Why Did Your Teacher Get Fired ? | Viewer Edition

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Why Did Your Teacher Get Fired ? | Viewer Edition
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@LozenColorado 10 ай бұрын
Lol. In 9th grade physics we learning about certifical force, so my teacher had me sit in a spinning chair and spun me while I used my arms to manipulate the force when all of sudden the chair screwed off it's base and I went ABSOLUTELY FLYING across the room. I was fine, but I swear I saw his career flash before his eyes. Good times.
@mizu_the_floatzel 10 ай бұрын
Please he wasn't fired because something like that the school insurance can cover if it some small
@LozenColorado 10 ай бұрын
@@mizu_the_floatzel you're probably right, but he was genuinely apologetic and seemed really shaken. I was just fine and wouldn't have ever snitched on him. He was a good teacher and a good man.
@Jedidiah_Martin_2 10 ай бұрын
@demetriajones3231 10 ай бұрын
How does someone just get sent flying 💀
@LozenColorado 10 ай бұрын
@demetriajones3231 the seat unscrewed from the base while he was spinning me.
@dancingqueen5428 10 ай бұрын
My fifth grade teacher had some issues going on at home and at school. I don’t think their wasn’t a single thing that didn’t make him mad. Often times when he yelled, the entire floor heard it, even if your door was closed. His anger was truly something else, and he took it out at the slightest mistake. He got fired the year he taught my class, but he was allowed to finish the rest because they couldn’t find anyone. Mr. Thompson, I hope you’re happier now. Everyone deserves to find that happiness.
@Ian-np6zt 10 ай бұрын
Oh I got a couple! Last one's a doozy! First story: I was in a very ghetto middle school and the bullying there was really rough. I once stood up to a bully like I was taught to, and rather than the bully leave me alone, he recruited his gang friends in guerilla tactics. You name it, if it was in the hall, the cafeteria, on my way to class, I would get a sucker strike, turn to face it, and the A-hole would disappear into the crowd. Snitches actually got stiches there. So one day my friend Jessica was having math class with me and we had a substitute. The bullies saw this as an opportunity to start throwing things at Jessica. She had a bit of an overbite and this was a sore spot they liked to poke at. At first it was just tiny bits of paper and pen caps, nothing bad. But then Jessica had enough and raised her hand. He told hwr she was getting bullied. He told her promptly to shut up and quit whining. This not only made her break down, but increased the bullying to enormous levels. The teacher turned on the tv, turned out the lights, and all heck broke loose. Kids were throwing spit balls, paper airplanes, and kicking her desk. And I started to go off on them. Well.... that was answered with a fist full of loose change in my face. Other kids joined in amd started picking up the quarters and nickels in particular and were hurling them so hard I could hear my skull 'thwack' each time. The sub in response, told us all to shut up and turned the volume on the tv up, which just encouraged the kids volumes to raise as well. I got out of my seat and told the teacher he needed to step in. He told me to shut up and sit down and that he had better not hear another word about it or there would be dire consquences. As an 11 year old, that was scary, cuz I knew adults could do all sorts of things as punishment and I didn't want to disappoint my parents, so I quietly went back to my desk, where the bullies with new resolve, started getting up to punch and kick us. After a while, there was just so many attacks from all directions that I couldn't throw coins back or block strikes effectively anymore, all I could do was curl up in the fetal position until the class ended. With all the chaos Jessica also recieved the same exact treatment, and when the bell rang she ran as fast as should could down the hall. Both of us were in tears, and luckily my class was right next door. That teacher was observant enough to ask me what happened. And I spilt everything. She strode into that subs class and gave him an earful, voices were raised and you could hear her berating the sub. After that, she gave us busy work and popped in to check on the neighboring class and checked on me to see how I was holding up. She was now running both classes. That week mom and dad got involved and that sub was fired. Story 2: Freshman year of High School. Had a turd of a math teacher named Mr. Allen. He would take pleasure in demoralizing his students. Phrases like, "so did you finally bring your brain to class today? Or are you just that dumb all the time?" Or "why don't you come up to the board and show us