in context. Calling Ms. Brooks “this woman” reeks of misogyny. Ms. Brooks is examining racism at BYU; not nation building, not religion founding, not idealistic representation of good. And she did a good job. Hope you’ve cooled off since writing your comment.
@samwilcox3883 4 жыл бұрын
Blasphemy! Stop slandering the mouthpiece of God! God works in mysterious ways, we do not know the reason why he does all things, but we choose to follow. The ways of man can not change god! I choose to stand with Brigham Young and gods prophets.
@rustynelson2357 4 жыл бұрын
Keep Mormonism weird!
@jasonfisher6732 4 жыл бұрын
You stand with racism (and against evidence and logic) how Mormon of you!
@javiersanabria7513 4 жыл бұрын
Of course you do sheep.
@brennanweaver6975 Жыл бұрын
The same Brigham young that said mixed raced marriages should be punishable by death? And insisted that this was God's law that should *never* change?
@jacksonobrien6110 Жыл бұрын
God deciding black folks don't get to have the highest rewards in heaven until the 1970s = "god works in mysterious ways".
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