掌握技巧,輕鬆烤出香軟的層酥燒餅!Soft & Flaky Chinese Spices Flatbread

  Рет қаралды 12,057

Poorchef Whitney

Poorchef Whitney

Күн бұрын

#烘烤溫度上下火210/210C(中層),烘烤約15分 (製作體積比較大的燒餅,烘烤時間也要稍微長一點避免沒熟透)
麵團 dough:
• 中筋麵粉 all purpose flour 200g
• 高糖酵母粉 instant yeast 1tsp
• 白糖 caster sugar 4~5TBSP
• 鹽salt 1 tsp
• 水 water 120~130g
• 豬油或是沙拉油(豬油比較香,口感也較好)pork lard or oil 1TBSP
油酥filling :(香料粉,鹽量可以依照自己喜好調整使用)
• 花生油(也可混1/2量的豬油來做油酥,更香) peanut oil or oil 50g
• 中筋麵粉all-purpose flour 60g
• 鹽 salt 1/2 ~1/4 tsp
• 孜然粉 cumin
• 五香粉 five spice
• 白胡椒粉或花椒粉 pepper

只用水也可以做出好吃的軟法!Japanese Soft Baguette
Poorchef Whitney
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免烤箱的厚燒餅,冷掉都不乾硬!Chinese Scallion Bun
Poorchef Whitney
Рет қаралды 110 М.
I thought one thing and the truth is something else 😂
عائلة ابو رعد Abo Raad family
Рет қаралды 12 МЛН
Sesame scallion biscuits, so many scallions explode
巧兒灶咖 Ciao! Kitchen
Рет қаралды 345 М.
I thought one thing and the truth is something else 😂
عائلة ابو رعد Abo Raad family
Рет қаралды 12 МЛН