how you got that answer. We all could use a good laugh." I remember times when kids would get the right answer, he would slow clap or say "wow! I guess your brain managed to work right once today." He was a turd. I honestly think he got off on making kids miserable. So one day Mr. Allen brings with him a claw toed hammer to class. Nothing fancy, just your every day typical hammer. But this time he opens the day with, "Ya know what I miss? I miss the good ol days when you could smack kids who weren't paying attention with a ruler. But we [teachers] gotta be more creative nowadays." He then explained that anyone who fell asleep in class was going to get what they deserved. A well placed strike to the desk to "help wake these kids up in the morning". So he went about doing just that. Making a show of it. Sneaking around, tip toeing like a looney toon until he eventually came to a kids desk and slammed that thing down next to their ear. It usually ended up with the kid jumping awake or getting really ticked. It even happened to me once after I had to help my dad with a project one night until midnight and woke up at 5am. It was not a fun experience to have that crash down next to your ear and have a grumpy old codger insult you 2 inches from your nose. Well, he decided to upgrade. This was in 2006 when those new orange vinyl hammer grips were becomming all the rage. He found a dead-blow mallet about twice the size of the last hammer. And it had weight. To describe it, it would be akin to a forgesmith hammer in size, like a mini-sledge coated in rubber, with a metal end housing bbs. It's meant to dump all the energy into that metal end without causing the hammer to bounce. That started getting more noticable results, and he got all excited and decided to upgrade again. This time he found the exact same dead-blow design, but in a full sledge hammer version. I remember my fear when I saw the thing. I've used sledges before, and they are not known for being accurate. I mean people hit their thumbs with a regular hammer, this thing weighed a lot and he was gonna be swing this down on peoples desks now. And sure enough, we didnt have to wait long. A couple of kids complained he knicked them on the swing and he told them "well dreams can make ya think funny things." His biggest mistake was bringing it down on the frontlineman sitting diagonally a row from me. When he swung it this time, he went for the full sledge swing motion and obliterated the corner of the football players desk. The kid got scratched from the wood splintering, and Mr. Allen looked completely dumbfounded. Like he didn't expect thw desk to break. The kid had jumped and took the whole desk with him (not that he could fit into the desk super well anyway. The guy was built like a tank.) And Mr. Allen had to settle him down to keep him from decking the scrawny codger. Well the week after, I was standing outside the class in the rain (Allens was the first class of the day and it was in the portable trailers in the parking lot. Mr. Allen liked having us stand out in the weather until 1 minute before the bell rang.) And it just so happened that 2 police officers were talking to the students about him. A lot of kids said, 'I ain't no snitch' type stuff or mouthed off the the officers, but I stayed outside to ask them what it was they wanted. One produced a photo and asked if any kids had been hurt like the girl in the photo. It showed massive bruises on a girls thighs dark and purplish in color. They said they had recieved reports about physical abuse to children, and I told them about the football player. And what Allen normally did. Apparently the girl in the photo jumped so hard she had bruised her legs on the metal bar underneath the desk. The officers thanked me and encouraged me to run inside before the bell rang so I wouldn't get punished by the teacher. About 15 minutes later a black kid stepped into the class with the biggest look of resolve I have ever seen. Mr. Allen asked him if he had a lame excuse to being late, and the kid put his chin in the air and said, "You know, for a change, I actually know something you don't know!" And Allen said, "yeah? By all means, tell us!" The kid responded, "There's 2 police officers outside who want to arrest your ***. And I told them EVERYTHING!!!" Allen got up, stomped toward the door and flung it open, as the kid sidestepped to let him pass by. Allen cursed, ranted, and raved at the officers, while little homie strode with radiating pride and sporting the biggest satisfied smile on his face. He did it aaaaall the way to his seat. After that week, the hammer was gone, the kids were happy, and Allen was always on edge. He didnt get fired, but he never insulted us ever again. Alls well that ends well-ish I guess.
