I just found saw your video of you chasing off the buck trying to mate with the doe. I know it was two years ago, but I just wanted to thank you for being a respectful and caring hunter. I also love a hunter who was is also concerned about conservation. We need more hunters like you. That being said, not all vegetarians are assholes. 😂. I’m one and I have respect for hunters like yourself. I’d much rather people hunt for meat to feed their families than buy meat in the grocery store. I became a vegetarian very slowly. I befriended a friend's pig when I was a kid and one day it was gone. I was horrified when I learned what happened. Lol. I loved that pig. So at ten years old, I stopped eating pigs. As I got older I started to learn about factory farming, so I stopped eating beef. The next several years I ate chicken/turkey on occasion. Then my vegetarian sister got divorced and moved in with me so I decided to stop eating meat and cut out most dairy. I'm only telling you this to give you another perspective from an animal rights advocate. I just hate seeing animals being disrespected and used in situations that can be harmful to them. At least wildlife are running free and not subjected to horrid conditions before they are hunted. Thanks again for being a decent human being. Janet