@ndolan11 10 ай бұрын
I was a teacher. In my first high school (1990’s) the principal was notorious for blaming teachers for everything that went wrong in the school and for working to remove untenured teachers he did not like. This was a tough school in which to teach (think “The Blackboard Jungle”), so the principal took advantage of that fact by arranging to have the chosen teacher’s worst behaved class videotaped, i.e. the students were videotaped, not the teacher nor the lesson. As the year went by, the students figured out what was going on, so when someone came into a class to videotape their behavior they would behave even worse. I had a friend lose his job because of this. It was so bad that when I set up for my teaching to be videotaped so that I could see if I was teaching worse in the afternoon than in the morning, the minute the people came in and set up the camera, several students loudly said “we’re going to get you fired”. I did not get fired because the taping was of my teaching, not of the students’ behavior, but that was a small example of a bad administration’s behavior. The principal was eventually moved to a middle school due to shutting off the fire alarm system too many times (he was tenured, so he could not be fired).
@RulerOfWoopers 10 ай бұрын
I have a quick story. One of my friends was in first grade and had a substitute. She seemed fine, but she would yell at the students until they would cry because they were “such idiots”. She was pretty rude and never actually helped the kids. My friend had enough, went down to the front office, and told them the employees at the front desk what happened. She was fired on the spot and never came back.
@demetriajones3231 10 ай бұрын
Good riddance
@erinfannin6611 9 ай бұрын
I took an elective class called “evil in the human heart” taught by a priest at my catholic high school. Everything proceeded in class normally until we got to the demonology chapter. He taught us about different stages of demonic possession, types of demons and even spoke about a few exorcisms he’d been to personally. The teacher was a very kind but no nonsense man in his late 70’s. One of those people that when he talked you listened and his stories were very credible. A week after he started teaching about demons he stopped coming to school and all his other classes. A representative from the archbishop came into our class. He was a stern and scary looking man who made us all sit in total silence and denounced everything we’d learned as the ravings of an old man and that there was no such thing as demons. It was very men in black esc. Our teacher never taught again and we had a sub the rest of the semester who tried her hardest to make everything we’d learned up to that point sound crazy. I’m not usually one for conspiracy theories…. But that’s was sus.👀👀
@eebabobeeba 10 ай бұрын
My bus driver was the sweetest and always dropped us off at our houses. Ms. Jen I love you ❤
@astronautraddude1962 10 ай бұрын
In response to the special ed kids getting pushed around by their caregivers. This does happen and it is awful! I don't want to take any severity away from this issue. As a special education student, I have witnessed other disabled classmates physically, verbally, and sexually assaulting other students and teachers. It was always blamed on their "lack of understanding due to their disability" while I and others knew they understood their actions. It was really upsetting not only to see but also to be grouped in with people like this not disabled people but creeps that blame their creepiness on said disability. I'm not saying I'm "better"/ "less disabled" than others but I've never assaulted anyone and guess what? It's not hard to do!
@ferdinandouch7269 10 ай бұрын
6th grade band teacher fired from the entire school district for racism, homophobia, transphobia, favoritism, and pedophilia. He flipped off a whole class once, and said the n word, but from my experience and the comments of others, being a favorite was worse. I was one of his 2 favorite students. He fucked me up real bad. I recently found old emails from him, and they’re so sweet, but too sweet. Like, he loved me so much, but he shouldn’t have. I loved him too, he made me feel so mature, and more than anything I just needed to be loved, and I thought our relationship was perfect despite literally starving myself to be pretty enough for him. I was 11 and 12 during our “relationship”. I switched out of that school district at the end of 6th grade, and I asked some of my friends in that school what happened to the other girl he abused like me, and they never saw her after 6th grade.
@rockmusicisperfection2791 8 ай бұрын
I hope that you were able to get help for what happened to you
@breannagulack5131 10 ай бұрын
I got my second grade teacher, Mrs. Byren fired. Kinda. We where in a mixed class half gen pop and half sped. She would get frustrated with the sped kids and occasionally yank them out of their chairs by their arms hard enough to leave bruises. I mentioned to my mom that I was sad to see a fellow student with bruises from her. Next thing I know, little second grade me is in front of the entire head of district, the principal, my mom, and Mrs. Byren. She retired after that year. The principal told my mom she retired over being fired. Story 2 One of my middle school teachers was fired for being a perv. He almost never gave the boys good grades, gave the girls shoulder rubs, gave out his phone number to girls, and gave them creepy nick names. My sister was Amber-licious. Gross. Girls where often asked to stay back around lunch time and after school and the boys had an agreement that one of them would stay back to keep an eye on things. Kids shouldn’t have to be defending each other like that, but I will forever be proud of them for stepping up. Roomer was that CP was found on his computer. He was fired when he was caught school by another teacher with a girl. She was told by him that a bj was the only way to improve her failing grade.
@dragons_breath. 10 ай бұрын
Since it's already a new day in some places, I'm gonna do this again. Have a great day everybody!!!!!!
@Aubsy 10 ай бұрын
OMG story 7 was my story! Never expected it to make it into a video! Ty Mr facts!
@kathrinsides2838 10 ай бұрын
I used to be a teacher for 7th grade English, and I always gave them my phone number. I even had some of my kids call me for help when they had questions about other subjects than English. I always helped them with their homework, regardless of the subject. The fact that teacher gave that number out should have been shown by all the kids that they had it, and it should have cleared him, or at least shown that his intentions were pure. There’s no reason to destroy a persons entire career just because they care. When I was in school, the “popular kids” in my grade were notorious for being both smart and bullies. They set their target on the French teacher because she had no interest in indulging them, and the competition for valedictorian was insane for our class. They were so hostile and awful to her that they almost drove her out of the school and possibly even leaving the profession entirely. Those kids were formerly my friends, but I had figured out who & what they were in elementary school and wanted nothing to do with them even though we were stuck in the same advanced classes together in high school. I actually went to the French teacher and offered her my support because I had been bullied by the same people for years. She was nice enough to talk to my mom about the situation. I truly felt badly for her for having to go through that. I actually went through something similar when I was in college in my major classes with a newly hired professor who was a higher up in the department who was being bullied by the “adult returning students” who didn’t like that he wasn’t giving them preferential treatment & had been bullying him. I think I may have been the only student who had gone to him and offered him support. This was the education department of all disciplines. Seriously. Bullying happens in places where you would never expect it to happen.
@nickioleary8577 10 ай бұрын
Not a super interesting story, but my HS had two choir teachers, and my senior year, one of them left. We were told it was for family issues, and many were disappointed by him leaving since between the two teachers he was much more well liked. I didn’t like him very much because of the favoritism he showed in regard to getting into higher up and extracurricular choirs (but that was an issue with most of the music department at my school). Well, near the end of my freshman year of college my mom sent me a link to a news article to tell me that that teacher was actually fired and arrested because he’d had an intimate relationship with a student my sophomore year. I don’t know if it continued til my senior year, or if it just took that long for anyone to find out, or what. But if there was one kinda good thing that came from this, it caused me to start texting an old friend from HS I hadn’t talked to since junior year. One minute we’re chatting about this fiasco and how neither of us liked him to begin with, and the next we’re discussing our favorite animes and she’s walking me through how to set up a Crunchyroll account
@Nocturnis 10 ай бұрын
Oh my gods, no fucking way! Story 9 was mine from months ago! How fucking cool!! Oh thats awesome lol I can't wait to tell my cousin and sister about it.
@adc2422 10 ай бұрын
Story 4, Having a bad teacher for a Language class sucks. For context I graduated in the top 10 of my High school. The only class I ever had to worry about failing was Spanish. I had a teacher who just completely bad for me. There was one or two times where I was sick on a Thursday, and when I came back the following day there was a quiz including the material I had missed and hadn't had the chance to collect from her yet. I pointed this out to her during class, she told me to just leave it blank and wouldn't count it against me. She did count it against me, and told me I should have gotten the material I missed from other students outside of school hours "on my own time." This was 3 to 4 years before everyone had cell phones and contact outside of school meant you either need to live next door to other kids or your parents were willing to exchange numbers. I lived miles away from my nearest classmate I parents told me to never give out out home phone number. Needless to say I switch out of Spanish to an alternative as soon as I could.
@Icalasari 10 ай бұрын
5:18 - Heck, the school damned well knows that if they tried to punish you for taking that recording, the media would eat them _alive_
@Itzme2486 10 ай бұрын
@stormyday849 10 ай бұрын
Two teachers got fired both happened in my 10th grade year. First one apparently some teacher never had this teacher heard of this happening. At my school said the n-word like 11 time IN ONE CLASS and got fired like I think 3 days later. The next one is ten times worse warning if you're sensitive to domestic violence. One of the gym teachers guy arrested for beating his wife he got fired immediately it happened over the weekend. Yeah my 10th grade year was a complete trash show.
@Dzivnyy 9 ай бұрын
Second grade technic school in Poland (now third). My physics teacher was fired because the principal didn't like her. She was one of the coolest, hard working and caring teachers I knew (and where I live having teacher that is not old, burned out or just incompetent is a bless). She took us to a school trips and cinema and that was something that we didn't do last year with our previous teacher (whom is principal now, ironically). Our physics teacher actually told us what was happening behind the scenes, and turns out athmosphere within teachers is pretty toxic. She told us repetedly to not tell other teachers, even the cool ones, about our school trip plans, because they would tell the principal (my ex teacher) and she would cancell it. Teachers here don't get paid for school trips and they have to organize everything themselfs, so taking bunch of sixteen year olds to a trips IS something that she should get more credit for. But she got fired, unlike teachers that are calling us dumbasses, come drunk to work (or don't come at all) and some more. It happended year ago and my current teacher doesn't care that much, but hey, there's a moral to that story: If you care about your job and do your best at it, stop, beacuse other people in your group will look at you and think that maybe they should do more, and they really dont like that thought. Sorry for all the errors, I'm tired
@keithboyd9582 10 ай бұрын
This is one that I didn't see in person but I heard about it. My 8th grade Remedial Spelling teacher got into an argument with a student, I can't remember what it was about but the student slapped the teacher and the teacher slapped the student right back. And also in my Sophomore year in high school we had one teacher got arrested in front of the school parking lot for drunk driving as she was on her way to work and was later fired.
@SirusEinzla 10 ай бұрын
Yeah, most people convicted and jailed because of anything against a child are usually targets for the rest of the inmates. From what I heard, maximum security is what they should hope for as they will likely be maimed or murdered for what they did.
@rockmusicisperfection2791 8 ай бұрын
The girl that brought the negative teacher evaluation form to the office of the teacher that people didn’t like was probably a school legend 😂
@MrDemonKing21 10 ай бұрын
Junior and Senior year for me. World History teacher, who also happened to be coach of the boys basketball team. If you were a boy, and not on his basketball team, you were a useless piece of shit to him. If you were a girl, you got "graded" on how hot you were. Girls who were stupid, but hot always got free extensions on deadlines, extra credit out of nowhere, you name it. Less attractive girls got nothing, and often sent to the back of the classroom so he didn't have to look at them. I still remember him calling my entire classes "Useless garbage that would amount to nothing." His classroom was also right near the stairs up to the second floor. He would stand under the stairs, and pull out his cell phone. Hot girls in skirts, he would wait for them to go up the stairs, and take pictures on his phone of up their skirts. Only time I ever called a teacher out on being a "Filthy garbage piece of shit and a fucking perverting creep." I got a 5 day suspension for that outburst... though it was nice to hear 3 years after I graduated his was fired and in prison. he went to a 16 year old students house, tried to have sex with her. They launched an investigation, and found his "collection" of THOUSANDS of up-skirt pictures as well as 7.2 GIGABYTE's of CP on his home computer. He got 15 - 20 years, no parole.
@IsYitzach 10 ай бұрын
Busses stop at convenient locations. My first bus stopped at my front door. It would then go into apartment complex of sorts and pick others up at would appear to be their back doors. My second bus stopped at the nearest intersection where it would pick up half the block. The stop before mine was the other half of the block. The next two stops after mine were practically front doors.
@jakecarroll9500 10 ай бұрын
Freshmen or Sophomore year (cant quite remember) my English teacher just disappeared one day. Being someone who didn't get into drama back then I didn't know what happened. After a few of multiple different subs over the few days I asked a girl in my class if she knew what was up and said "Didn't you know, she was doing it with a senior." Told my parents about it and one of them, after a bit of Facebook research, was able to confirm it was true. I didn't believe it initially when the girl told me since I figured "This has to be the rumor mill turning again" but boy was I wrong.
@wschnabel1987 10 ай бұрын
Bus driver for my middle/elementary school got fired because she took out a mailbox stand on the road my parents lived at. Was made by the people who lived along it so basically railroad ties with mail boxes fastened onto them. The thing was it happend so frequently it was made to be collapsible and could be put back up with minimal effort.
@MannyMontoya6969 10 ай бұрын
I’m in early college and I’m a sophomore taking 11 and 12 grade classes along with college classes, I just made a stupid skit for my English class that is due tomorrow. Fortunately math is the only difficult class.
@canadianexplores115 10 ай бұрын
11th grade english teacher, she subbed for a 10th grade english teacher, and told a kid to go and die, this was told to my suicidal friend.
@canadianexplores115 10 ай бұрын
I should mention this was the school's breaking point. She did a few other things I do not remember off the top of my head
@lieffian 10 ай бұрын
Story5- if I was the principal, I would have hired a drill sergeant for the rest of the year to teach that class then use the teacher’s complaints to find what students to put in his class for multiple periods. Treat people like shit, your gonna get treated like shit back.
@Itzme2486 9 ай бұрын
That was my story btw
@TheZoe97 10 ай бұрын
That French Teacher should have been fired. She literally found out one of her students was arachnophobic and proceeded to fucking TORMENT THE POOR KID!!!! LIKE WHAT WAS THE REASON SHE DECIDED TO DO THAT? Did she really enjoy their reaction? If that’s true, she’s heartless and cruel. Like, that is straight up PSYCHOTIC! Who would do that?
@Shannonbarnesdr1 10 ай бұрын
5:16 and if someone is smoking around you and you either cant stand it or it is even more harmful than average due to your health or medical needs, you have every righto tell then not to smoke around you ! even if its their car, you area guest in their car and have every right to ask for accommodation especially if its health related! if they wont, tell someone. that shit is extremely disrespectful to not be courteous of others if you smoke. i used to tell folks that your smoking rights end where my breathing rights begin.
@xAuris 9 ай бұрын
Back when I was in middle school, we had this one teacher who was a total B. She was extremely strict and yelled at students far too often. In fact, I heard bad things about her an entire year before I was one of her students. A few years later, I learned that she got fired for hitting a student. Yikes.
@user-uo5ci8zv4h 10 ай бұрын
In high school my junior or senior year, A video of a female teacher I didn't have or know said the n word with the hard r. The girl who was recording posted it on tiktok and it went viral. So everyone in my school had a protest to get her fired in school in the middle of class. I think she got fired but idk. Everyone put notes on her door saying she should be fired or that she's ra$ist. Crazy time.
@coldandghostly 10 ай бұрын
The bus thing was probably a safe guarding issue. He isnt supposed to know where all the students live.
@Rebelartist83 10 ай бұрын
Where I live in Texas school bus drivers were supposed to drop you off at your house so story #7 and mr.mike is nuts
@AceBobcat 10 ай бұрын
"...they transferred her to a federal prison 2000 miles away to keep her alive." Why?
@Itzme2486 9 ай бұрын
Regarding story 1 it might sound cruel but she got what she deserved and personally not enough of it anyone who would get someone fired because they don't want to date them really have some screws loose
@Ziyanani 10 ай бұрын
My like.. 9th grade civics teacher was a closet alcoholic. I knew.. my mom knew cause.. I'm going to sound insane but he was suffering liver issues. theres a smell to people who are having alcohol related liver issues and sadly I could smell it on him.. I had more than a few examples of alcoholics in my life to hone that particular sense.. he didn't get fired, he did retire after my 11ths grade year though
@hunterwyatt6317 10 ай бұрын
Does mainly facts guy gives off that cool dad at the barbecue energy to anyone else
@Gray34721 2 ай бұрын
12:40 I had a bus driver drop me off at my house but it was for a good reason I had to walk 2 blocks to my house while everyone else on the bus went the opposite way then me so I would walk home for 2 blocks to get to my house to be alone for like an hour. I miss him sadly he did retire. Next bus driver was a creep knew my mom when she was in high school and he messaged my mom about me being on the bus. We moved not long after that.
@kcreek1 2 ай бұрын
Similar thing happened to me I had a French teacher in fourth grade that I think quit because this one kid(I’m not saying names) and some other people were being so disruptive and a bit mean that she left the school because she simply couldn’t teach us 9:57
@calico_ther1an 10 ай бұрын
I love it
@Zachd-bk3jb 10 ай бұрын
F in the chat for mike the bus driver
@Aubsy 10 ай бұрын
I was the commenter who left story 7 and yeah it sucked. He was such an awesome dude and really didn't deserve it because he was just doing something nice that he didn't have to do
@Icalasari 10 ай бұрын
15:10 - Also can't be sharing it with literal kids. I'm also an advocate for it (and heck, I live in Canada where it's legal), but I do think you shouldn't touch it until your mind finishes developing
@Maddie-eu5fe 10 ай бұрын
My 9-10th grade band teacher was a pedo. and from what I heard from my mom (she had the same teacher before me. I went to the same school as she did just in the 2000’s and not in the 90’s). He actually married the one then divorcing his wife. Who by the way worked in the same school. Then did it all over again my 9th and 10th(Covid year) grade year. He finally got fired halfway through 10th grade for me. But, he was able to come back for the senior graduation and senior night for track because his youngest son from his first wife was graduating. From there the whole band from 11th grade that year down pretended that he never existed. Now we have a new band teacher who is by free best on I’ve ever had for a band teacher. Sorry, for the grammar mistakes if there is any.
@MrSlicks88 10 ай бұрын
I was gonna guard the school but then I got high 🎶
@butterman1070 9 ай бұрын
I have two stories. The first one was in my sophomore year and this one teacher was sleeping with a girl in my year. He was fired immediately and I think he got arrested. The other story happened a year after I graduated where this one young pretty teacher got fired after making an incredibly racist post on Facebook. Her case showed up on a news site I believe.
@andrewlanglois6362 10 ай бұрын
3:13 What is a Nurse that is Hired By The School? What are School Hires?
@nikkivillemaire4855 10 ай бұрын
I wish I had a story, but I don't remember any of my teachers getting fired!
@emberfist8347 10 ай бұрын
Not really fired but an Arab Studies professor at my college resigned to take a position in the Libyan Provisional Government in 2011. He was a national living in the US after a failed attempt to assassinate Qaddafi.
@mizu_the_floatzel 10 ай бұрын
I guess I have something. I'll try my best to remember So what happened before I started at the special educational school. So what I remember from my friends told me there was this one gym teacher. He was not so smart from the higher functional kids with jokes saying he was hit hard in the head by a tennis ball since he would have a hard time. Literally figuring out how to teach certain kids how to play sports like baseball or basketball hell he even had a hard time with other sports this guy was a gym teacher A BLOODY GYM TEACHER . Well one of the high functional students notices something off in his office . His certification certificate looks odd so he told his teacher and well just say the school director wasn't too happy to find out a teacher he hired was a fake . Oh the Crazy part is he didn't know s**** about being a gym teacher . Just say he was fired and replaced with a gym teacher who was a former pro soccer player from The Netherlands and knew sports better then that faker Before you ask who the pro soccer is. I was young at the time so he just went by MR A
@nickforgie4290 9 ай бұрын
12:54 buses in my county dropped off at the house. Clearly it is a state based law.
@alicia_27- 10 ай бұрын
Has he always been balled
@onionbubs386 25 күн бұрын
My high school chemistry teacher made national news a few years ago for indirectly threatening to kill Greta Thunberg on Facebook. And this was when she was still a kid. This was long after I graduated though, and he quit before he could get fired.
@platnumring7568 10 ай бұрын
Like story 7 i to have a story about a bus driver gettin fired but this driver was horrible. I think I was in 6th grade i was bein bullied by the bus driver, the bus driver was an older white lady, she was callin me names and all that and i told my mom about it, i dont know what she said or what other people said or what happened but, my mom said she went in there and raised h*ll and she told me the bus driver was fired, thats all my mom told me and the next day i had a new bus driver who was pretty cool.
@blizz2748 6 ай бұрын
I had a math teacher i hated. To give an example of her grading she was a science fair judge after she left. No one got more than a 2/30 for a grade. Even the most impressive months work valedictorian failed. When i had her i failed math hard due to a hundred different nonsense restrictions. The next year within a month i was moved to ap college grade math. Because it was straight A+ while reading a book. Not the math book just a regular one.
@Bluemarblecomics 10 ай бұрын
@blobfishking9419 10 ай бұрын
@tarrantwolf 10 ай бұрын
The teacher that got hit in the stomach. Umm, no, thats just simple assault, you cant go to prison for hurting a clump of cells or a parasite, it's not like it was a baby, what are you? A pro-lifer?
@Itzme2486 9 ай бұрын
That was my story btw
@VX7AK 10 ай бұрын
My teacher when I was in 10th grade was fired and arrested for being a pedo and possessing cp later we found out he raped former students as well he is serving a 45 year prison sentence rn
@artfuldodger7838 2 ай бұрын
Violence. He'd find any reason to hit a kid. The school didn't care. Missouri Synod Lutheran School, so it figures.
@ingamingpc1634 10 күн бұрын
Mr mainly fact if you're completely confused on why they have a law preventing students from being dropped off directly at their house instead of at a bus stop it's because bus stops are all established save points where students can get off and be picked up by parents as long as they're in the list of people who can pick them up dropping them off at the house is dangerous because simple fact this a student could be lying about where they live also students could mess up a address and end up being dropped off at the wrong stop you know the wrong house also it's easier to know where all the students are because you know where you drop them off at the bus stops it's just a way for schools and for bus systems to know where students are at times and where they were last seen I don't understand it either up to a point I don't know if that's still a thing now although it makes more sense to just drop them off at their houses I think you can drop off a student if the school lets you drop them off as long as the student gave their address and the parents permission to drop them off and they're not special ed but I don't know
@DanielSelk 10 ай бұрын
A lot of flashing lights in this video...
@liamshaughnessy6246 4 ай бұрын
0:00-4:17-16:47 ❤😂😊😊😊
@Steelace623 21 күн бұрын
@skittlemenow 10 ай бұрын
Yeah school rules are not laws. Disregard them if it becomes a matter of personal safety or if it could put others at risk to follow them. The teacher that died and was found in the closet. What happened why is there no details of how he died. Was it murder, suicide, over dose or some other wacky thing? I need to know.
@AM-sj5vr 10 ай бұрын
Tgat bimbo on story 1 got it coming
@jamiexavier1546 10 ай бұрын
Why are you looking extra particularly bald today? (No disrespect)
@chriserwin7823 10 ай бұрын
15:00 same hell I'm smoking some right now.
@user-uo5ci8zv4h 10 ай бұрын
In high school my junior or senior year, A video of a female teacher I didn't have or know said the n word with the hard r. The girl who was recording posted it on tiktok and it went viral. So everyone in my school had a protest to get her fired in school in the middle of class. I think she got fired but idk. Everyone put notes on her door saying she should be fired or that she's ra$ist. Crazy time.
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